
Steam beta introduces no rollback game updates

The latest steam beta update has introduced code that will prevent downloading and installing previous game versions via the steam client.

steamFor many people that are playing online games, this is not such a big deal since they always must have the latest version in order to play their games but for other ones, this has arrived as a bit of a problem. Many people preferred older game versions since often updates can change certain mechanics inside the game making it different as an experience or introduce some elements that not everyone likes.

So far, people could use the steamDB site to find depo of the game versions you would like to play and download it but if this beta code goes live that will not be an option anymore. Now, playing old games without updates could also be used for nostalgic reasons and these people have also been cut off with this update.

It is important to point that update is still in beta client only but users have already started to voice their opinions asking Valve not to place it live. In the end, it will all depend on Valve’s decision will they listen to their customers or decide to push updates on live service.

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Fix Printer driver issue in Windows
The printer can stop working for many various reasons, some of them are however tied to the printer driver itself. In this guide, we will address issues and provide you with advice on how to get your printer back in working order in no time. All of that being said let us fix your Printer driver issue.
  1. Check to see if the printer is plugged and that it has toner or colors and paper in the tray

    The simplest solutions are the best ones, and most of the time simplest issues are overlooked. To eliminate any basic issues check the printer cable does it has paper in the tray and check the status of toner or colors in it.
  2. Check if Windows troubleshooter will resolve the issue

    Bring up settings and choose devices, under devices click on printers and scanners. On the far right top, you have a link to start the troubleshooter, click on it. Windows built-in tools could resolve issues and fix them for you. If by any chance Windows is not able to find or resolve issues move to the next step.
  3. Check if the Device Manager is reporting an error and update the driver

    If the hardware is functioning properly then the issue might be in Windows not detecting device or driver malfunction. In any case, the Device Manager will be the one who will report this problem. In order to check to see if the driver is properly working press ⊞ WINDOWS + X to open the hidden start menu. keyboard with windows and x marked Once it opens, click on Device Manager to open it, If you have a driver device error inside Windows, you should see it immediately when entering the Device Manager, it will have a yellow exclamation mark beside it. Right-click on it and choose update driver.
  4. Reinstall driver

    If driver update failed or you already have the latest drivers, reinstalling them could fix the issue since drivers might have corrupted during installation of some update or application. Follow steps from point 3 to get to the driver in Device Manager, then right-click on it but instead of update choose to uninstall. Reboot Windows once the driver is uninstalled and Windows will install a new one automatically. If you do not want to update drivers automatically install the latest driver for your device, then reboot.
  5. Check Windows update

    Check to see if the latest Windows update is installed, update your Windows if needed
  6. Fix driver issue with DRIVERFIX

    If everything else fails, get DRIVERFIX, a premium solution for your PC issues, and fix driver errors.
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Guide to Fixing PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen

PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen - What is it?

PFN_LIST_CORRUPT is a blue screen of death error code. It occurs when the PFN (Page Frame Number) list becomes corrupt. The Page Frame Number is basically used by your hard drive to determine your location of each one of your files on the disk. This error may occur when starting up the program or while using it. Blue screen of death errors occurs without any warnings. The program disrupts all of a sudden and the computer screen turns blue.


Restoro box imageError Causes

PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen error may occur due to multiple reasons. Some of the common reasons include:
  • Hardware problems
  • Device driver issues
  • Registry problems
  • Viral Infection
It is recommended to resolve the PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen of Death error immediately without any delay virtually because this error can be quite fatal to your PC. It can pose serious threats to your system like system freeze, crash, failure, and valuable data loss. Furthermore, if the error is related to viral infection, it can expose you to privacy issues, data breaches, and cybercrime too.

Further Information and Manual Repair

This is a critical PC error but easy to resolve. You don’t need any technical expertise to fix this error on your PC. Here are some quick and easy methods to resolve PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen error:

Method 1: Install Compatible Device Drivers

Sometimes when new hardware is added to the PC, you need to install updated versions of the device drivers to ensure there are no incompatibility issues. Incompatibility between the hardware and device drivers may generate PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen of death error on your screen. To resolve, it is advisable to download and install the latest updated versions of the device drivers from the manufacturer’s website.

Method 2: Scan for Viruses

PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen of Death error may occur due to viral infection too. Viruses and spyware enter your PC when you log on to unreliable websites and download programs from there or open phishing emails on your PC. These viruses corrupt and damage programs and files resulting in such errors. To fix the issue, you need to install a powerful antivirus and ensure all kinds of viruses and spyware are detected and removed from your system.

Method 3: Clean and Restore the Registry

PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen error indicates poor PC maintenance. When you don’t clean and remove unnecessary and obsolete files like junk files, bad registry keys, cookies, internet history, temporary files, and invalid entries from the registry, the registry overloads and gets damaged. These files accumulate taking up a lot of disk space and also corrupt system files. If these files are not removed timely, it results in registry issues like a blue screen of death errors and run-time errors. To remove these files and clean the registry, you need to install a powerful registry cleaner. Whether the underlying cause for PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen of Death error on your PC is viral infection or registry issues, to resolve the BSOD error code in seconds download Restoro. This is a cutting-edge and multi-functional PC fixer deployed with both an antivirus and a registry cleaner. Additional features include a system optimizer too. It is user-friendly and easy to operate. You can download it on all Windows versions without any hassle. It is safe and bug-free. The registry cleaner feature scans and removes all unnecessary files, cleans and repairs the registry while the antivirus utility simultaneously removes all kinds of malicious software including spyware, viruses, Trojans, and malware. Click here to download Restoro now and resolve the PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen of Death error immediately!
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Removing old drivers from Windows 10
So you have just got home from that new computer store with your fancy and all-new mouse, screen, keyboard, etc. You plugged in your new component, Windows detected it, installed drivers for it and it is working like a charm. A few months later down the road and the computer starts little by little to slow down. Plug and play is a great concept, and automatic detection is even greater but how time passes old unused stuff piles in your hard drive and in Windows itself thus slowing down your computer and taxing it more and more as new components and software are added. Old drivers from old components sadly are not removed from Windows itself and over some larger period of time they can pile up and slow down your daily operations on the computer or even cause some problems in it. This guide will teach you how to manually remove old unused device drivers from your Windows so it is fresh and like new again.

Making old devices visible

In order for us to remove old drivers, the first thing we must do is make them visible in our device manager, old drivers are hidden and will not show up, we must make this happen. We do this by pressing WINDOWS + X keys on your keyboard to bring up a hidden menu in Windows. keyboard with windows and x markedOnce the menu appears, click on Command Prompt (admin) Windows menu command prompt adminOnce the command prompt with administrator privileges comes on-screen type in it following string: The device manager will open, go to view > snow hidden devices in order to show unused devices. device manager show hidden devices

Removing old device

Open any category and if there is a device that was once used and still has its drivers in the system it will be shown as faded out. device manager hidden device shownRight-click on the device and click on uninstall device to remove it completely from your system. device manager uninstall device driverPlease always be careful when removing devices so you do not remove the device which is being used by mistake and always double-check that you are removing something that you used to have on your system. This method will show all hidden devices even ones that are hidden but crucial to the system working properly.
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A Quick Guide to Resolving Missing Dciman32.dll Error

Missing Dciman32.dll Error – What is it?

Dciman32.dll is a type of dynamic link library. Just like any other dll file, it includes instructions and is called to load and run different programs. The Missing Dciman32 dll error code occurs when the program dependent on this dll file type is unable to load the file. This error can occur while using or installing certain programs on your system.
  • "Dciman32.dll Not Found"
  • "Cannot find [PATH]dciman32.dll"
  • "This application failed to start because dciman32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
  • "The file dciman32.dll is missing."
  • "Cannot start [APPLICATION]. A required component is missing: dciman32.dll. Please install [APPLICATION] again."


Restoro box imageError Causes

The Dciman32.dll error causes include:
  • Dciman32.dll file corruption or removal
  • Poor program installation that uses Dciman32.dll file
  • Registry issues
  • Hardware failure
  • Malware infection

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some of the easiest and effective ways to fix the Dciman32 dll error on your PC:

Method 1 - Restore Dciman32 dll file Back on your PC

Remember DLL files are shared files. You might have deleted this file while uninstalling some other program on your PC. Therefore to restore Dciman32.dll file, first check your recycle bin. If you locate it, then that’s great however if you don’t, then another way to restore the Dciman32.dll file is to download it from the internet.

Method 2 - Update Drivers for Hardware Devices

To update the driver first download the latest drivers from the hardware manufacturer’s website. Now go to the start menu, then the control panel and then click the device manager. Once you open the device manager, locate the hardware device you want to update the driver for. For example, if you experience a Dciman32 dll error when you play a 3D video game, then this indicates that you need to update the drivers for your video card. Navigate through different categories of hardware devices by clicking the icon to find the hardware you want to update. After finding the hardware you’re updating the driver for, right-click on the hardware’s name and then choose properties and then the driver tab. Click update driver button. This method will take approximately 10 to 12 minutes. To activate the changes you will have to restart your PC.

Method 3 - Reinstall the Program that Uses Dciman32.dll File

Another way to resolve the Dciman32.dll error code on your system is to reinstall the program showing the error message. Poor program installation can also be the reason for the error occurrence. To reinstall the program, first, you will have to uninstall the program showing the error message, and then restart your PC to activate changes. Once your computer restarts, reinstall the deleted program. Make sure that the disc or the CD you are reinstalling the program from is bug-free and not scratched.

Method 4 - Scan your PC for Registry Issues and Viruses

If the dll error still persists, then this means either the error is triggered by viruses or registry issues. To resolve these issues you will have to install and run programs on your PC antivirus and a registry cleaner. However, you should note that installing too many programs can slow down your system’s performance.


The best way to scan for viruses and registry issues without compromising your PC performance is to download Restoro. This is a multi-functional PC Fixer embedded with 4 powerful and unique PC repair utilities including an antivirus that scans all kinds of viruses, Trojans, and malware. It also features a registry cleaner that removes all unwanted files saved in the registry, cleans the registry, repairs the damaged dll and system files including the Dciman32.dll file, and restores them back to normal. Furthermore, to ensure your system performance at its optimum level, it is also embedded with a system optimizer. And forth utility it features is Active X controls and class scanner. This is a safe and a user-friendly program compatible with all Windows versions. Click here to download Restoro now.
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Fix Steam stuck on Allocating disk space
If you have been stuck on allocating disk space on steam you know how annoying this error could be. Here you are, with your new game eager to play it and relax a little and all of the sudden steam gets stuck on allocating disc space. Luckily this error is fixable, follow provided guide to fix the error and continue with installing the game.
  1. Restart computer

    An old age solution of turning it off and turning it back on but in this case, it works 90% of the time.
  2. Run Steam as administrator

    Allocating disk space when done by a third-party application can be a task that requires privileges higher than the normal user. Find the steam executable file in the installation folder, right-click on it and run it as an administrator
  3. Clear Steam cache

    Launch Steam in admin mode. Once in the client, click on Steam at the top left corner of the screen. From the drop-down box, click on Settings. Once in the Settings, navigate to the Downloads tab. Click the Clear Download Cache option. Click OK on the prompt to confirm your action. Wait for the process to complete. When done, save changes and exit the client.
  4. Change download server

    Launch Steam client in admin mode. Once in the client, click on Steam at the top left corner of the screen. From the drop-down box, click on Settings. Once in the Settings, navigate to the Downloads tab. Click the drop-down menu under the Download Region. Choose a different server to download from. Exit the Steam client.
  5. Refresh installation files

    • Kill a Steam process in Task Manager.
    • Navigate to your Steam folder
    • Inside the Steam folder, select everything except the steamapps folder and the Steam.exe executable file.
    • Tap the Delete key on your keyboard.
  6. Turn off firewall

    Firewall can prevent steam and cut access to system operations, disable firewall to fix this issue.
  7. Stop overclocking

    If you have overclocked your PC, you can simply reverse the change. The steps you will need to take depends on the overclocking software. Launch the software and look for the option to stop the overclocking. Once done, restart your computer, rerun the game installation.
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Microsoft acquires Activision Blizzard
In the latest news, Microsoft has reached a deal to purchase Activision Blizzard for 67.8 billion. Now franchises like Warcraft, Starcraft, Overwatch, Call of duty, Diablo are now the property of Microsoft and I am sure that some of these games we can expect to be included in the Xbox game pass. microsoft activision blizzardThis is the second large game company acquisition by Microsoft, Acquiring Bethesda first and a big hit to Sony since Xbox will now have more games in its catalog and as exclusives. Of course, the sale has to go through the standard closing conditions and completion of regulatory review and Activision Blizzard’s shareholder approval before it’s finalized. Assuming that all goes well, the deal is slated to be completed during the fiscal year 2023, which is July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023.
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How to Fix Windows 10 Error 80240020

Error Code 80240020 – What is it?

Users who receive Error Code 80240020 when attempting to install and/or upgrade to Microsoft Windows 10, are receiving the error because the Windows 10 installation folder is either corrupted or unfinished. As a result of this error code, your download and the subsequent update will not process correctly. Users who receive this code do not have to do anything specific, as it might mean that they are attempting to update before their system is ready. These users can simply wait for their computer to prompt them for the update, and then follow the on-screen instructions for the update. However, if a user is seriously wanting to update to Microsoft Windows 10 prior to the prompt, there are ways around error code 80240020. Common symptoms include:
  • A dialog box appears with the Error Code 80240020
  • Microsoft Windows 10 upgrade is unsuccessful or freezes in the process of updating and displays the error code message.


Restoro box imageError Causes

This error is only caused by one type of issue, and that is unfinished or corrupted files being present in the Windows 10 installation folder.
  • Files that are unfinished in the Windows 10 installation folder are a result of the download not processing correctly, therefore the update is not successful because your computer does not have the files that it needs.
  • Files that are corrupted in the Windows 10 installation folder are a result of either a faulty download or preexisting corrupted files that need to be purged.
Until your system is ready to download the new Microsoft Windows 10 upgrade, you will be unable to install the upgrade. As stated, you have the option of waiting for your system to prompt you to download (which means that your system has made the necessary changes to its own files and is ready for the upgrade), or you can use the following steps to correct the issue yourself.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Users and Microsoft Tech Support personnel have discovered three methods to correct error code 80240020. Each of these methods should be attempted by someone who is comfortable with computer software and programs. Anyone who is not comfortable with software should either contact Microsoft Support or wait for their computer to prompt them for the Microsoft Windows 10 upgrade.

Method 1:

  1. Back up the Registry of your operating system.
  2. Find the Registry Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionWindowsUpdateOSUpgrade]
  3. Note: this Registry Key should already exist, if it does not exist, create it.
  4. Create a brand new DWORD Value that is named AllowOsUpdate
  5. Set the Value to 0x00000001.
  6. Close and reopen your Control Panel.
  7. Restart the Microsoft Windows 10 upgrade.

Method 2:

  1. Download the Microsoft Windows 10 ISO (installation device) from the following website: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10
  2. Users must select the appropriate ISO, either 32 bit or 64 bit, depending upon their individual computer.
  3. Extract the ISO file to a separate USB device or burn the program to a compact disc.
  4. Run the Microsoft Windows 10 upgrade directly from the software that you have thus created.

Method 3:

  1. Access the files on your computer via MY COMPUTER
  2. Under the C: drive, access the WINDOWS folder
  3. Select the SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION folder, followed by the DOWNLOAD folder.
  4. Delete any files within this download folder.
  5. If you are unable to delete these files, open the command prompt (CMD) as the administrator, and type “net stop wuauserv” into the CMD prompt window. Press ENTER. This should allow you to delete the files from step 4.
  6. Once the files are deleted, open and run the CMD as the administrator and type “wuauclt.exe /updatenow”. Press ENTER.
  7. Access the WINDOWS UPDATE folder from your control panel, the update and download should resume without further interference from the user.
As with any other error codes, if the above methods do not rectify the issue, it may be necessary to download and install a powerful automated tool to rectify error code 80240020.
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The application was unable to start 0xc00007b
As you know, Windows programs depend on several operations to get executed and at the same time, there are also numerous parameters that have to be fulfilled for a program to get executed. However, based on some reports, there was an error when some users tried to run a program. This error says, “The application was unable to start correctly (0xc00007b)”. There could be various reasons why this error occurs but the main one is most likely due to an x86 application that is not compatible with the x64-based operating system. To fix this problem, you can run the Check Disk utility or reinstall the application or the Microsoft .NET Framework. You can also try reinstalling DirectX or replace the corrupted DLL file(s). For more details, refer to the given options below.

Option 1 – Try running the Check Disk utility

  • In the Windows Search box, type “command prompt” and from the search results, right-click on Command Prompt and select “Run as administrator”.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type this command and tap Enter: chkdsk <Partition Letter>: /f
  • The command you entered will start to check for errors and fix them automatically. Else, it will throw an error message saying, “Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like the schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N)”.
  • Tap the Y key to schedule Disk Check the next time your computer restarts.

Option 2 – Re-enable the Microsoft .NET Framework

You could also try to disable the Microsoft .NET Framework then enable the latest version of the .NET Framework on your PC and check if the error is fixed

Option 3 – Try to reinstall the program

There are times when some supporting module for your application under the hood could have messed up the application where you get the error. To fix this, you have to uninstall the program and then download its latest version from its official site and then install it again. Once you’re done, run the application and see if the error is fixed.

Option 4 – Run System File Checker scan

If reinstalling the program didn’t work, you can also try running the System File Checker or SFC scan to fix the error. System File Checker is a command utility built into your computer that helps restore corrupted files and missing files. Refer to the following steps to run it:
  • Hit the Win + R keys to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
  • Reboot your computer.

Option 5 – Try running the DirectX Diagnostic Tool

Since the error has something to do with the DirectX Graphics APIs, you can run the DirectX Diagnostic tool to resolve the problem.

Option 6 – Try updating or re-installing DirectX

If the DirectX Diagnostic tool didn’t work, you can try to update or reinstall DirectX instead. This can help in fixing the problem because when you reinstall or update DirectX, it will replace the incompatible or corrupted components of DirectX from your computer.
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How to get Dynamic Wallpapers in Windows 10
Dynamic Wallpapers introduced with Mojave Update in macOS are pretty cool. Dynamic Desktop is a feature introduced in macOS Mojave (10.14), in which the desktop background changes according to the time of Mac's current location. If Location Services are turned off the Privacy pane of the System Preferences, then the time zone specified in the Date & Time preferences will be used. To apply macOS Dynamic Wallpaper on Windows 10 we need to download & use WinDynamicDesktop, a free application that lets you apply macOS Dynamic Wallpaper. After the installation, you will be asked to Configure the Schedule. While doing that you need to make sure that you enter your location correctly. You can even set specific sunrise and sunset timing by selecting “Use specific sunrise and sunset times” and changing the Sunrise and Sunset times manually. Now, you will be greeted with some of the coolest dynamic wallpapers in the market. Select a theme of your choice, click on the Download button (file size can range between 20-200 MB), and click Apply to enjoy macOS Dynamic Wallpaper on Windows 10. If for some reason you want to go back to the default Windows theme but not necessarily delete the application then right-click on the WinDynamicWallpaper icon from the taskbar, click Select Theme, select None (from the theme section) and click Apply.
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Productivity tips for Google Chrome
Chrome logoIf your browser of choice is Google Chrome then sit back and enjoy the ride as we are going through some great productivity tips for it. So without further talking let's dive right into them.

Browsing using tabs groups in Chrome

If you have plenty of tabs opened during your browsing session clogging your screen then you will be happy to know that it is possible to group tabs under, well tabs groups. The good part is that you can name groups however you wish and even code them with color if you wish so. Right-click a tab for a website you want to put into a group. Select Add tab to the new group, then type in a name for the group and choose a color. Create as many groups as you want in this way. To put a tab into an existing group, right-click the tab, select Add tab to group, and select the group to which you want to add the tab. To remove a tab from a group, right-click it and select remove from group.

Send a highlighted text to another Chrome user

If you want to send some text or article you stumbled upon while surfing the internet, there is an easy way to do it providing that the target user is also on Google chrome. Highlight the text you want to share, then right-click it and select Copy link to highlight. That creates the link and puts it into your clipboard. Copy the link from your clipboard and send it to someone. When they click on it, they’ll be sent to the section of the web page with the text you want to share, and the text will be highlighted in yellow.

Sync Google Chrome via the account on multiple devices

If you use multiple devices there is an option to sync Chrome through all of these devices and get all of your bookmarks, history, etc. All you have to do is click on three dots in the upper right corner and click on synchronize. Take note that you will need a Google account in order to sync accounts and you will need to be logged in on all devices you are syncing.

Use multiple search engines

If you need or want to use multiple search engines inside Chrome like BING, DuckDuckGo, etc. now you can and you can do it very easily. Click the three-dot menu icon at the top right of Chrome and select Settings, Search engine, Manage search engines. Under the Default search engines section toward the top of the page, you’ll see a list of search engines you can search through without having to navigate to their sites. To perform a search using any of these engines, such as Bing.com, type bing.com into the address bar and press the Tab key. The leftmost part of the address bar changes, it will read Search Bing or whatever search engine you’ve typed in. Now just type in your search term and press Enter, and you’ll do a search with that search engine.

Search similar websites in content

When you are searching for content on google there is a very easy and quick way to find similar content on the internet. For example, if you want to find more sites similar to the searched site just type in the address bar in front of address related: For example, if you want sites similar to Microsoft, you would type related:www.microsoft.com

Open specific set of websites on Chrome startup

If you need and want to open a specific set of pages each time Chrome is booted know that you can. Click the three, dot icon at the top right of Chrome and select Settings, You and Google, then scroll to the On startup section at the bottom of the screen. Select Open a specific page or set of pages, then click Add a new page, type or paste in the page’s URL and click Add. Add as many pages as you want this way. That’s it for now on Google Chrome tips for better productivity, tune-up again to errortools.com for more articles.
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