
VirtualBox FATAL:No bootable medium found!

If you continuously encountered the “VirtualBox FATAL: No bootable medium found, System halted” error when you try to install Windows 10 in VirtualBox, read on as this post will give you some potential fixes to resolve the problem – you will be guided on how to choose the ISO image to fix this error in VirtualBox. This kind of error is a very common one especially if you have a corrupted ISO file or if you have not selected an ISO file for your virtual machine.

Like pointed out, this error pops up when you have a corrupted ISO file or if the ISO file is not attached to the virtual machine. You have to select the ISO file while you create the virtual hard disk, else, you will most likely face this problem, and to fix it, you need to download fresh Windows ISO, create a new IDE Controller, assign Windows ISO to the IDE Controller and then boot your virtual machine. For detailed steps, follow the instructions below but before you start, make sure that you have a valid and uncorrupted Windows ISO.

Step 1: First, you need to open the VirtualBox program on your computer and select the virtual machine.

Step 2: Next, click on the Settings button or you can also right-click on the virtual machine and select Settings from the context menu.

Step 3: Once you’re in the Settings panel, go to the Storage section and from there, create a Controller: IDE.

Step 4: To create a Controller: IDE, click the Add new storage controller icon and select the “Add IDE Controller” option.

Step 5: After that, click the Add optical drive icon and click on the Choose disk button. You will then see all the attached and non-attached ISO files. However, you have to add the new ISO file that you just downloaded.

Step 6: To add the new ISO file, click the Add button and select the ISO file and then select the .iso file from the Non Attached section.

Step 7: Now click the Choose button and afterward, make a checkmark in the Live CD/DVD checkbox and then select the IDE Primary Master from the drop-down menu of the Optical Drive.

Step 8: Once you’re done, save the changes made and try booting into your virtual machine again.

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How to always run the app in admin mode in W11
Each time you open an application inside your Windows 11 operating system, it is opened with standard privileges. Now, please note that your account privileges and application privileges are two different things, you might be the administrator of the system but when you open the app, it still opens with standard privilege. admin privilegesMost of the time running applications with typical settings is fine but from time to time we might have some applications that will require running with administrator privilege in order to work properly. In this case, it is very easy to do it, you just right-click and choose run as administrator. Although a very easy solution, it can be quite annoying if running the app is on a daily basis or even more times per day. If this is the case then right-clicking and choosing to run as administrator can be a daunting task, sometimes you can even forget to run it like this in heat of work and some unforeseen consequences might occur. Luckily there is an easy hack so you can open the chosen application each time as an administrator with a simple double click each time.

Setting application to run as administrator always

  1. Locate application executable file
  2. Right-click on in and choose properties
  3. Click on the Compatibility tab
  4. Check the box next to Run this Program as an Administrator
  5. Click on Apply
  6. Click on OK
From now on each time you open an application normally with a double click, it will be opened as administrator privileges.
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How To Fix the D3dx9_43.dll Error Code

D3dx9_43.dll – What is it?

D3dx9_43.dll is a type of dynamic link library. This is one of the many files contained in the DirectX software collection which is used to load and run most of the Windows PC based games and advanced graphics programs. D3dx9_43.dll error message is displayed when any one of the Microsoft games fails to load. The error message is displayed in either of the following formats:
“D3dx9_43.DLL Not Found" "The file d3dx9_43.dll is missing" "File d3dx9_43.dll not found" "D3dx9_43.dll not found. Reinstalling might help fix this."


Restoro box imageError Causes

D3dx9_43.dll error may occur due to multiple reasons. These include:
  • D3dx9_43.dll files get corrupt or damaged
  • Missing Microsoft DirectX file
  • Viruses and malware on your system
  • Driver issues
  • Registry overloaded with invalid entries
If the D3dx9_43.dll error is not fixed timely, it not only causes you a great deal of inconvenience as it hampers your ability to play Microsoft games but since the underlying causes of the error are critical, it can result in serious PC damages like system failure, system crash, and data loss. Therefore to avoid it, it is advisable to resolve the error code immediately.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Though this is a critical PC error but the good thing is that it is easy to resolve. To fix it, you don’t always have to pay hundreds of dollars to a professional technician or be technically sound. Here are some of the best ways to repair and resolve D3dx9_43.dll error on your system:

Check the Recycle Bin

If you get the error message "The file d3dx9_43.dll is missing" then the best method to resolve this error from your system is to check your recycle bin. The Microsoft Direct X file could be there especially if you recently uninstalled a gaming program. Here’s why: dll files are shared by multiple programs. So, it is possible that the program you deleted from your PC also shared the same file to load and run. And because of this reason, the file also got removed from your PC when you uninstalled that particular program. Therefore, check your recycle bin. If you find the d3dx9_43.dll in there, restore it and try running the desired Microsoft game again. See if it works.

Re-Download DirectX

Nonetheless, if you can’t relocate it, try installing the latest version of DirectX on your system. This can be done by downloading the DirectX End-User Runtimes Web Installer on your system from the official Microsoft website.

Update Your Drivers

If the error is related to video card driver, then it is advisable to update the driver. By updating the driver for your video card you can fix the D3dx9_43.dll error instantly.

Repair the Registry

Other reasons for the D3dx9_43.dll error could be corrupt and damaged dll files. It triggers registry issues and sometimes even malware infections. DLL files often get corrupt when the registry overloads with too many files these include mostly unnecessary and obsolete files like junk files, cookies, temporary internet history, invalid and bad registry entries. As the clutter and overload the registry, the important files like dynamic link libraries get damaged. Here cleaning and restoring of the registry is the best way to resolve the error pop-ups like D3dx9_43.dll. You can repair the registry manually however, it is time consuming and somewhat technical. But if you are looking for a simple and a quick fix, then download Restoro.

Try Restoro.

Restoro is a next-generation and multi-functional PC repair tool. It is embedded with a variety of PC fixing and performance-boosting utilities all in one. It includes a registry cleaner with an intuitive algorithm that detects all types of registry issues on your system and resolves them in seconds. It cleans the registry, restores the damaged D3dx9_43.dll files, and repairs the registry. Furthermore, Restoro also includes utilities like an antivirus, Active X controls and class detector. With the help of the in-built antivirus you can scan for viruses and malware infecting your system and remove them right away. It also functions as a system optimizer boosting the speed of your PC dramatically. It is safe, efficient, and compatible with all Windows versions. Click here to download Restoro, resolve the D3dx9_43.dll error, and resume enjoying Microsoft games on your PC.
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Steam beta introduces no rollback game updates
The latest steam beta update has introduced code that will prevent downloading and installing previous game versions via the steam client. steamFor many people that are playing online games, this is not such a big deal since they always must have the latest version in order to play their games but for other ones, this has arrived as a bit of a problem. Many people preferred older game versions since often updates can change certain mechanics inside the game making it different as an experience or introduce some elements that not everyone likes. So far, people could use the steamDB site to find depo of the game versions you would like to play and download it but if this beta code goes live that will not be an option anymore. Now, playing old games without updates could also be used for nostalgic reasons and these people have also been cut off with this update. It is important to point that update is still in beta client only but users have already started to voice their opinions asking Valve not to place it live. In the end, it will all depend on Valve’s decision will they listen to their customers or decide to push updates on live service.
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Outlook: We are unable to connect right now
If you are trying to start the Microsoft Outlook application on your Windows 10 computer but you suddenly receive a message box with an error message that says, “We are unable to connect right now, Please check your network and try again later”, read on as this post will guide you on how you can fix this error. This kind of error in Microsoft Outlook could be due to some issues with your internet connection or it could also be due to the VPN software if you’re using one. Whatever the cause is, there are several potential fixes you can check out to fix the error. You have to check your internet connection or try changing it. You could also try to disable your VPN software or restart your computer or Microsoft Outlook and try starting the app again. In addition, you can also try entering your password again or check some settings in the Windows Registry or open Microsoft Outlook in Safe Mode. Refer to the guidelines provided below to further troubleshoot the problem.

Option 1 – Try to check your internet connection

The first thing you can do to resolve the problem is to check your internet connection. You have to make sure that you are connected to the internet and that it has a stable connection.

Option 2 – Try to restart your computer or Microsoft Outlook and try again

The next thing you can do to fix the error is to restart your computer or Microsoft Outlook. This simple process can actually help you fix the problem as it could only be a glitch that can be fixed with a simple restart.

Option 3 – Try to enter your password again

You could also try entering your password again to resolve the error. Just click on the Cancel button to open a dialog box and then enter your password again and see if it helps. Note that you might have to do it for all your email IDs in Microsoft Outlook.

Option 4 – Try opening Microsoft Outlook in Safe Mode and disabling its add-ins

Putting Microsoft Outlook into Safe Mode can help you identify the problems in it. Safe Mode also helps you fix a certain issue caused by some corrupted add-in. To start your Microsoft Outlook in Safe Mode, refer to these steps:
  • Tap Win + R on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type in “Outlook /safe” and press Enter to run the command.
  • After that, it will ask you to select a profile that you want to use. Just simply select a profile from the drop-down menu and click on the OK button.
  • Now you have successfully opened Microsoft Outlook in Safe Mode. As a result, it will start with disabling the add-ins. Meaning to say, there is some corrupted add-in that’s causing the problem, and that you need to look for that add-in and either disable it or have it permanently removed.
  • Once you’ve identified the corrupted add-in, you can disable or remove it by going to File > Options > Add-ins. From there, select the option “COM Add-ins” from the drop-down menu and then click the Go button.
  • Finally, close Microsoft Outlook once you’ve covered the given steps above and then try to open it normally.

Option 5 – Try disabling the VPN

As pointed out earlier, if you are using VPN, this could be the reason why you’re getting the “We are unable to connect right now, Please check your network and try again later” error so the most obvious thing to do is for you to turn off the VPN and try to run the Windows Update once more. And if you use a VPN software that works using their software, you can just completely exit or log-off from its account. On the other hand, if you are using a built-in Windows 10 VPN, you can simply turn it off or delete all the settings you have created there.

Option 6 – Try to check the settings in the Registry

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run utility and type “Regedit” in the field and tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicesNlaSvcParametersInternet
  • From there, look for the DWORD named “EnableActiveProbing” and make sure that its value is set to “1”. When the value is set to 1, it means that it is Enabled. This is the default setting and is used to identify the status of the network connectivity of your computer.
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How to Fix Runtime Error 713
Runtime Error 713 is an error that occurs during the distribution of a Visual Basic application that includes a data report. The error is displayed on the screen when you try to open the data report from your desired application.

Error Causes

The reason why computer users often experience the Runtime Error 713 is that the data report run-time file also referred to as Msdbrptr.dll is not included in your setup package. Though this error does not pose any big threat to your computer, however, it is recommended to fix the error because the Runtime error 713 may hamper your ability to install and access new programs.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Don’t you panic if you see Runtime Error 713 message pop up on your PC? This error is rated easy to repair and can be fixed in a couple of minutes. There are two ways to fix Runtime Error 713. You can choose whichever 2 alternatives suit you best.
  • Method 1
First, open your project and include a reference to the data report file, the Msdbrptr.dll file. Locating this file is not difficult. It is listed as Microsoft Data Report Designer v6.0 in the reference dialog box. Sometimes you may see this file listed more than once. Now when this happens be sure to select the file that is associated with Msdbrptr.dll. After you select it, the reference will be verified. Once verification is complete, you are good to go. Now you can try rebuilding your setup package again.
  • Method 2
The second alternative is to add the Msdbrptr.dll file manually in PDW (the Package and Deployment Wizard). Simply add the file in the Included Files dialog box window and run the PDW. Now you are all set to rebuild your setup package. Whether you follow method 1 or 2 after you rebuild the setup package and the installation is complete, you will see the following files in the indicated folders:
  • <windows system>Msdbrptr.dll
  • <program files>Common Files\Designers\Msderun.dll
  • <windows system>Msstdfmt.dll
The presence of these files indicates successful installation and now you can easily try opening the data report. If you’ve noticed, all you have to do to fix Runtime Error 713 was to include the Msdbrptr.dll file. So, next time if you or your friends experience Runtime Error 713, you know exactly what to do and how to fix it.
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Android apps inside Windows 11
Android apps inside Windows 11The euphoria around Windows 11 is not dying and reveal that Android apps will work natively inside Windows 11 has raised many emotions and questions. So, Microsoft has announced that Android apps will run natively inside Windows 11 OS and that they will reside alongside your other installed ones as icons, etc. It is no secret that many users have been using emulation software to run Android apps inside Windows so far, so what is the difference?

It is still emulation

Whatever you would like to believe it is still emulation and Android apps are at the end of the day still Android apps running inside emulated environment. This time we will not need third-party emulation software running inside Windows, we will have third-party emulation services running inside Windows. Intel has teamed up with Microsoft in order to integrate Intel bridge algorithms in order to run Android apps, meaning that yea, pretty much we have emulation services running in order to run the application. The problem with this kind of approach is that well emulation software is running and consuming system resources only when we start it, this kind of service is always running and always consuming resources and for someone who really does not care about Android apps at all, this is just a waste of resources.

Android store

The store is another issue here, instead of the Google play store we will have the Amazon app store integrated inside the new Microsoft store. This means that any kind of for example game progress or login information from Google store cannot be transferred into Windows 11, add to that information that in the Amazon app store there are tons of missing applications like SLACK, TRELLO, BitWarden, etc and we might have a serious question here about the use of this feature.

Android apps that do not use Android services

If you even look past that it is still emulation and that it is available on the Amazon app store there is still concern about applications not using Google services for their running. Many Android apps are relying on Google services like location or optimize their use of on-device resources, handle in-app purchases, etc. that cannot be found on this system. Uber is a prime example that uses Google location service to determine your location and for its mapping data, with that application, is useless. Other like Guardian will even pop up message that says Google play service is required in order to even work.

Android apps without Eero system

Amazon Eero system for enhanced internet access is not even yet available in its own app store which brings us to missing some key players like Bank of America, Chase mobile, Bueller, etc. And across the board, the apps that are present in the Amazon Appstore are often as good as abandoned. Lots of titles are numerous versions behind their up-to-date Play Store counterparts, and plenty of programs you encounter in the Amazon environment clearly haven't been touched in years.


Many new Windows 11 features are quality features that I personally consider good but although this one seems innovative and good I simply cannot stand back it up. Android apps were already inside Windows with emulation software which used google services and was working just fine, this was not needed in my opinion.
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Fix Failed to play test tone Error in Windows
If you are testing your headphone or your speaker but all of a sudden encountered an error that says, “Failed to play test tone” in your Windows 10 computer, worry not for this post will walk you through how you can fix this problem. The test tone is used to check the right-left balance of the headphones and speakers in your computer, however, if you are not able to use it, there are several options you can check out. You can try to run the Playing Audio troubleshooter or restart the services that are related to Windows Audio. Aside from these, you could also disable Audio Enhancements or you could also change the default test tone rate and bit depth.

Option 1 – Try to run the Playing Audio Troubleshooter

Since the Windows 10 operating system has the Playing Audio Troubleshooter, you can use this troubleshooter to try and fix the problem with the “No Audio Output Device is installed” error. You can access this tool in the Control Panel or in the Taskbar Search and even on the Troubleshooters page of Windows 10. Run this troubleshooter and see if it can fix the issue or not.

Option 2 – Try to restart the Windows Audio-related services

The next thing you can do to fix the problem is to restart the services related to Windows Audio. Although the audio services start automatically on every system boot, there are times when they might fail to start. Thus, you can start these services manually by following these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run utility and type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Services Manager.
  • Then look for the services named “Windows Audio” and “Windows Audio Endpoint Builder”.
  • Double click on each one of these services and check if their Service Status is set to Running or not and also check if the Startup Type is set to Automatic.
  • If none of the services are running, just click on the Start button and select the Automatic option from the drop-down menu.
  • Now click on the Apply and OK buttons to save the changes made and then check if the error is fixed.

Option 3 – Try to update the Audio driver

You might also want to consider updating or the Audio driver as it could help in fixing the error.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and then type in devmgmt.msc and tap Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • Expand the section for the outdated device drivers.
  • And then select the outdated driver(s) and right-click on it/them.
  • From the drop-down menu, select the Update Driver option and follow the on-screen instructions to install the latest version of the driver.
  • Then also click on the option, “Search automatically for updated driver software.
  • Restart your PC after the installation.
Note: If updating or reinstalling the Audio driver didn’t work, you can go to the manufacturer’s website and look for the support section where you can download the drivers for your computer. You just need to take note of your PC’s correct model and model number so you can find the appropriate driver.

Option 4 – Try changing the default test tone rate and bit depth

Windows selects a default test tone rate and bit depth depending on your headphone or speaker. This allows you to look for the best sound quality from your audio output device. So if your headphone or speaker has some problems with the default settings, then it’s no wonder why you’re getting the “Failed to play test tone” error. To fix this, you can try to change the default test tone rate and bit depth by following the steps below.
  • First, you need to open the Windows Settings panel and then go to System > Sound.
  • Next, look for the Device properties option located on your right-hand side and click on it.
  • After that, select the Additional device properties option and go to the Advanced tab.
  • From there, select a different test tone rate and bit depth and then click on the Test button.
  • Once done, check if it was able to fix the problem or not.

Option 5 – Try disabling the Sound or Audio enhancements

To make your operating system’s specific hardware sound nothing but perfect, both Microsoft and third-party vendors have shipped audio enhancement packages which are usually referred to as “Audio Enhancements” in Windows 10. However, there are instances when instead of improving the sound or audio quality of your computer, it can cause problems so to fix the problem you need to turn off these audio enhancements. How? Simply follow the steps below.
  • Type in “Sound” in the taskbar search and then from the list of results, select “Sound Control Panel”.
  • After clicking Sound, the Sound properties box will pop up. From there, go to the Playback tab and right-click on the default device i.e. Speakers or Headphones then select Properties.
  • After that, the Speakers properties box will appear. From there, go to the Enhancements tab and select the checkbox for the “Disable all enhancements” option.
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How to Fix Error Code 0x8007041d on Your PC

Error Code 0x8007041d - What is It?

Error Code 0x8007041d is an error that arises during the Windows 10 Update process. In some cases, this error code can also arise during the Windows 10 Activation process. It is an error code that has been present in multiple versions of the software but usually arises when antivirus or registry issues interfere with the Windows Update or Activation software.

Common symptoms include:

  • Inability to download the needed Windows 10 updates
  • Inability to complete the Windows 10 Update process

If you are experiencing the Error Code 0x8007041d on your machine, there are several methods that you can use to attempt to resolve the problem. Several of the steps that are most successful for the resolution of this error require familiarity with registry and antivirus tools, so if you are unsure of your ability to complete these steps on your own, contact a qualified computer repair technician to assist you.


Restoro box imageError Causes

In most cases, Error Code 0x8007041d arises when there is a conflict between multiple antivirus or malware tools on the computer, if there is an issue in the Windows registry, or if your Windows Defender software is out of date. During the Windows Update process, the system checks to ensure that there are not any factors that are present that could introduce viruses to the system, so if there are any indicators that could present issues to the software, Error Code 0x8007041d will often arise.

Further Information and Manual Repair

For users who experience Error Code 0x8007041d, there are several steps that can be taken to resolve the issue. If the following methods are not successful for you or if you are unsure of your ability to undertake them on your own, contact a qualified Windows 10 computer technician.

Here are the best ways to attempt to fix Error Code 0x8007041d on your computer:

Method 1:  Remove Additional Security Software Apart from Windows Defender

In some cases, having multiple versions of malware or antivirus software installed on your computer can cause the Windows system to create conflicts between them, which can interfere with your ability to update. During the update process, the system may attempt to determine if there is any malware present, and having multiple kinds of antivirus software present on the same machine may return mixed results.

If you currently are running antivirus software that is separate from Windows Defender, consider removing it from your computer prior to running the update software. This may allow you to successfully complete your update process without conflict. Additional software can be reinstalled after the update is complete, but make sure to keep both sets of software up to date in order to lessen the chances of encountering this error code again during future updates.

Method 2:  Update Your Windows Defender Software

If you currently have Windows Defender as your primary antivirus software, check to see whether it is fully up to date. Out of date antivirus software can cause conflicts with the Windows Update process since the update to Windows 10 will not be able to be completed unless the system is free from viruses or malware.

If you are unsure of whether or not your Windows Defender is up to date, open it and run the process to check for updates, then re-attempt to run Windows Update. In some cases, you may want to restart your computer before running the Windows 10 Update process a second time.

Method 3:  Run the Registry Repair Tool

Another issue that could cause Error Code 0x8007041d is a problem in the system registry. If you believe that this may be the case, run the Windows Registry Repair Tool on your machine to check for and resolve any issues. This is a fairly simple and straightforward tool to use, but it can help you to resolve any number of problems that may interfere with your ability to update your Windows 10 software.

If you have taken the steps listed above, restart your computer before attempting to proceed with the Windows Update process. If the three methods listed above are not successful in completely resolving Error Code 0x8007041d on your machine or if you are not comfortable in your ability to implement these steps on your own, contact a qualified Windows repair technician who is familiar with the Windows Update process to assist you.

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.

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Fix Gah, Your tab just crashed in Firefox
If you notice that your tabs in your Firefox browser keep on crashing recently, then there might be something wrong with your browser. Every time any of your tabs crashes, you might encounter an error message saying, “Gah, Your tab just crashed”. If you encounter this kind of error message then it is most likely that your Firefox Profile is having some issues with the existing installation of Firefox. The “Gah, Your tab just crashed” error rarely happens but when it does, it can get quite annoying as you won’t get to browse the internet peacefully. So to fix it, here are some suggestions you could check out.

Option 1 – Try disabling multi-process tabs in Firefox

Since Mozilla has one process for Firefox itself, while one process handles all the tabs, you have the option to disable these multi-process tabs in Firefox. To do that, follow these steps:
  • In the address bar of Firefox, type “about: config” and hit Enter.
  • Next, look for the following configurations and set them to false.
    • tabs.remote.autostart = false
    • tabs.remote.autostart.2 = false
  • After that, double-click on the toggle switch between true and false.

Option 2 – Try checking your Add-ons

In this option, you need to start Firefox in Safe Mode and then check if the problem is fixed. If it is, you may have to check your Firefox add-ons as well as extensions as one of them might be the one that's causing the “Gah, Your tab just crashed” error.

Option 3 – Downgrade the Firefox version you’re using

It could be that the current version of Firefox you’re using has some issues so you might have to downgrade it, especially if you are already using the latest version. To downgrade your Firefox browser, go to the directory of the other versions and languages and select an older version that worked for you. After that, you have to disable automatic Firefox updates.
  • First, click the menu button and select Preferences.
  • Next, go to the Firefox Updates section under the General panel.
  • Then select the radio button labeled “Check for updates but let you choose to install them”. This will ensure that you will not have the same issue with the new update.
Note that this is only a temporary fix since updating your programs, including browsers.

Option 4 – Try sending Crash Reports

You might want to send crash reports to Mozilla. This way, Mozilla might come up with some fix to resolve the problem. All you have to do is type “about: crashes” in the address bar. This will list all the crash reports. Now send it to Mozilla using the built-in interface. Although this won’t instantly fix the problem, a lot of user finds it useful. And besides, the issue will get fixed in future releases or with minor updates.
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How to paste just plain text anywhere

Taking information from the internet or from other sources usually involves selecting the text, copying it into the clipboard, and then pasting it into your file. In today's modern applications pasting text will most of the time take its formating with it.

keyboard shortcut paste

By formatting what I am talking about are parameters like font size, line breaks, hyperlinks, font styles, etc. and sometimes you do not want any of these in your file, you would like and prefer to have just plain text so you can format it as you wish.

In order to paste just plain text instead of using the CTRL + V keyboard shortcut, press CTRL + SHIFT + V instead. This shortcut will paste the only text into your file.

Shortcut and Microsoft Word

Leave it to Microsoft to make its shortcut not work in their application. In Microsoft Word, you can only use the standard CTRL + V shortcut, if you press CTRL + SHIFT + V nothing will happen. So in order to paste the only text into a word document, choose to paste special > text only

Other applications

I have tried CTRL + SHIFT + V in various applications like photoshop, illustrator, InDesign, visual studio code, slack, discord, WordPress installations, etc and only one that has not worked for me was Word and office in general so you are safe to use this trick and have desired results.

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