
How to Fix Windows 10 Error Code 0x80070032

Error Code 0x80070032 - What is it?

Error Code 0x80070032 is a command that most often relates to codes or commands that have not been entered correctly or do not apply to the given program. It can also appear when mail folders in Windows Mail are not able to sync in the way that they should between the local device and the servers owned by Microsoft.

Common symptoms include:

  • Inability to access your emails
  • Emails not syncing between devices correctly
  • Inability to use certain commands in certain programs

The primary methods used to address Error Code 0x80070032 are fairly basic and easy to complete. Most users should be able to complete these methods on their own and they do not require a lot of time to do. However, if you don’t feel like you have the experience, skills, or knowledge necessary to complete the steps listed below, consider getting in touch with a qualified Windows repair technician to assist you.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The two main causes for Error Code 0x80070032 are commands entered into programs that cannot be completed or are incompatible with the program at hand and folders in Windows Mail that cannot sync properly.

Further Information and Manual Repair

There are three basic methods that users can try in order to resolve Error Code 0x80070032 on their machine. These are fairly simple and easy to complete. However, if the methods below aren’t successful in resolving the error code or if you do not feel confident in your ability to use them, get in touch with a certified Windows repair professional to assist you.

If you believe that you are seeing the error due to entering a command that didn’t work, use Method One first. If you believe it is due to a mail syncing error, use Methods Two or Three.

Here are the top methods for addressing Error Code 0x80070032:

Method One:  Reinstall the Program in Question

If you believe that you are experiencing Error Code 0x80070032 because of a command that you have entered, the best solution is to reinstall the program in which you were entering the command. You may also want to try updating your program, if able, before reinstalling it. Remember to restart the computer before reattempting to enter in the command that caused the error.

Method Two:  Download and Install Windows System Updates

For many users, Error Code 0x80070032 appears because of a bug in one of the versions of Windows 10. If you believe that this is the case, open up your Windows Updates and check to see if there are any updates that you can install.

For users who are only seeing Error Code 0x80070032 because of the bug mentioned above, Windows released an update that should address the error code on its own. If your computer is fully updated, the error may be resolved on its own. Always remember to restart your computer after installing updates so that the necessary changes can take effect.

Method Three:  Change Your Windows Mail to Local Access

If the above methods did not resolve the problem successfully, you can switch to local access to your Windows Mail, rather than relying on Microsoft access. To do so, complete the following steps:

  • Go into your Windows settings and click on the option for “Accounts.”
  • Select the account that you wish to access and choose the option to sign in using a local account.
  • Enter your password to verify local access.
  • Add in your user name, password, and password hint.
  • Sign out of the local account to finish.

Once this is done, you can switch back to your Microsoft account, which should reset your syncing ability. Follow these steps to switch back:

  • Go back into your settings, selecting “Accounts” and choosing the proper account.
  • Change the option to sign in with a Microsoft account.
  • Enter your password, then your username and password again.
  • Select “Switch” to change back to the Microsoft account.

Method Four: Use An Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.

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Network License NotAvailable15.570.0 Autodesk
If when trying to start Autodesk applications you receive a Network license not available error then please keep on reading, this guide is for you:

Causes of the error:

  • The license on the License Server is invalid.
  • The port for Autodesk Network License Manager is blocked.
  • The client computer is configured with incorrect license server information.
  • The license request is timing out on the client's computer before the license is obtained.

Solutions for the error:

Verify that the Autodesk License Server is setup with the correct license file.

To set up a license server for Windows, perform the following:

  1. Download and install the Network License Manager for Windows:
  2. Open LMTools and access the System Settings tab. Make a note of the "hostname" and "ethernet address" of the license server.
  3. Generate a Network License File in Autodesk Account.
  4. On the Service/License tab, select Configuration Using Services and LMTOOLS ignores license file path environment variables.
  5. On the Config Services tab, enter a name for the new service in the Service Name field.
  6. Fill the following fields, using the Browse buttons:
    • Path to the lmgrd.exe - Navigate to this file: C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager.
    • Path to the License file - Navigate to the new Autodesk.lic file, typically placed in: C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager\Licenses.
    • Path to the Debug Log file: C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager.
    • If no file is present, create a TXT file in Notepad and rename it “Debug.log.”
  7. Make sure the "Start Server at Power Up" and the "Use Services" boxes are checked. Then click Save Services.
  8. On the Start/Stop/Reread tab, click Start Server.
  9. On the Server Status tab, click Perform Status Enquiry.
  10. Licenses should display as active.

How to set up the Autodesk Network License Manager on a Mac.

Note: The Autodesk License Server Manager (version is supported only on the following Mac operating systems:
  • Apple macOS High Sierra 10.13
  • Apple macOS Sierra 10.12
  • Apple Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11
  1. Download Autodesk Network License Manager version for Mac
    • ​​Download the nlm11.16.2.0_ipv4_ipv6_mac_universal.tar.gz file to the Desktop.
  2. To install the Autodesk Network License Manager:
    • Double click on nlm11.16.2.0_ipv4_ipv6_mac_universal.tar.gz to unpack the installer package.
    • After unpacking nlm11.16.2.0_ipv4_ipv6_mac_universal.pkg, will be /Downloads/adlm/FLEXnet folder.
    • Double click on nlm11.16.2.0_ipv4_ipv6_mac_universal.pkg to start installation and follow the installation wizard.
    • The license server will be installed in /usr/local/flexnetserver/ directory.
  3. Change permissions for /usr/local/flexnetserver/ directory to 777
  • Open Terminal (located in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal) and enter the following command:
sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/local/flexnetserver
  • Note: Administrator password may be asked. While typing no characters are shown, just type out the password and hit return key.
  • Note: To start the license server only with elevated permissions (using sudo command), change permissions to 755 instead of 777.
  1. Create /usr/local/flexnetserver/licenses directory for network license file location
sudo mkdir /usr/local/flexnetserver/licenses
  1. Find the license server Host Name and Host ID.
  2. Generate the Network License File in the Autodesk Account
    • Once the license file is generated, make sure it has a .lic extension (e.g. adsk_license.lic) and is in a plain text format and place it in /usr/local/flexnetserver/licenses directory
Note: In this article we will refer to  adsk_license.lic as network license file name. Feel free to change the actual name of the license file, but make sure to reflect the new name when using the commands below.
  1. Create a debug.log file in the /usr/local/flexnetserver/ directory using the following command:
touch debug.log
  1. To start the Network License Server use the following command:
/usr/local/flexnetserver/lmgrd -c /usr/local/flexnetserver/licenses/adsk_license.lic -l /usr/local/flexnetserver/debug.log
Note: If folder permissions for  /usr/local/flexnetserver/ are set to  775, then use sudo command to start the server. For example:
sudo /usr/local/flexnetserver/lmgrd -c /usr/local/flexnetserver/licenses/adsk_license.lic -l /usr/local/flexnetserver/debug.log
  1. To obtain license server status enquiry:
/usr/local/flexnetserver/lmutil lmstat -a -c /usr/local/flexnetserver/licenses/adsk_license.lic
  1. To stop the license server:
/usr/local/flexnetserver/lmutil lmdown -q -force
  • A​​lternatively, run ps command to obtain process ids for lmgrd and adskflex and then kill those processes:
ps -ax | grep lmgrd
ps -ax | grep adskflex
kill -9
  • (provide process ids obtained by previous commands individually)

How to set up the Autodesk Network License Manager on Linux.

Note: The Autodesk License Manager ( is supported only on the following Linux distros:
  • Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 7
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise 12
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise 11
To configure the license manager use the following steps:
  1. Download Autodesk Network License Manager v. 11.16.2 for Linux from this link
    • ​​Download the nlm11.16.2.0_ipv4_ipv6_linux64.tar.gz file to your desktop.
  2. To install the Autodesk Network License Manager run following command as root.
    • tar –zxvf nlm11.16.2.0_ipv4_ipv6_linux64.tar.gz
    • rpm -vhi nlm11.16.2.0_ipv4_ipv6_linux64.rpm
    • The license server will be installed in /opt/flexnetserver/ directory.
  3. Find the license server Host Name and Host ID
  • To obtain the license server system hostid run the following command
/opt/flexnetserver/lmutil lmhostid From the command output note the hostid in quotes, if the system has two active NIC cards, select the first MAC address. lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2018 Flexera. All Rights Reserved. The FlexNet host ID of this machine is "000c297949e0"
  • To obtain the license server system hostname run the following command
/opt/flexnetserver/lmutil lmhostid hostname From the command output note the hostname of the license server. mutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2018 Flexera. All Rights Reserved. The FlexNet host ID of this machine is "HOSTNAME=Centos7.localdomain"
  1. Generate your Network License File in Autodesk Account
    • Once the license file is generated, make sure it has .lic extension (e.g. adsk_license.lic) and place it in /opt/flexnetserver/licenses directory.  If the directory doesn't exits, create it with this command: sudo mkdir /opt/flexnetserver/licenses
Note: in this article we will refer by adsk_license.lic your network license file name.
  1. To start the Network License Server
    • /opt/flexnetserver/lmgrd -c /opt/flexnetserver/licenses/adsk_license.lic -l /opt/flexnetserver/server_log.log
  2. To obtain license server status enquiry
    • /opt/flexnetserver/lmutil lmstat -a -c /opt/flexnetserver/licenses/adsk_license.lic
  3. To stop your license server service
    • /opt/flexnetserver/lmutil lmdown -q -force
    • alternatively you can also run ps command to obtain process ids for lmgrd and adskflex and then kill those processes
      • ps -aw | grep lmgrd
      • ps -aw | grep adskflex
      • kill -9 (provide process ids obtained by previous commands individually)
  4. To start the license server automatically after the system reboot
    • Open /etc/rc.d/rc.local script as root and enter license server start up command in it.
touch /var/lock/subsys/local /opt/flexnetserver/lmgrd -c /opt/flexnetserver/licenses/adsk_license.lic -l /opt/flexnetserver/server_log.logNote: To ensure that the script will be executed during boot, run following command as root. chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local
  1. Make sure that all necessary ports are open:
  • lmgrd.exe needs ports 27000 to 27009.
  • adskflex.exe needs port 2080.
Note: Errors may occur if the network license file is corrupt or in the case of a combined network license it has incorrectly combined licenses. To learn more about combining licenses, see Combining License Files for Multiple Autodesk Products. Use the License File Parser to verify that the license contains the appropriate products and FLEXnet feature codes and does not display an error

Verify that TCP ports (2080, 27000-27009) used by Autodesk Network License Manager are not blocked by Firewall.

The FLEXlm® based version uses the following incoming ports:
  • TCP ports 2080 (for the adskflex vendor daemon)
  • TCP ports 27000 to 27009 (for the lmgrd master daemon, which uses the first open port in the range)
Note: If these port addresses are restricted by a router or firewall software, users on the remote side of the router will not have access to licenses controlled by the Network License Manager.

Verify that the client computer is configured with the correct license server name or IP.


Clear license server information from the system registry.

  1. Type regedit in the Windows Search box and hit Enter key.
  2. Select the following registry key
  1. As the key is selected, in right panel ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE will be visible.
  2. Right click on the key and delete it.

Specify the license server in ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE system variable 

  1. Go to Start > Control Panel > System and Security > System.
  2. Select Advanced system settings.
  3. On the System Properties dialog, click Environment Variables.
  4. Under System Variables, click New.
  5. Enter ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE for the variable name and 2080@SERVER_NAME _OR _IP for the variable value.
Note: the license server information most often is recorded in LICPATH.lic file and can be verified there too.  ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE system variable supersedes LICPATH.lic.  Thus, setting the system variable is preferable when this error is seen.

If the license server is on a VPN or a remote network set the FLEXLM_TIMEOUT environment variable:

  1. Go to Start > Control Panel > System and Security > System.
  2. Select Advanced system settings.
  3. On the System Properties dialog, click Environment Variables.
  4. Under System Variables, click New.
  5. Enter FLEXLM_TIMEOUT for the variable name and 5000000 for the variable value.
  6. Click OK to save the setting.
Note: if needed the variable value can be increased to 10000000.


Specify the Autodesk Network License server information in $HOME/.flexlmrc file.

Use a text editor to create a flexlmrc.txt file and save it in Plain text format (In TextEdit on Mac: Format - Make Plain Text) on desktop. The file content should look like this, except with the name or IP address of the license server.
If the license server is on the same machine as the Autodesk software, use localhost as the license server name.  Thus, the content of flexlmrc file could look like this:
Note: On firewall restricted network or when accessing the license server via VPN, need to include TCP port/s (usually 27000 or 2080) into Autodesk License Server service as follows: ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE=2080@SERVER_NAME _OR _IP

Once flexlmrc file is created move it to user's $HOME folder as follows:

  1. Open a Terminal window
  2. Type open ~ (Mac) or nautilus ~ (Linux) to open $HOME folder
  3. Drag and drop flexlmrc.txt file from Desktop to the home folder.
  4. To make the file a configuration file, rename it to .flexlmrc (please note . [DOT] in front of the file name) by running the following command:
  • mv flexlmrc.txt .flexlmrc (Mac)
  • mv flexlmrc .flexlmrc (Linux)

Verify that the license server information registered with the product is correct (versions 2020 and later only)

In versions 2020 and later, the license server information is registered with the AdskLicensing service running locally on the workstation. When changing to a new license server, the old server information may still be registered with AdskLicensing and result in the error above, if this is not appropriately updated. See the below steps to solve this:
  1. Click the Start menu and type cmd.
  2. Right-click on the Command prompt and choose "Run As Administrator."
  3. In the Command prompt, run the following command, followed by ENTER:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\AdskLicensing\Current\helper\AdskLicensingInstHelper.exe" change -pk PRODKEY -pv VER.0.0.F -lm "" -ls "" -lt""


  • Replace PRODKEY with the product key correspondent to your product(s). See Look Up Product Keys for the full list.
  • Replace VER with the version you are using. E.g. 2020 for AutoCAD 2020.
  • Repeat this step for each software you need to reset.
  1. Open Registry Editor (Start > type regedit > ENTER).
  2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FLEXlm License Manager.
  3. On the right-side, verify of the ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE key exists. If yes, remove it (right-click > Delete).
  4. Run the software again.
  5. Select Multi-user in the Let's Get Started screen.
  6. Follow the steps to connect to your license server.
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How to Remove RelevantKnowledge From PC

RelevantKnowledge is a potentially unwanted program. It is typically bundled by 3rd-party installers and download managers that include other potentially unwanted programs (PUPs). In most cases, the installer will present the user with an RK survey at the end of the setup in order to relate the user’s future behavior to various questions.

From the published: RelevantKnowledge is an online market research community consisting of over 2 million members worldwide, which provides insight into how its members interact with the Internet. In exchange for an agreement to have their Internet behavior monitored, computer users who join RelevantKnowledge are offered various value propositions, including the ability to download screensavers or other software offerings, entry into sweepstakes, and a host of other benefits.

Multiple anti-virus scanners have detected possible malware in RelevantKnowledge.

About Browser Hijackers

If you’ve ever downloaded software via the internet (shareware, freeware, etc,), it’s quite possible you’ve unintentionally installed unwanted programs on your PC. Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP), also referred to as Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUA), are applications that you never wanted in the first place and often come bundled with freeware. Once installed, the majority of these applications can be tough to get rid of and become much more of an annoyance rather than a necessity. It is clear by its name – unwanted applications – but did not really constitute “malware” in the traditional sense. This is because, the majority of PUPs get into a computer not because they slip through the security holes, for instance, but because the users have got installed them themselves – 100 % unknowingly needless to say. A PUP might not be regarded as malicious or dangerous but nevertheless, it is a common reason for clunky OSs; some PUPs are a lot more aggressive by deliberately slowing down your PC.

The harm unwanted programs could do

PUPs come in various forms. Typically, they could be seen in adware bundlers that are known to use aggressive and misleading advertising. The majority of bundlers install many adware programs from a number of vendors, each of which features its own EULA policy. Safebytes Anti-Malware totally eradicates this threat and safeguards your computer against PUP or adware infection. Additionally, the majority of free programs nowadays come with a few unwanted add-ons; in most cases a web browser toolbar or browser modification such as a homepage hijacker. They can modify browser settings, change the default search engine, replace the default home page with their own websites, slow down internet speed, and also will damage your system as well. PUPs carry a dangerous bite if left unchecked. The most detrimental part of installing a PUP is the spyware, adware, and keystroke loggers that might hide inside. These are programs that don’t really do anything good for you; in addition to taking up space on your hard disk drive, they also slow down your PC, often modify settings without your authorization, the list of frustrating features goes on and on.

Tips on how to avoid getting a PUP

• When installing anything on your personal computer, always study the fine print, including the license agreement. Do not accept terms of use that are for bundled programs. • Use ONLY custom or manual install method – and never thoughtlessly click Next, Next, Next. • Use good antimalware software, such as Safebytes Anti-Malware which offers real-time protection against PUPs. • Think carefully before you download any kind of shareware or freeware. Turn off or get rid of toolbars and browser extensions you don’t actually need. • Always download applications from the original website. The majority of PUPs find their way onto your laptop or computer is via download portals, so steer clear of it entirely.

What To Do If You Cannot Install Safebytes Anti-Malware?

Viruses may cause a lot of damage to your personal computer. Some malware is meant to interfere with or block things that you want to do on your computer system. It may well not allow you to download anything from the net or stop you from accessing some or all websites, particularly the anti-malware sites. If you are reading this article now, you’ve probably realized that virus infection is the real cause of your blocked internet connectivity. So how to proceed if you need to download and install an anti-malware program like Safebytes? Although this kind of problem can be harder to get around, there are a few actions you can take.

Download the application in Safe Mode with Networking

In Safe Mode, you may change Windows settings, un-install or install some applications, and remove hard-to-delete viruses. If the malware is set to load automatically when the computer starts, shifting to this mode can prevent it from doing so. To start the computer into Safe Mode, press the “F8” key on your keyboard just before the Windows boot screen appears; Or right after normal Windows boot up, run MSCONFIG, look over “Safe Boot” under Boot tab, and then click Apply. As soon as you reboot into Safe Mode with Networking, you can download, install, and update anti-malware software from there. Right after installation, run the malware scanner to eliminate standard infections.

Use an alternate web browser to download antivirus software

Web-based viruses could be environment-specific, aiming for a specific internet browser or attacking specific versions of the browser. The most effective solution to overcome this problem is to go with a browser that is well known for its security measures. Firefox has built-in Phishing and Malware Protection to keep you secure online.

Install anti-malware on a USB drive

Another option is to save and operate an antivirus software tool entirely from a Flash drive. Do these simple actions to clean up your infected PC using a portable antivirus. 1) On a virus-free computer, download and install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Insert the USB drive into the clean PC. 3) Double click on the downloaded file to open the installation wizard. 4) Select the drive letter of the flash drive as the location when the wizard asks you exactly where you would like to install the antivirus. Follow the directions to complete the installation process. 5) Transfer the thumb drive from the uninfected computer to the infected PC. 6) Double-click the Safebytes Anti-malware icon on the pen drive to run the application. 7) Simply click “Scan Now” to run a complete scan on the affected computer for malware.

Protect Your Computer & Privacy With SafeBytes Anti-Malware

Want to download the best anti-malware software program for your laptop? There are lots of applications on the market that comes in free and paid versions for Windows systems. A few are really worth your money, but many aren’t. You need to pick a tool that has got a good reputation and detects not only computer viruses but other types of malware also. Among few good applications, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is the highly recommended program for the security-conscious individual. SafeBytes antimalware is a highly effective and user-friendly protection tool that is suitable for end-users of all levels of IT literacy. After you have installed this application, SafeByte's sophisticated protection system will make sure that no viruses or malware can seep through your PC. SafeBytes has excellent features when compared to other anti-malware programs. Here are some popular features present in this tool: World-class AntiMalware Protection: Safebytes is made on the best virus engine within the industry. These engines will detect and remove threats even during the early stages of a malware outbreak. Real-time Active Protection: SafeBytes delivers complete and real-time security for your laptop or computer. They’re highly efficient in screening and getting rid of numerous threats because they’re constantly revised with the latest updates and safety measures. Internet Security: Through its unique safety score, SafeBytes informs you whether a site is safe or not to visit it. This will ensure that you’re always certain of your safety when browsing the net. Very Low CPU and Memory Usage: This program is not “heavy” on the computer’s resources, so you will not notice any overall performance difficulties when SafeBytes is operating in the background. 24/7 Online Technical Support: SafeBytes provides 24/7 technical support, automatic maintenance, and upgrades for the best user experience.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to manually remove RelevantKnowledge without the use of an automated tool, it may be possible to do so by removing the program from the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser extensions, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You will likely also want to reset your browser. To ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard drive and registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Please note that this is for advanced users only and may be difficult, with incorrect file removal causing additional PC errors. In addition, some malware is capable of replicating or preventing deletion. Doing this in Safe Mode is advised.

The following files, folders, and registry entries are created or modified by RelevantKnowledge

Files: File%COMMONPROGRAMSRelevantKnowledgeAbout RelevantKnowledge.lnk. File%COMMONPROGRAMSRelevantKnowledgePrivacy Policy and User License Agreement.lnk. File%COMMONPROGRAMSRelevantKnowledgeSupport.lnk. File%COMMONPROGRAMSRelevantKnowledgeUninstall Instructions.lnk. File%PROGRAMFILESRelevantKnowledgechrome.manifest. File%PROGRAMFILESRelevantKnowledgecomponentsrlxg.dll. File%PROGRAMFILESRelevantKnowledgecomponentsrlxh.dll. File%PROGRAMFILESRelevantKnowledgecomponentsrlxi.dll. File%PROGRAMFILESRelevantKnowledgecomponentsrlxj.dll. File%PROGRAMFILESRelevantKnowledgeinstall.rdf. File%PROGRAMFILESRelevantKnowledgerlcm.crx. File%PROGRAMFILESRelevantKnowledgerlcm.txt. File%PROGRAMFILESRelevantKnowledgerlls.dll. File%PROGRAMFILESRelevantKnowledgerlls64.dll. File%PROGRAMFILESRelevantKnowledgerloci.bin. File%PROGRAMFILESRelevantKnowledgerlph.dll. File%PROGRAMFILESRelevantKnowledgerlservice.exe. File%PROGRAMFILESRelevantKnowledgerlvknlg.exe. File%PROGRAMFILESRelevantKnowledgerlvknlg64.exe. File%PROGRAMFILESRelevantKnowledgerlxf.dll. Directory %COMMONPROGRAMSRelevantKnowledge. Directory %PROGRAMFILESRelevantKnowledgecomponents. Directory %PROGRAMFILESRelevantKnowledge. Registry: Key mkndcbhcgphcfkkddanakjiepeknbgle at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREGoogleChromeExtensions. Key RelevantKnowledge at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonNotify. Key rlvknlg at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftESENTProcess. Value 3C5F0F00-683D-4847-89C8-E7AF64FD1CFB at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMozillaFirefoxExtensions. Value %PROGRAMFILESrelevantknowledgerlvknlg.exe at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001ServicesSharedAccessParametersFirewallPolicyStandardProfileAuthorizedApplicationsList. Value %PROGRAMFILESrelevantknowledgerlvknlg.exe at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet002ServicesSharedAccessParametersFirewallPolicyStandardProfileAuthorizedApplicationsList. Value %PROGRAMFILESRelevantKnowledgerlvknlg.exe at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet003ServicesSharedAccessParametersFirewallPolicyStandardProfileAuthorizedApplicationsList.
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Fix error 0x8007000d in Windows
Hello everyone and welcome to another quick tutorial for your Windows error, this time we will wrestle with error 0x8007000d.

Let's begin:

1. Browse to "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download" and delete the contents of the folder. 2. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X > Click Command Prompt (Admin) then type "wuauclt.exe /updatenow". Hit Enter 3. Open Control Panel > Windows Update and Windows 10 should begin downloading. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X Click Command Prompt (Admin) Type in at the prompt OR Copy and Paste these one at a time : (Hit ENTER after each)
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter and check if it helps:

  1. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X and select the Control panel.
  2. In the search box, type troubleshooter, and then click Troubleshooting.
  3. Under System and Security, click Fix problems with Windows Updates.
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Enabling the new Light Mode Theme in Windows
In case you don’t know, Windows now comes with an all-new Light Mode theme which gives a light accent color to the Taskbar, Start, and Notification Area. Aside from that, it also brings new improvements and features. This new theme is somewhere between dark and completely white and in this post, you will be guided on how you can enable this new feature in your Windows 10 computer. Although the Light Mode sure looks stunning and a lot of users love it, it actually switches all the apps plus the Taskbar and Start Menu to the light mode which was not the case before. In addition, the icons in the system tray area, as well as the notification center, are also inverted. To resolve that, there are several ways you can customize the light mode theme as well as activate it in the Windows 10 v1903. How? Refer to each one of the options given below.

Option 1 – Via Theme settings

Windows 10 brought a new theme called “Windows (Light)” which will enable the light mode automatically and will set the accent colors to automatic. This will also apply the new Windows 10 wallpaper on your desktop. To enable Windows (Light), all you have to do is right-click on the desktop and select Themes from the left menu. After that, select the Windows (Light) option under the Change Themes section. This will apply to the Windows (Light) mode.

Option 2 – Via Color settings

The second and more customizable way to activate the light mode is via Settings. Aside from the Light and Dark, Windows also introduced a Custom color option which allows you to decide the default Windows and App mode independently. To enable Light mode via Settings, refer to the steps below.
  • First, open Settings and go to Personalization.
  • After that, select “Colours” from the left menu.
  • Next, select Light under the “Choose your color” section to activate the light mode in Windows 10. This will activate light mode all over your computer.
Note: If after activating light mode, you find that you don’t like it and you want to keep things as they were before (Light App Mode and Dark Windows Mode), you can achieve that using the Custom option. All you have to do is select Custom from the drop-down menu to decide the default Windows and app mode independently. After that, select light under the default app mode and dark under the default Windows mode so that you can keep things as they were before the update. On the other hand, you can also try the opposite version of the light Windows mode and Dark app mode since Windows increased the level of customizability which allows users to use an option of a completely light mode.
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Ways to speed up your Computer
Having a PC is a great thing, more often we are enjoying it than we have issues, but as time passes it seems that our computer is slowing more and more as new applications and games are coming which demand more powerful computers. Before you decide to throw away your computer and buy a new one because you feel it is a bit slow, read through this guide where we will guide you to common tips & trick to make your PC run faster:
  1. Keep your PC clean and tidy

    Slowdowns and many other issues, even hardware failures can come from dirty PC. Make sure your PC is clean and tidy for maximum performance.
  2. Optimize airflow through PC casing

    Airflow is very important so your GPU and CPU and overall all hardware components can be kept in optimal working temperatures. If any device inside the casing is working in abnormal temperatures you will experience slowdowns and freezing on daily basis. Make sure that all fans are working and that your temperatures are in the optimal range to prevent overheating and make sure to have maximum performance.
  3. Check PC for malware

    Viruses, worms, and overall all malware can drastically reduce system performance. Make sure that your protection software is up to date with the latest definitions and that you have the latest Windows updates installed.
  4. Create a Hi-Performance power plan

    Windows power plans can be a very useful feature, especially if you are working on laptop but in order to boost performance and drain maximum, you will need to switch to a hi-performance power plan.
  5. Free space on the system drive

    Having little to no space on your Windows system drive can lead to extreme slowdowns, make sure that your hard drive is not on red when viewed from File explorer or you will experience even 50% poorer performance.
  6. Choose startup applications

    If you have many applications starting up with your Windows and many of them running in the background you will experience performance issues. Each application that runs in the background is taking RAM and CPU time for themselves which could be free and used for the program that you need.
  7. Do not open too many tabs in Browser

    Having too many tabs in Browser while working on a computer can also cause slowdowns, each tab is taking RAM for itself and even can cause Browser poor performance if a tab is LIVE and refreshing with new content all the time.
  8. Remove browser extensions

    Speaking of browser, having too many installed extensions which are active as soon as the browser is up and running can also lead to poor performances. Remove all which you really do not need and your computer will gain in speed.
  9. Make hardware upgrade

    Sometimes your system is just a little outdated, upgrading more RAM or switching to a new SSD with the greater speed can cause a world of difference in PC performance. Check to see how RAM is standard and upgrade accordingly, you can also upgrade the CPU and other bottlenecks in your system this way instead of completely buying a new PC.
  10. Format and reinstall system

    Drives, application traces, registry entries, etc. are piling up in your system over time, and if enough time is given it will clog your computer. From time to time it is a good idea to backup files and do a completely clean full format of HD and install a new and fresh copy of Windows with new and clean copies of applications and drivers.
That's it, 10 tips on how to make your Windows and PC perform better and speed it up. I hope that you found the read informative and helpful and I hope that I will see you soon.
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Do you need Antivirus software for Windows 11
Windows 11 has arrived and it is being adopted all around the globe as we are writing this article. People are adapting it daily and today we will take a look at some advanced security features of the new Windows and do you really need an antivirus in it. Windows securityIt is not a secret that Windows 11 is the most secure Windows ever created, well at least up until now. It is packed with advanced security features like S-mode, Secure Boot, and Trusted Platform Module (TMP 2.0). All these new security features that Microsoft has advertised made people question are enough for security or do you still need third-party Antivirus software. In order to get an answer to this question, let us first take a detailed look at what each one of them does, and then we will give you our opinion on a given subject.

Windows S mode

For everyday home use, Windows 11 S mode is the most secure feature to have on your PC. This is a safety protocol where only apps from Microsoft Store are allowed to be installed. This eliminates the risk of installing third-party apps that may contain viruses or malware. Furthermore, S-mode protects your web browsing activity through the Microsoft Edge browser. S-mode does not allow you to use other browsers for security reasons. If you are using Windows 11 in S-mode, your PC and data will be secure in most parts. You need not buy antivirus when using Windows 11 in S-mode.

Windows Defender

The inbuilt security suite, Windows Defender was launched for the first time in 2006. Earlier to that it had existed and was known as Microsoft AntiSpyWare. Windows Defender has undergone significant improvements over the years. In its latest version available with Windows 11, Windows Defender offers a comprehensive range of security features. It is available under the Windows Security system. Some key security features include real-time virus and threat protection, account protection, firewall & network protection, app and browser control, parental controls, and device (hardware) security. This is comparable to security features offered by third-party antivirus programs.

Microsoft Account

In Windows 11, it is necessary to use a Microsoft account that will be linked to your device. This ensures the security of your data in case your device is lost or stolen. You just need to make sure that you have set a strong password for your device. Windows 11 also has Bitlocker that keeps your data in encrypted form.

Ransomware protection

In view of rising cases of ransomware, Microsoft has introduced dedicated ransomware protection in Windows 11. It works by stopping apps from carrying out unauthorized changes to files and folders. Users can choose their important files and folders that they want to be protected from ransomware.


As we went through Windows 11 security features, we can clearly see that it is packed heavily with many security features that aim to protect your data and your identity. Looking at them, one can clearly come to the conclusion that you do not really need any third-party software and that Windows itself can catch and protect most of the issues, and they would be right. If you use Windows 11 carefully, meaning that you go only to trusted websites, do not open suspicious emails, and click on suspicious links, if you do not use extensively external USB devices or mass media you really do not need any kind of third party protection, Windows built-in tools will do well and keep you protected. However, if you do come in contact with other people's USB devices if you surf over the net, and overall if you really want to be at peace of mind that you are protected you will still need a well-established third-party software protection solution. Windows 11 has great security features, best so far in any Windows but it is still far from being a solution that does not require dedicated protection solution. So do yourself a favor and grab one. We recently had a top antivirus software review, find the article here and pick one that is best for you. https://errortools.com/viruses/the-best-antivirus-software-of-2021/
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Fix BUGCODE_USB_DRIVER Error in Windows
This post will guide you in fixing yet another annoying Blue Screen of Death error, “BUGCODE_USB_DRIVER”. This particular BSOD error occurs due to some issue with usbhub.sys, winusb.sys, or usbport.sys system driver file. When you encounter this kind of Stop error on your Windows 10 PC, it indicates that an error has occurred in the Universal Serial Bus or USB driver. The USB driver is issued by Microsoft themselves and it comes along with the Windows 10 system which is why it is difficult to download its latest version using a web browser. Thus, you need to take some basic steps to resolve the problem. Carefully follow the given fixes below to fix the BUGCODE_USB_DRIVER Blue Screen error and before you proceed, you need to create a System Restore Point, this way you have some backup in case something goes out of hand.

Option 1 – Update the USB Controller Drivers

  • First, click the Start button and type “device manager”.
  • Then click on the “Device Manager” from the search results to open it.
  • From there, look for the “Universal Serial Bus controllers” option and then right-click on each one of the USB drivers and select the Update Driver from the menu.
  • Restart your PC and then click the “Search automatically for updated driver software” option.
You also have the option to update the motherboard and the USB driver from the manufacturer’s official website.

Option 2 – Check for any available Windows Updates

Another you can try is to check if there are any Windows Updates available to make sure that your Windows 10 PC has all the latest updates installed. All you have to do is go to Settings > Update &security. From there, just click on the Check for updates button.

Option 3 – Uninstall conflicting programs and services

There are certain programs like VMWare, Virtual Box, Hyper-V Virtualization services that might be in conflict with the USB port drivers on the parent operating system. Thus, you can try uninstalling the aforementioned programs and other similar ones to see if it fixes the BSOD error.
  • In the search box, type in “control” and then click on Control Panel (desktop app) among the search results.
  • After that, select Programs and Features from the list which will give you a list of all the programs installed on your computer.
  • From there, look for the concerned program and select it and then uninstall it.
Note: If you have downloaded the app from the Windows Store, you can simply right-click on it from the application list and then uninstall it. If uninstalling the programs mentioned above didn’t help, you might want to try putting your PC in a Clean Boot State to help you find the faulty program.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)

Option 4 – Modify the Power Settings

  • In the Cortana Search box, type “power options” and then select Power Options from the search results.
  • After opening Power Options, click on Change plan settings for your selected power plan.
  • Next, click on Change advanced power settings.
  • Then look for USB Settings and click on it to expand it.
  • Now expand the USB selective suspend setting and then disable it.
  • After that, click on the Apply and then OK buttons to save the changes made.

Option 5 – Check for any hard disk errors

  • On your desktop, right-click on the “This PC” or computer icon and then select Manage to open the Disk Management. Here you get to check your drive’s health.
  • Next, click on Disk Management on the left side panel.
  • From there, check the state of your drives. If it shows that all your partitions are healthy then it means all is good and that the problem may have something to do with some physical issues with your hard drive.
You might also want to run the CHKDSK utility to help you fix any issues with your hard disk. If your hard drive has issues with integrity, the update will really fail as the system will think that it’s not healthy and that’s where the CHKDSK utility comes in. The CHKDSK utility repairs hard drive errors that might be causing the problem.
  • Open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • After opening Command Prompt, execute the following command and hit Enter:
chkdsk /f /r
  • Wait for the process to be completed and then restart your computer.
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How to Fix Missing MSVCR80.dll Error

Missing MSVCR80.dll Error - What is it?

Msvcr80.dll is a runtime dynamic link library file. This file is typically required to run programs written with Visual Studio. Msvcr80.dll error messages might appear when using or installing certain programs on your PC, that are dependent on the Msvcr80.dll file to run and load. This error message may appear on your computer screen in either of the following formats:
  • "Msvcr80.dll Not Found"
  • "This application failed to start because msvcr80.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
  • "The file msvcr80.dll is missing."
  • "Cannot start [APPLICATION]. A required component is missing: msvcr80.dll. Please install [APPLICATION] again.
  • "APSDaemon.exe - System Error - MSVCR80.dll is missing from your computer."
  • "Cannot find [PATH]msvcr80.dll"


Restoro box imageError Causes

Msvcr80.dll error is a common Windows PC error. This error code may occur due to multiple reasons. These include:
  • Removal and corruption of Msvcr80.dll file
  • Registry issues
  • Viral infection
  • Hardware failure
  • Improper software installation
It is advisable to resolve this error code to avoid inconvenience. This error may hamper your ability to access and run your desired program.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some of the best and easiest DIY solutions to fix the Msvcr80.dll error on your PC right away:

1. Check your Recycle Bin for the Missing Msvcr80.dll file or Download the Msvcr80.dll file from a Trusted Website

If you receive the error message ‘missing Msvcr80.dll file’ then first check the recycle bin. It is possible that you may have unknowingly deleted the Msvcr80.dll file while uninstalling a program from the PC. Remember dll files are shared files. These files are used by a number of programs on your PC to run and load. There is a possibility that the program you uninstalled shared the same file to run on your PC. So, when removing that program from your PC it could have also deleted the Msvcr80.dll file. Therefore, check your recycle bin to restore the missing file. Nonetheless, if in case you are unable to locate the missing Msvcr80.dll file, then try downloading it on your PC. However, when doing so, make sure you download the file from a reliable dll download website.

2. Uninstall and Reinstall Apple iTunes Program

This error commonly pops up when running Apple iTunes on your PC. To resolve this issue, and ensure smooth access to Apple iTunes, here’s what you need to do: uninstall from Windows the following programs in this order: Apple iTunes, Software update, Apple Mobile device support, Bonjour, application support, iCloud and mobile me. Skip over software that you haven’t installed already on your system. When uninstalling the programs, if you have two entries of the same software, then uninstall the older version first and then the newer one. To do so, go to Applet in the Control Panel.  It is called programs and features in Windows 7, 8, and Vista and add/remove programs in Windows XP. Once all Apple software is uninstalled, the next step is to download the latest version of iTunes from Apple. After the software is downloaded on your system successfully, run it. This is most likely to resolve the issue.

3. Scan for Viruses

If the issue still persists, then the underlying cause could be related to malware invasion. Therefore in such circumstances, it is advisable to scan for viruses and malware with a powerful antivirus on your PC and remove them right away. Please note, using an antivirus may slow down your PC performance.

4. Perform Registry Scan and Repair

When the registry is overloaded with unnecessary and redundant files like junk files, cookies, invalid entries, and bad keys, it gets corrupted easily thereby generating errors like Msvcr80.dll errors. To resolve this issue, you must perform a registry scan and repair it with a powerful registry cleaner. Whether the cause of the issue is a viral infection or the cause is related to registry problems, the best way to resolve the issue without compromising the speed of your system is to download Restoro. This is an advanced, cutting-edge, and multi-functional PC repair tool. It is compatible with all Windows versions. This software is embedded with multiple PC repair and performance-boosting utilities such as a registry cleaner, an antivirus, and a system optimizer. It has a high functional intuitive algorithm and a user-friendly interface. The registry cleaning feature detects all registry issues, wipes unnecessary files, cleans and repairs the corrupt registry and damaged dll files. The antivirus utility scans for all types of malware, viruses, Trojans, and spyware and removes them immediately. While the system optimizer module helps boost your computer’s performance to its optimal level.  In just a few simple clicks, the Msvcr80.dll error is resolved. To get started, click here to download Restoro on your PC today!
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How to Disable Restart in Firefox
Mozilla Firefox has introduced a new feature known as Restart with Windows which allows the browser to automatically start when your Windows 10 computer boots. This means that if you leave the Firefox browser opened while shutting down your computer, Firefox will re-open automatically along with the tabs that were opened right before you shut down your computer. Although some users may find this feature convenient, there are others who do not approve at all as it could be a nuisance. So if you’re one of the latter, then read on as this post will show you how you can disable the Restart with Windows feature in the Firefox browser on your Windows 10 computer. Refer to the instructions laid out below to get started.
  • Step 1: Open Mozilla Firefox and if it’s opened already, just open a new tab and then type the following text in the address bar:
  • Step 2: After typing the text given above, hit Enter and if a prompt with a warning message pops up, simply click on the “I accept the risk!” button to proceed.
  • Step 3: Next, type “Restart” in the search filter which should display the following preference in the window:
  • Step 4: After that, check for the preference value and then see if it’s set to true or not. If it is set to true, then it means that the Restart with Windows feature is enabled so obviously, to disable it, you need to set its value to false.
  • Step 5: Now restart your computer without closing Firefox. After restarting your computer, you should no longer see Firefox starting automatically.
The Restart with Windows feature by default is disabled for most users. On the other hand, Mozilla will have this feature enabled as the default configuration in the coming weeks so it’s best that you now know what to do when that time comes since the newer versions of Mozilla Firefox are already being shipped with the Restart with Windows feature. However, if this post did not help you, then you might want to check if the feature has been added to the Startup folder, and from there, you can disable this startup program using the Task Manager > Startup tab.
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How to Repair Missing MSVCR100.dll Error

What is MSVCR100.dll Error?

Msvcr100.dll is a dynamic link library file. This file is loaded into the memory at runtime for successful program execution. This process is also referred to as runtime dynamic linking. The Msvcr100.dll belongs to the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library. It is a core Windows component used by numerous Windows-based applications to load and run smoothly on Windows PC. Msvcr100.dll error occurs when the process of runtime dynamic linking fails. Due to this error, you are unable to access the desired application. The error code is displayed in either of the following formats:
  • “Msvcr100.dll Not Found"
  • "This application failed to start because msvcr100.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
  • "Cannot find [PATH]msvcr100.dll"
  • "msvcr100.dll  is missing from your computer"
  • "XXX.exe - System Error - MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer."


Restoro box imageError Causes

Narrowing down the cause of the Msvcr100.dll error is not possible as this error can occur on your PC due to multiple reasons. However, here are some of the most common causes of Msvcr100.dll error code on Windows PC:
  • Msvcr100.dll file corrupt and damaged
  • Missing Msvcr100.dll file
  • Corrupt runtime code library
  • Registry issues
  • Malware attack and viral infection

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some of the best ways to resolve this error on your system:

Reinstall the application causing the error

As dll are shared files used by multiple programs to load and run, there is the possibility of it getting deleted when uninstalling a certain program. If so, then the best way to fix it is to reinstall the application that is causing the error to pop up on your screen. This way you’ll be able to set up the program again and install the Msvcr100.dll file back on your system.

Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package

Another way to resolve this error is to download Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package. To do this, first, see if you are running a 32 bit or 64-bit copy of Windows. XP users go to the start menu and click run then type winver and press enter. In Vista and Windows 7, go to the start menu and type computer and click properties. The information you require is under Windows Edition. Once you find out whether you are using a 32 bit or a 64-bit version, accordingly, download the correct version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package directly from Microsoft’s official website. Simply download and install the software. Then follow the prompts to add the toolbox to your PC. After that, restart your computer; most likely the error message will be gone. If it still persists, then this means the error is either related to the registry or malware.

Download and Run Restoro

Restoro can be used to resolve both malware infection and registry issues on your PC that could be triggering Msvcr100.dll errors. Restoro is a next-generation and multi-functional PC repair tool embedded with powerful utilities like an antivirus, a registry cleaner, and a system optimizer. The registry cleaning feature detects all registry issues and Msvcr100.dll errors. It removes unnecessary and obsolete files on the disk, like junk files, cookies, internet history, and temporary files cluttering the disk and damaging dll files. It repairs the damaged and corrupt dll files and restores the registry. Simultaneously the antivirus feature scans and removes all malicious software on your system. These include spyware, viruses, Trojans, adware, and malware that can damage dll files. This software is efficient and resolves the Msvcr100.dll error in seconds. It is easy to use and has a simple navigation. It is compatible with all Windows versions. Click here to download Restoro on your PC and resolve the Msvcr100.dll error today!
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