
Network License NotAvailable15.570.0 Autodesk

If when trying to start Autodesk applications you receive a Network license not available error then please keep on reading, this guide is for you:

Causes of the error:

  • The license on the License Server is invalid.
  • The port for Autodesk Network License Manager is blocked.
  • The client computer is configured with incorrect license server information.
  • The license request is timing out on the client's computer before the license is obtained.

Solutions for the error:

Verify that the Autodesk License Server is setup with the correct license file.

To set up a license server for Windows, perform the following:

  1. Download and install the Network License Manager for Windows:
  2. Open LMTools and access the System Settings tab. Make a note of the "hostname" and "ethernet address" of the license server.
  3. Generate a Network License File in Autodesk Account.
  4. On the Service/License tab, select Configuration Using Services and LMTOOLS ignores license file path environment variables.
  5. On the Config Services tab, enter a name for the new service in the Service Name field.
  6. Fill the following fields, using the Browse buttons:
    • Path to the lmgrd.exe - Navigate to this file: C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager.
    • Path to the License file - Navigate to the new Autodesk.lic file, typically placed in: C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager\Licenses.
    • Path to the Debug Log file: C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager.
    • If no file is present, create a TXT file in Notepad and rename it “Debug.log.”
  7. Make sure the "Start Server at Power Up" and the "Use Services" boxes are checked. Then click Save Services.
  8. On the Start/Stop/Reread tab, click Start Server.
  9. On the Server Status tab, click Perform Status Enquiry.
  10. Licenses should display as active.

How to set up the Autodesk Network License Manager on a Mac.

Note: The Autodesk License Server Manager (version is supported only on the following Mac operating systems:
  • Apple macOS High Sierra 10.13
  • Apple macOS Sierra 10.12
  • Apple Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11
  1. Download Autodesk Network License Manager version for Mac
    • ​​Download the nlm11.16.2.0_ipv4_ipv6_mac_universal.tar.gz file to the Desktop.
  2. To install the Autodesk Network License Manager:
    • Double click on nlm11.16.2.0_ipv4_ipv6_mac_universal.tar.gz to unpack the installer package.
    • After unpacking nlm11.16.2.0_ipv4_ipv6_mac_universal.pkg, will be /Downloads/adlm/FLEXnet folder.
    • Double click on nlm11.16.2.0_ipv4_ipv6_mac_universal.pkg to start installation and follow the installation wizard.
    • The license server will be installed in /usr/local/flexnetserver/ directory.
  3. Change permissions for /usr/local/flexnetserver/ directory to 777
  • Open Terminal (located in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal) and enter the following command:
sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/local/flexnetserver
  • Note: Administrator password may be asked. While typing no characters are shown, just type out the password and hit return key.
  • Note: To start the license server only with elevated permissions (using sudo command), change permissions to 755 instead of 777.
  1. Create /usr/local/flexnetserver/licenses directory for network license file location
sudo mkdir /usr/local/flexnetserver/licenses
  1. Find the license server Host Name and Host ID.
  2. Generate the Network License File in the Autodesk Account
    • Once the license file is generated, make sure it has a .lic extension (e.g. adsk_license.lic) and is in a plain text format and place it in /usr/local/flexnetserver/licenses directory
Note: In this article we will refer to  adsk_license.lic as network license file name. Feel free to change the actual name of the license file, but make sure to reflect the new name when using the commands below.
  1. Create a debug.log file in the /usr/local/flexnetserver/ directory using the following command:
touch debug.log
  1. To start the Network License Server use the following command:
/usr/local/flexnetserver/lmgrd -c /usr/local/flexnetserver/licenses/adsk_license.lic -l /usr/local/flexnetserver/debug.log
Note: If folder permissions for  /usr/local/flexnetserver/ are set to  775, then use sudo command to start the server. For example:
sudo /usr/local/flexnetserver/lmgrd -c /usr/local/flexnetserver/licenses/adsk_license.lic -l /usr/local/flexnetserver/debug.log
  1. To obtain license server status enquiry:
/usr/local/flexnetserver/lmutil lmstat -a -c /usr/local/flexnetserver/licenses/adsk_license.lic
  1. To stop the license server:
/usr/local/flexnetserver/lmutil lmdown -q -force
  • A​​lternatively, run ps command to obtain process ids for lmgrd and adskflex and then kill those processes:
ps -ax | grep lmgrd
ps -ax | grep adskflex
kill -9
  • (provide process ids obtained by previous commands individually)

How to set up the Autodesk Network License Manager on Linux.

Note: The Autodesk License Manager ( is supported only on the following Linux distros:
  • Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 7
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise 12
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise 11
To configure the license manager use the following steps:
  1. Download Autodesk Network License Manager v. 11.16.2 for Linux from this link
    • ​​Download the nlm11.16.2.0_ipv4_ipv6_linux64.tar.gz file to your desktop.
  2. To install the Autodesk Network License Manager run following command as root.
    • tar –zxvf nlm11.16.2.0_ipv4_ipv6_linux64.tar.gz
    • rpm -vhi nlm11.16.2.0_ipv4_ipv6_linux64.rpm
    • The license server will be installed in /opt/flexnetserver/ directory.
  3. Find the license server Host Name and Host ID
  • To obtain the license server system hostid run the following command

/opt/flexnetserver/lmutil lmhostid

From the command output note the hostid in quotes, if the system has two active NIC cards, select the first MAC address.
lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2018 Flexera. All Rights Reserved.
The FlexNet host ID of this machine is "000c297949e0"

  • To obtain the license server system hostname run the following command

/opt/flexnetserver/lmutil lmhostid hostname

From the command output note the hostname of the license server.
mutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2018 Flexera. All Rights Reserved.
The FlexNet host ID of this machine is "HOSTNAME=Centos7.localdomain"

  1. Generate your Network License File in Autodesk Account
    • Once the license file is generated, make sure it has .lic extension (e.g. adsk_license.lic) and place it in /opt/flexnetserver/licenses directory.  If the directory doesn't exits, create it with this command: sudo mkdir /opt/flexnetserver/licenses
Note: in this article we will refer by adsk_license.lic your network license file name.
  1. To start the Network License Server
    • /opt/flexnetserver/lmgrd -c /opt/flexnetserver/licenses/adsk_license.lic -l /opt/flexnetserver/server_log.log
  2. To obtain license server status enquiry
    • /opt/flexnetserver/lmutil lmstat -a -c /opt/flexnetserver/licenses/adsk_license.lic
  3. To stop your license server service
    • /opt/flexnetserver/lmutil lmdown -q -force
    • alternatively you can also run ps command to obtain process ids for lmgrd and adskflex and then kill those processes
      • ps -aw | grep lmgrd
      • ps -aw | grep adskflex
      • kill -9 (provide process ids obtained by previous commands individually)
  4. To start the license server automatically after the system reboot
    • Open /etc/rc.d/rc.local script as root and enter license server start up command in it.
touch /var/lock/subsys/local
/opt/flexnetserver/lmgrd -c /opt/flexnetserver/licenses/adsk_license.lic -l /opt/flexnetserver/server_log.logNote: To ensure that the script will be executed during boot, run following command as root.
chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local
  1. Make sure that all necessary ports are open:
  • lmgrd.exe needs ports 27000 to 27009.
  • adskflex.exe needs port 2080.
Note: Errors may occur if the network license file is corrupt or in the case of a combined network license it has incorrectly combined licenses. To learn more about combining licenses, see Combining License Files for Multiple Autodesk Products. Use the License File Parser to verify that the license contains the appropriate products and FLEXnet feature codes and does not display an error

Verify that TCP ports (2080, 27000-27009) used by Autodesk Network License Manager are not blocked by Firewall.

The FLEXlm® based version uses the following incoming ports:

  • TCP ports 2080 (for the adskflex vendor daemon)
  • TCP ports 27000 to 27009 (for the lmgrd master daemon, which uses the first open port in the range)

Note: If these port addresses are restricted by a router or firewall software, users on the remote side of the router will not have access to licenses controlled by the Network License Manager.

Verify that the client computer is configured with the correct license server name or IP.


Clear license server information from the system registry.

  1. Type regedit in the Windows Search box and hit Enter key.
  2. Select the following registry key
  1. As the key is selected, in right panel ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE will be visible.
  2. Right click on the key and delete it.

Specify the license server in ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE system variable 

  1. Go to Start > Control Panel > System and Security > System.
  2. Select Advanced system settings.
  3. On the System Properties dialog, click Environment Variables.
  4. Under System Variables, click New.
  5. Enter ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE for the variable name and 2080@SERVER_NAME _OR _IP for the variable value.
Note: the license server information most often is recorded in LICPATH.lic file and can be verified there too.  ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE system variable supersedes LICPATH.lic.  Thus, setting the system variable is preferable when this error is seen.

If the license server is on a VPN or a remote network set the FLEXLM_TIMEOUT environment variable:

  1. Go to Start > Control Panel > System and Security > System.
  2. Select Advanced system settings.
  3. On the System Properties dialog, click Environment Variables.
  4. Under System Variables, click New.
  5. Enter FLEXLM_TIMEOUT for the variable name and 5000000 for the variable value.
  6. Click OK to save the setting.
Note: if needed the variable value can be increased to 10000000.


Specify the Autodesk Network License server information in $HOME/.flexlmrc file.

Use a text editor to create a flexlmrc.txt file and save it in Plain text format (In TextEdit on Mac: Format - Make Plain Text) on desktop.
The file content should look like this, except with the name or IP address of the license server.
If the license server is on the same machine as the Autodesk software, use localhost as the license server name.  Thus, the content of flexlmrc file could look like this:

Note: On firewall restricted network or when accessing the license server via VPN, need to include TCP port/s (usually 27000 or 2080) into Autodesk License Server service as follows: ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE=2080@SERVER_NAME _OR _IP

Once flexlmrc file is created move it to user's $HOME folder as follows:

  1. Open a Terminal window
  2. Type open ~ (Mac) or nautilus ~ (Linux) to open $HOME folder
  3. Drag and drop flexlmrc.txt file from Desktop to the home folder.
  4. To make the file a configuration file, rename it to .flexlmrc (please note . [DOT] in front of the file name) by running the following command:
  • mv flexlmrc.txt .flexlmrc (Mac)
  • mv flexlmrc .flexlmrc (Linux)

Verify that the license server information registered with the product is correct (versions 2020 and later only)

In versions 2020 and later, the license server information is registered with the AdskLicensing service running locally on the workstation. When changing to a new license server, the old server information may still be registered with AdskLicensing and result in the error above, if this is not appropriately updated.

See the below steps to solve this:

  1. Click the Start menu and type cmd.
  2. Right-click on the Command prompt and choose "Run As Administrator."
  3. In the Command prompt, run the following command, followed by ENTER:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\AdskLicensing\Current\helper\AdskLicensingInstHelper.exe" change -pk PRODKEY -pv VER.0.0.F -lm "" -ls "" -lt""


  • Replace PRODKEY with the product key correspondent to your product(s). See Look Up Product Keys for the full list.
  • Replace VER with the version you are using. E.g. 2020 for AutoCAD 2020.
  • Repeat this step for each software you need to reset.
  1. Open Registry Editor (Start > type regedit > ENTER).
  2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FLEXlm License Manager.
  3. On the right-side, verify of the ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE key exists. If yes, remove it (right-click > Delete).
  4. Run the software again.
  5. Select Multi-user in the Let's Get Started screen.
  6. Follow the steps to connect to your license server.

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  6. Select the game you want to add, right-click on it, and choose Create Shortcut.
  7. Right-click on the desktop shortcut, go to Properties, type in Target Type or Target, delete the shortcut.
  8. Go to Steam, access Library, select Games, right-click on the game explorer, choose Properties, choose the name of the game you want to add.
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If you would like to read more helpful articles and tips about various software and hardware visit errortools.com daily.
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UEFI Firmware settings goes missing
When it comes to booting an operating system on a computer, one of the most essential pieces of software you can use is the UEFI. In fact, a lot of users now prefer to use UEFI instead of BIOS. It also depends on whether the UEFI or the BIOS is supported on the motherboard. Recently, a number of users reported an issue with UEFI where they were unable to find it under the Advanced Options screen where it’s supposed to be located. The missing UEFI Firmware settings in the Advanced Options could be caused by several reasons. It is possible that the access to the UEFI menu is blocked or it could also be due to the Extra Fast Startup feature being enabled. It is also possible that the operating system is installed in Legacy mode. There are several options to try to fix this issue. You need to check if your computer supports UEFI or you could also try to disable Fast Startup or bypass the Extra Fast Startup feature. You can also use a boot to UEFI shortcut as well as check the CMOS battery.

Option 1 – Try checking if your computer supports UEFI

The first thing you have to do is to verify if your computer supports UEFI. If your computer does not support UEFI, then it’s no wonder why you don’t see the UEFI Firmware settings in the Advanced Options.

Option 2 – Try turning off Fast Startup

  • First, boot your computer in Safe Mode.
  • Once your computer is booted in Safe Mode, tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and type in “control” to open the Control Panel.
  • Next, click on the Hardware and Sound section and click on Power Options.
  • Afterward, select the “Choose what the power buttons do” option from the left side menu pane.
  • Now click on Change settings that are currently unavailable and uncheck the entry that says, “Turn on fast startup (Recommended)”.
  • Then click on Save Changes and restart your computer and see if it has fixed the problem or not.

Option 3 – Try bypassing the Extra Fast Startup feature

As mentioned, the missing UEFI Firmware settings could be due to the Extra Fast Startup feature. To fix it, you have to disable this feature. All you have to do is tap and hold the Shift key and click on the Shutdown button from the Start button. This will boot your PC with the UEFI booting from the beginning and then use the hotkey for your motherboard to boot into the UEFI setup.

Option 4 – Try using a boot to UEFI shortcut

  • Right-click on any empty space on your Desktop and select New > Shortcut.
  • This will open a new mini window. And here, you have to type this in the text field: shutdown /r /fw
  • After that, click on Next and name the desktop shortcut and then click on Finish.
  • Next, right-click on the newly created shortcut and select Properties.
  • Click on the Advanced button and select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • Now click OK to save the changes made. Each time you execute this shortcut, your computer will automatically be booted to the UEFI Firmware Settings.

Option 5 – Try to check the CMOS battery

Another thing you can do is check the CMOS battery physically on the motherboard and see if it has to be replaced since a damaged CMOS battery can also cause the issue with the missing UEFI Firmware settings.

Option 6 – Set your computer from Legacy to UEFI

If applicable, you can try to set your computer from Legacy to UEFI to resolve the problem.
  • In the Windows Search box, type “command prompt” and from the search results that appear, right-click on Command Prompt and select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • After that, execute this command: mbr2gpt.exe /convert /allowfullOS
  • Now, wait until the process is completed since you can track its process on your screen.
  • Once it’s done, go to Settings > Update & Security > Advanced Startup options and from there, click on Restart Now. This will restart your computer and give you advanced options.
  • Next, select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options where you will see further options including System Restore, Startup Repair, Go back to the previous version, Command Prompt, System Image Recovery, and UEFI Firmware Settings.
  • Now select the UEFI Firmware Settings. This will take you to the BIOS. Boot Mode is typically available under Boot > Boot Configuration. Once you’re there, set it to UEFI and then save the changes you’ve made. After that, your computer will restart.
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How to fix Windows 10 Store Error 0x801901F7

Error Code 0x801901F7 – What is it?

Error code 0x801901F7, also known as “The Server Stumbled” error because it shows a message saying “The Server Stumbled. We all have bad days” is associated with Windows Store. Server Stumbled Error 0x801901F7 is an error related to the MS server. The error occurs due to damaged registry files, malware, virus, and corrupted data. You should fix this error to prevent a system crash or a BSOD error. There are some things you can do to fix it. These are not so complex. So, anyone can try these methods to fix error 0x801901F7. Common Symptoms for error 0x801901F7:
  • Problems with Windows startup
  • System becomes very slow or the system freezes
  • Blue screen of death appears
  • Windows fails to start some process due to Stop error code 0x801901f7


Restoro box imageError Causes

  • This error is generally caused by corrupt registry files.
  • Virus infection can cause this problem.
  • Outdated driver, missing .DLL files may also cause this error.
  • Microsoft server overload may cause this problem as well.
  • Incorrect configuration may cause this problem.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To fix error 0x801901f7, there are four methods listed below. Some might work for you and some might not. Please try all of them to fix this error.

Method 1:

Basic method to fix error code 0x801901F7: Resetting Windows Store Cache Most of the time clearing or resetting the cache helps. It doesn't always work, but you should try this first before moving on to some advanced methods which are mentioned below. To reset the Windows Store cache please follow the simple steps below
  • Open RUN by searching or pressing "Windows Key + R"
  • Type "wsreset.exe" and press Enter or click on OK.
  • Windows Store will open automatically along with a command prompt.
  • This will reset Windows Store and you might see it loading as it should.
This method might work but if it fails to solve Error 0x801901F7 then follow the method below.

Method 2:

Advanced method of fixing error code 0x801901F7: Deleting Windows Store database file. By using this method, you will be deleting the database file for Windows Store. This file is located on your C drive or the drive where you installed your Operating System. Follow the steps below.
  1. Navigate to C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDataStoreDataStore.edb.
  2. Delete DataStore.edb file from there.
  3. Now Open Windows Store and see if you still get error code 0x801901F7.
The Datastore.edb file that you deleted will be automatically created once you perform Step 3 which is launching Windows Store. If you still cannot get this error away then Close Windows Store and Reboot your PC then Launch Windows Store Again.

Method 3:

Modifying Windows update properties: Perform the steps below only if the above-mentioned methods fail. You will be tweaking a few things in the Windows update to see if it helps.
  1. Open Task Manager by right-clicking on Taskbar, then click on Task Manager.
  2. Go to Services Tab. Click on Open Services at the very bottom of the Window.
  3. Now a new window will pop up. Scroll down & find "Windows Update" from the list.
  4. Double click on Windows update to open up its Properties.
  5. Now from the Startup Type drop-down list, select Automatic. Click on Apply, Start, and then Ok.
Now you need to perform just one more step. Reset Windows Store again (Refer to method 1 for Steps). This should fix your Windows Store error that shows The Server Stumbled with 0x801901F7 Error Code.

Method 4: 

If the error is due to a problem with a driver, then follow the method below to uninstall the current driver:
  1. Open the Run command and type “sysdm.cpl” in the text box.
  2. Click Enter.
  3. Open the Hardware tab on the system properties dialog box.
  4. Then press on Device Manager.
  5. Double press on Device type and then press on the hardware device that is reporting error code 0x801901F7.
  6. Go to the Driver tab and press on Uninstall button to uninstall the device driver completely.
  7. Now, install the new driver on your computer.
  8. Restart your computer.
  9. Run virus scan of your PC
  10. Try using a different USB port.
If you do not possess the technical expertise required to accomplish this yourself or do not feel comfortable doing so, download and install a powerful automated tool to get the job done.
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How to remove Nectar Toolbar from your Windows PC

Nectar Toolbar is a Browser addon for Internet Explorer developed by AIMIA Coalition Loyalty. This addon changed your default search provider to Yahoo UK. While installed, you might see additional unwanted ads and sponsored links injected in the search results.

From the Author: We all search the web every day for information from handy how-to’s, must know news about shopping. So wouldn’t it be great if you could collect extra Nectar points just for doing something you do already? Like to shop online? Nectar Search will also tell you when you’re on a shopping website (like Argos, Debenhams, Next, Play.com, and Apple) where you can collect points too.

Several anti-virus scanners have marked this addon as a Browser Hijacker and are therefore not recommended to keep on your computer.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking means a malicious program code has power over and modified the settings of your browser, without your permission. Browser hijackers could do more than just changing home pages. In general, hijackers are developed for the benefit of online hackers often through income generation that comes from forced ad mouse clicks and website visits. Nonetheless, it isn’t that harmless. Your web safety is compromised and it is also really annoying. In a much worst case, your browser could be hijacked to download malicious software that will do a great deal of damage to your computer.

Key symptoms that your browser has been hijacked

When your browser is hi-jacked, the following can happen: you notice unauthorized changes to your internet browser’s homepage; you observe new unwanted favorites or bookmarks added, usually directed to advertisement-filled or porn websites; the default browser configurations have been changed and/or your default web engine is altered; unwanted new toolbars are added to your internet browser; you might notice numerous pop-up adverts on your computer screen; your browser has instability issues or exhibits frequent errors; You can’t access particular websites, especially anti-malware websites.

Exactly how they invade computers

A browser hijacker can be installed on your computer or laptop when you go to an infected site, click on an e-mail attachment, or download something from a file-sharing site. Many internet browser hijackings originate from add-on programs, i.e., browser helper objects (BHO), toolbars, or plug-ins added to browsers to provide them additional features. Other times you might have accidentally accepted a browser hijacker as part of a software bundle (generally freeware or shareware). Popular examples of browser hijackers include CoolWebSearch, Conduit, OneWebSearch, Coupon Server, RocketTab, Delta Search, Searchult.com, and Snap.do. Browser hijacking can bring about serious privacy problems and even identity theft, affect your web browsing experience by taking control over outgoing traffic, drastically slows down your computer or laptop by depleting lots of resources, and lead to system instability also.

Browser hijacker removal methods

Some browser hijacking can be easily stopped by identifying and eliminating the corresponding malware software from your control panel. However, most hijackers are quite tenacious and require specialized applications to get rid of them. Moreover, browser hijackers could modify the Windows registry so it can be extremely tough to fix manually, particularly when you are not a tech-savvy person. Browser hijackers can be effectively removed by installing and running an anti-malware application on the affected computer. To get rid of any browser hijacker out of your computer, you could download this particular top-notch malware removal application – SafeBytes Anti-Malware. Together with anti-malware, a PC optimizer software, similar to Total System Care, could help you correct Windows registry errors, remove unwanted toolbars, secure your internet privacy, and stabilize programs installed on your computer.

Find Out How To Install Safebytes Anti-Malware On An Infected Computer system

All malware is bad and the consequences of the damage will vary based on the specific type of malicious software. Certain malware goes to great lengths to stop you from downloading or installing anything on your computer system, particularly anti-virus programs. If you are reading this, you probably have infected by a virus that stops you from installing a security program like Safebytes Anti-Malware. Follow the instructions below to remove malware through alternative methods.

Install in Safe Mode with Networking

Safe Mode is a unique, simplified version of Windows where just essential services are loaded to counteract malware and other problematic programs from loading. In case the malicious software is set to load immediately when the PC boots, switching to this mode could prevent it from doing so. To boot into Safe Mode, hit “F8” key on the keyboard right before Windows logo screen appears; Or right after normal Windows boot up, run MSCONFIG, look over Safe Boot under Boot tab, and then click Apply. Once you are in Safe Mode, you can try to install your anti-malware application without the hindrance of the malware. After installation, run the malware scanner to eliminate standard infections.

Download the anti-malware program in a different internet browser

Some malware only targets particular internet browsers. If this is your case, employ another browser as it might circumvent the computer virus. In case you suspect that your Internet Explorer happens to be hijacked by a computer virus or otherwise compromised by online hackers, the most effective course of action is to switch over to a different web browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Apple Safari to download your favorite security application – Safebytes Anti-Malware.

Make a bootable USB anti-virus drive

Another solution is to save and run an anti-malware software program entirely from a Thumb drive. To run antivirus from a thumb drive, follow these simple steps: 1) On a clean computer, install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Plug the USB drive into the clean computer. 3) Double-click the Setup icon of the anti-malware software to run the Installation Wizard. 4) Select the drive letter of the pen drive as the location when the wizard asks you where you would like to install the anti-virus. Follow the onscreen instructions to finish the installation. 5) Now, insert the USB drive into the corrupted PC. 6) Run the Safebytes Anti-malware directly from the pen drive by double-clicking the icon. 7) Simply click “Scan Now” to run a complete scan on the affected computer for malware.

SafeBytes Anti-Malware Features

To protect your laptop or computer from various internet-based threats, it’s important to install anti-malware software on your personal computer. However, with countless numbers antimalware companies out there, these days it is hard to decide which one you should buy for your laptop. Some of them do a great job in eliminating malware threats while some will damage your PC by themselves. You must be careful not to pick the wrong product, especially if you buy a paid application. On the list of strongly recommended software by industry leaders is SafeBytes Anti-Malware, the most dependable program for Microsoft Windows. SafeBytes anti-malware is a trustworthy tool that not only secures your PC permanently but is also quite user-friendly for people of all skill levels. Once you’ve got installed this application, SafeByte's sophisticated protection system will ensure that no viruses or malware can seep through your PC.

SafeBytes anti-malware provides an array of enhanced features that sets it aside from all others. Some of them are listed as below:

Real-Time Protection: SafeBytes gives you round-the-clock protection for your PC limiting malware intrusions in real-time. This utility will constantly monitor your computer for suspicious activity and updates itself continuously to keep abreast of the constantly changing threat landscape. Most effective AntiMalware Protection: Built on a greatly acclaimed anti-virus engine, this malware removal application can find and get rid of numerous stubborn malware threats such as browser hijackers, potentially unwanted programs, and ransomware that other common anti-virus applications will miss. Website Filtering: Safebytes allots all websites a unique safety score that helps you to have an idea of whether the webpage you’re just about to visit is safe to browse or known to be a phishing site. Fast Multi-threaded Scanning: Safebytes Anti-Malware, with its advanced scanning engine, offers extremely fast scanning which can promptly target any active online threat. Low CPU/Memory Usage: SafeBytes is well known for its low influence on processing power and great detection rate of various threats. It operates silently and efficiently in the background so you’re free to utilize your PC at full power all of the time. 24/7 Customer Service: For any technical concerns or product assistance, you could get 24/7 professional assistance through chat and email. Put simply, SafeBytes has created a meaningful anti-malware solution that is aimed to protect you against all manner of malware. You now may understand that this particular software does more than just scan and eliminate threats from your PC. So if you’re searching for the absolute best malware removal application out there, and when you don’t mind shelling out a few bucks for it, opt for SafeBytes Anti-Malware.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

To eliminate Nectar Toolbar manually, go to the Add or Remove programs list in the Windows Control Panel and choose the program you want to remove. For browser extensions, go to your web browser’s Addon/Extension manager and select the add-on you want to remove or disable. You’ll probably also want to reset your internet browser to its default settings. Finally, check your hard disk for all of the following and clean your computer registry manually to get rid of leftover application entries after uninstallation. But bear in mind, this can be a tough task and only computer professionals can perform safely. In addition, certain malicious programs have the capability to defend against its removal. Completing this task in Safe Mode is suggested.
Files: C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\AimiaPoints.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\AimiaPointsAct.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\AimiaToolbar.css C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\ArrowDown.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\ArrowRight.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\ArrowUp.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\arrow_refresh.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\background.html C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\background.js C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\basis.xml C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\BrowserTweak.css C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\btn-background-grey.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\CanCollect.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\CanCollectAct.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\closeIcon.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\cog.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\Collecting.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\CollectingAct.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\computer_delete.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\eShopsMenu.html C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\eShopsMenu.js C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\help.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\HelpMenu.html C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\HelpMenu.js C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\icon-128.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\icon-16.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\icon-48.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\icons.bmp C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\icons.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\ie7vista.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\ie7xp.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\ie8bg.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\IE8GuardWorkaround.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\info.txt C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\InstIcon.ico C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\jquery-1.7.2.min.js C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\jquery.placeholder.min.js C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\JSON.js C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\main.js C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\menu.js C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\nectar-icon-32×32.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\PIE.htc C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\PIE.js C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\SearchHist.html C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\SearchHist.js C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\search_glass.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\separator.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\separator_arrows.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\TbCommonUtils.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\tbcore3.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\TbHelper2.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\tbhelperU.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\uninstall.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\UninstIcon.ico C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\update.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\version.txt C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\Yahoo.ico C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\yahoo.png C:\Program Files (x86)\Nectar Toolbar\tbunsg7A.tmp\your_logo.png Registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software376694984709702142491016734454 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run 13376694984709702142491016734454
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Add names of applications in the taskbar
Microsoft is trying to make Windows into a personalized OS, more and more features and parts can be customized to user liking. From larger things to smaller ones nowadays you can almost personalize every detail of Windows itself. In this article, we will tackle how to bring back the names of running applications on the taskbar. Placing names beside icons on the taskbar is a pretty simple and straightforward task easily done. First, right-click the Taskbar and select Taskbar settings. In Taskbar settings, click the menu labeled Combine taskbar buttons. Select Never. That's it, now all of your running applications have a name beside them. If you change your mind, you can always undo it by selecting Always hide labels in the Combine taskbar buttons menu.
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How to Fix Error 0x0000007E

What is 0x0000007E?

 Error 0x0000007E is a Windows Stop error message that is displayed on a blue screen. This may appear when browsing the internet, listening to music on some media player application or while working on an important document on MS Word or Excel.  This message strikes terror as the screen goes blue without any warning.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The error code 0x0000007E is triggered because of:

Further Information and Manual Repair

If you experience this error on your PC, you don’t have to panic and call a professional. This error is rated as an easy fix. And you can easily resolve the issue even if you don’t have a piece of strong technical knowledge about computers. Here are some quick fixes to repair the error 0x0000007E on your PC in the shortest time and without any hassle:
  • Cause: Faulty Hard Drive

Solution: In the event of a faulty hard drive, it is best to create a backup of all your data and get a new hard drive. However, first, it is advisable to use the Windows tool called Chkdsk (Check Disk) to identify and determine if the hard drive is faulty or not. To do so, click on the start menu and type CMD into the search box. Click on it to run. Now a black box will be displayed on the screen, simply type the command Chkdsk and run it to find out if your hard drive is faulty and damaged. If so, then get a new hard drive.
  • Cause: Hard Drive is full

Solution: Error 0x0000007E may also occur if the hard drive is full. To check the storage space on your hard drive, go to My Computer. If the space is full, then it is advisable to delete some files or uninstall heavy and recently installed programs to free up some space.
  • Cause:  BIOS not updated

Solution: You may come across this blue screen error if your BIOS is not updated. To update your BIOS, restart your computer and press F2 to enter setup.  Now go to SATA Operation and change RAID AHCI to RAID ATA. Save changes and then exit. By doing so, you can update your BIOS and fix the error 0x0000007E immediately. It’s that easy!
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Fix Your system requires SMB2 or higher Error
SMB which stands for “Server Message Block”, is a protocol used for file sharing. It provides the Read and Writes operating on network devices. Thus, it is why it is widely used when accessing a server-based in Linux. Its latest version is the SMB2 which follows after SMB1. The SMB2 contains more fixes to vulnerabilities that were found in SMB1. The predecessor was vulnerable since it served as a gateway to various modern ransomware which is why Microsoft disabled it by default starting with Windows 10 v1709. When you try to share a file, you will get the following error message:
“Microsoft Windows Network: You can’t connect to the file share because it is not secure. This share requires the obsolete SMB1 protocol, which is unsafe and could expose your system to attack. Your system requires SMB2 or higher.”
In this post, you will be guided on how to check if the SMB2.0 version can be installed on your Windows 10 computer. To get started, follow the steps below. Step 1: Tap the Win + X keys to open the Device Manager. Step 2: After that, click on the Windows PowerShell (Admin) option. Step 3: In the Windows PowerShell window, type the following command and hit Enter:
Get-SmbServerConfiguration | Select EnableSMB2Protocol
Note: After entering the command, you will see the following content on your screen which means that your Windows 10 computer is now capable of running the SMB2 protocol Now all that’s left for you to do is to enable the SMB 2 protocol on your Windows computer by enabling the SMB 1 protocol first and then upgrading it to SMB 2 afterward. Refer to the steps below for more details. Step 1: Tap the Win + I keys to open the Settings app. Step 2: Then type in “control panel” in the search area and click on Control Panel from the search results. Step 3: After opening Control Panel, click on Programs. From there, select the “Turn Windows features on or off” option under the larger menu of Programs and Features. Step 4: After that, Windows Features will appear on your screen. And from there, make sure that you select SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support and then click on OK. Step 5: Now let it install all the required files and then restart your computer to apply the changes made successfully. After your computer has restarted, the SMB 2 protocol should now be supported on your Windows 10 computer. Note: On the other hand, you can also enter the following command in the Windows PowerShell window. Just make sure you have admin rights to enable it.
Set-SmbServerConfiguration –EnableSMB2Protocol $true
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Hearthstone lost connection to the game server
Since its release, Hearthstone has changed and innovated how digital card games are played. From its cross-platform matchmaking to interesting random mechanics and making the game free to play from day 1 have paved the road to Hearthstone's success. If you by any chance get lost connection to game server error and find yourself unable to play please stay awhile and listen Keep reading and try provided solutions as they are presented to fix this issue and continue gaming.
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Cartoonize review

Hello and welcome to our software series review. Weel this time we could say this is more of a service review since the application we are going through today is online and you can use it freely without ever needing to install it.

When we choose software that we are going to review and recommend we really try to recommend something that is worth your time and money, Cartoonize fits in both categories in my opinion.

First of all basic plan of this graphic software is completely free and as mentioned it is working online, also as one more feature basic plan does not even require you to have an account of any kind, all you need to do is go to the website of the application and you can start using it right away. There is also paid plan for extra features if you need them billed monthly or annually.

cartoonize application


First things first, this is not Photoshop or GIMP and it does not aim nor want to be. This is something else, directed and pointed at the different types of users. This application is aimed at people that want to make some quick graphics and post them on social media and it does that very well. Even without knowledge to use graphic software this one is so well designed and straightforward that even a complete newcomer can do something right away.

So as the application that wants to be used by people that want to place some cool pictures or ads on their social media what it offers. For starters simplicity and ease of use, every option that you can use is on the left side of the screen nicely packed into the vertical toolbox. Inside the toolbox, you have access to various tools, effects, and filters that you can apply to your image.

Tools explained

Image manager

The first section on the tool panel is the image manager, here you can upload your images, delete them, search stock images, and so forth. nothing more to say about this one as it is only a basic file manager.


In this tool panel, there are a lot of basic settings for your image manipulations divided into 3 sections: Basics, Enhance, and Creative. In the basic section, you can crop, resize and rotate your image. Enhance panel will let you set exposure, color, vibrance, tint, and details (sharpen). Finally, the Creative part will let you remove the background with AI in a single click, replace colors in the image, and add a vignette and round image.


In the effects panel, you will be given 4 options to choose from Cartoonizer, Digital art, Sketcher, and painting. Each option once clicked will open another set of options tied to chosen preset where you will be able to choose a different style from chosen template. Once you click on the desired template it will be applied to your image and in the upright corner, you will have edit options to tweak it to your liking. You can play around as much as you want because only once you click on the apply button, the effect will be applied to your image.


Same as in the effects tool panel here you will also get a series of different filters that you can apply to your image. As in the previous tool once clicked on the chosen filter, you will be given options for its variations and details edits. How there is really plenty of filters options and combined with its own presets I will not focus on explaining what each one is doing since picture thumbnails are pretty accurate and just one look at them will explain to you everything you need to know.


In the overlays panel, you can as the name says overlay different kinds of effects on your image. You can add snow, fog, sun flares rain, and many more. Presets work identically to previous effects and filters.


If you want to place your image in a certain shape or in-text this is the section for you. You will be presented with sections as custom text, shapes, brushes, floral, animals, and patterns. Each section will once again lead to plenty of variations on the chosen subject where you can pick one that you like the most and tweak its options.


As the name suggests, this section is to add text to your picture or design. If you are making some cool ad for Facebook, Instagram, or other social media I believe that you will spend most of your time in this section adding text and tweaking it so it looks best. You have all the tools that you will need to make a catchy title or smaller block of text and you can add multiple texts to your picture tweaking their own visual appearance, the font used, color, and some effects like a drop shadow.


In the draw section, you will be able to freely draw whatever you like with your mouse or pen if you have one. you have basic options for a brush and eraser so you can erase stuff. Pretty basic tool but it gives a nice touch to underline something, circle it, etc.


This panel will let you place various already made graphic assets into a picture. You have hearts, hats, glasses, etc. There really are tons of premade graphics along with thematic ones like new year, st. Patric day and more.


As the name suggests this section will place a frame of your choice around your picture. You can choose the style of frame, position, color, and many more. There are various styles and each style has its own options.


Cartoonize is a great online application that will let you quickly and easily do cool and nice image edits. As mentioned you can also add various effects, text, and graphics and use this app to make some quick and nice ads for social media. You have the option to publish to your social media right from the app in the save dialog but you can also of course download your image or design to your local computer.

Please note that for this review we used the pro, paid version so all of the features were unlocked. We wanted to give you a full overview of the full potential of the app. In my opinion, the small monthly fee that they charge is well worth it when you see all things that you can do with it.

Go to the cartoonize website and check it out, basic option is completely free and it does not even require making an account. Have fun, be creative and take care, I hope to see you again tomorrow.

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