
Steam beta introduces no rollback game updates

The latest steam beta update has introduced code that will prevent downloading and installing previous game versions via the steam client.

steamFor many people that are playing online games, this is not such a big deal since they always must have the latest version in order to play their games but for other ones, this has arrived as a bit of a problem. Many people preferred older game versions since often updates can change certain mechanics inside the game making it different as an experience or introduce some elements that not everyone likes.

So far, people could use the steamDB site to find depo of the game versions you would like to play and download it but if this beta code goes live that will not be an option anymore. Now, playing old games without updates could also be used for nostalgic reasons and these people have also been cut off with this update.

It is important to point that update is still in beta client only but users have already started to voice their opinions asking Valve not to place it live. In the end, it will all depend on Valve’s decision will they listen to their customers or decide to push updates on live service.

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How to get rid of YourTemplateFinder from PC

YourTemplateFinder is a browser extension developed by Mindspark for Google Chrome. This extension allows users to browse and download various templates that can be used for all kinds of occasions.

When installed, it changes your default search engine and home page to MyWay.com. During your browsing sessions, YourTemplateFinder will monitor user activity, recording website visits, user information, product purchases, etc. This data is later used to target better ads to users.

While browsing the internet with this extension active you will see additional ads displayed throughout your browsing sessions. Sponsored content such as links, banners, and pop-up ads will appear on websites sometimes even covering the website content.

This extension has been marked for removal by several anti-virus applications and has been classified as a Browser Hijacker due to its aggressive behavior and ad injections. It is flagged for optional removal.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking is a common type of online fraud where your web browser settings are altered to make it carry out things you never intend. There are various reasons why you might experience a browser hijack; however commercial, advertising, and marketing are the main reasons for their creation. It redirects you to the sponsored websites and inserts adverts on your web browser that helps its creator generate revenue. However, it is not that innocent. Your online safety is jeopardized and it is also extremely irritating. As soon as the program attacks your PC, it begins to mess things up a whole that slows your system down to a crawl. In the worse case, you may be forced to deal with serious malware threats too.

How to know whether the browser is hijacked?

Symptoms that your internet browser is hi-jacked include: 1. the home page of your browser is changed unexpectedly 2. you observe new unwanted favorites or bookmarks added, typically directed to advertisement-filled or porn sites 3. the default browser settings are changed and/or your default web engine is altered 4. you see unsolicited new toolbars added 5. you’ll find random pop-ups start occurring frequently 6. webpages load slowly and sometimes incomplete 7. you can’t navigate to specific websites, like security software-related sites.

How they infect computer systems

There are a number of ways your computer or laptop could become infected by a browser hijacker. They generally arrive by way of spam e-mail, via file-sharing networks, or by a drive-by-download. They can also come from any BHO, extension, toolbar, add-on, or plug-in with malicious intent. A browser hijacker can also be installed as a part of freeware, demoware, shareware, and fake programs. Well-known examples of browser hijackers include CoolWebSearch, Conduit, RocketTab, OneWebSearch, Coupon Server, Delta Search, Searchult.com, and Snap.do. Browser hijackers can affect the user’s browsing experience greatly, track the websites visited by users and steal personal information, cause problems in connecting to the internet, and eventually create stability problems, causing applications and computers to freeze.

How you can get rid of a browser hijacker

Certain hijackers can be removed by simply uninstalling the corresponding freeware or add-ons through the Add or Remove Programs in the Microsoft Windows Control Panel. However, most browser hijackers are hard to remove manually. Irrespective of how much you try to get rid of it, it could come back over and over. Furthermore, manual removals demand deep system understanding and thus can be a very difficult job for novices. Installing and running anti-malware software on the affected system could automatically erase browser hijackers and also other malicious applications. If you’d like to eliminate persistent hijackers effectively, install the award-winning Anti-Malware program Safebytes Anti-Malware.

Can't Install Safebytes Anti-malware due to the presence of a Virus? Try This!

All malware is bad and the level of the damage will differ greatly depending on the type of infection. Some malware variants modify browser settings by including a proxy server or change the PC’s DNS settings. In such cases, you will be unable to visit some or all sites, and therefore not able to download or install the necessary security software to get rid of the infection. If you’re reading this right now, you have probably realized that virus infection is the reason for your blocked internet traffic. So what to do if you need to download and install an antivirus program such as Safebytes? There are a few solutions you can attempt to get around with this particular obstacle.

Install in Safe Mode with Networking

Safe Mode is actually a special, basic version of Microsoft Windows in which only the bare minimum services are loaded to prevent viruses and also other troublesome applications from loading. In the event the malware is obstructing the internet connection and affecting your computer, running it in Safe Mode will let you download antivirus and run a diagnostic scan while limiting potential damage. To enter into Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking, press the F8 key while the system is booting up or run MSConfig and locate the “Safe Boot” options in the “Boot” tab. Once you are in safe mode, you can attempt to download and install your antivirus software program without the hindrance of the virus. Now, you are able to run the antivirus scan to get rid of viruses and malware without interference from another application.

Switch to some other web browser

Malicious code can exploit vulnerabilities in a specific web browser and block access to all anti-virus software sites. In case you suspect that your Internet Explorer has been hijacked by malware or otherwise compromised by cybercriminals, the ideal approach would be to switch to an alternate internet browser like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Apple Safari to download your chosen security software – Safebytes Anti-Malware.

Create a portable USB antivirus for eliminating malware

Here’s another solution which is using portable USB anti-virus software that can scan your computer for viruses without the need for installation. Try these simple steps to clean up your infected computer by using a portable antivirus. 1) Make use of another virus-free computer system to download Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Insert the USB drive into the uninfected computer. 3) Double-click the Setup icon of the anti-malware program to run the Installation Wizard. 4) Select the USB stick as the destination for saving the file. Follow activation instructions. 5) Now, plug the USB drive into the infected computer. 6) Double-click the antivirus program EXE file on the thumb drive. 7) Simply click “Scan Now” to run a complete scan on the infected computer for malware.

SafeBytes AntiMalware Overview

These days, an anti-malware program can protect the computer from different forms of internet threats. But wait, how to choose the right one among various malware protection software that’s available out there? Perhaps you might be aware, there are lots of anti-malware companies and tools for you to consider. Some are good ones, some are ok types, while some are simply just fake anti-malware programs that could harm your personal computer themselves! You must select one that is efficient, practical, and has a good reputation for its malware source protection. Among few good programs, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is the highly recommended software for the security-conscious individual. SafeBytes anti-malware is a powerful, very effective protection software made to help end-users of all levels of computer literacy in identifying and eliminating malicious threats out of their PC. With its outstanding protection system, this software will quickly detect and remove the majority of the security threats, including adware, viruses, browser hijackers, ransomware, trojans, worms, and PUPs.

SafeBytes anti-malware takes computer protection to a totally new level with its enhanced features. Let us discuss a few of the great ones:

World-class AntiMalware Protection: Safebytes is built on the best virus engine within the industry. These engines can identify and remove threats even during the initial phases of a malware outbreak. Real-time Protection: SafeBytes offers real-time active monitoring and protection against all known computer viruses and malware. It will inspect your computer system for suspicious activity at all times and shields your personal computer from illegal access. Web Security: SafeBytes checks the links present on a webpage for possible threats and informs you if the website is safe to look at or not, through its unique safety rating system. Low CPU and Memory Usage: The program is lightweight and will run silently in the background, and that does not impact your PC efficiency. 24/7 Customer Service: Support service is available 24 x 7 x 365 days via email and chats to answer your queries. SafeBytes has created an amazing anti-malware solution that can help you conquer the latest malware threats and virus attacks. You can rest assured that your PC will be protected in real-time once you put this software program to use. So if you are looking for the best anti-malware subscription for your Windows-based PC, we recommend the SafeBytes Anti-Malware application.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

To remove YourTemplateFinder manually, go to the Add or Remove programs list in the Windows Control Panel and select the program you want to remove. For internet browser extensions, go to your web browser’s Addon/Extension manager and select the add-on you intend to remove or disable. You will probably also want to reset your web browser. Finally, examine your hard disk for all of the following and clean your computer registry manually to remove leftover application entries following uninstalls. Please note that only advanced computer users should try to manually edit the registry because removing any single critical system file results in a serious problem or even a system crash. Also, some malware is capable of replicating itself or preventing its removal. You are encouraged to do this process in Windows Safe Mode.
Files: %LOCALAPPDATA%\YourTemplateFinder_br %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\YourTemplateFinder_br %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\jadhamcfimejpbemfkgoeijaimpciehj %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\jadhamcfimejpbemfkgoeijaimpciehj %PROGRAMFILES%\YourTemplateFinder_br %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\YourTemplateFinder_br Registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\42f6cdef-be6a-48e4-b6ef-bc987c64fed9 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\42f6cdef-be6a-48e4-b6ef-bc987c64fed9 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\free.yourtemplatefinder.com HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Approved Extensions, value: F724FE0B-8C05-4498-B99E-9192CF2AECF4 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Approved Extensions, value: 4D283A70-2D2F-4CBB-81DA-C75B8DF410CC HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Approved Extensions, value: 3C417C00-968B-48B7-822E-407A82A47AE1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\yourtemplatefinder.dl.tb.ask.com HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\yourtemplatefinder.com
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How to fix Error 2753, The file is not marked
Installing programs on your Windows 10 computer does not go smoothly as you could encounter some issues along the way that could prevent you from successfully installing the program. One of the common errors you can encounter during the installation of programs is Error 2753. There are times when the packages are corrupted or those packages are not working properly or it wasn’t able to create files and paths. When you encounter this kind of error, you will get the following error message:
“Error 2753, The File is not marked for installation.”
Note that this kind of error is not bound to only some specific files but it can also happen with any file, be it an executable file or an MSI file. To fix this error, here are some possible solutions that you could try.

Option 1 – Fresh download the setup file

The first thing you can do is to fresh download the setup file from the official homepage and then place it in a different location. Just make sure that you download the correct setup file that’s compatible with your operating system. Then restart your computer and sign in as administrator. After that, right-click on the setup file and select the Run as administrator to proceed with the installation.

Option 2 – Try removing all the previous versions of the software

If there is a previous version of the program that’s still installed on your computer, you need to uninstall that program since it might be the reason why you’re getting Error 2753.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box
  • Then type “appwiz.cpl” in the field and hit Enter to open the Programs and Features in Control Panel.
  • From there, look for the previous version of the program you are trying to install, select it and then click on Uninstall to remove it.
  • After that, restart your computer and try to install the latest version of the program again. It should work now. If not, proceed to the next available option below.

Option 3 – Run the setup file as administrator

The setup file may need more permission in order to execute properly and so you need to run it as an administrator. To do so, you need to give it more privileges for it to work as intended by its developer.
  • Right-click on the setup file and select the Run as administrator option.
  • Afterward, a User Account Control or UAC prompt will appear and from there, click on Yes and then check if the file runs or not.
Note: If the setup file does not run, you may have to take ownership of the folder where the setup file is located. To take ownership of the folder, refer to these steps:
  • First, locate the concerned folder and right-click on it then select Properties.
  • Next, click on the Edit button in the Properties window and click OK to confirm if you got a User Account Control elevation request.
  • After that, select user/group from the permission windows or click on the Add button to add another user or group. It would be best if you add “Everyone” to give permission.
  • Then check “Full Control” under the “Allow” column to assign full access rights control permissions.
  • Now edit the permission to Full Control for “Everyone”.
  • Click OK to save the changes made and then exit.

Option 4 – Try running the setup file in Compatibility Mode

You may be getting Error 2753 if the setup file is not intended to run on the Windows 10 version you are using which is why you have to run it in Compatibility Mode. This will allow the setup file to think that it is running in a compatible environment as it is intended to.

Option 5 – Try to re-register the vbscript.dll file

You may have to re-register the vbscript.dll file using the regsvr32.exe before you can successfully install the program and fix Error 2753. The Regsvr32 tool is a command-line utility that can be used to register and un-register the OLE controls like DLL and ActiveX (OCX) control in the Windows operating system. Follow the steps below to use it.
  • Open Command Prompt as admin from the WinX menu.
  • Next, type exe vbscript.dll in the elevated Command Prompt and hit Enter to execute the command. This will re-register the affected DLL file using the Windows operating system tool, regsvr32.exe.
  • You should see a message saying, “DllRegisterServer in vbscript.dll succeeded” if the Regsvr32 tool was able to run successfully. After that, try to install the program again and see if it now works.
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Disable Windows insider in Windows 10
In their search for making Windows, a better operating system Microsoft has come up with an insider program that will collect telemetry and send it to Microsoft in order to provide enough information to make a better OS. Being in an insider program is per choice basis and it is not forced to anyone. This guide will cover how to turn off the insider program since its constant updates and telemetry can slow down the internet. So if you decided that you no longer want to be part of this program here is how to turn it off.
  • Press ⊞ WINDOWS + R to open the run dialog keyboard with windows and r marked
  • Type in dialog gpedit.msc and press ENTER
  • You will find yourself in the Local Group Policy Editor Window. Inside windows find: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Component > Windows Update > Windows Update for Business
  • Move to the right pane and double-click on the Manage Preview Builds option
  • Inside the Manage Preview Builds window, check the Enabled radio button
  • Go to the Options section, and using the drop-down menu, set the preferred release channel
  • Select Apply and then OK
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Windows got stuck on Preparing Windows screen
You might have experienced a situation when you restarted your Windows 10 PC after an upgrade and you tried logging into your account but only a screen with a message saying, “Preparing Windows”. If the screen only stays that way, this indicates that Windows 10 is trying to complete the upgrade or waiting for some files to load up so that you can use your account. Some users also reported that when they tried logging into their accounts, they also get the same message on their screens. To resolve this issue, read on as this post will show you what you can do if your Windows 10 PC is stuck on the “Preparing Windows” screen. A lot of users have tried logging back into their account once more but to no avail as the same screen still greets them. And even when they tried the Ctrl + Alt + Del combo, it still didn’t work. This only goes to show that your account might somehow be corrupted.

Option 1 – Try booting your PC into Safe Mode

The first thing you can do to resolve the issue is to try booting your computer into Safe Mode and then log in using an Admin account. If it seems like your admin account has caused the problem, you need to create an admin account first and then log in after you reboot into the account and then log off. After that, restart your PC normally and check if the problem’s resolved or not. If not, refer to the next given option below.

Option 2 – Try to repair your corrupted profile via Registry

In this second option, you can try to repair the corrupted profile using the Registry but before you proceed, make sure to create a System Restore Point and then follow the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “regedit” in the field and hit Enter or click OK to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, go to this registry key: ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList
  • Once you’ve opened the registry key, you should see a list of all the user profiles on your computer. Now click on each S-1-5 folder and look for the “ProfileImagePath” entry and double-click on it to check which user account it is related to. You will see a path like “CUsersACK” where “ACK” is the username.
  • You should know which among the user account is corrupted. Just look for a key named “RefCount” and change its Value data to “0” and click OK. And if it isn’t available, simply right-click on the right pane and create it.
  • After that, double click on the key named “State” and make sure that the Value data is “0” and click OK.
  • Exit the Registry Editor and restart your computer to apply the changes made.

Option 3 – Try running the System File Checker

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files with good system files that might be the cause why your screen is stuck at “Preparing Windows”. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.

Option 4 – Try to repair hard disk errors using the Chkdsk utility

You can also run the Chkdsk utility to resolve the problem. If your hard drive has issues with integrity, the update will really fail as the system will think that it’s not healthy and that’s where the Chkdsk utility comes in. The Chkdsk utility repairs hard drive errors that might be causing the problem.
  • Open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • After opening Command Prompt, execute the commands listed below, and don’t forget to hit Enter right after you type in each one of them.
  • chkntfs /t
  • chkntfs /t:10
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How to remove PC Fix Speed from your Windows PC

PC Fix Speed is a Potentially Unwanted Program designed to improve the speed of your computer. This program usually comes bundled with other software, and when installs automatically scan your PC and displays exaggerated messages on the status of the PC’s performance, to get users to pay for the PRO version of the software. It also adds registry entities that allow it to run each time the computer is started, and the application itself will constantly keep reminding users that they have errors by putting the application windows on top.

From the Author: The Service is provided by PCRx through Crawler, LLC. Clean and repair your PC’s registry, optimize PC performance and free up disk and memory space. With everything you do on your PC, including adding on devices, a new entry is created in your Windows® registry, and seldom are any removed after they’re no longer needed. As a result, your PC gets bogged down with unnecessary entries, slowing your PC speed, the start-up, and your Internet browser. PC Fix Speed cleans up registry entries and puts your PC back on track for optimal performance. PC Fix Speed is an essential application that should be a part of every computer. PC Fix Speed especially helps computers that are unusually slow, freeze up often or show error messages, by cleaning the system registry and improving overall performance.

About Potentially Unwanted Applications

If you have ever downloaded software from the internet (shareware, freeware, etc,), it’s quite possible you’ve unconsciously installed unwanted programs on your computer system. A Potentially Unwanted Program, often known as PUP, in short, is software that contains adware, installs toolbars, or has other hidden goals. These kinds of programs are usually bundled up with free applications that you download from the internet or will also be bundled inside the custom installers on many download sites. It’s clear by its name – unwanted programs – but did not actually constitute “malware” in the traditional sense. An important difference between malware and PUP is distribution. Malware is normally dropped through vulnerability exploitation while PUP gets installed with the consent of the user, who intentionally or unwittingly approves the PUP installation on their computer. PUP developers can argue their programs aren’t malicious software however, it can nevertheless be unsafe software and put your PC at risk much the same way malware does.

Exactly how do PUPs look like?

Unwanted programs come in various forms. More often, they can be found in adware bundlers which are known to utilize aggressive and misleading advertising. Most bundlers install many adware programs from a number of vendors, each of which possesses its own EULA policy. Safebytes Anti-malware entirely eliminates this threat and safeguards your computer against unwanted programs or adware infection. Several PUPs also show up as toolbars or add-ons, mounted on your preferred web browser. These toolbars change your homepage and your search engine in the installed browser, track your web activities, control your search results with redirects and sponsored links, and eventually slow down your browser and diminish your web browsing experience. Potentially Unwanted Programs occasionally act very much like viruses or spyware. Some PUPs carry keyloggers, dialers, and other software to collect your personal details that can cause identity theft. Because of this unwanted program, your application may freeze, your security protections can get disabled which could leave your computer susceptible, your system may get ruined, and the list goes on and on.

Some tips on protecting yourself from PUPs

• Read meticulously before you install anything. Don’t click accept until you have read the fine print. There could be a clause about PUPs. • Use ONLY custom or manual install method – and don’t blindly click Next, Next, Next. • Use good anti-malware software. Try Safebytes Anti-malware which can spot PUPs and handle them as malware by flagging them for removal. • Be alert if you install freeware, open-source programs, or shareware. Disable or eliminate toolbars and browser extensions you don’t really need. • Only download applications from the original providers’ websites. Avoid download portals since they use their very own download manager to pack additional programs together with the initial download. Remember the fact that although PUPs could cause damage and hinder the proper function of the computer, they can’t get into your system without your consent, so be watchful not to provide them with it.

What To Do If You Cannot Install Any Antivirus?

Malware could cause a great deal of damage to your PC. Some malware sits in between your PC and your net connection and blocks some or all internet sites that you would like to check out. It could also prevent you from adding anything to your PC, especially the antivirus program. So what should you do when malware prevents you from downloading or installing Anti-Malware? Although this kind of issue will be tougher to get around, there are some steps you can take.

Start your computer in Safe Mode

If the malware is set to load at Windows start-up, then booting in Safe Mode should prevent it. Only the bare minimum required applications and services are loaded whenever you start your laptop or computer into Safe Mode. Listed below are the steps you should follow to boot into the Safe Mode of your Windows XP, Vista, or 7 computers (check out the Microsoft website for instructions on Windows 8 and 10 PCs). 1) At power-on/startup, tap the F8 key in 1-second intervals. This will bring up the Advanced Boot Options menu. 2) Make use of the arrow keys to select Safe Mode with Networking and press ENTER. 3) When you are into this mode, you will have an internet connection again. Now, use your web browser to download and install an anti-malware program. 4) After the application is installed, allow the diagnostic scan run to eliminate trojans and other threats automatically.

Switch to an alternate web browser

Web-based viruses could be environment-specific, aiming for a particular internet browser or attacking specific versions of the web browser. The ideal way to avoid this problem is to select an internet browser that is well known for its security features. Firefox contains built-in Malware and Phishing Protection to keep you safe online.

Make a bootable USB anti-virus drive

Here’s yet another solution which is using a portable USB anti-malware software package that can check your computer for malware without needing installation. To run anti-virus from a USB drive, follow these simple steps: 1) Make use of another virus-free PC to download Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Plug in the pen drive to a USB port on the uninfected computer. 3) Double-click the executable file to run the installation wizard. 4) Choose a USB drive as the location when the wizard asks you where you want to install the application. Follow the instructions on the computer screen to finish off the installation process. 5) Now, insert the USB drive into the corrupted PC. 6) Double-click the EXE file to run the Safebytes tool right from the thumb drive. 7) Click the “Scan” button to run a full system scan and remove viruses automatically.

SafeBytes AntiMalware Overview

Want to download the best anti-malware software program for your system? There are various applications available that come in free and paid versions for Microsoft Windows systems. A few are good ones, some are decent, while some are merely bogus anti-malware programs that can damage your personal computer themselves! When searching for an anti-malware tool, select one which gives dependable, efficient, and complete protection against all known viruses and malware. On the list of highly recommended software is SafeBytes Anti-Malware. SafeBytes carries a superb track record of excellent service, and customers appear to be happy with it. SafeBytes can be described as a powerful, real-time antivirus application that is created to assist the typical computer end user in protecting their PC from malicious threats. This tool can easily detect, remove, and protect your computer from the most advanced malware intrusions including adware, spyware, trojan horses, ransomware, worms, PUPs, parasites, and other potentially harmful software programs.

There are plenty of amazing features you will get with this particular security product. Here are some of the features you will like in SafeBytes.

Active Protection: SafeBytes provides a totally hands-free active protection that is set to observe, block, and remove all computer threats at its first encounter. This utility will always keep track of your PC for suspicious activity and updates itself continuously to keep abreast of the constantly changing threat landscape. Anti-Malware Protection: This deep-cleaning anti-malware software goes much deeper than most antivirus tools to clean your computer system. Its critically acclaimed virus engine finds and disables hard-to-remove malware that hides deep inside your PC. Web protection: Through its unique safety rating, SafeBytes informs you whether a site is safe or not to access it. This will make sure that you’re always certain of your online safety when browsing the web. Low Memory/CPU Usage: SafeBytes is a lightweight and easy-of-use anti-virus and antimalware solution. As it uses very little computer resources, this application leaves the computer’s power exactly where it belongs: with you. 24/7 Premium Support: SafeBytes provides 24/7 technical support, automatic maintenance, and updates for the best user experience. SafeBytes has developed a wonderful anti-malware solution that can help you conquer the latest malware threats and virus attacks. You can rest assured that your computer system will be protected in real-time as soon as you put this software to use. So if you need sophisticated forms of protection features and threat detections, purchasing SafeBytes Anti-Malware will be well worth the dollars!

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you do not want to use malware removal software and prefer to get rid of PC Fix Speed manually, you might do so by going to the Add/Remove Programs menu in the control panel and removing the offending software; in cases of web browser plug-ins, you could un-install it by going to the browser’s Add-on/Extension manager. You will definitely also want to reset your browser. Finally, examine your hard drive for all of the following and clean your computer registry manually to remove leftover application entries after uninstalls. However, this is a tough task and only computer professionals can perform it safely. Moreover, some malware keeps replicating which makes it tough to get rid of. It is advised that you carry out the removal procedure in Windows Safe Mode.
Folders: C:\Program files\PC Fix Speed\ C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start menu\Programs\PC Fix Speed\ C:\Program filesx7Help\ Registry: HKLM\SOFTWARE\PCFixSpeed HKCU\Software\PCFixSpeed HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\PCFixSpeed
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Guide for FormFetcherPro.com Removal

FormFetcherPro.com is a Browser Extension for Google Chrome developed by Mindspark Inc. This extension offers users quick and easy access to various forms required for visas and other documents. While this may seem appealing, all this extension does is point you to the most popular websites online that can easily be found by searching. When installed it hijacks your new tab page and changes it to search.myway.com, enabling it to better target ads.

While browsing the internet with this extension enabled you will see additional sponsored content, additional ads, and sometimes even pop-up ads displaying throughout your browsing sessions. Several anti-virus programs have marked this extension as Potentially Unwanted and as a Browser Hijacker and are therefore recommended to remove it from your computer.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking means a malicious code has taken control over and altered the settings of your web browser, without your permission. Browser hijackers are capable of doing more than just changing home pages. Usually, hijackers will force hits to internet sites of their preference either to increase targeted traffic generating higher ad earnings, or to obtain a commission for every user visiting there. Many people believe that these types of sites are legitimate and harmless but that is incorrect. Nearly all browser hijackers pose an actual threat to your online safety and it is necessary to classify them under privacy dangers. Browser hijackers can even let other destructive programs without your knowledge further damage your computer.

Key signs that your web browser has been highjacked

When your web browser is hijacked, the following could happen: you find unauthorized changes to your web browser’s home page; your internet browser is constantly being redirected to adult sites; the default browser configurations have been changed, and/or your default search engine is altered; you see many toolbars on your internet browser; you’ll find random pop-ups start showing regularly; your web browser starts running slowly or exhibits frequent errors; Inability to navigate to certain sites, especially antivirus and other security software websites.

How it infects the computer

Browser hijackers can enter a PC in some way or other, for example via file sharing, downloads, and email as well. They sometimes are included with toolbars, add-ons, BHO, plugins, or browser extensions. Browser hijackers sneak into your pc in addition to free software application downloads also that you unwittingly install alongside the original. Common examples of browser hijackers include CoolWebSearch, Conduit, RocketTab, OneWebSearch, Coupon Server, Delta Search, Searchult.com, and Snap.do.

How you can fix a browser hijack

Some types of browser hijackers can be removed from the computer by uninstalling malicious software or any other recently added shareware. Having said that, the majority of hijackers are really tenacious and require specialized applications to eliminate them. Also, browser hijackers might modify the Windows registry so that it can be very tough to restore all the values manually, particularly when you are not a very tech-savvy individual. Anti-malware software is very efficient when it comes to catching and removing browser hijackers that regular anti-virus software has missed. SafeBytes Anti-Malware will counter relentless browser hijackers and provide you active PC protection against all types of malware. Utilize a pc optimizer (such as Total System Care) together with your anti-malware to repair various registry issues, eliminate system vulnerabilities, and improve your computer performance.

How To Install Safebytes Anti-Malware On An Infected Computer system

Practically all malware is bad, but certain kinds of malware do more damage to your computer or laptop than others. Some malware sits in between your PC and your internet connection and blocks some or all sites that you would like to check out. It would also prevent you from the installation of anything on your PC, especially antivirus software. If you are reading this article right now, you’ve perhaps realized that a malware infection is a reason for your blocked internet traffic. So what to do if you want to install an anti-virus program like Safebytes? There are a few actions you can take to get around this issue.

Use Safe Mode to resolve the issue

In Safe Mode, you can modify Windows settings, un-install or install some software, and eradicate hard-to-delete malware. In case the malicious software is set to load automatically when the PC starts, shifting to this particular mode can prevent it from doing so. In order to get into Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking, press F8 while the system is booting up or run MSConfig and locate the “Safe Boot” options in the “Boot” tab. Once you restart the PC into Safe Mode with Networking, you could download, install, and update anti-malware software from there. Now, you are able to run the anti-virus scan to remove viruses and malware without interference from another malicious application.

Switch to a different internet browser

Some malware mainly targets certain web browsers. If this is your case, utilize another browser as it could circumvent the malware. If you suspect that your Internet Explorer has been hijacked by a trojan or otherwise compromised by cybercriminals, the best course of action would be to switch over to a different internet browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari to download your chosen security program – Safebytes Anti-Malware.

Make a bootable USB anti-virus drive

Another approach is to download and transfer an anti-malware application from a clean computer to run a scan on the affected computer. To run anti-virus from a USB pen drive, follow these simple steps: 1) Use another virus-free PC to download Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Mount the pen drive on the same computer. 3) Double-click on the downloaded file to open the installation wizard. 4) When asked, select the location of the pen drive as the place in which you would like to store the software files. Do as instructed on the screen to finish off the installation process. 5) Unplug the flash drive. Now you can use this portable anti-virus on the infected computer. 6) Double-click the EXE file to open the Safebytes tool right from the thumb drive. 7) Click on “Scan Now” to run a complete scan on the affected computer for viruses.

SafeBytes Anti-Malware Overview

If you are planning to buy anti-malware for your PC, there are many brands and utilities for you to consider. Some are very good ones, some are ok types, while some are simply just fake anti-malware software that can harm your personal computer themselves! When looking for anti-malware software, select one that gives reliable, efficient, and comprehensive protection against all known computer viruses and malware. On the list of strongly recommended software by industry, analysts are SafeBytes Anti-Malware, popular security software for Microsoft Windows. SafeBytes anti-malware is a powerful, highly effective protection software designed to help end-users of all levels of computer literacy in finding and removing harmful threats out of their computer. When you have installed this program, SafeByte's state-of-the-art protection system will ensure that no viruses or malware can seep through your PC.

SafeBytes has outstanding features when compared with other anti-malware programs. Listed below are some of the features you will like in SafeBytes.

Most effective AntiMalware Protection: This deep-cleaning antimalware program goes much deeper than most antivirus tools to clean your personal computer. Its critically acclaimed virus engine detects and disables hard to remove malware that hides deep inside your PC. Real-time Active Protection: SafeBytes provides complete and real-time security for your personal machine. This tool will continuously keep track of your computer for any suspicious activity and updates itself continuously to keep current with the constantly changing threat scenarios. Internet Security: Through its unique safety score, SafeBytes tells you whether a website is safe or not to visit it. This will ensure that you’re always certain of your safety when browsing the internet. Minimal CPU and RAM Usage: This application is not “heavy” on your computer’s resources, so you’ll not find any performance troubles when SafeBytes is working in the background. Premium Support: For any technical inquiries or product guidance, you may get 24/7 professional assistance through chat and email. SafeBytes can keep your computer protected from the latest malware threats automatically, thereby keeping your web experience safe and secure. Malware trouble can become a thing of the past once you put this tool to use. So if you’re searching for the best malware removal tool out there, and when you don’t mind spending some money for it, go for SafeBytes Anti-Malware.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

To get rid of FormFetcherPro manually, go to the Add/Remove programs list in the Control Panel and select the program you want to get rid of. For browser plug-ins, go to your browser’s Addon/Extension manager and select the add-on you intend to disable or remove. You will most probably also want to reset your web browser to its default settings. To make sure of complete removal, find the following registry entries on your computer and delete it or reset the values accordingly. However, this is a tough task and only computer professionals can carry it out safely. In addition, some malware is capable of replicating or preventing removal. Carrying out this in Safe Mode is recommended.
Files: %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Sync Extension Settings\jcohbbeconnbknaeaodohnjcelemnlfc %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\jcohbbeconnbknaeaodohnjcelemnlfc %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\jcohbbeconnbknaeaodohnjcelemnlfc %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\jcohbbeconnbknaeaodohnjcelemnlfc %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\jcohbbeconnbknaeaodohnjcelemnlfc Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Google\Chrome\PreferenceMACs\Default\extensions.settings, valeur: jcohbbeconnbknaeaodohnjcelemnlfc HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\formfetcherpro.dl.myway.com HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\formfetcherpro.dl.tb.ask.com HKEY_CURREN_USER\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\FormFetcherPro HKEY_CURREN_USER\SOFTWARE\FormFetcherPro
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A Quick Guide to Resolving Photoviewer.dll Error

Photoviewer.dll Error - What is it?

Photoviewer.dll is a shared library for SampleRes.dll and x3daudio1_1.dll in computers installed with Microsoft Windows 7, 8, Vista, and XP including 32 bit and 64 bit operating systems. Photoviewer.dll is associated with 1728000 system files. The Photoviewer.dll error occurs when you upgrade your Windows operating system to a new version like Windows 7 or 8 on which this shared library is used. Once you upgrade the Windows and you right-click on JPG images, the Photoviewer.dll error pops up. This error message is displayed as the following:
  1. Photoviewer.dll missing/not found
  2. Photovewer.dll entry point not found/application can’t initiate


Restoro box imageError Causes

Photoviewer.dll error can pop up due to several reasons. These include:
  • Modification of .dll files during Windows installation
  • Infection of Trojan virus
  • Photoviewer.dll missing /broken
  • Photo Gallery was earlier your default image editor before you upgraded your system
It is advisable to repair this issue timely to avoid inconvenience and serious PC threats especially if the cause of this issue is viral infection or registry damage.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some of the best ways to help you resolve Photoviewer.dll error on your system:

1. Rebuild the Windows Photo Gallery

If you were previously using Vista and then you upgraded your system to Windows 7, then try this:
  • Go to the Start menu, click on the control panel and go to the folder options.
  • Then select the view tab option. Here you’ll find the Advanced setting window, select the show hidden files and folders tab.
  • Now click Ok to continue. Navigate to the following folder( %user% is the name of the account with the problem) C:\Usersusername\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Photo Gallery.
  • Then copy files to another location as a backup and delete them from the Windows Photo directory. Once the files have been deleted, try to start Windows Photo Gallery again. If this seems difficult, install Windows Photo Gallery application from the internet on your system.

2. Repair Broken Photoviewer.dll files and Remove Malware

Another way to fix the photoviewer.dll error is to download Restoro. This is an advanced, user-friendly, and multi-functional PC fixer smoothly integrated with a registry cleaner. By running it on your system you can resolve all Photoviewer.dll error causes in seconds. Restoro has an easy-to-use interface and a neat layout. It is safe, efficient, and bug-free. In addition to this, it is compatible with all Windows versions. The registry cleaning utility is deployed with an automated algorithm that scans your entire PC and detects Photoviewer.dll file errors in seconds. It fixes damaged, misconfigured, and broken Photoviewer.dll files, clears up disk space from unnecessary and obsolete files like the files from the uninstalled Windows programs which could be generating Photoviewer.dll error on your system. It repairs the registry and modifies the registry keys to their correct configuration thus repairing the Photoviewer.dll error on your PC. The powerful privacy error detector is integrated with all the properties and characteristics of an anti-virus. It scans for malware and viruses like Trojans and removes them from your system right away. Besides these utilities, other features integrated into this repair tool include a system stability scanner and Active X and class error detector. It resolves Photoviewer.dll error while optimizing your computer’s speed and performance. Click here to download Total System Care on your system to resolve the Photoviewer.dll file error today!
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How to place different wallpapers on 2 screens
Two monitor systems are not such a rarity like they were just a couple of years ago. More and more people are finding out the benefits of having 2 screens instead of one no matter if you play games or do serious work. So how technology has moved forward and new norms so have Windows and we can now set different wallpapers to different screens very easy, a task which was very difficult in the past.
  1. Go to the Personalization option in the Control Panel.
  2. Right-click on your home screen and select the Personalize option from the menu.
  3. In the new window, you can browse for images you wish to set as wallpaper on both of your monitors. This way, the images would be preloaded in the “Choose your picture” option.
  4. Right-click on the image. Doing this will open a new menu that will allow you to set wallpapers for each screen. There is also another option called “Choose a fit” which gives you the option to select the fit of the wallpaper.
  5. Choose one wallpaper for “monitor 1” and a different wallpaper for “monitor 2.” You will now see your dual-screen setup customized with two different wallpapers.
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DisplayLink in Windows 10 is not working
This post will guide you in what to do if the DisplayLink in Windows 10 is not working. There are several users who reported that their DisplayLink device has stopped working with the Windows 20 Anniversary or the Creators update all of a sudden. According to users, this issue occurs right after they finish installing a big Windows Update like the Anniversary Update or the Creators Update or right when the DisplayLink driver is updated using Windows Update. DisplayLink is a graphics transport technology that allows users to connect to any computer that supports USB or Wi-Fi. Aside from that, it is also an excellent universal docking solution to any platform which makes it a great solution for enabling multiple displays. Thus, it can be quite annoying when DisplayLink suddenly stops working. There really is no actual error message when it happens. The only telltale sign is that all the devices that use the DisplayLink technology will also stop functioning. There could be tons of reasons why DisplayLink stopped working. It could be due to an incompatible driver, or the DisplayLink driver itself is corrupted or is connected to a USB 2.0 port. In addition, the problem could also be due to the Nvidia Share (ShadowPlay) that conflicts with DisplayLink or that the Universal Serial Bus is broken. To resolve the issue, refer to the following options laid out below.

Option 1 – Run the Hardware and Devices troubleshooter

As you know, Windows comes with a built-in tool that you can use to troubleshoot the problem with DisplayLink. You can find it in Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot. For further instructions, follow these steps:
  • The first thing you need to do is click on Start and then on the gear-like icon to pull up the window for Settings.
  • After opening Settings, look for the Update and Security option and select it.
  • From there, go to the Troubleshoot option located on the left-hand side of the list.
  • Next, select Hardware and Devices from the list and open the Troubleshooter and run it. Once it is doing its job, wait for it to complete the process and then restart the system.
  • After the system restarts, check if the problem’s now fixed. If not, refer to the next option given below.

Option 2 – Try to uninstall DisplayLink and reconnect the docking station

If the Hardware and Device troubleshooter is of no help, you can try uninstalling DisplayLink and reconnecting the docking station. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Disconnect the docking station or any other device that uses DisplayLink.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “cpl” and hit Enter to open Programs and Features.
  • From there, look for DisplayLink, right-click on it and click Uninstall.
  • After that, follow the next on-screen instructions that appear on your screen to completely remove DisplayLink from your computer.
  • Once you’ve uninstalled DisplayLink, click this link to download and install DisplayLink again.
  • Now reconnect the docking station as well as other devices that use DisplayLink and follow the next on-screen instructions to reinstall the required drivers in your computer.
  • Restart your computer and then check if DisplayLink is now working fine or not.

Option 3 – Try using a USB 3.0 port

If you are experiencing this issue with DisplayLink with a monitor that you’re trying to connect using DisplayLink, then you have to make sure that you are using a USB 3.0 port. Based on some reports, there are certain monitors that will not work with DisplayLink while connected to a USB 2.0 port since they have insufficient power to run the monitor. Like pointed out earlier, the problem with DisplayLink might have something to do with the Nvidia ShadowPlay. This streaming feature was often reported to crash the DisplayLink monitors which is why you might want to try disabling it for a while to check if it’s really true. Once you’ve disabled Nvidia ShadowPlay, restart your computer and check if your DisplayLink monitor now works.

Option 5 – Reinstall the Universal Serial Bus controller

You can also reinstall the Universal Serial Bus controller to fix DisplayLink since a malfunctioning USB port can sometimes cause issues with DisplayLink.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Device Manager.
  • From there, look for the Universal Serial Bus controllers and expand its drop-down menu.
  • Next, right-click on every Host Controller and then click on Uninstall Device.
  • After uninstalling every entry, restart your computer to force your system to reinstall the drivers you’ve just uninstalled.
  • Once your computer has rebooted, wait until the drivers are reinstalled and then try opening DisplayLink again.

Option 5 – Reinstall the Universal Serial Bus controller

You can also try to perform a System Restore as it can also help you fix DisplayLink. You can do this option either by booting into Safe Mode or in System Restore. If you are already in the Advanced Startup Options, just directly select System Restore and proceed with the next steps. And if you have just booted your PC into Safe Mode, refer to the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.
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Windows 365, what it is, and how you can get it
Windows 365Microsoft has announced Windows 365, a new cloud-based operating system aimed mainly at businesses of all sizes. Just after Windows 11 announcement and presentation, we are seeing another Windows announcement from Microsoft. Dive into the following text in order to find out what exactly is new Windows 365, its role in today's IT world, and do you need it?

What is Windows 365 and when it is coming out?

Windows 365 is planned to be released this year (2021) on August 2nd. It is the first Microsoft cloud-based operating system meaning that OS itself will be installed on the cloud server and it will be accessed by the user via a web browser. Essentially you are accessing a remote PC with Windows on it, you can install whatever Windows application you want and use it as it was on your computer. When you disconnect from the cloud computing and reconnect again from the same or another device you will continue exactly where you left off. Cloud PC will remember the state it was left off and will greet you in that same state once it is awakened again. This of course offers some great benefits like moving from laptop to desktop and continuing exactly where you left off.

How can I access Windows 365?

Any device which has a web browser will be able to access Windows 365 making it a really great solution for business on the move or for anyone who switches devices during the day. That being said it is clear to see that Windows 365 can be accessed via Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, or any other operating system on any computer, tablet or phone.

Who is this OS made for?

Microsoft’s general idea is that Windows 365 is primarily made for business which in their minds can benefit most out of it. So far it is not made for a single user although there is a possibility that even a one-man business can subscribe and create accounts for it.

Price and technical characteristic

Microsoft will bill Windows 365 on a per-user, per-month basis. In other words, businesses will pay a fixed amount per employee every month. There will be two tiers: Windows 365 Business and Windows 365 Enterprise. Microsoft also said it will offer different performance tiers. Businesses can choose to pay for more CPU, RAM, and storage resources for certain cloud PCs depending on their needs. Microsoft told me the smallest configuration would be one CPU, 2GB of RAM, and 64GB of storage. The largest will be eight CPUs, 32GB of RAM, and 512GB of storage. After a business has chosen its plan tier and performance options, that business will pay a fixed amount every month. This is unlike Azure Virtual Desktop, which Windows 365 is built on. With Azure Virtual Desktop, companies pay on a usage model, depending on how much the remote system is used every month.


Windows 365 is around the corner and if you are a business no matter small or large with the need for software on the go, Windows 365 might be a worthwhile investment and a great asset to your business.
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