In case you don’t know, Microsoft has included an Enhanced Search Mode in the new Windows 10 v1903. This new Enhanced Search mode, compared to the Classic Mode, indexes everything on your Windows 10 computer, and in this post you will be guided on how you can disable this new feature as well as discuss how it is different from the Classic Search mode.
Over the years, the Windows 10 Start Search has changed. When you tap the Start button and when you type, the results that appear are categorized into Apps, Documents, Email, Web, Folders, Music, People, Photos, Settings, Videos, and many more. This is the reason why the Enhanced Mode was brought into the picture. So unless everything is indexed, this new feature wouldn’t be of much use.
A Classic Search is the term used for the old search technique in Windows 10. The Classic Search mode is restricted to Libraries and Desktop and end-users can only select to customize the search location by adding them manually to the indexer. To simply put it, it would only index files and folders which you want to get indexed and if the search term is not in the index, it would initiate the regular search which would take quite a while and this is where the Enhanced Windows Search comes in. It indexes everything as it is its default nature which is the exact opposite of the Classic Search mode. This feature allows you to exclude folders where the Search will not look and index anything that could be personal to you. In addition, it can also impact the life of the battery of laptops, if you are using one. The initial crawl of your data will take place only when connected to power and during that time, both the CPU usage and battery will take a bit of a hit.
To enable the Enhanced Search Mode in your Windows 10 computer, here’s what you have to do:
Step 1: Go to Settings > Search > Searching Windows.
Step 2: Next, click on the radio button for Enhanced.
Step 3: After that, select the folders which the Windows Indexer should exclude from the Enhanced Search mode.
And that’s about it. The next time you search anything on your computer, Windows will be looking at all the locations except for the ones you excluded and the results will be a lot faster compared to the Classic Search.
Now that you’ve enabled the Enhanced Search mode, there are two settings you need to check out.
- Advanced Search Indexer Settings – this setting allows you to configure how or where Windows will search or what file types it will search in your computer. It will also open the same setting that’s available in the Classic Search.
- Run the Indexing Troubleshooter – when you click on the Indexing Troubleshooter, it will start to troubleshoot any Search and Indexing issues on your Windows 10 computer and fix them automatically.