
Fix Boot Configuration Data error 0xc0000185

This post will guide you in fixing a particular problem where your Windows 10 computer does not even let you turn it on and it appears as soon as it starts to boot the operating system and it displays an error message that says, “The Boot Configuration Data for your PC is missing or contains errors, Error code 0xc0000185”. On the other hand, it may also display a different error message saying, “The operating system couldn’t be loaded because a required file is missing or contains errors”.

There are various suggestions you can try to resolve this error. You could check the physical status of your hardware or rebuild the Boot Configuration Data, use the Automatic Startup Repair or System Restore, or better yet, reset your Windows 10 computer.

Since your computer will not boot, you will have to either try to get into the Advanced Startup Options screen, boot Windows 10 in Safe Mode, or use a bootable Windows 10 media to boot your computer.

Option 1 – Try to rebuild the BCD files

The first thing you can do to resolve the issue is to Rebuild Boot Configuration Data or BCD files.

  • You can start by booting into the installation environment for Windows 10 from an installation media.
  • After that, click on Repair your computer and on the blue screen, select Troubleshoot and then select the Advanced options menu.
  • From there, select Command Prompt and once you open it, enter each one of the commands given below by sequence.
    • bootrec /FixMbr
    • bootrec /FixBoot
    • bootrec /ScanOS
    • bootrec /RebuildBcd
  • Once you’re done executing the commands given above, type “exit” to close the Command Prompt window and then restart your computer and see if it fixed error code 0xc000014c.

Option 2 – Try to run Automatic Startup Repair

In this option, you need to boot your computer into the Advanced Startup Options and from there, run the Automatic Startup Repair and then wait until the process is completed.

Option 3 – Try running System Restore in Advanced Startup Options

Since you probably can’t boot into your Windows 10 computer, you can try to run System Restore again in the Advanced Startup Options.

  • Boot your computer into the Advanced Startup Options screen.
  • From there, you will see some options to troubleshoot when you can’t log in to Windows in the usual way.
  • Now select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Command Prompt.
  • After that, type “rstrui” and hit Enter to execute the command which will start the System Restore process.

Option 4 – Try to perform repair install by creating a Windows 10 installation media

  • Click this link and then click the Download Tool Now button.
  • Next, click the “Use the tool to create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file)…” option and follow the next given instructions on the screen.
  • Now select the ISO file option in step 5.
  • After that, you should now have an ISO file.
  • Next, go to the location where you’ve downloaded the ISO file.
  • Then right-click on the Windows 10 ISO file and select the Open with option and then select File Explorer.
  • Now click on “setup.exe” and follow the next instructions that appear on the screen. When asked, you have to select either Nothing (clean install) or Keep personal files only option. Take note that you must not select the “Keep personal files, apps, and Windows settings since it doesn’t really work.

Option 5 – Try to physically check the hardware

You should also check the physical status of the hardware in your computer. You can clean the dust off the hardware components like the Network Card of the computer. You might want to use a small blower or you could also use a soft cloth and run the components gently. Make sure that you don’t damage any parts with moisture or cause harm to any circuits while you carry out this task.

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Install Remote Server Administration Tools
RSAT or Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 10 is a collection of programs for IT experts. It helps in managing Servers from a Windows 10 PC and starting with the Windows 10 v1809 or the October 2018 update, users have to install the Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 10 as Features on Demand or as Optional Features. The program includes the Microsoft Management Console or MMC snap-ins, Server Manager, consoles, Windows PowerShell cmdlets, and providers as well as command-line tools for managing roles and features that run on the Windows Server. So if you have updated your Windows 10 pc to v1809 or later then the RSAT tool has to be installed as a set of Features on Demand right from Windows 10. You can install RSAT Tools on Windows 10 Enterprise or Windows 10 Professional and once you install it, make sure that you do not install RSAT tools from the Microsoft Download page directly. Step 1: Open Settings and then go to Apps > Apps & Features. Step 2: Next, click on Manage Optional Features. Step 3: After that, click on Add a Feature which will load all the optional features one can install. Step 4: Now scroll to find the listing of all 18 RSAT tools and depending on what you need, click and install them. Step 5: Then go back to where you should see the progress of the installation. Click on the Manage Optional Features page to check the status. Note: If you are well-versed with the command line or automation, you can also install Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 10 via DISM /add-capability. And when you install anything via Features on Demand, they stay across Windows 10 version upgrades. On the other hand, if you feel that you don’t need a particular RSAT feature, you have the option to uninstall it using the Manage Option Features. However, bear in mind that some tools depend on one another which means that if you uninstall anything that has a dependency, it will only fail that’s why you need to be careful.

To uninstall an RSAT feature, here’s what you have to do:

Step 1: Go to Settings > Apps > Manage Optional Features. Step 2: After that, look for the list of installed feature that appears before this. Step 3: Now select the feature you want to uninstall and go back. If you have some system-related issues that need to get fixed, there is a one-click solution known as [product-name] you could check out to resolve them. This program is a useful and efficient tool that could repair corrupted registries and optimize your PC’s overall performance. Aside from that, it also cleans out your computer for any junk or corrupted files that help you eliminate any unwanted files from your system. This is basically a solution that’s within your grasp with just a click. It’s easy to use as it is user-friendly. For the complete set of instructions in downloading and using it, refer to the steps below.
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GoDaddy data breach compromised 1.2M accounts
A very serious data breach has happened to the unfortunate GoDaddy hosting service placing a little over 1.2 million accounts affected. Security breaches sadly are not a rare occurrence but this time it is a little different. GoDaddy breachEach time when the company is breached data is stolen and that places the company in a bad light usually because its user database has been compromised and people are concerned about their data being misused. This is very rational fear and concern but this time things are a little bit different than usual, why is that, you might ask? Well, as before mentioned GoDaddy is a hosting company and the vector of attack was aimed at the part where it is hosting WordPress. Attackers were able to get their hands on the sFTP credentials of customers on that server meaning that all of the websites are also been relieved of their user base as well. This potentially means that there is a high chance that all of the hosted web site's content is also compromised, meaning that your data could also be compromised even if you were not a GoDaddy customer, all you needed to do is to be a member of any site hosted on their platform. GoDaddy has reset WordPress passwords and private keys, so it’s already taken the steps required to stock the attacker from exploiting anything with the passwords obtained. The company is in the process of generating new SSL certificates for customers. Bad thing is that the attack used a compromised password to get into systems all the way back around September 6th, 2021, the breach was discovered on November 17th, 2021, which is more than a 2-month active time where the attacker could harvest tons of data. The outcome of this attack will be seen in the upcoming time, until then be safe, and Just in case change your passwords.
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Why you should upgrade your 60Hz Screen

The number of Hertz is the number of how many images your screen draws in one second. So monitor with a refresh rate of 60Hz will draw 60 images each second on your screen. To most users, this will look fine and enough but actually, if you would place them in front of a 120Hz screen difference will be visible right away.

high refresh rate monitor setup

Benefits of higher refresh rates

In most simple words just looking at a screen that has a higher refresh rate will produce a more natural feel of things, although some people would argue that flickering can not be seen on 60Hz monitors and that should be enough, I would argue that they never watched the movie, played the game or used high refresh rate screen when they can state something like that.

Yes, 60Hz might be enough to look at the web page or read some documents but long exposure to 60Hz can have a tiring effect on the eyes in the long run. 120Hz and above just feel more relaxed and it is far less demanding on the eyes. Watching movies also is much better on a higher refresh screen, with way much less motion blur in fast scenes giving the overall experience a greater natural feel.

Gaming is perhaps an area where a refresh rate of 120Hz and above will show its best. Having a higher refresh rate will be easier on your eyes and can even give you a competitive edge. When for example you have twice more images per second on your screen than your opponent his movement will be more fluid and predictable because of that and overall precision will be much higher when moving the cursor in the game since more frames per second means more precision and smoother movement.

The dark side of high refresh rates

After all the positive things that were said about the advantages of high refresh rates, it is just fair to look at some negatives or in this case only negative one and that is Computer power. As said in the previous section having a 120Hz refresh rate means having 120 frames displayed on the screen per single second. Having even higher monitors like 360Hz means even more frames per second and in order to actually see all of that frames you will need to have enough computer power to back it up. Having for example screen with a refresh rate of 240Hz means nothing if your GPU and rest of the computer are able only to push 150 frames per second, in this case, you will still have 150 frames in one second despite the monitor being able to go to 240.


Generally and with all of my heart I would recommend moving away from 60Hz monitors, yes they are cheaper and more affordable but at the end of the day if you are someone like me who spends most of his daily time in front of the computer you would be grateful to have higher refresh rate screen and save your eyes, and after all, why not enjoy some smoother and better movie and game experience as well as saving your eyesight.

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Blizzard caught destroying evidence
Blizzard employeesCalifornia's Department of Fair Employment & Housing has widened its anti-discrimination lawsuit against Activision Blizzard and claims the publisher has been shredding vital documents relevant to the ongoing investigation. A recent report from Kotaku described the department as offering poorly paid, highly insecure positions, with a culture of hostility towards LGBTQ+ testers. The DFEH's rewording of "employees" to "workers" now hopes to take these contractors' experiences into account. "As a contract employee, I feel there's a lot of pressure to excel, impress, and move through the ranks as fast as you can before your contract ends and you're forced to go 3 months without income or find another job," Axios reports one worker saying. "I take pride in what I do, but it feels like it's never enough." Activision's contentious hiring of union-busting third-party law firm WilmerHale "directly interferes" with its own investigation, it says. By going to WilmerHale, Activision appears to be claiming that all work related to the investigation is privileged and can't be shared with DFEH. The suit also claims that Activision HR shredded documents related to "investigations and complaints", against its legal obligation to retain them during the investigation. The relevant parts of the updated lawsuit were shared by Axios reporters Stephen Totilo and Megan Farokhmanesh, the former also noting that the DFEH "fixed their misspelling of Bill Cosby's name". "DFEH is also informed and aware that documents and records have not been maintained as required by law or by the DFEH's Document Retention Notice," the complaint reads, "including but not limited to documents related to investigations and complaints were shredded by human resource personnel and emails are deleted thirty days after an employees separation."

Speculation and answer from Activision Blizzard

Blizzard employee Jessica Gonzalez suspects that the costs of fines associated with destroying these documents may have been an easier blow for Blizzard to take than any penalties drawn from their existence in helping the lawsuit go through. In an email to Kotaku, Activision denied the shredding allegations and issued a statement outlining steps it had taken to improve company culture—including the ousting of high-level executives like Blizzard president J. Allen Brack. The full statement reads: "Throughout our engagement with the DFEH, we have complied with every proper request in support of its review even as we had been implementing reforms to ensure our workplaces are welcoming and safe for every employee. Those changes continue today, and include:
  •     Several high-level personnel changes
  •     Revamped hiring and recruiting practices requiring diverse interview panels
  •     Greater transparency on pay equity
  •     Expanded and improved training and investigative capabilities for human resource and compliance staff
  •     Created investigation teams outside of business units to support greater independence
  •     Restructured divisions to support greater accountability
  •     Enhanced review processes to include evaluation of managers by employees
  •     Clear boundaries on workplace behavior with a zero-tolerance approach to harassment and other actions that diminish or marginalize.
"We strive to be a company that recognizes and celebrates the diverse talents and perspectives that lead to the creation of great, globally appealing entertainment. We have provided the DFEH with clear evidence that we do not have gender pay or promotion disparities. Our senior leadership is increasingly diverse, with a growing number of women in key leadership roles across the company. "We share DFEH’s goal of a safe, inclusive workplace that rewards employees equitably and is committed to setting an example that others can follow."

California and RIOT

Beyond Activision Blizzard, California's DFEH has also probed into League of Legends creator Riot Games, accusing the studio of dragging its heels over sexual harassment allegations dating back to 2019. Riot denied the allegations, telling us that it "will never retaliate against anyone for talking to any government agency".
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Gigabit internet showing as 100MB in Windows
In today's world setting up a LAN network or internet connection is no longer a daunting task that will require having a bachelor's degree in computer science nor a specialized technician. But even in the present-day environment issues and problems can occur. One of these problems is detecting or running a network at a slower 100MB speed instead of 1GB. Troubleshooting of this nature is somewhat more complex than your typical troubleshooting issue because several things including hardware could be involved in this particular problem but do not worry, we are here to back you up and guide you Setting up a home or small office network no longer requires a specialist technician to constantly monitor and optimize the LAN routers and connected PCs. As Windows networking has improved and new features have become available on the hardware, configuring a 1GB network should be as simple as connecting the LAN to a router that came with this capability. If however the network’s rated speed only gives 100MB, troubleshooting the issue is more complex. To find the problem, you’ll need to check the hardware devices, cable connections, and the software you are using to connect and manage the network.

Hardware checks

If you are using the switch in your LAN configuration check its hardware details as well to see if it can handle 1GB speeds.
The next step is network cables, some cables are not designed and their copper can not transfer 1GB of flow, check to see if your cable is classified for the desired speed. To visually check cables do the following
  1. Check both connection jacks to see if it has any loose or frayed wires. If any of the wires are loose, it can be the cause of the performance issue. You should replace the cable if you discover damage to the connectors.
  2. Inspect the entire length of the cable and check if the harness shows any clear signs of damage. A bent or damaged cable can reduce the amount of information it’s capable of transferring between the PC and LAN router. If you find any damage to the cable, replace it to restore your network speed.
  3. Is the cable capable of transferring 1GB speeds? Different network cables support different network speeds. A Cat-5 cable will only provide 100MB transfers, while a Cat-5e or Cat-6 can support up to 10GB transfers. Check the cable’s labels to make sure you are using a Cat-5e or higher-rated data cable.

Now when the hardware issue is out of the way we can focus a little more on the software part.

Let's try the first easy solution, run Windows built-in troubleshooter

  1. Click the Windows button and type Control Panel. Then select the top result.
  2. If your Control Panel shows the Category View, change it to display Small Icons instead.
  3. From the list of available applications, select Network and Sharing Center.
  4. In your Network and Sharing Center, you can see the active network, set up a new network connection, troubleshoot problems, or change your adapter settings. Before making changes to your device properties, you can let Windows run a troubleshooter on your adapters to see if it can automatically fix your connection issues.
  5. Click on Troubleshoot Problems from the Change Your Network Settings section.
  6. In the Troubleshooter Application, scroll down and find the Network Adapter option.
  7. Click on Run Troubleshooter to let Windows check your network adapter’s configuration for any issues.
  8. Select the Ethernet Adapter you’re currently using from the list and click Next to proceed.
  9. Wait for the process to complete and check the results. If Windows detects any issues, it will recommend a fix. However, if the configuration of your network adapters does not have any problems, you’ll see a message that Windows couldn’t detect any problems.
  10. If there are any issues with the cable, the troubleshooter will detect the connection issue and request you replace the cable and connect it to your PC.
  11. It can occur that even after inspecting the cable and you didn’t find any visible damage on the housing or connectors, it could still be faulty. Replace the cable with a new one and rerun the troubleshooter to see if the cable is working as required.

If the troubleshooter finished and you received a Windows Couldn’t Detect Any Issues result, you’ll need to verify your adapter’s speed settings.

  1. In your Network and Sharing Center, select the Change Adapter Settings option from the left menu.
  2. On the list of adapters, choose the one you’re using and click the Right Mouse Button to open the context menu.
  3. Select Properties from the Context Menu to access your adapter’s settings.
  4. On the Ethernet Properties window, you can enable or disable different features and install additional protocols. To change the device settings, click on Configure to continue.
  5. This will open the Device Controller Properties window where you can check the status, make changes to the settings, find out information about the driver, or check historical events on the device. Select the Advanced tab to access the device settings.
  6. On the Advanced tab, locate the Speed and Duplex setting.
  7. The Auto-Negotiation option may cause network performance issues on certain Ethernet adapters and routers. The setting allows your adapter to change the speed settings according to the LAN configuration you connect to your PC. If you connect to different LAN networks regularly with different speeds, it can occur that the setting doesn’t update from 100MB to 1GB while switching.
  8. Change the Value to match the network speed of the LAN you’re connecting to your PC and use the manual speed setting.
  9. Click OK to apply the setting and test your network performance. If your adapter doesn’t have the 1GB setting available but you know the rating should go up to that speed, it could indicate that you aren’t using the right driver for the device.

If you don’t have the setting available or the device still only provides 100MB speeds after changing the Speed setting to a manual value, you may have to update the driver for the device.

  1. On the Ethernet Properties Window, once again click on Configure to access the Device Properties Window. Then select the Driver Tab to access your driver details.
  2. Select Update Driver from the available options.
  3. On the Update Driver window, select the option to let Windows Search Automatically for Updated Driver Software.
  4. Windows will connect to the internet and search for the latest drivers online. If a newer driver exists, Windows will download and install the driver for you. If you’re using the latest driver, Windows will inform you that no updated drivers are available.
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Intel's open-source Clear Linux* Project
clear linux projectThe Clear Linux Project creates an operating system and software stack that offers highly optimized performance, security, versatility, and manageability. Clearly optimized for Intel CPUs and based on GNOME it will offer you incredible speeds if you are on Intel CPU. The big news, though, is that Clear Linux sports the shiny new Gnome 40. This is a fresher Gnome than you'll find even on Ubuntu's more experimental 21.04 release. The only big names that let you test drive Gnome 40 are Fedora and Arch Linux.

Packages only when you need them

Installation of packages is used by Swupd, a Clear Linux* package management tool. It is easy to use and pretty straightforward.
  • "bundle-list" for showing what's installed
  • "bundle-info" for details on installed bundles (such as owned files via the "‑‑files" flag)
  • "search" for repository searching
  • "bundle-add" for installation
  • "bundle-remove" for uninstallation
The only problem here is the packages themselves. Clean Linux* has been imagined as a developer distro focusing mostly on well-development tolls. In intel’s words: “A Linux OS built for Linux developers”, so some things will be left out. Strangely enough some things as FFmpeg which if you want to have and blast some youtube videos while you work will have to complete manually by yourself.

Clear Linux* modular philosophy

Everything in Clear Linux* is based on a modular philosophy approach. There is no /etc/fstab file, the /boot directory is totally empty. Every partition to be mounted is enabled as a systemd "mount unit." Intel reaping the benefits of systemd's modular philosophy, where everything is a unit. If you know your way around systemd, intermediate-level configuration tasks should be straightforward. Any advanced configuration likely demands deep systemd knowledge.

Clear Linux* performance

As stated earlier this is Intel’s distro, optimized for Intel hardware meaning that Intel as the developer has every possible tool at its disposal to make use of hardware to its maximum potential and it shows. Distro almost leaves other ones two times in speed performance. So if you are looking for a distribution that will deliver you speed and it is aimed for developer Clear Linux* is for you.


Clear Linux* is a really interesting distro and seeing how Intel is adding new software packages on its official website it might have a bright future. But as always, be the judge for yourself and see if it can fit your needs. Go get it at: https://clearlinux.org/
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Nostalgia hit: Commodore 64 emulator and games
If you are a kid or in your teenage years you maybe will be not familiar with Commodore 64 but we are welcoming you anyway to go with us on this journey through time and find out about one of the most influential and beloved home computer of all time.

commodore 64History of Commodore

Firstly shown to the world in January of 1982, at the Consumer Electronics Show, C64 caught attention right away with its low price of only $595. Although it had some issues like limited functionality in some fields and a non-wide range of use by 1984 its price dropped below $200 and it cemented itself as an affordable home computer for the middle class. In as same year Apple has released their Apple II computer with far superior capabilities, commodore 64 remains a middle-class favorite due to its price. Also, the company has decided to distribute its homemade computer via some other means including not only just electronics stores specialized in that kind of equipment but in general shops and big department stores, through toy stores and book shops as well as through specialized dealers. This has given C64 a more competitive edge and mixed with the affordable price it soon became a staple of home computing. c64 storeWith sales booming and the early reliability issues with the hardware addressed, software for the C64 began to grow in size and ambition during 1984. This growth shifted to the primary focus of most US game developers. The two holdouts were Sierra, who largely skipped over the C64 in favor of Apple and PC compatible machines, and Broderbund, who was heavily invested in educational software and developed primarily around the Apple II. In the North American market, the disk format had become nearly universal while cassette and cartridge-based software all but disappeared. So most US-developed games by this point grew large enough to require multi-loading. At a mid-1984 conference of game developers and experts at Origins Game Fair, Dan Bunten, Sid Meier, and a representative of Avalon Hill said that they were developing games for the C64 first as the most promising market. By 1985, games were an estimated 60 to 70% of Commodore 64 software. Over 35% of SSI's 1986 sales were for the C64, ten points higher than for the Apple II. Everything was great for Commodore but the industry was moving forward and by the year 1988, PC compatible computers were stated to be the largest and fastest-growing home entertainment systems pushing C64 on to second place. Also, Nintendo’s gaming system has started to take hold in the world with amazing 7 million systems sold in 1988 only. By the year 1991, many developers exited the gaming market for Commodore 64 home computer system and its popularity started to fall due to lack of software and not so many hardware changes. commodore salesCommodore announced that the C64 would be finally discontinued in 1995. However, only one month later in April 1994, the company filed for bankruptcy. When Commodore went bankrupt, all production on their inventory, including the C64, was discontinued, thus ending the C64's 11 and a half year production.

Legendary titles

The history of Commodore 64 is interesting ones and I believe that it has done much for computers in general, yes it ran 11 years and that seems like a small-time, but remember that it was 11 years of C64 alone, there were other computers released by the company but none except arguably AMIGA 500 has not reached that much popularity as Commodore 64. That being said the system has left some of the great titles in its catalog that are great to be played even today and have been classic games on other platforms, even on PC itself. That being said I am giving you the top 100 games for Commodore 64:
  1. maggotZak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
  2. Pirates!
  3. Maniac Mansion
  4. IK+
  5. Bubble Booble
  6. Turrican II: The Final Fight
  7. Last Ninja 2
  8. Space Rogue
  9. Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar
  10. Archon: The Light and the Dark
  11. Turrican
  12. Wasteland
  13. Defender of the Crown
  14. Elite
  15. Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny
  16. Laser Squad
  17. Prince of Persia
  18. Impossible Mission
  19. U.L.E.
  20. Pool of Radiance
  21. Bruce Lee
  22. Paradroid
  23. Project Stealth Fighter
  24. Curse of the Azure Bonds
  25. Ultima III: Exodus
  26. Legacy of the Ancients
  27. Winter Games
  28. Leaderboard Golf
  29. Supremacy
  30. Airborne Ranger
  31. Exile
  32. Last Ninja, The
  33. World Class Leader Board
  34. MicroProse Soccer
  35. Project Firestart
  36. Boulder Dash
  37. Summer Games 2
  38. Great Giana Sisters, The
  39. Neuromancer
  40. Mad Doctor
  41. Mail Order Monsters
  42. Zork I: The Great Underground Empire
  43. Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday
  44. Katakis
  45. Bard's Tale, The: Tales of the Unknown
  46. WIzball
  47. Times of Lore
  48. Emlyn Hughes International Soccer
  49. Ultimate Wizard
  50. Alternate Reality: The Dungeonalternate reality dungeon
  51. World Games
  52. Leaderboard Executive
  53. California Games
  54. Samurai Warrior: The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo
  55. Summer Games
  56. Creatures 2: Torture Trouble
  57. Gunship
  58. Space Taxi
  59. International Karate
  60. Silent Service
  61. Bard's Tale III, The: Thief of Fate
  62. Seven Cities of Gold
  63. Armalyte
  64. Raid on Bungeling Bay
  65. Alter Ego: Male Version
  66. Enforcer: Fullmetal Megablaster
  67. Detective Game, The
  68. Creatures
  69. Skate or Die!
  70. Heart of Africa
  71. E.R.O. - Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation
  72. Way of the Exploding Fist, The
  73. Stunt Car Racer
  74. Wizard of Wor
  75. Bard's Tale II, The: The Destiny Knight
  76. Mayhem in Monsterland
  77. Train, The: Escape to Normandy
  78. Jumpman
  79. Champions of Krynnchampions of krynn
  80. Pitstop II
  81. Barry McGuigan World Championship Boxing
  82. Montezuma's Revenge
  83. Boulder Dash II: Rockford's Revenge
  84. Spy vs Spy
  85. Mercenary: Escape from Targ
  86. Midnight Resistance
  87. Lords of Midnight
  88. Lode Runner
  89. Castles of Doctor Creep, The
  90. Boulder Dash Construction Kit
  91. Buggy Boy
  92. Racing Destruction Set
  93. Dino Eggs
  94. Realm of Impossibility
  95. Rainbow Islands
  96. Beach-Head II: The Dictator Strikes Back
  97. Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior
  98. Grand Prix Circuit
  99. Head Over Heels
  100. Sentinel, The

Commodore 64 emulator and game ROMs

Commodore 64 might be in the past but its legacy still lives on even today through emulators and ROMs for emulators. You can even purchase one in working condition if you want and relive the full experience as it once was. vice c64 emulatorIf you are not keen on spending money for reliving and checking games or software of C64 here are some links to help you to at least experience part of it completely free. Commodore 64 Emulator C64 Game ROMs


It is without a doubt that the C64 home system has made a great mark on home computers echoing even today and I am very grateful that I have been part of it as a kid. Sometimes today I will still spin some old classic via emulator just for nostalgia and enjoy its simplicity. Thank you for reading the article and I hope to see you soon again.
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Rocketbook Fusion smartbook review

In today's age of smart gadgets and complete replacement of even some simple things with their smart counterpart, it is not really a surprise to see some strange innovations that try to take advantage of modern technology.


One of these innovations is a smart book, or to be more precise smart note, a reusable notebook that could be connected to your phone.

Why Rocketbook Fusion smartbook

One thing that could justify, well it should justify buying Rocketbook is the preservation of trees and the environment since it can be reused. The second argument would be its price since it is not expensive considering what it offers.

On top of all, you also have a free application for your phone in order to take full advantage of it.

What is a smartbook?

Imagine this scenario, you have a notebook of 42 pages with several different page styles inside. You write in it and after it is filled you upload its content to your email or cloud service of your choice, get a cloth, erase everything and start again from zero.

So as mentioned notebook comes with 42 pages of various page styles. Most of the pages are either lined or dotted but the notebook also includes a monthly calendar, two-week detailed calendar pages, and three pages for project or idea tracking. Since everything can be erased this is enough variety to cover all basis and eliminate any need for another workbook ever.

When you feel like you want to save work or once it is filled you can easily upload and save the workbook from the scan page option in the free Rocketbook app. Once scanned pages can be uploaded to your preferred cloud service or sent to your email.

Now in order to write and be able to erase any of Rocketbook's notebooks, you will have to use Pilot's Frixion writing pens. They will dry around 15s on the page and can be of course easily wiped with a damp microfiber cloth that is included with the purchase. One pen also comes with a workbook when purchased.


Application has cool features, of course, the most important and most useful one is setting your upload scan destination so when you scan your pages they get automatically uploaded to your chosen destination.

In the application settings, you can also toggle some handwriting recognition features that will allow you to easily search your uploaded documents. For example, you can search through documents just by writing now or two words. There is also a Smart List feature as well that will take your checklist and make it into a virtual checklist.

The app also has a fun Explore section where you can find all sorts of fun hacks and different ideas on how to use your Rocketbook.

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There is insufficient disk space to ...
If you are trying to copy a folder or file in your Windows 10 computer but encountered an error that says, “There is insufficient disk space to complete operation”, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will walk you through how you can fix the error. This kind of problem could be due to lack of disk space, corrupted disk, and many more. In such cases, this error usually pops up when you move or copy a file or folder to a particular location. There are several potential fixes you can check out to fix this error. You can try to run the Storage Sense or Disk Cleanup or try copying or moving the file in a Clean Boot State. You could also try formatting the given partition to NTFS. For more information, refer to each one of the options provided below.

Option 1 – Try to delete the temporary files

The error could be caused by some temporary or junk files in your computer and so you need to clear them up to fix the problem. You can achieve that using the Storage Sense feature.
  • Open Setting > System > Storage from the WinX Menu.
  • From there, you will see a list of all the local and connected storage devices along with the details on the free space. Make sure that Storage Sense is on.
  • Next, find a link that says “Free Up Space” and click it to open.
  • After that, a screen which is the built-in program in Windows 10 will appear and will scan your computer for the following junk files so you can free up disk space:
    • Windows Upgrade Log Files
    • The system created Windows Error Reporting Files
    • Thumbnails
    • Temporary Internet Files
    • Previous Windows Installation Files
    • Delivery Optimisation Files
    • DirectX Shader Cache
  • Choose the files you want to get rid of and then click on the remove files option. Note that you’ll have an idea of the total size as you select any of the junk files listed above.
  • Now go to the “Free Up Space Now” section and click the Clean now button. This will get rid of all the temporary or junk files in your computer and should hopefully fix the “There is insufficient disk space to complete operation” error.

Option 2 – Restart your computer in a Clean Boot State

If the first options didn’t work and you still see the “There is insufficient disk space to complete operation” error when you copy folder or files, you can try putting your computer in a Clean Boot State and then again.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • Now try to connect copy the folder or file once more and check if the error is now gone.

Option 3 – Try formatting the given partition to NTFS

Even though this option may take a lot of your time, it is proven to fix the “There is insufficient disk space to complete operation” error as reported by many users who also went through the same dilemma. So if the removable disk is showing the same error message no matter which computer you insert it, you might have to format the drive with the help of Command Prompt. But before you do that, you must know that all the contents of your drive will be permanently deleted after you format it.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd and then tap Enter or click OK to open the Command Prompt.
  • And in the elevated window of Command Prompt, type in the following command:
format F: /fs:ntfs
In the command given above, “F” is the drive letter and “NTFS” is the file system you want. Just remember to replace “F” with the drive letter you want to format as well as the file system you prefer. Brace yourself as this process might take quite a while even if you only have a 4 GB USB drive – so you must not close the window under any circumstances as the drive might get corrupted and wait for the process to finish.
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Fix Boot Device Not Found 3F0 Error
Today we will be solving the Device not found 3F0 error which is a common error, especially among HP (HP Pavilion G6), Lenovo, Acer, and Dell laptops/desktops. This error occurs when the computer is turned ON and when the system is about to boot. It can happen on windows 7,  8, or 10. When a mentioned error occurs one of the following messages will be displayed on your screen:
  • “No bootable device – insert boot disk and press any key”
  • “No Boot Device Found. Press any key to reboot the machine”
  • “Boot Device Not Found. Please install an operating system on your hard disk. Hard Disk (3FO)”
  • “No boot device is available”

The most common reasons for 3F0 error to occur is:

  • Using the unbootable device or disk to boot from.
  • If the bootable hard drive you are using might have corrupted or damaged somehow.
  • MBR or boot sector is damaged on the bootable hard drive.
  • If your system has gone through a virus or malware attack.
  • The wrong boot order in the BIOS.
  • Hard disk connection problem.
  • System files or boot files unknowingly damaged.
  • Corrupt hard drive partitions.
Now all of these being said let us go through some of the solutions and fix this dreaded error in order to get your computer back in working order:

1: Change Boot Order

This is well, the most simple solution and the easiest one, try to change the boot sequence in the BIOS settings of your motherboard. Sometimes most easier solutions can provide great results and solve our problems. If sadly this fails and the issue persists move to the next solution.

2: Perform a Hard Reset

Performing hard reset can often solve issues, to perform a hard reset do the following:
  • Turn off the computer and unplug the power adapter. If there is a removable battery, it should also be removed.
  • Then disconnect all peripherals, including the removable hard drive, etc.
  • Press and hold the power button for 15 seconds to drain all remaining power.
  • Insert the battery, and then re-plug the AC adapter into the laptop.
  • Press the power button to turn on the computer.
  • Once the computer starts up properly and the startup menu appears, use the arrow keys to select “Start Windows normally” and then press Enter.
Reconnect everything back of your peripherals. If by any chance problem still persists follow the next step:

3: Test Hard Drive Using HP Diagnostic Tool

Use the built-in tool in the Hp device to solve the issue:
  • Turn on your computer and keep pressing the Esc key until the menu appears on the screen.
  • Next, press the F2 key.
  • Choose the Components Tests option from the HP PC Hardware Diagnostics menu.
  • Select Hard Drive from the Component Tests menu.
  • Click on the Quick Test, then click on the Run once button.
  • If there are still any issues with your hard drive, then run the Extensive Test.

4: Restore BIOS Default Settings

  • Press the Power button to start the computer, and immediately after this, repeatedly press the F10 key to enter the BIOS setup menu.
  • To load and restore BIOS Setup Default settings, press F9 on the BIOS setup menu.
  • Once loaded, press F10 to Save and Exit.
  • Select yes, and then press Enter when it says Exit Saving Changes.

5: Reconnect Your Hard Drive

  • Turn the computer off and remove the power cable.
  • If you have a removable battery, take it out
  • Disconnect your hard drive and then connect it back.
  • Reassemble your computer and turn the computer on to see if it fixed the issue.

6: Fix and Rebuild Damaged MBR

  • Boot from the original installation DVD (or the recovery USB)
  • At the Welcome screen, click Repair your computer.
  • Choose Troubleshoot.
  • Choose Command Prompt.
  • When the Command Prompt loads, type the following commands: bootrec /FixMbr bootrec /FixBoot bootrec /ScanOs bootrec /RebuildBcd.

7: Fix Operating System

  • Prepare a Windows installation disc, CD/DVD or USB flash drive and connect it to your PC.
  • During the installation process, launch Command Prompt.
  • In Windows 7, under the System Recovery Options tab, click Startup Repair.
  • In Windows 8 and Windows 10, click Repair your computer, then select Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Automatic Repair (Windows 8) or Startup Repair (Windows 10).

8: Replace the Hard Disk

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