
How to Fix win32kfull.sys BSOD Error in Windows 10

The win32kfull.sys file is one of the kernel-mode device drivers in your Windows 10 operating system. In case you don’t know, there are two kinds of device drivers – the first ones are the normal drivers that communicate between your hardware and the operating system while the second ones are the kernel-mode drivers. The latter is necessary for booting your OS. And there are times when you encounter the win32kfull.sys error while booting your PC. Here’s the full context of the win32kfull.sys error:




This error could be caused by corrupted or outdated drivers with incomplete files or it could be caused by some driver or software installed on your computer. To fix this error, here are some troubleshooting options you need to check out.

Option 1 – Try updating all the Drivers

As pointed out, the win32kfull.sys error can be due to outdated or corrupted drivers that are not compatible with your hardware. These drivers include but are not limited to display, network, sound, hard drive, and more. If you are not able to access the internet, you can just manually download the update using another PC.

To update your drivers, here’s what you need to do:

  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch Run.
  • Type in devmgmt.msc into the box and tap Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • After that, a list of device drivers will be displayed. If you see a red or yellow sign that shows up against the driver, right-click on the driver’s name and select “Update Driver Software” or “Uninstall”. And if you find any “Unknown device”, you need to update it as well.
  • Select the “Search automatically for updated driver software” option and then follow the instructions to complete the process.
  • Restart your PC.

Note: You also have the option to go directly to the website of your graphics card manufacturer and check if there’s a new update – if there is, download it. After that, you could also check if there’s a new update of the game you’re getting the issue of the black bar.

Option 2 – Identify and uninstall problematic programs by putting your PC in a Clean Boot State

One of the main causes of BSOD errors like win32kfull.sys is a problematic program that could clash with your existing operating system as well as computer architecture. There are tons of programs that are either incompatible or conflict with the existing drivers or software in your system. To identify such programs, you need to put your PC in a Clean Boot state. How? Follow these steps:

  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” checkbox and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” checkbox.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)

After putting your PC in a Clean Boot State, try creating a system restore point and see if the problem still occurs. Clean Boot troubleshooting is designed to help you isolate the problem. For you to execute a clean boot troubleshooting, you must do a couple of actions (the steps are given above) and then restart your PC after every action. You might have to disable one third-party app after the other to really isolate the issue. And once you’ve narrowed down the problem, you can either disable the third-party app that’s causing the problem or remove it. Note that you must switch your PC back into the Normal Startup mode after you’re done troubleshooting the problem. Here’s how you can do it:

  • From the “Start” menu, go to System Configuration.
  • After that, switch to the General tab and click the option for “Normal Startup”.
  • Next, go to the Services tab and clear the checkbox for “Hide all Microsoft services”.
  • Then find and click “Enable all” and if prompted, you have to confirm.
  • Afterward, go to the Task Manager and enable all the Startup programs and confirm the action.
  • Restart your PC when prompted.

Once you have identified the program causing the problem, uninstall it right away from your Control Panel.

Option 3 – Perform an SFC scan

The SFC or System File Checker scan could detect and automatically repair damaged system files that could be causing the win32kfull.sys error. SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files to good system files. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.

  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow

The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:

  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.

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What is USB Kill Kit

USB Kill, a USB device is able to fry and damage your computer, mobile phone, router, etc. This device is quite dangerous and can kill electronics the moment it is inserted into an available port. By now people should know that they should not put unknown USB sticks into their devices because of potential virus and malware threats but this raises using unknown sticks to a whole new level.

usb kill kit

Kill kits are not really new to the market, they have existed before but lately, technology really progressed and the latest USB sticks are really good, their success rate is around 95% which is pretty high and should not be taken lightly.

The second thing that you really should not play with strange USB sticks is that they dropped in price really hard, although top Kill kits will still go as high as around 300 USD, there are really cheap ones lurking in Ali Express that are just 6 USD!!! that makes them affordable devices for the mass market.

The device is made to take energy and current from the port it is plugged in, multiply it and release its charge back into the device, successfully frying some components immediately. Some more professional Kill sticks can even fry devices even when the device itself is not powered and can be even started remotely.

The point of this article is to make you aware that you should not in any kind of circumstances use and plug-in USB sticks into your devices that you do not know where they come from, especially from the mail!!

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Prevent your laptop from overheating

Long working hours on a laptop can have some issues with laptop heating and thus slowing down. Today we will take a look at how can you prevent it from heating and keep it in a normal temperature range so it lasts longer and works better.

laptop on fire

Close unnecessary programs or browser tabs

Usually, the main reason for high laptop temperature is the heavy and constant workload. Of course, the solution is very simple, turn off unnecessary browser tabs or applications running in the background, and less power will be needed for operation thus directly reducing workload and temperature.

Place it on a hard flat surface

Laptops generally have vents on the side and even under them, these vents, of course, are made so hot air is disposed of through them but if they are covered that will create issues. Placing computers on textiles, pillows, and legs can obstruct their venting holes and increase heat also since they are materials that are not taking heat away.

Your best practice should be placing the laptop onto a hard flat surface so air can flow freely and if you need to keep it in your lap there are lap desks made for this purpose.

Clean the laptop

With some good cleaning, the laptop can stop overheating, and generally, it will be cooler. Vents that has for ventilation can get clogged over large periods of time due to dust which is always present. Compressed air can be a quick easy solution to open the vents and redust it. Other methods include a compressor, vacuum, or brush in order to quickly remove any dust clogs. Taking it into service for complete redusting and paste change is also a great option.

Place it on the dedicated pad

There is some disagreement about using dedicated cooling pads for laptops, some say they are not effective at all, and some swear by them but from my experience good paired laptop and pad can indeed help with cooling it down. Usually, cooling pads will come with fans that will take away heat from the laptop itself reducing its overall heat.

Change your Windows power plan

If your laptop is constantly hot but you are not doing much with him check Windows power settings. There is a good chance it is set to run on a high-performance plan and if this is the case switch it back to a balanced power setting. Power plan like high performance will drain more power and more power will mean more heating. Of course, this will affect performance as well but for regular work that excludes some power gaming, video, and picture manipulations and other demanding tasks this power plan will work just fine.

Take control of the fans inside your laptop

Internal cooling is important and sometimes fans are not running to their full capacity so increasing their speed or changing their plan of work can cool down the computer nicely. Some laptops have fans controlling application already on them, especially gaming laptops but most of them do not. If your laptop does not have it, go to your laptop brand website and see if such an application exists for your model, if it does, download and install it but if there is no such application try general free ones like SpeedFan or Argus Monitor.

Reduce voltage of CPU and GPU

How more power means more heat, reducing the power that CPU and/or GPU take can be reduced inside BIOS by lowering voltage of these 2 components. First, go to BIOS and write down the voltage that is currently assigned to your CPU and/or GPU so you can bring it back if ever needed, also take note that reducing voltage and thus power will not affect negatively your components but increasing it thus overclocking can and will so be careful when bringing voltage back not to overdo it. You can always also reset your BIOS settings to bring them back to factory settings.

Do not use the laptop when charging it

When the laptop is placed on the charger in order to be charged and used at the same time, more power is drawn to it, and since the battery is taking electric charge instead of providing it more heat will be generated now since two different sources will be generating it, the battery itself and computer. When you really can not wait for the laptop to be charged, use it, but turn it off and wait to be fully charged if you can.

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Apple, Windows, or Linux machine

In today's IT world, if you want a computer for typical day-to-day actions and gaming, there are 3 primary ways you can go. An Apple computer with its proprietary hardware and operating system or a typical machine with Windows or Linux operating system.

Each system has both advantages and disadvantages and picking the right one might be difficult for some users. From hardware differences to specific software and operating system, each system is aimed at a different type of work, and in this article, we will explore each one and help you in choosing the right one for you.

Apple ecosystem

apple MAC studio

Apple has managed to create a unique ecosystem of its own devices, from its iMac desktop computers to more professional MAC studio and power MAC and all the way to tablet iPad and iPhone are powered by Apple's own operating system that connects all of these devices into one large system. So if you really need one singular ecosystem this is a huge advantage.

The ecosystem on the side, MAC computer systems are great, some would argue best for coding, design, video work, and sound editing. MAC M2 chip is optimized for all of these tasks and a specially tailored operating system is just the icing on the cake. Specific Apple-made software like a logic pro or final cut also helps a lot to position MAC systems on top of the line.

Reading all of this you might think hey this is the computer for me, it does everything! Sadly the truth is not like that. The first thing that is difficult on MAC systems and a maybe big reason that it is not so adopted outside professional working environment is lack of games. If you are a gamer or plan on using MAC for gaming, well I have some bad news. The second big turn-off is that MAC systems tend to be more expensive than PC systems, yes components are of higher quality but rest assured that you will pay for also for branding.

Get MAC as your workstation for serious work and for good tech support, if you need a plain home computer keep reading.

Windows PC machine

Windows surface pro

There is no better feeling than assembling your own computer, tweaking hardware to make a monster and despite haters hating, Windows is the best all-around operating system on the market. It is supporting the largest variety of hardware and the largest variety of software.

The best platform for serious gaming and streaming Windows machine has cemented itself as a multimedia powerhouse. But, this kind of computer is not alien to being also a professional machine, you can practically do everything that you can do on Apple or Linux machine inside Windows, yes some things might require extra steps or will be slightly slower but in the end, being able to do anything is the greatest strength of Windows machine.

Of course, every system has its flaws and Windows is not immune to that. One of the biggest is being the operating system for every hardware ever made and every software as well while keeping legacy support for old software and hardware, basically, its biggest strength is in the same time its biggest weakness leading to sometimes stability issues. Also being able to place any kind of hardware can also lead to the same stability issues. Executing something a little slower than other systems and having some extra steps can also be looked upon as weaknesses.

Linux system

Linux machine

First and perhaps for some people, the biggest advantage of the Linux operating system is its price, it is completely free! Other advantages include the great server and networking included in the OS itself, the large amount of customization, and unmatched stability. The ability to write scripts inside the OS terminal is also a great thing and coding is much more streamlined and friendlier than on other machines.

The power of Linux is the ability to change anything, even on the system layer, no other operating system will let you change the basic functionality of the OS itself while Linux will let you do this. It is also the only operating system you can fully use by booting it up from a USB stick and having the same experience as it was installed on a local hard drive. Among other OS mentioned earlier, Linux is by far the lightest one, taking the smallest amount of memory among the three.

The bad side of the Linux machine is the steep learning curve, among the three mentioned operating systems rest assured Linux is the most difficult to learn and be comfortable in it. The operating system will require you to know the hardware and how computers work in order to fully use its potential. Other things that place it behind are not so wide hardware support compared to Windows and the somewhat confusing distro model.

Linux versions come in form of different distro packages and first-time users will face many of them being left in awe of which one to choose. Also installing drivers and software via a package system can also be a tedious task as well, often being that some version of the driver will not work on the newer version of the Linux distro.

Get a Linux machine if you are well versed in computer technology, if you want great customization of the OS itself or if you do not want to spend money on OS and software since almost entire Linux software is open source.

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Fix WIFI not asking for password
Windows has tendencies to remember WIFI passwords so it can reconnect automatically to them. But from time to time we change passwords and Windows does not let us change it since he has network remembered. In this case, we will not be able to connect to the internet. In this helpful guide, we will let you know which steps you will need to take in order to solve this issue and to be able to connect to the internet again.
  1. Restart Modem

    First thing first, restart your modem. Windows might see it as a new network and offer you to type in the password for it.
  2. Update driver

    Sometimes the issue could be due to driver problems, open device manager and update WIFI driver or reinstall it.
  3. Reset WIFI password

    Press ⊞ Windows + R type “Control” > hit Enter. Now click Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings. Right-click on the connected Wifi and select Status. Click Wireless Properties, change the password from the Network security key section, and then click OK to reset your WiFi password.
  4. Forget the network

    Click on Start > Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi. Click the Manage known networks link Select the network you are looking for Select Forget.
  5. Delete your WIFI profile

    Press ⊞ Windows + X to open the secret menu and click on Command prompt (admin) In command prompt windows type: netsh wlan show profile netsh wlan delete profile name=<profile name> Reboot
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Choosing right LINUX distribution
LINUX has become more than just a dedicated server Operating system, more and more it is gaining ground in home computers as well and as services like Steam and Gog are offering their titles for LINUX it is gaining more and more ground daily.


So, what makes LINUX so good? First of all security, no other Operating system has that high level of security like LINUX and that is the reason why it is widely used as a server. Other advantages are it is less resource hungry and its architecture is made in such a way that it does not has applications remains and traces which remain in the system, once an application is deleted from OS, it is deleted and every trace is removed from OS. Apple OS is based on LINUX kernel but made specifically for their hardware.

LINUX popularity

So naturally, the question pops up why LINUX is not more popular? One of the reasons is its difficulty, to work in LINUX you need to have some level of computer knowledge, Windows is more user-friendly and a lot of people prefer the ease of use to features. This is somewhat been fixed sort of speak in last years since we have LINUX distributions which aim to be more simple and user friendly but it is far from easy of use of one Windows. Another big reason was software support. Altho some powerhouse software has its LINUX versions and works just fine, even better than on Windows, your typical user applications lack and games were almost non-existent making LINU users rely on Windows emulation software for simple applications, and often it did not work properly. This has also changed for the better in later years but as with the previous point, it is still far from being Windows wide.

What is LINUX distro?

Linux comes in different versions called distributions. What this means is that the basic core of the Operating system is the same though all LINUX versions and all LINUX drivers and software will work on anyone, they will visually and feature-wise be different. Also, they will be more complex for use or they will have different hardware requirements. Choosing the right LINUX distribution is no easy task and we are here to help you by offering you certain points and guides in hopes to direct you on the right path.

What Do You Need the Distro for?

This might be perhaps the most crucial question when trying to decide which LINUX distribution you want to install. Depending on your preferences and goal like work, games, security, media you will need to consider the best distributions in the field of your preference. A very good place to get this kind of information is on DistroWatch. When on-site, navigate to the Distribution category search filter and choose the option best suited to your needs.

What Kind of Software Will You Be Using?

Like the previous question, this one is also your personal preference but it will make difference if you are planning to use a different type of software. If your plans are gaming for example you will want the latest and greatest LINUX kernel version for maximum hardware compatibility. If you are a regular desktop user you will aim for a distro that is updated constantly so you are working with the latest versions of Chrome or Firefox. In some cases, depending on your software you might want to run older but faster distribution.

What Kind of Hardware Will You Be Using?

If your computer is up to date you can run any distribution that you like but if it is an older rig your options might be a little limited. Now depending on the technical characteristics of your computer and its age it may come down to just a few available distributions which are specially tailored to run on old hardware. These kinds of distributions are lightweight and do not take much space but sadly can not offer you the latest and greatest in software but for usual everyday tasks like web browsing, word processing, email viewing, etc they work perfectly fine. You can have a great office machine with proper lightweight distribution offering you all that you need to be able to work.

How Much do you know about computers?

As stated before, LINUX is not as user-friendly as WIndows and your overall technical knowledge can play a big role in deciding which LINUX you want to adapt. If you are more of a casual user then avoid technical distributions which will require to manually tweak tons of stuff, go for more automated ones. If you are a power user however and enjoy wrestling with each detail then perhaps some distro with more command-oriented nature.

What Kind of Community Are You Looking For?

Now you might ask what does community has to do with the operating systems but the same as Windows, LINUX also can have some issues, and sometimes installing drivers will require certain steps to be taken. How it is much easier to find a solution when having a great community surrounding the project I suggest not dismissing this part when choosing your distro. Every community is helpful, but they’re all helpful in different ways. If you would like to read more helpful articles and tips about various software and hardware visit errortools.com daily.
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Easy PrivateSearchPlus Removal Guide

PrivateSearchPlus is a browser extension that redirects all your searches through yonto. This way the extension claims you are browsing privately.

From the author: Search the web without tracking your search history or any personally identifiable information Access quickly to popular websites with icons sliding from this homepage is easy speedy and accessed ..Google Search, Yahoo, Aol, Facebook, Amazon, eBay, and more from all world without login However, PrivateSearchPlus monitors your browsing activity, the websites you visit, the links you click, and stores personal information that is later sent to server ads. This extension changes your default search engine to Yonto, it displays additional unwanted ads, may display pop-up ads, and hijacks your home page. Several anti-virus scanners have classified this extension as a Browser Hijacker and are therefore not recommended to keep on your computer.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking is actually a type of unwanted program, commonly a web browser add-on or extension, which causes modifications in web browser’s settings. There are several reasons why you might have a browser hijack; but commercial, marketing, and advertising are the main purposes for their creation. In general, hijackers are made for the benefit of internet hackers often through income generation from forced ad clicks and site visits. Nonetheless, it’s not that innocent. Your web safety is compromised and it is also very irritating. Browser hijackers could also allow other vicious programs without your knowledge to further damage your computer.

How to know if your browser has been hijacked

When your web browser is hijacked, the following might happen: your browser’s homepage is suddenly different; you see new unwanted favorites or bookmarks added, usually directed to advertisement-filled or pornography websites; the default browser settings have been changed, and/or your default search engine is altered; you see unsolicited new toolbars added; you notice numerous ads show up on your web browsers or display screen; webpages load slowly and at times incomplete; Inability to navigate to particular sites, especially antivirus and also other security software websites.

So how does a browser hijacker infect a computer?

Browser hijackers might use drive-by downloads or file-sharing websites or an e-mail attachment in order to reach a targeted computer. They could also come from add-on applications, also referred to as browser helper objects (BHO), web browser extensions, or toolbars. Other times you may have unintentionally accepted a browser hijacker as part of a software program bundle (usually freeware or shareware). Some of the most well-known hijackers are EasySearchPlus, Babylon Toolbar, Conduit Search, OneWebSearch, Sweet Page, and CoolWebSearch. The presence of any browser hijacker malware on your system might drastically diminish the web browsing experience, monitor your internet activities that lead to major privacy concerns, produce system stability problems and ultimately cause your PC to slow down or to a nearly unusable state.

Browser Hijacker Malware – Removal

Some browser hijacking could be quite easily stopped by finding and eliminating the corresponding malware program from your control panel. Sadly, many of the software programs used to hijack an internet browser are intentionally created to be hard to detect or remove. Inexperienced PC users shouldn’t ever try for the manual form of removal methods, as it demands thorough computer knowledge to do repairs on the computer registry and HOSTS file.

What to Do if Virus Stops You From Downloading Or Installing Anything?

Malware can cause all sorts of damage once they invade your PC, ranging from stealing your personal details to erasing data files on your computer. Certain malware types alter internet browser settings by adding a proxy server or modify the computer’s DNS configuration settings. In these instances, you will be unable to visit certain or all websites, and therefore unable to download or install the necessary security software to get rid of the computer virus. So what to do if malware keeps you from downloading or installing Safebytes Anti-Malware? There are some options you can try to get around with this particular problem.

Install in Safe Mode with Networking

If the malware is set to load at Windows startup, then booting in Safe Mode should avoid it. Since only the minimal applications and services start-up in “Safe Mode”, there are rarely any reasons for issues to take place. You will need to do the following to eliminate malware in Safe mode. 1) Press the F8 key repeatedly as soon as your PC boots, however, before the big Windows logo appears. This will conjure up the Advanced Boot Options menu. 2) Use the arrow keys to choose Safe Mode with Networking and press ENTER. 3) Once this mode loads, you should have the internet. Now, make use of your web browser to download and install Safebytes. 4) After installation, run a complete scan and let the software program get rid of the threats it detects.

Obtain the antivirus program using an alternate web browser

Web-based viruses could be environment-specific, aiming for a specific browser or attacking particular versions of the browser. The best way to overcome this problem is to pick a browser that is well known for its security measures. Firefox contains built-in Phishing and Malware Protection to help keep you secure online.

Create a portable USB antivirus for eliminating malware

Another method is to download and transfer an antivirus application from a clean computer to run a scan on the affected computer. Follow these steps to employ a flash drive to fix your corrupted computer. 1) Download Safebytes Anti-Malware or Microsoft Windows Defender Offline onto a clean computer. 2) Plug the Thumb drive into the uninfected computer. 3) Double click on the downloaded file to open the installation wizard. 4) Choose a thumb drive as the place when the wizard asks you where you wish to install the software. Do as instructed on the screen to finish off the installation process. 5) Now, plug the pen drive into the infected system. 6) Double-click the anti-malware program EXE file on the thumb drive. 7) Press the “Scan” button to run a full computer scan and remove malware automatically.

A Look at the Best Anti-Malware Program

To help protect your computer from various internet-based threats, it is very important to install an anti-malware program on your computer system. However, with so many anti-malware companies in the market, these days it is tough to decide which one you should obtain for your personal computer. A few are very good ones, some are ok types, while some are just fake anti-malware programs that can ruin your PC themselves! You have to pick a product that has got a good reputation and detects not only computer viruses but other sorts of malware as well. While considering the reliable applications, Safebytes Anti-Malware is certainly the strongly recommended one. SafeBytes is a highly effective, real-time anti-spyware application that is created to assist regular computer users in safeguarding their computers from malicious internet threats. With its cutting-edge technology, this software will allow you to get rid of several types of malware like computer viruses, PUPs, trojans, worms, adware, ransomware, and browser hijackers. SafeBytes anti-malware takes computer protection to a totally new level with its advanced features. Some of them are given as below: Real-Time Protection: SafeBytes provides an entirely hands-free live protection that is set to check, prevent and get rid of all computer threats at its very first encounter. It will continuously monitor your computer for hacker activity and also gives users advanced firewall protection. Anti-Malware Protection: Safebytes is based on the best virus engine within the industry. These engines can detect and eliminate threats even during the initial phases of a malware outbreak. Web Security: SafeBytes checks the links present on a webpage for possible threats and notifies you whether the website is safe to view or not, through its unique safety rating system. “Fast Scan” Abilities: Safebytes Anti-Malware, using its enhanced scanning engine, offers extremely fast scanning which can promptly target any active online threat. Light-weight: SafeBytes is a lightweight and easy-to-use anti-virus and antimalware solution. As it uses very low computer resources, this tool leaves the computer power exactly where it belongs to: with you actually. 24/7 Live Expert Support: For any technical questions or product support, you may get 24/7 professional assistance via chat and e-mail.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to manually remove PrivateSearchPlus without the use of an automated tool, it may be possible to do so by removing the program from the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser extensions, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You will likely also want to reset your browser. To ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard drive and registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Please note that this is for advanced users only and may be difficult, with incorrect file removal causing additional PC errors. In addition, some malware is capable of replicating or preventing deletion. Doing this in Safe Mode is advised.

The following files, folders, and registry entries are created or modified by PrivateSearchPlus

Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREsupWPM HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesWpm HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain Default_Page_URL HKEY_LOCAL_MachineSoftwareClasses[PUP.Private Search Plus] HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall[PUP.Private Search Plus]
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How to Fix Can’t start your Camera, 0xa00f429f
If you are using the Camera app on your Windows 10 computer but encountered an error code 0xa00f429f with an error message that says, “Can’t start your camera”, read on as this post will guide you in fixing this problem. This kind of error in the Camera app could be due to a recent update gone wrong or it could also be due to a corrupted driver. If you are certain that the camera is connected and is properly installed, you can try to check for updated drivers. The error code signifies that the drivers have to be updated. However, that isn’t always the case sometimes as the problem could also have something to do with corruption in the driver. The effective ways to troubleshoot this problem would be trying to reinstall or reset the Windows Camera app, or update, rollback or uninstall some device drivers as well as use the Registry Editor. Before you proceed with the instructions provided below, make sure that you have admin privileges and don’t forget to create a System Restore point.

Option 1 – Try to reset or reinstall the Windows Camera app

As pointed out earlier, you can also reset the Camera app to fix the error. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • The first thing you have to do is go to the My Pictures folder under the C: drive of the File Explorer and then delete the Camera Roll folder.
  • Once you’re done, right-click on an empty area on your screen and create a new folder and name it “Camera Roll”.
  • Then from the Start menu open the Settings app and select System.
  • From there, navigate to the Apps and features section.
  • Now go to Camera and click on the Advanced Options and click the Reset button.

Option 2 – Try to reinstall the Camera app

If resetting the Camera app didn’t help, you might want to reinstall it by following these steps:
  • Tap the Win + X keys and select the “Windows PowerShell (Admin)” option from the menu to open Windows PowerShell as admin.
  • Next, type this command to uninstall the Camera app: Get-AppxPackage *camera* | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Once done, exit the Windows PowerShell and restart your computer and then try to install the latest version of the Camera app from Microsoft Store.

Option 3 – Try to rollback, update or disable drivers

The next thing you can do to fix the error code 0xa00f429f in the Camera app is to roll back, or update, or disable device drivers. It is most likely that after you updated your Windows computer that your driver also needs a refresh. On the other hand, if you have just updated your device drivers then you need to roll back the drivers to their previous versions. Whichever applies to you, refer to the steps below.
  • Open the Devices Manager from the Win X Menu.
  • After opening the Device Manager, look for the device drivers which have a yellow exclamation mark.
  • Then right-click on each one of them. If you haven’t updated this driver in a while, select the “Update Driver” option. On the other hand, if you’ve just updated this driver, then select the Uninstall Device option.
  • Next, follow the screen option to update or uninstall it.
  • Finally, restart your computer. It will just reinstall the device drivers automatically if you have chosen to uninstall them.
Note: You can install a dedicated driver on your computer in case you have it or you could also look for it directly from the website of the manufacturer.

Option 4 – Try to use the Registry Editor

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and type “Regedit” in the field and then hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this registry key: ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWOW6432NodeMicrosoftWindows Media FoundationPlatform
  • From there, right-click on any empty space on the right side part of the window and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
  • Then name it as “EnableFrameServerMode” and double click on it.
  • Now set its value data to “0” and its base value as Hexadecimal and then click on OK.
  • After that, restart your computer and see if it helped in fixing the problem or not.
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Fix Realtek HD audio driver issue
Realtek sound device not playing sound is a common Windows issue.  It happens occasionally and luckily it can be solved with a little effort and in a short time period. Today in this article we will explore the most common reasons and solutions for driver malfunction for Realtek inside Windows 10. If you have this particular problem, go from step 1 to the last step since all steps are meant to go from simplest to the most complex. All of that being said let us fix your Realtek driver issue.
  1. Check Speakers or/and Headphones first

    The first thing would in any troubleshooting be to check are your speakers turned on or are your headphones connected and the volume or switch on them is set properly. Nothing more embarrassing than spending an hour or so troubleshooting only to find out that issue was in a malfunction of speakers or them not being turned on.
  2. Check the Volume control in Windows

    Same as the previous step where you have checked hardware, now it is time to check to see if the volume control is set properly and not by any chance muted or volume is brought all the way down.
  3. Check if the Device Manager is reporting an error and update the driver

    If both hardware is functioning properly and volume control in Windows is set correctly then the issue might be in Windows not detecting device or driver malfunction. In any case, the Device Manager will be the one who will report this problem. In order to check to see if the driver is properly working press ⊞ WINDOWS + X to open the hidden start menu. keyboard with windows and x marked Once it opens, click on Device Manager to open it, realtek audio driver in device menager If you have a driver device error inside Windows, you should see it immediately when entering the Device Manager, it will have a yellow exclamation mark beside it. Right-click on it and choose update driver.
  4. Reinstall driver

    If driver update failed or you already have the latest drivers, reinstalling them could fix the issue since drivers might have corrupted during installation of some update or application. Follow steps from point 3 to get to the driver in Device Manager, then right-click on it but instead of update choose to uninstall. Reboot Windows once the driver is uninstalled and Windows will install a new one.
  5. Check Windows update

    Check to see if the latest Windows update is installed, update your Windows if needed
  6. Fix driver issue with DRIVERFIX

    If everything else fails, get DRIVERFIX, a premium solution for your PC issues, and fix driver errors.
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VirtualBox displays Black screen
If VirtualBox suddenly displays a black screen without any text or mouse cursor when you are trying to boot a guest operating system, then read on as this post will guide you in fixing such an issue. This black screen occurs when Windows 10 failed to provide a specific setting that VirtualBox requires. Consequently, you will not be able to install or use any guest operating system in VirtualBox even if your PC has virtualization support, the best thing you can do now is to fix this black screen issue. There are two ways you can fix this black screen in VirtualBox, you can either try to disable Hyber-V or disable 3D Acceleration. For more details, refer to each one of the given options below.

Option 1 – Try to disable Hyper-V

Hyper-V is a built-in virtualization tool available in Windows that helps users in creating a virtual machine as well as install a guest operating system without using any third-party tool like VMware, VirtualBox, and many more. However, the problem with this virtualization tool is that some systems cannot run it and VirtualBox simultaneously which is most likely why the screen abruptly turns into black. Thus, you have to disable Hyper-V to resolve the problem. How? Refer to these steps:
  • In the Start Search, type “Turn Windows features on or off” and then click on it from the results.
  • Once you’ve opened the Windows Features window, remove the checkmark from the Hyper-V box.
  • Click the OK button and then restart your computer.
  • Now try to use VirtualBox again and see if the problem is fixed.

Option 2 – Try to disable 3D Acceleration

The guest operating system will use the host computer’s GPU to render 3D graphics if you enable the 3D Acceleration for the virtual machine. To simply put it, it will enhance the graphics of the virtual machine and will let you use 3D graphics. Although it may seem nice, it can actually cause the black screen to appear as well so you might have to disable it to isolate the problem. In fact, a lot of operating systems have failed to use the 3D Acceleration for the guest operating system because of this black screen issue. To disable it, follow these steps:
  • Open VirtualBox on your computer and select the virtual machine.
  • Next, click on the Settings button and go to the Display section.
  • After that, look for a checkbox named “Enable 3D Acceleration” located on your right-hand side and then uncheck it.
  • Save the changes you’ve made and reboot your PC and see if you can now run the virtual machine without any problem.
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Windows Clock is missing, invisible or black
Although the Windows Updates do bring in new features and improvements, there are times when they also introduce issues as well. The main cause for these arising bugs is the incompatibility between the old and new software components. One of the issues brought in by such bugs is Clock is missing, invisible or black This problem was experienced by users after they recently installed a feature update. This particular bug can make the Windows clock in the taskbar appear to be black or invisible which makes it hard for users to read the time on their computers. According to experts, this bug has something to do with the Windows Themes and Aero styling. To fix this issue, here are some suggestions that could help but before you get started, you have to restart Explorer first and see if it can help in resolving the problem – if it didn’t, follow the options given below carefully.

Option 1 – Try to disable Custom Theme

It could be that the reason behind the black or invisible Windows Clock can be an old or an incompatible theme. You might have a custom theme in place and it became incompatible after an update. Thus, you can try switching to one of the default themes and then recreate your custom theme afterward. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • Right-click on your desktop and select Personalize.
  • Next, select Themes from the left menu and then select Windows 10 as your theme.
  • After that, you can delete all the other custom themes and create them again from scratch. This should fix the black or invisible Windows 10 Clock.

Option 2 – Try to edit your existing themes

If you don’t want to get rid of your existing themes, there is an alternative solution you can try to fix the missing Windows 10 Clock albeit it’s a bit of a complex one. Follow the given steps below to modify the existing themes and fix the missing or black Windows Clock.
  • First, you need to save your existing theme. Just simply right-click on your desktop and select Personalize and select Themes from the left menu.
  • Next, click on the Save Theme button below your custom theme to save it. You can name the theme anything.
  • After that, you can now modify the saved theme by going to C:/Users/UserName/AppData/Local/MicrosoftWindowsThemes.
  • From there, look for the file with the theme name you just saved, and then right-click on the file and open it with notepad or any other text editing app.
  • Now you have to look for the line that says, “Path=%SystemRoot%resourcesthemesAeroAeroLite.msstyles” and change it to “Path=%SystemRoot%resourcesthemesAeroAero.msstyles” and then save the file and rename it with some other name.
  • Afterward, go back to themes and select the new theme you’ve created. This should resolve the Windows Clock issue as well as other Themes and Taskbar issues.

Option 3 – Try disabling the small icons in Taskbar

This option should help you fix any Windows Clock cases. So if your Windows Clock is nowhere to be found, you can try to disable small taskbar icons on your Windows 10 PC.
  • Go to Settings > Personalization > Taskbar.
  • From there turn off the toggle button for the “Use small taskbar buttons” option. Note that this solution is only a temporary one and it may or may not work in some cases.
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