
Fix 0x800F0825 update error in Windows 10

Windows updates have become a regular occurrence in our digital lives. They are frequent and have become quite necessary. Most of the time they bring us quality content like fixed security, resolved bugs, and even new features but from time to time update itself can be not downloaded properly or it can have some issues when installing. Windows Update Error 0x800F0825 is one of these update errors that will be reported seemingly after applying the update.

Altho annoying error it is nothing system breaking and can be easily resolved.

Hello and welcome everyone, today we will provide you with solutions on how to resolve error 0x800F0825 when trying to complete a Windows update.

Run Windows troubleshooter

Built-in Windows troubleshooter can help a lot in resolving these issues and we will try it as a first solution because of its simplicity and ease of use.

  • Click on START
  • Click on settings
    Windows 10 Start menu with marked settings icon
  • Navigate to Update & Security > Troubleshoot > Additional Troubleshooter > Windows Update
  • Click on Run the troubleshooter
  • Follow onscreen instructions and let the troubleshooter try to solve the issue

Clear contents of SoftwareDistribution & Catroot2 folders

Altho SoftwareDistribution and Catroot2 folders are essential for the update process it can happen that badly downloaded updates or similar corruption can be stored there and thus producing this error.

  • Open file explorer and locate these two folders, go inside and delete content inside them
  • Try updating again to see if corruption inside folders was the issue.

Update manually

If the previous two solutions have not produced a result and the error is still present then go to the official Microsoft Update Catalog and download the update manually

The catalog is here.

Search for updates from the Windows Update Catalog In the Search box, type your search terms. You can carry out a full-text search, using a keyword, KB article, MSRC bulletin, driver manufacturer, driver model, driver version, product, and a classification. Select the appropriate version of Windows. Search or click on Advanced Search if you want to refine your search. A list will be displayed. Select the updates that you want to download. Click Add for each selection to add it to the download basket.

  • Download the updates. You may be asked to install an Active-X download control to be able to download files from this site
  • Double-click on the downloaded updates to install them

Administrators can download updates from the Microsoft Download Center or the Windows Update Catalog to deploy to multiple computers
If you are running Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) 3.0, System Center Essentials (SCE), or System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) you can import updates directly into these applications. Security updates, critical updates, service packs, update rollups, definition updates, and critical drivers can be configured to synchronize with your server automatically. You can still import these updates into your application by using Microsoft Update Catalog; however, depending on how you configure WSUS, SCE, and SCCM, you may not need to import the updates.

Disable system protection

In some rare cases, antivirus or firewall could interfere with both downloads and execution of certain files. If each previous solution failed disable temporarily your security software and try executing the update again.

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NVIDIA Share is not working or responding
NVIDIA is undeniably the market leader as a Graphics Card manufacturer. Recently, NVIDIA came about a feature known as NVIDIA Share. This feature allows users to carry out a number of tasks such as streaming, recording, and sharing their gameplay with other users. NVIDIA Share allows users to take multiple snapshots of the gameplay which brings in capabilities to get the memories of the moments that happen during an awesome game. However, as of late, there were reports that NVIDIA Share is not working or responding. So if you are one of the users who are currently facing this issue, then read on as this post will guide you in resolving it. Make sure to follow the options given below carefully for a successful result.

Option 1 – Try to update the drivers from the official site of NVIDIA

The first thing you can do is to update the drivers from the official site of NVIDIA. And in case you don’t know the type of Nvidia graphics card that your computer is on, follow the steps below:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next type in “dxdiag” in the field and click OK or hit Enter to open the DirectX Diagnostic Tool.
  • From there, you can see what type of Nvidia graphics card that your system is on.
  • Take note of your graphics card information and then look for the best drivers for your operating system. Once you’ve downloaded and installed the file, restart your PC.

Option 2 – Try to roll back the driver to the previous version

If the first option didn’t work for you, then it’s time to roll back the device drivers. It is most likely that after you updated your Windows computer that your driver also needs a refresh.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run window and then type in the “msc” command and hit Enter to open the Device Manager window.
  • Under the Device Manager, you will see a list of drivers. From there, look for the NVIDIA Drivers and expand them.
  • Next, select the driver entries that are labeled appropriately.
  • Then select each one of them and double click to open a new mini window.
  • After that, make sure that you’re on the Driver tab and if you are not, just navigate to it then click the Roll Back Driver button to switch back to the previous version of the NVIDIA Drivers.
  • Now restart your computer to successfully apply the changes made.

Option 3 – Try disabling NVIDIA Share

If the first two options given above didn’t work then you might want to try disabling NVIDIA Share. In case you didn’t make any modifications to the driver, chances are either your driver is out of date or there are some issues with the installation of the drivers. For you to find out, you need to first check if your NVIDIA drivers are really up to date. Once you’ve confirmed it, you can now disable the NVIDIA Share feature. Just refer to the steps below to do that.
  • Search for the NVIDIA GeForce Experience in the search box and then click on the appropriate result to open it.
  • After you open the NVIDIA GeForce Experience, go to the General tab.
  • Next, scroll down to the NVIDIA Share section and then select the toggle to turn off this feature.
  • Now restart your computer and try to check if there are any updates available for the NVIDIA Graphics card and install them again if there are any.
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How to Fix the Blue Screen Locale ID 1033 Error Code

What is the Blue Screen Locale ID 1033 Error?

Blue screen locale id 1033 error as the name suggests, is a type of BSoD error. This error may occur during Windows startup, program load, or while the program is running. The error indicates poor PC maintenance and occurs without any warning. The error message is prompted in the following format:
Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version: 6.0.6002. Locale ID: 1033
When the error occurs, the computer screen turns blue and the user is unable to view or access the program. It is advisable to fix the error right away, virtually because BSoD is a critical PC error, it can pose serious threats to your system.

Error Causes

The two most common causes of the occurrence of the Blue Screen Locale ID1033 error code are:
  • Registry issues
  • Viral infection

Further Information and Manual Repair

You don’t need to hire a technician or be a computer whiz to resolve Blue Screen Locale ID1033 error code. Here are some methods that you can try to resolve this error on your PC. These methods are easy to perform and result-driven.

Method 1: Perform a PC Scan by Downloading an Anti-Virus

Since this error is indicative of a viral infection, it is suggested you perform a PC scan by installing an antivirus on your system. Make sure you download an antivirus that is powerful and has the ability to scan all kinds of viruses.

Method 2: Clean and Repair the Registry

Another alternative method is to clean and repair the registry. The Registry is a component of the PC that stores all information and activities performed on the PC. This includes both important and unnecessary files like junk files, cookies, internet history, temporary files, invalid entries, bad registry keys, and more. These files not only accumulate in the registry but also damage and corrupt it thereby generating error codes like the Blue Screen Locale ID1033 error code.
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HolidayPhotoEdit Removal Guide for Windows

Holiday Photo Edit is a Browser Extension for Google Chrome developed by Mindspark Inc. and offers users a basic photo editing tool alongside links to some popular editing websites.

When installed this extension changes your default search engine to MyWay and hijacks your New Tab page, changing it to HolidayPhotoEdit. It monitors user browsing activity recording visited websites and clicked links in order to learn more about the user, this data is later used/sold to better target Injected Ads.

While browsing the internet with the HolidayPhotoEdit extension enabled, users will experience more ads throughout their search results, additional sponsored links to partner products, and sometimes even pop-up ads with special giveaways designed to lure users to buy something.

Popular anti-virus scanners have marked HolidayPhotoEdit as a Browser Hijacker, and it is recommended to remove it from your computer.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijackers (sometimes called hijackware) are a type of malware that changes internet browser configuration settings without the computer owner’s knowledge or approval. These hijacks appear to be increasing at an alarming rate across the world, and they could be actually nefarious and often dangerous too. Practically all browser hijackers are made for advertising or marketing purposes. In most cases, it will drive users to particular sites which are trying to boost their advertising campaign revenue. Though it might appear naive, all browser hijackers are harmful and therefore always regarded as security risks. Browser hijackers can even permit other vicious programs without your knowledge to further damage your PC.

Find out how to identify a browser hijack

The typical signs that signify having this malicious software on your PC are: 1. the home page of the web browser is changed suddenly 2. you observe new unwanted bookmarks or favorites added, usually directed to advertisement-filled or pornography websites 3. the essential web browser settings are modified and unwanted or unsafe resources are put into the trusted sites list 4. unwanted new toolbars are added to your browser 5. many pop-up ads appear and/or your web browser pop-up blocker is disabled 6. your web browser has become unstable or starts running sluggishly 7. you have prohibited entry to particular websites, for example, the website of an anti-malware software developer like SafeBytes.

How does a browser hijacker infect a computer?

Browser hijackers can get into a PC by some means or other, including via file sharing, downloads, and email also. They also come from add-on software, also called browser helper objects (BHO), web browser plug-ins, or toolbars. Some internet browser hijackers spread in user’s PC using a deceptive software distribution method called “bundling” (generally through freeware and shareware). A good example of some well-known browser hijackers includes Anyprotect, Conduit, Babylon, SweetPage, DefaultTab, Delta Search, and RocketTab, but the names are constantly changing.

Removing browser hijackers

Certain hijackers can be removed by just uninstalling the related free software or add-ons from the Add or Remove Programs in the Microsoft Windows Control Panel. However, many hijackers are quite tenacious and require specialized tools to get rid of them. And there is no denying the very fact that the manual fixes and removal methods could be a difficult job for an amateur computer user. Furthermore, there are various risks associated with tinkering around with the pc registry files. Browser hijackers can be effectively removed by installing and running anti-malware software on the affected PC. To eradicate any kind of browser hijacker from your PC, you could download this particular professional malware removal program – SafeBytes Anti-Malware. Together with the antivirus tool, a system optimizer, such as SafeBytes’s Total System Care, could help you in deleting all related files and modifications in the registry automatically.

Can't Install Safebytes Anti-malware because of Malware? Try This!

Malware could potentially cause many different types of damage to PCs, networks, and data. Some malware variants modify internet browser settings by adding a proxy server or change the PC’s DNS configuration settings. When this happens, you’ll be unable to visit certain or all internet sites, and thus not able to download or install the required security software to clear out the computer virus. If you’re reading this right now, you may have probably realized that a malware infection is the cause of your blocked internet traffic. So how to proceed if you need to download and install an anti-malware program such as Safebytes? Even though this kind of issue will be difficult to get around, there are a few actions you can take.

Install the antivirus in Safe Mode

If the malware is set to load at Windows startup, then booting in safe mode should prevent it. Only the bare minimum required applications and services are loaded whenever you start your computer in Safe Mode. You will have to do the following to eliminate malware in Safe mode. 1) At power-on/startup, hit the F8 key in 1-second intervals. This would invoke the “Advanced Boot Options” menu. 2) Select Safe Mode with Networking using arrow keys and hit ENTER. 3) When this mode loads, you should have internet access. Now, use your web browser normally and go to https://safebytes.com/products/anti-malware/ to download Safebytes Anti-Malware. 4) After installation, run a full scan and allow the program to delete the threats it discovers.

Utilize an alternate internet browser to download anti-malware software

Malicious program code may exploit vulnerabilities on a particular internet browser and block access to all anti-virus software websites. The ideal way to overcome this issue is to select an internet browser that is renowned for its security features. Firefox contains built-in Malware and Phishing Protection to help keep you secure online.

Create a bootable USB antivirus drive

Another way is to download and transfer an anti-malware program from a clean PC to run a scan on the infected computer. Adopt these measures to employ a flash drive to clean your corrupted PC. 1) On a clean computer, download and install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Plug the Thumb drive into the uninfected computer. 3) Double-click the Setup icon of the anti-malware program to run the Installation Wizard. 4) Choose the drive letter of the flash drive as the place when the wizard asks you where you would like to install the antivirus. Follow the instructions on the computer screen to finish off the installation process. 5) Now, insert the pen drive into the corrupted PC. 6) Double click the Safebytes Anti-malware icon on the flash drive to run the software. 7) Click on the “Scan” button to run a full computer scan and remove viruses automatically.

Protect Your PC and Privacy With SafeBytes Anti-Malware

To protect your PC from various internet-based threats, it’s very important to install an anti-malware application on your PC. However, with countless numbers anti-malware companies in the marketplace, nowadays it’s hard to decide which one you should purchase for your personal computer. Some of them are great and some are scamware applications that pretend as authentic anti-malware software waiting around to wreak havoc on your PC. You have to look for a product that has got a good reputation and detects not just computer viruses but other types of malware too. One of the recommended software is SafeBytes AntiMalware. SafeBytes has a superb reputation for top-quality service, and clients are very happy with it. SafeBytes anti-malware is a highly effective and easy-to-use protection tool that is made for end-users of all levels of computer literacy. After you have installed this software program, SafeBytes advanced protection system will ensure that no viruses or malicious software can seep through your computer.

SafeBytes anti-malware offers an array of enhanced features that sets it aside from all others. Some of them are given as below:

Live Protection: SafeBytes provides complete and real-time security for your personal machine. It’ll continuously monitor your computer for hacker activity and also gives end-users sophisticated firewall protection. World-class AntiMalware Protection: Built upon a highly acclaimed anti-virus engine, this malware removal application can identify and get rid of many obstinate malware threats like browser hijackers, PUPs, and ransomware that other typical antivirus programs will miss. Safe Browsing: SafeBytes checks and gives a unique safety ranking to each and every website you visit and block access to web pages known to be phishing sites, thus safeguarding you from identity theft, or known to contain malicious software. Lightweight Application: SafeBytes is a lightweight and user-friendly anti-virus and antimalware solution. As it utilizes minimal computer resources, this tool leaves the computer’s power exactly where it belongs: with you. Fantastic Tech Support Team: You could get high levels of support 24/7 if you’re using their paid software. SafeBytes has developed a wonderful anti-malware solution to help you conquer the latest computer threats and virus attacks. There is no doubt that your computer system will be protected in real-time as soon as you put this software program to use. You will get the very best all-around protection for the money you pay on SafeBytes anti-malware subscription, there’s no question about it.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you do not want to use malware removal software and prefer to get rid of HolidayPhotoEdit manually, you may accomplish this by going to the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu in the control panel and removing the offending software; in cases of web browser plug-ins, you could uninstall it by visiting the browsers Add-on/Extension manager. You’ll probably also want to totally reset your internet browser to its default configuration settings. Lastly, examine your hard disk for all of the following and clean your computer registry manually to remove leftover application entries following an uninstallation. But bear in mind, this is often a challenging task and only computer experts could accomplish it safely. Furthermore, some malware keeps replicating which makes it difficult to remove. Completing this task in Safe Mode is recommended.
Files: %LOCALAPPDATA%\HolidayPhotoEditTooltab %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\ompcmhnafgchjgmdcdopfhlebohkgall %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\ompcmhnafgchjgmdcdopfhlebohkgall %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\ompcmhnafgchjgmdcdopfhlebohkgall %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\ompcmhnafgchjgmdcdopfhlebohkgall Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\www.holidayphotoedit.com HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Google\Chrome\PreferenceMACs\Default\extensions.settings, value: ompcmhnafgchjgmdcdopfhlebohkgall HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\holidayphotoedit.dl.myway.com HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\holidayphotoedit.dl.tb.ask.com HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\HolidayPhotoEdit HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\HolidayPhotoEdit HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\[APPLICATION]\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall..Uninstaller HolidayPhotoEditTooltab Uninstall Internet Explorer
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Why you should upgrade your 60Hz Screen

The number of Hertz is the number of how many images your screen draws in one second. So monitor with a refresh rate of 60Hz will draw 60 images each second on your screen. To most users, this will look fine and enough but actually, if you would place them in front of a 120Hz screen difference will be visible right away.

high refresh rate monitor setup

Benefits of higher refresh rates

In most simple words just looking at a screen that has a higher refresh rate will produce a more natural feel of things, although some people would argue that flickering can not be seen on 60Hz monitors and that should be enough, I would argue that they never watched the movie, played the game or used high refresh rate screen when they can state something like that.

Yes, 60Hz might be enough to look at the web page or read some documents but long exposure to 60Hz can have a tiring effect on the eyes in the long run. 120Hz and above just feel more relaxed and it is far less demanding on the eyes. Watching movies also is much better on a higher refresh screen, with way much less motion blur in fast scenes giving the overall experience a greater natural feel.

Gaming is perhaps an area where a refresh rate of 120Hz and above will show its best. Having a higher refresh rate will be easier on your eyes and can even give you a competitive edge. When for example you have twice more images per second on your screen than your opponent his movement will be more fluid and predictable because of that and overall precision will be much higher when moving the cursor in the game since more frames per second means more precision and smoother movement.

The dark side of high refresh rates

After all the positive things that were said about the advantages of high refresh rates, it is just fair to look at some negatives or in this case only negative one and that is Computer power. As said in the previous section having a 120Hz refresh rate means having 120 frames displayed on the screen per single second. Having even higher monitors like 360Hz means even more frames per second and in order to actually see all of that frames you will need to have enough computer power to back it up. Having for example screen with a refresh rate of 240Hz means nothing if your GPU and rest of the computer are able only to push 150 frames per second, in this case, you will still have 150 frames in one second despite the monitor being able to go to 240.


Generally and with all of my heart I would recommend moving away from 60Hz monitors, yes they are cheaper and more affordable but at the end of the day if you are someone like me who spends most of his daily time in front of the computer you would be grateful to have higher refresh rate screen and save your eyes, and after all, why not enjoy some smoother and better movie and game experience as well as saving your eyesight.

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Fix the System Restore Not Working Malfunction.

What's program restore no longer working error?

The element of system restore is vital in the Windows operating system, and on occasions, it might be a genuine lifesaver. If for some reason you discover that the System Restore is not correctly functioning in Win7 or Windows 8 operating system:
  1. The points of system restore are not be being produced by hand or mechanically,
  2. You are unable to create by hand the restore points
  3. The system restore fails, and you're incapable of restoring your personal computer,
The subsequent are a few tricks that could allow you to solve this issue.


Restoro box imageError Causes

There are lots of variables that will trigger this malfunction in your Personal Computer. The remedy to the issue will depend on its cause. You ought to attempt the next actions in no sequence.

Further Information and Manual Repair

  1. Physically, strive to make Program Restore points. Subsequently, pay attention to the Error Messages(s) you receive. If none, check to see whether a restore point has been created.
  2. Eliminate the protection applications or anti-virus and then try creating a restore point.
  3. Startup the Computer in Safe-Mode. Oftentimes, non-Ms drivers or providers may restrict the smooth working for System Restore. The other viable choice, try a clean boot and see whether system restore is back to normal.
  4. Run file checker.  Quite simply, operate the sfc /scannow from the superuser command line. When the program record test is complete, restart your computer and assess whether system restore is operational.
  5. Run disk check as the administrator. Type chkdsk /f /r and subsequently push Enter. Allow this procedure to finish before attempting a system restore.
  6. Ensure the System Restore function is allowed in the drivers where you need this function allowed. For System Restore point to be saved, you must have free space of around 300 MB on each one of the devices which have the Program Safety perform turned-on.
  7. Ensure that there's adequate space on the drivers where System Restore performs is allowed.
  8. In the search box inside the Start Button, type "Services.msc" (with no quotes) and then push Enter. Ensure that at this time around Process Scheduler Service and the " Volume Shadow Copy " are correctly working, and are set on Automated mode. Make certain you start the System Restore service if it's not set place to automatic mode. Remember that you'll have to restart the computer in this process. Do this and subsequently try again, in case the system needs a reboot.
  9. In the search box, type eventvwr.msc /s subsequently push enter to open the Event Viewer. Double-click on the applications and Services Logs, then assess if you can determine the cause of the error.
  10. Could your network administrator have turned off the System Restore? Contact them. Ask them to re-activate system restore for your computer if they have switched it off.
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Pixel's fast emergency dialer

Google's Pixel smartphone is one if not the best Android smartphone on the market. It regularly gets updates and Google is really trying to keep it as a top choice for Android smartphone users. One of the new things that Google has released for its smartphone series is a new emergency dialer.

google pixel 6

With an emergency dialer, you will be able to quickly access local contact information for police, fire, and medical services. This dialer is able to contact before mentioned services even when the phone is locked and when you are traveling.

The idea is to quickly access the default emergency number no matter in which country you are currently in, service will find the appropriate number and set it as default so if you need it there is no delay in searching for the appropriate number and dialing it.

Once the service is enabled on the device you can swipe up and tap Emergency call without unlocking your phone or you can press and hold the power button for five seconds and tap Emergency.

If you have a Pixel smartphone go to the Google support page and follow instructions on how to enable this service. It costs nothing and it could potentially even save your life.

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How to Fix ntdll.dll crash Error on Windows
DLL files, also known as Dynamic Link Libraries are external parts of applications that run on Windows as well as other operating systems. Almost all applications are not complete in themselves and store code in different files. In this post, we will be discussing one DLL file called ntdll.dll. It is described as “NT Layer DLL” which means that it contains some Kernel functions that help in the normal functioning of the Windows operating system. It is created by Windows in the System32 folder when the OS gets installed. This file can serve different programs simultaneously by providing them with different Kernel functions which support the programs’ performance. However, if you encounter the ntdll.dll file error on your Windows 10 computer, read on as this post will guide you in fixing the problem.

Option 1 – Try to re-register the ntdll.dll file

You may have to re-register the ntdll.dll file using the regsvr32.exe before you can successfully install the program and fix ntdll.dll file crash error. The Regsvr32 tool is a command-line utility that can be used to register and un-register the OLE controls like DLL and ActiveX (OCX) control in the Windows operating system. Follow the steps below to use it.
  • Open Command Prompt as admin from the WinX menu.
  • Next, type the following commands in the elevated Command Prompt and hit Enter to execute the command. This will re-register the affected DLL file using the Windows operating system tool, regsvr32.exe.
    • exe /u ntdll.dll
    • exe ntdll.dll
  • You should see a message saying, “DllRegisterServer in vbscript.dll succeeded” if the Regsvr32 tool was able to run successfully. After that, try to install the program again and see if it now works.

Option 2 – Disable problematic Internet Explorer add-ons

There are instances when some add-ons in the Internet Explorer browser can cause the ntdll.dll file crash error. Thus, you need to disable some add-ons in Internet Explorer and then check if it fixes the problem.

Option 3 – Try running the DISM tool

You might want to repair potentially corrupted files in your system as having them could also trigger the ntdll.dll file crash error. To repair these corrupted system files, you can run the DISM commands:
  • Tap the Win + X keys and click on the “Command Prompt (Admin)” option.
  • After that, input each one of the commands listed below sequentially to execute them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
  • Once you’ve executed the commands given above, restart your computer and check if the DCOM error is now fixed.

Option 4 – Try to run the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter

You might also want to run the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter. This built-in troubleshooter is available in the Windows Update & Security section. From there, select Troubleshoot. This will find a list of programs for you and since you have already downloaded the driver files, just click on Not Listed located at the top of the program list. After that, browse and select the driver files and then let the program do its job.

Option 5 – Try to replace the DLL file with a trusted source

  • First, you need to get the new DLL file from another computer with preferably the same file version number.
  • After that, you need to boot your PC into Safe Mode and navigate to the paths listed below and then replace the file using a USB drive or other external storage devices.
    • x86: This PC > C:WindowsSystem32
    • x64: This PC > C:WindowsSysWOW64
  • Next, type “cmd” in the Cortana search box and right-click on Command Prompt, and select “Run as administrator” to open it with administrator privileges.
  • Now type the “regsvr32 ntdll.dll” command and hit Enter.
  • Restart your PC and check if the error is now fixed.

Option 6 – Try scanning your computer using Windows Defender

The ntdll.dll file crash error might also be infected with malware or virus and to eliminate it, you have to scan your computer using security programs like Windows Defender.
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open Update & Security.
  • Then click on the Windows Security option and open Windows Defender Security Center.
  • Next, click on Virus & threat protection > Run a new advanced scan.
  • Now make sure that Full Scan is selected from the menu and then click the Scan Now button to get started.
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In case you don’t know, when you visit a website that uses HTTPS, it also offers an SSL certificate to the browser in order to verify the website’s identity. Although it may contain lots of things inside it, one of them is the URL of the website. So if the certificate does not match the URL to what you entered, you will most likely get the “Server’s certificate does not match, ERR CERT COMMON NAME INVALID” error which indicates that the connection is not private and the site may try to steal your data but worry not, as this post will guide you in resolving this issue. To fix the ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error, here are some suggestions that might help.

Option 1 – Check the website’s certificate

If you own the website where you’re getting the error, then you might have to check if the website’s certificate is installed properly and configured on the server as it could be the reason why you’re suddenly getting the error.

Option 2 – Check the Windows Host file

You can also try to cross-check the Windows Hosts file to find out if the website you are trying to open has been blocked, because if it is, then it’s no wonder why you’re getting the ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error. There are instances when some third-party application modifies the file and adds some websites to the blocklists. So if the website is indeed blocked, you need to remove it from the list.

Option 3 – Use the Google Public DNS

You might want to change your DNS to Google Public DNS as it could also help you in fixing the ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error in Chrome. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • The first thing you have to do is right-click on the network icon in the Taskbar and select Network and Sharing Center.
  • Next, click on the “Change Adapter Settings” option.
  • After that, search for the network connection that you are using to connect to the internet. Note that the option might be “Wireless Connection” or “Local Area Connection”.
  • Right-click on your network connection and click on Properties.
  • Then select the new window to choose the “Internet Protocol 4 (TCP/IPv4)” option.
  • After that, click on the Properties button and click the checkbox in the new window for the option “Use the following DNS server addresses”.
  • Type in “” and “” and click OK and exit.

Option 4 – Run the built-in Malware Scanner and Cleanup Tool in Chrome

In case you don’t know, there is actually a built-in malware scanner and cleanup tool in Chrome that helps you get rid of any unwanted ads, pop-ups, and even malware, as well as unusual startup pages, toolbars, and other things that could affect the performance of the browser. In addition, this built-in tool in Chrome might also help in fixing the ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error.

Option 5 – Reset Chrome

Resetting Chrome can also help you get rid of the error. Resetting Chrome means restoring its default settings, disabling all the extensions, add-ons, and themes. Aside from that, the content settings will be reset as well and the cookies, cache, and site data will also be deleted. To reset Chrome, here’s what you have to do:
  • Open Google Chrome, then tap the Alt + F keys.
  • After that, click on Settings.
  • Next, scroll down until you see the Advanced option, once you see it, click on it.
  • After clicking the Advanced option, go to the “Restore and clean up option and click on the “Restore settings to their original defaults” option to reset Google Chrome.
  • Now restart Google Chrome.
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Windows Clock is missing, invisible or black
Although the Windows Updates do bring in new features and improvements, there are times when they also introduce issues as well. The main cause for these arising bugs is the incompatibility between the old and new software components. One of the issues brought in by such bugs is Clock is missing, invisible or black This problem was experienced by users after they recently installed a feature update. This particular bug can make the Windows clock in the taskbar appear to be black or invisible which makes it hard for users to read the time on their computers. According to experts, this bug has something to do with the Windows Themes and Aero styling. To fix this issue, here are some suggestions that could help but before you get started, you have to restart Explorer first and see if it can help in resolving the problem – if it didn’t, follow the options given below carefully.

Option 1 – Try to disable Custom Theme

It could be that the reason behind the black or invisible Windows Clock can be an old or an incompatible theme. You might have a custom theme in place and it became incompatible after an update. Thus, you can try switching to one of the default themes and then recreate your custom theme afterward. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • Right-click on your desktop and select Personalize.
  • Next, select Themes from the left menu and then select Windows 10 as your theme.
  • After that, you can delete all the other custom themes and create them again from scratch. This should fix the black or invisible Windows 10 Clock.

Option 2 – Try to edit your existing themes

If you don’t want to get rid of your existing themes, there is an alternative solution you can try to fix the missing Windows 10 Clock albeit it’s a bit of a complex one. Follow the given steps below to modify the existing themes and fix the missing or black Windows Clock.
  • First, you need to save your existing theme. Just simply right-click on your desktop and select Personalize and select Themes from the left menu.
  • Next, click on the Save Theme button below your custom theme to save it. You can name the theme anything.
  • After that, you can now modify the saved theme by going to C:/Users/UserName/AppData/Local/MicrosoftWindowsThemes.
  • From there, look for the file with the theme name you just saved, and then right-click on the file and open it with notepad or any other text editing app.
  • Now you have to look for the line that says, “Path=%SystemRoot%resourcesthemesAeroAeroLite.msstyles” and change it to “Path=%SystemRoot%resourcesthemesAeroAero.msstyles” and then save the file and rename it with some other name.
  • Afterward, go back to themes and select the new theme you’ve created. This should resolve the Windows Clock issue as well as other Themes and Taskbar issues.

Option 3 – Try disabling the small icons in Taskbar

This option should help you fix any Windows Clock cases. So if your Windows Clock is nowhere to be found, you can try to disable small taskbar icons on your Windows 10 PC.
  • Go to Settings > Personalization > Taskbar.
  • From there turn off the toggle button for the “Use small taskbar buttons” option. Note that this solution is only a temporary one and it may or may not work in some cases.
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Windows got stuck on Preparing Windows screen
You might have experienced a situation when you restarted your Windows 10 PC after an upgrade and you tried logging into your account but only a screen with a message saying, “Preparing Windows”. If the screen only stays that way, this indicates that Windows 10 is trying to complete the upgrade or waiting for some files to load up so that you can use your account. Some users also reported that when they tried logging into their accounts, they also get the same message on their screens. To resolve this issue, read on as this post will show you what you can do if your Windows 10 PC is stuck on the “Preparing Windows” screen. A lot of users have tried logging back into their account once more but to no avail as the same screen still greets them. And even when they tried the Ctrl + Alt + Del combo, it still didn’t work. This only goes to show that your account might somehow be corrupted.

Option 1 – Try booting your PC into Safe Mode

The first thing you can do to resolve the issue is to try booting your computer into Safe Mode and then log in using an Admin account. If it seems like your admin account has caused the problem, you need to create an admin account first and then log in after you reboot into the account and then log off. After that, restart your PC normally and check if the problem’s resolved or not. If not, refer to the next given option below.

Option 2 – Try to repair your corrupted profile via Registry

In this second option, you can try to repair the corrupted profile using the Registry but before you proceed, make sure to create a System Restore Point and then follow the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “regedit” in the field and hit Enter or click OK to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, go to this registry key: ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList
  • Once you’ve opened the registry key, you should see a list of all the user profiles on your computer. Now click on each S-1-5 folder and look for the “ProfileImagePath” entry and double-click on it to check which user account it is related to. You will see a path like “CUsersACK” where “ACK” is the username.
  • You should know which among the user account is corrupted. Just look for a key named “RefCount” and change its Value data to “0” and click OK. And if it isn’t available, simply right-click on the right pane and create it.
  • After that, double click on the key named “State” and make sure that the Value data is “0” and click OK.
  • Exit the Registry Editor and restart your computer to apply the changes made.

Option 3 – Try running the System File Checker

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files with good system files that might be the cause why your screen is stuck at “Preparing Windows”. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.

Option 4 – Try to repair hard disk errors using the Chkdsk utility

You can also run the Chkdsk utility to resolve the problem. If your hard drive has issues with integrity, the update will really fail as the system will think that it’s not healthy and that’s where the Chkdsk utility comes in. The Chkdsk utility repairs hard drive errors that might be causing the problem.
  • Open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • After opening Command Prompt, execute the commands listed below, and don’t forget to hit Enter right after you type in each one of them.
  • chkntfs /t
  • chkntfs /t:10
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