
How to Fix Windows 10 Activation Error 0Xc004F074

Error code 0Xc004F074 - What is it?

Did you previously use Windows 7 or 8 but decided to run with the latest Windows 0S, Windows 10? An early error message encountered was activation error code 0Xc004F074. Error code 0Xc004F074 is manifested when the user fails to activate Windows directly after the installation of Windows 10. This occurs if the previous operating system on your computer was Key Management Service (KMS) activated.

The KMT provides a more seamless operation when users are activating volume license editions of Microsoft Windows and Office. This process tends to be clear to end-users of the system.

Symptoms of error code 0Xc004F074 include:

  • Windows is unable to reach your company’s activation service.
  • The Key Management Service is unavailable.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Various factors might incite error code 0Xc004F074. A primary cause is a discrepancy or difference between the KMS client and the KMS host machine. The host computer could possibly be operating a Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008, while the client runs on OS Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. To supplement, the computer’s time might be a contributing factor. The time on the host machine and client might show a difference (Usually the host time exceeds 4 hours).

Further Information and Manual Repair

To rectify error code 0Xc004F074, users are advised to try various methods. These methods include:

  1. Method 1: Update Your KMS Host 9 (Windows Server 2003)

Are you running later versions of Windows Server? Use an update that fixes or installs KMS on your computer. The update is available on Microsoft’s website. Keep clearly in mind that the update is only for Windows Server 2013 Service Pack 1 and later versions of Windows Server 2003.

  1. Method 2: Update Your KMS Host 9 (Windows Server 2008)

This step is similar to the aforementioned. However, it applies to Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. This ensures the service is extended to Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

  1. Method 3: Update the Time

It was previously mentioned that the time reflected on the KMS host and client might cause error code 0Xc004F074 to manifest. A simple fix to adhere to is to always ensure that the time between both is updated. To Resync the time on the client, execute the following command.

w32tm /resync

  1. Method 4: Uninstall the Existing KMS

For this method to be successfully deployed, you’ll need to have in your possession an activation key or KMSpico Key. As you cannot apply the new key with the existing one, remove or uninstall the initial key. To perform this step, open the command prompt. This should be done while the computer is in admin mode. Then, run the command

(slmgr.vbs /dlv)

It should be executed without the brackets and before you have removed the existing key.

After executing the command, you’ll encounter the description:

Windows(R) Operating System, VOLUME_KMS_WS12_R2 channel

Move along with the process by applying the slmgr.vbs /upk to uninstall the existing KMS key.

After the old key is uninstalled, you’re ready to apply the following:

slmgr.vbs /ipk <NewKMSProductKey>

To check if things are in place and complete the process, follow the steps below: PC Settings >Update and Security > Activation

  1. Method 5: Download an Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 8 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.

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Outlook: We are unable to connect right now
If you are trying to start the Microsoft Outlook application on your Windows 10 computer but you suddenly receive a message box with an error message that says, “We are unable to connect right now, Please check your network and try again later”, read on as this post will guide you on how you can fix this error. This kind of error in Microsoft Outlook could be due to some issues with your internet connection or it could also be due to the VPN software if you’re using one. Whatever the cause is, there are several potential fixes you can check out to fix the error. You have to check your internet connection or try changing it. You could also try to disable your VPN software or restart your computer or Microsoft Outlook and try starting the app again. In addition, you can also try entering your password again or check some settings in the Windows Registry or open Microsoft Outlook in Safe Mode. Refer to the guidelines provided below to further troubleshoot the problem.

Option 1 – Try to check your internet connection

The first thing you can do to resolve the problem is to check your internet connection. You have to make sure that you are connected to the internet and that it has a stable connection.

Option 2 – Try to restart your computer or Microsoft Outlook and try again

The next thing you can do to fix the error is to restart your computer or Microsoft Outlook. This simple process can actually help you fix the problem as it could only be a glitch that can be fixed with a simple restart.

Option 3 – Try to enter your password again

You could also try entering your password again to resolve the error. Just click on the Cancel button to open a dialog box and then enter your password again and see if it helps. Note that you might have to do it for all your email IDs in Microsoft Outlook.

Option 4 – Try opening Microsoft Outlook in Safe Mode and disabling its add-ins

Putting Microsoft Outlook into Safe Mode can help you identify the problems in it. Safe Mode also helps you fix a certain issue caused by some corrupted add-in. To start your Microsoft Outlook in Safe Mode, refer to these steps:
  • Tap Win + R on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type in “Outlook /safe” and press Enter to run the command.
  • After that, it will ask you to select a profile that you want to use. Just simply select a profile from the drop-down menu and click on the OK button.
  • Now you have successfully opened Microsoft Outlook in Safe Mode. As a result, it will start with disabling the add-ins. Meaning to say, there is some corrupted add-in that’s causing the problem, and that you need to look for that add-in and either disable it or have it permanently removed.
  • Once you’ve identified the corrupted add-in, you can disable or remove it by going to File > Options > Add-ins. From there, select the option “COM Add-ins” from the drop-down menu and then click the Go button.
  • Finally, close Microsoft Outlook once you’ve covered the given steps above and then try to open it normally.

Option 5 – Try disabling the VPN

As pointed out earlier, if you are using VPN, this could be the reason why you’re getting the “We are unable to connect right now, Please check your network and try again later” error so the most obvious thing to do is for you to turn off the VPN and try to run the Windows Update once more. And if you use a VPN software that works using their software, you can just completely exit or log-off from its account. On the other hand, if you are using a built-in Windows 10 VPN, you can simply turn it off or delete all the settings you have created there.

Option 6 – Try to check the settings in the Registry

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run utility and type “Regedit” in the field and tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicesNlaSvcParametersInternet
  • From there, look for the DWORD named “EnableActiveProbing” and make sure that its value is set to “1”. When the value is set to 1, it means that it is Enabled. This is the default setting and is used to identify the status of the network connectivity of your computer.
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PowerShell script Error 0xFFFD0000 in Windows
If you like to schedule different tasks on your Windows 10 computer and automate them, then you would find the Windows Task Scheduler very useful. It is commonly used by a lot of users to schedule various tasks like scheduling periodic execution of scripts and some programs to make sure that the intended tasks are automatically carried out. Apart from being a preinstalled application, the Task Scheduler is already available on your computer. However, there are times when you might encounter some errors while using it. One of these errors is error 0xFFFD0000. You can encounter this error while executing some PowerShell scripts. It can occur to any tasks as well especially to the ones that have a file executed using a particular program. And just like the PowerShell script, files also use PowerShell to be executed. To fix Error 0xFFFD0000, you need to follow the instructions provided below carefully. Step 1: In the Start Search, type “task scheduler” and click on Task Scheduler from the results to open it. Step 2: After opening Task Scheduler, right-click on the task that’s giving you the error and then click on Properties. Step 3: After that, navigate to the Actions tab in the new mini window that appears. Step 4: From there, select the action for the task and click on the Edit button which will open another mini window. Step 5: Next, make sure that the path to the executing program is properly typed inside the field of Program/script. Note that it should be set to the executable file for that particular program. For instance, you have to set it to “C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0powershell.exe” for the Windows PowerShell program. Step 6: You can also utilize the Browse button and navigate through Windows Explorer to locate that particular executable file for the program. Step 7: Now make sure to use the file argument in the Add arguments field followed by the path of the file to be executed. It should look like this:
-file "C:/Users/Ayush/Desktop/Powershell Script Sample.ps1"
Step 8: Once done, click on OK to save the changes made and see if the task is still giving you an error or not. On the other hand, if you are still getting the same error, you can try to repair the Task Scheduler by deleting corrupted tasks. Note that a single corrupted file can cause big problems so this option is quite important. And for you to delete a corrupted task or any task from the Task Scheduler, you have to use the Registry Editor if you are not able to use the Task Scheduler interface. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the dialog box for Run.
  • Next, type in regedit and click on OK or tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Then navigate to this path: ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheTree
Note: In this path, you can see all the tasks that are currently set in the Task Scheduler. And since it would be hard to tell which one of them is corrupted, you have to delete the latest one in Task Scheduler last. But before you do so, make sure that you take a note of the ID of the tasks. And for you to get the ID, you have to select the task you wish to delete and double click on the ID string located on your right-hand side, and then copy it in the Notepad.
  • Right-click on the task name and then delete it.
  • After that, delete the very same GUID which you have copied earlier from these folders:
  • ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheBoot
  • ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheLogon
  • ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheMaintenance
  • ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCachePlain
  • ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheTasks
Note: You might not see the same GUID from these folders but if you see it, delete it right away.
  • Next, navigate to this location: C:WindowsSystem32Tasks
  • Delete the very same tasks you just deleted from the Registry Editor.
  • Restart your PC and check if the Task Scheduler is back to its normal state or not.
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Make START menu full screen in Windows 10
Hello and welcome to another great tutorial from errortools.com. Today we will be making Windows START menu full screen. First introduced in Windows 8.1, the start menu has been shifted from full screen to gadget like in Windows 10 but if you prefer to have it over the entire screen with all of its glory and large icons you can do so and we will be happy to show you how. Press ⊞ WINDOWS and choose settings. Windows 10 Star menu with marked settings iconFrom the settings screen, choose Personalization. Windows 10 settings menu with marked Personalization groupUnder personalization options click on START. windows settings start screen sectionAnd then on the right part click on the button under Use Start full screen to turn it ON windows settings start screen switch for full screenThat's it, your start menu is now full screen.
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Fix Windows Update Error 0x80242006
If you are trying to update your Windows 10 computer using Windows Update but encounter an error code 0x80242006, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will guide you in fixing this particular Windows Update error. This kind of error might be due to mishandling by the operating system. It could also be caused by the antivirus program or security software installed in your computer. When you encounter this error, you will see the following error message on your screen as you try to run Windows Update:
“0x80242006, WU_E_UH_INVALIDMETADATA. A handler operation could not be completed because the update contains invalid metadata.”
Here are some troubleshooting tips you can try to fix Windows Update Error 0x80242006.

Option 1 – Try to reset the Windows Update components

If by any chance that the second option didn’t work, resetting the Windows Update components could also help you resolve the problem. How? Refer to the following steps:
  • Open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • After that, type each one of the following command and hit Enter after you key in one after the other.
    • net stop wuauserv
    • net stop cryptsvc
    • net stop bits
    • net stop msiserver
Note: The commands you entered will stop the Windows Update components such as Windows Update service, Cryptographic services, BITS and MSI Installer.
  • After disabling WU components, you need to rename both the SoftwareDistribution and Catroot2 folders. To do that, type each one of the following commands below and don’t forget to hit Enter after you type one command after the other.
    • ren C:WindowsSoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old
    • ren C:WindowsSystem32catroot2 Catroot2.old
  • Next, restart the services you’ve stopped by entering another series of commands. Don’t forget to hit Enter after you key in one command after the other.
    • net start wuauserv
    • net start cryptsvc
    • net start bits
    • net start msiserver
  • Close Command Prompt and reboot your PC.

Option 2 – Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

If resetting the Windows Update components didn’t work, you could also try running the Windows Update Troubleshooter as it could also help in fixing any issues related to Windows Update including this one. To run it, go to Settings and then select Troubleshoot from the options. From there, click on Windows Update and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button. After that, follow the next on-screen instructions and you should be good to go.

Option 3 – Try to disable your antivirus program

Disabling the antivirus program or any security software installed in your computer is always a good idea you can try when the Windows Update process does not go smoothly. So before you try updating your computer again, make sure to disable the antivirus or security program and once the Windows Update is done, don’t forget to enable the antivirus program back again.

Option 4 – Check the Background Intelligent Service and the Cryptographic Service

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter or click OK to open Services.
  • From the list of Services, look for the following services and make sure that their Startup type is as follows:
    • Background Intelligent Transfer Service – Manual
    • Cryptographic Service ­– Automatic
  • After that, check if the Service status of the listed services above are set to Running. If they’re not, click on the Start button to start these services and then check if you can now enable the Windows Update service or not.

Option 5 – Run the System File Checker Scan

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files to good system files. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few while before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
  • Restart your computer.

Option 6 – Try running the DISM tool

You can try running the Deployment Imaging and Servicing Management or DISM tool to fix the Windows Update error 0x80242006. Using this built-in tool, you have various options such as the “/ScanHealth”, “/CheckHealth”, and “/RestoreHealth”.
  • Open the Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • Then type in the following commands and make sure to hit Enter right after you type each one of them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • After that, wait until the process is finished and do not close the window as the process will probably take a couple of minutes.
  • Once it’s done, restart your computer.
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How to Fix Error 12031

Error 12031 - What is it?

Error 12031 indicates that the connection with the server has been reset or is not properly connected. In other words, it signifies that the File Transfer Protocol which is the standard network protocol that is used to transfer files from one host to another over the internet is either reset or not working properly. For example, if you are using a wireless adapter, then you may experience this error code when the adapter loses its association with the access point. The error code is often displayed in the following format:
  • "Cannot Connect to the FTP Server"


Restoro box imageError Causes

Though the error 12031 is largely caused by poor internet connection and failure to obtain files from the FTP server, however, sometimes the error may be caused by invalid registry entries and outdated drivers. Furthermore, it may also be a Firewall issue.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To resolve this issue on your system, we have listed down the best and easy DIY solutions. These solutions are simple to perform and do not require any kind of technical expertise or knowledge. Just follow the steps and you will be able to resolve it in a couple of minutes.

Solution 1: Disable Firewall

If you are unable to connect to the server and you encounter the error code 12031 on your system, then to resolve this issue, disable the Firewall on your PC.

Solution 2: Reset IE (Internet Explorer) Settings

This error is typically experienced by IE7 users.  If you can’t access some websites in Internet Explorer and you come across a 12031 error code, then try resetting your IE settings. To do this, open Internet Explorer, click on tools, and then click on Internet Options. Now go to the advanced tab and select Use Passive FTP. After checking the box, exit and then try accessing those sites that were not accessible before. If after modifying IE settings you are able to access the sites without any error message display, then this means the error is resolved. Nonetheless, if the error still persists, then the error could be generated due to invalid registry entries.

Solution3: Download and Run Restoro

To remove invalid registry entries from your system and resolve the 12031 error immediately, it is advisable to download and run Restoro. This is a new, cutting-edge, and multi-functional PC repair tool integrated with multiple utilities like a powerful registry cleaner, an antivirus, and a system optimizer. The registry cleaning utility scans your PC for all registry errors. It wipes out unnecessary files, bad and invalid registry entries, repairs damaged files, and restores the registry thereby resolving the 12031 error on your PC. This error tool has a user-friendly interface and simple navigations. It is easy to use and compatible with all Windows versions. In addition to this, you can also use it to scan for malicious software and remove malware. It also functions as a system optimizer and boosts your computer’s speed dramatically. Click here to download Restoro on your PC and resolve error 12031 right away!
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What to do if you can’t delete Partition
There are times when it is really inevitable to delete your hard drive partitions especially if you are already running low on disk space in your Windows 10 computer. Users typically delete the volume which is not being used in such cases in order to free up some space for the volume that’s running low on disk space. To resolve the problem, users tend to use the Disk Management utility to delete hard drive partitions. However, some users reported that the “Delete volume” option is not available as it is grayed out. Thus, users aren’t able to delete hard drive partitions and aren’t able to free up disk space. This kind of problem usually occurs when there is a Page file on the volume that you are trying to delete and so on. Oftentimes, this issue is mistaken for the problem where you are unable to delete an EFI-protected partition. However, in this case, not only you are unable to delete EFI-protected partition but also NTFS file systems. This is really hard to deal with but worries not for there are some potential fixes you can check out to resolve this problem.

Option 1 – Try to manage the Page file in the Partition

As mentioned earlier, if a Page file exists in a partition, you won’t be able to delete it. The page file is what stores your data when the system’s random access memory fills up. To resolve this, follow these steps:
  • Go to the Start menu and type “View advanced system settings” in the field and open it from the search results.
  • Next, click on Settings in the Advanced tab.
  • On the new window that pops up, go to the Advanced tab and select Change.
  • Next, uncheck the checkbox of “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” and highlight the drive you want to delete.
  • Then select “No paging file” and click on Set.
  • Now click on the Apply and OK buttons on all the windows and restart your computer.

Option 2 – Delete storage partition via Command Prompt

  • Tap the Win + X keys or right-click on the Start button and select Command Prompt (Admin) or you could also type in “cmd” in the Cortana search box and right-click on the Command Prompt icon and then select the “Run as Administrator” option from the context menu.
  • Once you have Command Prompt pulled up as admin, type in and enter this command – diskpart
  • After entering this command, the Diskpart Utility will start. Diskpart Utility is a command-line-based utility just like Command Prompt but it will get a UAC Prompt after you invoke it so you have to click Yes for the UAC Prompt.
  • After that, type in list volume and tap Enter to see the list of all the partitions created on your PC. This includes both types of partitions that are visible to the normal users in the File Explorer as well as the ones that are created by Windows 10 by default which helps it in storing the boot files and other essential system files.
  • You should see a list of all the partitions made on your computer. Select the partition you want to delete by its Unique Identification number as Volume X where X denotes the Unique Identification Number.
  • Next, type in the select volume number command and hit Enter to select the desired volume.
  • Then delete the volume you’ve selected and type in the delete volume command and hit Enter to delete the volume you just selected and convert it into unallocated space.

Option 3 – Delete storage partition via Windows PowerShell

  • Start by tapping the Win + X keys or simply right click on the Start button and select Windows PowerShell (Admin) or you could also type in “Windows PowerShell” in the Cortana search box and right-click on the Windows PowerShell icon and select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • Once you’ve opened the Windows PowerShell, type in the Get-Volume command and hit Enter to get a list of all the partitions on your PC.
  • Next, select the drive letter you want to delete and then type in the Remove-Partition –DriveLetter command and hit Enter to delete the selected partition. Note that you need to replace the drive letter with the letter of the partition you want to get rid of.
  • After that, it will ask you for confirmation. Just hit the Y key for Yes or hit the A key to say Yes to All. This will delete all the partition you’ve selected and will move them in as unallocated space.
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0x800ccc79 Error Code - A Quick Fix

0x800ccc79 Error - What is it?

0x800ccc79 error is an error message that you may come across when sending emails through Outlook Express from Microsoft. This error message is accompanied by a notification that is displayed as ‘email was not delivered’ or ‘the server doesn’t support SSL connection’.


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Restoro box imageError Causes

This error code 0x900ccc79 is triggered due to the following causes:
  • Problems related to email servers
  • Changes in the configuration settings
  • Corrupted Windows Registry

Further Information and Manual Repair

When you receive the error 0x800ccc79 it may hamper your ability to send emails. Therefore it is advisable to fix it to ensure your emails are sent and received without any difficulty.

This Outlook error 0x800ccc79 is quite easy to repair. By following the quick fix 0x800ccc79 error code solutions given below you can resolve this error in just a couple of minutes.

Here’s what you need to do to fix this error right away:

Cause: Configuration issues

Solution: If the error occurs due to Outlook Express being configured to use the SSL protocol while sending and receiving emails via the web, then to resolve it, you need to allow Outlook Express to bypass the Secure Socket Layer settings.

To do so, click on ‘tools’ and then on ‘Accounts’. Now select the email account that you want to modify.

Now select the ‘Properties’ tab and then click on ‘Advanced Settings’.

Here search for the following text message ‘This server requires a secure connection’. Once you locate it, uncheck all the checkboxes given next to this option. After that save the changes and restart Outlook Express to see bring the changes into effect.

Cause: Missing or Corrupt Registry Entries

Solution: If the error 0x800ccc79 occurs due to missing or corrupt registry entries, then the best way to fix this error is to download and install a good registry cleaner on your PC.

The registry cleaner will help you clean your corrupt and damaged Windows registry entries and get rid of this error right away. It is suggested you download the registry cleaner tool from a reliable website to avoid any malware or virus downloads simultaneously.

Once you download the registry cleaner on your system, click on scan. The cleaner will scan your computer completely for registry errors and show you the results in a list form.

After the scanning is complete, click on repair to fix the errors.

So, next time, if you or anyone at your office comes across the Outlook Express error 0x800ccc79, you can try these solutions and fix the error immediately without waiting for the network personnel to come and resolve it.

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Do you need Antivirus software for Windows 11
Windows 11 has arrived and it is being adopted all around the globe as we are writing this article. People are adapting it daily and today we will take a look at some advanced security features of the new Windows and do you really need an antivirus in it. Windows securityIt is not a secret that Windows 11 is the most secure Windows ever created, well at least up until now. It is packed with advanced security features like S-mode, Secure Boot, and Trusted Platform Module (TMP 2.0). All these new security features that Microsoft has advertised made people question are enough for security or do you still need third-party Antivirus software. In order to get an answer to this question, let us first take a detailed look at what each one of them does, and then we will give you our opinion on a given subject.

Windows S mode

For everyday home use, Windows 11 S mode is the most secure feature to have on your PC. This is a safety protocol where only apps from Microsoft Store are allowed to be installed. This eliminates the risk of installing third-party apps that may contain viruses or malware. Furthermore, S-mode protects your web browsing activity through the Microsoft Edge browser. S-mode does not allow you to use other browsers for security reasons. If you are using Windows 11 in S-mode, your PC and data will be secure in most parts. You need not buy antivirus when using Windows 11 in S-mode.

Windows Defender

The inbuilt security suite, Windows Defender was launched for the first time in 2006. Earlier to that it had existed and was known as Microsoft AntiSpyWare. Windows Defender has undergone significant improvements over the years. In its latest version available with Windows 11, Windows Defender offers a comprehensive range of security features. It is available under the Windows Security system. Some key security features include real-time virus and threat protection, account protection, firewall & network protection, app and browser control, parental controls, and device (hardware) security. This is comparable to security features offered by third-party antivirus programs.

Microsoft Account

In Windows 11, it is necessary to use a Microsoft account that will be linked to your device. This ensures the security of your data in case your device is lost or stolen. You just need to make sure that you have set a strong password for your device. Windows 11 also has Bitlocker that keeps your data in encrypted form.

Ransomware protection

In view of rising cases of ransomware, Microsoft has introduced dedicated ransomware protection in Windows 11. It works by stopping apps from carrying out unauthorized changes to files and folders. Users can choose their important files and folders that they want to be protected from ransomware.


As we went through Windows 11 security features, we can clearly see that it is packed heavily with many security features that aim to protect your data and your identity. Looking at them, one can clearly come to the conclusion that you do not really need any third-party software and that Windows itself can catch and protect most of the issues, and they would be right. If you use Windows 11 carefully, meaning that you go only to trusted websites, do not open suspicious emails, and click on suspicious links, if you do not use extensively external USB devices or mass media you really do not need any kind of third party protection, Windows built-in tools will do well and keep you protected. However, if you do come in contact with other people's USB devices if you surf over the net, and overall if you really want to be at peace of mind that you are protected you will still need a well-established third-party software protection solution. Windows 11 has great security features, best so far in any Windows but it is still far from being a solution that does not require dedicated protection solution. So do yourself a favor and grab one. We recently had a top antivirus software review, find the article here and pick one that is best for you. https://errortools.com/viruses/the-best-antivirus-software-of-2021/
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An Easy Guide to Resolving Code 18

Code 18 - What is it?

Code 18 is a typical Device Manager error code that occurs when the device driver is damaged. Device Manager is an important tool that allows Windows PC users to have an overall look at the connected hardware.

Furthermore, it also allows diagnostic testing. It is vital too and errors associated with the Device Manager such as error code 18 should and must be resolved quickly.

Error code 18 is usually presented in the following formats:

“The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 18)” Or “Reinstall the drivers for this device.”


driverfix boxError Causes

Error code 18 may be triggered due to several reasons such as:

  • Outdated drivers
  • Corrupted drivers
  • Improperly configured drivers

Error code 18 may cause a great deal of inconvenience. It may hamper your ability to use certain devices on your PC.

For example, if code 18 pops up due to a corrupted or improperly configured keyboard driver, then it may hamper your ability to use your keyboard and work on your PC.

Further Information and Manual Repair

The good news is that Device Manager error codes like error code 18 are easy to resolve. Below are some of the easiest and effective methods to repair error code 18 on your PC. Try one of these methods to repair error code 18 in no time:

Method 1 - Uninstall and Reinstall Device Drivers

One of the easiest ways to repair error code 18 and to ensure that this error doesn’t pop up on your PC again is to uninstall the problematic driver. For this, simply:

  • Go to the start menu
  • Type Device Manager and press enter
  • Now click on the device whose driver you want to uninstall.
  • Press right-click and then click on uninstall. Windows will prompt you to confirm the removal of the driver.
  • Click OK to confirm and then reboot your PC to activate changes.
  • Now scan for new hardware and follow the same process to reinstall the uninstalled device driver.

Method 2 - Update Drivers Automatically

Finding problematic drivers and then updating them individually can be frustrating and a time-consuming process. It can take a lot of time to perform updates and resolve the error code on your PC.

If you have projects to work on with pressing deadlines, then updating drivers on your PC separately can cause you a great deal of inconvenience and waste your precious time.

However, to avoid this situation, we advise you to set your drivers to update automatically. Automatic update installation requires only a few seconds.

And to update drivers automatically, it is recommended you download DriverFIX.

As the name suggests, this software is designed to assist programmers to upgrade device drivers automatically. In just a few clicks, you can update all your outdated drivers and repair error code 18.

DriverFIX is easy to use and an advanced program that is smoothly integrated with an intelligent programming system. This system identifies and detects all the problematic drivers on your PC and then updates each driver automatically to their latest versions.

It continues to update drivers regularly ensuring that you never come across device driver problems on your system.

Click here to download DriverFIX and repair error code 18 today!

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Windows computer shuts down instead of Sleep
As you know the Windows 10 operating system is has a lot of features and some of them are related to turning off your computer in different ways in order to save power at different levels. These particular features are Shut down, Restart, Hibernate, and Sleep. However, there are times when you might encounter some issues when using any of the aforementioned features. One of these issues is when your computer shuts down instead of going to Sleep. This issue could be caused by several factors including a bug related to the Intel Management Engine Interface or IMEI driver as well as any misconfiguration in the power settings of the BIOS or UEFI. If your computer is going through this problem, read on as this post will guide you in fixing it. There are several potential fixes you can try to fix the problem. You can try to check the Sleep Advanced Settings or run the built-in Power troubleshooter or run the Power Efficiency Diagnostic Report. In addition, you can also try to troubleshoot the problem in a Clean Boot State or reset or update the BIOS.

Option 1 – Check the Sleep Advanced Settings

  • Click on the Windows key and type “control panel” in the field and select the related search result.
  • Next, select the Security and Maintenance option and click on the Power Options.
  • After that, you have to select the Change Plan Settings but keep in mind that this option is barely readable so you need to read each option carefully.
  • Now click on the Change advanced power settings button and a new window will appear.
  • Then look for the “Sleep” option and expand it. Make sure that the “Allow hybrid sleep” option is on.
  • Reboot your computer and check if your computer now functions properly. If it still didn’t work, you may have to reverse the changes you’ve made.

Option 2 – Try to run the Power troubleshooter

The next thing you can do is to run the Power troubleshooter. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Go to Settings and navigate to Update & Security > Troubleshoot.
  • After that, look for the “Power” option from the given list of built-in troubleshooters and click on it.
  • Next, click on the “Run the troubleshooter” button to run the Power troubleshooter.
  • Once the troubleshooter is done identifying the problems, follow the next on-screen instructions to resolve the problem.

Option 3 – Troubleshoot Sleep Mode issue in a Clean Boot State

The issue with Sleep Mode might be caused by some third-party programs installed on your computer. This program might be the one that puts your computer to sleep and so to isolate this possibility, you have to put your PC in a Clean Boot State using the steps below.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • After that, try to put your computer to sleep again.

Option 4 – Try to run the Power Efficiency Diagnostics Report

You could also try to run the Power Efficiency Diagnostics Report to fix the problem. This tool is helpful and will help you analyze the status of the battery but note that this can be quite overwhelming especially if you’re not well-versed in this matter.

Option 5 – Try to update the BIOS

Updating the BIOS can help you fix the ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY BSOD error but as you know, BIOS is a sensitive part of a computer. Even though it is a software component, the functioning of the hardware depends on it largely. Thus, you must be careful when modifying something in the BIOS. So if you don’t know much about it, it’s best if you skip on this option and try the other ones instead. However, if you are well-versed in navigating the BIOS, then follow the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “msinfo32” in the field and press Enter to open System Information.
  • From there, you should find a search field on the bottom where you have to search for the BIOS version and then press Enter.
  • After that, you should see the developer and version of the BIOS installed on your PC.
  • Go to your manufacturer’s website and then download the latest version of BIOS on your computer.
  • If you are using a laptop, make sure that you keep it plugged in until you have updated the BIOS.
  • Now double click on the downloaded file and install the new BIOS version on your computer.
  • Now restart your computer to apply the changes made.
Note: If updating the BIOS didn’t help, you might want to consider resetting it instead.
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