
Why You Need Antivirus Software & How to Select the Right One

Anxiety from all these digital threats lurking everywhere? An antivirus program can help put your mind at ease.

What can a virus do to your device?

A virus is malicious software that can affect pretty much any device and does so in a variety of ways. Be it your computer, your phone or your smart lightbulb - as long as there’s access to the internet, malware can get to it.

How exactly does this kind of attack manifest itself? Well, there’s a wide variety of effects ranging from mild to severe. Among other things, they depend on which type of malware attacks your device - a virus, spyware, ransomware, adware or something else.

These are some of the things you can expect to happen:

  • Slow performance
  • System crashes
  • Theft of data and sensitive information
  • Connectivity issues
  • Constant browser redirects
  • Strange messages sent to your contacts 
  • Interference with files

It really can be the stuff of nightmares. So, if you want to sleep peacefully knowing that your devices are completely safe, you should definitely consider getting an antivirus.

P.S. don’t let its name fool you - an antivirus does indeed protect your devices against more than just viruses.

What is antivirus software exactly?

Antivirus software is designed to help you battle and ward off malware. Basically, it scans your device to detect any suspicious activity and offers tools to get rid of the culprit. 

At first, antiviruses were developed to fight against viruses only, but nowadays they cover a lot more ground. Here are some of the biggest benefits of getting yourself a powerful defender.

Advantages of antivirus software

1. It fights those pesky ads

Look, constant ads that pop up everywhere aren’t the absolute worst thing that can happen on your computer. If anything, they are annoying, like when you’re trying to sleep but that one fly in your room just won’t stop buzzing.

Now, there’s a free, well-established solution for that - installing an ad blocker. And we’re about a hundred and ten percent sure you’ve already done that on each and every browser you use.

However, “if I can’t see it, it doesn’t exist” isn’t the most ideal approach for your online safety. Ad blockers can’t block everything and they won’t protect you from potential adware. An antivirus on the other hand offers that layer of protection against malware snuck into pop-ups and spammy websites.

2. It protects you from hackers

Hackers don’t target government institutions only. They’ll target regular people too if they have something to gain.

Antivirus can protect you from hackers
Credit: Clint Patteron (Unsplash)

There are different types of hacking, such as phishing e-mails, transmission of malicious programs, credential reuse, denial of service and more. In any case, they take control of your device and hijack your data.

The good thing is that, as threats evolve, antiviruses evolve too and there are tons of quality programs on the market that can keep you secure for an affordable price.

3. It keeps your files and data safe

When malware enters your device, it can target pretty much any file and get access to any and all data.

Installing an antivirus program will make sure that every single file, new or old, is monitored at all times, warning you against threats immediately. That way, you can make sure to react before your other files become infected and data is lost or stolen.

Another great thing for data protection is that the best antivirus software normally comes with a password manager, so no one can use malware to steal your passwords.

4. It blocks all kinds of malware

As we already stated, malicious attacks can be performed in many ways and malware comes in in different shapes an sizes, such as:

  • Trojan horse
  • Spyware
  • Ransomware
  • Adware
  • Rootkit
  • RAT (remote access Trojan)
  • Keyloggers
  • Worms
  • Botnets
Illustration of a computer worm
Credit: Growtika (Unsplash)

Nowadays, antivirus software is designed to fight against all of these types. That’s why more often than not we hear the term 'antivirus' used interchangeably with 'anti-malware,' like in this article.

5. It keeps your children protected

You can’t keep your eyes on your kid every second of the day and you can’t protect them from everything. But at least you can limit their exposure to the threats they can encounter at every corner of the digital world.

An antivirus program will block harmful or suspicious websites and ads, which is great both for you and your children. To take it a step further, though, many such programs come with special parental controls and offer monitoring as well. It’s a great solution for keeping your kids safe online without sounding like the irritating, overbearing, controlling parent who “just doesn’t get it!”

How to pick one

There are definitely lots of different antivirus programs out there, both free and paid. We recommend you look for a paid option, since free ones are unfortunately a lot more susceptible to being compromised through malicious attacks.

Now, there are a few factors to consider when choosing the right software. If you use your PC for basic things then a basic antivirus will suffice. However, the more complex your use and the more sensitive the data you deal with, the stronger it needs to be.

It’s also crucial that you take into account the features it includes. As we already mentioned, some programs have additional security options. For example, depending on the package you select, Bitdefender provides:

  • Webcam and mic monitoring
  • Parental control
  • Firewall
  • VPN
  • Password management
  • Identity theft protection

Some are included in plans and some are separate products, so make sure to check out all the offers.

And don’t worry if you have multiple PCs or you’re looking for protection for your smartphone or tablet as well; Bitdefender has suitable solutions for your needs. Of course, you can also just pick their classic antivirus software if you’re not in need of advanced protection.

Another important point is how regularly the software is updated and enhanced. The more frequent the updates the better, as bugs can make the program more vulnerable. Other things we advise you consider are user-friendliness, impact on performance, reputation (user reviews especially) and, of course, price.

The bottom line

Fact is: anyone can be a malware victim. Don’t let it be you.

You can’t put a price on peace and security, so don’t be reluctant to pay for yours - especially since a lot of options out there are extremely affordable. Is $159.00 a year really too much to pay for cross-platform protection for up to 10 devices? We don’t think so.

Explore your options and protect your files and data before it’s too late.

Do You Need Help with Your Device?

Our Team of Experts May Help
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How to paste just plain text anywhere

Taking information from the internet or from other sources usually involves selecting the text, copying it into the clipboard, and then pasting it into your file. In today's modern applications pasting text will most of the time take its formating with it.

keyboard shortcut paste

By formatting what I am talking about are parameters like font size, line breaks, hyperlinks, font styles, etc. and sometimes you do not want any of these in your file, you would like and prefer to have just plain text so you can format it as you wish.

In order to paste just plain text instead of using the CTRL + V keyboard shortcut, press CTRL + SHIFT + V instead. This shortcut will paste the only text into your file.

Shortcut and Microsoft Word

Leave it to Microsoft to make its shortcut not work in their application. In Microsoft Word, you can only use the standard CTRL + V shortcut, if you press CTRL + SHIFT + V nothing will happen. So in order to paste the only text into a word document, choose to paste special > text only

Other applications

I have tried CTRL + SHIFT + V in various applications like photoshop, illustrator, InDesign, visual studio code, slack, discord, WordPress installations, etc and only one that has not worked for me was Word and office in general so you are safe to use this trick and have desired results.

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Resume an Interrupted Download in Chrome
Where all have been there, we are downloading something and for any kind of reason chrome closes, internet breaks, etc. And our download is interrupted and gone forever, and we need to start again. You will be glad to hear that chrome has side a download manager which tracks each download you made and you can use this manager to resume interrupted downloads. Please note that some websites have certain scripts that will prevent you to resume interrupted downloads, in this case, using chrome's download manager will not work and you will have to start the download again. All of this being said, if your download has been interrupted, and went away, pin Chrome press CTRL + J to open download manager, find your interrupted download, and press the resume button. That's it, you have successfully resumed your download.
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USB Security key is not working on Windows
As you know, the USB security keys are a secure medium to validate a lot of components in a computer. They can be used to log in to Windows 10. Now with the advancement of APIs, you can authenticate across the website as well using the same key. However, there are times when it may not work and it could be caused by several factors. It could be due to corrupted or incompatible drivers or it could also be due to compromised integrity of the key, and many more. So if you happen to encounter an issue with the USB security key on your Windows 10 computer, then there are several potential fixes you can try. You can try toggling the Internet Options settings or reinstall the respective USB drivers. You could also try changing the PIN of the security key or disable the antivirus program on your computer or troubleshoot the web browser. Refer to the potential fixes provided below to fix the problem.

Option 1 – Try to toggle the settings of the Internet Options

  • In the Windows Search box, search for Internet Options to open it.
  • Next, go to the Security tab and drag the security slider to the lowest possible security for all the given zones.
  • After that, click on OK to save the changes made and close the Internet Options.
Note that this option is only a temporary measure as it can make your computer vulnerable. Make sure to press the Reset all zones to default level button.

Option 2 – Try to update or reinstall the respective drivers

If updating the drivers of the device did not fix the problem with the USB security key, you can try to update or reinstall the Universal Serial Bus Controller drivers instead of using the Device Manager. Refer to the following steps:
  • First, click the Start button and type “device manager”.
  • Then click on the “Device Manager” from the search results to open it.
  • From there, look for the “Universal Serial Bus controllers” option and then right-click on each one of the USB drivers and select the Update Driver from the menu.
Note: If it is a regular USB drive, then it will be listed as a USB Mass Storage Device but if you have a USB 3.0 device, then look for a USB 3.0 Extensible Host Controller.
  • Restart your PC and then click the “Search automatically for updated driver software” option.
Note: If updating the USB Controller drivers didn’t work, you can try to reinstall them instead.

Option 3 – Try to change the PIN of the security key

If the first two options didn’t work, you can try changing the PIN of the security key. There are instances when the PIN for the security key might have been corrupted. Thus, resetting it can help you resolve the problem.

Option 4 – Temporarily disable Firewall and third-party antivirus

Firewall and antivirus programs are known to block the proper functioning of the USB security key. Thus, your antivirus or firewall programs might be the reason why you can’t download anything on your Windows 10 computer. To isolate the issue, you need to temporarily disable both the Firewall and antivirus programs and then check if you can now download anything from the internet. Do not forget to enable them again as disabling them can leave your computer vulnerable to cyber threats.

Option 5 – Try to troubleshoot the web browser

Troubleshooting your web browser can also help you fix the USB security key problem. You can do that by checking if your web browser supports the security key and you can do that by checking on the official website of your browser. You can also try to update your web browser to its latest version but if it didn’t help, you can try to reinstall it or switch to another web browser.
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Software and hardware cleaning tips
Spring is almost here and with spring comes work, nature wakes up, people wake up, no more heating bills, time to start working, and time to start cleaning your PC. Good day everyone and welcome to another tip & trick for your PC. This time we are talking about cleaning your PC and keeping it up to software tight so you are ready for the upcoming spring season. Thank you for being with us and let's start:

Uninstall applications that you are not using

The unused applications can cause many issues for PC, from taking unnecessary disk space to even causing slower boot times if they have active services that require to be all-time up and running. They could slow down other applications like file explorer if they have extensions installed into them and can take RAM space with their background processes. If you are not using a particular application anymore or do not plan to use it soon it is always best practice to delete it from the system and thus removing all services and processes that go with it freeing so much-needed RAM and disc space.

Remove browser extensions you do not need

Browser extensions like applications can cause some issues with PC performance. if you spend a lot of time on the internet browser extensions can slow down browser and page loadings, they can make browsers take up more RAM memory and if they are outdated they could even present a serious security threat. Best practices are to keep only the extensions that you need all time, maybe some password managers or similar, extensions that you use on a daily basis, the rest should be uninstalled.

Remove things from the startup

Many services are booted along with Windows itself, some of them are crucial to the system even working, some not so. By eliminating not-needed services from the startup menu you will make sure that your boot times and overall performance of the system are in healthy form and that your PC is more responsive.

Organize files, folders, and desktop

The speeding of computer is not the only thing that you need to take care of, in order to be prepared and have maximum efficiency you will need to organize your files and folders as well. In a working environment, we often tend to save and place files all over the place, and in time they clog up desktop and hard drives. If the files are not well organized we will lose precious time trying to find anything that we need and require, so instead of wasting your time in locating files, why not organize them for easy and logical search so you can access them easily when needed.

Clean taskbar and start menu

Taskbar and start menu as well can be clogged with icons and non-organized application shortcuts and document shortcuts. Remove everything you do not need for that tidy and easily accessible access.

Sort bookmarks

It is very likely that you have plenty of bookmarks saved in our browser. It is also very likely that these bookmarks are not sorted and organized and now would be a great time to do it. Like files bookmarks also can cause you a lot of time loss if you need to find a specific one in a sea of many.

Run disc cleanup

Built-in disc cleanup utility will find temporary files, unused ones, and plenty of other junk on your hard drive. Now would be a great time to run it and get rid of junk files from your system.

Physically clean your computer

Now when we have taken care of the software part of our computer and system, it is time to clean up the computer itself. Unplug your computer and clean it, we will not go into details of this procedure, there is already an article on our site which deals with this part in detail so look it up if you need assistance with this part.

Clean your peripherals

Besides the computer for effective and pleasant work take care of your screen, keyboard, mouse, printer, etc. All of these devices need to be dust-free and clean if you expect them to behave on top of their game. If you would like to read more helpful articles and tips about various software and hardware visit errortools.com daily.
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How to Disable Restart in Firefox
Mozilla Firefox has introduced a new feature known as Restart with Windows which allows the browser to automatically start when your Windows 10 computer boots. This means that if you leave the Firefox browser opened while shutting down your computer, Firefox will re-open automatically along with the tabs that were opened right before you shut down your computer. Although some users may find this feature convenient, there are others who do not approve at all as it could be a nuisance. So if you’re one of the latter, then read on as this post will show you how you can disable the Restart with Windows feature in the Firefox browser on your Windows 10 computer. Refer to the instructions laid out below to get started.
  • Step 1: Open Mozilla Firefox and if it’s opened already, just open a new tab and then type the following text in the address bar:
  • Step 2: After typing the text given above, hit Enter and if a prompt with a warning message pops up, simply click on the “I accept the risk!” button to proceed.
  • Step 3: Next, type “Restart” in the search filter which should display the following preference in the window:
  • Step 4: After that, check for the preference value and then see if it’s set to true or not. If it is set to true, then it means that the Restart with Windows feature is enabled so obviously, to disable it, you need to set its value to false.
  • Step 5: Now restart your computer without closing Firefox. After restarting your computer, you should no longer see Firefox starting automatically.
The Restart with Windows feature by default is disabled for most users. On the other hand, Mozilla will have this feature enabled as the default configuration in the coming weeks so it’s best that you now know what to do when that time comes since the newer versions of Mozilla Firefox are already being shipped with the Restart with Windows feature. However, if this post did not help you, then you might want to check if the feature has been added to the Startup folder, and from there, you can disable this startup program using the Task Manager > Startup tab.
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Malware Guide: How to Remove Webguard

What is Webguard?

Developed by Interesting Solutions, Webguard is a tool supposedly used for tracking those online who’ve developed a habit of tracking you. The application would provide logical analysis into a user’s website history, providing insight on what websites you’ve visited and also how persons are able to track your every move while browsing. While Webguard is unable to dispose of who specifically is tracking your computer usage, they’re able to determine what computer installed tracking codes or cookies on your computer system. In this case, it’s then left up to the user’s discretion to determine who they want to allow or block from tracking their online use.  Overall, this application allows the user some measure of freedom and control over their online experience. Like any other application, however, which has landed themselves a spot on Virus Total, Web guard has hidden agendas. At a distance, Webguard installs a service for Windows but later distributes advertisements. Technical details about Webguard include:
Product Version: Original File Name: crss.exe Entry Point:  0x000C5AAE

Assessment of Webguard Potentially Unwanted Program

While Webguard claims to track your computer usage, information reported by the application isn’t sufficient for the common computer user. This brings us back to the ulterior motive or principal objective of developing Webguard – to advertise and generate revenue from clicks made by users on Ads displayed on Internet Browsers – namely Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox. Why should a computer user remove Webguard? Simply, it compromises one's Internet privacy and security and it keeps abreast of your Internet history. If you’re online for an extended period, you’ll see what Webguard does. While the publishers behind the application did not alert users to the use of web beacons, cookies for tracking, and other related tracking technology, that’s not why Webguard is considered unwanted. The program is potentially unwanted because of the unpredictable advertisements it displays. Not all sites are trusted and so it’s difficult to determine, in some cases, what websites are legit for business.

Remove Webguard with Spyhunter

In most cases, at least from what I’ve seen, Webguard is installed as a single application. After it was installed for this assessment, it could be found in ‘All Programs”. This meant that one could manually delete the application from their computer system (see manual steps below). However, is that really sufficient to completely rid your PC of Webguard’s blueprints? While you might opt to remove Webguard manually – maybe because it’s more economical – an automated process is able to completely eradicate hidden threats from Webguard. In comparison to manually removing Webguard, Spyhunter penetrates your computer system for all infections. In most cases, nasty threats are unable to be removed manually. Additionally, Spyhunter not only removes installed threats, but it detects incoming ones – hence, acting as a preventative tool. Furthermore, Spyhunter detects cookies placed on your computer by Webguard. These are all undetectable threats and so an automated tool, as Spyhunter, should be used to remove Spyhunter effectively from your computer.

Manual Steps for Removal of Webguard

I found this removal pretty simple. Depending on your Operating System, there will be slight discrepancies in the manual removal steps. Using the Windows 8 (8.1) OS on your computer:
  • Step 1: Locate the CONTROL PANEL on your computer using the SEARCH option.
  • Step 2: Once the search box appears , input 'CONTROL PANEL'.
  • Step 3: The Control Panel option will then appear. From the menu, choose the "Programs" option.
  • Step 4: Another menu will appear. Select "All Programs and Features".
  • Step 5: From the 'Programs list', search for the Webguard application.
  • Step 6: Right-click on Webguard when it's found.
  • Step 7:  Choose the "Uninstall" option.
  • Step 8:  Follow the uninstall wizard instructions until the Webguard application is fully removed.
To completely remove Bandoo from your computer, click here to download and install Spyhunter
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Proton Drive, privacy-first cloud storage

In 2014 Proton mail started as an end-to-end encrypted email service offering secure and private email services. Proton mail is still live and going with the same dedication to privacy and security but the company has expanded its offering into cloud storage drive services.

Starting as a public beta at the end of 2020, Proton Drive is keeping its privacy and security policy philosophy with the new service. Proton Drive is the newest service besides Proton Calendar, Proton VPN, and Proton Mail.

proton drive

Drive has end-to-end encryption for everything on it including files themselves, filenames, folder structure, folder names, extensions, and file sizes. This means that you and only you can access your files. Servers are located in Geneva, Switzerland and they are under Swiss privacy laws making sure that your files are protected. Proton services in general are all open source so anyone can take a look at them to be sure that nothing is lurking under the hood. For now, sync is done either via the android app or web interface but the desktop client will come soon since currently, it is under development.

Sadly free plan of Proton Drive will give you only 1GB of storage which is much less than other services and sadly payments plans are also not so jaw-dropping going for $4 USD per month for a 200GB plan or with Proton ultimate subscription that will set you $10 behind but you will get 500GB of drive storage. Of course, if you value privacy for your files these options are good but if you do not mind that part other services have much better options.

All in all Proton Drive is a great cloud storage solution if you need privacy and well worth the investment. With the ultimate subscription, you will get enough space for most people and company needs with other services and guaranteed privacy and security, on the other hand, if you just need a large amount of cloud storage not caring too much about privacy other options are better.

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Edge DevTools An error occurred while ...
In case you don’t know, Microsoft Edge, the new default browser of Windows 10, is equipped with the essential tools that are needed to help web developers in testing their websites in the Edge browser. However, it is not without its flaws as there are instances when you could also encounter some errors when using DevTools. One of these errors is the “An error occurred while starting the profiling session” error. You can see this error message in the DevTools Memory Panel, worry not for this post will help you resolve it. A memory panel is one that primarily measures your memory resource usage and compares heap snapshots in different states of code execution. The Memory panel also provides profiling of three different types, such:
  • Head Snapshot
  • Record Allocation timeline
  • Record Allocation profiles
Using a memory panel, you can find issues that affect the page performance in the most common scenarios like bloats and memory leaks. There are two steps you need to carry out to fix this error that’s associated with the Memory Panel of Microsoft Edge (Chromium) DevTools. First, you need to access the Microsoft (R) Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service. Second, you need to restart this service. For detailed steps, follow the instructions provided below. Step 1: Access the Microsoft (R) Diagnostic Standard Collector Service To access the Microsoft (R) Diagnostic Standard Collector Service, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter or click OK.
  • This will open the Services Manager. Here, look for the Microsoft (R) Diagnostic Service from the Services panel that opens on the right-hand side.
Step 2: Now restart the Microsoft (R) Diagnostic Hub Standard Collector Service
  • After accessing the Microsoft (R) Diagnostic Standard Collector Service, right-click on it and select the Restart option.
  • Once it’s done, exit the Microsoft Edge Developer Tools as well as the tab.
  • Next, open a new tab and navigate to your page and tap the F12 key.
  • Now, try to check if profiling begins.
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Setting up Logitech C922 in Windows 10
Being a streamer altho popular is a very demanding call, there is a lot of technical knowledge involved and one of this knowledge is setting your web camera equipment. On the internet, you can find how to install certain devices and register them in Windows but with little to no information on how to set everything for streaming. In this article, we will try to address as many of this as we can so you can start using your camera right away.

Features of the Logitech C922 Pro Stream Webcam

In the package of your Logitech C922 Pro Stream Webcam, you should have the camera itself with a USB hookup, tripod, and user manual. Tripod, of course, is meant to stabilize the camera for recording using high zoom values so visual shaking of the picture is eliminated. The camera itself captures natural light without any distortion in full HD and if placed on top of the monitor it can accommodate the field of view to capture two people. Also when in a low-light room, autofocus will correct light and it will sharpen an image in order to compensate for lack of light. The camera also features a dual microphone for clarity of sound.

Assembling the Logitech C922 Webcam

Of course, the first thing when the camera is unpacked is to assemble it. Basically, there are two ways for the camera to be assembled:
  1. On top of monitor and
  2. On tripod
The next section will cover both assemblings

Mounting camera on the monitor:

The Logitech C922 Pro Stream Webcam can be used to capture up-close images or video from the top of any computer monitor or TV. To set up your Logitech C922 Webcam on top of a monitor or TV:
  • Completely extend the mounting stand until it reaches the top width of your monitor or TV
  • Turn the bottom piece of the mounting stand, so it matches the angle of the back of your monitor or TV
  • Place the mounting stand on top of your monitor or TV and tighten the bars until they’re flush with each surface
  • Pivot the webcam up, down, or to the sides to center the camera angle
After you have securely mounted the C922 to your monitor or TV, it’s ready to be plugged in and used with any recording application on your computer.

Mounting camera on the tripod

You can set up your Logitech C922 Pro Stream Webcam to record a 78-degree view of a room for presentations or live streams by attaching it to the tripod. To set up your Logitech C922 Webcam with a tripod:
  • Unfold and extend the legs of your tripod
  • Place the webcam on top of the tripod, aligning the swivel bolt with the webcam mounting hole
  • Swivel the bolt by turning a small knob on the tripod
Once you have assembled your Logitech C922 Pro Stream Webcam on your tripod, plug it into your computer and load up your favorite recording application.

How can you use your Logitech C922 Pro Stream Camera?

Altho this camera is designed and built to be used in a live stream environment it can also be used to record video offline to a file. In this next segment, we will explore further applications in which the camera is meant to be used.

Live video

The Logitech C922 Pro Stream Webcam allows content creators to share content in high definition with thousands of viewers in real-time. Stream full 1080p at 30 frames per second and 720p at 60 frames per second live on platforms such as Twitch or YouTube.
  • Stream video games or entertainment in real-time
  • Create live presentations for work, customers, or followers
  • Discuss matters of interest in live talk shows or podcasts
  • Video call family or friends on Skype, Facetime, or Google Hangouts
  • Capture crystal-clear, 78-degree video with the Logitech C922 autofocus lens. With two microphones attached on each end, you can stream any live video with little to no audio drops.

Offline recordings

The Logitech C922 Pro Stream Webcam can be used with desktop recording software to create professional videos or snapshots. After you’ve finished recording, you can edit specific spots in the video and add custom presentation details.
  • Product demonstrations and tutorials
  • Educational or promotional presentations
  • Video game or entertainment videos
  • Personal vlogs
  • Talk shows or podcasts
  • Desktop or laptop technical walkthroughs
  • Complete offline recording in high definition at 1080p. Use QuickTime Player (Mac) or Microsoft Camera App (Windows) to take photos or record videos offline.

Setting up Logitech C922 Pro Stream Camera using XSplit Broadcaster

XSplit Broadcaster offers live stream support for several platforms, which include Facebook Live, YouTube Live, and Twitch. After you hook up your webcam and create profiles for each platform, you can begin a live stream with XSplit Broadcaster.

Twitch Streaming

  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication on Twitch: Navigate to the settings of your profile and the Security and Privacy tab. Before you can start broadcasting with XSplit, you must set up Two-Factor Authentication.
  • Set Up Twitch Streaming Profile in XSplit: In XSplit Broadcaster, navigate to Broadcast > Set up a new output > Twitch. Select an account to authorize with XSplit and proceed.
  • XSplit automatically chooses a resolution to record based on target server connection quality.
  • A settings window opens before you complete the setup, which allows you to customize the server and video recording options. Once you have completed the setup, your Twitch profile is set up in XSplit. You can begin a stream by navigating back to Broadcast and clicking on the new Twitch profile.

YouTube Streaming

  • Enable YouTube Streaming Live: Click on your YouTube profile picture to open a dropdown and click on YouTube Studio Beta.
  • On the left side of the page, navigate to Other features and click on Live events in the dropdown.
  • Click on Enable live streaming to set up live streaming for your YouTube profile.
  • Set Up YouTube Streaming Profile in XSplit: In XSplit Broadcaster, navigate to Broadcast > Set up a new output > YouTube. Select an account to authorize with XSplit and proceed.
  • Once YouTube Live Properties window pops up, click Authorize to connect your Google account. You can also change any settings as needed before you begin a live stream. Once you’re ready to broadcast live with XSplit, navigate back to Broadcast and click your new YouTube Live profile.

Facebook Live Streaming

  • Set Up Facebook Live Streaming Profile in XSplit: In XSplit Broadcaster, navigate to Broadcast > Set up a new output > Facebook Live.
  • A prompt opens in XSplit to log in to your Facebook profile.
  • Log in and set up permissions and posting options as you’d like them to appear whenever you stream live on Facebook. After you’ve completed the permission process, your Facebook Live profile is ready to use in XSplit. You can navigate anytime back to Broadcast and select your new Facebook Live profile in XSplit to begin a live stream.

Using OBS with Logitech C922 Pro Stream Webcam

OBS live streaming application offers high-quality audio and video performance and video capturing in real-time. This application offers full control over every detail and it is a very good choice for both cases.

Setting up Logitech C922 with OBS

  • Add Logitech C922 as a Capture Device: Click the + under the Sources section. Once you are in the drop-menu, select Video Capture Device.
  • When this menu pops up, click Create New and hit OK.
  • From the Device bar, you can select your Logitech C922 as a default Video Capture Device. Set any configurations up how you want them and click OK before exiting.
  • Changing Resolution or Frames Per Second: With OBS open, click on Settings in the bottom-right portion of the screen and then on the Video tab on the next page. Here you can set up the screen resolution, downscale filter, and frames per second defaults for all videos recorded with OBS. Click Apply before exiting.
  • After you’ve finished applying the initial settings, you can begin recording or streaming in the bottom right-hand corner of the main menu.
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Disabling Windows 10 startup delay
First time when your computer is turned ON and when Windows is booting it will wait 10 seconds before starting your startup applications. This 10 second is used to load all of Windows services so everything is running smoothly. If by any chance you do not want to wait for this startup delay and wish to start applications right away then keep on reading and follow this guide precisely. This guide will require you to play ad tweak with the registry of Windows, it is always recommended to make a registry backup before attempting any tweaks. Also, it is imperative to follow the guide as it is presented step by step. be aware that this guide will eliminate a 10-second delay for all of your starting applications, there is no way currently to remove delay for only one or a few.
  1. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + R to open the run dialog
  2. In run dialog type Regedit and press ENTER
  3. Locate HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Serialize
  4. If the key does not exist, make a new one,  Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\, right-click on the explorer and choose new > key. Name it Serialize
  5. Right-click on Serialize and choose New > DWORD (32-bit) Value
  6. Name the value StartupDelayInMSec
  7. Double click on StartupDelayInMSec and locate Value data
  8. Set the value to 0
  9. Save changes and Exit Registry editor
  10. Reboot
If you want to reverse changes and enable delay again, go back to the Registry Editor and delete the StartupDelayInMSec value.
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