
Fix Communication with service process failed

This post will guide you in fixing the “Communication with service process failed” error in Windows 10. This error is related to the Intel Driver and Support Assistant application. Although this error does not reportedly cause any loss of functionality in the computer, however, it still indicates that there is something wrong with some of your driver modules.

Intel has taken a bold step and combined its older modules into this new application (Intel Driver and Support Assistant) recently. This application enables users to scan their computers for any available updates from Intel. This is the main application of Intel and provides users a way to update their driver software automatically instead of manually updating it. However, with the recent reports submitted by some users, it seems that something is wrong with this application, and users to have to deal with the “Communication with service process failed” error. This error might be caused by several reasons, for one, it could be that the application is corrupted or incomplete in its nature which is possible since this is still a developing and newly released app. It could also be that there are other utilities or modules that conflict with the Intel software. Whichever the reason may be, you can try out the options given below to resolve the problem but before you proceed, make sure that you have an administrator account as well as an active and stable internet connection.

Option 1 – Disable DSATray in Startup

If you receive this error message every time you start your computer then this means that the application is not able to launch properly. Like pointed out, it could be that it is still incomplete in nature or it conflicts with other applications. Thus, you can try to disable the service from the startup and check if it fixes the problem.

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “taskmgr” in the field and hit Enter to open the Task Manager.
  • After that, go to the Startup tab and look for the Intel Driver and Support Assistant app.
  • Right-click on the app and select Disable.
  • Restart your PC and check if the error is now fixed or not

Option 2 – Reinstall the Intel Driver and Support Assistant

If the first option did not work, you can try reinstalling the Intel Driver and Support Assistant app. To do so, follow these steps:

  • In the search box, type in “control” and then click on Control Panel (desktop app) among the search results.
  • After that, select Programs and Features from the list which will give you a list of all the programs installed on your computer.
  • From there, look for Intel Driver and Support Assistant and select it and then uninstall it.
  • After you have the app uninstalled, open your browser and go to Intel’s official website. From there, download the driver utility manually.
  • Once the download is finished, right-click on it and select “Run as administrator” and install the app on your PC with elevated access.
  • Restart your PC and then check if the error is now fixed.

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Easy Remove PCPerformer From Windows

PC Performer is a registry cleaner made by PerformerSoft. The purpose of this program is to remove redundant items from the Windows registry. Registry cleaners remove broken links, missing references within the Windows registry. PC performer is designed to automatically optimize your registry and clean it up.

PC Performer adds registry entries for the current user that allow it to run automatically each time the system is rebooted. It adds a scheduled task to Windows Task Scheduler in order to run at various times. The software connects to the internet, therefore it creates a Windows Firewall exception that allows it to connect without interference. Multiple anti-virus programs detected this software as Malware, it typically comes bundled with other software or is distributed through a pay-per-install bundle.

About Potentially Unwanted Applications

People have encountered it – you download and install a piece of free software application, you then see some unwanted applications on your computer or discover a strange toolbar has been added to your browser. You didn’t install them, so how did they turn up? These unwanted programs, technically known as Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs), often come bundled along with other software and install themselves on user’s PC without their knowledge. They perhaps might not look like viruses to some individuals, but they can produce major annoyances and bring about serious trouble for users. The idea of PUP was coined to define this downloadable crapware as something other than malicious software. Much like malware, PUPs create problems when downloaded and placed on your computer, but what makes a PUP different is that you provide consent to download it – the fact is vastly different – the software installation bundle actually tricks you into agreeing to the installation. Still, there isn’t any doubt that PUPs are still bad news for computer users as they can be incredibly damaging to your computer in lots of ways.

What do PUPs look like?

The unwanted software programs after installation display loads of annoying pop-up adverts, create fake alerts, and quite often it even pushes the user to buy the software. Likewise, the majority of free software applications these days come with quite a few unwanted add-ons; in most cases a web browser toolbar or browser modification such as a homepage hijacker. Not only they needlessly use up space on your screen, but toolbars can also manipulate search engine results, watch your browsing activities, decrease your web browser’s performance, and decelerate your net connection to a crawl. PUPs employ aggressive distribution techniques to get in your computer. Some might include information gathering program code that could collect and send your private information back to third parties. Due to this unwanted program, your application may freeze, your security protections may get disabled that might leave the computer susceptible, your system may get ruined, and the list goes on and on.

Tips on how to prevent ‘crapware’

• Read cautiously before agreeing to the license agreement as it may have a clause about PUPs. • Usually, when setting up a program you will get two options, ‘Standard Installation (recommended)’ and ‘Custom Installation’. Don’t select ‘Standard’ as PUPs could be installed that way! • Use good anti-malware software. Try Safebytes Anti-Malware which will find PUPs and handle them as malware by flagging them for removal. • Be alert when you install freeware, open-source software, or shareware. Avoid downloading browser extensions and programs you are not familiar with. • Only download applications from the original providers’ sites. Avoid download portals as they use their own download manager to pack additional programs with the initial download.

What you can do if Virus Stops You From Downloading Or Installing Anything?

Malware could potentially cause several kinds of damage to computer systems, networks, and data. Certain malware goes to great lengths to stop you from installing anything on your PC, especially antivirus applications. If you’re reading this right now, you have perhaps recognized that a malware infection is a reason for your blocked web traffic. So what to do if you need to install an antivirus program like Safebytes? There are a few actions you can take to get around this problem.

Eliminate malware in Safe Mode

If the virus is set to load automatically when Microsoft Windows starts, getting into Safe Mode could very well block the attempt. Since just the bare minimum programs and services start-up in safe mode, there are hardly any reasons for issues to happen. The following are the steps you should follow to remove malware in Safemode. 1) At power on/start-up, hit the F8 key in 1-second intervals. This will bring up the Advanced Boot Options menu. 2) Select Safe Mode with Networking using arrow keys and hit ENTER. 3) Once you get into this mode, you should have an internet connection again. Now, obtain the malware removal application you need by using the browser. To install the software, follow the directions in the installation wizard. 4) After installation, do a complete scan and let the software delete the threats it detects.

Switch to an alternate browser

Web-based viruses can be environment-specific, targeting a particular web browser or attacking particular versions of the browser. The best solution to overcome this issue is to opt for a browser that is well known for its security features. Firefox contains built-in Phishing and Malware Protection to keep you safe online.

Install and run anti-virus from a USB drive

To successfully eliminate the malware, you will need to approach the issue of installing an anti-virus program on the infected PC from a different angle. Adopt these measures to employ a USB flash drive to fix your corrupted computer. 1) Use another virus-free computer to download Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Insert the pen drive into the clean computer. 3) Double-click the Setup icon of the antivirus program to run the Installation Wizard. 4) When asked, choose the location of the pen drive as the place where you would like to put the software files. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process. 5) Now, insert the pen drive into the infected computer. 6) Double-click the EXE file to open the Safebytes program right from the flash drive. 7) Click “Scan Now” to run a scan on the infected computer for malware.

Highlights of SafeBytes Anti-Malware

Do you want to install the best anti-malware software program for your computer system? There are various applications in the market that comes in paid and free versions for Microsoft Windows systems. A few of them are great and some are scamware applications that pretend as legit anti-malware software waiting around to wreak havoc on your computer. While looking for anti-malware software, select one which gives dependable, efficient, and full protection against all known computer viruses and malware. On the list of recommended software is SafeBytes Anti-Malware. SafeBytes carries a really good track record of top-quality service, and clients are happy with it. SafeBytes anti-malware is a highly effective and easy-to-use protection tool that is suitable for users of all levels of computer literacy. With its cutting-edge technology, this application will let you remove multiples types of malware which include viruses, worms, PUPs, trojans, ransomware, adware, and browser hijackers. SafeBytes anti-malware provides an array of advanced features which sets it apart from all others. Listed here are a few of the great ones: Anti-Malware Protection: Built on a highly acclaimed anti-virus engine, this malware removal tool is able to detect and remove many obstinate malware threats such as browser hijackers, potentially unwanted programs, and ransomware that other typical anti-virus programs will miss. Real-time Active Protection: SafeBytes offers an entirely hands-free real-time protection that is set to check, prevent and remove all threats at its first encounter. It’ll check your PC for suspicious activity continuously and shields your PC from unauthorized access. Faster Scan: SafeBytes’s virus scan engine is one of the quickest and most efficient in the industry. Its targeted scanning seriously increases the catch rate for malware that is embedded in various computer files. Safe Browsing: Safebytes assigns all sites a unique safety ranking that helps you to have an idea of whether the webpage you’re going to visit is safe to view or known to be a phishing site. Low CPU Usage: SafeBytes is renowned for its minimal influence on processing power and great detection rate of countless threats. It runs silently and efficiently in the background so you’re free to use your computer at full power all the time. 24/7 Customer Support: SafeBytes provides 24/7 technical support, automatic maintenance, and software upgrades for the best user experience.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to manually remove PCPerformer without the use of an automated tool, it may be possible to do so by removing the program from the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser extensions, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You will likely also want to reset your browser. To ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard drive and registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Please note that this is for advanced users only and may be difficult, with incorrect file removal causing additional PC errors. In addition, some malware is capable of replicating or preventing deletion. Doing this in Safe Mode is advised.

The following files, folders, and registry entries are created or modified by PCPerformer

Files: File at LOCALAPPDATAPCPerformerSetupPCPerformerSetup.exe. File at PROGRAMFILESPC PerformerPCPerformer.exe. File at PROGRAMFILESPC PerformerPSCheckUp.exe. File at PROGRAMFILESPC PerformerRegistryDefrag.exe. File at WINDIRTasksPC Performer Daily Check.job. File at WINDIRTasksPC Performer Scheduled Scan.job. Registry: Key PC Performer at HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePerformerSoft. Key PC Performer at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPerformerSoft. Key PCPerformer_is1 at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall.
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Where can you get computer viruses & malware
From their infant stages to modern days, computer viruses were always kind of here. From simple ones that were annoying with playing speaker sounds and throwing messages on screen to more malicious ones capable of deleting and encrypting files. In today's modern world it is very important to protect yourself, modern viruses are not a joke anymore and they are aimed to create serious damage to computer systems. Where can you get computer viruses & malwareThey can encrypt files in order to make you pay for a decrypter, they can straight up delete files or even cause some hardware damage. Like mentioned before protecting yourself is important, but protecting does not mean only having antivirus software installed, information, where are common places in which they lurk and could be picked up, is also very important. That is why we are exploring in this article the most common place where you can pick viruses or other malware.

Downloading Programs

Programs that contain the downloadable files are the commonest source of malware such as freeware, worms, and other executable files. Whether you download an image editing software, a music file, or an e-book, it is important to ensure the reliability of the source of the media. Unknown, new, or less popular sources should be avoided.

Pirated or Cracked Software

Are you aware of software cracking? Well, every time you open cracked software, your antivirus software might flag it as malware as the cracks consist of malicious scripts. Always say “No” to cracks as they can inject malicious script into your PC.

Email Attachments

Anyone can send you an email attachment whether you know them or not. Clicking on unknown links or attachments can harm your device. Think twice before clicking anything and make sure that file type is not ‘.exe’.


One of the easiest ways to get a virus on your device is through the Internet. Make sure to check the URL before accessing any website. For a secured URL always look for ‘HTTPS in it. For example, when you click videos published on social media websites, they may require you to install a particular type of plug-in to watch that video. But in reality, these plug-ins might be malicious software that can steal your sensitive information.

Booting Data from Unknown CDs

Malicious software can get into your device through an unknown CD. A good practice to be safe from malicious infection is to remove CD when your device is not working at all. Your system could reboot the CD if it is not removed before switching off the computer.


Bluetooth transfers can also infect your system, so it is crucial to know what type of media file is being sent to your computer whenever a transfer takes place. An effective armor would be to allow Bluetooth connectivity with only known devices and activate it only when required.

Unpatched Software

Often overlooked, unpatched software is also a leading source of virus infection. Security holes in software are exploited by attackers and are unknown to software makers until the attackers release them in the form of zero-day attacks. It is therefore recommended to install software updates as soon as they are available on your PC.
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A Quick Guide to Fixing Error Code 10

Error Code 10 - What is it?

Error code 10 is a type of Window Device Manager error code. This error code is generated when the Device Manager can’t start the hardware device or is experiencing device driver issues. It is displayed in the following format:

"This device cannot start. (Code 10)"

You can access complete details about error codes related to Device Manager such as code 10 through the Device Status area in the Device Properties.

By accessing Device Status, you can easily view the status of each device and learn about the specific device that could be causing the problem.


driverfix boxError Causes

Error code 10 can be triggered due to several reasons. These include:

  • Outdated drivers
  • Corrupted drivers
  • Incompatible drivers
  • Device configuration issues
  • Hardware compatibility problems

Device driver corruption can cause you great inconvenience and PC performance issues. The computer’s operating system relies heavily on device drivers to communicate with the hardware.

For example, the printer driver facilitates functioning of the printer. Similarly, the graphic card driver ensures proper video output on the monitor screen.

However, your PC hardware, such as printer or keyboard, may stop functioning properly if their device drivers become outdated or corrupt. Therefore to avoid inconvenience and to ensure your PC works properly, it is important to resolve the problem immediately without any delay.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To repair error code 10, you don’t have to be a technical whiz or hire a professional computer programmer. Here are some of the best and easy to perform DIY methods that can help you fix this device error in no time.

Method 1 - Reboot Your PC

Sometimes temporary problems in Device Manager can also generate code 10 error. Therefore it is advisable to restart your PC. Rebooting your system might fix the error. Try it! If it does, great, however, if the error still persists, then try other methods listed below.

Method 2 - Reinstall Drivers

Go through the Device Status in the Device Properties to view the driver causing the problem. If any driver is tagged with a yellow exclamation point, it means that driver is the one causing problems. Once identified, uninstall that driver and then reinstall it. This will hopefully resolve the problem.

Method 3 - Update the Device Driver

Whether the error code 10 is generated due to incompatible, corrupted, or outdated device drivers, simply update the device driver to resolve. To update the driver, go to the Device Manager, then click the driver tab in the device properties dialog box.

After that, click update driver. This will start the hardware update wizard. Then follow the instructions to update the driver on your PC. During this process, you may be prompted to provide the driver path.

If you don’t have it, then you will have to download the latest driver from the hardware vendor’s official website. This can be time-consuming and stressful.

Method 4 - Install DriverFIX

Another alternative is to install DriverFIX.  It is a user-friendly device driver management software with an intuitive interface.

Its intelligent algorithm is designed to detect all the problematic drivers in seconds. It automatically updates and accurately installs appropriate drivers and ensures your PC runs at its optimum level in no time.

Click here to download DriverFIX on your system to resolve error code 10.

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Windows 10 exploit using App installer
Scammers have decided to target Windows’s 10 App installer process in order to infect your computer and steal your data. windows 10 mail exploitAs in most usual online scams, everything starts with a strange email containing threats and other poorly written and composed speech. At the end of the given email, there would be a link claiming that you, of course, need to read it and follow instructions about the threat, if you click the link it will open a web page where you will have an innocent-looking PDF file with more information about the threat itself. If you click on a seemingly innocent PDF file it will summon Windows 10's AppInstaller.exe tool, kickstarting a download-and-run process that'll put you in a bad place very quickly. From there, you'll have to deal with the dangers of malware BazarBackdoor, including data and credential theft. This kind of scam is nothing new but the interesting thing here is that it uses App installer and by clicking on a link you are opening and giving permission for a malicious crook to use it. So, stay safe and do not click on any links from unknown emails no matter what.
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How to Fix Error Code 0x803f7001 in Windows

Error Code 0x803f7001 – What is it?

Error code 0x803f7001 results when users fail to update their Windows operating system. This often occurs when they seek to update from Windows 8 or 8.1 to Windows 10. Users will be able to identify error code 0x803f7001 because of the following common symptoms which occur:

  • Inability to upgrade your Windows operating system to Windows 10
  • Message box with error code 0x803f7001


Restoro box imageError Causes

The causes for error code 0x803f7001 are usually associated with the use of an unlicensed version of Windows 8 when upgrading to Windows 10. In such cases, the error code occurs when there is no valid Windows license or product key on your device.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To fix error code 0x803f7001, users may not necessarily need technical knowledge or the help of a Windows repair technician. Usually, the process is simple and can be resolved with the use of a valid product key. However, if users have trouble implementing the instructions found in the manual repair methods listed below, contact a Windows repair specialist for help or use an automated tool that provides the best solutions for problems like error code 0x803f7001.

Method One: Use a Valid Product Key

A product key is a 25-character code that enables users to activate their Windows operating system. To successfully activate your operating system and resolve error code 0x803f7001, enter the product key in the correct order. Once you have a valid product key in your possession, begin to resolve the error code by following the instructions below:

  • Step one: Click the Start button then select Settings
  • Step two: Select Update & security then Activation
  • Step three: Click the Change product key
  • Step four: Type in your valid product key. (Ensure you include the 25 characters of your product key in the correct order.)

Once you type in the valid product key, you should be able to successfully upgrade to the latest version of Windows. However, this method is only effective if the error code 0x803f7001 on your device is caused by issues related to the product key.

If the error code reappears after attempting manual repair method one, move to the next manual method suggested below.

Method Two: Reinstall Genuine Version of Windows 8

This method is crucial for you to perform if method one was not successful. Begin the reinstallation process by ensuring you have a genuine version of Windows 8. After reinstalling this version of your Windows operating system, attempt to upgrade to Windows 10 by following the instructions below:

  • Step one: Type Settings in the search box near the Start button or click the Start button and select Settings
  • Step two: After clicking Settings, select Update & Security
  • Step three: Select Windows Update then the Check for updates tab
  • Step four: Activate Windows 10 update

If this method is successful, you will no longer see error code 0x803f7001 pop up in a message box. You will also be able to access Windows 10, and all the benefits it provides users, on your device.

Method Three: Install an Automated Tool

Automated tools help PC users eliminate common issues such as Windows error codes. To address or rectify error codes like error code 0x803f7001 download a powerful automated tool on your machine. This tool enables users to access quick solutions. It also scans for and corrects issues that may result in error codes or poor PC performance.

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Resume an Interrupted Download in Chrome
Where all have been there, we are downloading something and for any kind of reason chrome closes, internet breaks, etc. And our download is interrupted and gone forever, and we need to start again. You will be glad to hear that chrome has side a download manager which tracks each download you made and you can use this manager to resume interrupted downloads. Please note that some websites have certain scripts that will prevent you to resume interrupted downloads, in this case, using chrome's download manager will not work and you will have to start the download again. All of this being said, if your download has been interrupted, and went away, pin Chrome press CTRL + J to open download manager, find your interrupted download, and press the resume button. That's it, you have successfully resumed your download.
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How to Fix Windows 10 Error Code 0xc004c008

Error Code 0xc004c008 - What is it?

This specific Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 error code has to do with the number of times you can use your license number to install windows programs on computers. All windows activation codes are licensed to be used one time for a device, to control piracy, but what happens when your PC crashes, or you have to change a hard drive component and are forced to re-install Windows Operating System. Luckily, there is an easy fix for this issue.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Basically, when you need to re-install the Windows operating system that you have previously bought and installed on another computer an error code will be displayed with a message telling you that the activation server determined that the specific key could not be used for activation. This occurs because the key has already been used on that computer, or a different one, to install operating systems. There are a few easy fixes for this issue, and most of them should be easily completed on your own.

Further Information and Manual Repair

There aren’t many explanatory ways to repair Error Code 0xc004c008. Below are two methods to go about addressing this issue.

Methods 1:

  1. The first step is to open the “Run” Window. You can do this in two ways. First, press the “Window” key and press the “R” key simultaneously. This will open the “Run” menu. Or you can start the “run” window by going to the Start menu and selecting Run.
  2. In the Run window type “SLUI 4” and click enter.
  3. A Phone Activation window will open up, after which you'll need to select a few options.
  4. First chose the country in which you registered the product for the first time.
  5. Choose your country and a phone number will be displayed specific to your choice. You will now need to call the number provided.
  6. After you’ve dialed you will be prompted to write your “Installation ID”. Type your “Installation ID” on the phone.
  7. After that step, you will be asked how many copies of Windows have been installed using this license. Choose “1”, should anything else be chosen but “1”, this will not work.
  8. After the process is completed, you will be given a confirmation ID and should be able to proceed as normal with installation. You will have a workable product key again.
  9. Install whatever copy of the Windows Operating System you are attempting to with the new product key.

Method 2:

If the first method did not work, the only other option is to call Microsoft and walk through the process with a technician. To do this, dial “1-800-936-5700”. Explain the error that you received and the steps in the update process during which it was displayed. The technician will be able to walk through the steps from getting a new product key to finishing the installation.

If you're not a tech-savvy individual but would like to solve this problem without the aid of a technician, download a powerful automated tool to fix error code 0xc004c008.

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Fix Error 0x8004230F when creating Restore
Creating a System Restore point is definitely a must especially when you are about to make some changes to your computer. This will help make sure that the system settings and files can go back to an earlier point, should something go wrong, without affecting any personal files. However, there are cases when creating a System Restore Point does not go smoothly and you encounter an error that says, “The shadow copy provider had an unexpected error while trying to process the specified operation ( ox8004230F )”. Aside from creating System Restore Point, you can also encounter this error when you create a system image or backup. According to reports, this error pops up when the required services are not running or not properly responding. And to fix it, there are several recommendations that will be provided in this post to fix the Error 0x8004230F when creating System Restore point in Windows 10. You can try to check the Volume Shadow Copy Services status or run the VSSADMIN tool. You could also check the status of the Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider Service or create System Restore Point in a Clean Boot State. For more details, refer to the provided options below.

Option 1 – Try checking the status of the Volume Shadow Copy Service

  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run utility and type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Windows Services Manager.
  • From the list of services, look for the Volume Shadow Copy service and double-click on it.
  • After that, this will open the Properties where you have to make sure that the Startup type is set to Automatic (Delayed Start) and then click on the Start button underneath it.
  • Once done, click on Apply and then OK to save the changes made.
  • Now try creating a System Restore Point again and see if the error is already fixed or not.

Option 2 – Try to run the VSSADMIN tool

In case you don’t know, the shadow copy provider is sensitive and some other backup, disk cloning, etc. can make it malfunction. To fix this, you can run the VSSADMIN tool by following these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and type “cmd” and hit Enter to open Command Prompt.
  • Next, execute this command to check if you have other third party VSS admin providers: vssadmin list providers
  • After that, if it finds any, you need to disable them but if it does not find anything, then proceed.

Option 3 – Try to check the Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider Service status

  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run utility and type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Windows Services Manager.
  • From the list of services, look for the Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider Service and double click on it.
  • After that, this will open the Properties where you have to make sure that the Startup type is set to Automatic (Delayed Start).
  • Once done, click Apply and OK to save the changes and then try creating System Restore Point again.

Option 4 – Troubleshot the problem in a Clean Boot State

It is possible that some third-party program installed in your computer might be the one that’s causing the ox8004230F when you try to create a System Restore point. Thus, you can try to boot your computer in a Clean Boot State and then try to perform the task again.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And to configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • Once your computer has restarted try to create a System Restore Point again and if it now works, start to isolate the problem by checking which one of the programs you installed recently is the root cause of the problem.
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Proven Solutions For Error Code 0x80131700

Error Code 0x80131700 - What is it?

0x80131700 is a Windows 7 error that occurs when there is a problem with the Troubleshooting Wizard. The wizard fails to function and with an error message displaying the following message on the computer screen:

‘An unexpected error has occurred’- The troubleshooting wizard can’t continue

Error code: 0x80131700'

Windows 7 features Troubleshooting Wizard, an automated tool that helps users resolve several PC-related problems such as accessing shared files or internet connectivity to name a few.

Error Causes

The error code 0x80131700 largely occurs because of two reasons:
  • The .NET framework is not properly installed on your system
  • Mis-configured System Files and Registry Issues

Further Information and Manual Repair

0x80131700 Windows error is rated easy to fix error code. Thus, repairing this error code is not difficult. It is so easy to fix that you don’t need any technical expertise or professional help for that matter. To begin with, there are 2 methods to resolve the 0x80131700 error code. Let’s take a look at the solutions:

Cause: The .NET framework not properly installed on your system

Solution: If the underlying cause for the error code 0x80131700 is the improper installation of .NET framework on your PC, then the best and easy way to resolve this error is to reinstall it. By default, the built-in version of the .NET framework in Windows is 3.5.1 to reinstall this again on your system follow the steps given below:
  1. Go to the Start menu and type: features in the search box
  2. Now Choose the option ‘Turn Windows Features on or off’ and then press Enter
  3. After this, look for Microsoft .NET framework 3.5.1 and uncheck the box
  4. Once you uncheck it, restart your computer
  5. Repeat the step 1 and 2
  6. Now check the box before .NET framework 3.5.1
  7. Restart your system
  8. Now try using the Troubleshooting Wizard.

Cause: Mis-configured System Files and Registry Issues

Solution: If the error code 0x80131700 triggered due to misconfigured files and registry issues, then the easiest way to fix this error on your system is to download Restoro
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Best Browsers in 2021 with browser description
In today's digital life, when we access the internet daily, browsers are essential almost as our operating system, after all, we do access all of the internet data via them, and having a good, reliable, and personal browser tailored for our needs can make all the difference in the world. In today's article, we will introduce you to the five greatest browsers of today, we will point their advantages and disadvantages and why should you pick one or another. As with each piece of software, there is not an ultimate browser, better than anything else and we will not favor anyone on this list, the decision which you should use is solely up to you, we are here to provide you with an objective opinion on each one. All of this being said, let's begin with the countdown in no particular order.
  1. Mozilla firefox.

    firefox browser If you consider yourself a power user or you value your privacy then firefox is the browser for you. It is open source and is packed with great features like reporting when your email has been used for a known data breach, it stops annoying pop-up notifications, stops browser fingerprinting, and many more. Firefox is also a cross-platform browser making it a great choice if you want to transfer and use your data across multiple devices with one account. The downside of firefox however is its speed, this browser is the slowest on this list, I guess features and advantages took their tool in the speed department, but if that is not a concern for you and you feel like the positives outweigh some slower speed, grab it here.
  2. Google Chrome

    chrome browser Chrome browser has been a game-changer when it was released and even today some of its features are still great and needed. It is packed with some great features like tab freezing, for example, it is cross-platform meaning that also as firefox you can change data between browsers on different devices. it is a very expandable browser with tons of extensions and its speed performance is very very good. The downside of Chrome are two things sadly, one of them is its hunger for RAM, the browser takes a big chunk of RAM once it is active and on some older computer with limited RAM it performs slowly, another is telemetry which its sending, in other words, other browsers don’t come with the lingering fear that Google’s just a little bit too involved in all of our lives. But if downsides do not trouble you and you have a decent amount of RAM in your system chrome might be the best solution for you, grab it here and check it out.
  3. Microsoft Edge

    edge browser Or should I say Microsoft edge 2.0 since this new Edge is completely recoded and rethought, a completely new browser based on chromium. The first version of the edge was an inhouse attempt from Microsoft and it was a disaster, I guess the lesson was learned, and this new edge we have today is a great Browser, it is lightning fast and packed with some great features with one among them standing out I just love, that is the ability to save web pages as applications and truth to be told you have to try this in order to see al great advantages it offers. A very interesting feature is that edge itself wins the speed race from all of the 5 contestants here which is a great surprise. Of course, the downside of annoying Microsoft pushing it to be your default is, well it's Microsoft, as chrome is tied to Google so is edge tied to Microsoft, and the same dreaded feeling that big MS is watching you. If however, you do not concern yourself with these kinds of things, since it is already part of Windows 10, give it a spin and try it, I am sure you will at least love its blazing speed.
  4. Vivaldi

    vivaldi browser A new kid on the block, relatively unknown Browser Vivaldi offers some great customizable features no other one on this list offers, a very unique and down to each detail customization option, you can literally tweak each and every aspect of this browser making it best customizable and personal browser ever. How it is also based o chromium, every chrome extension works in it naturally. It is very good in speed and constantly updated and developed. The downside, well if you are anything like me, you could spend ages trying to customize it, ages, it has tons of features, and making it really feel and tick as you want can consume a really lot of time. If this thing does not bother you at all, grab Vivaldi here.
  5. Opera

    opera browser Last but not least, we have another relic of the old browser age, the Opera browser. Packed with great security and great in-house features like a built-in VPN, built-in ad blocker, built-in crypto wallet, etc this browser seems like a swiss army knife. Opera is full of features and it shows once you start using it. The downside of opera is that its look and feel are specifically tailored to a certain type of user and not everyone will find that appealing or attractive, add some great but hidden and hard to come by features and it may go unnoticed. However, I think you should really give it a go since it definitely deserves more attention than it gets. Grab it here and check it out.
That's it, 5 great browsers to look up, I hope that you have enjoyed the read and I hope to see you again here for more articles. If you would like to read more helpful articles and tips about various software and hardware visit errortools.com daily.
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