
Setup has failed to determine install choices

Running the Windows Setup does not always go smoothly as you could encounter some errors along the way. One of these errors is the “Something happened, Setup has failed to determine supported install choices” error. The only given option in such cases is to click the Close button and exit the setup.

This kind of error in Windows setup can occur when you try to downgrade to the previous version of Windows using the built-in mechanism. This error could be caused by a corrupted image or it is also possible that the set of files are incomplete. Aside from that, it could also be due to compatibility issues or that the module used to downgrade the Windows operating system is not configured properly. To fix this error, you have to run the Windows Setup program in compatibility mode so that you can downgrade Windows. You could also use the image for the lower version of Windows that’s available on the official site of Microsoft. But before you do any of these, make sure that you’re logged in as an administrator.

To fix the “Something happened, Setup has failed to determine supported install choices” error, follow the given options below sequentially.

Option 1 – Try to run the Installer of the downgraded version in Compatibility Mode

This is the first thing you can try to resolve the issue instead of going right ahead on making a bootable device. So if you are downgrading Windows, you can try to run the installer in the compatibility mode for that specific Windows version.

  • Look for the setup file.
  • Once you find it, right-click on it and select Properties from the context menu.
  • After that, go to the Compatibility tab and mark the checkbox for “Run this program in compatibility mode for:” and from the drop-down list, select either Windows 7 or Windows 8.
  • You also have to check the “Run as administrator” option.
  • Now click the Apply button and then click OK to save the changes made and check if it has resolved the issue or not.

Option 2 – Try to troubleshoot compatibility

This option is almost the same as the first one except it is an alternative way of fixing the “Setup has failed to determine supported install choices” error in case the first one didn’t work. In this option, you will troubleshoot the compatibility issue.

  • Look for the setup file.
  • Then right-click on it and select the “Troubleshoot compatibility” from the context menu.
  • After that, click on the “Try recommended setting” option. Once the process is done, the error message should be gone.

Option 3 – Run the DISM tool

You can run the DISM tool as well to help fix the error code 0x80244022 during Windows Update. Using this built-in tool, you have various options such as the “/ScanHealth”, “/CheckHealth”, and “/RestoreHealth”.

  • Open the Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • Then type in the following commands and make sure to hit Enter right after you type each one of them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • Do not close the window if the process takes a while as it will probably take a few minutes to finish.

Option 4 – Try using the image from the official site of Microsoft

If none of the options given above worked, you can try to use the image from Microsoft’s official site. This would help, especially if the error is caused by a corrupted image or image folder with incomplete files.

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What to do if JPEG files won’t open in Windows 10
As you know, “JPEG” is one of the commonly used formats for image files which is a compression of digital images. It is one of the topmost used file formats by mobile phones and digital cameras and usually achieves a 10:1 compression with little visible loss in the quality of the image. There are tons of cases as of late, most particularly after the latest Windows 10 update where users were not able to open JPEG files on their PCs. Every time they try to open any JPEG file, they either get an error or nothing happens at all. This issue could be due to the default handler application for JPEG applications not being set or there could be some third-party image viewer not working properly. To fix this issue with JPEG files, refer to the troubleshooting options below.

Option 1 – Try to change the file type association

You need to check if the file type association of the JPEG files are correctly set or not since there are tons of third party programs that change the file type association automatically to themselves without your permission the instant they are installed and so if any of these third-party programs are broken, then naturally, your JPEG files won’t really open. That’s why you can try changing the setting to the default photo viewer instead of the third-party one. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type in “control panel” in the field and hit Enter to open the Control Panel.
  • After opening Control Panel, click on the Programs category and select the “Default Programs” option from the menu.
  • Next, select the second option “Associate a file type or protocol with a program” and then select the “Choose default apps by file type” option.
  • After that, click on the .jpg file extension and choose the option from the pop-up.
  • Now restart your PC to refresh all your programs and then see if it has fixed the problem or not.

Option 2 – Try to update your computer

Microsoft frequently releases updates to target bugs and improve users’ experience. And this particular error where JPEG files won’t open is already acknowledged by Microsoft so you need to make sure that your Windows 10 PC is updated to the latest released update and that there are no pending updates.
  • Tap the Win + S keys to open Search and then type in “update” in the field and open the system setting from the search results.
  • After that, check for updates and then download and install them if needed.
  • Now restart your PC once the update is done and check if you can now open JPEG files.

Option 3 – Try to reset the Photos app via Settings

Resetting the Photos app could also help you in fixing the problem. Note that this option will reset all the configurations and your data associated with your Photos and makes the application go into a state when you first started using it and that this option will fix any discrepancies that your application might be experiencing right now.
  • Tap the Win + S keys to open the search bar.
  • Then type in “settings” in the field to open the Settings application.
  • After opening Settings, click the “Apps” category.
  • From there, a list of applications installed on your computer will appear.
  • Navigate through these applications until you find the Photos app and then click on the Advanced options.
  • Afterward, click the Reset button that appears on the next screen. Then a new pop-up comes up and will warn you that all the preferences, as well as sign-in information, will be lost. Click on “Reset” anyway to proceed in resetting the Photos app.
  • Restart your PC once the reset is done.

Option 4 – Try to reinstall the Photos app

Before you start using other third-party image viewers just yet, you can try to reinstall the Photos app first. Thus, if there is something wrong with it, it will instantly get fixed right after it reinstalls. Just take note that this option requires administrative privileges so you need to be logged in as an administrator.
  • The first thing you have to do is tap the Windows + S keys and type in “PowerShell”.
  • Next, right-click on the file and click on the “Run as administrator” option from the context menu.
  • Once PowerShell is opened, execute this command: get-appxpackage *Microsoft.Windows.Photos* | remove-appxpackage
  • The command you just entered will remove the Photos app. After the process is done, go to the Microsoft Store and look for Microsoft Photos then download and install it again.
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Fix “Diskpart failed to clear disk attributes”
If you encounter the “Diskpart failed to clear disk attributes” error when you try to change the read-only state of a storage device using the Diskpart application and the request is denied, worry not for this post will give you a couple of fixes to resolve the problem. As you know, Diskpart is used for resolving read-only storage devices by changing their attribute via the command line. So if it is not able to change the attribute of the storage device, then you will most likely encounter an error such as this one. This kind of error is not uncommon and as long as there are no damaged physical attributes, you can resolve it right away. There are tons of reasons why you’re getting this error while using Diskpart, it could be that the storage device has a physical write-protected switch or the disk is hidden or has bad sectors. It could also be because the storage drive might be in RAW format or that you are running the Diskpart application without admin privileges. Whatever the cause may be, here are some options you can try to fix the problem but before you proceed, make sure that you log on to your PC as an administrator.

Option 1 – Check if there is a physical switch on the storage device

There are some USB devices and SD card readers that have a write-protected physical switch that disables all the writable options on the storage device and so if it is turned on, Diskpart won’t be able to change the disk attribute to writable. To check, simply look for the physical switch on both sides of the device and once you found it, make sure that it is toggled off and then plug the storage device back in then try running Diskpart once again.

Option 2 – Modify the WriteProtected key in the Registry Editor

Before you proceed, you have to create a System Restore Point first.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open Run and type “Regedit” in the field and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to the following path:
  • After that, look for the “WriteProtect” registry entry which is located on the left side of the window, and then double click on it.
  • Change its value to “0” and click OK to save the changes made and exit the Registry Editor.

Option 3 – Run CHKDSK to check the drive for errors

When it comes to some issues concerning the hard drive or removable devices, there is a utility in Windows that might help which is called “chkdsk”. This error check utility can help with several issues in the system including the “Diskpart failed to clear disk attributes” error.
  • Tap the Win + S keys to open the Search box.
  • Then type “command prompt” in the field and from the search results that appear, right-click on Command Prompt and select “Run as administrator”.
  • After opening an elevated command prompt, copy and paste the following command and hit Enter:
CHKDSK [volume [[path] filename]] [/F] [/V] [/R] [/X] [/C] [: size]]
Note: In the command given above, “[/F]” will try to fix the system errors while “[/R]” will be the one to fix the bad sectors.
  • Now if you are prompted to run CHKDSK after your reboot your PC, just tap Y and reboot your PC.
  • If CHKDSK is not able to find any errors, tap the Win + E keys and navigate the access window. From there, right-click on the concerned drive and click on Properties.
  • After opening Properties, click on the tab Tools and then click on the “Check” button under the Error-checking section.
  • Wait until the process is completed and then restart your computer.

Option 4 – Clear the attributes on RAW

  • Tap the Win + S keys then type “diskpart” in the field.
  • Click the Diskpart application and if a User Account Control dialog box pops up, click Yes to proceed.
  • After opening an elevated Command Prompt, type in the commands listed below and make sure to tap Enter right after you key in one command after the other.
    • list volume
    • select volume ‘n’ (In this command, you have to replace ‘n’ with the volume number of the drive)
    • format fs=fat32 quick (In this command you also have the flexibility to change the format to ‘ntfs’ or ‘exfat’)
  • After executing the commands given, unplug the removable storage device and wait for a couple of seconds and then plug it back in.
  • Now try any normal write operations and see if the error no longer appears.

Option 5 – Try checking the hardware components

On the other hand, it is also possible that the issue has something to do with a hardware problem and so you need to check the hardware components on your computer to determine that.
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Fix Windows Updates Error code 0x80246007
Downloading Windows Updates does not always go smoothly as you can encounter several issues like the “Some updates did not finish downloading, We will keep trying, Error code 0x80246007” error. In fact, this error can also occur on other Windows applications like OneNote. According to security experts, this error happens for many reasons. For one, it could be that the Windows Update database is corrupted. It could also be that there is another process that’s in conflict with the Windows Update components or there might be some issue with the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS). Whichever the cause may be, you can fix it by following the solutions given below.

Option 1 – Delete the contents in the Temporary folder

You can also try deleting the contents in the Temporary folder – all the downloaded, pending, or failed Windows 10 updates. You can do that using the simple and easy steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “%temp%” in the field and press Enter to open the Temporary folder.
  • After that, select all the folders and files within the Temp folder and delete all of them.

Option 2 – Try running the Windows Update Troubleshooter

Running the built-in Windows Update troubleshooter is one of the things you can first check out as it is known to automatically resolve any Windows Update errors like Error code 0x80246007. To run it, go to Settings and then select Troubleshoot from the options. From there, click on Windows Update and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button. After that, follow the next on-screen instructions and you should be good to go.

Option 3 – Try renaming or removing the pending .xml file

The problem might be due to some pending .xml file so you need to rename or remove it. To do so, just go to C:/Windows/WinSxS folder. From there, look for a pending .xml file – you can either rename it or delete it. This will allow the Windows Update to delete any pending tasks and build a new and fresh update check.

Option 4 – Restart the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)

The Background Intelligent Transfer Service or BITS is a part of the Windows Update service that manages the background download of Windows Update, as well as scans for new updates and so on. Thus, if your Windows Update fails a couple of times, you might want to restart BITS. For you to do that, make sure that you have admin privileges.
  • Press the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “msc” in the field and hit Enter to open Services.
  • After opening Services, look for the Background Intelligent Transfer Service from the list of services and then double click on it to open Properties.
  • Next, set the Startup type to Manual and click on the Start button. If it doesn’t help, you can try setting it to Automatic (Delayed) and then reboot your PC.

Option 5 – Run the DISM tool

Running the DISM Tool helps in repairing the Windows System Image as well as the Windows Component Store in Windows 10. Using this built-in tool, you have various options such as the “/ScanHealth”, “/CheckHealth”, and “/RestoreHealth”.
  • Open the Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • Then type in the following commands and make sure to hit Enter right after you type each one of them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • Do not close the window if the process takes a while as it will probably take a few minutes to finish.

Option 6 – Delete the files from the Software Distribution folder

The downloaded Windows Updates are placed in a folder called “SoftwareDistribution”. The files downloaded in this folder are automatically deleted once the installation is completed. However, if the files are not clean up or if the installation is still pending, you can delete all the files in this folder after you pause the Windows Update service. For complete instructions, refer to the steps below.
  • Open the WinX Menu.
  • From there, open Command Prompt as admin.
  • Then type in the following command – don’t forget to hit Enter right after typing each one of them.
net stop wuauserv net start cryptSvc net start bits net start msiserver
  • After entering these commands, it will stop the Windows Update Service, Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), Cryptographic, and the MSI Installer
  • Next, go to the C:/Windows/SoftwareDistribution folder and get rid of all the folders and files thereby tapping the Ctrl + A keys to select them all and then click on Delete. Note that if the files are in use, you won’t be able to delete them.

Option 7 – Reset the Catroot2 folder

After resetting the SoftwareDistribution folder, you need to reset the Catroot2 folder to restart the services you just stopped. To do that, follow these steps:
  • Type each one of the following commands.
net start wuauserv net start cryptSvc net start bits net start msiserver
  • After that, exit Command Prompt and restart your computer, and then try to run Windows Update once more.
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MS Mariner, new OS for servers based on Linux
mariner installerWell if anyone told me just a few years ago that I will see the day when Microsoft releases a new OS based on Linux I would be very amused, but that day has come. Mariner is the newest OS out of nowhere. Microsoft’s new Linux Distro, dubbed Common Base Linux (CBL)-Mariner, isn’t the type of distro you’d want to install directly on any old machine. It’s primarily meant for cloud infrastructure and edge products. Specifically Microsoft’s Cloud and Edge products. But if you are curious, it’s possible to run. Juan Manuel Rey, a Microsoft Senior Program Manager for Azure VMware, recently published a guide to ISO CBL-Mariner image. With that, you can easily get it up and running. And you can build CBL-Mariner on an Ubuntu 18.04 desktop. So you can try it out since it is free. You can get it from here: https://github.com/microsoft/CBL-Mariner It is obvious that Microsoft aims to set itself as a leader in enterprise server environments with this move and it is very likely that it may succeed or at least give a good shake to its competitors, mainly red hat and Suse which are two dominant distros in that field. Many believe that they can win over by providing regular updates and package delivery via their already established system and that feature could be a turning point for some. In any case, time will tell and we shall see.
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Intel to reveal roadmap during July 26 webcast
intel graphicsIntel announced that Pat Gelsinger (CEO) and Dr. Ann Kelleher  (technology Department head) will discuss Intel’s process and packaging innovations on an upcoming webcast that will happen on July 26th. The spokesman will talk and provide a deeper look at the process and packaging roadmaps for Intel. As we know Intel is planning to expand its production capabilities, outsource some of its technologies and offer foundry services to other chip design companies. The strategy will also include a shift to a 7nm process and Intel’s effort to set itself again as leader of CPU performance by 2024. There is also a chance that we will hear exact plans for Intel in the next three or four years. Intel didn't reveal much else about what Gelsinger and Kelleher plan to discuss during the webcast. The event will be streamed on July 26 at 2 pm PT via the Intel Newsroom; it will also be available to watch on-demand after the stream ends.
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How to Fix Registry Error Code 19

What is the Registry Error Code 19?

Code 19 is a Windows PC error code that indicates a damaged or corrupt registry. This code usually appears when trying to start a connected device, the DVD/ CD ROM drive. Code 19 is a type of Device Manager Error code. When you experience Code 19, the error message is displayed on your Windows screen in either of the following formats:

"Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. To fix this problem you should uninstall and then reinstall the hardware device. (Code 19)"

"Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. To fix this problem you can first try running a Troubleshooting Wizard. If that does not work, you should uninstall and then reinstall the hardware device. (Code 19)"

You might encounter other error messages such as error code 42.

Error Causes

Typically the underlying cause of this error code is problems in the registry. The error should be fixed timely without any delays before the damage sets in. Registry issues are critical PC errors. If not resolved it can lead to system freeze, crash, and failure. You are most likely to lose all your important data.

Further Information and Manual Repair

If you have come across this error on your computer, you don’t need to panic. Though this is a serious issue the good news is that it is easy to resolve. You don’t have to be a computer programmer, technically sound or hire a technician to fix the error on your system. Here are a couple of ways to work your way out of this problem:

1. Uninstall and then Reinstall the  DVD/CD ROM Drive

For this here’s what you need to do: simply click on the start menu, and type Device Manager in the search box, and press enter. When the device manager window opens locate the DVD/CD ROM drives. Click on the + sign to expand it. Now right click on the DVD drive click uninstall. After doing this, restart your PC. On the restart, Windows should automatically detect and reinstall the DVD driver. Once the driver installation is complete now see if the DVD drive works. If the error still appears, then you need to repair the registry by deleting the corrupt registry entries. You can download drivers automatically by using a tool such as Restoro.

2. Trouble Shooting Method to Delete the Corrupt Registry Entries

To remove the corrupt registry entries, go to Start and select Run. Type ‘Regedit and press enter to open the registry editor windows. To continue you may be asked to enter the administrator password, insert it to proceed. Now the registry window will be displayed. Here locate the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then navigate to the following sub registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlClass{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Here you will see the upper filters registry entry in the right pane. Right-click on the upper filter and select delete. You will be prompted for the confirmation for deletion. Click on the yes tab to confirm. Exit the editor and restart your computer. If you are not technically sound, this may be a little confusing for you, and besides it does not guarantee to resolve all the registry issues on your PC so chances are that Code 19 error may reappear in a short time. To resolve registry issues for the longest time and ensure that errors like Code 19 don’t pop up every now and then, you need to perform proper and in-depth registry cleaning. For this, it is advisable to download Restoro.
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How to Fix ACPI.sys Blue Screen Error
If, while using your computer, you encounter the ACPI.sys Blue Screen error, read on as this post will guide you in fixing the problem. The ACPI.sys file is a Windows operating system file that is related to the MSDN 2939. ACPI.sys, the Windows ACPI driver, is an inbox component of the Windows operating system. It is the one that supports the power management as well as the Plug and Play or PnP device enumeration. And so if this file ends up getting corrupted, it is known to cause a Blue Screen error. Another possible cause for the ACPI.sys Blue Screen error includes RAM issues, incompatible firmware, hard disk issues, corrupted drivers or malware infection, and so on. Here are some Blue Screen errors that can be triggered by the ACPI.sys file:
To fix the Blue Screen error associated with the ACPI.sys file, refer to the instructions provided below.

Option 1 – Try to recreate the ACPI.sys file

If the first option didn’t work, the next thing you can do is to recreate the ACPI.sys file. Every time your Windows 10 PC boots up, it looks for all the system drivers in place and if it is unable to find them, it tries to create them. This is why if you remove your corrupt driver file, chances are, you might get a fixed file recreated just for you. How? Refer to the steps below.
  • Boot your Windows 10 PC in Safe Mode.
  • Then open File Explorer and navigate to this location: C:/Windows/System32/drivers
  • From there, look for the file named ACPI.sys and rename it to ACPI.old.
Note: As you can see, the file’s extension has changed from .sys to .old.
  • Now restart your computer and check if the ACPI.sys Blue Screen error is now fixed.

Option 2 – Try to update or rollback the ACPI Driver

The first thing you can try to fix the Storport.sys Blue Screen error is to either update or roll back the device drivers. It is most likely that after you updated your Windows computer that your driver also needs a refresh. On the other hand, if you have just updated your device drivers then you need to roll back the drivers to their previous versions. Whichever applies to you, refer to the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + X keys to open the Win X menu and from there, select the Device Manager.
  • After opening the Device Manager, look for the ACPI.sys driver and right-click on it, and then select Properties.
  • Next, go to the Driver section. Note that the rollback option would only be available if you’ve recently updated the ACPI.sys driver. So if you can’t see it then click on the Update Driver button.
  • After that, Windows will automatically check for the problems that could be related to the Blue Screen error.
  • Finally, restart your computer. It will just reinstall the device drivers automatically.
Note: You can also directly download the relevant drivers of your computer from the manufacturers’ website. So if you have an SSD, the issue might be due to an old storage driver. On the other hand, if updating the ACPI driver, didn’t work, you can also try to copy the ACPI.sys system driver file from the System32 folder of another computer that’s functioning properly and runs the same Windows OS version. Afterward, place it on your problematic computer and check if it fixes the BSOD error or not.

Option 3 – Run System File Checker or SFC scan

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files with good system files. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
 Reboot your PC.

Option 4 – Run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter

Troubleshooting Blue Screen of Death errors wouldn’t be complete without the Blue Screen troubleshooter. As you know, it is a built-in tool in Windows 10 that helps users in fixing BSOD errors like ACPI.sys. It can be found on the Settings Troubleshooters page. To use it, refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open the Settings panel.
  • Then go to Update & Security > Troubleshoot.
  • From there, look for the option called “Blue Screen” on your right-hand side and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button to run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter and then follow the next on-screen options. Note that you might have to boot your PC into Safe Mode.

Option 5 – Run System Restore

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.
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Disabling the Recently Opened Files in Windows
The Windows 10 operating system comes with a user-friendly interface as well as better security features compared to its previous versions. One of these new features is the “Recently Opened Files” feature which displays all the files you’ve opened recently in File Explorer. Although it might seem useful, some users see this as a privacy concern especially if there are other users that use the same computer. If you are one of these users, read on as this post will guide you on how you can disable the “Recently Opened Files” feature in Windows 10. There are three ways you can disable the “Recently Opened Files” feature. You can manually clear the recent files, or disable the feature via Control Panel. You can also do it using the Group Policy Editor.

Option 1 – Manually clear the recent files

The first thing you can do is to clear the recent files manually. Since the information about the recently opened files is stored in the form of cached data, you can locate this data and delete it manually, from time to time. To do that, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run utility and copy this address in the field: %AppData%MicrosoftWindowsRecent
  • Next, tap the Ctrl + A keys to select all the items and then tap the Shift + Delete keys simultaneously.
  • After that, a prompt will appear where you have to click on Yes. This will delete all the recently opened files in the File Explorer the next time you open it.

Option 2 – Disable the feature via Control Panel

The next option you can try to disable the feature is via Control Panel. Refer to these steps to do so:
  • First, click on the Start Menu button and select the Settings icon.
  • After that, click on Personalization and then on Start located on the left pane.
  • Next, scroll down until you see the “Show recently opened items” in Jump Lists on the Start or the Taskbar and click on it and then toggle it off.

Option 3 – Disable the feature using the Group Policy Editor

If you are using the Windows 10 Pro version, then you have access to edit the functions in the Group Policy. The Group Policy function has the option that can disable all the default services of Windows 10. Note that in this step, you will permanently disable the “Recently Opened Files” feature. So before you proceed, make sure that you really want to disable this feature permanently and not in the meantime.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and type “gpedit.msc” in the field and click OK or tap Enter to open the Group Policy Editor.
  • Next, on the left side pane, click on the “User Configuration” option and then click the “Administrative Templates” option.
  • After that, select the “Start Menu and Taskbar” option and select the “Don’t keep the history of recently opened documents” option in the right pane.
  • Now double click on this option and check the “Enabled” option and then click on Apply and OK buttons to save the changes made.
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Windows Defender error code 0x80073afc
If you receive an error code of “0x80073afc” in Windows Defender after you boot your Windows 10 computer or when you try to manually run Windows Defender, then it could be that the Windows Defender files are corrupted. In such cases, this error could also occur if there is third-party security software that interferes with the smooth functioning of this Microsoft Security Client. If you are one of the users who are currently facing this issue, then here are some suggestions you can check out to resolve the Windows Defender error code 0x80073afc.

Option 1 – Try to check the status of all the Windows Defender-related services

  • In the Cortana search box, type “services” and click on the Services icon to open the Services Manager. Alternatively, you can also tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run prompt and then type “msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Services Manager
  • After opening the Services Manager, look for the following services and make sure that their Startup type is set to their default values:
    • Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection Service – Manual
    • Windows Defender Antivirus Network Inspection Service – Manual
    • Windows Defender Antivirus Service – Manual
    • Windows Defender Firewall Service – Automatic
  • You can right-click on each one of the listed services and then select Start to start them.
  • And if some of the services don’t have their default values, just double-click on the Services to change the Startup types and select the correct option from the drop-down menu of the Startup type under the Properties box.
  • Next, set up the Startup type of these services to Automatic and then click on the Start button if the services are not running yet.
  • Now click on the Apply and OK buttons to save the changes made and then see if it fixed the problem or not.

Option 2 – Try to re-register the concerned DLL files

You could also try to re-register some Dynamic Link Library or DLL files on your computer as this could also help in fixing the Windows Defender error.
  • In the Start search, type “cmd” and from the search results that appear, right-click on Command Prompt and select the “Run as administrator” option from the context menu.
  • After opening Command Prompt as admin, type the following commands one after the other:
    • regsvr32 dll
    • regsvr32 dll
    • regsvr32 dll
    • regsvr32 dll
  • Once you’ve entered the commands given above, it will re-register the concerned DLL files in your system.
  • Now restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Option 3 – Try to use the Registry Editor

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box,
  • Then type “Regedit” in the field and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Afterward, navigate to this registry path: ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution Options
  • Next, look for the DWORDs named “MSASCui.exe”, “MpCmdRun.exe”, “MpUXSrv.exe” and “msconfig.exe”.
  • If you can’t find these DWORDs, refer to the next given option below.
  • Restart your computer.

Option 4 – Check the Environmental Values

  • Type “View advanced system settings” in the Windows search box and select the appropriate result.
  • This will open a new mini window. From there, go to the Advanced tab and click on the “Environment Variables…” button located at the bottom part of the window.
  • Next, look for the “%ProgramData%” variable name and make sure that its value is set to C:/ProgramData.
  • Then click OK to save the changes made.

Option 5 – Run the System File Checker Scan

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files to good system files. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
  • Restart your computer.

Option 6 – Perform a System Restore

Performing a System Restore on your computer can also help you fix the Windows Defender error. You can do this option either by booting into Safe Mode or in System Restore. If you are already in the Advanced Startup Options, just directly select System Restore and proceed with the next steps. And if you have just booted your PC into Safe Mode, refer to the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.
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Show more/less details when copying/moving
When we initiate the copy or move files command we get a dialog that shows us the progress of the current operation, under that bar we can click on the little arrow to expand the bar into so-called more details view where we get more information like which file is being copied, more detailed graph, etc. Windows will remember the last option we had and next time when we start the same process it will open the last view. But what if we want to only have one view always open as default, even if we change it? Let's say that we always want to have a detailed view opened always as our default even if we switch to a minimal one? Well with some tweaks in the registry of Windows we can. Note that this guide will require changing things in the registry of Windows itself, it is always smart and recommended to make a safe backup of your registry, just in case.


open notepad and paste the following code inside: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\OperationStatusManager] "EnthusiastMode"=dword:00000001 Go to File > Save as... and once the file save dialog opens choose at the bottom all files under file type. Save the file with extension .REG naming it whatever you want. Right-click on file and choose Merge, confirm with YES and you are done, now each time when you start copy or move operation details view will be open.


open notepad and paste the following code inside: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\OperationStatusManager] "EnthusiastMode"=dword:00000000 Go to File > Save as... and once the file save dialog opens choose at the bottom all files under file type. Save the file with extension .REG naming it whatever you want. Right-click on file and choose Merge, confirm with YES and you are done, now each time when you start copy or move operation minimal details view will be open.
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