
Fix 0x80071AC3, Volume is dirty error message

If you are trying to copy a folder or a file but encountered an error that says, “An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem”, read on as this post will guide you on how you can fix this error.

This kind of error is a CHKDSK error. It is the “Volume is dirty” error message with error code 0x80071AC3 which indicates that the CHKDSK operation on your computer did not go through due to some corrupted sector of your hard drive, data corruption, corrupted system files, malware infection, as well as improper installation of an application that left some residual folders and files and many more.

To fix the Error 0x80071AC3, here are some potential fixes you can check out to resolve it:

Option 1 – Run the Check Disk utility

You can also run the Check Disk utility to fix the error when you connect your USB or external device.

  • In the Windows Search box, type “command prompt” and from the search results, right-click on Command Prompt and select “Run as administrator”.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type this command and tap Enter: chkdsk /r /f <PARTITION LETTER>
  • The command you entered will start to check for errors and fix them automatically. Else, it will throw an error message saying, “Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like the schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N)”.
  • Tap the Y key to schedule Disk Check the next time your computer restarts.

Option 2 – Try to check if a particular volume is dirty and exclude it

The next thing you can do to fix the problem is to check if the particular volume is dirty and exclude it. To do so, follow these steps:

  • In the Start Search, type “command prompt” in the field and right-click on Command Prompt from the search results, and then select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • After opening Command Prompt with admin privileges, execute this command: fsutil dirty query <PARTITION LETTER>
  • After that, you will see either of the following results of the command you just executed:
    • “Volume <PARTITION LETTER> is dirty”
    • “Volume <PARTITION LETTER> is not dirty”
  • If you see the “Volume <PARTITION LETTER> is dirty” message, then you can just skip checking the drive for errors by executing this command: CHKNTFS /X <PARTITION LETTER>

Option 3 – Try to format the destination drive

If the first two options above didn’t work, then you might want to try formatting the drive can also help you resolve the error. To format it, follow these steps:

  • To get started formatting your drive, tap the Win + E keys and then go to the access page of the drive.
  • Next, right-click on the drive and select Format.
  • After that, uncheck the “Quick Format” option and then format your drive properly.
  • Now once the formatting process is finished, unplug the drive and plug it back in afterward.
  • Check if the error is already fixed. If the drive is not initialized, tap the Win + R keys and hit Enter.
  • After opening the Run dialog box, type “diskmgmt.msc” and hit Enter to open Disk Management.
  • From there, right-click on the drive volume and select initialize disk.
  • Next, select the correct partition type and proceed.

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Intel Arc A770 GPU

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intel arc a770

This is Intel's first gaming desktop GPU and after testing with some YouTube channels it turned out that the card itself sits somewhere between nVIDIA RTX 3060 Ti and an RTX 3070 so it will still be low in performance compared with the new RTX 4090 or AMD's new RDNA3 upcoming lineup. But as stated this is Intel's first gaming graphics card and having this kind of performance is no small feat for the first-time product.

One thing that is really great tho and that is going for Arc A770 GPU is its price! The Limited Edition card will cost $329 which is at this moment most cheapest GPU currently on the market in that performance range. nVIDIA is between $500 and $700 for comparison and if Intel can hold on to its performance with almost half the price card could be a great hit among gamers. GPU itself will launch on October 12th.

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Create Custom Views in Event Viewer
The Event Viewer in the Windows operating system is used to troubleshoot any computer issues. It is one of the most useful tools that keep logs of both security and system events. It also monitors for both software and hardware problems in the computer. This tool is the only one with amazing features that maintain logs about everything that’s going on in the computer system. It keeps track of all the information to the point where going over them will take a lot of time. Luckily, the Event Viewer tool now allows users to create custom views where you can set the filters and sort the data recorded to limit the information details to only what you’re interested in seeing. For instance, if you want to troubleshoot with one hard drive, you can just create a special custom view to display only the hard drive warnings in the security logs. This will save you hassle and time. Take note that the logs in the Event Viewer are divided into two main categories namely the Window logs and the Application and Services logs. You can just set the filter to the logs by their event id, specific date, and many other events when you have to troubleshoot some problem in your computer. So if you are trying to troubleshoot a problem in your Windows 10 computer and you’re checking the Event Viewer, read on as this post will guide you in creating custom event views in the Event Viewer. To get started, refer to the instructions given below. Step 1: Go to the Start menu and in the search box, type “event viewer” and then click on Event Viewer from the search results to open it. Step 2: After opening Event Viewer, click on Custom Views located in the left pane of the window. Step 3: Next, click on the Administrative events under the Custom View to create special log views. Step 4: Then on the right side of the window, click on Create Custom View to open the Create Custom View window. Step 5: There is a logged drop-down list under Filter. From there, you have the option to choose an appropriate predefined time or use a custom time range for your Custom log views. Step 6: After that, select an appropriate event level for your custom view. You have fine entry-level options to choose from such as critical event level, error, warning, information and verbose.
  • Critical – select this if you want to see the events that require your immediate attention in the custom view.
  • Error – select this if you want your Event Viewer to display the events that are less critical but hints at the problems.
  • Warning – select this event-level if you want to see the event with the potential problem but may not bound to happen.
  • Verbose – select this if you want to see detailed information about all the events.
Step 7: After you’ve selected the event level, you now have to select how you want the events to be filtered. They can either be filtered By the log or By the source.
  • By the log – you can select two options called Windows log and, Application and Service logs. The Windows logs allow you to filter the logs created during events like setup, security, applications, and system events. While the Application and Service logs filter the log created by the installed applications in your system.
  • By the source – select this if you want your Custom View to search for information in event sources. It allows you to view events in detail for various applications and devices.
Note: You have the option to further customize the event logs with more filters like Event IDs, task category, keywords, User, and Computer. Using these additional filters, you can choose to filter the events in the special views by specifying event id numbers in the Event IDs, entering predefined Windows words in the Keyword, specify the user accounts in the User field, as well as choose the system from the server to maintain logs in the Computer field. Step 8: Once you’re done customizing the log filter, click on OK to apply the changes made. Step 9: After that, a Save Filter should be displayed in the Custom View window. Just enter the Custom View name and select the Event Viewer folder where you want to save the Custom view. The folder name should be Custom View by default. And if you want, you can also create your own folder if you want your custom views to be visible to all the system users. Step 10: Next, check all the Users box located in the lower corner of the window and then click the OK button after you’re done. You should now see the customized filter you just created on the left side of the window. Just click on it to check your filtered events in the center of the Event Viewer window. And for you to save the custom view logs, simply right-click on the Custom views you created and then click on Save All Events in the Custom View As from the drop-down menu. Then put a name on the file and select the appropriate location where you want to save the logs and click on the Save button. Note that the log file is saved with the “.EVTX” file extension and when you double click on it, it will open the file in the Event Viewer.
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Change screenshot location

Each time when you press WINDOWS + PrtScn key on your keyboard a screenshot is taken and saved on your Hard drive, to be more precise, it is saved in a specific folder which is in c:\Users\Your user name\Pictures\Screenshots. Now, this specific location is not anything that's bad but it is a little deep and not so user-friendly for quick access.

screenshot properties

Luckily this default location can be changed into any folder that you like.

Changing location

First thing is to open File Explorer and then navigate to your PC. Once you go to your PC, go to Pictures, and inside right-click on the Screenshots folder. If there is no screenshots folder inside, this means that since Windows was installed no screenshots were taken with WINDOWS + PrtScn key combination. Please note that just by pressing PrtScn you will create a screenshot but you will place it inside the clipboard ready to be pasted somewhere, with WINDOWS + PrtScn you are saving the screenshot directly in a file on your hard drive.

So once you clicked on the Screenshots folder, go to the bottom and click on properties. Inside properties go to the Location tab. In the location, tab clicks on MOVE and browse to your new location where you would like screenshots to be saved. Once you select the folder for screenshots, click on the Select Folder button and confirm with OK. After this, Windows will ask you would you like to move existing screenshots into the chosen folder. Click YES or NO, depending on your preference.

After this easy setup, all of your new screenshots will be placed now inside the chosen folder.

Thank you for reading and I hope to see you tomorrow. Take care.

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How to Fix Task Scheduler Error 0x80070057
One of the important functions in the Windows operating system is the Task Scheduler. It can automatically run various tasks at a certain time where you’ll have to add a task that needs to be executed and then choose the time it has to run at. So when that time comes, the Task Scheduler will run the task automatically. However, some users reported getting an Error 0x80070057 where the Task Scheduler fails to start. This kind of error may be due to a disabled service that prevents the service from running. It is also possible that the antivirus program interfered with the task – it could be that the Task Scheduler is somewhat in the block list since the antivirus adds it to the list automatically when it’s installed. On the other hand, it could be that you lack administrator-level privilege which is why the Task Scheduler was not able to carry out the task. To fix this issue, here are some suggestions you can try.

Option 1 – Try to restart the Task Scheduler service

As mentioned, it is possible that the Task Scheduler service could be disabled. You could have disabled it when trying to enhance your computer’s performance and whatnot. Thus, you need to verify if it’s running or not and then restart it.
  • First, you need to tap the Win + R keys on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “services.msc” in the field and click OK or tap Enter to open the Windows Services Manager.
  • You will see a list of Services and from there, look for the Task Scheduler service and double click on it.
  • After that, go to the General tab and click on the Startup Type options and then select “Automatically” from the given list.
  • Click on the “RUN” option and select the “Restart the Service” option.
  • And click on the “After Second Failure” option and then select the “Restart-Service” option again.
  • Now click on the “After Subsequent Failures” tab and select the “Restart the Service” option.
  • Finally, click on the Apply and OK buttons and then run the Task Scheduler and see if the issue is now fixed.

Option 2 – Try to temporarily disable the anti-virus program

As mentioned, the error could be due to the antivirus program or the Windows Defender Firewall installed in your computer. Thus, disabling them or any security software installed on your computer is always a good idea you can try when you’re not able to access the shared drive on your computer. There are times when you encounter problems like the Task Scheduler Error 0x80070057 due to interference of antivirus or security programs. Thus, you have to disable both your antivirus program for the meantime and check if it fixes the error or not.

Option 3 – Run the Task Scheduler with an administrator account

Like pointed out, the Task Scheduler Error 0x80070057 may be due to the lack of admin privileges. Thus, you have to log in to an administrator account and try running the Task Scheduler again. It is also recommended that the administrator account you’re going to use as a password when logging in.

Option 4 – Repair the Task Scheduler by deleting corrupted tasks

Note that a single corrupted file can cause big problems so this option is quite important. And for you to delete a corrupted task or any task from the Task Scheduler, you have to use the Registry Editor if you are not able to use the Task Scheduler interface. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the dialog box for Run.
  • Next, type in Regedit and click on OK or tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Then navigate to this path: ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheTree
Note: In this path, you can see all the tasks that are currently set in the Task Scheduler. And since it would be hard to tell which one of them is corrupted, you have to delete the latest one in Task Scheduler last. But before you do so, make sure that you take note of the ID of the tasks. And for you to get the ID, you have to select the task you wish to delete and double click on the ID string located on your right-hand side, and then copy it in the Notepad.
  • Right-click on the task name and then delete it.
  • After that, delete the very same GUID which you have copied earlier from these folders:
  • ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheBoot
  • ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheLogon
  • ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheMaintenance
  • ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCachePlain
  • ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheTasks
Note: You might not see the same GUID from these folders but if you see it, delete it right away.
  • Next, navigate to this location: C:/Windows/System32/Tasks
  • Delete the very same tasks you just deleted from the Registry Editor.
  • Restart your PC and check if the Task Scheduler is back to its normal state or not.
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Delete Downloaded, Failed and Pending Windows Updates in Windows 10
There are instances when instead of fixing problems the Windows Update brings you problems on your Windows 10 computer. You might even see some pending Windows Updates which for some reason, refuse to install no matter what you do. The good thing is you won’t have to deal with those failed and pending updates that are incompletely downloaded to your PC as you can actually delete them. Follow the instructions prepared below to delete the failed and pending Windows Updates.

Step 1: The first thing you have to do is delete all the contents in the Temporary folder

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type in “%temp%” in the field and hit Enter or click OK to open the Temporary folder.
  • From there, select all the folders and files within the Temporary folder and then delete them all.
Note: %temp% is one of the many environment variables in Windows that could open the designated folder by Windows as the Temporary folder which is usually located at C:\Users[username]AppDataLocalTemp.

Step 2: Next, remove the pending.xml file

  • Go to the C:\Windows WinSxS folder.
  • Once you’ve opened the folder, look for a file named “pending.xml” file and right-click on it and you can either rename it or delete it.
  • After that, the Windows Update should delete the pending tasks and build a fresh new update.

Step 3: Delete all the contents of the SoftwareDistribution folder

The Software Distribution folder in the Windows operating system is a folder that can be found in the Windows directory and is used to store files temporarily which might be required to install the Windows Update on your PC. Thus, it is required by the Windows Update and maintained by WUAgent. Aside from that, it also contains all the Windows Update History files and once you delete them, you will most likely lose the Update history. As a result, the next time you run the Windows Update, it may result in a longer detection time.
  • Open the WinX Menu.
  • From there, open Command Prompt as admin.
  • Then type in the following command – don’t forget to hit Enter right after typing each one of them.
net stop wuauserv net stop bits
  • After entering these commands, it will stop the Windows Update Service and the Background Intelligent Transfer Service.
  • Next, got to the C:\Windows\Software\Distribution folder and get rid of all the folders and files thereby tapping the Ctrl + A keys to select them all and then click on Delete. Note that if the files are in use, you won’t be able to delete them.
  • Once all the contents in the Software Distribution folder are deleted, restart your PC and then go back to Command Prompt and input the following commands again.
net start wuauserv net start bits
Since the folder has already been flushed, it will be populated afresh the instant your restart your computer and open Windows Update.

Step 4: Try resetting the catroot2 folder

You can also try resetting the catroort2 folder as it is known to fix tons of Windows Update issues. Both the Catroot and catroot2 are Windows operating system folders that are required for the Windows update process.  So when you run the Windows Update, the catroort2 folders stores the signatures of the Windows Update package and helps it in the installation. It makes use of the “%windir%System32catroot2edb.log” file in the updating process. Afterward, the updates are stored in the SoftwareDistribution folder which is used then by the Automatic Updates in order to execute the updating process. Keep in mind that you must not rename or delete the Catroot folder. Although the Catroot2 folder is recreated automatically by Windows, the Catroot folder isn’t.
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Microsoft project Volterra

Microsoft will soon offer 4 CPU computer specifically aimed at developers and its name is Volterra. The machine as stated will come with 4 processors but the strange thing is that they will be ARM-based instead of x86.

CEO of Microsoft, mister Satya Nadella has introduced the product and Microsoft has released a youtube video promoting it.


The computer system will have Qualcomm's NPU or built-in neural processing unit to use AI's power to help developers write and produce better and faster code. The sad news is that besides processors used there is no other information on other components that will go into this system.

As seen in the video, the computer reminds me a lot of the apple MAC mini with its size and design, and as stated it is made from recycled plastic which in our opinion will bring the price under $1000.

Microsoft has not provided an official price tag for Volterra, but our hope is that it will be more affordable than building your own development PC. Also, there was nothing said about computer availability, we suspect that the selling model will be typical Microsoft one with first models available only in the USA and moving forward slowly opening it to other markets.

Volterra specifications

As previously said nothing except the number of CPUs and their type has been officially said but we managed to get some information about some other specific things not including its inside components.

microsoft volterra

The unit will have a fan inside of it for cooling purposes and better performance and that is what was officially stated by Microsoft. On the outside, it is known that the computer will have three USB-A ports, a mini DisplayPort, and an ethernet input. All of these will be positioned on the back of the device, on its left side there will be two USB-C ports.

The unit itself will be running on Windows 11 but it was not disclosed anything about the version, we presume since this is a model aimed for professional use that it will come with Windows 11 PRO version.

Currently available tools for ARM

Since this product is aimed at developers logically support for developing software is a must-have and at the time of this writing software that will come and that will run on Volterra is:

  • Visual Studio 2022
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Visual C++
  • Modern .NET 6 & JAVA
  • Classic .NET
  • Windows Terminal
  • Windows Subsystem for Android
  • Windows Subsystem for Linux


Once MAC studio has been released it showed that specific builds have their audience and can be sold for less of a price than full-fledged custom-made workstations. There is no doubt that Microsoft Volterra will find its audience but will that be enough to have more versions of this compact computer only time will tell.

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Fix Failed to register a VB Script DLL file on Windows 10
When you try to open Outlook 20016 and other programs on your Windows 10 PC and end up getting an error instead saying, “Failed to register a VB Script DLL. Reinstall or run Regsvr32.exe Vbscript.dll to self-register”, read on as this post will help you resolve the problem and help you re-register the vbscript.dll file. Follow each one of the steps below carefully to fix the problem.
  • Step 1: In the Start search, type “cmd” and from the search results that appear, right-click on Command Prompt and select the “Run as administrator” option from the context menu.
  • Step 2: After opening Command Prompt as admin, type the regsvr32.exe vbscript.dll command and hit Enter to execute it.
  • Step 3: After entering the command, it will re-register the concerned DLL file using the regsvr32.exe, a Windows OS tool. The Regsvr32 tool is a command-line utility that allows users to register or unregister OLE controls like the DLL and ActiveX (OCX) controls in the Windows operating system. After the command you entered has successfully run, you will see a message saying, “DllRegisterServer in vbscript.dll succeeded.”
On the other hand, if re-registering the DLL file didn’t work, you might have to log on to your computer using an administrator account and then try re-registering the DLL file once more. But before you do that, you need to create a system restore point first so that if anything goes wrong, you can always undo the changes you’ve made. After creating a system restore point, double-click on the downloaded .reg file to add its contents to the Registry. After that, try opening the program you were trying to open but weren’t able to because of the error. If it doesn’t work, you can always reinstall the affected programs that throw up the error and see if it resolves the problem. You could also seek the help of a one-click solution to fix the problem for you. This program is a useful tool that does not only repair corrupted registries and optimize your PC’s overall performance but also resolves any DLL issues like the Failed to register a VB Script DLL. Reinstall or run Regsvr32.exe Vbscript.dll to self-register” error. Aside from that, it also cleans out your computer for any junk or corrupted files that help you eliminate any unwanted files from your system. This is basically a solution that’s within your grasp with just a click. It’s easy to use as it is user-friendly. For a complete set of instructions for downloading and using it, refer to the steps below.
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How to Fix Htmlayout.dll Error

What Is Htmlayout.dll Error?

Htmlayout.dll is a linked library which is also known as HTMLayout. In simple words, it is an embeddable HTML layout and rendering component. htmlayout.dll is generally associated with Avast Internet Security, Bit Defender Internet Security 2011, and other similar programs. If you’re noticing that a continuous popup that reads:-
‘HTMLayout.dll cannot be loaded to properly start GUI. Therefore process cannot continue’, ‘Htmlayout.dll not found’, ‘The file htmlayout.dll is missing’,
and so on, then your system may be exposed to serious privacy and security threats.


Restoro box imageError Causes

To begin with, DLL files are shared files, and they can and do exist outside the software applications. While these files do provide benefits to software developers, once they are separated, they can only spell trouble. Hence, you start seeing the HTMLayout error, which will most probably occur at system startup, program startup, or when trying to use specific functions in a program. There are a number of reasons why the HTMLayout errors occur, and some of the common ones include:
  • The file is missing because it was accidentally deleted from the system.
  • The file was damaged by a virus and as a result, your system cannot access it.
  • The file was related to the registry and is now corrupt or obsolete.
  • The program that was related to the file was not uninstalled properly.
  • The file was overwritten by a corrupt or outdated version.
  • The spyware or malware deleted the original file and disguised it as the HTMLayout.

Further Information and Manual Repair

While the HTMLayout DLL error may sound like too much trouble, it is rather easy to resolve with a few steps. If you are getting the error because of a specific program or file, then you should reinstall to make sure the error does not pertain. For that, follow these steps:
  1. Go to Start and select the Control Panel.
  2. Click on the Add/Remove Programs icon and select the programs that show the error on the list.
  3. Select Remove/Uninstall to safely remove the program from your system.
  4. Restart the system and reinstall the program again.
This is the easy way out if the HTMLayout DLL error is occurring as a result of the file missing. However, there can be cases when the file has been tampered with by virus or registry issues. For that, the safest bet is to download Restoro. Restoro is not just another registry cleaner. Instead, it is a multi-functional PC Fixes that works as an antivirus, registry cleaner, system optimizer, and much more. What’s more interesting about Restoro is that it provides real-time results as opposed to other registry cleaners. In other words, you will actually feel a difference in PC performance and security after installing and using the program. The software is compatible with all Windows versions. So just click here and download Restoro to get rid of HTMLayout error and other issues in your system!
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Change Windows 10 Lock Screen Background
Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well. Today we will be changing the Windows Lock Screen background. Changing the lock screen background is a very easy task and it can be done in a very short time. So let's jump right into it. The first thing you need to do is to press the Windows start button on the bottom left and then press settings. Windows 10 Star menu with marked settings iconOnce the settings screen appears, choose and click on Personalization. Windows 10 settings menu with marked Personalization groupInside personalization, click on the Lock Screen tab. Windows settings lock screenOn the right screen, under the picture, you will find Windows spotlight, click on it to bring a drop-down menu up. lock screen drop down menuYour choice is presented as a single picture for background or slideshow, a series of pictures that are going to be looped in a given time interval. If you would like just a single picture for your background, choose that and click on it. lock screen browse for picturesOnce you are in choose picture dialog, click on the browse button and navigate to the picture on your storage which you would like to have as a background. If however, you fancy slideshow as your lock screen background, click on the background drop-down menu and choose the slideshow. Next, click on add a folder and navigate to a folder where you have pictures that you would like to have as a slideshow for your Windows lock screen. lock screen add a folder option
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