
Finding out which GPU is in your computer

Every computer has to have a graphic card, it is one of the essential components in order for the computer to work. If you have a second-hand computer, got one as a gift, or similar, there is a high chance that you do not really know which components are inside. Luckily finding out which graphic card you have inside is quite easy.

Right-click the taskbar and select Task Manager

Click the Performance tab at the top of the window, if you don’t see the tabs, click “More Info.” Select “GPU 0” in the sidebar. The GPU’s manufacturer and model names are displayed at the top right corner of the window.

You’ll also see other information, such as the amount of dedicated memory on your GPU, in this window. Windows 10’s Task Manager displays your GPU usage here, and you can also view GPU usage by application.

If your system has multiple GPUs, you’ll also see “GPU 1” and so on here. Each represents a different physical GPU.

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Overwatch lost connection to the game server
Overwatch has taken the world by the storm, it introduced new mechanics in gameplay, colorful characters, various game modes and it is constantly updated with new content for free. If you have friends to play with this game is even better but sometimes errors occur and the game loses connection to the game server making it unplayable since it requires a constant internet connection to the server to function. Keep reading and try provided solutions as they are presented to fix this issue and continue gaming.
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GoForFiles Removal Guide

GoforFiles is a Potentially Unwanted Program that allegedly allows users to easily search for files, movies, apps, and other useful things on the internet. In our testing, this program on further inspection does not work, it only displays an error for every search query. To top this off this program comes bundled up with other programs which could be malicious or unwanted. This program adds startup links into windows, allowing it and its bundled programs to launch every time Windows is restarted or launched. A task scheduled is also made, that lets the launch of the program at different random times during the day. Many anti-virus applications have marked this program and its bundled counterparts as Potentially Unwanted Programs, and it is highly recommended to remove these programs from your computer.

About Potentially Unwanted Programs

Exactly what is a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP)?

People have encountered it – you download free software, you then discover some unwanted applications on your computer system, or discover a strange toolbar has been included with your browser. You didn’t have them installed, so how did they appear? These unwanted applications, which are called Potentially Unwanted Programs, or PUP in short, usually tag along as a software bundle when downloading the application and could cause serious problems for computer users. PUP does not involve malware in the traditional sense. What normally makes a PUP different from malicious software is the fact that when you download one, you’re doing it with your consent – although in most cases unintentionally and reluctantly. But, there is no doubt that PUPs remain bad news for computer users as they can be incredibly damaging to the PC in many ways. How do unwanted programs affect you? Unwanted programs come in many forms. More commonly, they will be found in adware bundlers which are known to utilize aggressive and misleading advertising. The majority of bundlers install many adware applications from a number of vendors, each of which features its own EULA policy. Safebytes Anti-malware completely removes this threat and safeguards your PC against PUP or malware infection. PUPS also appear in the form of undesirable toolbars or internet browser plug-ins. Not just they needlessly use up space on your screen, toolbars can also manipulate search results, track your web browsing activities, decrease your internet browser’s performance, and slow down your web connection to a crawl. They could seem harmless but PUPs are generally spyware. They may include dialers, keyloggers, and also other software built inside them that could monitor you or send out your sensitive information to 3rd parties. Because of this unwanted program, your application may freeze, your security protections can get disabled that could leave your computer susceptible, your system could get ruined, and this list goes on and on.

Tips for preventing PUPs

• Study cautiously prior to agreeing to the license agreement as it could have a clause about PUPs. • Always opt for the custom if you are given an option between Recommended and Custom Installations – never click Next, Next, Next thoughtlessly. • Install an advert blocker/pop-up blocker; Deploy anti-malware products such as Safebytes Anti-malware. These software programs will establish a wall between the computer and online criminals. • Be alert when you download and install freeware, open-source software, or shareware. Avoid downloading and installing browser extensions and applications you are not knowledgeable about. • Always download software from reliable sources like official sites as opposed to untrustworthy sharing space. Avoid torrents and peer-to-peer clients.

Can't Install Safebytes Anti-malware because of a Virus? Try This!

Malware could potentially cause all sorts of damage after they invade your system, from stealing your private details to erasing files on your PC. Some malware sits in between the computer and your internet connection and blocks some or all internet sites that you really want to visit. It might also prevent you from the installation of anything on your machine, especially an anti-virus program. If you’re reading this now, you’ve probably realized that a malware infection is a reason for your blocked internet traffic. So what to do when you want to download and install antivirus software like Safebytes? Do as instructed below to get rid of malware through alternative methods.

Boot your PC in Safe Mode

In Safe Mode, you can actually change Windows settings, un-install or install some applications, and remove hard-to-delete viruses. In the event, the virus is set to load automatically when the computer boots, switching to this mode could prevent it from doing so. To get into Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking, press F8 while the system is starting up or run MSConfig and find the “Safe Boot” options under the “Boot” tab. Once you are in safe mode, you can attempt to install your antivirus program without the hindrance of the malicious software. Right after installation, run the malware scanner to remove standard infections.

Switch over to an alternative internet browser

Malicious program code might exploit vulnerabilities on a particular browser and block access to all anti-malware software websites. If you appear to have a trojan attached to Internet Explorer, then switch over to a different web browser with built-in safety features, such as Firefox or Chrome, to download your favorite antivirus program – Safebytes.

Make a bootable USB antivirus drive

Another option is to save and operate an antivirus program entirely from a USB drive. To run anti-virus using a USB drive, follow these simple measures: 1) Make use of another virus-free PC to download Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Connect the flash drive to a USB port on the clean computer. 3) Run the setup program by double-clicking the executable file of the downloaded software, with a .exe file extension. 4) Choose the USB stick as the location for saving the software file. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the installation process. 5) Now, plug the USB drive into the infected system. 6) Double-click the EXE file to run the Safebytes program from the thumb drive. 7) Run Full System Scan to identify and get rid of all kinds of malware.

Protect your PC from Malware With SafeBytes Security Suite

To protect your computer or laptop from various internet-based threats, it is very important to install an anti-malware application on your laptop. However, with so many antimalware companies out there, nowadays it is actually tough to decide which one you should obtain for your personal computer. A few of them are excellent, some are decent, and some will destroy your PC themselves! You must be careful not to choose the wrong product, especially if you buy premium software. Among few good applications, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is the highly recommended software program for the security-conscious end user. Safebytes is one of the well-established PC solutions firms, which offer this comprehensive anti-malware application. Using its outstanding protection system, this utility will instantly detect and remove the majority of the security threats, including browser hijackers, viruses, adware, ransomware, trojans, worms, and PUPs. SafeBytes anti-malware takes computer protection to a whole new level with its advanced features. Let’s look into a few of them below: Optimum AntiMalware Protection: With a critically acclaimed anti-malware engine, SafeBytes offers multilayered protection which is intended to catch and eliminate threats that are hidden deep in your computer’s operating system. Real-time Threat Response: SafeBytes provides round-the-clock protection for your computer limiting malware intrusions in real-time. It will continuously monitor your computer for hacker activity and also gives users advanced firewall protection. Web Protection: Safebytes allots all sites a unique safety score that helps you to get an idea of whether the webpage you’re about to visit is safe to view or known to be a phishing site. Faster Scanning: SafeBytes Anti-Malware has got a multi-thread scan algorithm that works up to 5x faster than any other antivirus software. Light-weight: SafeBytes is a lightweight and user-friendly antivirus and antimalware solution. Since it uses minimal computer resources, this software leaves the computer power exactly where it belongs to: with you actually. 24/7 Online Support: Support service is readily available for 24 x 7 x 365 days via email and chats to answer your concerns. SafeBytes has created an excellent anti-malware solution to help you conquer the latest computer threats and virus attacks. You now may understand that this tool does more than just scan and delete threats on your PC. You’ll get the best all-around protection for the money you spend on SafeBytes AntiMalware subscription, there is no doubt about it.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to carry out the removal of GoforFiles manually instead of using an automated software tool, you can follow these simple steps: Go to the Windows Control Panel, click on the “Add/Remove Programs” and there, select the offending application to uninstall. In cases of suspicious versions of web browser plug-ins, you can easily get rid of it through your web browser’s extension manager. It is also highly recommended to factory reset your web browser to its default state to fix corrupt settings. In order to ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard disk and registry for all of the following and eliminate or reset the values as needed. But bear in mind, this can be a complicated task and only computer experts can perform it safely. Also, certain malware is capable of replicating itself or preventing deletion. You’re urged to do this process in Windows Safe Mode.
Files: %ProgramFiles%GoForFiles.comGoForFiles.com.exe %UserProfile%DesktopGoForFiles.com.lnk %UserProfile%StartMenuGoForFiles.comGoForFiles.com.lnk %UserProfile%StartMenuGoForFiles.comHelp.lnk %UserProfile%StartMenuGoForFiles.comRegistration.Lnk %UserProfile%ApplicationDataMicrosoftInternetExplorerQuickLaunchGoForFiles.com.lnk Registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftware376694984709702142491016734454 HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun376694984709702142491016734454
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Watch old game intros in 4k or 8K hi-definition
AI and neural networks are more and more being used in all parts of our lives. From face detections to deep fakes it is both amusing and frightening to watch at the same time. From some really bad uses of neural networks and AI overall, looking at you deep fakes, upscaling videos or images are mostly harmless pieces of work not harming anyone. There is one cool YouTube channel, well there are more but this one seems to have most of the videos on it and if I am wrong I apologize. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC33rC3GO1UZFAkMcCCwjyWg So upscale is like previously mentioned a YouTube channel that hosts old game trailers and into videos but in full 4K or 8K video resolution, fully upscaled using neural networks. There are some videos that are not maybe top-notch but the large quantity of them is pretty well upscaled and they do indeed look great. So if you have some time and want that old nostalgia fix, go and check it out. You might find something that will bring that old you out and you might even drop a smile or two remembering old good days, I know I have.
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Enumerating user sessions to generate ...
There are times when the Windows Search doesn’t work and you wouldn’t have a clue as to why it happened since it does not give any error codes. In such cases, you have to check the error logs in the Event Viewer to find out more about the problem. From there, look for an error with the Event ID 3104 in the Windows error logs and if you see an error message that says, “Enumerating user sessions to generate filter pools failed”, read on as this post will guide you in fixing the problem. Apart from the error message, you might also see more information in the details section of the log that says, “(HRESULT: 0x80040210) (0x80040210)”. This kind of error is most likely caused by something that prohibits the search function from initializing. A lot of users assumed that it could be due to Cortana but it’s actually not. While some users also reported that they encounter the issue after they restarted their computers. This error was also reported with the same event ID 3104 on the Windows Server. According to security researchers, this error could be caused by problems in the Registry entry of Windows search. It could also be due to an issue with the SYSTEM account where it hasn’t been added to the DCOM Security. It is also possible that the Windows Search function has not been initialized. To fix this error, you can try to rebuild the Search Index manually or run the Search and Indexing troubleshooter. You can also check the startup type of the Windows Search service or try some registry tweak.

Option 1 – Try to rebuild the Search Index manually

The first thing you can do to fix the problem is to manually rebuild the Search Index. You can do that by going to Control Panel > Indexing Options and from there, click on Advanced. After that, go to the Index Settings tab and then click on Rebuild > OK. Once you’re done, check if it fixed the problem.

Option 2 – Try running the Search and Indexing troubleshooter

You could also run the Search and Indexing troubleshooter in Windows 10 as it checks whether the settings are in place and automatically corrects any issues with the Windows 10 search function. To run this troubleshooter, just click on the Start button and select Settings > Updates and Security > Troubleshoot. From there, select the Search and Indexing Troubleshooter. Once the troubleshooter is done, restart your computer and see if it fixed the error.

Option 3 – Try checking the startup type of the Windows Search Service

In this option, you have to check the startup type of the Windows Search service since the service won’t start. To do so, refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run utility and type “services.msc” in the field and then tap Enter to open the Services Manager.
  • Next, from the list of services, look for the Windows Search Service or WSearch. Once you find it, right-click on it and select Properties.
  • After that, change the Startup type to Automatic and click on the Start button if the service is in the Stop state.
  • Now click on the Apply and OK buttons to save the changes made and then restart your computer.

Option 4 – Try changing the Registry entry for Windows Search

Before you apply some registry tweak, you need to create a System Restore point first. Once you have that covered, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run utility and type “Regedit” in the field and tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • If a User Account Control prompt appears, just click Yes to proceed.
  • After opening the Registry Editor, navigate to this registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows Search
  • From there, click on Windows Search and look for the key named “SetupCompletedSuccessfully” and change its value to “0”. Just right-click on it and select Modify.
  • Then input “0” as its value data and click on OK to save the changes made.
  • Exit the Registry Editor and restart your computer.
  • Now check if the Enumerating user sessions to generate filter pools failed is fixed or not.
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Repairing a corrupt Group Policy in Windows
If you recently made some changes in your Windows 10 computer using the Group Policy Editor but they were not reflected and you got errors instead, it could be that your Windows computer wasn’t able to read the Group Policy file (registry.pol). To resolve this kind of issue, you have to repair the potentially corrupted Group Policy using the options given in this post. .As you know, Group Policy is a feature in the Microsoft Windows Active Directory which allows an admin to make changes in the features on Windows PCs that are on the network. So if the modifications you just made weren’t successfully applied, then there could be something wrong with the registry.pol file on the client or it could also be that the Group Policy folder is missing. To fix this issue in the Group Policy, you need to refer to the given suggestions below and make sure that you have admin privileges as you execute them.

Option 1 – Try to delete or recreate the missing registry.pol file

The entire settings of the Group Policy are stored in the registry.pol file so if it went missing, all the changes you make will not be reflected. The good thing is that you can recreate it but if the file exists and is corrupted, you need to delete it first before you recreate it.
  • First, go to the C:/Windows/System32/GroupPolicy/Machine location.
  • And from there, check if the registry.pol file exists or not. If it’s there, just delete it permanently by tapping the Shift + Delete keys.
  • Now it’s time to recreate the file. Just open Windows PowerShell with admin privileges by tapping Win + X + A keys.
  • After opening PowerShell, type this command: gpupdate /force
  • The command you entered will recreate the registry.pol file and will refresh the Group Policy. Restart your computer.

Option 2 – Try recreating the secedit.sdb file

The security settings of Group Policy are stored in the secedit.sdb file so if you made some changes to security and they weren’t reflected, you can try to delete and recreate the secedit.sdb file instead of deleting the Group Policy file. All you have to do is navigate to the C:/WINDOWS/security/Database folder and look for the secedit.sdb file and rename it or move it to another folder. After that, restart your computer. Once your computer has restarted, the secedit.sdb file will be created again.

Option 3 – Try to reset the Group Policy to default

You can also try to reset the Group Policy back to its default state. There are several ways you can do that. You can either use the gpupdate or the secedit command in the Windows PowerShell to do that. Resetting the Group Policy will resolve any issues that could be caused by its current settings.

Option 4 – Try to perform System Restore

System Restore can also help resolve the Group Policy issue. It could be that prior to the issue, you’ve made some changes in the system that might have affected the Group Policy. To undo these changes, perform System Restore.
  • First, tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.

Option 5 – Use the DISM tool

You can also try running the Deployment Imaging and Servicing Management or DISM tool. This tool will repair the Windows System Image as well as the Windows Component Store in your Windows 10 computer. So if there are any missing or corrupted folders and files, the DISM tool can restore and repair them. As a result, any system consistencies and corruptions will be fixed. To run this tool, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + X keys and click on the “Command Prompt (Admin)” option.
  • After that, input each one of the commands listed below sequentially to execute them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
  • Once you’ve executed the commands given above, restart your computer.
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Removal guide for Movie Mode Potentially Unwanted Program

MovieMode is a Potentially Unwanted Program developed by GenTechnologies Apps that allegedly ads a “Lights Off” function to video streaming websites like Youtube. This feature allows a user to dim the entire background around the video, allowing for better video focus. Although this sounds interesting and useful, upon further inspection it was discovered that this program does not work with modern browsers.

While installed, MovieMode may modify your browser settings, changing your home page, displaying additional ads, and other suspicious behavior. From the Terms Of Use: “Applications may be automatically enabled on your web browsers following installation. Applications or advertisements may require changing your web browser’s default home page, default page, or set of pages on startup, default search provider, and other browser settings. So that Applications can function most efficiently and with the least annoyance, Applications may modify or disable certain web browser or operating system features including, but limited to load time alerts, accelerator features, and Content Security Policy functionality. Applications may also include features to notify you when you are launching an application or visiting a web domain that may interfere with your installed Applications. “

About Potentially Unwanted Applications

What is a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP)?

Have you ever detected an unwanted program running on your computer and wondered how the heck it got there? These unwanted programs, which are referred to as Potentially Unwanted Programs, or PUPs in short, usually tag along as a software bundle when downloading the program and could cause significant problems for users. From the technical perspective, a PUP is not true “malware”. A basic difference between PUP and malware is distribution. Malware is normally dropped via vulnerability exploitation while PUP gets installed with the consent of the end-user, who knowingly or unintentionally approves the PUP installation on their computer system. On the other hand, it is obvious that PUPs are still bad news for computer users as they could be quite dangerous to the computer in lots of ways.

How do unwanted programs impact you?

Unwanted programs can be found in many forms. Typically, they will be found in adware bundlers that are known to use aggressive and deceptive advertising. Most bundlers install numerous adware applications from various vendors, each of which has its own EULA policy. Safebytes Anti-malware completely eradicates this threat and safeguards your PC against unwanted programs or malware infection. Additionally, most free software programs these days include a few unwanted add-ons; in many instances an internet browser toolbar or browser modification like a homepage hijacker. Not only they needlessly use up space on your screen, but toolbars may also manipulate search results, track your browsing activities, decrease your web browser’s overall performance, and slow down your web connection to a crawl. They could seem innocent but PUPs are sometimes spyware. The worst part of setting up a PUP is the spyware, adware, and keystroke loggers that may hide inside. Most PUPs don’t have any significant value or advantages. As soon as they are installed, they could waste your valuable system resources and also drastically slow down computer performance. Many of these programs are harmful to computer systems and put your private information and perhaps your identity at stake.

The best ways to stop PUPs

• Always study the license agreement and privacy statement. Don’t agree unless you understand exactly what you’re agreeing to. • Always pick the custom if you’re provided a choice between Recommended and Custom Installations – never ever click Next, Next, Next blindly. • Use an ad blocker/pop-up blocker; Install anti-malware products such as Safebytes Anti-malware. These kinds of programs can establish a wall between your computer and online criminals. • Avoid adding freeware software you simply won’t utilize. Avoid downloading and installing browser extensions and applications you aren’t familiar with. • Always download applications from the original site. The majority of PUPs find their way to your computer is through download portals, so stay away from it entirely.

What To Do If You Cannot Install Safebytes Anti-Malware?

Malware could cause all sorts of damage after they invade your computer, from stealing your private details to deleting files on your PC. Some malware goes to great lengths to prevent you from downloading or installing anything on your computer system, especially antivirus software programs. If you’re reading this, you probably have infected by malware that prevents you from installing a computer security program like Safebytes Anti-Malware. There are a few fixes you can attempt to get around with this particular problem.

Download the software in Safe Mode with Networking

In the event the malware is set to load at Windows startup, then booting in Safe Mode should prevent it. Just bare minimum required applications and services are loaded whenever you boot your computer or laptop into Safe Mode. You will need to do the following to get rid of malware in Safe mode. 1) At power on/start-up, press the F8 key in 1-second intervals. This will invoke the Advanced Boot Options menu. 2) Use the arrow keys to choose Safe Mode with Networking and press ENTER. 3) Once you get into this mode, you should have internet access again. Now, utilize your web browser normally and go to https://safebytes.com/products/anti-malware/ to download and install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 4) Immediately after installation, do a complete scan and let the program get rid of the threats it detects.

Obtain the anti-malware program using an alternate browser

Some malware only targets certain internet browsers. If this is your situation, utilize another web browser as it might circumvent the malware. If you are not able to download the security software using Internet Explorer, this means the virus could be targeting IE’s vulnerabilities. Here, you must switch to an alternate internet browser such as Firefox or Chrome to download Safebytes Anti-malware software.

Create a portable USB antivirus for eliminating viruses

Another option is to create a portable anti-malware program on your USB stick. Follow these steps to use a thumb drive to clean your infected computer. 1) On a clean computer, install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Insert the pen drive on the same system. 3) Run the setup program by double-clicking the executable file of the downloaded software, which has a .exe file extension. 4) Pick a USB flash drive as the location when the wizard asks you exactly where you want to install the software. Follow activation instructions. 5) Disconnect the USB drive. Now you can use this portable anti-malware on the infected computer system. 6) Double-click the antivirus software EXE file on the pen drive. 7) Click on “Scan Now” to run a complete scan on the affected computer for malware.

SafeBytes Anti-Malware Features

Are you looking to download the best anti-malware software for your system? There are plenty of applications in the market that comes in paid and free versions for Microsoft Windows systems. Some of them are good, some are ok types, and some will ruin your computer themselves! While looking for antimalware software, pick one which gives dependable, efficient, and total protection against all known viruses and malware. On the list of recommended software is SafeBytes AntiMalware. SafeBytes carries a really good reputation for excellent service, and customers are happy with it. SafeBytes anti-malware is a highly effective and user-friendly protection tool that is designed for users of all levels of IT literacy. With its most advanced virus detection and repair technology, this software protects your personal computer against infections caused by various kinds of malware and similar threats, including adware, spyware, trojans horses, worms, computer viruses, keyloggers, ransomware, and potentially unwanted program (PUPs). SafeBytes has outstanding features when compared to other anti-malware programs. Here are some of the features you might like in SafeBytes Anti-Malware. Real-time Protection: SafeBytes gives complete and real-time security for your personal machine. It’ll monitor your computer for suspicious activity regularly and safeguards your computer from illegal access. Most Reliable AntiMalware Protection: Built on a greatly acclaimed antivirus engine, this malware removal tool has the capacity to find and remove several obstinate malware threats like browser hijackers, potentially unwanted programs, and ransomware that other typical antivirus software will miss. Safe Browsing: Safebytes assigns all sites a unique safety rating that helps you to have an idea of whether the webpage you are going to visit is safe to view or known to be a phishing site. Lightweight: SafeBytes provides total protection from online threats at a fraction of the CPU load due to its advanced detection engine and algorithms. Premium Support: You can get 24/7 technical assistance to quickly resolve any concern with your security application. Overall, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is a solid program since it has loads of features and can identify and remove any potential threats. Malware problems can become a thing of the past once you put this application to use. If you need advanced forms of protection features and threat detections, purchasing SafeBytes Anti-Malware could be well worth the dollars!

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you don’t wish to use malware removal software and like to get rid of Movie Mode manually, you could possibly accomplish this by going to the Add/Remove Programs menu in the control panel and removing the offending program; in cases of browser add-ons, you can remove it by visiting the browser’s Add-on/Extension manager. You may even want to reset your browser settings, and also clear your web browser cache and cookies. To ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard drive and computer registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values as needed. Having said that, editing the Windows registry is often a hard task that only advanced computer users and professionals should attempt to fix it. Moreover, some malware keeps replicating which makes it difficult to get rid of. It is advisable that you carry out the removal process in Safe Mode.
Files: C:\ProgramData\MovieMode\MovieMode.exe C:\ProgramData\MovieMode\MovieModeService.exe C:\ProgramData\MovieMode\Uninstall.exe C:\Users\All Users\MovieMode\MovieMode.exe C:\Users\All Users\MovieMode\MovieModeService.exe C:\Users\All Users\MovieMode\Uninstall.exe C:\ProgramData\MovieMode C:\Users\All Users\MovieMode
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Setup has failed to determine install choices
Running the Windows Setup does not always go smoothly as you could encounter some errors along the way. One of these errors is the “Something happened, Setup has failed to determine supported install choices” error. The only given option in such cases is to click the Close button and exit the setup. This kind of error in Windows setup can occur when you try to downgrade to the previous version of Windows using the built-in mechanism. This error could be caused by a corrupted image or it is also possible that the set of files are incomplete. Aside from that, it could also be due to compatibility issues or that the module used to downgrade the Windows operating system is not configured properly. To fix this error, you have to run the Windows Setup program in compatibility mode so that you can downgrade Windows. You could also use the image for the lower version of Windows that’s available on the official site of Microsoft. But before you do any of these, make sure that you’re logged in as an administrator. To fix the “Something happened, Setup has failed to determine supported install choices” error, follow the given options below sequentially.

Option 1 – Try to run the Installer of the downgraded version in Compatibility Mode

This is the first thing you can try to resolve the issue instead of going right ahead on making a bootable device. So if you are downgrading Windows, you can try to run the installer in the compatibility mode for that specific Windows version.
  • Look for the setup file.
  • Once you find it, right-click on it and select Properties from the context menu.
  • After that, go to the Compatibility tab and mark the checkbox for “Run this program in compatibility mode for:” and from the drop-down list, select either Windows 7 or Windows 8.
  • You also have to check the “Run as administrator” option.
  • Now click the Apply button and then click OK to save the changes made and check if it has resolved the issue or not.

Option 2 – Try to troubleshoot compatibility

This option is almost the same as the first one except it is an alternative way of fixing the “Setup has failed to determine supported install choices” error in case the first one didn’t work. In this option, you will troubleshoot the compatibility issue.
  • Look for the setup file.
  • Then right-click on it and select the “Troubleshoot compatibility” from the context menu.
  • After that, click on the “Try recommended setting” option. Once the process is done, the error message should be gone.

Option 3 – Run the DISM tool

You can run the DISM tool as well to help fix the error code 0x80244022 during Windows Update. Using this built-in tool, you have various options such as the “/ScanHealth”, “/CheckHealth”, and “/RestoreHealth”.
  • Open the Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • Then type in the following commands and make sure to hit Enter right after you type each one of them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • Do not close the window if the process takes a while as it will probably take a few minutes to finish.

Option 4 – Try using the image from the official site of Microsoft

If none of the options given above worked, you can try to use the image from Microsoft’s official site. This would help, especially if the error is caused by a corrupted image or image folder with incomplete files.
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Add app shortcut on the context menu

Sometimes, some applications after they are installed will put their shortcut in the context menu (right-click on desktop) for easy access, most of the time these are some system tied applications like AMD and Nvidia control panels or archives like WinRAR or 7ZIP but it can happen even for some usual application to do this.

Windows contex menu

There are some applications that you use frequently and they could be worth putting in the context menu, if you want to avoid clutter on the desktop or in the taskbar this is the third place that you should consider placing shortcuts.

Doing this will require some playing and tweaking in the Windows registry editor so be careful when editing the registry since bad entries can lead to system crash or instability. Follow step-by-step instructions.

Adding apps to the context menu in the registry

Creating entry

Open the registry editor by searching Regedit and pressing enter than inside of the registry editor search for the next key:


Select shell and right-click on it, hover over New and in the submenu click on Key. In the next step, you need to name a key, this name will be the thing that will be shown in the context menu when you right-click on a desktop so type in the name that you would like or the name of the application that you wish to add to the menu.

If you wish you can even add a keyboard shortcut to launch this specific application. To do this select entry that you have created and edit the default value, inside the edit string in the Value data field type first & and after that key that you would like as a shortcut. Now after right click if you hit your shortcut key app will be launched right away.

Adding command

The next task is to create a command key that will actually hold the command to launch the application. Right-click on the entry that you have created, hover over New, and click on Key.

Next, you’ll need to create the command key that will actually hold the command used to launch the application. Right-click on the new Notepad key, and then choose New \ Key from the menu. Name this key 'command', all in lower case and without hyphens.

Now in order to finish setting the launcher, you need the full path of the file that you would like to run. Locate your file in file explorer or in another tool and copy its path by SHIFT + right-clicking on the file itself and choosing copy as path option.

Now click on the command key and double click on the default key on right to edit it, inside the field value data paste your path to executable. close and save the registry and you are done.

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How to Fix Htmlayout.dll Error

What Is Htmlayout.dll Error?

Htmlayout.dll is a linked library which is also known as HTMLayout. In simple words, it is an embeddable HTML layout and rendering component. htmlayout.dll is generally associated with Avast Internet Security, Bit Defender Internet Security 2011, and other similar programs. If you’re noticing that a continuous popup that reads:-
‘HTMLayout.dll cannot be loaded to properly start GUI. Therefore process cannot continue’, ‘Htmlayout.dll not found’, ‘The file htmlayout.dll is missing’,
and so on, then your system may be exposed to serious privacy and security threats.


Restoro box imageError Causes

To begin with, DLL files are shared files, and they can and do exist outside the software applications. While these files do provide benefits to software developers, once they are separated, they can only spell trouble. Hence, you start seeing the HTMLayout error, which will most probably occur at system startup, program startup, or when trying to use specific functions in a program. There are a number of reasons why the HTMLayout errors occur, and some of the common ones include:
  • The file is missing because it was accidentally deleted from the system.
  • The file was damaged by a virus and as a result, your system cannot access it.
  • The file was related to the registry and is now corrupt or obsolete.
  • The program that was related to the file was not uninstalled properly.
  • The file was overwritten by a corrupt or outdated version.
  • The spyware or malware deleted the original file and disguised it as the HTMLayout.

Further Information and Manual Repair

While the HTMLayout DLL error may sound like too much trouble, it is rather easy to resolve with a few steps. If you are getting the error because of a specific program or file, then you should reinstall to make sure the error does not pertain. For that, follow these steps:
  1. Go to Start and select the Control Panel.
  2. Click on the Add/Remove Programs icon and select the programs that show the error on the list.
  3. Select Remove/Uninstall to safely remove the program from your system.
  4. Restart the system and reinstall the program again.
This is the easy way out if the HTMLayout DLL error is occurring as a result of the file missing. However, there can be cases when the file has been tampered with by virus or registry issues. For that, the safest bet is to download Restoro. Restoro is not just another registry cleaner. Instead, it is a multi-functional PC Fixes that works as an antivirus, registry cleaner, system optimizer, and much more. What’s more interesting about Restoro is that it provides real-time results as opposed to other registry cleaners. In other words, you will actually feel a difference in PC performance and security after installing and using the program. The software is compatible with all Windows versions. So just click here and download Restoro to get rid of HTMLayout error and other issues in your system!
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How to Fix Error Code 0x80070005 in Windows 10

Error Code 0x80070005 – What is it?

Error code 0x80070005 is also known as the “Access Denied” error code because it prevents Windows users from accessing updates on their machines. This error code exists due to a lack of permissions on one’s system files or registry, permissions which are necessary for the updates via Windows Update to complete successfully. Error code 0x80070005 affects multiple versions of the Windows operating system including Windows 8, 8.1, and Windows 10.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The lack of files or registry permissions which result in the presence of error code 0x80070005 on your device may occur based on several reasons. The most common of these relates to the existence of malware programs on your machine. Malware can disrupt and change system files which are required for the update process to occur. Thus, this error code requires a systematic approach to first find missing or corrupt files, as well as cleaning up malware programs that could be preventing your machine from accessing updates.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Windows 10 users can repair error code 0x80070005 by implementing manual repair procedures. These procedures include the installation of tools like SubInACL.exe which enable users to access information about registry keys and files, thus detecting issues that may be preventing them from completing the update process in Windows Update.

These manual repair methods are listed below with clear instructions that even average Windows users can understand and follow. However, if you attempt the procedures and experience any issues that prevent you from successfully fixing error code 0x80070005, contact a Windows repair technician. Also, consider downloading an automated tool since these tools often help users fix PC performance issues that cause error codes to occur within various versions of the Windows operating system.

Method One: Log on as Administrator to Install Updates

By logging on as an administrator, Windows users may be able to access updates via Windows Update and thereby fix error code 0x80070005 in Windows 10. Follow the steps below to complete this manual repair method.

  • Step one: Click the Search bar near the Start button
  • Step two: Type User Accounts in Search
  • Step three: Select User Accounts
  • Step four: Click Manage User Accounts, then type in password if prompted to do so

Once you are logged on as an administrator, go to Settings to access Windows Update. You will be given the option to install the latest updates. Select this option and wait for the process to be completed. If error code 0x80070005 reoccurs, however, you will need to proceed to manual repair method two which requires that you scan for malware.

Method Two: Scan for Malware

This method is very simple. As you scan for malware on your machine, you will be able to detect any malicious programs that may be preventing you from installing updates on your device. This will in turn enable Windows users to clean up their system, fix the error code, and prevent others from occurring.

First, be sure you have a viable antimalware program on your machine. Scan for viruses and other harmful programs using this third-party software. Another option is to run Windows Defender on your machine.

Once you’ve completed the scan and error Code 0x80070005 moved any malware that may be present, attempt to install updates via Windows Update. If the problem causing error code 0x80070005 in Windows 10 is resolved, you will be able to install the updates. However, proceed to the next manual repair method if the error code remains on your device after you have scanned and removed malware programs.

Method Three: Install SubInACL Tool

The SubInACL tool enables Windows users to access security details and other information regarding files and registry permissions. Use this tool to fix files and registry permissions by following the instructions below.

  • Step one: Download the SubInACL tool via Microsoft’s official website
  • Step two: Run program as administrator
  • Step three: Restart machine
  • Step four: Go to Settings, Update & security, then Windows Update
  • Step five: Reattempt installation of updates

Once you’ve been able to run the SubInACL tool and fix files or registry permissions, your machine should be able to access updates. If error code 0x80070005 reoccurs, however, you may need to contact a Windows repair technician to verify if issues unrelated to permissions are causing the error code to occur.

Method Four: Download an Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 8 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.
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