
Quick Fix Guide for Stop Code 0x0000008e

What Is STOP Code 0x0000008e

The STOP Code 0x0000008E is essentially an error code that is displayed on the STOP message. This STOP message is also commonly known as Blue Screen of Death or BSOD for short. When this error occurs, usually messages like,


are displayed to the user.


Download Available to Completely Repair Error 0x0000008e

Restoro box imageError Causes

These errors are commonly caused by failures of memory hardware. However, viruses, hardware failures or issues with the device drivers may also trigger them.

If this error code appears but Windows is successfully able to recover from it, then the message ‘Windows has recovered from an unexpected shutdown’ is displayed to the users.

Regardless of what causes these errors, it is of paramount importance that counteractive measures are taken as soon as the error appears.

Further Information and Manual Repair

While this error can be removed in many ways, the most effective ones are listed below as follows.

  • The screen might be a fluke. Restart your system; the blue screen that appears to you may not be what it seems.
  • Have you just modified or installed new hardware or driver? If yes, it is highly likely that the change you have made has triggered the error. If this is the case, it is strongly recommended that you revert back to the original settings and check whether the blue screen appears again or not. If it does, you can fix it by reconfiguring or removing the hardware you have recently installed. You can perform System Restore or you can go back to the previous versions if you have installed a new driver.
  • To keep this error from occurring in the future, it is strongly advised that you test your RAM. Damaged memory or one that’s unable to perform in the usual manner is often the reason this error occurs.
  • Ensure appropriate installation of your system memory. If you have installed memory in a way other than advised by your memory manufacturer that it may lead to STOP 0x0000008E error or other problems.
  • Misconfigured or over-clocked memory settings can cause STOP 0x0000008E errors as well. To remedy this situation, it is best advised to return the BIOS settings to their default level.
  • If you haven’t updated your Windows, apply all the updates you come across. Patches and service packs specifically address such issues.

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How to clear cache inside Windows 11
Cache files are temporary files that have been created by various applications and services when used.  As temporary files, they are safe to be removed and deleted from the system since the application or service will create new ones when needed but sadly will not remove old ones, this task is left to OS itself. windows 11 cacheAutomatic Windows cleanups can mostly take care of these things but for top-notch performance clearing cache manually is a far better option. We will here explore various cache temporary files, where they are, and how to clean them. Sit back and let’s do some cleaning!

Clear cache using Disk Cleanup

  1. Open Start menu and search Disk Cleanup
  2. Click on it in search results
  3. Click on the drives drop-down menu and select the drive where is Windows 11 installed
  4. In the Files to Delete section enable all boxes and click on OK
  5. Click on delete Files to confirm

Clear Microsoft store cache

  1. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + R to open the run dialog
  2. Type in WSReset.exe and press ENTER
  3. Black blank windows will appear, wait for the window to close itself and you are done

Clearing location cache

  1. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + I to open location history
  2. Select Privacy & Security
  3. In the App Permissions section click on Location
  4. On-Location page click on Clear

Clear and flush DNS

  1. Press Start and search for Windows Terminal
  2. Click on Terminal in search results
  3. Type in: ipconfig /flushdns and press ENTER
And that is that!
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What you should not share and post on Facebook
Recent Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger & Oculus fiasco and downtime reminded us that even big IT tech behemoth is vulnerable and can go offline. The situation has been resolve in not so fast manner but not long also, let’s say it was resolved in time that people have not left and switched to another platform. What you should not share and post on FacebookThat being said, now when services are back we stopped and reflected on the platform itself and on its users. If Facebook is vulnerable so are its users, but sometimes users themselves are responsible for being a target. We step back and take a look at posts that manifest on Facebook and have come with some advice on what things you should never post on Facebook and on other social platforms.

Pictures of any kind of ID, bill, vaccine cards or similar document

This should be a no-brainer at all but we see people posting this kind of information. They go on a rant about how the bill is too high and place a picture of it, or they took their vaccine shot and posted a vaccine card as proof. Why this is a bad idea is that any of these documents contain certain things like birthdays, names, and even more like addresses and other information that can be used against users.

Information about where you live

This could be tied to the previous point but it is very crucial that a living address is not something that you wish to share publicly. A lot of burglars are stalking social media for exactly this kind of information so they can then analyze when and how to strike and this time you have done all work for them providing them with the information on where to find your flat.

Daily routines and vacation plans

The most burglary happens to believe it or not during the day, in hours when people are at work. So by providing the world with your daily routines and when you are not at home you are putting your home at risk of being broken into. Posting vacation plans are even worse or posting pictures and status when you are on vacation will send a clear message to anyone that your home is empty and unattended.

Pictures of your home interior

This can also sadly disclosure more information that you wish like maybe some interesting facts like address or birthday on certificates, diplomas, or other documents accidentally caught in the taken picture. Also, these kinds of pictures can show much about your home security, alarm positions if you have some, how is your front door secured, etc.

Content that can get you fired

We hear all the time, famous star or director has some tweets that have resurfaced and now it is fired. I know that many of us are not famous stars but we can also be fired. Sharing some offensive opinions, inappropriate content or just plain pure lies like took sick leave to play this new game can have not so great resolution for your working relationship with your employer. We do not support lies nor do any kind of inappropriate content but posting it online on social media will just make things worse for you personally.

Your login info or sites and services that you are using

It is fairly safe to say hey we are chilling with Netflix or watching the new season of Mandalorian on Disney plus but speaking of things like made a new account on freelancer service of got my new e-banking in this cool new bank, etc. is not very wise. Cyber crooks are always on the lookout for identity theft and will use available information to steal data and money. You are risking also losing provided accounts this way leaving you with tons of work to explain that you got mugged to service providers.


We know that this article seems paranoid and maybe assumes that among your friends there are some crocks and people trying to take advantage of you. As this certainly was not our attention nor goal, we had to point to extremes in order to protect you the most.
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Fix Error opening file for writing
If you got encounter an error message saying, “Error opening file for writing” while running a setup file to install some program on your computer, read on as this post will give you some suggestions on how you can fix it. You can encounter this error when running a setup file for installing a program like GlassWire, Notepad++, VLC, Steam, OBS, Mod Organizer, WinpCap, NSIS, FileZilla, BSPlayer, Kodi, Wireshark, rtcore64, qt5core.dll, MSI Afterburner, GWCtlSrv.exe, npf.sys, vcredist_86 and many more. And so when this error pops up while you run a setup file, refer to the steps given below which might help resolve the problem. Step 1: First, you have to make sure that there is no other installation in progress as multiple installations can most likely cause this error to show up. You can restart your computer and try to run the setup file again. Step 2: If you still got the error even after your restart your computer, click on Retry to try again and if it does nothing, click Abort to terminate the installation. After that, go to the folder where you’ve placed the setup file and then delete it. Step 3: Make sure that you have enough disk space on your computer. You can use the Windows 10 Storage Sense feature which can clean all the temporary files from your computer and help you save storage space. To use Storage Sense, follow the steps below.
  • Open Setting > System > Storage from the WinX Menu.
  • From there, you will see a list of all the local and connected storage devices along with the details on the free space.
  • Now make sure that the Storage Sense feature is turned On then go find a link that says “Free Up Space” and click it to open.
  • After that, a screen which is the built-in program in Windows 10 will appear and will scan your computer for the following junk files so you can free up disk space:
  • Windows Upgrade Log Files
  • The system created Windows Error Reporting Files
  • Thumbnails
  • Temporary Internet Files
  • Previous Windows Installation Files
  • Delivery Optimisation Files
  • DirectX Shader Cache
Note: Once you’re done freeing up space on your drive, try to run the setup file again. Step 4: If freeing up space didn’t help, you can just delete the setup file and download another one from the official homepage of the program. From there download the setup file and place it in a different location. After that, run the setup file once again. Step 5: Make sure that you have downloaded the correct setup file according to your operating system, i.e. x64 or x86. Step 6: Restart your computer once more and make sure that you sign in as administrator. After that, right-click on the setup file and click “Run as administrator”. If it still didn’t help, you might want to take ownership of the folder where you saved the setup file. How? Follow the steps below but before you do that, you have to create a System Restore Point first, once that’s done, proceed.
  • First, locate the concerned folder and right-click on it then select Properties.
  • Next, click on the Edit button in the Properties window and click OK to confirm if you got a User Account Control elevation request.
  • After that, select user/group from the permission windows or click on the Add button to add another user or group. It would be best if you add “Everyone” to give permission.
  • Then check “Full Control” under the “Allow” column to assign full access rights control permissions.
  • Now edit the permission to Full Control for “Everyone”.
  • Click OK to save the changes made and then exit.
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Screensaver Timeout Settings
One of the cool and interesting features in Windows is the Screensaver which allows users to display animation or change the wallpaper automatically when the computer is not being used. This feature can also time out and lock your computer when it remains idle for quite some time. However, if you notice that the screensaver of your computer turns on a lot earlier, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will guide you on how you can change the timeout settings of the screensaver of your Windows 10 computer. Usually, the screensaver in Windows 10 is turned off by default, however, if some other user has turned it on or if you have turned it on, you can actually change the timeout settings of the screensaver using several methods. You can do it through the Personalization settings, Registry Editor, as well as the Group Policy Editor. Before you proceed with the instructions provided below, make sure that you create a System Restore point first. Once done, follow each one of the suggestions carefully to successfully change the Screensaver timeout settings in Windows 10.

Option 1 – Modify the timeout settings of Screensaver via Personalization settings

  • Open the Start menu and type “screen saver” in the field.
  • On the search results that appear, click on the “Change Screen Saver” option.
  • From there, you have the option to change the screen saver type, preview, open settings, change the wait time, as well as choose to display lock screen on your resume.
  • Now to change the timeout settings of your screensaver, you have to increase the wait time from 1 to 15 or anything that works for you.
  • Once done, click OK and exit to save the changes made.

Option 2 – Try to change the screensaver time via Registry Editor

The next option you can try to change the timeout settings in the screensaver is using the Registry Editor. To get started, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run utility and type “regedit” in the field and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this registry path: ComputerHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindows
  • From there, right-click on Windows located in the right pane and select New > Key.
  • Name the key as “Control Panel” and right-click on it and select New > Key and then name it as “Desktop”.
  • Once done, click on the newly created Desktop key to highlight it.
  • After that, right-click on any empty space in the right pane and select New > String Value and then type “ScreenSaveTimeOut” and hit Enter to save it.
  • Now right-click on ScreenSaveTimeOut and select Modify and then set its value data in seconds.
  • Click on OK and exit the Registry Editor to save the changes made.

Option 3 – Change Screensaver timeout settings via Group Policy Editor

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and type “gpedit.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Group Policy Editor.
  • Next, navigate to User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Personalization.
  • Then look for a policy setting named “Screen saver timeout” and double click on it and then click on the Enabled option to enable it.
  • Add the screen timeout in seconds and click on the Apply and OK buttons to save the changes.
  • Restart your computer.
Note: If you want to disable the screensaver feature in your computer, you can always do so by disabling a policy setting named “Enable Screen Saver”.
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How to fix Windows 10 Store Error 0x801901F7

Error Code 0x801901F7 – What is it?

Error code 0x801901F7, also known as “The Server Stumbled” error because it shows a message saying “The Server Stumbled. We all have bad days” is associated with Windows Store. Server Stumbled Error 0x801901F7 is an error related to the MS server. The error occurs due to damaged registry files, malware, virus, and corrupted data. You should fix this error to prevent a system crash or a BSOD error. There are some things you can do to fix it. These are not so complex. So, anyone can try these methods to fix error 0x801901F7. Common Symptoms for error 0x801901F7:
  • Problems with Windows startup
  • System becomes very slow or the system freezes
  • Blue screen of death appears
  • Windows fails to start some process due to Stop error code 0x801901f7


Restoro box imageError Causes

  • This error is generally caused by corrupt registry files.
  • Virus infection can cause this problem.
  • Outdated driver, missing .DLL files may also cause this error.
  • Microsoft server overload may cause this problem as well.
  • Incorrect configuration may cause this problem.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To fix error 0x801901f7, there are four methods listed below. Some might work for you and some might not. Please try all of them to fix this error.

Method 1:

Basic method to fix error code 0x801901F7: Resetting Windows Store Cache Most of the time clearing or resetting the cache helps. It doesn't always work, but you should try this first before moving on to some advanced methods which are mentioned below. To reset the Windows Store cache please follow the simple steps below
  • Open RUN by searching or pressing "Windows Key + R"
  • Type "wsreset.exe" and press Enter or click on OK.
  • Windows Store will open automatically along with a command prompt.
  • This will reset Windows Store and you might see it loading as it should.
This method might work but if it fails to solve Error 0x801901F7 then follow the method below.

Method 2:

Advanced method of fixing error code 0x801901F7: Deleting Windows Store database file. By using this method, you will be deleting the database file for Windows Store. This file is located on your C drive or the drive where you installed your Operating System. Follow the steps below.
  1. Navigate to C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDataStoreDataStore.edb.
  2. Delete DataStore.edb file from there.
  3. Now Open Windows Store and see if you still get error code 0x801901F7.
The Datastore.edb file that you deleted will be automatically created once you perform Step 3 which is launching Windows Store. If you still cannot get this error away then Close Windows Store and Reboot your PC then Launch Windows Store Again.

Method 3:

Modifying Windows update properties: Perform the steps below only if the above-mentioned methods fail. You will be tweaking a few things in the Windows update to see if it helps.
  1. Open Task Manager by right-clicking on Taskbar, then click on Task Manager.
  2. Go to Services Tab. Click on Open Services at the very bottom of the Window.
  3. Now a new window will pop up. Scroll down & find "Windows Update" from the list.
  4. Double click on Windows update to open up its Properties.
  5. Now from the Startup Type drop-down list, select Automatic. Click on Apply, Start, and then Ok.
Now you need to perform just one more step. Reset Windows Store again (Refer to method 1 for Steps). This should fix your Windows Store error that shows The Server Stumbled with 0x801901F7 Error Code.

Method 4: 

If the error is due to a problem with a driver, then follow the method below to uninstall the current driver:
  1. Open the Run command and type “sysdm.cpl” in the text box.
  2. Click Enter.
  3. Open the Hardware tab on the system properties dialog box.
  4. Then press on Device Manager.
  5. Double press on Device type and then press on the hardware device that is reporting error code 0x801901F7.
  6. Go to the Driver tab and press on Uninstall button to uninstall the device driver completely.
  7. Now, install the new driver on your computer.
  8. Restart your computer.
  9. Run virus scan of your PC
  10. Try using a different USB port.
If you do not possess the technical expertise required to accomplish this yourself or do not feel comfortable doing so, download and install a powerful automated tool to get the job done.
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Change Legacy to UEFI without reinstalling
There are some new generation motherboards for laptops and PCs that bring in support for both the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface or UEFI as well as the Basic Input Output System or BIOS. The main advantage of UEFI over the traditional BIOS is the fact that UEFI supports a hard drive that has a capacity of more than 2 terabytes. However, the disadvantage of UEFI is that it only supports the x64 Windows operating system versions and that the hard drive is supposed to use the GPT structure. So if your PC is compatible with and supports UEFI and you want to change from Legacy to UEFI, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will guide you on how you can exactly do that without having to reinstall it. There are two ways to change Legacy to UEFI. You can convert MBR to GPT using either the built-in utilities in Windows or using the Recovery Environment. Before you proceed, make sure that your computer fulfills the following prerequisites:
  • Your PC’s motherboard should support both Legacy and UEFI.
  • Your PC should be running at least the 1703 Windows 10 version or newer on an MBR partition.
Once you’ve made sure that your computer covers the aforementioned prerequisites, refer to the given options below.

Option 1 – Convert MBR to GPT via Windows built-in utilities

  • In the Windows Search box, type “command prompt” and from the search results that appear, right-click on Command Prompt and select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • After that, execute this command: exe /convert /allowfullOS
  • Now, wait until the process is completed since you can track its process on your screen.
  • Once it’s done, go to Settings > Update & Security > Advanced Startup options and from there, click on Restart Now. This will restart your computer and give you advanced options.
  • Next, select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options where you will see further options including System Restore, Startup Repair, Go back to the previous version, Command Prompt, System Image Recovery, and UEFI Firmware Settings.
  • Now select the UEFI Firmware Settings. This will take you to the BIOS. Boot Mode is typically available under Boot > Boot Configuration. Once you’re there, set it to UEFI and then save the changes you’ve made. After that, your computer will restart.

Option 2 – Convert MBR to GPT via the Recovery Environment

  • When the message appears on your screen while running Windows Setup, you need to tap the Shift + F10 keys to open Command Prompt.
  • Make sure to run Command Prompt as admin and then execute this command: exe /convert
  • After that, wait until the process is completed. When it’s done, you have to go to the BIOS just like in the first given option above.
  • As mentioned, you can usually find the Boot Mode under Boot > Boot Configuration. Once you’re there, set it to UEFI.
  • Now save the changes made and exit as your computer will restart.
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What to do if Remote Desktop is not working or won’t connect in Windows 10
One of the biggest annoyances in Windows 10 is that it’s upgrading from one version to another. Although these upgrades are necessary to fix some bugs or improve user experience, some of them actually bring bugs into the computers instead. And in one of the recent Windows 10 updates, a lot of issues were found especially for users who use Remote Desktop on a daily basis. The error stacks up as Windows 10 Remote Desktop Protocol client is not working or won’t connect and can’t find the computer HOSTNAME generally. Based on the reports by users who experienced this issue, there are two cases around it:
  1. Users who try to reach a specific website or folder on the network
Some users encounter this error when they try to run the Network Troubleshooter. Even when they add the server name inside it, it still won’t identify the problem, and unpredictably, the driver seems to appear and disappear every now and then. And even after connecting, the network commands don’t work at all. This is really troublesome for users who have lots of PCs and all the other systems do not appear on the network.
  1. Remote Desktop isn’t able to find the computer HOSTNAME
Some other users reported that the error appeared when they use the classic remote desktop software. It keeps on failing and throwing the error message, “Remote Desktop can’t find the computer “HOSTNAME”. If this is the same scenario you are having, it means that “HOSTNAME” does not belong to the specified network. So you need to verify the computer name and domain where you are trying to connect to. There are times when it used to work after some users tried connecting to the domain a couple of times. However, when users try to use the UWP version of Remote Desktop, it seems to connect most of the time. This kind of problem is definitely a DNS issue. It could be that there are two different records on the DNS server which is why it connects and other times it doesn’t. When it is able to resolve the correct address, the drives connect to the PC however, after a couple of minutes, they will suddenly go missing. Using “nslookup” for the hostname, multiple times, you can check this and see if you’ll get identical results all the time.
nslookup [–SubCommand …] [{ComputerToFind| [–Server]}]
If you’ve determined that the drives disappear each time, you may have to change the DNS server or ask your admin to resolve the problem for you. Alternatively, you can also check out another option that has worked for a lot of users. This second option is disabling the IPv6 on the network adapter. In case you don’t know, Windows 10 prefers IPv6 over IPv4 so if you now have issues using IPv6 to connect to the servers, you can change your computer’s settings so that it’ll only use IPv4 instead of IPv6. To do so, follow these instructions:
  • Open Settings > Network and Internet > Ethernet > Change Adapter options.
  • From there, right-click on the adapter for where you want to disable it and then select Properties.
  • Next, look for the checkbox labeled, “Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)” then uncheck it.
  • Now click on OK and restart your PC to save the changes made.
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How to Fix ACPI_BIOS_ERROR in Windows 10
BSOD or Blue Screen of Death errors are one of the most common errors you can encounter on your Windows PC. One of these BSOD errors is the “ACPI_BIOS_ERROR”. If you suddenly get this error, it means that there is some problem in booting the operating system from your hard drive or Windows was not properly installed on your PC. In addition, this error could also mean that there is something wrong with the CMOS battery located in the motherboard. Unlike other BSOD errors, the workaround for this error is a bit different as these workarounds require a bit more expertise in updating the BIOS as well as setting the correct boot configuration. If you know are capable enough in troubleshooting the problem, refer to the instructions laid out below to fix the BSOD “ACPI_BIOS_ERROR”.

Option 1 – Try to remove the SSD and update the BIOS

The first thing you have to do is to check the primary storage devices on your PC. If you have just installed a new hard drive or SSD recently on your computer, then it’s most likely the cause of the BSOD error. Moreover, you should also ensure that your BIOS is up-to-date to the latest available build.
  • Remove the SSD/HDD and inject a different HDD that was already preinstalled in your Windows PC.
  • After that, update the BIOS to the latest available build. After updating it, insert the old SSD/HDD and then try to boot your PC again. The problem should be fixed now. If not, refer to the next given option.

Option 2 – Try to check the CMOS battery and reset the CMOS module

As mentioned earlier, the CMOS battery might also be the one that’s causing the problem. It is a physical component of the motherboard and is a memory chip that contains all the settings configuration on your computer and is also powered by a battery. So if your battery loses power, the CMOS will be reset and as a result, all the configurations will be gone as well. It is also possible that the CMOS module is not properly working and every time things are saved, they are properly written due to the battery. That’s why you have to consider changing the CMOS battery and see if it fixes the problem. In addition, you also have to make sure that you completely reset the CMOS module and then try booting your PC again.

Option 3 – Try to check the BIOS settings

If the BIOS settings are incorrect, chances are that’s the reason why you’re getting the “ACPI_BIOS_ERROR” BSOD error. Every BIOS has different settings which you can make use of to enhance your computer experience. So make sure that your BIOS is up-to-date and that the settings are in accordance with your requirement. Another thing you can try is to disable the Legacy USB and the Legacy BIOS in the BIOS settings if you are trying to install a 64 bit Windows version. Make sure that you also enable AHCI before plugging in the installation drive on your PC. Moreover, ensure that your PC is using IDE or Integrated Drive Electronics mode instead of SATA or Serial Advanced Technology Attachment. Aside from that, try to check the extracted setup if it is in NTFS format, if it is, you should extract the ISO in FAT32 and use it to install Windows.

Option 4 – Try to reset the ACPI Compliant Control Method

ACPI or Advanced Configuration and Power Interface provide an open standard that operating systems can use to detect hardware, perform power management, as well as monitor the status of your device and provide information for other processes. Chances are, there are some misconfigurations with this module on your PC that lead to believing that there is no battery present. That’s why you need to reset it and see if it fixes the BSOD error or not.
  • Boot your PC into Safe Mode.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Type in “devmgmt.msc” in the field and tap Enter to open the Device Manager.
  • After opening the Device Manager, go to the “Batteries” section and click it to expand it and then right-click on the “Microsoft ACPI-Complaint Control Method Battery” option and click on Uninstall.
  • After you disable the module, click on any empty space and then click the “Scan for hardware changes” option.
  • Then check if you can now boot your PC normally and without the BSOD error.
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One of the worst Blue Screen of Death errors you can encounter is the UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME BSOD on Windows 10. In this BSOD error, your computer won’t be able to properly boot. Meaning to say, even if you want to reinstall Windows, you won’t be able to back up your important files. Thus, it wouldn’t be really feasible to fix the system files, and besides, reinstalling Windows 10 would take a lot of time, not to mention resources. The UNMOUNTABLE BOOT VOLUME error is the kind of BSOD error that occurs if Windows is not able to access the volume that contains the boot files. Resolving this BSOD error won’t be easy but you will surely manage by following the suggestions laid out below but before you go on, make sure to create a System Restore Point.

Option 1 – Try checking the hardware

If you got the UNMOUNTABLE BOOT VOLUME BSOD error while trying to update your computer to a higher version of Windows, then you need to check if you have the compatible drivers for the disk controller as well as re-check the drive cabling and make sure that it is properly configured. And if you’re reusing either ATA-100 or ATA-66 drivers, ensure that you have an 80-connector cable and not the standard 40-connector IDE cable.

Option 2 – Try using Automatic Repair

You might also want to use Automatic Repair in fixing the BSOD error. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • You can start by creating and booting from a bootable Windows 10 USB Stick.
  • After that, click on Repair your computer located in the bottom left corner when you are on the initial Windows Startup screen.
  • Next, click on Troubleshoot, and then on the other screen, click the Startup Repair option.
  • Now select the operating system you want to repair. Once you do that, it will start to repair your operating system. Wait until the process is completed and then check if the problem’s now fixed.

Option 3 – Try fixing the Master Boot Record or MBR

The MBR or Master Boot Record is the location and is where the architecture of the operating system is installed. Thus, if either the location or the architecture has tampered with, it can cause lots of BSOD errors like the UNMOUNTABLE BOOT VOLUME error.
  • Boot your computer into Safe mode with Networking using the Advanced startup options which you can access by tapping the F2 or F8 key. Once you’ve accessed the Advanced startup options.
  • After you access the Advanced Startup options, select Command Prompt by using the arrow keys on your keyboard.
  • After opening Command Prompt, execute the following command and hit Enter:
bootrec /fixboot
  • After entering the command, wait until the process is completed and then restart your computer to apply the changes made successfully.

Option 4 – Run the CHKDSK command to repair hard disk errors

Running the Chkdsk utility could help you fix the UNMOUNTABLE BOOT VOLUME error. If your hard drive has issues with integrity, the update will really fail as the system will think that it’s not healthy and that’s where the Chkdsk utility comes in. The Chkdsk utility repairs hard drive errors that might be causing the problem.
  • After you access the Advanced Startup options, select Command Prompt by using the arrow keys on your keyboard.
  • After opening Command Prompt, execute the following command and hit Enter:
chkdsk /f /r
  • The command you entered will scan the hard disk for any errors and will automatically fix it if it finds some issues. Wait for the process to be completed and then reboot your PC.
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Can’t connect to this network Windows issue
Can’t connect to this network Internet connectivity issues present a complex problem with simple solutions for PC and laptop users. First, it is usually recommended that users rule out problems with the internet connection, router, and Wi-Fi settings before proceeding to troubleshoot settings on your PC/laptop. Once the rest are ruled out, we can then proceed with the following troubleshooting steps and guidelines to fix your wifi connection issue: The first step is to update your windows network adapter driver. Connectivity problems may arise if your network driver is not updated or if it is incompatible with the network adapter. To do so, you may resort to any third-party driver scanning and installing programs found online. This solution should have resorted if users don’t want the hassle of perusing through windows settings that users may not be familiar with. However, this solution requires a pre-existing internet connection other than wifi, so it is recommended you have a backup internet connection via ethernet.

The second step is to uninstall the driver for your network adapter. This solution is to be reported if there is an issue with the driver as restarting the PC after the following steps let windows reinstall the driver again:

  • Open the quick access menu on your keyboard by pressing the Windows key and X key at the same time and select “Device Manager” from the menu list.
  • From the list of devices, select “Network Adapters”
  • Usually on the top of the list is the Wireless Network Adapter
  • Right-click the Wireless Network Adapter and select the option to “Uninstall device”
  • You will be given a confirmation in a new separate window to proceed. Click “Uninstall” to proceed.
  • After completing the previous steps, try rebooting your Windows PC and reconnecting to see if it works.

A third step is to disable the 802.1 1n modes of your network adapter by following the next steps:

  • First press the Windows logo key and the X key at the same time to bring up the quick-access menu. And like the previous step, select “Device Manager”
  • From the list of devices, select “Network Adapters”
  • Right-click the Wireless Network Adapter from the drop-down menu and select properties
  • Under properties, select the “Advanced” tab then select the 802.1 1n Mode. To the right drop-down menu change the option to  “Disabled” and click “Ok”
  • After, try to re-establish the connection to see if the steps have worked.
In the event that any of the preceding did not fix your problem, it helps to take a second look at the router and network settings using the interface provided by your ISP. A simple reset to the back of your router often fixes the issue. Also, try to check if you have any other administrative capabilities over the network to determine whether your device, in particular, has been MAC filtered or if the frequency of your wireless adapter is not compatible with the broadcast frequency of your router.
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