
Chrome features that you need to use

Google Chrome is the most used browser in the world with the most user downloads. Most users are using browsers how it is, open it up and just surf but Chrome offers more than just plain surfing. Here we are presenting you with some interesting features that most users do not use but should.

google chrome

Use Omnibox to search inside websites

Chrome's Omnibox, also known as the address bar got its name because it can do much more than just search the internet. You already probably know that just by typing any word you will search the internet with Google or another search engine of choice.

You can also set specific keywords inside Chrome settings to tie them with specific websites, for example, you can tie the letter E with errortools, and then just by typing E windows error you will search term windows error on website errortools. There are some already predefined things and you can add anything you want so this is a great feature in order to speed up your work skipping part of actually opening the site.

Search the internet for selected text

On any webpage, you can simply select any text and right-click on it to get a new menu entry that will say search Google for "your selected text" and by clicking on it you will automatically search the net for the selected term.

Grouping tabs

When we surf the internet some of us tend to have plenty of open tabs and over time they can clutter and shrink in width making the surfing experience an unpleasant one.

Chrome has tab groups and you really need to start using them since you can organize much better all the tabs, even color-code them.

Search all open tabs

On top right part on title bar right next to minimize button there is small arrow pointing down, once you clik on it all opened tabs will be displayed by name as a listand by clicking on it you will automatically switch to it.

Change download location

Google Chrome has its default download destination but you can change that destination and even turn on option to be asked where you would like your download to be saved each time.

Live Captions

YouTube has cations for its videos but Chrome itself has live caption option in order to provide you with automatic AI captions for any type of video or audio on any website. If you are struggling with following what is being said try this awesome option.


Using extensions in Chrome is awesome, specialy if extensions are usefull but if you go incognito they are not active. There is an option in Chrome to turn on the extensions even in incognito mode and even better, you can even choose which ones you want to be active, you do not need to turn all of them.

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How to Fix Error Code 0xC004F00F on Your PC

Error Code 0xC004F00F – What is It?

Error Code 0xC004F00F can appear during the Windows 10 installation and activation process. It is a fairly straightforward error code that occurs when a product key is entered in that is unable to be used to complete the final activation of the new operating system. This error code is most commonly related to the installation of new pieces of hardware on a machine that was already running Windows 10 at a previous time.

Error Code 0xC004F00F can also appear on other versions of the Windows software, so if you are not specifically trying to install and activate Windows 10 when this message appears, you may want to contact a qualified Windows technician to help resolve your system error, as the error code has different causes and resolution methods on other versions of the Windows operating system.


Restoro box imageError Causes

In some cases, Error Code 0xC004F00F will show up if you are attempting to install Windows 10 on a computer in which the hard drive has been replaced or significantly altered. It can also appear when other major pieces of hardware, like the motherboard, have been changed out.  These pieces may be changed as part of an upgrade to new or better hardware or be changed due to the malfunction of the original pieces of equipment. Because it may appear to the Windows activation servers that you are attempting to use the same product code that you have used before to activate what appears to be a new machine (even if the machine is the same one, just with some new parts), you may see Error Code 0xC004F00F arise.

Error Code 0xC004F00F can also come up if you have installed Windows 10 on your machine in the past and have already used the product key that you are attempting to use again.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Error Code 0xC004F00F most commonly appears for users who have made major hardware or software changes done on their machine. Because this error specifically arises from the Windows activation servers believing that your computer is a new one, you’ll need to get in touch with the Windows support team in order to resolve the error. From their database, they will be able to confirm that you are not using a new computer and will be able to bypass the error, allowing you to complete the Windows 10 Activation process.

If you haven’t installed or replaced any of the hardware on the computer, but are still seeing Error Code 0xC004F00F arise during your Windows 10 installation, you will still need to get in touch with the Windows support team to bypass the error code.

Calling the Windows' Support Team

When you call into the Windows support team, you’ll want to specifically have a list of the following information readily available: Which pieces of hardware have been changed out on your computer prior to the installation and activation, what method you were using to install Windows 10, which version of Windows 10 that you were attempting to install, whether it was a single-use or multiple-use license, and basic details about your PC like its make, model, and age.  You may also want to have the product key that you were attempting to use when Error Code 0xC004F00F first appeared.

By having all of this information ready and on hand ahead of time, you’ll have a greater likelihood that your error will be able to be resolved quickly and efficiently, avoiding long periods spent on the phone with customer service. Make sure that you specifically mention that you are experiencing Error Code 0xC004F00F during the Windows 10 activation process when you call into the Windows support team so that you can be connected to a representative who is equipped to help you resolve this specific problem.

Getting a Qualified Technician

If you are not comfortable in working with the Windows support team or have not been able to successfully resolve Error Code 0xC004F00F even after getting in touch with customer support, contact a qualified technician who is familiar with the Windows 10 activation process and can walk you through the things that you will need to communicate to the Windows support team in order to have them bypass or resolve the error code.

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.

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Repairing a corrupt Group Policy in Windows
If you recently made some changes in your Windows 10 computer using the Group Policy Editor but they were not reflected and you got errors instead, it could be that your Windows computer wasn’t able to read the Group Policy file (registry.pol). To resolve this kind of issue, you have to repair the potentially corrupted Group Policy using the options given in this post. .As you know, Group Policy is a feature in the Microsoft Windows Active Directory which allows an admin to make changes in the features on Windows PCs that are on the network. So if the modifications you just made weren’t successfully applied, then there could be something wrong with the registry.pol file on the client or it could also be that the Group Policy folder is missing. To fix this issue in the Group Policy, you need to refer to the given suggestions below and make sure that you have admin privileges as you execute them.

Option 1 – Try to delete or recreate the missing registry.pol file

The entire settings of the Group Policy are stored in the registry.pol file so if it went missing, all the changes you make will not be reflected. The good thing is that you can recreate it but if the file exists and is corrupted, you need to delete it first before you recreate it.
  • First, go to the C:/Windows/System32/GroupPolicy/Machine location.
  • And from there, check if the registry.pol file exists or not. If it’s there, just delete it permanently by tapping the Shift + Delete keys.
  • Now it’s time to recreate the file. Just open Windows PowerShell with admin privileges by tapping Win + X + A keys.
  • After opening PowerShell, type this command: gpupdate /force
  • The command you entered will recreate the registry.pol file and will refresh the Group Policy. Restart your computer.

Option 2 – Try recreating the secedit.sdb file

The security settings of Group Policy are stored in the secedit.sdb file so if you made some changes to security and they weren’t reflected, you can try to delete and recreate the secedit.sdb file instead of deleting the Group Policy file. All you have to do is navigate to the C:/WINDOWS/security/Database folder and look for the secedit.sdb file and rename it or move it to another folder. After that, restart your computer. Once your computer has restarted, the secedit.sdb file will be created again.

Option 3 – Try to reset the Group Policy to default

You can also try to reset the Group Policy back to its default state. There are several ways you can do that. You can either use the gpupdate or the secedit command in the Windows PowerShell to do that. Resetting the Group Policy will resolve any issues that could be caused by its current settings.

Option 4 – Try to perform System Restore

System Restore can also help resolve the Group Policy issue. It could be that prior to the issue, you’ve made some changes in the system that might have affected the Group Policy. To undo these changes, perform System Restore.
  • First, tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.

Option 5 – Use the DISM tool

You can also try running the Deployment Imaging and Servicing Management or DISM tool. This tool will repair the Windows System Image as well as the Windows Component Store in your Windows 10 computer. So if there are any missing or corrupted folders and files, the DISM tool can restore and repair them. As a result, any system consistencies and corruptions will be fixed. To run this tool, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + X keys and click on the “Command Prompt (Admin)” option.
  • After that, input each one of the commands listed below sequentially to execute them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
  • Once you’ve executed the commands given above, restart your computer.
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Fix 0xA00F4244 or 0x200F4244 error in Windows
Error 0xA00F4244 or 0x200F4244 is when Windows can not detect the WEB camera in your system and it is usually accompanied by the message: We can’t find or start your camera. There could be several reasons for this error and in this guide, we will cover all of them in order to help you to get back on track and start using your WEB camera which is perhaps now more required than ever in this world we live in.
  1. Check privacy settings

    With the latest Microsoft Windows updates come the latest issues and it is not strange that privacy settings can become reset or changed when an update is applied. This is a quick fix to this issue and can be the sole reason why you get this error, go to Windows settings, then to privacy and check to see if the WEB camera is turned OFF, if this is the case turn it back ON and make sure that option Allow apps to access your camera is also set to ON.
  2. Check if the camera is enabled

    Sometimes it is by mistake, sometimes by an update but the web camera could be disabled in the device manager of Windows. Right-click on the Windows Start button and click on device manager to open it up, find and expand the cameras category. Right-click on your camera, if it is disabled, you will have the option to enable the camera, if it is enabled and Windows is detecting that it is working fine you will have the option to disable it.
  3. Check antivirus settings

    Antivirus and firewall applications are in today's world and life-essential piece of software but they can sometimes create more harm than good, from stopping windows updates to killing important services of applications and preventing internet access being just some examples of their paranoid behavior. Try disabling or turning your protection software OFF and see if your WEB camera will miraculously come back to life. If this is the case, somewhere in the settings of software there is an option that controls this aspect, try to locate it and set it in that way so you are able to use your camera.
  4. Reinstall camera driver

    If the previous three solutions failed to produce a satisfactory solution then reinstalling the camera driver might fix the problem. Go to your manufacturer's camera website and download the latest driver for your camera. Go to the device manager and uninstall the driver for the camera, then apply the latest driver and reboot the system.
  5. Check connections and cable

    Sometimes an issue is not due to software nature, sometimes it is hardware. Try checking connections and plug the camera in another USB port, twist and turn the cable a little to see is issue cable-related.
  6. Check to see if the application supports your camera

    If Windows has detected the camera and is not reporting any issues with it check your application to see if it can detect your camera and that it supports it fully. Sometimes newer applications tend to support only newer camera models. Try to use the camera in other software as well to see if the problem is with the application you are using.
  7. Try camera on another computer

    If everything else fails, try the camera on another computer to see if it will work there. If the camera is not working there as well it is probably malfunctioned and broken for good. If it does work there, try to find out what is different in that computer in comparison to yours, maybe it is some service running in the background, certain application configuration, Windows version itself, USB port version, or something else.
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Makecab.exe is running & consuming CPU
The Makecab.exe process that’s running on your Windows 10 computer is a program that compresses the Component-Based Servicing log or CBS log files and they can get really huge if they’re not compressed. As a result, it would utilize important space on your operating system although makecab.exe does not consume high CPU resources in doing so. However, there are times when it recreates thousands of instances of itself and could cause overconsumption of system resources which slows down your computer. So when the makecab.exe process causes high CPU usage in your system, this could mean that there is a failed Windows Update. In addition, the high CPU usage of the makecab.exe process could also mean that your computer is infected with a virus or malware. Whichever the case is, you can check out several possible solutions that are given in this post to resolve the problem.

Option 1 – Try to delete log file using File Explorer

The CBS log files could reach up to 20GB size and so if you delete them, it would help in saving space in your computer and since they’re not much of use, deleting them won’t negatively affect the system at all. To delete the CBS log files, all you have to do is open the File Explorer and then go to C:/Windows/Logs/CBS and from there, open the CBS log files and delete them all. Doing so should ease the load in the makecab.exe process since it no longer has to compress the CBS log files. As a result, the process would be more relaxed. After that, you can restart your computer and check if the problem’s now fixed.

Option 2 – Try deleting the log file via Command Prompt

You can also try to delete the log files using an elevated Command Prompt. Refer to these steps to do so:
  • Type “command prompt” in the Windows Search bar and then right-click on the related search result and select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • Next, type the following command and hit Enter to execute it:
del /f %windir%logscbs*.log
  • Restart your computer afterward once the command has been executed. This should end the high disk usage by makecab.exe, if not, proceed to the next given options below.

Option 3 – Uninstall any suspicious programs you’ve installed recently

If you have recently installed some programs on your Windows 10 computer, and since then you’ve experienced high CPU usage brought on by makecab.exe, then you might want to uninstall those programs.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box
  • Then type “appwiz.cpl” in the field and hit Enter to open the Programs and Features in Control Panel.
  • From there, look for the suspicious programs you’ve installed, select them and then click on Uninstall to remove them.
  • After that, restart your computer and try to install the latest version of the program again. It should work now. If not, proceed to the next available option below.

Option 4 – Try running Disk Cleanup

You might want to run the Disk Cleanup utility as it is a useful tool that could delete temporary and useless files on your computer.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and then type “cleanmgr” in the field and hit Enter to open the Disk Cleanup window.
  • After that, select the drive you want to clean.
  • Now click OK to clean the disk and restart your computer.

Option 5 – Try to run System File Checker scan

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files and missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files to good system files. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
  • Restart your PC.

Option 6 – Try scanning your computer using Windows Defender

As mentioned, the high CPU usage of makecab.exe might be caused by some malware or virus in the system and so to eliminate it, you have to scan your computer using security programs like Windows Defender.
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open Update & Security.
  • Then click on the Windows Security option and open Windows Defender Security Center.
  • Next, click on Virus & threat protection > Run a new advanced scan.
  • Now make sure that Full Scan is selected from the menu and then click the Scan Now button to get started.
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A Guide to Resolving Error Code 35

Error Code 35 - What is it?

Error Code 35 is a typical Device Manager error. It indicates information missing to properly configure your device.  Error code 35 is usually displayed in the following format:

“Your computer's system firmware does not include enough information to properly configure and use this device. To use this device, contact your computer manufacturer to obtain a firmware or BIOS update. Code 35”


driverfix boxError Causes

The 2 common reasons for Device Manager error code 35 are:

  • Outdated BIOS
  • Mis-configured, corrupted, or outdated Drivers

No matter what the reason may be, it is advisable to resolve the problem immediately without any delay otherwise you will be unable to use your hardware device.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Below is the list of the most effective and easy to perform solutions to resolve error code 35 on your PC. These solutions do not require any technical knowledge or understanding. Simply follow the instructions to resolve this error code.

Method 1 - Update the BIOS

BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is the embedded software on the computer’s motherboard.

Though not all PCs have the same BIOS manufacturer, but the steps for updating the BIOS are similar for all versions. Before you get started with the updating process, first identify your current BIOS version.

  • For this, go to the start menu and type msinfo32, and press enter.
  • Now click System Summary to view your BIOS version. Here you will see the version number and date.
  • Now check your PC motherboard manufacturer’s website to download the BIOS update for the model you own. Also, download any Read Me Files and documentation. These contain guidelines and precautions that you should know before you update.
  • Backup all your data and existing BIOS before you update the BIOS version. This will keep your data protected in case the attempt to update BIOS fails.
  • Also, when updating, make sure to use an uninterruptible power supply. Remember power outage or even a small power fluctuation can corrupt the BIOS which is something you don’t want.
  • Now it’s time to perform the update. Run the downloaded installer for the BIOS updating software. Double click on the executable file.
  • Look for a button names Update, Flash, or Run.
  • Click on it to start updating the new version
  • After the update is complete, your computer will restart automatically.

This will hopefully resolve the problem. However, if the error still persists then there is a possibility that the error code is related to outdated drivers. To resolve, try method 2.

Method 2 - Download Driver Assist to Update Drivers Automatically

Update drivers to repair error code 35 on your PC by simply downloading DriverFIX. This is a cutting-edge program deployed with an intelligent programming system.

It is compatible with all Windows versions.

It scans your PC for problematic drivers and updates them with the latest and compatible versions automatically and in a few seconds thereby repairing all Device Manager error codes including error code 35 generated due to outdated/corrupted drivers.

In addition to this, it updates all device drivers on a regular basis, so you don’t have to stress over and keep a track of what drivers on your PC need to be updated and when.

Click here to download DriverFIX to resolve Device Manager error code 35 today!

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A Guide to Fixing Error 0x80070652 Windows 10

Error Code 0x80070652 – What is it?

Error code 0x80070652 occurs when Windows users attempt to upgrade their operating system while another program is in the process of being downloaded. It may also occur due to problems related to previously failed update attempts within Window Update. When this Windows 10 upgrade occurs, Windows users fail to access the version of Windows they are attempting to download. Instead, a message box occurs stating that error code 0x80070652 has occurred on the device. If this error message is not rectified, it could give birth to other Windows 10 errors such as error code 0x80072EE2.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error code 0x80070652 may result from Windows 10 users attempting to download another program while upgrading their operating system. It may also be caused by an issue related to previous installations of updates. For instance, in some cases, your previous installation of the Windows process may have been interrupted or it was simply not completed properly. This causes any other upgrade process that follows to result in error code 0x80070652.

Further Information and Manual Repair

But what can be done in such a situation to resolve the error code? Windows users have several options available. For instance, they can wait on any additional program that may be in the process of downloading to complete the process before attempting to upgrade Windows. They may also troubleshoot problems related to any failed updates or select a system restore point in which the error code was not present.

The manual repair methods Windows 10 users choose may involve any of the solutions mentioned previously. The choice is largely dependent on the user and his determination to fix the error code. However, note that automated tools or Windows repair technicians may also provide solutions to PC issues like error code 0x80070652.

Method One: Verify and Troubleshoot Failed Upgrades

Since previously failed updates within Windows Update can lead to the occurrence of error code 0x80070652, Windows 10 users will need to verify which of these failed updates occurred by checking the history section of the Windows Update tool. Once you’ve been able to verify that failed updates have occurred in the recent past, you’ll need to troubleshoot these problems to rectify the error code. Follow the instructions below to check for updates that have failed to install properly via Windows Update.

  • Step one: Type Windows Update in the Search box near Start Menu
  • Step two: Select Windows Update settings
  • Step three: Select Update history
  • Step four: Review updates from the most recent to least recent to see which updates have failed
  • Step five: Click failed updates for more details and troubleshoot accordingly.

Once you’ve completed the troubleshooting of any updates which failed, proceed by rebooting your device. You may then reattempt to upgrade to the latest version of Windows 10 once no other program is in the process of being downloaded.

If the problem causing error code 0x80070652 was related to failed updates of the past, these issues will likely be resolved once you successfully troubleshoot them. However, if the error code reoccurs, apply the next manual repair solution mentioned in this article.

Method Two: Download Updates Manually via Microsoft Download Center

Another option available to users is simply downloading updates manually by visiting the official Microsoft website, specifically the Windows section which provides downloads. To successfully complete this process, ensure you look for stand-alone packages of these downloads available on the website. You will need to know the Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article number related to the specific update(s) which failed.

Once a Windows user has verified the KB article number of the specific update, download it from the Microsoft website, then select Run to install the update. Reboot your PC, then check Windows Update to see if you are able to successfully complete the Windows 10 upgrade.

If the upgrade fails, you may need to implement the next manual repair method as is mentioned below.

Method Three: Use Windows System Restore

One of the best options for Windows 10 users facing certain PC problems is to apply System Restore. This allows them to reset their machine for a period of time in which the problem was not present. This is known as the restore point. To apply this manual repair method, follow the steps below.

  • Step one: In the search box beside the Start Menu, type System Restore
  • Step two: Select Create a restore point
  • Step three: Select the System Protection tab then Configure or Create
  • Step four: Provide details regarding a system restore point of your choice
  • Step five: Select Create, then OK.

Method Four: Download an Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.

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A Guide to Fixing Error Code 0x8007007b in Windows 8

Error Code 0x8007007b – What is it?

This error code occurs when users fail to activate their Windows operating system. It is one of the more popular Windows error codes since it affects many versions of Windows including Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. Error code 0x8007007b has common symptoms which include the following:

  • Inability to activate a Windows installation
  • Message box highlighting error code 0x8007007b


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error code 0x8007007b in Windows 8.1 usually results due to one or more main clauses. Windows 8.1 users may experience this error due to the use of volume-licensed media. The error code may also arise if the activation wizard is unable to connect to Key Management Service (KMS) host computer or if corrupted system files are present on your computer.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Windows error codes such as Error code 0x8007007b can be a complicated issue, requiring the use of technical knowledge and skills. For this reason, we have listed instructions in the simplest of forms to enable even average users to successfully complete manual repair methods that will resolve error code 0x8007007b.

The same approach has been applied to all our error code solutions. See also Error Code 0x00000024 and Error Code 0x80004005.

Below are the two main methods for correcting this issue.

Method One: Use Multiple Activation Key (MAK) to Activate Windows

This method involves the use of a Multiple Activation Key (MAK) instead of the Key Management Service (KMS) to activate the Windows operating system you intend to use on your PC. This manual repair method requires the use of Command Prompt so ensure you follow the instructions provided carefully so as to avoid the risks of causing harm to your system.

  • Step one: Select Windows log key + X.
  • Step two: Click Command Prompt, then Admin
  • Step three: Type in admin password if Command Prompt requests it
  • Step four: Type slmgr -ipk followed by the MAK product key. Note that the product key should have 25 characters with dashes between them like this xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx

Attempt to activate your Windows installation once you’ve completed the exact instructions above. If you are unable to complete this process, consider getting help from a Windows repair technician or simply move to the next manual repair method listed below.

Method Two: Run System File Checker

System File Checker (SFC) enables Windows users to scan and repair errors or corruption on system files. Since such errors within your system files can cause error code 0x8007007b to occur, follow the steps below to fix this error code.

  • Step One: Go to Start and type Command Prompt or CMD.
  • Step Two: Run as Administrator
  • Step Three: Type sfc /scannow with a space between “sfc” and “/scannow”.

The System File Checker tool will begin scanning your machine for corrupted or missing files in need of repair. If these files are found on your system, the tool will repair and replace them. Once this is done, restart your computer then check to see if you can now activate your Windows operating system.

Method Three: Use an Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 8 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.

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Error 0x80004001 Quick Fix Guide

What Is 0x80004001 Error Code?

0x80004001 is an error code that Windows users encounter quite commonly.

This error usually occurs when users try to update an old Windows application or attempt to run a certain application. When this error appears on the screen, the system automatically restarts to stop further processing. The error results in a blue screen after the system boots.

This blue screen is known as the Blue Screen of Death.

Error Causes

There are different files in the Windows operating system responsible for its smooth functioning. Sometimes problems like viruses or incorrect register entries corrupt or damage these files. This is when this 0x80004001 error appears.

Simply put, some of the most common causes that trigger 0x80004001 error are listed below as follows.

  • Corrupt or damaged EXE, VXD, DLL files of Windows
  • Incorrect entry of registry files
  • Presence of viruses or malware in the system
  • Corrupt or damaged system files
  • Unfinished application installation

Irrespective of what causes this error, it is of utmost importance to troubleshoot it as soon as possible.

Further Information and Manual Repair

While there are several ways of troubleshooting this error, the two most useful approaches have been listed below as follows.

  • This solution is for advanced users. Start your system and log on to it as the administrator. Click on the Start button. Now select All Programs->Accessories->System Tools. Finally, click on System Restore. In a new window, select the option “Restore My Computer to an Earlier Time”. Now click on Next. A list of restore points will be displayed. Choose the most recent restore point from this list and click “Next”. Now click next on the confirmation Window again. Once the restoration is finished, the computer will restart itself and you will observe that the error no longer appears.
  • This solution is for beginner or novice users. Download a 0x80004001 error repair utility available online. Install this program on your computer and use it to scan for the error in your system. When the scan completes, find if any feature allows you to fix errors. If yes, click on it. Now restart your computer again. You will notice that the virus has disappeared. It is a good idea to use error repair utilities because they scan the system, diagnose the error and then perform the repair.

Use any of the methods listed above to get rid of the 0x80004001 error once and for all.

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There was a problem resetting your PC
If you’ve tried resetting your Windows 10 computer using the Reset This PC option in order to restore your computer’s factory settings and the process suddenly fails for some reason and you got an error message instead stating, “There was a problem resetting your PC, No changes were made on your Windows 10 computer”, then this post might help you resolve the problem. Carefully follow each one of the options given below to resolve the “There was a problem resetting your PC error on Windows 10.

Option 1 – Try renaming the System and Software hive

  • If you’re still able to boot to the desktop of your Windows 10 PC, open an elevated Command Prompt from the WinX menu.
  • Now use the CD command and change the directory to Windows\System32\config folder. Simply type in the following command and hit Enter:
cd %windir%system32config
  • After that, you have to rename the System and Software registry hives to “System.001” and “Software.001”, respectively. To do that, just type each one of the following commands and hit Enter after you type each of them.
    • ren system system.001
    • ren software software.001
On the other hand, if your Windows 10 PC isn’t able to boot to the desktop, you can just access Command Prompt from the Advanced Startup options or you can also boot into Sage Mode and open Command Prompt from there and then run the given commands above. Note: If you only want to use the Refresh your PC option, you must only rename System hive and not Software hive. On the other hand, if the Software hive is really corrupted, you might not be able to use the Refresh your PC option in such a case. Thus, you really need to rename the Software hive as well. Once you’ve renamed the Software hive, you won’t be able to use the Refresh your PC option but only the Reset your PC option.
  • Type “exit” to close the Command Prompt and then restart your PC and try resetting your PC again.

Option 2 – Try to disable and re-enable the Windows Recovery Environment

If the first option didn’t help, you can try disabling the Windows Recovery Environment and then enable it back again. To configure a Windows Recovery Environment or Windows RE boot image and recovery options, you have to use the REAgentC.exe tool.
  • Tap the Win + S key and type “REAgentC.exe” to open the REAgentC.exe tool.
  • After that, type the following command and hit Enter to disable the Windows RE:
reagentc /disable
  • After disabling the Windows RE, you need to enable it back by typing the following command:
reagentc /enable

Option 3 – Try to boot the USB recovery drive

If the two previous options failed, you need to try another workaround which is to boot to the USB recovery drive > Troubleshoot > Recover from a drive. From there, follow the on-screen instructions and you should be good to go.
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Fix Device requires further installation Error
If you are trying to connect an external device to your computer but you suddenly encounter an error that says, “Device requires further installation”, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will guide you on how exactly you can fix this error. In most cases, USB sticks, headphones, speakers, and other external devices, install drivers automatically once you connect them to your computer which means that the drivers are downloaded and installed in the system as soon as the external device is plugged in. However, if the driver has become corrupted or outdated, you might encounter an error like the
“Device requires further installation”
Aside from corrupted or outdated drivers, the error could also be caused by pending updates, an incorrect version of the Intel PROSet Wireless driver, or checking the wrong event. Whatever the cause is, this post will provide you with some potential fixes that can help you resolve the problem. But before you troubleshoot the problem, ensure that your Windows 10 computer is updated to its latest version and you must also not forget to check that you’re checking the correct event on the Event Viewer. Once you have these things covered, proceed to the instructions below.

Option 1 – Try to update the device drivers to the latest version

One of the most likely root causes of the “Device requires further installation” error is either outdated or corrupted drivers in your computer. This kind of problem is more common on several devices like scanners and printers for which the drivers are provided with them.
  • First, boot your computer into Safe Mode.
  • After that, tap the Win + R keys to launch Run.
  • Type in devmgmt.msc into the box and tap Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • After that, a list of device drivers will be displayed. From there, look for any outdated device drivers and click on each one of them.
  • After that, right-click on each entry of the device drivers and select the “Uninstall Device” option from the menu.
  • Now restart your computer.
  • After restarting your computer, go to the Settings app and Check for Updates in the Windows Update section.
Note: You also opt to download the latest versions of the device drivers directly from the website of the manufacturer. Once you’ve downloaded them, you can install them into your computer right away and then try connecting the external device again. On the other hand, you can also try to reinstall the device drivers.

Option 2 – Try to install the latest version of the Intel PROSet Wireless driver

A lot of users who experience the problem reported that their wireless driver wasn’t also working properly and it was then found that it was caused by the outdated Intel PROSet wireless driver. Thus, to fix the problem, you need to install the latest version of this driver from the intel.com website and install it on your computer. When you download the driver, make sure that your computer is running an Intel system and then download the correct driver depending on whether your computer is a 64-bit system or a 32-bit one.
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