
Fix Windows Update Error 0x8024500C

If you encounter error 0x8024500C after a Windows Update or when you were trying to update Windows Store apps, read on as this post will guide you in fixing the problem. This kind of Windows Update error indicates that the Windows Update service has been blocked.

Here are some suggestions you could check out to resolve the Windows Update error 0x8024500C on your Windows 10 computer.

Option 1 – Try checking the status of all the Windows Update Services

You need to check if all the Windows Update Services are up and running or not. To do so, follow the steps below.

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open Windows Services.
  • From the list of Services, look for the following services that support Windows Update:
    • Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)
    • Delivery Optimization
    • Windows Update
    • Windows Update Medic Service
  • Once you’ve found them, check if they are running just fine or not. if not, you can right-click on each entry and click on Start.

Option 2 – Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

You might also want to run the Windows Update Troubleshooter as it could also help in fixing Windows Update Error 0x8024500C. To run it, go to Settings and then select Troubleshoot from the options. From there, click on Windows Update and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button. After that, follow the next on-screen instructions and you should be good to go.

Option 3 – Try downloading and installing the Windows Updates manually

Error 0x8024500C might be due to a Windows Update that has failed. So if it is not a feature update and only a cumulative update, you can download the Windows Update and install it manually. But first, you need to find out which update has failed, and to do so, refer to the following steps:

  • Go to Settings and from there go to Update and Security > View Update History.
  • Next, check which particular update has failed. Note that Updates that have failed to install will be displayed under the Status column which has a label of “Failed”.
  • After that, go to the Microsoft Download Center and look for that update using its KB number and once you find it, download and then install it manually.

Note: You can also use the Microsoft Update Catalog, a service from Microsoft that provides a list of software updates that can be distributed over a corporate network. With the help of this service, it can be easier for you to find Microsoft software updates, drivers as well as fixes.

Option 4 – Try checking the Registry settings

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “Regedit” in the field and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • After that, navigate to this registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsWindowsUpdate
  • Then double click on “DisableWindowsUpdateAccess” located at the right side of the panel and make sure that its value is set to “0”. If not, you have to change it to “0”.
  • Now restart your computer and check if error 0x8024500C is now fixed or not

Option 5 – Disable the Proxy server

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “inetcpl.cpl” in the field and hit Enter to pull up the Internet Properties.
  • After that, go to the Connections tab and select the LAN settings.
  • From there. Uncheck the “Use a Proxy Server” option for your LAN and then make sure that the “Automatically detect settings” option is checked.
  • Now click the OK and the Apply buttons.
  • Restart your PC.

Note: If you are using a third-party proxy service, you have to disable it.

Option 6 – Try to reset the Microsoft Store cache

Just like browsers, Microsoft Store also caches as you view apps and games so it is most likely that the cache is no longer valid and must be removed. To do so, follow the steps below.

  • Right-click on the start button and click on Command Prompt (administrator).
  • Next, type in the command, “exe” and tap Enter. Once you do, the command will clear the cache for the Windows Store app.
  • Now restart your PC and afterward, try opening Microsoft Store again.

Option 7 – Perform a System Restore

Performing System Restore might help you in fixing the Windows Update error 0x8024500C. You can do this option either by booting into Safe Mode or in System Restore. If you are already in the Advanced Startup Options, just directly select System Restore and proceed with the next steps. And if you have just booted your PC into Safe Mode, refer to the steps below.

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.

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New Microsoft Windows 11 store
When Microsoft held Windows 11 presentation it took special time to present the upcoming new Windows 11 store as kind of a big deal. It was openly stated that with new Windows we will get a new store with a different attitude and new look.

microsoft storeNew Microsoft store

Microsoft has stated that both customer and developer feedback over time has contributed to their redesign and rethinking of the store itself. They want to be sure that policies for developers are more straightforward and clear so more developers will decide to bring their product to Windows. As for customers, they want more safety and more security so they feel protected when making a purchase. The new store will come in Windows 11 but also in Windows 10 as well via update.

Stories and collections

Introducing the new store will be curated stories. Microsoft believes that stores should be focused on user experience so stories from customers themselves will play a big role here. They are rich editorial content to keep you informed about the best apps and inspire you to achieve more with your device. This approach to information is aimed at bringing unknown applications to users via presenting them in a professional manner. Android apps in the store As stated in Windows 11 unveiling and presentation, Android apps will work inside Windows 11. Microsoft has teamed up with Amazon to bring you Android apps directly inside Windows via the new Microsoft store.

Pop up store from within a browser

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Support for multiple types of applications

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Flexibility and choice of commerce platform

Starting July 28, app developers will also have an option to bring their own or a third-party commerce platform in their apps, and if they do so they don’t need to pay Microsoft any fee. They can keep 100% of their revenue.
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Do-It-Yourself Guide to Fixing Runtime Error 5

Runtime Error 5 - What Is It?

Runtime Error 5 is one of those errors that Windows users encounter at least once in their life. Generally, when Runtime Error 5 occurs, the message that appears says ‘Invalid Procedure Call or Argument’. Runtime Error 5 occurs because the Quality Analyst function that resides within the Operating System behaves in an abnormal manner and the user receives a warning.


Restoro box imageError Causes

As explained above, Runtime Error 5 is caused because of the unexplained behavior of the Quality Analyst function. The problem occurs when the function is lost and is not mapped to any drive. As a result, Windows is unable to find and load it and displays the error message. Runtime Error 5 is also caused by other reasons listed below as follows.
  • When files of programs like Visual Basic use bad entries in the registry.
  • When a user attempts to load Internet Explorer and a global cash of browser occurs, this also causes Runtime Error 5.
Since these types of errors can easily be fixed, it is strongly advised that a user takes the necessary actions to keep them from occurring in the future.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Some instructions for users to fix Runtime Error 5 as soon as it appears are listed below as follows.
  1. Users are recommended to restart their computers. However, prior to doing so, it is advised that any programs that are opened are closed and work is saved to prevent data loss. Once the computer restarts, users should load the program that triggered Runtime Error 5 once again to determine whether or not the error recurs.
  2. If the problem persists, the best approach is to uninstall the program causing the error. This can be accomplished by going to the ‘Control Panel’ and selecting the ‘Add/Remove programs’ option if one is using Windows XP or Windows 95. However, if a user is running Windows 7, the same task can be accomplished in the ‘Program and Features’ option. If there’s an option that allows you to clear personal settings and preferences, the box should be checked.
  3. Now reinstall the program using the latest version of the installer to stop encountering this error. Use any patch for the program if available. Run installer while following the instructions on the screen. Check the default settings as well.  It is suggested to instantly install any patches if available.
  4. Another piece of advice is to simultaneously press ‘Ctrl, Shift, and Esc’. Windows task manager will appear. Go to the “processes” tab and select a process that doesn’t look familiar to you. Note the filename and click on the ‘End Process’ button. Load the program again and find out if the error occurs. Once the program causing the error is identified, the user can perform the steps listed above to resolve the problem.
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How to Turn Bluetooth ON in Windows 11
Windows 11 BluetoothBluetooth perhaps is slowly becoming an outdated feature but sometimes you can really used it and need it. By default, in Windows 11 Bluetooth is turned OFF so if you need it, you will need to turn it ON first. Luckily turning it ON is easy and we will guide you through the process

Turning Bluetooth using the Quick Settings menu

The easiest and fastest way to turn the Bluetooth ON is using the quick setting menu:
  1. Click on indicator icons located left of date and time in Taskbar
  2. Click on the Bluetooth icon (if the icon is not displayed, click on the pencil icon, then click on Add and add Bluetooth icon from the list)
  3. Right-click on the Bluetooth icon and select go to Settings
  4. Go to Adding a Bluetooth Device to Windows 11 section

Switch it ON via Windows Settings

  1. Open Windows settings by using ⊞ WINDOWS + I combination
  2. Click on Bluetooth & Devices
  3. Inside settings turn Switch to ON beside Bluetooth
  4. Click + Add Device large button on top
  5. Click Bluetooth
  6. Select device in the list of found devices (make sure device is turned ON, it has Bluetooth sharing ON, and that it is in pairing mode)
  7. If the device needs the password, type it in
  8. When the message Your device is ready to go is showed on the screen click on the Done

Advice on Bluetooth devices

Note that the Bluetooth devices you connect to Windows 11 stay linked to your PC unless you pair them with a different PC, smartphone, or tablet later. After a time, most Bluetooth devices power down automatically to save battery life. To continue where you left off, either power the Bluetooth device up (if it has a power button) or press a button on a keyboard or mouse, and it should automatically turn on and reconnect with your PC. If you’re having trouble connecting your Bluetooth device, make sure that Windows 11 is fully updated and that you’ve installed any drivers that came with your device. Make sure that the device is fully charged or that it has a fresh set of batteries. while Windows is searching. You’ll need to remove the device from Windows 11 first and then attempt to pair it with your PC again.

Removing devices

If you need to remove (un-pair) a Bluetooth device, just open Windows Settings and navigate to Bluetooth & Devices. Locate the name of the device that you want to remove, click the three dots button in the corner of its square and select Remove Device.
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Quick Solution Guide to Error Code 40

Error Code 40 – What is it?

Error Code 40 is a device driver error that users encounter on any Windows 2000 and later operating systems. It occurs when the peripheral device that you connect to your PC cannot be accessed due to a change in the system registry.

This is due to the presence of invalid sub-keys of the device driver in the system registry. It is a common error that users come across and appears on your PC with either of the following messages:

“Information in the registry entry for this driver is invalid”


"Windows cannot access this hardware because its service key information in the registry is missing or recorded incorrectly. (Code 40)"


driverfix boxError Causes

As mentioned above, the error code is triggered when the device driver’s invalid sub-keys appear in the registry, effectively changing it. This happens when the windows system files get damaged due to the following factors:

  • An incomplete program uninstallation
  • An incomplete program installation
  • Hardware is not removed properly
  • System recovery from viruses
  • An improper system shut down

Factors such as incomplete installations or uninstallations or an improper system shut down can cause files to become damaged that threaten the health of your computer.

Removing viruses from the computer is also another factor as it removes the entries in the Windows system files which contain the viruses including spyware or malware

Further Information and Manual Repair

Fixing Error Code 40 is similar to fixing other device manager error codes. Here are a few methods you can try.

Method 1 – Use System Restore

You can use system restore to eliminate the problem. Here is how you can use it:

  • Log in using an Administrator account
  • Click ‘Start’ button and select All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore
  • Click ‘Restore my computer to an earlier time’ and click ‘Next’
  • Select the last Windows restore point from the ‘On this list, click a restore point’ list, and click ‘Next’
  • Click ‘Next’ on the confirmation window to proceed
  • Restart your PC after restoration is complete
By restoring the system via a last saved system checkpoint, you can obtain undamaged Windows system registry files that can help avert the error code.

Method 2 – Manually uninstall then reinstall the device driver

If using system restore also does not work in removing the error code, you may have to resort to manually uninstalling and then reinstalling the device driver causing the problem.

This would be necessary since the remaining incomplete files due to a partial removal or installation of programs is what contributes to the error code. By uninstall and reinstalling the device driver program, it would lead to the completion of the files.

You can do this by firstly logging in as Administrator and open Device Manager. Select the device that is causing the problem and double click it and make sure that the peripheral is connected properly to the PC. Upon opening, click on the ‘Driver’ tab and then select ‘Update Driver’.

Make sure to refer to the system documentation that you received with your PC or computer to check for the motherboard details and driver specifics.

Method 3 – Use software to automatically download the driver

Manually uninstalling and reinstalling the driver will do the trick, however, it may be time-consuming especially when you would have to resort to your hardware user manual.

Therefore, using a program such as DriverFIX can save you a lot of time and frustration in having your device work properly on your computer.

DriverFIX, with its user-friendly approach to help you fix your PC issues, comes with an integrated database that detects which drivers you need to reconfigure within just a few seconds and downloads it automatically.

It further ensures that your drivers are installed in their entirety leaving no room for any incomplete files to remain that create Error Code 40.

It also has the added advantage of being able to backup and restores your files should there be the slightest possibility of system file damage.

Thus, registry damage can be averted by letting the software roll back the system files to an earlier healthy checkpoint. Driver Assist is the answer to fixing your PC error codes accurately and quickly.

Click here to download DriverFIX to fix Error Code 40 quickly and effectively!
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How to remove Easy Home Decorating (easyhomedecorating.com) toolbar

Easy Home Decorating is a Browser Extension for Google Chrome. It offers users tips and tricks on how to manage your home decoration, you can find ideas for certain rooms, combine and plan. This might seem useful at the start, however, all this extension does is add a toolbar that links you to the most popular Home Decor Websites that you can find on any Search engine within seconds.

When installed it changes your default search engine and new tab page to MyWay.com or Ask.com (depending on the extension version). It monitors user browsing activity in the background, allowing it to gather visited websites, clicked links, search queries, and other user information. This data is later sent/sold to better target ads.

While using this extension you will see additional ads and sponsored content displaying throughout your browsing sessions. Several anti-virus applications have marked this extension as a Browser Hijacker and a potential security flaw and are therefore not recommended to keep on your computer.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijackers (sometimes referred to as hijackware) are a type of malware that modifies web browser configurations without the user’s knowledge or approval. These hijacks happen to be increasing at an alarming rate worldwide, and it could be actually nefarious and sometimes harmful too. Browser hijacker malware is developed for many different reasons. These are generally used to force visitors to a particular website, manipulating web traffic to earn ad revenue. It might seem naive, but the majority of these websites are not legitimate and can present a serious risk to your online safety. Moreover, hijackers could make the whole infected system vulnerable – other destructive malware and viruses would use these opportunities to get into your computer effortlessly.

How one can know if your browser has been hijacked

Here are some signs and symptoms that suggest you’ve been hijacked: your web browser’s home page is suddenly different; if you enter a URL, you find yourself regularly directed to a different site than the one you meant; the default online search engine is modified; unsolicited new toolbars are added to your web browser; you see a lot of pop-up ads on your computer screen; your web browser gets slow, buggy, crashes frequently; you can’t visit specific websites like home pages of security software.

How does a computer get infected with a browser hijacker?

Browser hijackers infect computer systems in numerous ways, including through a drive-by download, a file-share, or an infected email. They can also come from any BHO, extension, add-on, toolbar, or plug-in with malicious purpose. Other times you might have inadvertently accepted a browser hijacker as part of a software bundle (generally freeware or shareware). Examples of well-known browser hijackers are Fireball, GoSave, Ask Toolbar, CoolWebSearch, Babylon Toolbar, and RocketTab. Browser hijackers could affect the user’s web browsing experience significantly, monitor the websites visited by users and steal private information, cause difficulty in connecting to the web, and finally create stability problems, causing programs and systems to freeze.

How you can fix a browser hijack

Certain kinds of browser hijackers can be effortlessly removed from your PC by deleting malicious software applications or any other recently installed shareware. But, many hijackers are very hard to identify or eliminate as they might get themselves associated with some important computer files which allow it to operate as a necessary operating system process. Rookie computer users should never try the manual form of removal methods since it requires comprehensive computer knowledge to carry out repairs on the computer registry and HOSTS file. Anti-malware application is really efficient with regards to picking up and removing browser hijackers that normal anti-virus application has overlooked. To eradicate any kind of browser hijacker from your PC, you can download this certified malware removal program – SafeBytes Anti-Malware. Employ a system optimizer (like Total System Care) together with your antivirus software to solve various registry issues, remove system vulnerabilities, and improve your computer's overall performance.

How To Install Safebytes Anti-Malware On An Infected PC

All malware is bad, but certain kinds of malware do much more damage to your PC than others. Some malware is designed to restrict or prevent things that you wish to do on your personal computer. It may well not permit you to download anything from the net or prevent you from accessing some or all of the websites, especially the anti-virus sites. If you’re reading this article, you probably have got infected by a virus that prevents you from downloading a computer security program such as Safebytes Antimalware on your PC. There are some steps you can take to get around this issue.

Install in Safe Mode

The Windows OS has got a special mode known as “Safe Mode” in which just the bare minimum required programs and services are loaded. If the malware is blocking access to the internet and affecting your PC, running it in Safe Mode allows you to download antivirus and run a scan while limiting possible damage. In order to get into Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking, press the F8 key while the computer is starting up or run MSCONFIG and locate the “Safe Boot” options in the “Boot” tab. Once you are in Safe Mode, you can attempt to download and install your antivirus program without the hindrance of the malicious software. Now, you can run the antivirus scan to eliminate viruses and malware without any interference from another application.

Switch to an alternate internet browser

Web-based malware could be environment-specific, aiming for a particular web browser or attacking specific versions of the browser. In case you suspect that your Internet Explorer has been hijacked by a computer virus or otherwise compromised by cybercriminals, the most effective course of action is to switch to a different internet browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari to download your favorite computer security software – Safebytes Anti-Malware.

Run anti-virus from a USB drive

Another solution is to save and operate an antivirus software program entirely from a Thumb drive. To run antivirus using a thumb drive, follow these simple steps: 1) On a clean PC, download and install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Put the USB drive into the uninfected PC. 3) Double-click the Setup icon of the anti-malware program to run the Installation Wizard. 4) When asked, choose the location of the USB drive as the place in which you would like to store the software files. Follow the instructions to finish the installation process. 5) Now, insert the pen drive into the infected PC. 6) Double-click the EXE file to open the Safebytes program right from the flash drive. 7) Click “Scan Now” to run a complete scan on the affected computer for viruses.

SafeBytes Anti-Malware Overview

To help protect your laptop or computer from various internet-based threats, it’s very important to install an anti-malware program on your PC. But with countless numbers of antimalware companies out there, these days it’s challenging to decide which one you should buy for your PC. Some of them are good, some are ok types, while some will harm your PC themselves! You must pick a company that builds industry-best anti-malware and has gained a reputation as reliable. Amongst few good programs, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is the highly recommended software program for the security-conscious user. SafeBytes is a powerful, real-time anti-spyware application that is designed to assist the everyday computer end user in safeguarding their computer from malicious internet threats. With its cutting-edge technology, this application will allow you to remove several types of malware including viruses, trojans, PUPs, worms, ransomware, adware, and browser hijackers.

There are plenty of great features you’ll get with this particular security product. Listed here are a few of the great ones:

Real-time Threat Response: SafeBytes offers real-time active checking and protection from all known viruses and malware. It’ll monitor your PC for suspicious activity continuously and its unparalleled firewall shields your PC from illegal access by the outside world. Antimalware Protection: Built upon a greatly acclaimed anti-virus engine, this malware removal tool can find and get rid of many obstinate malware threats such as browser hijackers, PUPs, and ransomware that other typical anti-virus software will miss. Website Filtering: SafeBytes checks and gives a unique safety rating to every website you visit and block access to webpages known to be phishing sites, thus protecting you against identity theft, or known to contain malicious software. Lowest CPU and RAM Usage: SafeBytes provides complete protection from internet threats at a fraction of the CPU load due to its advanced detection engine and algorithms. Premium Support: For any technical questions or product support, you could get 24/7 expert assistance through chat and email. Overall, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is a solid program as it has lots of features and could detect and remove any potential threats. You can be sure that your PC will be protected in real-time once you put this software program to use. You will get the very best all-around protection for the money you pay on SafeBytes Anti-Malware subscription, there’s no question about it.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you don’t wish to use an automated tool and prefer to get rid of Easy Home Decorating manually, you might accomplish this by going to the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu in the control panel and removing the offending software; in cases of web browser add-ons, you could remove it by visiting the browser’s Add-on/Extension manager. Additionally, it is suggested to factory reset your web browser settings to their default state. To make sure of complete removal, find the following Windows registry entries on your computer and delete it or reset the values appropriately. Please remember that this is for experienced users only and might be challenging, with incorrect file removal causing additional PC errors. Also, certain malware is capable of replicating itself or preventing deletion. Completing this task in Safe Mode is suggested.
Files: Search and Delete: 73Bar.dll 73bar.dll 73highin.exe 73medint.exe 73regfft.dll 73regiet.dll 73hkstub.dll 73reghk.dll 73barsvc.exe 73bprtct.dll 73datact.dll 73dlghk.dll 73dlghk64.dll 73feedmg.dll 73htmlmu.dll 73httpct.dll 73idle.dll 73mlbtn.dll 73Plugin.dll 73script.dll 73skin.dll 73skplay.exe 73SrcAs.dll APPINTEGRATOR.EXE AppIntegrator64.exe APPINTEGRATORSTUB.DLL AppIntegratorStub64.dll ASSISTMONITOR.DLL ASSISTMONITOR64.DLL CREXT.DLL CrExtP73.exe DPNMNGR.DLL HKFXMGR.DLL HKFXMGR64.DLL HPG.DLL Hpg64.dll T8EPMSUP.DLL T8EXTEX.DLL T8EXTPEX.DLL T8HTML.DLL 73SrchMn.exe 73srchmr.dll NP73Stub.dll 73auxstb.dll 73auxstb64.dll 73ieovr.dll 73radio.dll 73brmon.exe 73brstub.dll
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How to fix the Javaw.exe Error Code

Javaw exe - What is it?

Javaw.exe is a type of executable file or a process used by Sun Microsystems. It is in charge of executing programs created with Java on Windows PC. It is a part of the Oracle Java Runtime Environment. The javaw exe error hampers your ability to run programs supported by Java. Common Javaw.exe error messages include:
  • "Javaw.exe Application Error."
  • "Javaw.exe is not a valid Win32 application."
  • “Cannot find javaw.exe.""Javaw.exe not found."
  • "Error starting program: javaw.exe."
  • "Javaw.exe is not running.""Javaw.exe failed."
  • "Javaw.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."


Restoro box imageError Causes

There can be many reasons for javaw.exe error code on your PC such as:
  • Viral infection
  • Malware attack
  • Invalid registry entries
Ignoring such error messages is not wise. You must resolve it right away as such errors can lead to serious PC threats like system failure and data security threats.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Scan the Javaw.Exe File For Malware

To fix Java Exe error on your system, first you need to find out the cause of the error. Is it triggered by malware or invalid registry entries? The best way to identify the cause is to check your system’s CPU usage. This can be done through assessing the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del all at the same time. After that, click ‘Processes and locate the javaw.exe file. Remember this file does not require too much memory, so abnormal memory usage is a surefire sign that the java.exe file on your system is a virus. To resolve it, download an antivirus and run it to scan and remove viruses from your PC. However, running an antivirus may slow down your PC performance. On the other hand, if you find the memory usage is fine, then this means the error is not caused by malware but it occurred either due to old version system files on your PC or registry corruption.

Update the Javaw.Exe File

To remove the old version files, go to the start menu. Click Control Panel and then Add/Remove programs. Here find the Java program and uninstall it. Now after the program is completely uninstalled, go to Java’s official website and download the latest version of your desired program. Restart your PC after the installation is successfully complete.

Clean & Repair Registry

If the problem still persists, then the javaw exe error is mostly likely triggered due to registry corruption. The best way to resolve it is to clean and restore the registry. You can do it manually but you may find the manual procedure slightly time-consuming and complex especially you are not a computer programmer. Therefore we recommend you download Restoro.

Why Restoro?

Whether the javaw exe error occurs due to viral infection, invalid entries, or registry corruption, Restoro takes care of all. This is a new, cutting edge, and multi functional PC fixer deployed with multiple performance-boosting and system repair utilities including a powerful registry cleaner, an antivirus, a system optimizer, and Active X controls, and a Class ID detector. The registry cleaning utility wipes out all the unnecessary files, clearing up the cluttered disk. It cleans the registry and restores it. Simultaneously, the antivirus feature detects and scans all malicious software infecting your PC and removes them right away. The system optimizer module boosts the speed of your system and ensures your PC performs at its optimum pace. This is a safe, efficient, and bug-free tool. It has a user-friendly interface and easy navigation. Furthermore, it is compatible with all Windows versions. Click here to download Restoro and resolve Javaw exe error on your PC today!
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Pixel's fast emergency dialer

Google's Pixel smartphone is one if not the best Android smartphone on the market. It regularly gets updates and Google is really trying to keep it as a top choice for Android smartphone users. One of the new things that Google has released for its smartphone series is a new emergency dialer.

google pixel 6

With an emergency dialer, you will be able to quickly access local contact information for police, fire, and medical services. This dialer is able to contact before mentioned services even when the phone is locked and when you are traveling.

The idea is to quickly access the default emergency number no matter in which country you are currently in, service will find the appropriate number and set it as default so if you need it there is no delay in searching for the appropriate number and dialing it.

Once the service is enabled on the device you can swipe up and tap Emergency call without unlocking your phone or you can press and hold the power button for five seconds and tap Emergency.

If you have a Pixel smartphone go to the Google support page and follow instructions on how to enable this service. It costs nothing and it could potentially even save your life.

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A Quick Guide to Resolving Error 1512

Error 1512 - What is it?

Error 1512 is a type of runtime error code. This error may hamper your ability to run and load your desired programs on Windows PC. There are increased chances of runtime error 1512 occurring when system files go missing or get corrupt. Symptoms of this error code include:
  • Slow PC speed
  • Window System freeze


Restoro box imageError Causes

There are several for the occurrence of runtime error 1512. These include:
  • Faulty or outdated drivers
  • Poor Program installation
  • Damaged Windows Registry
  • Viruses tampering the system settings/memory
  • Broken or incorrect Registry entries
  • Damaged Windows registry

Further Information and Manual Repair

To resolve this issue you don’t have to hire a professional and spend hundreds of dollars to get it fixed. Here are some of the best and easy do-it-yourself methods to repair error 1512 on your system in a few minutes. These methods are very easy to work around and do not require any kind of technical expertise.

Method 1 - Uninstall and then reinstall the Same Program

Sometimes this runtime error may pop up due to poor program installation. In such an event, it is advisable to uninstall the program and then reinstall it again properly. To do so, go to the start menu, and click on control panel. Now select the program & features option. Here you will find the option Add/Remove Program. Remove the program causing error 1512. Once the program is removed, reinstall it again.

Method 2 - Run an Antivirus Program

Computer viruses are capable of tampering with system settings. Due to this reason you might experience runtime errors like 1512 on your PC. These malicious programs usually enter the system through phishing emails or website downloads. To resolve the issue, you need to run a powerful antivirus program. An antivirus removes all sorts of malicious programs hiding in your PC like malware, spyware, and malware that are responsible for generating runtime errors.

Method 3 - Update the Outdated Drivers on your PC

If the error still persists, then it is suggested to update outdated drivers. Faulty and outdated drivers can also trigger runtime error 1512. To do this, go to the Device Manager. Here use the Driver update wizard to make updates.

Method 4 - Remove the Invalid Registry Entries and Repair the Damaged Registry

The best way to perform both tasks is to download Restoro. It is embedded with a registry cleaner that is quite easy to use. The registry cleaner removes all invalid entries in seconds, cleans the cluttered registry by wiping out all the redundant and unnecessary files. The damaged registry is then repaired and resumes its normal function. Click here to download Restoro and resolve runtime error 1512.
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Fix Invalid file handle Error during ...
If you encounter an error saying, “Invalid file handle” when you try to rename, copy, delete a file or other operations in your Windows 10 computer, then read on as this post will guide you in what you can do to fix it. This kind of error pops up when the operating system tries to carry out an operation on a folder or file using the following words:
When you rename or create a folder or file using the reserved words given above, you could encounter an error that says, “The specified device name is invalid”. This occurs since these words are Windows system reserved words that you can’t use, unlike any other words. Thus, if you have a folder or file which contains any of the reserved words on another computer that runs a non-Windows operating system and you try to copy or rename it Windows, then it’s no wonder why you’re getting this error message. In such cases, you can always click on the Skip button to stop the operation. However, if there are various folders or files, you can just use the Command Prompt to carry out the task. All it takes is a simple command that will get rid of the folder as well as the files in it. How? Refer to the instructions given below. Step 1: Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run utility. Step 2: Next, type “cmd” in the field and then tap Enter to open Command Prompt. Step 3: After opening Command Prompt, execute the following command:
rd \.file-folder-path /S /Q
Note: The “rd” command will remove the directory or the folder while the “\.” command will select the current computer. The “/S” command, on the other hand, helps you in removing all the sub-directories and the files that are in the CON folder. The “/Q” command is not really mandatory since it helps you remove everything silently without any confirmation message. For example, if you have a folder named “CON” located on your Desktop, the path will be like this “C:/Users/<username>/Desktop/CON”. In this case, the command should be like this:
rd \.C:Users<username>DesktopCON /S /Q
However, if the error pops up for a whole different reason, you could use the following command instead to remove the reparse point extended functionality. Once you’ve entered the given command below, you should now be able to delete the file.
FSUTIL reparsepoint delete C:Users<username>DesktopFileName DEL C:Users<username>DesktopFileName
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WEB sites for cheap game purchases
Gaming can be sometimes a very cheap hobby, sometimes can be really expensive. It really depends on your preferences or gaming habits. So for all of you game spenders, we have compiled a little list of WEB sites where you can find games cheap. Provided sites are checked ones and not scam. You can purchase without concern. Also, note that some of these sites will require you to create an account in order to be able to make a purchase.

List of WEB sites for cheap purchases

is there any deal cheap gamesIs There Any Deal

https://isthereanydeal.com/ Is there any deal really behaves as it sounds, it is basically a search engine tailored to find existing deals on required games. Type in the desired game and see if anywhere you can find a deal on it. The site also features wait for better price options as well as the price history of the game and the trend of its sales.

cheap shark dealsCheap Shark

https://www.cheapshark.com/ On cheap shark by typing game name, you will get its listing on different online retailers, like Steam, EPIC, etc. so you can compare prices among them and pick the best deal. Site packs are also the cheapest ever feature so you can check the lowest price ever on the wished title and you can get alerts and notifications on prices.

humble bundleHumble Bundle

https://www.humblebundle.com/ Humble bundle got famous for its pay what you want approach due to its origins where it was selling games and donate money to charities. Even today they go by this logic once they decide to place great games on sale for charity purposes and you can donate any amount you wish (there is the minimum amount, but it is very cheap). And regular cheap bundles make this site one of the best out there.

fanatical cheap gamesFanatical

https://www.fanatical.com/ Fanatical is a site that will offer you to get titles in a bundle with a discount, the good stuff is that you can create your own bundle and get a discount on bulk purchases. And the site also offers flash deals and holds sales where you can buy stuff cheaper.

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https://slickdeals.net/deals/games/ If you are looking for the best deals on daily basis slick deals is the site for you. We could not found a better website that offers cheaper deals on a daily basis and you can subscribe to get notified in email about daily discounts.

green man gamingGreen Man Gaming

https://www.greenmangaming.com/ Green Man Gaming is one of the best stores and game discount sites out there, it might not be the cheapest but one very important thing about it is that keys for Stream and Xbox come directly from the game publisher so you can rest assured that they are all 100% legal and do not come from some third party benefits and resellers. And that's it for now. We hope to see you again on our site for more articles and error fixing tips.
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