
Windows Photo Viewer can’t display picture

There are instances when you open a picture or an image in the Windows Photo Viewer and instead of displaying the image, it displays nothing and you’ll see an error message instead that says, “Windows Photo Viewer can’t display this picture because there might not be enough memory available on your computer”.

Although this may look like a clear-cut issue of less storage space or low RAM in your computer, that’s not always the case. Security experts noticed that even when your computer has enough resources and disk space, this kind of problem could still occur. So if you experience the same thing, you need to check the Color Profile of your screen. For more information, refer to the detailed instructions provided below but before you proceed, make sure that you close some processes in the Task Manager or restart your computer and see if it helps in fixing the problem. You can also try using the Disk Cleanup tool. To use it, refer to these steps:

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and then type “cleanmgr” in the field and hit Enter to open the Disk Cleanup window.
  • After that, select the drive you want to clean.
  • Now click OK to clean the disk and restart your computer.

If the Disk Cleanup tool didn’t help in resolving the issue, refer to the instructions below.

Step 1: In the search box, type “color management” and then select the “Change advanced color management settings for display” option from the search results. Or you could simply go to Settings > System > Display, Advanced display settings, and from there, select display and click on the Display adapter properties of Display.

Step 2: Next, switch to the Color Management tab and click on the Color Management button.

Step 3: Select the monitor where you’re getting the “Windows Photo Viewer can’t display this picture because there might not be enough memory available on your computer” error in the next window. And if you have two displays, make sure that you select the primary display. You also have an option to identify the monitor.

Step 4: Once confirmed, select the “Use my settings for this device” checkbox.

Step 5: After that, select the Profile listed under the “Profiles associated with this device” option and then click on Remove.

Step 6: Next, go to the Advanced tab and make sure that all settings are set to System default which includes a device profile, perceptual images, rendering intent, Relative Colorimetric, and many more.

Step 7: Once you’re done, you have to restart your computer and then try to open the same image you were trying to open earlier and then check if you can now open it instead of seeing the error.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Patching Error Code 24

Code 24 - What is it?

You may experience error code 24 when you try to use a device on your PC that is not properly installed or its driver is corrupted. Code 24 is a Device Manager error and it pops up on your computer screen in the following format:

“This device is not present, is not working properly, or does not have all its drivers installed. (Code 24)”


driverfix boxError Causes

Error code 24 may be triggered due to several reasons. However, the most common causes for this error code include:

  • Incorrect device installation
  • Hardware failure/ conflict
  • Corrupted or outdated driver
  • Device prepared for removal

It is recommended to resolve the error code to ensure your PC works at its optimal performance. Error code 24 can lower the device functionality and PC performance dramatically.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Since this error code can mean several different things, troubleshooting it can be quite tricky but to make it simple to resolve, we have listed down some easy methods to repair error code 24.

Try these methods to fix error 24 on your PC and ensure your system works at its optimal pace. Let’s get started….

Method 1 - Update the BIOS on Your Motherboard

Problems with BIOS, the controlling software in the PC motherboard, can sometimes trigger hardware conflicts resulting in Device Manager error code pop-ups.

In such a scenario, it is advisable to update BIOS. To update, go to your PC motherboard manufacturer’s website. Here you will be able to find instructions on updating BIOS.

Follow the instructions carefully to resolve error code 24 on your system. If the error code still persists, then try other methods discussed below.

Method 2 - Remove New Devices

If you experienced code 24 on your PC after installing new devices, then it is advisable to remove them to resolve the error code.

If the device is attached to your computer, then simply disconnect and remove it immediately. Once you disconnect it, reboot your system to activate changes.

Method 3 - Update Drivers

If device removal does not resolve the problem, then consider updating the device driver. Code 24 is also related to driver problems.

It can occur if a device driver is corrupted or outdated. In such an event, it is advisable to update the driver by installing the new and latest device driver version on your PC.

For doing this, simply download the latest device driver version from the manufacturer’s website and update it.

Method 4 - Install DriverFIX for Both Device Driver Update and Safe Device Removal

Finding problematic drivers and the latest device driver versions to update them, however, can be time-consuming and sometimes even frustrating. To avoid being in this situation, it is advisable to download DriverFIX.

DriverFIX is a cutting-edge, user-friendly and an innovative program exclusively designed to resolve device driver related issues and problems on computer systems

It is integrated with the newest technology and intelligent programming system that enables and empowers PC users like you to repair device driver error codes in seconds.

Once you install this software on your PC, simply run it. The software program instantly detects all problematic drivers and updates them with their latest versions available on the internet.

All this is done in mere seconds and it’s not time-consuming at all. Moreover, device driver updates are performed frequently to ensure that you don’t experience any driver problems again.

  • With this software on your PC, you don’t have to worry about updating drivers regularly.
  • In addition to this, as we discussed above, driver code 24 can also occur due to new plugged-in devices. If that’s the reason, then DriverFIX can help you resolve this problem too.
  • It can help you manage and unplug USB devices safely from your PC. After installing DriverFIX, unplugging USB devices is easy and you don’t have to worry about data corruption or drive damage.
  • DriverFIX manages USB devices smoothly by making the ejecting process easy and safely removes hardware from your PC, thereby resolving error code 24 in no time.
  • DriverFIX is easy to install and use and is compatible with all Windows versions.

Click here to download DriverFIX and repair Device Manager error code 24 right away.

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EU Common Charge Rules

In 27 European countries for some time it has been considered for introducing a law that would force phones, tablets, laptops, and other mobile devices to use a single USB Type-C connector.

EU charge law

The European Parlament announced that a provisional agreement has been reached and that it was voted that a single charging solution is USB Type-C. The current agreement applies and covers the next devices: phones, tablets, Readers, earbuds, digital cameras, headphones, headsets, handheld consoles, and portable speakers. All currently existing devices can still be sold without issues but starting in the fall of 2024 all-new products must support USB Type-C charging.

The agreement will also hit Laptops but not on the same date, How is USB Type-C currently not enough for charging laptops, all new laptops that will have to use it are scheduled for fall of 2025.

Although the agreement is reached the EU Parliament and Council still have to formally approve everything.

Apple targeted the most

Apple has been targeted as the main target for rules since their iPhones are still using Apple's proprietary Lightning charging port. Apple sells a lot of iPhones in Europe and even though iPad Pro and iPad Air along with all MacBooks have moved to USB Type-C, iPhones are still struggling with the Lightning port.

Apple criticized the EU’s charger rules when they were first proposed in 2021, telling the BBC, “We remain concerned that strict regulation mandating just one type of connector stifles innovation rather than encouraging it, which in turn will harm consumers in Europe and around the world.” The European Union has said in response that it will update its rules as new technology arrives.

Why was this proposed?

The main problem in Europe that led to this proposition was electronic waste which reached 11 000 metric tons in 2018. European union is afraid that this will keep rising as chargers become larger and heavier in order to accommodate faster-charging speeds. More electronic waste means more hardware slowly decomposing in landfills that will contribute to climate change affecting everyone on the planet, not just the people living in Europe.

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BringMeSports Removal Malware Removal Tutorial

BringMeSports is a browser extension developed by Mindspark Inc. that lets you watch live sports streams, follow sports scores, and catch up on the latest news from the sports world. BringMeSports installs an extension into your browser that replaces your default home page with the MyWebSearch starting page, it also replaces your default search engine, shows additional ads, and while running, collects personal and web browsing data that is later sent back to be Sold / Forwarded to serve ads. While browsing the internet with this extension installed, you will see additional ads and sponsored links appear in your search results. It may even show pop-up ads. Several anti-virus scanners have marked this extension as a Browser Hijacker and are therefore not recommended to keep on your computer.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking is a type of unwanted software, commonly a web browser add-on or extension, which causes modifications in web browser’s settings. Browser hijacker malware is created for many different reasons. The idea would be to force users to visit particular websites that are trying to increase their website visitor traffic and produce higher ad income. Although it might appear naive, all browser hijackers are damaging and therefore always regarded as security risks. Browser hijackers can even allow other harmful programs without your knowledge to further damage your personal computer.

Signs of browser hijack

There are various symptoms of browser hijacking. Here are a few of them: 1. you notice unauthorized changes to your Internet browser’s homepage 2. you find re-directed to websites you never meant to visit 3. the default search engine is changed and the web browser security settings have been lowered without your knowledge 4. you’re finding new toolbars you have never seen before 5. you observe numerous ads pop up on the browsers or computer screen 6. your web browser gets slow, buggy crashes frequently 7. you are blocked to access those sites of computer security solution providers.

Precisely how browser hijacker infects computers

Browser hijackers attack computer systems through malicious email attachments, downloaded infected computer files, or by going to infected internet sites. They could also come from add-on programs, also called browser helper objects (BHO), web browser extensions, or toolbars. A browser hijacker could also be installed as a part of freeware, shareware, demoware, and pirated programs. Common examples of browser hijackers include CoolWebSearch, Conduit, Coupon Server, OneWebSearch, RocketTab, Snap.do, Delta Search, and Searchult.com. The existence of any browser hijacker malware on your computer might drastically diminish the web browsing experience, track your online activities that result in troublesome privacy concerns, create system stability problems and eventually cause your computer to slow down or to a practically unusable state.

How you can remove browser hijackers

Some hijackers could be removed by deleting the free software they were included with or by removing any extension you have recently added to your system. Having said that, many hijackers are quite tenacious and need specialized tools to eliminate them. And there’s no denying the very fact that the manual fixes and removal methods can certainly be a complicated job for a novice PC user. Also, there are plenty of risks associated with fiddling around with the system registry files.

What To Do If You Cannot Install Any Anti-Malware?

Every malware is bad and the consequences of the damage could vary based on the specific kind of malware. Certain malware variants alter internet browser settings by including a proxy server or modify the computer’s DNS configurations. In these instances, you will be unable to visit certain or all of the websites, and therefore unable to download or install the required security software to remove the infection. If you are reading this, odds are you’re stuck with a malware infection that is preventing you to download or install Safebytes Anti-Malware software on your system. Although this type of issue will be difficult to circumvent, there are a few actions you can take.

Install in Safe Mode

In Safe Mode, you could change Windows settings, uninstall or install some programs, and remove hard-to-delete malware. If the malicious software is set to load automatically when the computer starts, switching to this particular mode may prevent it from doing so. To enter into Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking, press F8 while the PC is starting up or run MSCONFIG and look for the “Safe Boot” options in the “Boot” tab. Once you are in Safe Mode, you can try to install your antivirus software application without the hindrance of the malware. After installation, run the malware scanner to get rid of most standard infections.

Utilize an alternate internet browser to download the anti-malware application

Web-based viruses could be environment-specific, aiming for a particular browser or attacking particular versions of the browser. The most effective way to overcome this issue is to select a web browser that is renowned for its security features. Firefox comprises built-in Malware and Phishing Protection to keep you safe online. Create a portable anti-malware for removing viruses Another option is to create a portable anti-malware program onto your USB stick. To run anti-virus using a USB flash drive, follow these simple steps: 1) Download the anti-malware on a virus-free PC. 2) Insert the USB drive on the same system. 3) Run the setup program by double-clicking the executable file of the downloaded software, which has a .exe file format. 4) Select the drive letter of the pen drive as the place when the wizard asks you exactly where you want to install the anti-malware. Do as instructed on the screen to complete the installation process. 5) Transfer the flash drive from the uninfected PC to the infected PC. 6) Run the Safebytes Anti-malware directly from the flash drive by double-clicking the icon. 7) Click the “Scan” button to run a full system scan and remove malware automatically.

Protect Your PC & Privacy With SafeBytes Anti-Malware

If you are looking to buy anti-malware for your PC, there are lots of brands and packages for you to consider. A few of them do a great job in getting rid of malware threats while some will affect your PC themselves. You need to be careful not to pick the wrong product, especially if you buy a premium program. One of the recommended software is SafeBytes AntiMalware. SafeBytes carries a very good reputation for top-quality service, and clients appear to be very happy with it. Safebytes is among the well-established computer solutions firms, which provide this complete anti-malware application. Using its cutting-edge technology, this application will assist you to eliminate multiples types of malware such as viruses, PUPs, trojans, worms, ransomware, adware, and browser hijackers. SafeBytes has got a variety of features that can help you protect your computer from malware attacks and damage. Let’s check out a few of them below: Robust Anti-malware Protection: With a critically acclaimed malware engine, SafeBytes offers multilayered protection which is intended to catch and get rid of viruses and malware which are hidden deep in your computer system. Active Protection: SafeBytes provides real-time active checking and protection against all known viruses and malware. It’ll continuously monitor your laptop or computer for hacker activity and also provides users with superior firewall protection. “Fast Scan” Abilities: SafeBytes Anti-Malware has a multi-thread scan algorithm that works up to 5 times faster than any other anti-malware software. Internet Security: Safebytes assigns all sites a unique safety score that helps you to have an idea of whether the webpage you are going to visit is safe to view or known to be a phishing site. Lightweight Utility: SafeBytes is a lightweight and user-friendly anti-virus and anti-malware solution. Since it utilizes negligible computer resources, this application leaves the computer’s power exactly where it belongs: with you actually. Premium Support: Support service is available for 24 x 7 x 365 days via email and chats to answer your queries.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to manually remove BringMeSports without the use of an automated tool, it may be possible to do so by removing the program from the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser extensions, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You will likely also want to reset your browser. To ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard drive and registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Please note that this is for advanced users only and may be difficult, with incorrect file removal causing additional PC errors. In addition, some malware is capable of replicating or preventing deletion. Doing this in Safe Mode is advised. The following files, folders, and registry entries are created or modified by BringMeSports
Files: C:Program Filesbringmesports_1c chrome extensionbarBringMeSportsCrxSetup.exe C:Program Filesbringmesports_1c chrome extensiont8sql.dll C:Program Filesbringmesports_1c chrome extensionBringMeSportsCrxSetup.exe C:Program Filesbringmesports_1c chrome extensionBringMeSportsCrxSetup.05F72CDF-5595-450B-9BAB-B1F6C606AAEC.exe C:Program Filesbringmesports_1c chrome extensionBringMeSportsCrxSetup.1E4C7E0D-19E7-4C18-ADB3-3D45FC4BE84C.exe C:Program Filesbringmesports_1c chrome extensionBringMeSportsCrxSetup.85D40F0D-233C-463F-8BAB-F6D446902D65.exe C:Program Filesbringmesports_1c chrome extensionBringMeSportsCrxSetup.A94A3339-330B-4B96-B05A-B909E6BB85A1.exe C:Program Filesbringmesports_1c chrome extensionBringMeSportsCrxSetup.EEE1FB37-85E3-49E8-BC44-36CC97CE3B73.exe C:Program Filesbringmesports_1c chrome extensionsqlite3.dll C:Program Files (x86)BringMeSports_1cEI C:Program Files (x86)BringMeSports_1c C:Users%USERNAME%AppDataLocalBringMeSports_1c C:Users%USERNAME%AppDataLocalIAC C:Users%USERNAME%AppDataLocalLowBringMeSports_1cEI C:Users%USERNAME%AppDataLocalLowBringMeSports_1c C:Users%USERNAME%AppDataRoamingMozillaFirefoxProfilesXXX.defaultextensionscffxtbr@BringMeSports_1c.com C:Users%USERNAME%AppDataLocalGoogleChromeUserDataDefaultExtensionsllkjooekcinmdmojmfdjhidbakfpepod Registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftInternet ExplorerApproved Extensions, value: F653D037-97FA-4755-98C1-7F382EEB59A7 HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftInternet ExplorerApproved Extensions, value: CC53BD19-7B23-43B0-AB7C-0E06C708CCED HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftInternet ExplorerApproved Extensions, value: 002D1BA6-4766-4D7D-82B8-F49439C66F97 HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftInternet ExplorerToolbar, value: cc53bd19-7b23-43b0-ab7c-0e06c708cced HKEY_CURRENT_USERWow6432NodeMicrosoftInternet ExplorerToolbar, value: cc53bd19-7b23-43b0-ab7c-0e06c708cced HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExtPreApprovedbc61ca7a-6b81-47ec-b62d-ae1a236cadb9 HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExtPreApproved82c7004a-078e-468c-9c0f-2243618ff7cb HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExtPreApproved6285c254-4465-4f8b-a009-5f42ab02c291 HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExtPreApprovedA8CC25D-66FF-41DF-B3B4-416079EF8F87 HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionexplorerBrowser Helper Objectsf653d037-97fa-4755-98c1-7f382eeb59a7 HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionexplorerBrowser Helper Objects02d1ba6-4766-4d7d-82b8-f49439c66f97 HKEY_CURRENT_USERWow6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExtPreApprovedf0c8ccc2-baaa-4236-ad0a-22b5a401b9ef HKEY_CURRENT_USERWow6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExtPreApprovedA8CC25D-66FF-41DF-B3B4-416079EF8F87 HKEY_CURRENT_USERWow6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionexplorerBrowser Helper Objectsf653d037-97fa-4755-98c1-7f382eeb59a7 HKEY_CURRENT_USERWow6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionexplorerBrowser Helper Objects02d1ba6-4766-4d7d-82b8-f49439c66f97 HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftInternet ExplorerLow RightsElevationPolicyfa460720-7b38-421d-981c-66f0ae288fb9 HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftInternet ExplorerLow RightsElevationPolicya2b4da91-a53c-4a84-b486-40080de13a9b HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftInternet ExplorerLow RightsElevationPolicy89b7ae32-9c52-41d6-a64d-14d7bdec9c58 HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftInternet ExplorerLow RightsElevationPolicy32a63172-5bcc-4d7e-9fe8-072eee6c287e HKEY_CURRENT_USERWow6432NodeMicrosoftInternet ExplorerLow RightsElevationPolicya2b4da91-a53c-4a84-b486-40080de13a9b HKEY_CURRENT_USERWow6432NodeMicrosoftInternet ExplorerLow RightsElevationPolicy89b7ae32-9c52-41d6-a64d-14d7bdec9c58 HKEY_CURRENT_USERWow6432NodeMicrosoftInternet ExplorerLow RightsElevationPolicy32a63172-5bcc-4d7e-9fe8-072eee6c287e HKEY_CURRENT_USERWow6432NodeMicrosoftInternet ExplorerLow RightsElevationPolicy1856a7bd-de8c-488b-aa7a-5682d13166fc HKEY_CURRENT_USERWow6432NodeMicrosoftInternet ExplorerLow RightsElevationPolicy164ea1fc-b0a0-4202-8c65-e4ba4d54a3ae HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExtStatsF653D037-97FA-4755-98C1-7F382EEB59A7 HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExtStatsCC53BD19-7B23-43B0-AB7C-0E06C708CCED HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExtSettingsCC53BD19-7B23-43B0-AB7C-0E06C708CCED HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExtSettings02D1BA6-4766-4D7D-82B8-F49439C66F97 HKEY_CURRENT_USERWow6432NodeMicrosoftInternet ExplorerSearchScopes8c9ef753-beb6-4582-b653-93ac59274437 HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftInternet ExplorerSearchScopes8c9ef753-beb6-4582-b653-93ac59274437 HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftInternet ExplorerDOMStoragebringmesports.com HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftInternet ExplorerDOMStoragebringmesports.dl.tb.ask.com HKEY_CURRENT_USERBringMeSports HKEY_CURRENT_USERMicrosoftInternet ExplorerDOMStoragebringmesports.dl.myway.com HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEHKEY_CURRENT_USER[APPLICATION]MicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall..Uninstaller BringMeSports_1cbar Uninstall Internet Explorer BringMeSports_1cbar Uninstall Firefox BringMeSportsTooltab Uninstall Internet Explorer
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Fix rtf64x64.sys Blue Screen error on Windows
rtf64x64.sys Blue Screen error happens in random intervals but it is a regular occurrence, it can happen when playing games, when watching movies, or even when the computer is idle. in this article we will guide you on how to resolve this error from the most simple steps you could take and do not worry, altho the error seems dreadfully and scary, it is nothing to worry about. If you can boot Windows normally after error great, proceed with instructions, else reboot into safe mode or use installation media to boot.
  1. Use official Microsoft online troubleshooter Microsoft has an online blue screen troubleshooter that was made specifically for this kind of situation. Go to Troubleshoot screen error and answer questions needed. Most of the time this will be enough to solve any blue screen issue.
  2. Update network and sound drivers How is this error traced back to Realtek devices, go to the Realtek website and download drivers. Install them and reboot the system.
  3. Use a dedicated software solution DRIVERFIX is an application made for these and other kinds of driver issues and problems, it is one click automated solution for driver fixing. Visit the Driverfix site and download the application
  4. Perform system Restore If you have not managed to fix the issue with previous steps roll back to a previous restore point when everything was working.
  5. Replace network or sound card If everything failed including system restore then it is likely that it is a hardware malfunction. Replace faulty components and you should not receive errors anymore.
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Can’t print a file, it opens Save as option
As you know, Windows 10 supports a variety of peripherals which includes a long list of printers. However, a number of users reported that they encountered a glitch on their Windows 10 computers where they receive Can’t print a file and a prompt to save the Word, PDF file, and so on each time they try to print the file. This kind of issue is not common and could be due to various reasons like the malfunctioning of device drivers, misconfiguration of the printer’s settings, and so on. There are several options you can check out to resolve the problem. You can try to run the built-in troubleshooter or check the configuration of the printer, as well as update or reinstall the driver for printers or reset the printer. For more details, refer to each one of the options provided below and make sure to follow them carefully.

Option 1 – Run the Printer Troubleshooter

One of the first basic troubleshooting you can perform to resolve the printer issue is running the Printer Troubleshooter. This built-in troubleshooter can detect and automatically fix the problem for you. To use it, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “exe /id PrinterDiagnostic” in the field and click OK or hit Enter to open the Printer Troubleshooter.
  • Then click the Next button and follow the next on-screen instructions to fix the issue with the printer.

Option 2 – Try checking the printer’s configuration

The next thing you can do to fix the problem is to check the configuration of the printer since there are instances when there could be some misconfiguration with the settings of the printer that may result in several issues like this one.
  • First, you need to open Control Panel and from there, look for the option Devices and printers and open it.
  • After that, right-click on the entry of your printer that you want to use in printing documents and select the Set as a default printer option.
  • You could also try to open PDF and then go to the Print dialog box and uncheck the Print to file option.

Option 3 – Try to update or reinstall the printer driver

The problem with your printer might also be caused by corrupted or outdated drivers. Thus, you can try to either update or reinstall it. How? Follow the steps below.
  • First, click the Start button and type “device manager”.
  • Then click on the “Device Manager” from the search results to open it.
  • From there, look for the USB Composite Device option and right-click on it, and select the Update Driver from the options.
  • Restart your PC and then click the “Search automatically for updated driver software” option.
  • Now uninstall and remove the printer driver software and reinstall it then refresh.

Option 4 – Try to reset the settings of the Printer or reinstall it

If none of the three options given above worked, you can try to either reset the printer settings or reinstall the printer so that it can go back to its default state. However, if it doesn’t work, you can try to uninstall the printer as well as its related drivers. To do so, follow these steps:
  • First, go to Settings > Devices > Printer and Scanners.
  • After that, select the printer and select the Remove Device option.
  • Once done, restart your computer and check again and see if the error is now fixed.
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Something went Wrong. Try to reopen later
Windows update issue may come up when the configuration for windows update service is not properly configured or this error can also come up when there is corrupt windows installation. Before trying any of the given solutions to this error try first to clean boot your Windows and turn off any 3rd party utility application. If this method fails move to the provided solutions.
  1. Change startup type of UOS service to automatic

    UOS or The Update Orchestrator Service is essential for proper Windows updates. If this service is by any means turned on manual it could be the reason for error since it can create incompatibility between OS modules, if this is the case, setting it to automatic will solve the issue. Press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC on your keyboard to bring the task manager up and click on the services tab. In the services find orchestrator service, right-click on it, and from the list of startup types choose automatic. Click on APPLY and reboot your computer.
  2. Try to fix it in the command prompt

    If the above method failed, try fixing the issue via command prompt. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X to bring up the secret menu and start command prompt (administrator) In the command prompt write these lines one after another as they are finished: net stop bits net stop wuauserv net stop appidsvc net stop cryptsvc Ren %systemroot%SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.bak Ren %systemroot%system32catroot2 catroot2.bak Net Start bits Net Start wuauserv Net Start appidsvc Net Start cryptsvc After all this, reboot your system and check if updates are working properly.
  3. Try to fix it via registry editor

    Press ⊞ WINDOWS + R to bring run and type in it RegEdit, press ENTER find Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\UsoSvc in the right part, find key START and change its value to 2 Reboot your system
  4. Try with a new user account

    If by any chance user account data is corrupted this may be the reason why we have this error. Create a new administrator user account Shut down your computer Turn in back ON and log in with the new account
  5. Perform SFC scan

    Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X and choose command prompt (administrator) type in: sfc /scannow This may take a while, sit back, let it finish, and try again windows update
That is all considering this particular error, we certainly hope that you have managed to fix it using any of provided solutions!
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Automatically Adjust Active Hours in Windows
In case you didn’t know, the new Windows 10 v1903 has brought tons of new features around Windows 10 Updates. One of these features is the ability to automatically adjust the Active Hours based on your computer activity. This feature is really useful as it tells the operating system when to install the Windows Updates. A lot of users use the Active Hours feature to ensure that the Windows Update won’t force them to restart their PCs to install the update. So if your computer is turned on, it won’t apply the update during the active hours you’ve specified. In addition, the active hours change for many users and they are not that strict. For instance, if you set the active hours between 10 am to 5 pm, Windows Update won’t be forcing you to restart your computer to install the updates at those times. Note that Windows Update allows enabling an option using where it can monitor the active hours in your computer and change it. To configure this setting, here’s what you have to do:
  • Frist, go to Settings > Update & security > Windows Update.
  • Next, take note of your current active hours and click on the “Change active hours” link.
  • Then toggle the option that says, “Automatically adjust active hours for this device based on activity”. This will change the active hours and if you match it with the previous one, it should be different.
As you can see on the image given above, the earlier active hours were between 8:00 to 17:00 and were changed to 11:00 to 19:00. If you have been using this feature for a while you’ll find how useful and handy it is especially when you’re using your computer and don’t want any notifications like the prompts for Windows Updates to bother you while working.
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Setting up USB tethering in Windows
In this post, you will be guided on how you can set up the USB tethering feature on your Windows 10 computer and share your mobile device’s mobile data so other devices can also access the internet. Tethering is usually known as Wi-Fi tethering which allows users to share mobile data to any device with Wi-Fi, laptops included. This is really useful especially when you have no other way to access the internet. For instance, if you are using a desktop computer and there is no way for you to connect to the Ethernet, and you have no Wi-Fi adapter that you can use to connect to a router as well, you can use USB tethering instead to access the internet. It is almost similar to Wi-Fi tethering except that it works over a USB connection instead of a Wi-Fi adapter. USB tethering is almost quite the same as an Ethernet connection except that it’s faster compared to Wi-Fi tethering as well as Bluetooth tethering. Just like Wi-Fi tethering, USB tethering is free unless your network carrier has blocked it. Thus, it’s better if you make that clear with your operator. Once you have that covered,

Follow the instructions provided below to set up USB tethering on your Windows 10 computer.

Step 1: First, connect your mobile device to your Windows 10 computer using a USB cable. Step 2: If it asks you to enable the file transfer feature, just cancel it. A prompt that says, “Tethering or Hotspot active—Tap to setup” should be available as soon as you get connected – tap on it. Note: If there is no prompt, just go to Settings > Network and Internet > Hotspot and Tethering and from there, toggle on the USB tethering option. Step 3: Afterwards, the setup will create a new network adapter in Windows 10 automatically and your computer should now be connected to the internet using USB tethering. Note: You have to make sure that the Wi-Fi connection in your mobile device is turned off and if it is connected to an existing network, the USB tethering will be disabled but if you see its status as enabled, then the USB tethering setup is successfully done. In addition, keep in mind that the location of tethering can be different for every phone, especially on a customized operating system such as RealMe, Redmi, Samsung, and any other mobile device although they are clubbed in the section of Mobile and Data Network. In case you encounter some problems when using USB tethering in your Windows 10 computer, there are troubleshooting tips you should follow. The NDIS-based Internet Sharing Device network adapter is what Windows 10 uses to make USB tethering possible so if it stops working, follow the options provided below.

Option 1 – Perform basic check

The first thing you can do if you encounter problems in USB tethering is to do a basic check like checking if Wi-Fi is enabled automatically as well as check if the USB cable is disconnected or if you’ve turned off USB tethering accidentally.

Option 2 – Try installing or updating the USB RNDIS adapter

RNDIS or Remote Network Driver Interface Specification can also help you resolve any USB tethering problem. If the pre-installed driver does not help you in connecting to the internet, then you can try installing the USB RNDIS driver that is, if it’s not installed yet. If it is already installed, you can try to update it instead.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open Run and type “devmgmt.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Device Manager.
  • Next, expand the Network adapters section and look for the Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device. But if you are using a Samsung smartphone, you might see “Samsung” instead of under Network adapters.
  • Right-click on it and then select the “Update driver” option.
  • Then select the “Browse my computer for driver software” option.
  • After that, select the “Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer” option.
  • Now uncheck the checkbox for “Show compatible hardware”.
  • From the given list on your left-hand side, look for Microsoft and then select the Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device on your right-hand side.
  • Click on Next. A new popup will appear where you have to click on Yes. This will install the driver.
  • Now click on the Close button and restart your computer.
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If you encounter a Blue Screen error that points out to the CMUDA.sys, read on as this post will guide you in fixing it. The CMUDA.sys file is a Windows operating system driver file that is related to the USB Device Audio capabilities of a computer. There are times when this file causes Blue Screen error due to some conflicts in RAM or some incompatible firmware or hard disk issues, corrupted drivers or malware infection, and so on. There are various Blue Screen errors that are related to the CMUDA.sys file such as:
In most cases, the CMUDA.sys file usually triggers the SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED Blue Screen error. Although this Blue Screen error may seem complicated, its workarounds are straightforward so you won’t have any problems in following them.

Option 1 – Try to update or rollback your device drivers

If the first option didn’t work for you, then it’s time to either update or roll back the device drivers. It is most likely that after you updated your Windows computer that your driver also needs a refresh. On the other hand, if you have just updated your device drivers then you need to roll back the drivers to their previous versions. Whichever applies to you, refer to the steps below.
  • Open the Devices Manager from the Win X Menu.
  • After opening the Device Manager, locate the device drivers that are marked with a small yellow exclamation mark icon and right-click on each one to open their Properties. On the other hand, you can also look for sub-entries under Sound, video, and game controllers like the C-Media USB Audio Class
  • After that, switch to the Driver tab and click on the Uninstall Device button.
  • Follow the screen option to completely uninstall it.
  • Finally, restart your computer. It will just reinstall the device drivers automatically.
Note: You can install a dedicated driver on your computer in case you have it or you could also look for it directly from the website of the manufacturer. You can download the as C-Media USB Audio Class driver from the cmedia.com website.

Option 2 – Try to recreate the CMUDA.sys file

The first thing you can try is to recreate the CMUDA.sys file. Every time your Windows 10 PC boots up, it looks for all the system drivers in place and if it is unable to find them, it tries to create them. Which is why if you remove your corrupt driver file, chances are, you might get a fixed file recreated just for you. How? Refer to the steps below.
  • Boot your Windows 10 PC in Safe Mode.
  • Then open File Explorer and navigate to this location: C:/Windows/System32/drivers
  • From there, look for the file named sys and rename it to CMUDA.old.
Note: As you can see, the file’s extension has changed from .sys to .old.
  • Now restart your computer and check if the CMUDA.sys Blue Screen error is now fixed.

Option 3 – Run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter

The Blue Screen troubleshooter is a built-in tool in Windows 10 that helps users in fixing BSOD errors. It can be found on the Settings Troubleshooters page. To use it, refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open the Settings panel.
  • Then go to Update & Security > Troubleshoot.
  • After that, look for the option called “Blue Screen” on your right-hand side and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button to run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter and then follow the next on-screen options. Note that you might have to boot your PC into Safe Mode.
On the other hand, you can also try running the online Windows 10 Blue Screen troubleshooter from Microsoft. It is a wizard that could help you fix any Stop errors related to the CMUDA.sys file and will offer you helpful links as you use it.

Option 4 – Try running the DISM tool

You can try running the Deployment Imaging and Servicing Management or DISM tool to fix the Wdf01000.sys Blue Screen error. Using this built-in tool, you have various options such as the “/ScanHealth”, “/CheckHealth”, and “/RestoreHealth”.
  • Open the Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • Then type in the following commands and make sure to hit Enter right after you type each one of them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • Do not close the window if the process takes a while as it will probably take a few minutes to finish.

Option 5 – Run System Restore

Running System Restore might also help in fixing Blue Screen errors related to the CMUDA.sys file.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.
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Windows Dynamic Lock is missing or not working
If you are familiar with the Dynamic Lock feature in Windows 10, then it has probably made it easier for you to lock your computer the instant you move away from it. This interesting feature does not need any special software like IR Cameras to use this feature as long as your Windows 10 computer supports Bluetooth which it most likely does. However there are times when the Dynamic lock feature is either missing or not working. When that happens, here are some suggestions that could help you. But before anything else, you need to create a System Restore point first since you will be modifying some critical system settings as well as registry files. After you’ve created a System Restore point, refer to the following options below to fix the issue with Dynamic Lock.

Option 1 – Try using the Settings app

  • Tap the Win + I keys to open the Settings app and then navigate to Accounts > Sing-in options.
  • After that, scroll down until you see the Dynamic Lock section.
  • Next, make sure that the checkbox for “Allow Windows to automatically lock your device when you are away” is checked.
  • Now that you’re all set, exit the Settings app.
Note: If for some reason the above-given solution didn’t work, you can try the next options below.

Option 2 – Try to pair your Bluetooth Device

If you get a message saying, “Allow Windows to automatically lock your device when you are away” in the Notifications Center or in the Settings app, then you need to pair your Bluetooth device. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • Go to Settings > Devices > Bluetooth & other devices.
  • From there, make sure that Bluetooth is turned On and then pair your Bluetooth device.
  • And if you open the Windows Defender Security Center, you will see the following message as well.
  • Simply click on the Add Bluetooth device button and it will open the Bluetooth settings where you can also pair the device.

Option 3 – Try to reinstall or update the Bluetooth driver

The issue might have something to do with the Bluetooth drivers. It could be that it is outdated and needs to be updated or that you recently updated it and since then you have trouble removing the Bluetooth device and so to fix the issue, you can update, roll back or uninstall the Bluetooth drivers. How? Follow the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + X keys to open the Device Manager.
  • Next, look for the Bluetooth device and right-click on it.
  • Select the option “Update driver”.
  • After that, a new popup window will appear. In there, select the option, “Search automatically for updated driver software”.
Note: Checking the update may take a few minutes so you’ll have to wait until it finishes. If it is able to find an update, you must install it. And if you want to reinstall the Bluetooth driver, just select the “Uninstall driver” option and follow the next on-screen instructions that follow.

Option 4 – Try to use the Registry Editor

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and then type “Regedit” in the field and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • If a User Account Control or UAC prompt appears, just click on Yes to proceed.
  • After that, navigate to the following registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon
  • Next, look for a DWORD named “EnableGoodbye” located on the right-side panel and then make sure that its value is set to 1 which means that it is enabled while 0 indicates disabled.
  • Now close the Registry Editor and restart your computer to apply the changes made successfully.

Option 5 – Try checking the Group Policy setting

If your Windows 10 version has the Group Policy Editor, you can use it to fix the Dynamic Lock issue as well. Simply follow the steps below to use it.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “gpedit.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Group Policy Editor.
  • Next, navigate to the following path:
Computer ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesWindows ComponentsWindows Hello for Business
  • After that, look for an entry named “Configure dynamic lock factors” and double click on it to open a new window.
  • Once you enable this Group Policy setting, the signal rules will be evaluated to detect the absence of a user and will lock the device automatically. On the other hand, if you disable or don’t configure this setting, you can continue locking your computer with existing locking options. Take note that it may be Not configured or Enabled but shouldn’t be set to Disabled.
  • Now select the radio button for Enabled and set the Signal rules then click OK.
  • Then exit the Group Policy Editor and restart your computer.
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