
A Guide to Fixing Error 0x80004005

Error 0x80004005 - What is it?

Error 0x80004005 is a typical Outlook error. This error code occurs either when sending emails or receiving them. The error message may be displayed in either of the following formats:

‘Sending and receiving reported error "0x80004005": The operation failed.’

‘This message could not be sent. Try sending the message again or contact your network administrator. The client operation failed. Error is [OX80004005- 0X0004B9-OXOO501].’

Error Causes

There are several causes for the error 0x80004005 such as:

  • The Script Blocking Feature Enabled While Using Norton Antivirus
  • Spyware
  • Viruses
  • Registry problems-Missing or corrupt registry keys

It is advisable to repair and resolve error 0x80004005 immediately as it may cause a great deal of inconvenience to you.

This error may hamper your ability to receive and send emails from your Outlook account and lower your productivity too as you may be unable to communicate with your peers.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To fix error 0x80004005, you don’t have to wait for the network personnel or be a technical expert yourself. This may be a critical error but the good news is that it is easy to resolve.

Here are some effective methods and quick fixes to resolve the error 0x80004005 instantly.

Method 1: Disable Script Blocking Feature in Norton Antivirus

After installing Norton Antivirus on your PC, if you start experiencing the Outlook error 0x80004005, then the best way to resolve it is to simply disable the script blocking feature.

However, the downside of this is that by disabling this feature your PC will become vulnerable to viruses and malware.

Method 2: Disable the New-Mail Notification Feature in MS Outlook

If you don’t have Norton Antivirus downloaded on your PC, then try method 2. This method involves disabling the new-mail notification feature in MS Outlook. The error code 0x80004005 is often resolved by switching off this feature. Try it to see if it works.

To disable the new-mail feature all you have to do is open your Outlook account and then go to the Tools menu, then go to Options and then select the ‘Preferences’ tab.

After that click on the ‘Emails Options’ tab and then simply uncheck the check-box against ‘Display a notification message when new mail arrives’.

To confirm changes press OK.

Method 3: Scan for Viruses

The error 0x80004005 may also be triggered due to viral infection or spyware. Such malicious software enters your PC through phishing emails and while downloading files and attachments. You may not be aware of this but your PC may be infected by viruses.

It is important you remove them immediately as they can expose you to serious risks including privacy issues, identity thefts, data breaches, and more.

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Almost complete List of Cortana commands
Cortana is your personal digital assistant fully integrated into Windows 10 designed to help you make your life easier. The more you use it, the more Cortana can learn about you, and the experience becomes more personalized and accurate. It can perform a variety of tasks, and it's full of handy tricks, but perhaps one of the best features is the advanced speech recognition that enables Cortana to understand the context of a natural voice conversation. On Windows 10, and across platforms with the Cortana app on iPhone and Android, the assistant can understand virtually any voice command and perform tasks. For example, by just speaking you can find facts, create reminders and manage your calendar, launch applications, change settings, and a lot more. Now, if you're looking for an official list of all the voice commands Cortana supports, you'll never find it because it doesn't exist. Cortana can understand natural language and context, there's no particular set of commands to make things happen. In a sort of way, you are speaking to Cortana as you would to any other person.

Invoking Cortana

Before using voice commands, it's important to know the ways in which you can invoke Cortana using natural language:
  • You can click the microphone icon in the taskbar next to the Start menu.
  • You can use the Shift + ⊞ Windows + C keyboard shortcut to open Cortana in listening mode.
  • You can use the Hey Cortana feature, which lets you invoke the assistant by simply saying Hey Cortana followed by the command. For example, Hey Cortana: How's the weather?.
  • On Windows 10 Mobile devices, you can press and hold the search button to open Cortana in listening mode.

Comprehensive list of Cortana voice commands

The following list of commands are examples you can use to learn how to control Cortana with voice commands. Keep in mind that there isn't a specific way to speak the commands. For example, Hey Cortana: Let me listen to some tunes is the same as asking for a more systematic command like Hey Cortana: Play music.

Cortana basic voice commands:

Getting the time for any location:

  • "What time is it?"
  • "What time is in New York?" or "What time is in Greece?"

Getting weather information for any location:

  • "What's the weather like?"
  • "What's the weather in Madrid?" or "What's the weather in Slovakia?"
  • "When does the sun set?"
  • "Is it hot in Hawaii?"
  • "How's the weather looking for tomorrow/next week?"

Opening (Store and desktop) apps and websites:

  • "Open Photoshop" or "Go to Firefox"
  • "Open errortools.com."

Getting news information:

  • "Show me top headlines."
  • "Show me the latest news."
  • "Show me weather news."
  • "Show me Blizzard stock."
  • "Show me bitcoin exchange rate."
  • "What was the score of the last Brazil football game."

Creating a note:

  • "Create a note."
  • "Create Shopping note."
  • "Create Shopping note: Buy a basket of eggs"
  • "Take a note."
  • "Draft a note."
  • "Write a note."

Translating to a different language:

  • "Translate."
  • "Translate Hello to German"
  • "Translate Where is the nearest park? to Spain"

Doing math:

  • "What's 34% or $764.89?"
  • "What's 43 times 59?"
  • "What the square root of 26509?"
  • "What's 29 times 6 divided by 12?"
  • "Convert 6.9 cups to fluid ounces."
  • "How many miles are in 89 Kilometers?"

Defining a word:

  • "Define Space."

Tracking packages:

  • "Where is my package?"
  • "Show me my packages."

Cortana search voice commands:

Finding documents, photos, videos:

  • "Find photos from August 1998."
  • "Find cat videos."
  • "Find document called Collection of poems."

Searching the web:

  • "Search the web for Heroes of Might and magic."

Finding facts:

  • "How tall is Mount Everest?"
  • "Who is Steve Jobs?"
  • "When Arnold Schwarzenegger was born?"
  • "Who is Mercedes CEO?"
  • "When does spring begin?"
  • "What's the capital of Zimbabwe?"
  • "When is Thanksgiving?"
It's important to note that Cortana is capable of conversational understanding, which means that you can also ask follow-up questions without having to be very specific. For example, if you ask Cortana: "Who is the president of the United States", you can then ask a follow-up question, such as "Who is his wife?" or "When was he born?" and the assistant should be able to answer those questions accurately.

Discovering food places nearby:

  • "Find food places near me."
  • "Find restaurants near me."
  • "Find bars near me."
  • "What's a good restaurant near me?"
  • "What's interesting nearby?"
  • "Show me Chinese restaurants near me."
  • "Show me Italians restaurants in Los Angeles."

Cortana health and fitness voice commands:

  • "How was my sleep last night?"
  • "What was my step count yesterday?"
  • "How many calories did I burn today?"
These commands require a tracking device, such as the Microsoft Band 2 to enable your fitness and health activities, and you need to connect Cortana with the Microsoft Health (Microsoft Band) service.

Cortana settings voice commands:

Opening the Settings app:

  • "Open Settings."
  • "Open Action Center."

Controlling settings:

  • "Turn on/off Bluetooth"
  • "Turn on/off Wi-Fi"
  • "Turn on/off Airplane Mode"

Cortana reminders voice commands:

Creating reminders:

  • "Remind me to wash the car."

Creating location-based reminders:

  • "Remind me to buy CDs next time I go to Walmart."

Creating person-based reminders:

  • "Remind me to ask for vacation time next time I talk to Goran."

Creating time-based reminders:

  • "Remind me to watch the basketball game at 6 PM."
  • "Remind me to buy the food for the d&d session on Sunday at 3 PM."

Viewing reminders:

  • "Show me my reminders."

Cortana calendar voice commands:

Viewing calendar events:

  • "How's my schedule looking today?"
  • "Show me my appointments for next week."
  • "When is my dentist appointment?"

Adding new calendar events:

  • "Add dental appointment for Monday at 2 PM."

Moving calendar events:

  • "Move dental appointment to Friday at 5 PM."

Cortana alarms voice commands:

Creating alarms:

  • "Set an alarm for next Monday at 5:30 AM."
  • "Set an alarm for Saturdays at 9 AM."

Viewing alarms:

  • "Show my alarms"

Removing alarms:

  • "Cancel alarm for Saturdays at 9 AM."

Cortana timer voice commands:

Creating a timer:

  • "Set a timer for 5 minutes."
You can only start a one-timer at one point in time. If there is a timer already running, Cortana will ask you to restart it at a new time.

Viewing timer:

  • "Show timer."
  • "How much time is left on the timer?"

Canceling timer:

  • "Stop timer."

Cortana location voice commands:

Knowing your exact location:

  • "Tell me where am I?"

Cortana messaging voice commands:

Sending text messages:

  • "Send a text to Milan: I'll be late for lunch today."

Sending quick emails:

  • "Send email to Milena: See you later tonight."
  • "Send email to John and Claudia: How is the project coming along?"

Cortana location voice commands:

Getting directions:

  • "What's the traffic like on the way home?"
  • "How do I get home."
  • "How long would it take to drive to Madison Square Garden?"
  • "Get me directions to Port Authority."
  • "How do I get from my location to Long Beach, New York?"
  • "How far away is the moon?"
  • "Show me walking directions to the nearest gas station."
  • "Show me public transit to 11 Times Sq, New York, NY 10036."
  • "Show me the map of San Francisco."

Tracking flights:

  • "Track flight 1056."
  • "Is my flight delayed?"
  • "Is my flight on time?"

Cortana entertainment voice commands:

Controlling music:

  • "Play Metallica."
  • "Put some Symphonic music."
  • "Shuffle music."
  • "Play and Justice for all by Metallica."
  • "Stop music"
  • "Pause music"
  • "Pause song."
  • "Play next"
  • "Next track"
  • "Skip track."

Identifying what's playing:

  • "What is this song?"
  • "What's playing?"

Movies & TV:

  • "What's Blade Runner run time?"
  • "Who was the director of Gladiator?"
  • "What movies are playing near me?"
  • "What are the showtimes for Star Trek lower decks?"

Cortana technical support voice commands:

  • "How do I install a printer?"
  • "How do I project my screen?"
  • "How do I change my background?"
  • "How do I update Windows?"
  • "How do I make a backup?"
  • "How do I change default apps?"
  • "How do I change Privacy?"
  • "How do I connect a wireless device?"
Sometimes asking a "How to do I" question will result in a web search response.

Cortana phone voice commands:

  • "Call wife on speakerphone."
  • "Call David at home."
  • "Call Goran."
  • "Redial."
  • "Send a photo to my PC."

Cortana random voice commands:

  • "Tell me a joke."
  • "Tell me a riddle."
  • "Tell me something interesting."
  • "Tell me something funny."
  • "Tell me a scary story."
  • "Sing me a song."
  • "Surprise me."
  • "Do an impression."
  • "What do you look like?"
  • "Which is the best smartphone?"
  • "What is love?"
  • "Which is better, Google or Bing?"
  • "Why should I buy this phone?"
  • "What do you think about Google?"
  • "Do you like Google?"
  • "What do you think about Yahoo?"
  • "Do you like Windows 10?"
  • "Play the movie game."
  • "Are you better than Siri?"
  • "Where is Clippy?"
  • "What do you think about Clippy?"
  • "Heads or tails?"
  • "Rock, paper, scissors."
  • "Roll a dice."
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How to Fix Low Wi-Fi signal strength on Windows 10
If you are experiencing a Low Wi-Fi signal strength on your Windows 10 PC after you’ve updated or reinstalled it, read on as this post will guide you on what you can do to fix the problem. The way devices connect these days has evolved with our cognitive revolution. Various devices use some or other wireless technology to connect with other devices. However, all wireless technology has some kind of limitation when it comes to range and signal strength. From time to time, you might have faced several Wi-Fi issues. Low Wi-Fi signal strength usually happens after you update or reinstall your Windows 10 system. This issue can be identified easily by looking at the signal bars in the Wi-Fi icon or by measuring its strength. Since this problem is wide scope, there are tons of possibilities which is why this post covers the most generic situations that could help most users. Refer to the options given below to fix the low Wi-Fi signal strength of your Windows 10 PC.

Option 1 – Try running the Network Adapter Troubleshooter

If a few days ago the range and signal of the Wi-Fi was perfectly fine before you did an update or reinstall, it is possible that there were some changes made in the configuration as well. In most cases, the latest configuration that came with the update has not aligned the config in your computer or laptop. The easiest and simplest way to fix this is by using the Network Adapter Troubleshooter. How? Follow the steps below.
  • Right-click on the Wi-Fi icon from the system tray to start troubleshooting.
  • After that, select Troubleshoot problems. Note that it might take a while to run it but once it’s finished, it will show you all the problems with the network adapter.
Note: The Network Adapter Troubleshooter will also fix the issues in the background but there might be some issues that will require manual action. And if the troubleshooter wasn’t able to identify and fix the problem for you, proceed to the next given option below.

Option 2 – Try using the Device Manager

If the problem is related to hardware, you need to seek out the help of the Device Manager. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • Pull up the Device Manager.
  • Next, look for your Wi-Fi adapter under the Network Adapters.
  • Once you found it, right-click on it and open Properties.
  • After that, you will see all the actions related to drivers under the driver tab.
  • You can either update or roll back the selected driver or you could also disable and re-enable it to see if the problem’s fixed.
Note: If updating the driver didn’t help, you might have to dig into the advanced settings. From this post on, it can get a bit complicated as there are terms that you might not understand as well as some configuration. To make it easier for you, you can search for your Wi-Fi adapter online and try following the instructions from there. And before you make any further changes to your computer’s settings, make sure that you create a system restore point first.

Option 3 – Try changing the Wi-Fi Roaming Sensitivity

If you want to enhance the Wi-Fi reception as well as the performance on your Windows 10 PC, you might want to change the Wi-Fi Roaming Sensitivity or Aggressiveness. Roaming Sensitivity is the rate at which your computer chooses and switches to the nearest available point of access which offers a better signal. It is based on the strength and quality of the Wi-Fi and not on the distance to the Wi-Fi point.

Option 4 – Try adjusting the Wi-Fi range

The issue could also be caused by the position of your computer with respect to the Wi-Fi router instead of your hardware or drivers. It could be that your physical location might be a factor for the low signal strength of your Wi-Fi so you might want to adjust the Wi-Fi range to fix the problem.
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Fix The selected disk is not a fixed MBR disk
Both the DISKPART utility and the Disk Management are useful tools in Windows 10 that manage the disk space allocation, and so on. But these tools are not without errors as you could also encounter some when you run them. Recently, some users reported getting an error that says, “The selected disk is not a fixed MBR disk when trying to use the DISKPART utility”. Here’s the exact message of the error:
“The selected disk is not a fixed MBR disk. The ACTIVE command can only be used on fixed MBR disks.”
This kind of error only occurs when you try to activate a disk partition on a UEFI system partition. However, the command works only if your computer is based on BIOS/MBR. The UEFI method has no concept of the active partition and since you have a UEFI system, the disk type is GPT instead of MBR. To simply put it, your BIOS needs the MBR disk type while the UEFI needs the GPT disk type. To fix the “The selected disk is not a fixed MBR disk when trying to use the DISKPART utility” error, there are various potential fixes you can try. You might have to disable Secure Boot, convert the disk to MBR or fix the Boot Manager. For more instructions, follow the options provided below.

Option 1 – Disable the Secure Boot in the BIOS

Disabling the Secure Boot in the BIOS settings is definitely recommended to resolve the issue. To disable Secure Boot, here’s what you have to do:
  • First, boot your computer into Windows 10.
  • Next, go to Settings > Windows Update. From there, check if there is anything that you have to download and install if you see any available updates. Usually, OEMs send and update the list of trusted hardware, drivers, and operating systems for your computer.
  • After that, go to the BIOS of your computer.
  • Then go to Settings > Update & Security > Advanced Startup options. If you click on Restart Now, it will restart your computer and give you all the advanced options.
  • Next, select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options. As you can see, this screen offers you further options including System restore, Startup repair, Go back to the previous version, Command Prompt, System Image Recovery, and UEFI Firmware Settings.
  • Select the UEFI Firmware Settings which will take you to the BIOS.
  • From there, go to the Security > Boot > Authentication tab where you should see Secure Boot. Note that every OEM has its own way of implementing the options so it varies.
  • Next, set Secure Boot to Disabled and set Legacy Support to On or Enabled.
  • Save the changes made and exit. Afterward, your computer will reboot.

Option 2 – Try converting the disk to MBR

You can try to change the File System of the drive from GPT to MBR but before you do so, make sure that you create a backup copy of your data to an external drive. Once you have that covered, follow the steps below.
  • Create a bootable Windows 10 media and boot your computer from it.
  • Next, click on the “Repair your computer” option on the first Windows 10 installation setup window.
  • Afterward, select the operating system partition from the given options and click on Next.
  • Now select Command Prompt within the System Recovery options box and execute this command to initiate the Diskpart utility: diskpart
  • Then type either one of these commands to view the list of all the Disk connects or the partitions on those disks formed: list disk or list volume
  • After that, execute another one of these commands depending on the command you previously entered to select the disk or partition you want to select: select disk # or select volume #
  • Now execute this command to clean your drive: clean
  • Finally, execute this last command to convert the selected disk or partition as MBR: Convert MBR
  • Restart your computer and check if the error is fixed.

Option 3 – Try to fix the Boot Manager

  • You can start by booting into the installation environment for Windows 10 from an installation media.
  • After that, click on Repair your computer and on the blue screen, select Troubleshoot and then select the Advanced options menu.
  • From there, select Command Prompt and once you open it, enter each one of the commands given below by sequence.
    • bootrec /FixMbr
    • bootrec /FixBoot
    • bootrec /RebuildBcd
  • Once you’re done executing the commands given above, type “exit” to close the Command Prompt window and then restart your computer and see if it fixed error code 0xc000014c.
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Windows 11 vs Windows 10: Main Differences

Still sitting on the fence about upgrading to Windows 11 because you don’t know what to expect? Interestingly, the new edition somehow manages to be both a total revamp and still very similar to its predecessor in many ways. It’s really something to experience for yourself.

We do want to give you a sneak peek, though. So here’s an overview of the biggest changes Windows 11 brings to the table.

What’s different in Windows 11?

1. Visual changes

The first thing anyone will notice after switching to Windows 11 is the striking visual difference. The entire interface is smoother, cleaner and more minimalistic than on Windows 10, even resembling the macOS in some instances.
Perhaps the most obvious change in appearance is the Start menu and Taskbar location, which is now at the bottom center. It’s actually very neat, but if you’re someone who loves familiarity, don’t worry, you can move it back to the left.

Centralized Taskbar and Start menu
Centralized Taskbar and Start menu

Moreover, you’ll notice that the Taskbar includes a Microsoft Teams icon by default (which you can, of course, remove) and that Live Tiles are gone. The News and Interests section has also been removed - or, shall we say, replaced. As opposed to Windows 10, news, weather forecasts and other information are now displayed as widgets.

To add to the cleanliness of the UI, Microsoft also enhanced the ‘Snap Layouts’ feature to help you better organize your windows and maximize screen real estate. It’s similar to app grouping on your smartphone. In Windows 10 this feature is slightly restricted, as it requires some manual resizing and dragging. In Windows 11, you can just hover over the minimize/maximize option on a window, select a layout and throw the windows in there. 

Snap Layouts
Snap Layouts

2. New accessibility features

Microsoft has certainly paid attention to accessibility with Windows 10, but Windows 11 takes this to a whole new level.

One of the ways Windows 11 has taken things up a notch is by adding the long-awaited ‘Live Captions’ feature and advanced Narrator options.

Live Captions apply both to media played on your PC as well as your own speech when you’re using the microphone. Keep in mind that, as with almost all kinds of subtitles, you have to be prepared for a potential delay. However, it’s barely noticeable and doesn’t take away from the usefulness of this awesome new feature whatsoever.

As for the Narrator, there are three new voice packs to choose from. Microsoft has tried to put emphasis on a more natural voice than we are used to. So, now you can choose between Aria, Jenny and Guy, who will read pretty much anything off your screen out loud. Aside from this, Microsoft has also expanded the list of braille displays supported by the Narrator feature. 
For users with anxiety or trouble concentrating, a welcomed addition is the Focus app, which is no longer part of the Clock app. It’s now separate and called ‘Focus Sessions’, automatically triggering the Do Not Disturb mode when activated. It blocks all pop-ups and flashes and lets you work in peace until you’re ready to switch it off.

3. Android apps

Android users may rejoice! Windows 11 supports the use of your favorite applications now. 

Microsoft has done this by integrating the Amazon Appstore to the Windows 11 Microsoft Store. From there, you can download your favorite Android apps and use them on your PC in a smartphone-like window.

Windows Subsystem for Android™️
Windows Subsystem for Android™️

Unfortunately not too many apps are supported at this time, but Microsoft is working on making the emulation possible for many more. Also, the option is only available in specific regions at this moment - check out if you’re one of the lucky ones.

4. Improved gaming performance

Avid gamers will be happy to hear that Microsoft has put some effort into streamlining Windows 11 for their gaming needs.

To give gamers a supreme visual experience, Windows 11 offers the ‘Auto HDR’ feature. As long as your monitor is HDR-compatible, this feature will automatically adjust the colors, brightness and contrast of games without any input from you. 

Another update is DirectStorage, which we were introduced to in Windows 10 already. In Windows 11, it’s been improved to tweak loading times and overall gaming performance efficiency even better. The predisposition for it to work optimally is that your device has an NVMe SSD. 

The Xbox Game Bar also helps gamers towards a smoother experience. It allows in-game screenshots, viewing processes that are running (similar to the Task Manager), monitoring the CPU and GPU performance and frame rate, integrating the Xbox App and more. There’s also a number of widgets you can now use with the Game Bar, for example the Spotify widget.

Xbox Game Bar
Xbox Game Bar

Another cool addition is the Xbox Game Pass, which unlocks hundreds of games to play on your Xbox App, with new additions coming in every month.

5. Smart App Control

Aside from a sleek new look and better accessibility for all users, Windows 11 also comes with a security power-up. Bear in mind that this feature is only available on clean Windows 11 installs. 

Smart App Control (SAC) is an AI-powered new feature designed to protect your PC from potential threats. It blocks untrustworthy apps and adware and helps detect potentially unwanted apps, maintaining your PC’s performance and keeping your system safe.

It comes with an ‘Evaluation’ mode, which you should definitely select when running SAC for the first time. That way, the app monitors your usage and assesses whether you’re a candidate for SAC. Some users need it to be on all the time, for others it might be too distracting. Evaluation mode will turn SAC on or off based on your usage.

Don’t disable SAC again unless you’re absolutely sure you don’t need it, since reenabling it will require a fresh install. We recommend you don’t turn it off, as it is a neat feature protecting your data and files from malware at all times.


Have we piqued your interest in trying Microsoft’s latest OS? It’s a pretty exciting new iteration, but we’ll let you find out for yourself. We hope you like it!

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Stop the Hotspot from Turning off
As you know, Windows 10 is equipped with a Mobile Hotspot feature that allows users to share the existing internet connections to other devices over Wi-Fi. However, one of the downsides to this feature is that it does not stay on if there are no devices connected to it for over five minutes. In other words, if there are no devices connected to the mobile hotspot for five minutes, it will turn off automatically. Thus, if you want the mobile hotspot to stay turned on, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will walk you through how to stop the Mobile Hotspot from turning off in Windows 10. There are two scenarios tackled in this post wherein the Mobile Hotspot feature turns off automatically and where the hotspot disables when there is no internet connection. To remedy these scenarios, you can try turning off the power saving feature or use a PowerShell command to change the “PeerlessTimeoutEnabled” settings or increase the Mobile Hotspot idle timeout settings. You could also increase the timeout period when a cellular connection is not available or disable the Wi-Fi and network adapter power management options. For detailed instructions, refer to each one of the given options below.

Option 1 – Try turning off the power saving feature

The first solution you can check out is to turn off the power-saving feature. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Open the Settings app and go to Network & Internet and from there, click on the Mobile Hotspot option.
  • Next, toggle the “Share my Internet connection with other devices” option.
  • After that, toggle the “When no devices are connected, automatically turn off mobile hotspot” option.

Option 2 – Execute a command in PowerShell

The next option you can try to keep the mobile hotspot turned on is through a command in PowerShell. To get started, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + X keys and select the “Windows PowerShell (Admin)” option.
  • Next, execute the following command to make sure that the Mobile Hotspot stays on even when no devices are connected to it:
powershell -windowstyle hidden -command "Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList '/s,/c,net stop "icssvc" & REG ADD "HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesicssvcSettings" /V PeerlessTimeoutEnabled /T REG_DWORD /D 0 /F & net start "icssvc"' -Verb runAs"
  • After the command is executed, here is what the script is doing in the background:
    • It stops the Mobile Hotspot service (icssvc).
    • It navigates to this registry path (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesicssvcSettings) and creates a DWORD key named “PeerlessTimeoutEnabled” which has a value of 0.
  • It then restarts the Mobile Hotspot Service (icssvc).

Option 3 – Try increasing the Mobile Hotspot idle timeout settings

Another option you can try is to increase the idle timeout settings of the mobile hotspot. In case you don’t know, the default timeout when there’s no active connection is about five minutes. So if you don’t want to keep it on always but want to keep it on longer than five minutes, then this option is for you. All you have to do is change the same key (PeerlessTimeout) as mentioned above, at a different location. In fact, you can change it to a maximum of 120 minutes. To give this a try, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and type “Regedit” in the field and then tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this registry path: HKLMSystemControlSet001ServicesICSSVCSettingsPeerlessTimeout
  • From there, change its value to anywhere between 1 up to 120.
  • Once done, exit the Registry Editor and restart your computer.

Option 4 – Try increasing the timeout period when a cellular connection is not available

There are many times when you want to connect devices so it becomes part of the network. And as pointed out, the Mobile Hotspot turns off automatically when there is no internet or mobile data but when you use a registry setting, you can change any value between 1 and 60 inclusive.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and type “Regedit” in the field and then tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this registry path: HKLMSystemControlSet001ServicesICSSVCSettingsPublicConnectionTimeout
  • From there, set the value of the “Timeout” key between 1 and 60.
  • After that, close the Registry Editor and restart your PC.

Option 5 – Try to disable the Wi-Fi and Network adapter in Power Management options

As you know, the Wi-Fi adapter and the network devices have properties that will turn off when on battery and when it’s not used for a long time so you can try to disable these options.
  • Tap the Win + X + M keys to open the Device Manager.
  • Next, expand the list of Network devices and select the Wi-Fi adapter.
  • After that, go to the Power Management tab and make sure that anything related to power saving should be turned off. This will ensure that none of the network devices will turn off the Mobile Hotspot or trigger anything that will do that.
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0x80071771, The specified file could not ...
If you are tried encrypting or decrypting a file using the default EFS engine but you receive an error message instead saying, “Error Applying Attributes, An error occurred applying attributes to the file: The specified file could not be decrypted”, read on as this post will help you sort out the problem. If you encounter this error you can use the error code in it. You will most likely get error code 0x80071771. This kind of error occurs when the File Explorer’s copy and paste feature was not able to read the source file being encrypted or decrypted. It could also occur if you try to access a file that has been on another computer previously.

To fix error code 0x80071771 when decrypting or encrypting a file, refer to the instructions provided below.

Step 1: You need to check first if you can decrypt the files encrypted by EFS. However, if you can’t, just proceed and then take full control of the file. Step 2: To take control of the file, open File Explorer and right-click on the partition, and then click on Properties. Step 3: After that, click on the Edit button under the Security tab. Step 4: Next, make sure that “Everyone” is selected under the Group or user names section. Step 5: Afterwards, the Permissions for Everyone section will be activated. Just make sure that all the checkboxes for Allow are checked and then click on the Apply button. Step 6: Once you’re done, click on the Advanced button. This will open a new window labeled Advanced Security Settings. From there, click on the Change link under the Owner section. Step 7: Now type your account name in the field and click on Check Names to verify the account name and click OK. Step 8: After that, select the “Replace owner on sub-containers and objects” option and then click OK. Step 9: Next, select Administrators in the Group or User names list and select Full Control in the Permissions for Administrators panel and click OK.
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Signs that someone is spying on you via your phone

Spying via some malicious app on the target phone is not a new thing but it can be very uncomfortable and even against the law in some countries.

Infecting the target phone can be done in various ways, another person can intentionally download and install applications on it, and you can install them via some phishing attacks or by an online scam. Once installed this piece of software presents a very serious invasion of privacy since it can track text messages, track phone location in real-time, record calls in real-time, eavesdrop on calls, take control of the camera and microphone, and many other applications.

spy phone

Here are some common symptoms of mobile phones infected with spyware.

Symptoms of spyware

Random reboots
Slow performance
Strange text messages
Unusual high data usage
Non-familiar apps in the app list
The fast drain of the battery
Long shutdown time
Strange interference and sounds during calls
Signs of activity during standby mode

If your phone exhibits any of these symptoms you might have a spyware app installed and running on it.

Common spy apps

There are many apps that have been designed to spy on people that can be downloaded in the app store or on Google Play today. Most of these spyware apps are aimed at parents wanting to keep an eye on and protect their children. However, these can be used by anyone in order to spy on a target person via their phone.

Below is a list of common apps that can be used to spy on you. Many spyware apps require a phone to be ‘jailbroken’ or ‘rooted’ before being installed, this is when the phone’s operating system is changed to allow the phone to become unlocked and customizable.

mSpy : An undetectable spying app for iOS devices. It can be used to read your chats, see your location, view your email, check your call history, record your keystrokes, and more.

Spyera : This app requires rooted and jail-broken iPhones to work. It can go undetected and monitors phone calls and your call history. It even allows call recording and eavesdropping on live calls.

Flexispy : Flexispy prides itself as the #1 phone monitor for parents and can monitor everything from calls to social texts.

Umobix : This powerful spyware app has a dashboard that allows users to easily monitor someone’s location, calls, texts, keystrokes, all major social media, and more. You can detect Umobix because it heats up the infected phone and greatly affects the battery life of the infected device.

Ikey Monitor : Although it requires the device to be rooted for Android or jailbroken for iPhones, this spy app captures keystrokes, passwords, and screenshots, allows for call recording and supports multiple languages.

Clevguard : Available for both iOS and Android, Clevguard allows users to track GPS and Wi-Fi locations, capture screenshots remotely, and more. Due to a recent update, the spy app drains the target phone’s battery significantly.

Remove spyware from your phone

If any of the beforementioned apps are present on your phone you need to remove them right away.

Go to your phone settings and remove the malicious applications, then download some protection suite and scan the whole phone for any other trace of software remains or other malware apps.

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How to Deal With Error Code 42

Code 42 - What is it?

Code 42 Error is referred to as a Device Manager Error code. Before we explain what this code indicates, it is important to understand what ‘Device Manager’ is and its functions.

Device Manager is basically a Windows tool that helps manage devices attached to the system such as the Printer, Scanner and the USB Device. The Device Manager Error code 42 occurs when a duplicate device is detected.

Error Code 42 is displayed in the following format:

“Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware because there is a duplicate device already running in the system. Code 42”


driverfix boxError Causes

Narrowing down to one particular cause for error code 42 is not virtually possible because it may be triggered due to many underlying reasons. These include:

  • When a bus driver incorrectly generates and creates 2 identically named devices
  • When a device with a serial number is found in a new location without being removed from its original location
  • Mis-configured drivers

No matter what the reason for this error code,, to avoid inconvenience and to ensure proper hardware performance, it is advisable to fix it right away without any delay.

Further Information and Manual Repair

If you’re not technically sound, the code 42 message display can panic you. But don’t worry, the error message sounds complex but it is quite easy to fix.

To resolve code 42 in a few minutes, simply try the methods given below. These methods are easy-to-perform, effective and more importantly require no technical expertise.

Method 1 - Restart Your System

Code 42 can pop up due to some temporary glitch in the Device Manager. By simply restarting your PC, you can resolve this problem.

Therefore, first things first, restart your system. However, in case it doesn’t work out, try other methods.

Method 2 - Launch the Troubleshooting Wizard

Launch the troubleshooting wizard to find the underlying problem and resolve it accordingly. To do this, proceed with the following steps:

  • Go to the start menu
  • Type Device Manager in the search bar and press enter
  • Now click on the ‘General Tab’
  • Then click on ‘Trouble Shoot’ to launch the Troubleshooting Wizard
  • After that follow the instructions in this Wizard to diagnose the problem and resolve it.

Method 3 - Restore Your PC to its Previous State

Another method to fix code 42 is to use the System Restore tool to restore your PC to its previous working state before the error popped up. To do this,

  • Go to the start menu
  • Type System Restore in the search bar and press enter
  • Now click on ‘Restore my computer to an earlier time’ and then click ‘Next’
  • After that select the restore point on the restore point list and confirm settings
  • Restart your PC to activate changes
  • Before restoring your PC to its previous state, create a backup. By creating data backup you can avoid data loss issues, which are likely to occur during this process.

Creating backup manually can be time-consuming and a painstaking task. The best way to create backup and restore your PC to its normal state is to download DriverFIX.

It is a user-friendly device driver management software that helps create data backup automatically and simultaneously restores your PC back to its normal working state in a few seconds.

This software is compatible with all Windows versions.

Click here to download DriverFIX on your system to resolve error code 42.

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Disable WEB camera with PowerShell in Windows
Windows PowerShell is a powerful tool inside the Windows environment often overlooked by typical users which is a great mistake since it can offer a large array of functionality and usability and if used well can offer a unique working experience. Today we will be using PowerShell to turn the WEB camera off so it can not be accessed, completely disabling it for use. You might want to do this for security reasons or just want to learn few new things. Whatever your reason might be, I am welcoming you to this tutorial and please do keep reading.

Finding device ID

In order to disable the WEB camera first thing we need to do is to find a matching device ID. We will find this value inside the device manager, so press ⊞ WINDOWS + X to open the secret menu. keyboard with windows and x markedIn the menu choose device manager and click on it. Windows menu device managerWhen the device manager opens, expand the Imaging devices or Cameras section. Right-click Integrated Camera or the primary webcam, and click Properties. Go to the Details tab. Under the Property section, click to select Matching device ID from the drop-down. Right-click the value and select Copy camera device managerThe next step is to download and install Windows Driver Kit (WDK)

PowerShell script

Create and run a PowerShell script with the following parameters/values to disable the camera. Substitute the <FOLDER> placeholder with the actual name of the folder where your copy of Devcon is residing
$id = (Get-CimInstance Win32_PnPEntity |

where caption -match '<PRIMARY CAMERA>').pnpDeviceID

$ppid = "{0}{1}" -f '@',$id

Set-Location c:\<FOLDER>

Devcon status $ppid

Devcon disable $ppid

Devcon status $ppid
To enable the camera device, run the command below in PowerShell:
devcon enable $ppid
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How to Fix Error 0x80073712 in Windows
There are times when system files get corrupted and if the Windows Update process finds the system’s integrity questionable, chances are, the update, upgrade or the installation may fail and you will only be getting an error code 0x80073712 instead of completing the process. The error code 0x80073712 indicates that a file needed by the Windows setup or the Windows Update is most likely missing or damaged. To resolve the problem, here are some suggestions you can try.

Option 1 – Try running the DISM Tool

Running the DISM Tool helps in repairing the Windows System Image as well as the Windows Component Store in Windows 10. Using this built-in tool, you have various options such as the “/ScanHealth”, “/CheckHealth”, and “/RestoreHealth”.
  • Open the Command Prompt as admin.
  • Then type in this command: exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • Do not close the window if the process takes a while as it will probably take a few minutes to finish.
After you run this tool, a log file is created at C:WindowsLogsCBSCBS.log. On the other hand, if the Windows Update client is already broken, you will be prompted to use a running Windows installation as the repair source or use a Windows side-by-side folder from a network share, as the source of the files. Although the chances of this happening are less, if it turns out to be the case, you need to run an advanced command in the DISM tool to repair a broken Windows Update. Just repeat the process above but use the following command instead:
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:C:RepairSourceWindows /LimitAccess

Option 2 – Try running the System File Checker

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files with good system files that might be causing the error 0x80073712. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.

Option 3 – Try running the Chkdsk utility

You can also try running the Chkdsk utility to resolve the Windows Update error 0x80073712. If your hard drive has issues with integrity, the update will really fail as the system will think that it’s not healthy and that’s where the Chkdsk utility comes in. The Chkdsk utility repairs hard drive errors that might be causing the problem.
  • Open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • After opening Command Prompt, execute the commands listed below, and don’t forget to hit Enter right after you type in each one of them and if you have installed Windows to some different directory, you must replace “C” with the name of the drive you’ve installed Windows with.
  • chkdsk C: /r /x
  • chkdsk C: /f
Note: The Chkdsk function might take a while before it finishes its operations so you need to be patient and wait until the entire process is completed.

Option 4 – Try running the Windows Update Troubleshooter

Running the built-in Windows Update troubleshooter could also help you resolve the Windows Update error 0x80073712. To run it, go to Settings and then select Troubleshoot from the options. From there, click on Windows Update and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button.

Option 5 – Try running Microsoft’s online troubleshooter

You also have the option to run Microsoft’s online troubleshooter which could help you fix Windows Update errors.
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