
Remove EliteUnzip from your computer

EliteUnzip is a program developed by Mindspark Interactive. This program lets you compress and extract all the popular archive types.

From the Author:

Elite Unzip is a program for creating and extracting archive files;
it has support for over 20 file formats.
This application downloads onto your computer in two parts: one for your desktop, and one for your browser.
They both work together to make packing and unpacking archive files easy.

While EliteUnzip itself is not a threat, it comes bundled with other software that might cause a problem to your computer.

Due to its bundled nature, several anti-virus scanners have marked EliteUznip as a Potentially Unwanted Program and is therefore not recommended to keep on y our computer, especially because there are other free programs that do the same functions without the additional bundled software.

About Potentially Unwanted Applications

Precisely what is a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP)?

Have you ever found out an unwanted program running on your computer and wondered how the heck it got there? These unwanted programs, which are known as Potentially Unwanted Programs, or PUPs in short, often tag along as a software bundle when downloading the program and can result in major problems for computer users.

It’s clear by the name – unwanted programs – but did not really constitute “malware” in the traditional sense. The reason for this is that the majority of PUPs enter into users’ computers not because they exploit security weaknesses, for instance, but mainly because the users give consent to download it – unknowingly in many instances. No matter whether it is regarded as malware or otherwise, PUPs are almost always bad for a computer owner as they might bring on adware, spyware, keystroke logging, and other nasty “crapware” features on your PC.

What do PUPs do on your computer, precisely?

Most Potentially Unwanted Programs comes in the form of adware, which generally aims to exhibit lots of annoying pop-up ads, banners, coupons, and deals on websites you explore. PUPs that come in the form of browser add-ons and toolbars are widely identifiable. They may track your online activities, redirect your search results to risky sites where adware and spyware can be downloaded, hijack your home page, and slow your browser down to a crawl.

PUPs carry a dangerous bite if left behind unchecked. The worst part of setting up a PUP is the spyware, adware, and keystroke loggers that could hide inside. These are programs that don’t do anything good for you; in addition to taking over space on the hard disk, they will also slow down your PC, often change settings without your permission, and the list of bothersome features goes on and on.

Protect yourself from unwanted programs

• When installing anything on your desktop, always read the fine print, like the license agreement. Don’t accept terms of use that are for bundled applications.
• Normally, when installing a software program you get two options, ‘Standard Installation’ and ‘Custom Installation’. Don’t opt for ‘Standard’ as unwanted programs might automatically be installed that way!
• Use good anti-malware software. Try Safebytes Anti-malware which can spot PUPs and treat them as malware by flagging them for deletion.
• Be alert when you download and install freeware, open-source programs, or shareware. Nowadays ‘freeware’ isn’t actually freeware – but crapware bundling nonsense.
• Only use official product sites for downloading applications. Steer clear of download websites altogether since most websites compel users to download the program with their own download manager, which is often bundled up with some kind of PUPs.

Virus Blocking Access To Safebytes Site And Preventing Anti-Malware Downloads – What You Should Do?

All malware is inherently unsafe, but certain kinds of malicious software do a lot more damage to your computer or laptop than others. Some malware variants alter browser settings by adding a proxy server or change the computer’s DNS configuration settings. When this happens, you will be unable to visit some or all of the sites, and therefore unable to download or install the necessary security software to eliminate the malware. If you are reading this, chances are you’re stuck with a virus infection that is preventing you to download and install Safebytes Anti-Malware software on your computer. There are some actions you can take to circumvent this issue.

Install in Safe Mode

In the event the malware is set to run at Windows start-up, then booting in safe mode should avoid it. Since only the minimal applications and services start-up in safe mode, there are hardly any reasons for conflicts to happen. The following are the steps you should follow to start your computer into the Safe Mode of your Windows XP, Vista, or 7 computers (go to Microsoft site for directions on Windows 8 and 10 computers).

1) Tap the F8 key continuously as soon as your computer boots, however, before the large windows logo comes up. This should bring up the Advanced Boot Options menu.
2) Make use of the arrow keys to select Safe Mode with Networking and press ENTER.
3) Once you get into this mode, you should have internet access once again. Now, obtain the malware removal software you need by using the web browser. To install the program, follow the guidelines in the setup wizard.
4) Following installation, run a full scan and let the program eliminate the threats it finds.

Download the antivirus software in a different internet browser

Some malware mainly targets particular browsers. If this sounds like your case, make use of another internet browser as it may circumvent the virus. If you appear to have malware attached to Internet Explorer, then switch over to a different browser with built-in safety features, such as Firefox or Chrome, to download your favorite anti-malware program – Safebytes.

Install antivirus on a thumb drive

Here’s yet another solution which is utilizing a portable USB anti-malware software package that can check your system for malware without needing installation. Adopt these measures to use a flash drive to clean your infected system.
1) Download the anti-malware on a virus-free computer.
2) Plug the pen drive into the uninfected computer.
3) Double click on the exe file to open the installation wizard.
4) When asked, select the location of the pen drive as the place where you want to store the software files. Follow the directions to complete the installation process.
5) Transfer the thumb drive from the uninfected computer to the infected PC.
6) Double-click the anti-malware software EXE file on the thumb drive.
7) Click on “Scan Now” to run a scan on the affected computer for viruses.

Benefits and Features of SafeBytes Anti-Malware

If you are looking to purchase anti-malware for your PC, there are various brands and applications for you to consider. A few of them are great and some are scamware applications that pretend as authentic anti-malware software waiting to wreak havoc on your computer. You need to pick a tool that has gained a good reputation and detects not only computer viruses but other types of malware as well. When considering commercial application options, many people opt for popular brands, such as SafeBytes, and are very happy with them.

SafeBytes anti-malware is really a powerful, highly effective protection application intended to help users of all levels of IT literacy in finding and removing harmful threats out of their computer. This application could easily identify, remove, and protect your computer from the most advanced malware intrusions such as adware, spyware, trojan horses, ransomware, worms, PUPs, as well as other possibly damaging software applications.

There are lots of great features you’ll get with this security product. Below are a few of the best ones:

Real-Time Protection: SafeBytes provides real-time active monitoring service and protection against all known computer viruses and malware. It will monitor your personal computer for suspicious activity regularly and shields your personal computer from unauthorized access.

Best AntiMalware Protection: Safebytes is built on the very best virus engine in the industry. These engines will find and remove threats even during the early phases of a malware outbreak.

Fast Multi-threaded Scanning: SafeBytes’s virus scan engine is one of the quickest and most efficient in the industry. It's targeted scanning substantially increases the catch rate for viruses that are embedded in various PC files.

Web Protection: SafeBytes inspects the links present on a webpage for possible threats and tells you whether the website is safe to view or not, through its unique safety rating system.

Light-weight: SafeBytes is well known for its minimal impact on computer resources and great detection rate of numerous threats. It operates quietly and efficiently in the background so you’re free to make use of your PC at full power all of the time.

Premium Support: SafeBytes gives you 24/7 technical support, automatic maintenance, and upgrades for the best user experience.

SafeBytes has created a wonderful anti-malware solution to help you conquer the latest malware threats and virus attacks. Once you have downloaded and installed SafeBytes Anti-Malware, you will no longer have to bother about malware or other security concerns. So if you want sophisticated forms of protection features & threat detections, purchasing SafeBytes Anti-Malware will be worth the money!

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

To remove EliteUnzip manually, go to the Add/Remove programs list in the Control Panel and choose the program you want to get rid of. For internet browser plug-ins, go to your browser’s Addon/Extension manager and select the plug-in you want to remove or disable. You will additionally also want to totally reset your internet browser to its default settings.

To make sure of complete removal, find the following Windows registry entries on your system and remove it or reset the values appropriately. However, this is often a tricky task and only computer professionals could perform it safely. Also, certain malware is capable of replicating itself or preventing its deletion. Carrying out this malware-removal process in Safe Mode is suggested.

%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\EliteUnzip_aa
%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\gaklecphgkijookgheachpgdkeminped
%USERPROFILE%\Meus documentos\Downloads\EliteUnzipSetup.EliteUnzip_aa.ffjcmnpnoopgilmnfhloocdcbnimmmea.ch.exe
%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\aaUninstall Elite Unzip.dll
C:\Program Files\EliteUnzip\EliteUnzip.exe

Search And Delete:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, value: EliteUnzip EPM Support
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, value: EliteUnzip Search Scope Monitor
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar, value: ef55cb9f-2729-4bff-afe5-ee59593b16e8
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, value: EliteUnzip AppIntegrator 64-bit
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, value: EliteUnzip EPM Support
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, value: EliteUnzip Search Scope Monitor
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, value: EliteUnzip AppIntegrator 32-bit
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, value: EliteUnzip AppIntegrator 64-bit
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce, value: EliteUnzip_aabar Uninstall

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  1. Check recycle bin

    Some applications or purely by accident itself libmysql.dll gets deleted. If you have not turned recycle bin off go to it and check to see if the file is by any chance there. If you find it, right-click on it, choose restore, the error will be gone.
  2. Update drivers

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  3. Run SFC scan

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Couldn’t open PDF in Edge Error in Windows
As you know, Microsoft Edge is the default web browser in Windows 10 operating system. It is a built-in browser that replaced the ancient Internet Explorer for its performance and features. Aside from being the default web browser, it is also set as a default PDF viewer in Windows 10. So if you open a PDF file, it will be automatically opened in the Edge browser even if you have installed a PDF reader on your computer. However, some users recently reported getting an error that says, “Couldn’t open PDF in Edge, Something’s keeping this PDF from the opening” when they tried to open a PDF file or view an internet link that has a downloadable PDF file in the Edge browser. If you are one of these users, read on as this post will help you troubleshoot the problem and fix it. This kind of error mostly occurs if you have installed other PDF viewers on your computer. They could be interrupting Edge while it tries to open the PDF documents. To fix it, check if Microsoft Edge is set as the default PDF viewer or you could also try to clear its browsing cache. In addition, you could also reset or repair Edge. For detailed instructions, refer to the given options below.

Option 1 – Check if Microsoft Edge is set as the default PDF viewer

The first thing you can do is to check if Edge is set as the default PDF viewer. If it’s not, you have to set it as one to fix the problem.
  • Open Control Panel and go to Default Programs.
  • Then click on the “Associate a file type or protocol with a program” option.
  • Next, select the PDF file option and click on Change program.
  • After that, select Microsoft Edge in the pop-up window and then select the “Always use this app to open .pdf” option.
  • Now click the OK button to set Edge as the default PDF viewer and then check if you can now open the PDF file in the Edge browser.

Option 2 – Clear the browser cache of Microsoft Edge

  • Open Microsoft Edge.
  • Then click on the three horizontal dots to open the menu.
  • From there, click on Settings. And under Settings, click the “Choose what to clear” button under the Clear browsing data section.
  • Next, check all the checkboxes and then click the Clear button to clear the browsing data in the Edge browser.
  • Restart Edge.

Option 3 – Reset, repair or reinstall Microsoft Edge via Settings

You can reset, repair or reinstall the Edge browser through Settings. If none of it helped, you can try the following:
  • Open File Explorer and then go to this path – C:/Users/YourUsername/AppData/Local/Packages
Note: Before you type in the path in the Address bar, make sure that you put your user account name in place with the “YourUsername”.
  • Tap Enter to proceed.
  • Next, look for the folder named “MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe” then right-click on it.
  • Click on Properties and uncheck the option “Read-only” under the General tab in the Properties window.
  • Click on Apply and then OK to save the changes made.
  • After that, look for the MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe folder again and delete it. And if a prompt stating “Folder Access Denied” appears on your screen, just click on the Continue button to proceed – doing so will delete most of the content inside the folder except for the folder named “AC”.
  • Restart your PC.
  • Now all you have to do is to re-register Microsoft Edge using PowerShell. In the Start Menu, search “Windows PowerShell”.
  • Right-click on Windows PowerShell from the search results and select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • Type in this command in the PowerShell windows and tap Enter – Cd C:/Users/YourUsername
Note: Once again, make sure that you key in your user account name in place of “YourUsername.
  • After that, type in this command and tap Enter – Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml" -Verbose}
  • Restart your PC.
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Fix Microsoft Edge Error 0x80200070
As you know, any software needs sufficient CPU power when it downloads, updates and installs so if you encounter an error code 0x80200070 when you tried to install or update the Microsoft Edge browser on your Windows 10 computer, then read on as this post will guide you on how to fix it. This kind of error occurs when the Edge browser installation does not get enough CPU power to update or install and the only way to fix it is to kill programs that are consuming a lot of PC resources as well as stop or remove any unnecessary programs that are running in the background. This kind of error can also be encountered in the new Microsoft Edge Chromium. For more details, follow each one of the options provided below.

Option 1 – Try to kill applications that consume high resources

  • Tap the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys to open the Task Manager.
  • Go to the Performance tab and sort by CPU usage.
  • Next, close a few additional programs that are consuming maximum CPU power.
  • After that, try to update or install Microsoft Edge again and check if the error is fixed. If not, try to restart your computer and then start the installation or update again.

Option 2 – Try to remove or stop unnecessary programs and services

If the applications or processes that are consuming a lot of CPU resources reappear even after you kill them or end their processes, then you can try the following suggestions to remove or stop these unnecessary programs and processes.
  • The first thing you can do is to stop the Service. If the program happens to be a service, then you have the option to disable the Windows Service. All you have to do is open the Services Manager and stop the service. How? Refer to these steps:
    • Tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run utility and type “services.msc” in the field and tap Enter to open the Services Manager.
  • After that, identify which service is consuming a lot of power and then stop it temporarily.
  • The next thing you can do is to uninstall the problematic program. If the one that consumes a lot of resources is not a service but a program, then you can try to uninstall the program for the meantime until you’ve updated or installed the Edge browser. Once you’ve uninstalled the program, try to update or install Edge again.
  • You can also try booting your computer into Safe Mode and then update or install Microsoft Edge. This will make sure that all the unnecessary programs and services won’t consume a lot of CPU resources as well as memory.
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An Easy Guide to Fixing Error Code 800b0100

Error Code 800b0100 - What is it?

800b0100 is a typical Windows Update error. This error message occurs when you try to install the latest updates from Microsoft Updates and Windows Updates. The error message is displayed in the following format:
“Code 800B0100 Windows Update encountered an unknown error.”


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error code 800b0100 may pop up on your computer screen due to different reasons. However, some of the common causes include:
  • The file needed by Windows Update is corrupt or missing
  • Security software conflict such as Firewall
  • Incorrect Registry keys
  • Windows security .dll files are registered incorrectly

Further Information and Manual Repair

To resolve error code 800b0100 on your system, you don’t have to hire a professional. This error is quite easy to repair and requires no technical expertise. In other words, you don’t need to be a computer programmer or technically sound to repair this issue. Here are some of the easy and effective DIY methods that you can try to resolve error code 800b0100 on your system:

Method 1

Download System Update Readiness Tool from Microsoft’s website on your PC. This tool can help you fix this problem that might prevent Windows Updates from installing. Typically it will take 15 minutes or less to scan your entire PC.  The System Update Readiness Tool will scan your computer for inconsistencies that may cause errors to occur.

Method 2

Disable Security Software on your PC for example if you use Windows Vista then you will have Firewall already built in. Disable it to resolve error 800b0100. To do this, simply go to the start menu and open the control panel and then select security. Now locate the option Windows Firewall and upon finding, simply choose the option Turn Windows Firewall on or off. Select off (not recommended) option, then click Apply and OK to reset and confirm changes. After that, go back to the Windows Update screen and then click the try again button. The download and installation would start. After the installation is complete, restart your PC to activate changes. Once the updates are successfully installed, not re-enable the Firewall, to ensure your PC is not exposed to potential security threats or viruses.

Method 3

Remove Invalid Keys from the Registry by downloading Restoro. This is a PC Fixer deployed with a registry cleaner. It scans your entire PC and removes all the obsolete and unnecessary files like cookies, bad and invalid registry keys. It cleans and repairs the registry in a few clicks. Click here to download Restoro.
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How to remove Boost My PC From Your System

Boost My PC is a program developed by During setup, a scheduled task is added to Windows Task Scheduler in order to launch the program at various scheduled times (the schedule varies depending on the version). When installed, it will add a context menu handler to the Windows shell in order to provide quick access to the program.

Boost My PC presents itself as a legit PC speed-up utility, it scans your computer for problems and displays errors that need to be fixed. Upon accepting to fix these alleged errors, you are asked for a Payment in order to activate this product for a few months.

Many anti-virus scanners have marked this application as a Potentially Unwanted Program, and while Boost My PC is not so harmful on its own, it comes bundled with other Potentially Unwanted Programs that might harm your computer.

About Potentially Unwanted Applications

If you’ve ever downloaded and installed a software package via the internet (shareware, freeware, etc,), odds are high you’ve unwittingly installed unwanted programs on your computer. Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP), also referred to as Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUA), are programs that you never wanted in the first place and sometimes come bundled with freeware software. Once installed, most of these applications can be hard to remove and become more of a pain rather than a benefit. It’s clear by the name – unwanted applications – but did not really constitute “malware” in the traditional sense. Much like malware, PUPs create problems when downloaded and installed on your machine, but what makes a PUP different is that you grant consent to download it – though the truth is vastly different – the software installation bundle actually tricks you into agreeing to the installation. Regardless of whether it is considered malware or otherwise, PUPs are almost always detrimental to the user as they could bring on adware, spyware, keystroke logging, along other dangerous “crapware” features on your computer.

Exactly how do unwanted programs look like?

Potentially Unwanted Programs appear in different forms and varieties, however, most times, these are typically adware programs that show annoying pop-up adverts and advertisements on web pages you drop by. PUPs that come as browser add-ons and toolbars are widely identifiable. These toolbars change your homepage and your search engine in the installed web browser, track your web activities, influence your search results with redirects and sponsored links, and eventually slow down your web browser and diminish your browsing experience. PUPs lie inside the gray part of the software spectrum. They may carry keyloggers, dialers, along with other software built right into them that might monitor you or send out your sensitive information to 3rd parties. Even if the PUPs aren’t inherently malicious, these programs still do practically nothing good on your personal computer – they will take valuable resources, slow your PC, weaken your device’s security, making your PC more susceptible to malware.

Tips on protecting yourself from PUPs

• Read the EULA carefully. Look for clauses that say that you ought to accept advertising and pop-ups or bundled programs from the company. • Choose the “custom” install whenever downloading a program. In particular, look closely at those tiny boxes that have been checked as default, where you might ‘agree’ to receive ads or install software bundlers. • Use an ad blocker/pop-up blocker; Deploy anti-malware products such as Safebytes Anti-malware. These types of applications will establish a wall between the computer and cybercriminals. • Avoid installing freeware software you will not make use of. Avoid installing browser extensions and applications you aren’t knowledgeable about. • Only download software from the original providers’ sites. Stay away from download portals because they use their own download manager to pack additional programs together with the initial download.

What you can do if Malware Prevents You From Downloading Anything?

Malware could cause all sorts of damage after they invade your system, from stealing your private details to deleting files on your computer system. Certain malware types alter web browser settings by including a proxy server or change the computer’s DNS configuration settings. In these cases, you’ll be unable to visit certain or all websites, and therefore unable to download or install the required security software to remove the infection. So what you should do if malicious software prevents you from downloading or installing Anti-Malware? Even though this kind of problem can be difficult to get around, there are a few steps you can take.

Download the application in Safe Mode with Networking

If any virus is set to run immediately when Windows starts, stepping into safe mode could block this attempt. Just the minimum required applications and services are loaded whenever you start your PC in Safe Mode. To start your Windows XP, Vista, or 7 computers in Safe Mode with Networking, follow the instructions below. 1) Press the F8 key continuously as soon as your system boots, but before the large Windows logo shows up. This should bring up the Advanced Boot Options menu. 2) Select Safe Mode with Networking with arrow keys and hit ENTER. 3) Once you get into this mode, you should have online access once again. Now, use your internet browser normally and navigate to https://safebytes.com/products/anti-malware/ to download and install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 4) Immediately after installation, run a full scan and let the software remove the threats it discovers.

Switch over to a different web browser

Some malware only targets specific web browsers. If this sounds like your situation, employ another web browser as it may circumvent the computer virus. If you’re not able to download the security software using Internet Explorer, this means the virus may be targeting IE’s vulnerabilities. Here, you must switch to another internet browser like Chrome or Firefox to download the Safebytes program.

Install and run anti-virus from a USB drive

Another option is to store and operate an anti-malware program completely from a Flash drive. Try these simple steps to clear up your infected computer by using portable anti-malware. 1) Download the anti-malware on a virus-free computer. 2) Plug the Flash drive into the clean computer. 3) Run the setup program by double-clicking the executable file of the downloaded software, with a .exe file extension. 4) Select the drive letter of the flash drive as the place when the wizard asks you where you want to install the anti-malware. Do as instructed on the computer screen to finish off the installation process. 5) Transfer the pen drive from the uninfected computer to the infected computer. 6) Double-click the EXE file to open the Safebytes tool right from the thumb drive. 7) Click on “Scan Now” to run a scan on the affected computer for viruses.

Ensure the Safety of Your PC by Installing SafeBytes Anti-Malware

If you’re looking to buy anti-malware for your computer, there are numerous brands and packages for you to consider. A few are very good ones, some are ok types, and some are merely fake anti-malware programs that could damage your personal computer themselves! You have to be very careful not to pick the wrong product, especially if you purchase a paid application. On the list of strongly recommended software programs is SafeBytes Anti-Malware. SafeBytes carries a very good history of top-quality service, and clients appear to be happy with it. SafeBytes anti-malware is a trustworthy tool that not only secures your system completely but is also very easy to use for people of all ability levels. Through its cutting-edge technology, this software protects your personal computer against infections caused by various kinds of malware and other threats, including spyware, adware, computer viruses, worms, trojan horses, keyloggers, potentially unwanted programs (PUPs), and ransomware.

There are plenty of wonderful features you’ll get with this particular security product. These are some of the highlighted features included in the software.

World-class AntiMalware Protection: Built on a highly acclaimed anti-virus engine, this malware removal application has the capacity to detect and get rid of several stubborn malware threats like browser hijackers, PUPs, and ransomware that other common antivirus programs will miss. Live Protection: SafeBytes gives you round-the-clock protection for your PC restricting malware attacks in real-time. It will regularly monitor your pc for hacker activity and also provides users with advanced firewall protection. Safe Web Browsing: SafeBytes provides an instant safety rating about the web pages you’re going to visit, automatically blocking risky sites and making sure that you are certain of your online safety while browsing the world wide web. Low CPU Usage: This program is lightweight and can run silently in the background, and that does not impact your computer efficiency. 24/7 Customer Support: SafeBytes provides 24/7 technical support, automatic maintenance, and updates for the best user experience. To sum it up, SafeBytes has created a meaningful anti-malware solution that is aimed to protect your computer against various malware. Malware problems can become a thing of the past once you put this software program to use. For top protection and the best value for your money, you can’t get better than SafeBytes Anti-Malware.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you don’t wish to use an automated tool and like to eliminate Boost My PC manually, you could possibly do so by going to the Add/Remove Programs menu in the Control Panel and deleting the offending program; in cases of web browser add-ons, you could remove it by going to the browsers Add-on/Extension manager. You will definitely also want to reset your internet browser. If you opt to manually delete the system files and Windows registry entries, make use of the following list to ensure that you know precisely what files to remove before executing any actions. Please remember that this is for skilled users only and may be challenging, with wrong file removal leading to additional PC errors. In addition, certain malware is capable of replicating itself or preventing deletion. It is highly recommended that you carry out the removal procedure in Safe Mode.
Files: %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Boost My PC %PROGRAMFILES%\Boost My PC Registry: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] delete the display Name: BoostMyPC
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A Quick Guide to Resolving Error 0146 on Your Dell Laptop

Error 0146 - What is it?

Dell laptop is a great choice for laptop users who like to have the best configuration, fast working platform, and long warranty period. But this does not mean that your errors can’t pop up on Dell laptops. Users can experience a variety of hardware and software-related issues on Dell laptops. And one such error is the error code 0146. This is a typical Dell laptop hard drive-related error code. It can cause your Dell laptop to freeze and system applications to stop responding for a long period of time. Therefore, it is recommended to fix the error immediately.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error 0146 may be triggered due to several reasons on your system. These include:
  • Program corruption
  • Viral infection
  • Hard drive issues

Further Information and Manual Repair

The good news is that error 0146 is easy to fix. Here are some of the easy do it yourself methods that you can try to resolve error 0146 on your system:

Method 1 - Run a Virus Scan

Malware and viruses can corrupt and damage the hard drive and trigger error 0146. In such an event, it is recommended that you open your antivirus, update it and run a full virus scan on your PC. Once the scan is complete, remove all the viruses. This will hopefully resolve the error 0146.

Method 2 - Run Your Laptop in Safe Mode and Clean Boot

Another alternative is to run your Dell laptop in safe mode and clean boot. To do this, simply disconnect all the attached devices like wireless printers, routers, and USB keys and turn off your laptop. Turn it on again and then press and hold the F8 key. Make sure you do it quickly before the Windows logo comes up. Now select ‘Safe mode with networking’ and press enter. After that, open System Configuration Utility by going to the start menu and typing ‘msconfig’ in RUN, and then click OK. In the System Configuration Utility click General then selective startup. Now uncheck the load startup items box ad select services and then check the hide all Microsoft services box and disable all. To apply these changes, click ‘Apply’ and then OK.  Now restart your laptop.

Method 3 - Change to SATA Drive

Sometimes error 0146 may pop up due to hard drive configuration changes. If this is the reason for error occurrence, then simply go to Dell Laptop BIOS. Check whether the hard drive configuration has been changed to AHCI SATA from SATA Drive. If it has changed, then it is advisable to change it back to SATA Drive. When you are done back up all your data, and then format your hard drive. It is important to create a backup because formatting will make you lose all your data. Once you format the hard drive, reinstall Windows from scratch.

Method 4 - Run a Registry Scan

If the error 0146 results due to program corruption then there is a possibility that the underlying reason might be registry damage. Therefore it is advisable to run a registry scan and repair it. To do so, download Restoro. This is a cutting-edge and user-friendly PC Fixer integrated with a registry cleaner. Run it to scan for registry issues. It removes all obsolete files corrupting and damaging the registry, repairs important and damaged system files and cleans the registry in the shortest time. Click here to download Restoro and resolve error 0146.
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Fix intelppm.sys error in Windows 10
intelppm.sys blue screen of death is linked to an outdated driver, if you received this error do not sweat we have simple solutions for you. Please keep on reading in order to find out what can you do to fix this error.
  1. Update driver Go to the device manager and manually update old-dated drivers. Note that this will take some time because you will need to update each device manually through the device manager but in the end, it will fix the issue.
  2. Use automated application Instead of going through each device one by one manually get a dedicated driver fixing device like DRIVERFIX and update all drivers automatically.
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How to Fix the Error Code 28

Error Code 28- What is it?

The error code 28 is a driver error. This is one of the many device manager error codes. When this error occurs on your computer, the following message is displayed:

“The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)”

Another driver device error message you might encounter is error code 41. 

Error Causes

Error 28 occurs because of unsuccessful device driver installation. This usually happens when you try to update new drive versions on your system. It is advisable to repair this error right away as it can hamper your ability to use certain hardware. For example, if error 28 occurs due to the unsuccessful installation of the USB driver, then it if not fixed and resolved it may prevent you from using hardware devices. Unsuccessful driver installation means you either didn’t install it properly or your computer has registry issues. If it’s the registry then you must fix it without any delay because it can expose your PC to serious threats like system crash and failure. To avoid such inconvenience, repair it.

Further Information and Manual Repair

When it comes to repairing the error code 28, here’s what you can do: Simply go to the control panel and click on the Device Manager option:
  • In the details pane with the list of devices, locate the device for which you want to reinstall the driver software.
  • Double click on it to open the properties dialog box.
  • Now click on the driver tab and then click update driver.
After updating, try using that device again if it doesn’t work and shows the error code 28 on your computer screen then this means the underlying cause is the registry.
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A Guide to Quick Fixing Error 10013

Error 10013 - What is it?

Error 10013 is a type of Socket Windows PC error. Socket error 10013 occurs when the attempt to access the server is denied. This indicates that the needed socket connection is denied which further implies that a port is blocked or unreachable.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The socket error 10013 can occur due to multiple reasons:
  • Antivirus or firewall software
  • Incompatible drivers
  • Registry corruption
  • Misconfigured files

Further Information and Manual Repair

To resolve the socket error 10013 on your PC, here are some methods that you can try:

1. Disable Firewall

To resolve this issue on your PC, you may have to temporarily disable Firewall. Sometimes Firewall can stop you from connecting to the server. Try doing this; it is most likely to resolve the error. If the Firewall is the reason for the denied access, turning it off will surely help.

2. Disable your Antivirus Software

If disabling the Firewall doesn’t resolve the issue, try disabling your antivirus software temporarily. If the error still persists, then try other solutions listed below.

3. Upgrade Drivers

Incompatible drivers could be a reason too for denied server access. Your server may no longer be using the drivers that you have on your PC which is why you may not be getting permission to access it. If this is the cause, then the best way to resolve it is to upgrade drivers. To find out about new drivers, visit the software manufacturer’s website for new drivers and then download them to your PC.

4. Registry Issues

Sometimes the underlying cause of the error could be registry issues and misconfigured files. If you don’t wipe out unnecessary and obsolete files from your systems like junk files, cookies, internet history, temporary files, and other files from your PC, it can damage and corrupt the registry and misconfigured files thereby causing socket error 10013 on your system. To resolve registry issues and repair your PC, download Restoro. It is an advanced, easy to use, and highly functional PC fixer embedded with multiple utilities including a powerful registry cleaner. It is deployed with an intuitive algorithm that scans and detects all registry issues in seconds. It removes all the unnecessary and obsolete files stored in your PC overloading your registry. This registry cleaner repairs the damaged and misconfigured files and restores the registry, thereby resolving socket error 10013 on your system right away. It has simple navigations and a user-friendly interface which makes it very easy for all levels of users to work around and use it to its maximum advantage.  Furthermore, it can be installed on all Windows PC. Restoro is compatible with all Windows versions. In addition to this, it also includes several other value-added features such as an antivirus, a system optimizer, and an Active X controls and class scanner. These utilities can be used to resolve numerous other PC-related errors. Click here to download Restoro today and resolve socket error 10013 on your PC right away.
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Fix 0xc0000454, The Boot Configuration ...
If you are in the process of booting up your computer but suddenly encountered an error saying, “The Boot Configuration Data for your PC is missing or contains errors” with an error code of 0xc0000454, read on as this post will help you resolve the problem. The error code 0xc0000454 occurs when you boot your computer and when the Windows Boot Manager encounters an issue with the Boot Configuration Data or BCD. The error code 0xc0000454 (STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_NVRAM_RESOURCES) signifies that there are no sufficient NVRAM or Non-Volatile Random Access Memory resources to complete the API. NVRAM is a component of the system based on the software that stores the Boot Configuration Data in an operating system. Usually, a simple restart can resolve the problem. However, if you’ve already done that and it’s of no use, then there are other potential fixes you can check out to troubleshoot the problem. To resolve the error code 0xc0000454, here are some potential fixes that should help:

Option 1 – Try to repair corrupted BCD

As mentioned, the error could also be due to corruption in BCD, and to fix it, you can use Bootrec.exe – a built-in command-line tool used to troubleshot issues related to boot up and Windows Startup. Before you run this tool, make sure that you have inserted a bootable USB or DVD into your computer. Once you have that covered, follow these steps:
  • You need to go to the Advanced Startup Options.
  • Then click on Troubleshoot.
  • Next, select the Advanced Options and then Command Prompt.
  • Once Command Prompt has been pulled up, enter each one of the following commands and in the sequence that they are given to rebuild BCD files and repair MBR files:
    • Bootrec /Fixmbr
    • Bootrec /FixBoot
  • After you execute the commands given above, you should see a confirmation message that says, “The operation completed successfully”.
  • Now type the “Bootrec /RebuildBCD” command to rebuild BCD.
  • Finally, close Command Prompt and then restart your computer to successfully apply the changes made.

Option 2 – Try to run the Automatic Repair Utility

You might also want to use Automatic Repair in fixing the error. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • You can start by creating and booting from a bootable Windows 10 USB Stick.
  • After that, click on Repair your computer located on the bottom left corner when you are on the initial Windows Startup screen.
  • Next, click on Troubleshoot, and then on the other screen, click the Startup Repair option.
  • Now select the operating system you want to repair. Once you do that, it will start to repair your operating system. Wait until the process is completed and then check if the problem’s now fixed.

Option 3 – Disable the Secure Boot in the BIOS

Disabling the Secure Boot in the BIOS settings is definitely recommended to resolve the error. To disable Secure Boot, here’s what you have to do:
  • First, boot your computer into Windows 10.
  • Next, go to Settings > Windows Update. From there, check if there is anything that you have to download and install if you see any available updates. Usually, OEMs send and update the list of trusted hardware, drivers, and operating systems for your computer.
  • After that, go to the BIOS of your computer.
  • Then go to Settings > Update & Security > Advanced Startup options. If you click on Restart Now, it will restart your computer and give you all the advanced options.
  • Next, select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options. As you can see, this screen offers you further options including System restore, Startup repair, Go back to the previous version, Command Prompt, System Image Recovery, and UEFI Firmware Settings.
  • Select the UEFI Firmware Settings which will take you to the BIOS.
  • From there, go to the Security > Boot > Authentication tab where you should see Secure Boot. Note that every OEM has its own way of implementing the options so it varies.
  • Next, set Secure Boot to Disabled and set Legacy Support to On or Enabled.
  • Save the changes made and exit. Afterward, your computer will reboot.

Option 4 – Try to reset the BIOS

If updating the BIOS didn’t help in fixing the error, you can try to reset the BIOS instead.
  • Start your computer and tap the F10 key during the booting process to enter the BIOS. If it does not work, you can try tapping the F1 or F2 key as well as the Del key.
  • Once you’re already in the BIOS, tap the F9 key to get the prompt to RestoreLoad default configuration now for the BIOS.
  • Next, click on Yes and then follow the next on-screen instructions that appear to set the BIOS back to its default settings.
  • Once you’re done restoring the default settings of the BIOS, restart your computer and then check if it now boots properly.
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