
Choosing default browser in Windows 11

Default applications in previous Windows versions were a pretty straightforward process. The user went to the settings application and picked for each category which application he would like to choose from the list of installed ones.

In Windows 11 things are little changed. In this article, we will show you how to choose the default internet browser inside Windows 11, and sadly it is a more tedious task than in previous versions.

windows 11 default browserChoosing default browser in settings

As in previous versions of the Windows operating system you will need to use the settings application in order to change your default Internet browser. Previously, in Windows 10, a variety of general categories like email, web browser, and photo viewer were all listed under the Default Apps section of the Settings panel. It was easy to click on one of those categories and click on the option you like best from the small pop-up suggestion window.

In the Windows 11 Insider Build, you’ll see a gauche list of an individual file or link types that you’ll need to specify your preferred browser for. The types include: HTM, HTML, PDF, SHTML, SVG, WEBP, SHT, FTP, HTTP, and HTTPS. There are additional optional types you can specify your preferred browser for as well.

The issue here is in order to use a single browser which most users do you will have to go through each file type and set your preferred one. I am really not sure why this was introduced or why it has to be this way, all I can do is hope that in the final release of Windows 11 this feature will be rolled back as it used to be and that you could set your default browser in just one simple click.

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Resize icons on desktop quickly in Windows 10
Resize icons on desktop in Windows 10 in a matter of seconds! Hello everyone and welcome to today's quick tip. If you have ever been dissatisfied with icon size on your desktop and any of the default sizes like small, medium large, etc have not been appropriate know that there is a quick way to resize icons on your desktop in between sizes. All that you have to do in order to use this built-in feature is: Press and hold CTRL and scroll with the mouse. That's it! Find your appropriate size for icons and enjoy. icons on desktop
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Quick Tips and Tricks for Supreme Windows 11 Performance

Finally upgraded to Microsoft’s newest OS, but the performance is a bit sluggish? Here are a few useful tips you may not have thought about that could significantly transform your experience!

How to speed up Windows 11?

1. Disable startup programs

There are many programs that launch right on startup that really aren’t essential. This, in turn, causes your PC to launch and run more slowly.

To check which programs are enabled on startup, go into the Task Manager and select the Startup tab. Find every program that doesn’t need to launch immediately, right-click on it and press ‘Disable’.

This will not shut down the program in that instant. It’ll just prevent it from running automatically as you turn on your PC. You can always launch it manually when you need it.

2. Expand your memory and storage

If you want your PC to run super smoothly, you need to have enough memory to support that. This is especially significant for those of you who love to multitask. Upgrading your RAM gives your PC more space to store the temporary data it needs to complete processing tasks. In other words, processing takes a lot less time.

Your long-term storage is equally important. Hopefully at this point you’re already using SSD over HDD, since this type of storage offers a faster boot time.

Motherboard with memory cards
Credit: Marc Pezin on Unsplash

In any case, we recommend expanding your storage capacity. The more files and data you store, the more there is to load, significantly influencing your PC’s speed. Larger storage capacity means new data and essential updates can be stored comfortably, preventing any strain on your PC’s performance.

3. Clean up disk space

If you aren’t willing to upgrade your storage just yet, the least you can do is clean up your storage right now. 

Aside from manually deleting stuff you no longer need, you can also get rid of temporary files that clutter up your storage and eat up performance for no reason. To get to them, click Windows + X and select ‘Run’ (or just type it in the search bar).

A small window will pop up, where you need to type %temp%. This will take you to a whole folder full of all the temporary files you can remove without thinking twice. 

For those who upgraded from Windows 10, there’s a neat trick to get rid of potential leftover files you don’t need on your brand new iteration. Only do this if you’re 100% sticking with Windows 11, though. Go to System > Storage > Temporary files. Make sure to only leave ‘Previous Windows Installation’ and ‘Windows Update Clean-up’ checked and click on ‘Remove files’.

Lastly, make use of Windows 11’s fantastic Storage Sense feature. Turning it on will enable your PC to constantly watch out for junk or unused files to optimize your PC’s performance to the maximum.

4. Install pending updates

This one should go without saying, but pending updates can be detrimental to your Windows 11 performance. The longer you leave them untouched, the more bugs the outdated programs and patches can cause. So, make sure to regularly check for updates and install them as soon as they’re available.

5. Disable visual effects

As cool as visual effects, animations, shadows and transparency are, they can also put quite a toll on your computer’s speed. On a newer setup this generally shouldn’t be a problem, but if you do notice a drop in performance, definitely consider turning off some of these settings.

To do this you can go to the Control Panel, System Properties and click the ‘Advanced’ tab. In the Performance section, choose Settings. If you’d like a quicker way to get to the dialog (Performance Options) with Visual Effects, you can also type sysdm.cpl in the search bar.

Once there, you can either have your PC choose what’s best, choose the best appearance or the best performance. The other option is to manually toggle the effects off and on. The biggest obstacles to speed are taskbar animations, window shadows, control/element animations and animations upon minimizing/maximizing.

Windows 11 on a laptop
Credit: Windows on Unsplash

In the same vein, you should go to Settings > Personalization > Colors and disable Transparency, to prevent your computer from doing overtime just to hit the aesthetic appeal.

6. Get rid of bloatware

Bloatware is one of the biggest culprits of slow computer speed. 

Pre-installed software that’s pretty much useless but takes up valuable system resources has been around since day one. No matter which device or platform you’re talking about. Luckily, a lot of it is removable, making it easy to lighten the load on your device.

To boost your Windows 11 computer, go to Settings > Apps > Installed apps. You’ll probably see a bunch of apps you don’t want or need. Click on the three dots next to each one you want to remove and press ‘Uninstall’. 

Aside from helping optimize performance, removing bloatware has another great benefit. Unfortunately, often this pre-installed software is quite vulnerable, exposing you to great risk of cyberattacks. So, removing it definitely improves your device’s security and gives you at least some peace of mind.


These are a few of our fastest tips for boosting performance. There are other, more complex and time-consuming ways, of course. If you’ve tried these quick ones and still need advice on how to improve your PC’s speed, feel free to reach out!

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Error Code 0xc00000e9
If Error Code 0xc00000e9 appears on your screen, there is no cause to panic yet as there are different ways to fix this. Here, I will list down different methods to get your computer back on track:
  1. Check peripheral connections
  2. Check your SATA cables
  3. Check your hard drive
  4. Check your BIOS settings

Quick Fix 1. Check Peripheral Connections

  1. Turn off your computer.
  2. After the computer has been shut down, take off all the peripherals or the USB cables that are connected to your USB ports. This includes even the keyboard and the mouse. We just need to have only the monitor plugged in for this one.
  3. Turn on your computer and see if it starts as it normally does.
  4. If it does, try connecting back your external devices or peripherals one by one until you find the one that causes the error.
  5. Once you trace the device that’s causing the error, you will have to change its USB cable and update its driver to support your operating system.

Quick Fix 2. Check your SATA cables

It is possible that what causes a barrier between your operating system and your hard drive from communicating is the SATA cable used. For example, if you’re using an older SATA with a SATA III port, there might not be adequate support for the transfer of data from one another. Or, the problem might be a loose SATA cable which would still require you to buy a new one to replace your loose or damaged cable. To check if your SATA cables are causing the error, simply follow these steps:
  1. Turn off your computer.
  2. Carefully open its case.
  3. Check the hard drive and the SATA port where it’s connected.
  4. Try to use a newer cable and connect it to your SATA port. (If you used a SATA II cable, you can see if a SATA III cable is more compatible.)
  5. Replace your SATA cable with a newer one if Step 4 proves to be successful.

Quick Fix 3. Check your hard drive.

  1. Try to use a different hard drive and see if error code 0xc00000e9 still appears.
  2. If it works out just fine, then the problem might be physical damage to your hard drive and would need to be repaired depending on the case. Just simply take it to a technician and let him know about the issue.

Quick Fix 4. Check your BIOS settings

  1. Restart your computer.
  2. Once your computer starts, press and hold the ESC, F2, F12, or DEL key to go to BIOS settings.
  3. You will then be redirected to the BIOS Setup Utility screen. From here, go to Boot options.
  4. In the Boot Options, see if your first boot device is your hard drive. If it isn’t, press the arrow key to select the hard drive and move it to the top of the boot device list.
  5. Save the settings.
  6. Reboot your computer.
Note: If all the methods above do not work, the problem might be on your drivers and you might need to update them. You can update your driver in two ways: Manual driver update and Automatic driver update. You can find procedures online in updating your drivers.
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It is a fact that Blue Screen of Death errors can give you a headache for you will have a hard time fixing it as it is one of the most difficult errors you can encounter on your Windows computer. One of these BSOD errors is the UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP error. If you receive this kind of error then it means that the operating system was not able to catch a trap or an exception generated by the CPU. This BSOD error has an error code 0x00000007F and indicates that the Intel CPU generated a trap that the kernel failed to catch. One of the most likely causes is hardware failure due to faulty memory. Aside from this cause, you also have to track down other probable causes for this problem like corrupted system files, incompatible drivers or programs, faulty hardware, and even dusty components, and so on. To fix the UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP BSOD error, here are some suggestions that might help.

Option 1 – Uninstall the programs you installed recently

Chances are, some programs that you just installed might be the one that’s causing the BSOD error. Thus, you need to uninstall the program to resolve the problem.
  • In the search box, type in “control” and then click on Control Panel (desktop app) among the search results.
  • After that, select Programs and Features from the list which will give you a list of all the programs installed on your computer.
  • From there, look for the concerned program and select it and then uninstall it.
Note: If you have downloaded the app from the Windows Store, you can simply right-click on it from the application list and then uninstall it. In addition, you might also want to check the hardware components of your computer that might not support the operating system itself. You can disconnect all the external devices like USB drives, scanners, printers, etc., and then reboot your PC. After that, add the devices again one after the other and check if the BSOD error is now fixed or not. Moreover, you can also perform a clean boot to make things easier for you.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” checkbox and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” checkbox.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)

Option 2 – Update your device drivers

  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch Run.
  • Type in devmgmt.msc into the box and tap Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • After that, a list of device drivers will be displayed. Look for the device driver you and then select either “Update driver” or “Uninstall device”. And if you find any “Unknown device”, you need to update it as well.
  • Select the “Search automatically for updated driver software” option and then follow the instructions to complete the process.
  • If you have chosen to uninstall the driver, follow the screen options to complete the process and then restart your PC.
  • Connect the device and Scan for hardware changes – you can see this option under Device Manager > Action.

Option 3 – Use the Blue Screen Troubleshooter

The Blue Screen troubleshooter is a built-in tool in Windows 10 that helps users in fixing BSOD errors like UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP. It can be found on the Settings Troubleshooters page. To use it, refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open the Settings panel.
  • Then go to Update & Security > Troubleshoot.
  • From there, look for the option called “Blue Screen” on your right-hand side and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button to run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter and then follow the next on-screen options. Note that you might have to boot your PC into Safe Mode.

Option 4 – Run the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool

You can use the Memory Diagnostic tool in Windows to check RAM. Before you use this tool, make sure you save all your important work.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type in “mdsched.exe” in the field and hit Enter to open Memory Diagnostic.
  • After that, the Windows Memory Diagnostic will give out two options such as:
  1. Restart now and check for problems (recommended)
  2. Check for problems the next time I start my computer
  • Select any of the given options. After that, your computer will restart and check for memory-based issues upon the restart. If there are any issues, it will automatically them.

Option 5 – Disable Memory caching in the BIOS

You can also disable memory caching in the BIOS to fix the UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP error.
  • Open the BIOS Setup screen.
  • Next, go to Advanced > Cache Memory and then disable it.
  • Tap the F10 key to save the changes made and restart your computer.

Option 6 – Run System File Checker

  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
  • Restart your computer once the scan is completed.

Option 7 – Clean your hardware components for dust

Cleaning your computer’s hardware components for dust might also help in resolving the UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP error. Make sure to use a soft cloth in cleaning the hardware as well as a small blower. Moreover, ensure that you do not damage any parts with moisture or cause harm to any circuits while you’re at it.
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Application side-by-side configuration ...
A lot of users lately reported getting an error that says, “The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect”. This kind of error can pop up when you try to open a number of programs, regardless of their origin, the developer, and compatibility. Here’s the full context of the error message:
“<PATH OF THE EXECUTABLE FILE>, This application has failed to start because its side-by0side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail”.
This kind of problem has something to do with the C++ runtime package in the background. It could also be related to an error for a registry value. Whatever the cause is, you can fix this error with the help of some suggestions provided in this post. You can try to reinstall the application or check the registry setting or reinstall the suitable Visual C++ Runtimes or re-enable the Microsoft .NET Framework. For more details, refer to the instructions given below.

Option 1 – Try to reinstall the application

There are times when some supporting module for your application under the hood could have messed up the application. And so to fix that, you need to uninstall the concerned application and then try reinstalling it again. Once you’re done, check if it fixed the problem or not.

Option 2 – Try to change the Registry setting

  • Tap the Win + R key combination to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “Regedit” in the fields and tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this registry key: Computer HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion SideBySide Winners x86_policy.9.0.microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_none_02d0010672fd8219 9.0
  • From there, look for a String value named “default” and double click on it.
  • After that, change its Value data to match the one as the third value in BINARY.
  • Now restart your computer to successfully apply the changes made.

Option 3 – Try reinstalling the appropriate Visual C++ Runtime

  • You need to open the Event Viewer first by searching for it in the Windows Search box.
  • After opening Event Viewer, look for the error events that are sourced by SideBySide.
  • Next, look for the actual Visual C++ Runtime module that’s causing the error.
  • Now download the module from the official website of Microsoft Support and then install it and see if it fixed the problem.

Option 4 – Re-enable the Microsoft .NET Framework

You could also try to disable the Microsoft .NET Framework then enable the latest version of the .NET Framework on your PC and check if the error is fixed.
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A Quick Guide to Resolving Error 0x80070571

Error 0x80070571 - What is it?

If you are a Windows 7 user and you also have a Maxtor One Touch 4 external hard drive installed on your PC, then you may come across the error code 0x80070571. The error code is displayed in the following format:
"The disk structure is corrupt and unreadable. Error 0×80070571"


Restoro box imageError Causes

Here are some of the common causes of the error 0×80070571:
  • Changed Windows files or settings
  • Maxtor 750G driver damaged or corrupt
  • Damaged or corrupt registry keys
  • System files are missing or broken
In short, the error code 0×80070571 indicates an unhealthy system and is a surefire sign of poor PC maintenance. It is advisable to repair and resolve the error immediately especially if the underlying cause of the error is related to the registry. Such errors can expose your PC to serious threats like system failure, crashes, and valuable data loss. And retrieving data is often the hardest.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To resolve the error 0×80070571 on your system, you don’t need to be a computer programmer or hire a technician either. We have listed down the best and simplest ways to fix this error on your system. These solutions are so easy to follow and execute that it requires no technical expertise whatsoever. So, let’s get started:

Solution 1: Update The Maxtor 750G Driver

The best way to fix the error 0×80070571 on your system is to update the Maxtor 750G driver. This can be easily done by either contacting the manufacturer or downloading the updated version from Maxtor’s official website.

Solution 2: Update Windows

For the smooth running of the PC, it is crucial to keep Windows updated. Therefore, update Windows on your PC. To do this, go to the Windows Update option in the control panel. This will show your updated status. Turn it on and click on update.

Solution 3: Clean the Registry

The registry basically stores all the activities and information on your PC. This includes both important and unimportant data including the junk files, cookies, internet history, bad registry keys and invalid entries. Such files if not removed, take up a lot of disk space. It corrupts the registry and damages the system files as well. Furthermore, it also leads to disk fragmentation because of which new files are stored in fragments in different locations and this is exactly why it takes a long time to call system files. The registry damage and corruption then generates various errors on your PC and one of them is error 0×80070571. The best way to clean and restore the registry is to download Restoro. This is a highly functional and next-generation registry cleaner. It is embedded with a smart algorithm that detects and scans all registry issues and errors on your system in seconds. It removes all the unnecessary and obsolete files accumulated and cluttering your PC. Furthermore, it fixes the damaged system files and restores the registry right away. It has a sophisticated and an easy to use interface that enables users to work around it without any hassle or technical expertise. It is compatible with all Windows versions. In addition to this, this tool is also deployed with several other value-added utilities such as an antivirus, a system optimizer and Active X controls, and a class ID scanner. It is safe and efficient. Click here to download Restoro on your PC and repair error 0×80070571 today!
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Finding out which GPU is in your computer
Every computer has to have a graphic card, it is one of the essential components in order for the computer to work. If you have a second-hand computer, got one as a gift, or similar, there is a high chance that you do not really know which components are inside. Luckily finding out which graphic card you have inside is quite easy. Right-click the taskbar and select Task Manager Click the Performance tab at the top of the window, if you don’t see the tabs, click “More Info.” Select “GPU 0” in the sidebar. The GPU’s manufacturer and model names are displayed at the top right corner of the window. You’ll also see other information, such as the amount of dedicated memory on your GPU, in this window. Windows 10’s Task Manager displays your GPU usage here, and you can also view GPU usage by application. If your system has multiple GPUs, you’ll also see “GPU 1” and so on here. Each represents a different physical GPU.
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SoftwareUpdater Malware Removal Guide

Software Updater is an ad-supported browser extension hijacker that claims to update your PC programs and drivers. In addition to managing the installation of your selected software, this install manager will make recommendations for additional free software that you may be interested in. Additional software may include toolbars, browser add-ons, game applications, anti-virus applications, and other types of applications. The hijacked homepage, softwareupdater.com, did not have valid legal privacy and disclaimer policies on its website as of publication date.

This software adds a Windows Task Scheduler in order to launch the program at various times, including system startup. The software has access to all installed applications on your PC and can install bundled products with unwanted malware. It is also commonly distributed in bundles with unwanted software. Several anti-virus programs have classified this software as malware and are therefore not recommended.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking means that a malicious code has control over and modified the settings of your internet browser, without your consent. They’re made to interfere with browser programs for several purposes. The idea is to force users to visit specific sites that are trying to increase their visitor traffic and produce higher ad revenue. It may appear harmless, but most of these sites are not legitimate and could present a severe threat to your online safety. Browser hijackers can even allow other malicious programs without your knowledge to further damage your computer.

How to determine if your web browser is hijacked

The common symptoms that indicate having this malicious software on your computer are: 1. home page is changed 2. you find new unwanted bookmarks or favorites added, typically directed to advertisement-filled or pornography websites 3. the default search engine has been changed and your browser security settings have been lowered without your knowledge 4. you find unwanted new toolbars added 5. you may find many pop-up ads on your computer screen 6. your internet browser has become unstable or starts running sluggishly 7. you can’t go to specific websites such as home pages of anti-malware software.

Exactly how browser hijacker infects computers

Browser hijackers infect PCs in numerous ways, including via a drive-by download, a file-share, or an infected email. Many web browser hijackings come from add-on software, i.e., browser helper objects (BHO), toolbars, or extensions added to web browsers to provide them additional functionality. Also, certain freeware and shareware can put the hijacker in your PC through the “bundling” technique. Some of the well-known hijackers are SoftwareUpdater, Conduit Search, Babylon Toolbar, OneWebSearch, Sweet Page, and CoolWebSearch. Browser hijackers may record user keystrokes to collect potentially valuable information leading to privacy issues, cause instability on systems, drastically disrupt user’s browsing experience, and eventually slow down the computer to a point where it will become unusable.

Browser Hijacker Malware – Removal

Certain hijackers could be removed by just uninstalling the related free software or add-ons through the Add or Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel. In some cases, it can be a tough task to identify and get rid of the malicious piece because the associated file could be running as part of the operating system process. Besides, browser hijackers might modify the Computer registry so it can be extremely tough to fix manually, especially when you are not a very tech-savvy person.

How To Get Rid Of Malware That Is Preventing Anti-Malware Installation?

Malware can cause many different types of damage to PCs, networks, and data. Some malware is meant to restrict or prevent things that you want to do on your computer system. It may not permit you to download anything from the net or stop you from accessing some or all of the internet sites, especially the anti-virus websites. If you’re reading this now, you’ve perhaps recognized that a malware infection is a reason for your blocked internet traffic. So how to proceed if you need to install an anti-virus software like Safebytes? Even though this type of problem can be difficult to circumvent, there are a few actions you can take.

Install the anti-virus in Safe Mode

In Safe Mode, you can change Windows settings, un-install or install some software, and eliminate hard-to-delete viruses and malware. In the event, the virus is set to load immediately when PC boots, shifting into this particular mode can prevent it from doing so. To start the computer into Safe Mode, hit the “F8” key on your keyboard right before the Windows boot screen comes up; Or after normal Windows boot up, run MSCONFIG, check “Safe Boot” under Boot tab, and click Apply. As soon as you restart into Safe Mode with Networking, you could download, install, as well as update the anti-malware program from there. At this point, you could run the antivirus scan to remove viruses and malware without hindrance from another malicious application.

Switch to an alternate browser

Some malware only targets certain internet browsers. If this sounds like your situation, utilize another browser as it might circumvent the virus. The best solution to avoid this problem is to select a web browser that is well known for its security measures. Firefox contains built-in Malware and Phishing Protection to help keep you secure online.

Install and run anti-malware from your flash drive

To effectively remove the malware, you might want to approach the issue of running anti-virus software on the affected computer system from a different perspective. Adopt these measures to run the antivirus on the affected PC. 1) Download the anti-malware program on a virus-free PC. 2) Mount the USB drive onto the same computer. 3) Run the setup program by double-clicking the executable file of the downloaded application, which has a .exe file extension. 4) Pick a thumb drive as the place when the wizard asks you exactly where you want to install the program. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. 5) Disconnect the pen drive. You can now use this portable anti-malware on the infected computer. 6) Double-click the anti-malware program EXE file on the flash drive. 7) Run Full System Scan to detect and get rid of all types of malware.

Features of SafeBytes Anti-Malware

Want to install the best anti-malware software for your computer system? You can find many applications available that come in paid and free versions for Windows systems. Some of them do a great job in getting rid of threats while some will affect your PC themselves. You must be careful not to choose the wrong application, especially if you purchase a paid software. Among few good programs, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is the strongly recommended software for the security-conscious individual. SafeBytes anti-malware is really a powerful, highly effective protection application made to assist users of all levels of IT literacy in identifying and eliminating harmful threats from their computers. Through its cutting-edge technology, this software protects your PC against infections brought on by different types of malware and similar threats, including spyware, adware, computer viruses, worms, trojan horses, keyloggers, ransomware, and potentially unwanted program (PUPs). SafeBytes possesses a plethora of great features that can help you protect your laptop or computer from malware attack and damage. The following are some of the best ones: Real-time Active Protection: SafeBytes delivers complete and real-time security for your laptop or computer. They are very efficient in screening and getting rid of different threats because they are constantly revised with new updates and safety measures. Best AntiMalware Protection: This deep-cleaning anti-malware application goes much deeper than most antivirus tools to clean your personal computer. Its critically acclaimed virus engine finds and disables hard to remove malware that conceals deep inside your computer. Safe Browsing: SafeBytes gives an instant safety rating about the web pages you’re about to check out, automatically blocking unsafe sites and make sure that you’re certain of your online safety while browsing the net. Lightweight Tool: SafeBytes is a lightweight and easy-to-use antivirus and antimalware solution. As it uses minimal computer resources, this application leaves the computer’s power exactly where it belongs: with you actually. Premium Support: You may get absolutely free 24/7 technical support from their computer experts on any product queries or computer security issues.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to manually remove SoftwareUpdater without the use of an automated tool, it may be possible to do so by removing the program from the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser extensions, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You will likely also want to reset your browser. To ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard drive and registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Please note that this is for advanced users only and may be difficult, with incorrect file removal causing additional PC errors. In addition, some malware is capable of replicating or preventing deletion. Doing this in Safe Mode is advised.

The following files, folders, and registry entries are created or modified by SoftwareUpdater

Files: C:Program FilesSoftware UpdaterSoftwareUpdater.exe C:Program FilesSoftware Updatersuscan.exe C:Program FilesSoftware Updater C:Program FilesSoftware Updater cpprest120_xp_1_4.dll C:Program FilesSoftware Updater cpuidsdk.dll C:Program FilesSoftware Updater DriversHQ.SDK.REST.Win32.dll C:Program FilesSoftware Updater msvcp120.dll
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Fix Windows Cannot Find a System Image
If you have encountered the “Windows Cannot Find a System Image on This Computer” error while you are trying to restore a system image, then read on as this post will guide you in resolving this problem. A system image is basically a backup of your whole data in the system. For instance, it can be the backup data of your hard disk or the whole hard disk itself, or one of the volumes. This is really useful in some cases like when you are not able to get back into your system for some reason or when your system has been corrupted. In such cases, you can utilize this feature and get going safe and sound. However, not all things go the way as expected like when you make a system image of a drive for instance, or use that backup to restore data and you suddenly encounter the “Windows Cannot Find a System Image on This Computer” error. This kind of error occurs due to a number of reasons but worry not for your data is safe and you can fix this error easily. This error is most likely triggered by changing the name of the “WindowsImageBackup” folder. Renaming this folder will certainly be an issue since it is the one that stores all your data. Aside from renaming the WindowsImageBackup folder, renaming the sub-folders can also cause this error which means that renaming the sub-folders of the WindowsImageBackup folder can trigger the error. To fix this error, here are some suggestions that might help:

Option 1 – Try putting the WindowsImageBackup folder in the Root directory

Windows will have issues finding the WindowsImageBackup folder if it isn’t in the root directory of the drive so if it is not there, the “Windows Cannot Find a System Image on This Computer” error will pop up. When a folder is in a root directory, it means that it shouldn’t be stored within a folder but in the main directory instead.  Thus, you need to put the WindowsImageBackup folder in the root directory to fix the error.

Option 2 – Don’t add any sub-folders in the WindowsImageBackup folder

Another cause of the error is when you add sub-folders in the WindowsImage Backup folder. Adding any sub-folders in this folder will only trigger the error so you should leave the folder as it is and you must not make any modifications to it. So if you have added sub-folders in it, make sure to remove them right away.

Option 3 – Make sure that there is one system image per USB drive

The error can also appear if you’ve stored multiple images inside a single USB drive as it could confuse Windows and will trigger the “Windows Cannot Find a System Image on This Computer” error. Note that storing system images of different volumes of your hard disk in a single USB will prevent you from restoring your data.

Option 4 – Try renaming the System Image folder

If you’ve just changed the name of the System Image folder after you store it on a USB stick or other external device, then it’s no wonder why you’re getting the “Windows Cannot Find a System Image on This Computer” error. Windows search for the default name, “WindowsImage Backup” folder when restoring your data so if it is not able to find it, it throws up this error instead. To fix the error, you need to change the folder back to its default name which is “WindowsImageBackup”.

Option 5 – Check the WindowsImageBackup sub-folders

As mentioned earlier, renaming sub-folders in the WindowsImageBackup folder can trigger the error so if you have renamed sub-folders in this folder, you need to change them back to their default names so that you can restore your data peacefully.
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Should you use the Faraday bag

Faraday bag is a new take on security and privacy for people using a lot of electronic devices and credit cards. So what is exactly a Faraday bag?

faraday bag

Faraday bag explained

Faraday bag is designed in the same manner as the Faraday cage which was invented by Michael Faraday, who was an English scientist who contributed to the study of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. His main discoveries include the principles underlying electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism, and electrolysis.

The idea of the Faraday cage is that anything inside a cage that is made of specific grid size is completely isolated from outside current and magnetic fields since the cage itself will pick up everything upon itself. This means that for example, a human could be inside a cage that is struck by lightning and be perfectly safe and fine.

This idea led to the Faraday bag design, which takes this concept and places a wiring pattern inside clothing in order to isolate all magnetic fields from the outside so your devices and cards are completely cut off from any kind of influence and electromagnetic waves. If the pattern and quality of material for the bag are good, you have a fully safe placeholder for your stuff.

Advantages of Faraday bag

The main advantages, of course, are the privacy and safety of mobile phones and credit cards from outside influences and this is why this bag has been designed in the first place. If the bag is designed properly your phone would not be able to be hacked nor accessed from any outside source, GPS tracking will also be disabled and your phone location will not be visible. Credit cards will also be completely safe from any malicious attack via wi-fi signals.

Disadvantages of bag

Well, the disadvantage of using this bag is a very simple one, since your phone is isolated from outside influence that will also mean that you will not be able to take messages or calls on it while it is in the bag. Notifications from the internet would also be disabled so it is security vs usability deal.

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