
An Easy Guide to Fixing Error Code 12

Error Code 12 - What is it?

Error code 12 is a typical Device Manager error code. It usually pops on the computer screen when the computer experiences device driver problems or system resource conflicts.

Error code 12 is mostly displayed on the computer screen in the following format:

‘This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use. If you want to use this device, you will need to disable one of the other devices on this system.’


driverfix boxError Causes

The error code 12 occurs when 2 devices installed on your PC are accidentally assigned the same I/O (input/output) ports or the same direct memory access channel.

This assignment is known to be made either by BIOS (Basic Input/output system) or by the operating system. It can sometimes be assigned by a combination of the two. Also, code 12 can also appear on your monitor screen if the BIOS didn’t allocate enough resources to the device.

Although this error code is not fatal, it is nonetheless advisable to fix it immediately to avoid inconvenience and hassle. This error is most likely to lower and hamper the performance of your system.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some of the easiest and most effective do-it-yourself methods to resolve error code 12 on your PC. To perform these fixes, you don’t have to be technically sound or a computer programmer for that matter. Simply follow the steps to fix the problem right away.

Method 1 - Use the Troubleshooting Wizard to identify the Conflict

To repair error code 12, simply go to the start menu and type Device Manager in the search box. Now go to the Device Properties dialog box. After that click on the ‘General Tab’ and now access Troubleshoot to start the Troubleshooting Wizard.

The Wizard will ask you some questions and provide you a solution accordingly. Follow the instructions and resolution steps provided by the troubleshooting wizard to repair error code 12 on your PC.

Method 2 - Disable the Device to Resolve

By disabling the problematic device in the Device Manager, Windows will ignore that piece of hardware. Once disabled, Windows will then no longer assign system resources to that device and no driver/software will be able to use that device.

To disable, go to the Device Properties in the Device Manager and then click the Driver tab. Click disable located at the bottom of the window. Then you will be prompted with a message stating ‘Disabling this device will cause it to stop functioning. Do you wish to disable it?’ Click yes to continue and then click OK to save changes.

Method 3 - Restore Your PC to its Previous State

Another method to resolve error code 12 is to restore your PC to its previous state when it was working properly.

For this, it is important to backup all your data first to avoid data loss issues that are likely to occur during this process. Creating backups manually can be a time-consuming and tedious task. To save time and quicken the process, it is best to install a program like DriverFIX.

DriverFIX is a user-friendly and intuitive device driver management software that helps backup all your data automatically and efficiently, while simultaneously restores your PC back to its previous state before you encountered problems.

Click here to download DriverFIX on your system to resolve error code 12

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A Guide to Fixing Error 0x8007007e on Windows 10

Error Code 0x8007007e – What is it?

Error code 0x8007007e often occurs when users attempt to use Windows Update but are unable to access updates or webpages. To resolve this issue, you will need to use tools that detect and correct corrupted files as this is usually the main reason for the error.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Once this error code is encountered, it's a clear indication that your Operating System has malfunctioned. This could be a consequence of an incorrect or failed installation of software. The software might leave invalid entries in the Windows registry. Improper shut down of your system and a malware attack are also causes of error code 0x8007007e. Additionally, someone with little or no technical knowledge might have deleted a system file by accident. Missing system files can also equate to other error codes such as registry error code 19.

You may not always be able to prevent issues from affecting your computer, but proper measures can be taken to limit your risk of experiencing problems like error code 0x8007007e. See the following suggestions below:

  • Ensure proper system maintenance by regularly using your automated tool. This will ensure your system is in good shape and error-free. It will also clean your system regularly leading to a boost in PC performance
  • Keep antivirus software up-to-date. Antivirus software if crucial for the proper functioning of your computer. Keeping your antivirus updated is one of the best ways you can avoid problems with your PC.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Method One: System File Checker

System File Checker is a Windows tool that allows users to check their system for corrupt or bad system files. The utility scans for corrupt files and repairs them as well as files that may have gone missing.

Depending on the type of Windows operating system on your computer, you may need to follow varying instructions. However, note that Windows operating systems including Windows 10 and Windows 8 or 8.1 and Windows Vista all provide access to System File Checker via Command Prompt.

Once you run System File Checker, the tool should be able to repair and replace corrupted files. However, in cases where the repair process does not take place, you can attempt a manual repair by replacing the corrupt file the tool identifies with a good file. The process may require technical knowledge of Command Prompt so consider help from a Windows repair technician or consider contacting Windows for instructions based on your computer’s operating system.

Method Two: Run System Restore Tool

The System Recovery Options menu in Windows contains many tools which can enable users to resolve serious errors. In the case of Error Code 0x8007007e, one of the best tools in this menu is System Restore.

When an error occurs which inhibits users from accessing key functions on their system, System Restore enables the user to restores the computer to an earlier period without causing harm to files, photos, or documents.

However, once you run this tool, you will only be able to access files available within the period to which your computer is restored. For this reason, carefully consider which period is best suited to your purposes. Also, ensure you restore the system to a time when error code 0x8007007e was not present on your machine.

If System Restore does not resolve the error, you may undo the restoration changes. Ensure you have sufficient free space on your machine hard disk before you proceed (300 MB at least for hard drives above 500MB or at least 50 MB for smaller sized disks).

Method Three: Download Automated Software

When it comes to resolving error codes, it can often be a frustrating and tricky venture, especially when you are attempting to fix the problem manually. The Internet is awash with bits and pieces of instruction, some misleading at best with uncertain success rates.

But what if there was a one-stop-shop or better yet a tool that offered solutions for error codes including 0x8007007e?  Download a powerful automated tool that offers easy and effective, user-friendly solutions for users with varying error code problems.

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How to Fix Error 0x0000007E

What is 0x0000007E?

 Error 0x0000007E is a Windows Stop error message that is displayed on a blue screen. This may appear when browsing the internet, listening to music on some media player application or while working on an important document on MS Word or Excel.  This message strikes terror as the screen goes blue without any warning.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The error code 0x0000007E is triggered because of:

Further Information and Manual Repair

If you experience this error on your PC, you don’t have to panic and call a professional. This error is rated as an easy fix. And you can easily resolve the issue even if you don’t have a piece of strong technical knowledge about computers. Here are some quick fixes to repair the error 0x0000007E on your PC in the shortest time and without any hassle:
  • Cause: Faulty Hard Drive

Solution: In the event of a faulty hard drive, it is best to create a backup of all your data and get a new hard drive. However, first, it is advisable to use the Windows tool called Chkdsk (Check Disk) to identify and determine if the hard drive is faulty or not. To do so, click on the start menu and type CMD into the search box. Click on it to run. Now a black box will be displayed on the screen, simply type the command Chkdsk and run it to find out if your hard drive is faulty and damaged. If so, then get a new hard drive.
  • Cause: Hard Drive is full

Solution: Error 0x0000007E may also occur if the hard drive is full. To check the storage space on your hard drive, go to My Computer. If the space is full, then it is advisable to delete some files or uninstall heavy and recently installed programs to free up some space.
  • Cause:  BIOS not updated

Solution: You may come across this blue screen error if your BIOS is not updated. To update your BIOS, restart your computer and press F2 to enter setup.  Now go to SATA Operation and change RAID AHCI to RAID ATA. Save changes and then exit. By doing so, you can update your BIOS and fix the error 0x0000007E immediately. It’s that easy!
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Automatically restart apps when you sign back
If you wish to continue where you have left off when you signed out of Windows follow this guide and learn how to continue your work after signing in, restart apps in your Windows. You can set Windows 10 to Automatically save your restartable apps when you sign out and restart them after you sign in. Here’s how:
  1. Right-click on the Windows logo to open the secret menu
  2. Select Settings
  3. Click open Accounts
  4. From the left side, select Sign-in options
  5. Scroll down till you see Restart apps setting
  6. Toggle the Automatically save your restartable apps when you sign out and restart them after you sign in setting to On position
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Resolve Windows Update Not enough disk space
If you are trying to update your Windows 10 computer but are not able to do so since your computer is running low on storage then this obviously indicates that there is not enough disk space available on your drive where Windows 10 has been installed. As you know, when Windows 10 downloads the update packages, it extracts them in a separate folder which means that there should be enough space on that particular folder for the update to begin with. Windows do not really check systems for any adequate space requirements before it even initializes the update or upgrades and you only get to know about it right when the update process starts. On Windows 10 thin clients or the ones with embedded systems that have limited storage space, when Windows Update runs, the update initialization may fail because as pointed out, Windows does not check systems for adequate space requirements so you may have to do the work for them by making sure that your disk has enough space available. Here are some suggestions you can follow to resolve Windows 10 update issues on computers with low storage space.

Option 1 – Delete the files from the Download folder

Since you are going to delete everything manually, you need to create a backup for all your important files which you may have placed in the Download folder. After you create backup copies of important files, delete the files from this folder or you could simply tap the Shift + Del keys to remove the files permanently after you selected them all.

Option 2 – Change the Windows Update Folder location

You might have to change the Windows Update folder location where Windows download all the files need to update the operating system if you cannot really create some space on your primary driver. So all you have to do is set the drive with enough space available for the update to be completed.

Option 3 – Uninstall apps and programs you no longer use

In some cases, apps and programs take up a lot of space on your drive. So if there are programs or apps that you no longer use, you can uninstall them to save storage space. To do so, follow these steps:
  • In the search box, type in “control” and then click on Control Panel (desktop app) among the search results.
  • After that, select Programs and Features from the list which will give you a list of all the programs installed on your computer.
  • From there, look for the apps and programs that you no longer use and right-click on each one of them and click on Uninstall.

Option 4 – Move files to another drive

This is another thing you can try. You can move files, especially the ones with large sizes, to another drive to make up space on your drive. After that, install the updates once again.

Option 5 – Reduce on-drive files from Cloud services

If you are using tons of cloud backup services such as OneDrive and Dropbox, you might want to consider reducing the number of files you have on those cloud backup services. You can do what you’ve done on option number three and have those files moved to another drive to free up storage space.

Option 6 – Empty the contents in Recycle Bin

As you know, the files that are deleted from your computer goes to the Recycle Bin first. So if you have not emptied Recycle Bin for a long time now, the files you delete are still actually taking up space on your drive. Thus, you need to empty the contents in the Recycle Bin to save storage space.

Option 7 – Clean up temporary files

You can use the Windows 10 Storage Sense feature which can clean all the temporary files from your computer. To use Storage Sense, follow the steps below.
  • Open Setting > System > Storage from the WinX Menu.
  • From there, you will see a list of all the local and connected storage devices along with the details on the free space.
  • Now make sure that the Storage Sense feature is turned On then go find a link that says “Free Up Space” and click it to open.
  • After that, a screen which is the built-in program in Windows 10 will appear and will scan your computer for the following junk files so you can free up disk space:
  • Windows Upgrade Log Files
  • System created Windows Error Reporting Files
  • Thumbnails
  • Temporary Internet Files
  • Previous Windows Installation Files
  • Delivery Optimisation Files
  • DirectX Shader Cache
Choose the files you want to get rid of and then click on the remove files option. Note that you’ll have an idea of the total size as you select any of the junk files listed above.
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Setting up an FTP Server in Windows
File Transfer Protocol Server, also known as FTP Server, is a private or public service that can host files that can be accessed both locally and globally. It is a quick, flexible and seamless service that allows you to store any kind of files depending on the total size of the server. If you’ve always found an FTP server useful, then the good thing is you can now create your FTP server since Windows 10 now allows it. You can host this server locally and later on make it globally available via the internet. So if you are planning to set up an FTP server on your Windows 10 computer, read on as this post will guide you on how to do so.

To set up the FTP server, you need to configure it first and then configure the Windows Firewall for the connections to go through. For more details, refer to the following steps:

Step 1: You need to configure the FTP server on Windows 10.
  • In the Search box, type in “Turn Windows Features On or Off” to search for it.
  • Then click on the appropriate result which will open a mini window.
  • From this mini window, scroll down to the list and expand “Internet Information Services where you have to expand the FTP Server section.
  • Next, select all the checkboxes to enable all the entries under FTP Server and then click the OK button to apply the changes made.
  • And now, since your computer is now allowed to host an FTP server, you need to configure it. To do so, type “Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager” in the Search box and click on the appropriate entry.
  • Next, right-click on Sites under the navigation bar of Connections and select Add FTP Site. This will open a new window where you have to input some information about your FTP hosting.
  • Now enter the details and click on Next.
  • Upon clicking Next, you will be prompted to give some authentication details. Enter the following details in the screenshot below.
  • Now click on Finish. After that, you will get an FTP Server being hosted on your Windows 10 PC.
And now that you’ve successfully configured the FTP Server, the next thing you have to do is to allow connections from and to the FTP server. Refer to the next step below. Step 2: Configure the Windows Firewall for FTP connections to pass-through
  • In the Start Search, type “Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall” and click on the related search result which will open a window with all the settings.
  • From there, click on the Change Settings button. This will display a list where you have to mark all the checkboxes for the FTP server to enable them in both the Private and Public configurations.
  • After that, click OK. This will allow you access to the FTP server on your local network.
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Check if your data has been stolen for free

Website breaches and stealing user data is nothing new in the world of the internet. Although a very unpleasant experience it still happens even on some high-quality websites. In this article, we will not focus on how can you not be the target of this kind of attack, because you really cannot. Weel you can kind of if you decide not to have your data on websites at all, but let's just say that is not something you are willing to do.

stolenSo, in this case, you have some social, forum, or gaming accounts but you heard that service has been breached and that your email or password might be stolen. Well in this case all you need to do is of course to login into the service and change your password. But, what happens if you are not aware at all that service has been compromised?

Mozilla foundation has asked themselves this same question it seems and they have decided to help us out. They have placed a free online service where you can just by typing in your email address find out if your email or data has been compromised in any way.

Go to https://monitor.firefox.com/ and check it out, if you find out that there is some website that you did not know was breached, change your password right away, and if you have used the same password for anything else (I hope not), change them as well.

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Software review series: BitWarden
BitWardenMany times we were talking and writing here on Errortools.com about security, privacy, hacking, identity theft, etc. We tried to raise important security questions and I hope I have managed to at least shed some light and change maybe some bad behaviors for some, helping them embrace better routines about their security on their PC. In this light, I will today present you with one neat and awesome piece of software, a password manager worth your time and money (if you want premium features): BitWarden.

What BitWarden offers?

The first thing that it offers is the completely free basic plan, granted BitWarden is not an open-source project nor completely free but it has an unlimited free basic plan that will cover 90% of user needs. There is also a free basic unlimited plan for Organizations letting you and one more user share files and other stuff via BitWarden making it a cool option if you need it. Premium features offer you encrypted sharing of files, two-step login, 1GB file attachments (encrypted), Bitwarden Authenticator (TOTP), Vault Health Reports, Emergency Access, and Priority Support. The cost for all of these additional features is 10 USD per year for an individual plan or 40 USD per year for organizations where you will get an increase of maximum users from 2 to 6. Yes, you read that correctly, only 10 USD per YEAR for the whole set of features. Granted if you do not need any of them, enjoy the free version forever. Besides very low premium cost BitWarden will offer you compatibility with all major browsers and devices including both Android and iOS platforms making it a great cross-platform solution to login and maintain your passwords anywhere with just one click. Once installed all you need to do is set one master password and be very careful not to lose or forget this one, if you do all of your other generated passwords will be lost forever.


Secure Password Sharing

Share your encrypted data quickly and easily, and only with the users or teams who need access

Cross-Platform Accessibility

Access critical data in your Bitwarden vault from any location, browser, and device

Cloud-Based or Self-Host

Get up and running in minutes in the cloud or you can self-host Bitwarden for complete data control

Security Audit & Compliance

Open source and third-party audited, Bitwarden complies with Privacy Shield, GDPR, CCPA regulations

Vault Health Reports

Access insightful reports to reveal weak, reused passwords, and other helpful data security metrics

Directory Sync

Our powerful Directory Connector streamlines user and group onboarding and keeps them in sync

Always-On Support

Our Customer Success agents are available to support you around the clock

Detailed Event Logs

Bitwarden creates audit trails to help you keep track of user and group access to sensitive data

Flexible Integrations

Unite your existing systems with Bitwarden using SSO authentication, Directory services, or powerful APIs


There are many password managers out there but via recommendation I have tried BitWarden and truth to be told, I really never felt the need to try anything else, it is great at what it does and it is moving forward with features and it is constantly updated and maintained.
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Reliability Monitor is not updating or working
In case you don’t know, there is a built-in tool in Windows 10, known as Reliability Monitor that provides a day-to-day snapshot of the health of your system. It warns users of any looming issues or disasters before your computer breaks down finally. So obviously, Reliability Monitor is useful, however, there are times when it could behave incorrectly. For instance, it might fail to show you any updates even when they are installed. Thus, if you experience any malfunctions with the Reliability Monitor tool in Windows 10, read on as this post will guide you in updating or working in Windows 10. To fix the problem with the Reliability Monitor, there are several fixes you can check out. You can try to enable the data collection for Reliability Monitor or reset it, as well as put your computer in a Clean Boot State. For more information, refer to each one of the options given below.

Option 1 – Try to enable the Data Collection for Reliability Monitor

The Reliability Monitor tool uses data provided by the RAC Agent scheduled task and it will start to display a Stability Index rating and specific event information 24 hours after the system installation. The RACAgent scheduled task, by default, runs after the operating system is installed. And if it is disabled, it must be manually enabled from the Task Scheduler snap-in for MMC or Microsoft Management Console. Thus, you need to enable the Data Collection for Reliability Monitor to fix the problem.

Option 2 – Try to reset the Reliability Monitor

The next thing you can do to fix the issue with the Reliability Monitor might want to reset it to resolve the problem. If the Reliability Monitor is already open, you have to close it and open it again. After the reset is done, it may take up to 24 hours for the Reliability Monitor to display results again. This should fix the problem.

Option 3 – Troubleshot the problem in a Clean Boot State

There are some instances that some conflicting programs installed in your computer might be the one that’s causing the Black border issue. To identify which program is causing the problem, you need to put your computer in a Clean Boot State. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • From there, start to isolate the problem by checking which one of the programs you installed recently is the root cause of the problem.
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Mfplat.dll is missing or was not found
One of the primary packages that install the Windows Media Player is the Media Feature Pack among other related files that are needed by the associated software products. And one of the essential DLL files in that package is the mfplat.dll file which is needed by various games and streaming services. So if this DLL file goes missing, you will most likely encounter any of the following error messages:
  • “mfplat.dll missing”
  • “The application failed to start because mfplat.dll was not found.”
  • “The program can’t start because mfplat.dll is missing from your computer.”
In other circumstances, the Media Feature Package does not come pre-installed with the main Windows package especially for those who use Windows N, thereby causing the error to pop up. The main cause of this problem is that users who use Windows 10 N do not have the Media Feature pack pre-installed with the installation package. Aside from that, the installation package could go missing after a few Windows Updates or if you have uninstalled it by accident. To resolve this problem, you need to check out each one of the given options below.

Option 1 – Try to enable Media Playback via Command Prompt

If you encounter the mfplat.dll missing error when you attempt to run PLEX or other similar streaming service and you’ve already verified that the Media Feature Pack is indeed installed, you might want to try enabling it using an elevated Command Prompt. There are cases when a particular Windows Update ends up disabling the feature and creates the grounds which results in the mfplat.dll missing error. Thus, you can have to enable the feature via Command Prompt.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “cmd” in the field and hit Enter to open an elevated Command Prompt.
  • Next, click on Yes if a User Account Control prompt pops up.
  • After opening Command Prompt, copy and paste the following command and hit Enter to execute it:
dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:MediaPlayback
  • Close Command Prompt and then open the app once again to check if the problem is now fixed.

Option 2 – Try installing the Media Feature Pack for Windows 10 N version

As mentioned, the Windows 10 N version does not come with Windows Media Player. Meaning to say, the Media Feature Pack is also not installed by default or won’t be updated by the Windows Update component. So if you are not quite sure what Windows 10 version you currently have installed, refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Windows key + S and then type “about” in the search box.
  • From the search results, click on the “About your PC” to open the About tab of the Settings app.
  • Afterward, scroll down to the Windows specifications and check your Windows version under Edition.
Note: If you have verified that your PC is using the Windows 10 N version, you need to install the appropriate Media Feature Pack for your computer. How? Refer to the steps below:
  • Click this link to download and install the Media Feature Pack from Microsoft’s official website.
  • Upon installation, select the edition you want to install using the drop-down menu and then click on Confirm. Take note that there are few reasons why you’d want to install the older version since most streaming services like PLEX and most games usually require version 1803.
  • After that, wait until the request is validated. The download should begin in a few minutes automatically.
  • Once the download is completed, open the installation executable file and follow the next on-screen instructions to install the Media Feature Pack on your computer.
  • Restart your computer. After your computer has rebooted, open the application where you’re getting the mfplat.dll missing error and then check if the problem is now fixed.

Option 3 – Try to extract a copy of the mfplat.dll file from the windows.old directory

If you encounter the error shortly after you just upgraded to Windows 10 from an older version, the best thing you can do to resolve the problem is to use windows.old directory to fetch an old copy of the mfplat.dll file. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • Go to the Windows drive and then look for the windows.old directory where it preserves a copy of your old operating system as well as associated files in case something goes out of hand during the upgrade process.
  • After that, open the windows.old folder and then go to the syswow64 folder.
  • Next, from the syswow64 folder, copy the mfplat.dll file and paste it to C:/windows/syswow64.
  • Restart your computer and check if the error is now resolved or not.
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artstation learning is now free forever
Great news everyone!!! Artstation, a popular learning platform for artists has been acquired by EPIC and their first move was to make artstation learning material free for all registered and non-registered users forever. This move by EPIC is a great but also logical one as well. How the industry is in demand for good artists, providing them with free education will hopefully produce some good talent. artstation learningSo if you ever wanted to learn about photoshop, maya, substance, unreal engine, or some general skills like sketching, drawing, etc. Now is the perfect time to level up your skills. Drop to the artstation website and start learning today!
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