If you are a kid or in your teenage years you maybe will be not familiar with Commodore 64 but we are welcoming you anyway to go with us on this journey through time and find out about one of the most influential and beloved home computer of all time.
History of Commodore
Firstly shown to the world in January of 1982, at the Consumer Electronics Show, C64 caught attention right away with its low price of only $595. Although it had some issues like limited functionality in some fields and a non-wide range of use by 1984 its price dropped below $200 and it cemented itself as an affordable home computer for the middle class.
In as same year Apple has released their Apple II computer with far superior capabilities, commodore 64 remains a middle-class favorite due to its price.
Also, the company has decided to distribute its homemade computer via some other means including not only just electronics stores specialized in that kind of equipment but in general shops and big department stores, through toy stores and book shops as well as through specialized dealers. This has given C64 a more competitive edge and mixed with the affordable price it soon became a staple of home computing.
With sales booming and the early reliability issues with the hardware addressed, software for the C64 began to grow in size and ambition during 1984. This growth shifted to the primary focus of most US game developers. The two holdouts were Sierra, who largely skipped over the C64 in favor of Apple and PC compatible machines, and Broderbund, who was heavily invested in educational software and developed primarily around the Apple II. In the North American market, the disk format had become nearly universal while cassette and cartridge-based software all but disappeared. So most US-developed games by this point grew large enough to require multi-loading.
At a mid-1984 conference of game developers and experts at Origins Game Fair, Dan Bunten, Sid Meier, and a representative of Avalon Hill said that they were developing games for the C64 first as the most promising market. By 1985, games were an estimated 60 to 70% of Commodore 64 software. Over 35% of SSI's 1986 sales were for the C64, ten points higher than for the Apple II.
Everything was great for Commodore but the industry was moving forward and by the year 1988, PC compatible computers were stated to be the largest and fastest-growing home entertainment systems pushing C64 on to second place. Also, Nintendo’s gaming system has started to take hold in the world with amazing 7 million systems sold in 1988 only.
By the year 1991, many developers exited the gaming market for Commodore 64 home computer system and its popularity started to fall due to lack of software and not so many hardware changes.
Commodore announced that the C64 would be finally discontinued in 1995.
However, only one month later in April 1994, the company filed for bankruptcy. When Commodore went bankrupt, all production on their inventory, including the C64, was discontinued, thus ending the C64's 11 and a half year production.
Legendary titles
The history of Commodore 64 is interesting ones and I believe that it has done much for computers in general, yes it ran 11 years and that seems like a small-time, but remember that it was 11 years of C64 alone, there were other computers released by the company but none except arguably AMIGA 500 has not reached that much popularity as Commodore 64.
That being said the system has left some of the great titles in its catalog that are great to be played even today and have been classic games on other platforms, even on PC itself. That being said I am giving you the top 100 games for Commodore 64:
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
Maniac Mansion
Bubble Booble
Turrican II: The Final Fight
Last Ninja 2
Space Rogue
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar
Archon: The Light and the Dark
Defender of the Crown
Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny
Laser Squad
Prince of Persia
Impossible Mission
Pool of Radiance
Bruce Lee
Project Stealth Fighter
Curse of the Azure Bonds
Ultima III: Exodus
Legacy of the Ancients
Winter Games
Leaderboard Golf
Airborne Ranger
Last Ninja, The
World Class Leader Board
MicroProse Soccer
Project Firestart
Boulder Dash
Summer Games 2
Great Giana Sisters, The
Mad Doctor
Mail Order Monsters
Zork I: The Great Underground Empire
Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday
Bard's Tale, The: Tales of the Unknown
Times of Lore
Emlyn Hughes International Soccer
Ultimate Wizard
Alternate Reality: The Dungeon
World Games
Leaderboard Executive
California Games
Samurai Warrior: The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo
Summer Games
Creatures 2: Torture Trouble
Space Taxi
International Karate
Silent Service
Bard's Tale III, The: Thief of Fate
Seven Cities of Gold
Raid on Bungeling Bay
Alter Ego: Male Version
Enforcer: Fullmetal Megablaster
Detective Game, The
Skate or Die!
Heart of Africa
E.R.O. - Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation
Way of the Exploding Fist, The
Stunt Car Racer
Wizard of Wor
Bard's Tale II, The: The Destiny Knight
Mayhem in Monsterland
Train, The: Escape to Normandy
Champions of Krynn
Pitstop II
Barry McGuigan World Championship Boxing
Montezuma's Revenge
Boulder Dash II: Rockford's Revenge
Spy vs Spy
Mercenary: Escape from Targ
Midnight Resistance
Lords of Midnight
Lode Runner
Castles of Doctor Creep, The
Boulder Dash Construction Kit
Buggy Boy
Racing Destruction Set
Dino Eggs
Realm of Impossibility
Rainbow Islands
Beach-Head II: The Dictator Strikes Back
Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior
Grand Prix Circuit
Head Over Heels
Sentinel, The
Commodore 64 emulator and game ROMs
Commodore 64 might be in the past but its legacy still lives on even today through emulators and ROMs for emulators. You can even purchase one in working condition if you want and relive the full experience as it once was.
If you are not keen on spending money for reliving and checking games or software of C64 here are some links to help you to at least experience part of it completely free.
It is without a doubt that the C64 home system has made a great mark on home computers echoing even today and I am very grateful that I have been part of it as a kid. Sometimes today I will still spin some old classic via emulator just for nostalgia and enjoy its simplicity.
Thank you for reading the article and I hope to see you soon again.
0x8007005 is a Windows Error Code. You may come across this error if you don’t have the appropriate permission to install a particular Windows update. It is prompted as ‘Access Denied’ error message.
Error Causes
The error code 0x80070005 usually triggered because of 2 reasons:
Some updates require administrative permissions to be installed
Due to malware and viruses
Further Information and Manual Repair
If you face this error while installing Windows updates on your PC, it is advisable to fix it immediately.
By taking timely actions, you can update your PC easily and in case if the cause of the error code 0x80070005 is malware or some virus, you can stop it from causing more and serious damage to your system. Sometimes malware and viruses can lead to data loss.
To avoid such damages here’s what you need to do:
Cause: Updates require administrative permission
Quick Fix: If the 0x8007005 error occurs on your system due to administrative permission issues, then the best way to fix this error right away is to log on as an administrator.
If there are many user accounts on your PC, then to resolve this error, make sure you log on using the user account that has administrator permissions on the computer.
Once you log on as an administrator, now try to install the updates again.
Cause: Malware and Viruses
Quick Fix: If the error 0x80070005 occurs because of malware infection, the best way to resolve this error would then be to open your antivirus software and run a scan to detect the malware.
However, if you don’t have antivirus software installed on your system, then it is advisable to download the software immediately.
Download antivirus software. To be on the safe side download Microsoft Safety Scanner.
Click on the run when prompted. Once the scanner is installed on your PC create a shortcut to Safety Scanner on your computer desktop so that it is easily accessible.
Now double click on the icon and click on the full scan tab to start scanning for malware and viruses on your system. After the scan is complete, you will see a list of viruses on your PC.
Now remove them all by hitting the delete tab and then repair. Now try installing the updates again.
By following these quick-fix techniques, you can easily resolve the error 0x80070005 on your system by yourself, without calling an IT professional.
Error 404 is a HTTP status code. You may come across the error code 404 while browsing online. The message indicates the web page you are trying to log on to couldn’t be found on the server. This error code is frequently customized by individual websites.
Most of the time it is displayed by:
“404 Error"
"404 Not Found"
"Error 404"
"404 File or Directory Not Found"
"HTTP 404 Not Found”
"The requested URL [URL] was not found on this server."
"HTTP 404"
"404 Page Not Found"
“Error 404 Not Found"
The error message 404 can occur in any browser including Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. It can also occur is any operating system. In addition to this, the error 404 may also occur during Windows updates.
Error Causes
Technically, the error 404 is a client-side error that implies you couldn’t access the desired web page because either you typed the wrong URL or either the page has been removed from the website.
Other causes of this error code include:
Junk files in the browser
Junk registry entries
Browser cache issues
DNS server problems
Further Information and Manual Repair
If the error code does not occur due to web page removal from the owner of the website, then this means there is some other underlying issue from the error code 404. To avoid inconvenience and to access the website, it is advisable to resolve the error right away.
To help you resolve the error 404 on your PC, we have listed some of the best and easy DIY solutions. Try these methods to fix the issue on your system:
Method 1
Press F5 to retry accessing the web page. F5 is the refresh/reload button. If the error is temporary this will resolve the issue immediately.
Method 2
Check the URL - ‘The error 404 not found’ may also appear because the URL was typed wrong. Search for the page on the popular search engines. Insert the correct URL for the web page you want to access. This will most likely fix the error.
Change the DNS Servers - If the entire website you want to access is giving you error 404 and if the site is available to others on different servers then you might want to try changing your DNS server. 404 errors are not particularly common unless your ISP or government filters or censors websites.
Method 5
Remove Junk files and Junk registry entries - Another way to resolve the error is to clean the registry. The underlying cause of the error could be accumulation of the junk, invalid and bad registry entries.
You can remove them manually, but that process will require technical expertise and will be quite time-consuming.
Nonetheless, the easy and efficient way to clean up the registry is to download Restoro. This is an advanced, highly functional and next-generation Registry Cleaner.
Why Use Restoro?
It is deployed with a cutting-edge and intuitive algorithm that detects, scans, and removes all the registry issues on your entire PC in seconds.
This registry cleaner wipes out all bad entries and junk files saved on the disk immediately, fixes the damaged and corrupt files, and restores the registry back to normal.
Besides functioning as a registry cleaner, this software is also integrated with several other utilities such as an antivirus that removes all kinds of malicious software from your system, a system optimizer for optimum PC functioning, and Active X controls and Class ID scanner.
It is safe to download, user-friendly and efficient. This error tool is compatible with all Windows versions.
To resolve error 404 on your PC, click here to download Restoro today!
What software are you using to keep your information and all your files and memories safe?
None? Yikes. Let’s hope no damage has been done to your data yet then. Because with how the digital world has evolved, your data might be getting leaked and you have no idea.
Why do you need to invest in security software?
There’s really no good excuse not to purchase a quality platform for PC protection. Especially since top security solutions are available at such affordable prices nowadays, your wallet would barely even notice it.
At this point, only people who barely use their PCs and have zero sensitive information on them can get away with simply using the built-in Windows 10/11 security software. But we guarantee that those people are extremely hard to find and that you’re not one of them, and here’s why.
Even if you don’t use your computer for things that are very obviously sensitive, such as internet banking, you still have some personal data at risk of being stolen. How so? Well, think about the data you enter into your social media profiles, for example. How devastating would it be if somebody got a hold of any of it? Yep, that’s what we thought.
Credit: FLY:D on Unsplash
In the hands of a skilled cybercriminal, your phone number alone could put you at risk of scams, ransomware, identity theft and more. Also think about the stuff you share in texts and social media chats. Think about the websites you visit and how many times you may have accidentally clicked on an ad, which could very well contain malicious software. Those all seem harmless until someone’s actually used them against you.
Now imagine the dangers involved when you actually store truly confidential data on your PC and browsers. Sends shivers down your spine, doesn’t it?
In the case of a successful cyberattack of whatever type (virus, phishing, worms, etc.), there’s so much that is at stake. Businesses/legal persons will suffer from financial loss and damaged reputation, at the very least. Natural persons may be threatened or exploited, get their banking or medical information and even their identity stolen, etc. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
These are our biggest reasons for investing in Windows PC protection software:
Cyberthreats are constantly evolving to the point where built-in or free software won’t cut it anymore.
Those working remotely can have peace of mind knowing both personal and business data is completely secure.
Businesses using top security solutions ensure their customers trust them.
Data breaches are a pain in the you-know-what to handle. Fighting a cyberattack and going back to normal is a demanding process, and not to mention the stress it’ll cause. We’d rather prevent all that by using trustworthy security products!
It helps parents worry a little less about their children’s safety in the online world.
Added bonus: with most products, you get an ad-free browsing experience!
Obviously, there are a lot more reasons to get your PC secured. But we think you get it. So let’s cut to the chase and take a look at our 6 favorite protection solutions and the wonders they can do for you.
*Note that in this article we’re looking at products primarily suited for households and home offices, some for small businesses. No enterprise solutions will make the list today, but stay tuned for a future article on those.
Top 6 best PC protection solutions
1. Bitdefender Total & Internet Security\
One of the biggest security product vendors out there, Bitdefender offers several awesome solutions. We want to introduce two of our favorites, Bitdefender Total Security and Bitdefender Internet Security.
Bitdefender Total Security is great for both households and smaller offices. You can choose to protect 5 or 10 devices, and not necessarily just Windows devices. It also works for macOS, Android and iOS. It offers a range of powerful features, such as:
Real-time data protection
Webcam and microphone protection
Device optimization options
Anti-phishing/-fraud/-spam technology
Ransomware protection
Anti-loss and anti-theft tools
VPN and privacy firewall
Anti-tracking technology
Parental controls
24/7 support
Bitdefender Internet Security shares almost all of these features, but there are a few important differences to note. Unlike Total Security, Internet Security has more options in terms of the number of protected devices: 1, 3, 5 or 10. However it’s only compatible with the Windows platform and it doesn’t offer device optimization tools or anti-theft options. Whether or not this is a deal-breaker depends on your needs alone - we still find it a great security tool.
Credit: Firmbee.com on Unsplash
2. ESET Internet Security
An award-winning Windows security product, ESET Internet Security is essential on this list. It has an outstanding protection rate of 99.9% and a range of amazing options you’ll definitely want to make use of. It can be installed on up to 10 devices, making it an awesome tool for your household, home office or a small business. It’s also compatible with macOS and Android.
These are ESET Internet Security’s best features:
Protection against ransomware and spyware
Protection against malware specifically designed to avoid detection
In-depth scans when the computer is not in use
Firewall to prevent unauthorized access to your PC
Anti-spam tool
Anti-phishing and botnet protection technologies
Tool to scan your router and smart devices for vulnerabilities
Special browser for secure internet banking
Parental controls
Prevention of unauthorized webcam access
If you ask us, ESET has it all!
Credit: rupixen.com on Unsplash
3. Kaspersky Total & Internet Security
Having a deja vu? Didn’t you just read Total Security and Internet Security somewhere? Oh, that’s right - the first entry on our list! But here we’re talking about Kaspersky, a vendor you’ve also definitely heard about before.
Just like Bitdefender, Kaspersky is another one of those renowned names in the cybersecurity world that always make it to every ‘best of’ list. And for good reason - its products really fulfill their purpose. So let’s take a closer look at the two we chose.
These are the features both Kaspersky Total Security and Kaspersky Internet Security have in common:
Real-time virus and spyware blocking
Webcam protection
Wi-Fi security notifications
Advanced identity theft protection
Free technical support on several channels
Remote security management
Multiple devices (up to 10)
The main difference between Kaspersky Total Security and Internet Security is that the former offers more capabilities. These are the features KTS offers that KIS does not:
System cleanup
File shredding
Password management
Data backup and encryption
Both are excellent security tools, though we do prefer KTS a little more because of these additional options.
4. Norton 360 Deluxe
Of course one of the industry-leading solutions makes the list. Norton 360 Deluxe can protect up to 5 devices, be it Windows, iOS, macOS or Android. It’s worth noting that its features are best developed for Windows. Here’s what you get with Norton 360 Deluxe:
Protection against viruses, hackers, malware
100% virus protection promise
VPN included for all devices
Unlimited VPN on Windows
Password manager
Parental controls
So is there anything aside from these standard protection features that makes it such a favorite among us techies? Let us tell you! Norton added a little bit of spice here with two really powerful capabilities. The Deluxe product offers 50GB of cloud backup and dark web monitoring. The latter means the software notifies you if any of your personal information is found on the dark web, which helps protect you against identity theft.
Credit: Luke Peters on Unsplash
5. McAfee Antivirus
Don’t be misled by the name of this product. Antivirus software may have started as protection against viruses only, but it’s developed quite a lot. The name simply stuck. All that to say that McAfee Antivirus - another award-winning security solution - protects you against several different threats.
The basic and essential plan allow 1 and 5 devices respectively, while McAfee+ Premium and Advanced work on an unlimited number of devices. The latter two also offer more capabilities, as you can imagine. Here’s what you can expect from all of them:
Secure unlimited VPN
File shredder to delete sensitive files completely
Ultimate safety while browsing
Protection against hackers
100% virus protection promise
Advanced firewall to block dangerous traffic
Online support from specialists
Protection score (shows how safe you are and detects vulnerabilities)
Identity monitoring (notifies you if any of your information is on the dark web)
Password management
Unlike the previous products, McAfee Antivirus does not offer parental controls. Otherwise it’s a pretty strong and comprehensive protection tool and might just be the right choice for you!
6. Trend Micro Maximum Security
Last but definitely not least, we’ve got Maximum Security by Trend Micro. And yes, you guessed it, Trend Micro is also an award winner in terms of cybersecurity. Its products have been recognized as industry-leading security solutions by AV-Test since 2003. Among all its fantastic solutions, our favorite for households or small offices is Maximum Security.
You can use Trend Micro Maximum Security to protect 3-5 devices for a year or two years before needing to renew your license. Aside from Windows, it’s compatible with iOS, Android, Mac and Chromebook devices. Here’s what you can expect from this protection software:
Powerful malware protection
Phishing detection and prevention (email)
Password management and protection
Maximum security for online banking and shopping
System optimization
Social media privacy protection
Parental controls
24/7 technical support
No notifications during gaming
It’s truly one of the most effective platforms out there dedicated to protecting your digital life. Using this product, ransomware, identity thieves and malicious websites don’t stand a chance.
The bottom line
If you’ve made it all the way here, congratulations, you’ve made the right choice: to invest in securing your valuable data! Now the question is: which one of these 6 awesome antivirus/antimalware products to select?
The paradox of choice is a very real thing - we feel you. As mentioned, it comes down to what your specific needs are. So before you go ahead and purchase your security software, make sure to explore all options.
And if you really can’t handle the decision-making anxiety, feel free to reach out. We’ll happily assist you in finding the right product to keep your digital life secure!
Aro2012 is a PC Optimizer Software that typically comes bundled with other software. Even though Aro2012 poses no threat itself, the programs that it comes bundled with may pose a problem to your computer.
From the Author: ARO is an advanced repair and optimization utility designed to help improve and maintain computers running the Windows operating system (both 32- and 64-bit). ARO focuses on finding errors that hide out in the Windows registry, identifying PC and web browser clutter that may be hindering PC performance, and ensuring computers have adequate security solutions installed and up to date. With its advanced scanning engine, ARO provides deep scanning capabilities to identify and repair registry errors. ARO also searches for and removes “junk” files that accumulate over time and can put a damper on PC performance.
When installed Aro2012 creates a startup entry that allows it to run each time the computer is started. It also adds a task scheduler that allows it to run at various times.
About Potentially Unwanted Applications
Have you ever found an unwanted program on your computer system and pondered how it got there since you are sure you didn’t purposefully download and never gave authorization to be installed? A PUA / PUP (potentially unwanted application / potentially unwanted program) is a piece of software that comes bundled with freeware/shareware and you agree to install on your computer. These are programs you definitely don’t want on your PC since it doesn’t give any beneficial service.
The term PUP was first coined to outline this downloadable crapware as something other than malicious software. The reason is, most PUPs get into a PC not because they slip via the security holes, for instance, but because the users have installed them by themselves – 100 % unintentionally needless to say. PUPs might not be malware but nevertheless, they are dangerous programs for your laptop or computer. At best, these types of unwanted programs provide hardly any benefit, and at worst, they can be quite harmful to your computer.
What do PUPs do on your PC, precisely?
Most Potentially Unwanted Programs comes in the form of adware, which typically aims to exhibit lots of annoying pop-up ads, banners, coupons, and bargains on web pages you explore. PUPS also comes in the form of unwanted toolbars or browser plug-ins. Not only they entirely take up space on your computer screen, but toolbars could also manipulate search engine results, track your surfing activities, decrease your internet browser’s overall performance, and slow down your internet connection to a crawl.
They could appear innocent but PUPs tend to be spyware. And in the large majority of the cases, end-users will not be aware that they’re installing an unwanted program. These are software programs that don’t do anything useful to you; in addition to taking up space on your hard disk drive, they will also slow down your computer, often modify settings without your permission, and the list of frustrating features goes on and on.
How can you avoid ‘crapware’
• Read the fine print so that the end-user license agreement (EULA) you’re accepting is only for the program you actually intend to download.• Always choose “Custom” or “Advanced” installation and never blindly click the Next button, which should let you uncheck any “foistware” software programs you do not want.• Have a solid anti-virus program such as Safebytes Anti-malware that can protect your computer from PUPs. As soon as you install this software, protection from malware and PUPs is already turned on.• Avoid installing a freeware application you will not use. Nowadays ‘freeware’ isn’t actually freeware – but “crapware” bundling nonsense.• Don’t download software programs from pop-ups, online advertisements, file sharing websites, as well as other unreliable sources; look out for any preset, unwanted options when downloading the program. Avoid visiting blogs and sites that support pirated programs.
What To Do When You Cannot Install Any Anti-Malware?
Practically all malware is inherently unsafe, but certain kinds of malicious software do a lot more damage to your computer than others. Some malware is designed to interfere with or prevent things that you’d like to do on your computer. It may well not permit you to download anything from the net or it will prevent you from accessing some or all of the websites, especially the antivirus sites. If you’re reading this, odds are you’re stuck with a malware infection that is preventing you to download and install the Safebytes Anti-Malware program on your computer. Although this type of issue will be harder to get around, there are some actions you can take.
Install in Safe Mode
If the malware is set to load at Windows startup, then booting in safe mode should avoid it. Only minimal required applications and services are loaded when you start your computer into Safe Mode. To launch your Windows XP, Vista, or 7 computers in Safe Mode with Networking, follow the instructions below.
1) At power-on/startup, hit the F8 key in 1-second intervals. This should bring up the Advanced Boot Options menu.2) Use the arrow keys to select Safe Mode with Networking and hit ENTER.3) Once this mode loads, you should have internet access. Now, get the virus removal application you need by using the internet browser. To install the program, follow the guidelines within the setup wizard.4) Immediately after installation, do a complete scan and let the software get rid of the threats it detects.
Download the antivirus program in a different internet browser
Web-based viruses could be environment-specific, aiming for a particular internet browser or attacking specific versions of the browser. If you seem to have a trojan attached to Internet Explorer, then switch over to a different internet browser with built-in security features, such as Chrome or Firefox, to download your favorite antivirus program – Safebytes.
Install and run anti-malware from a Thumb drive
Another option is to create a portable antivirus program on your USB flash drive. Adopt these measures to use a thumb drive to clean your corrupted system.
1) Make use of another virus-free computer to download Safebytes Anti-Malware.2) Insert the USB drive on the same computer.3) Double-click the Setup icon of the antivirus software to run the Installation Wizard.4) Select the USB flash drive as the destination for saving the software file. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the installation process.5) Now, insert the pen drive into the corrupted PC.6) Run the Safebytes Anti-malware directly from the flash drive by double-clicking the icon.7) Simply click “Scan Now” to run a scan on the affected computer for viruses.
SafeBytes Anti-Malware: Lightweight Malware Protection for Windows PC
Want to install the very best anti-malware software for your laptop or computer? There are plenty of applications available that come in paid and free versions for Windows systems. Some of them are excellent, some are ok types, and some will ruin your PC themselves! You need to pick out a product that has obtained a good reputation and detects not only viruses but other kinds of malware also. On the list of strongly recommended applications by industry experts is SafeBytes Anti-Malware, the most dependable program for Microsoft Windows.
SafeBytes can be described as a powerful, real-time antivirus application that is designed to assist the typical computer user in protecting their computer from malicious threats. Using its outstanding protection system, this software will quickly detect and get rid of most of the security threats, including adware, viruses, browser hijackers, ransomware, trojans, worms, and PUPs.
SafeBytes has got a plethora of wonderful features that can help you protect your computer from malware attacks and damage. A few of them are given as below:
Active Protection: SafeBytes provides round-the-clock protection for your personal computer limiting malware attacks instantly. It’ll continuously monitor your laptop or computer for hacker activity and also gives users superior firewall protection.
Most Reliable AntiMalware Protection: With a critically acclaimed malware engine, SafeBytes gives multilayered protection which is designed to catch and remove viruses and malware which are concealed deep in your computer.
Extremely Speed Scanning: SafeBytes’s very fast malware scanning engine lessens scanning times and extends battery life. At the same time, it will effectively detect and remove infected computer files or any internet threat.
Website Filtering: Through its unique safety ranking, SafeBytes notifies you whether a website is safe or not to access it. This will ensure that you’re always certain of your online safety when browsing the web.
Minimal CPU and RAM Usage: This software is lightweight and will run quietly in the background, and will not affect your computer efficiency.
Premium Support: Support service is readily available for 24 x 7 x 365 days through email and chats to answer your queries.
Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)
To eliminate Aro 2012 manually, go to the Add or Remove programs list in the Control Panel and choose the program you want to get rid of. For web browser plug-ins, go to your web browser’s Addon/Extension manager and select the add-on you intend to disable or remove. It is also advised to reset your web browser to its default state to fix corrupt settings.
To ensure complete removal, find the following registry entries on your computer and remove them or reset the values accordingly. Please keep in mind that only professional users should try to manually edit the registry because removing any single critical system file results in a serious issue or perhaps a PC crash. Additionally, some malicious programs have the capability to defend against its deletion. Completing this task in Safe Mode is advised.
ListenToTheRadioNow is a Browser Extension that allegedly lets you listen to radio from your browser. However, all this extension does is add links to the popular radio stations on your home page.
This extension hijacks your home page and changes your default search provides to MyWay. While running it monitors browsing data from your browser, mining information such as website visits, clicked links, and sometimes even personal information. This information is later used to display targeted ads through your browser.
Several anti-virus scanners have marked this extension as a possible Browser Hijackers, and due to its data mining nature, it is not recommended to keep it on your computer.
About Browser Hijackers
Browser hijacking is a type of unwanted software, commonly a browser add-on or extension, which then causes modifications in the web browser’s settings. Browser hijackers could do more than just modifying homepages. In most cases, browser hijacking is used for earning ad revenue that comes from forced advert clicks and website visits. Even though it may seem naive, all browser hijackers are dangerous and therefore always regarded as security threats. They don’t just ruin your internet browsers, but browser hijackers could also modify the system registry to make your PC susceptible to other malicious programs.
How you can know whether the browser is hijacked?
There are several symptoms of browser hijacking:
1. home-page is changed2. new bookmarks pointing to porn websites have been added to your bookmarks3. the default internet search engine and/or the default web browser settings are altered4. find new toolbars that you did not add5. unstoppable flurries of popup ads show up on your PC screen6. webpages load very slowly and often incomplete7. you have prohibited entry to certain web pages, for example, the site of an anti-malware software firm like SafeBytes.
So how does a browser hijacker infect a PC
A browser hijacker could be installed on your computer or laptop if you visit an infected website, click on an e-mail attachment, or download something from a file-sharing website. They also come from add-on programs, also referred to as browser helper objects (BHO), browser plug-ins or toolbars. Also, some shareware and freeware can put the hijacker inside your computer through “bundling”. A good example of some popular browser hijackers includes Babylon, Anyprotect, Conduit, SweetPage, DefaultTab, Delta Search, and RocketTab, but the names are regularly changing.
Tips on how to get rid of a browser hijacker
Some hijackers can be removed by uninstalling the freeware they were included with or by eliminating any extension you’ve recently added to your computer. However, most hijacking codes are not very easy to eliminate manually, since they go deeper into your operating system. Furthermore, manual removal expects you to perform several time-consuming and tricky actions that are hard to do for new computer users.
Professionals always recommend users to get rid of any malicious software including browser hijacker with an automatic malware removal tool, which is simpler, safer, and faster than the manual removal technique. One of the top tools for correcting browser hijacker malware is SafeBytes Anti-Malware. It can help you eliminate any pre-existing malicious software in your computer and provides you real-time monitoring and protection from the latest internet threats. Employ a PC optimizer along with your anti-malware software to correct various registry problems, remove computer vulnerabilities, and improve your computer overall performance.
Help! Malware Preventing Antivirus Installation And Access To The Internet
All malware is bad, but certain kinds of malware do a lot more damage to your computer than others. Some malware sits in between the computer and the net connection and blocks some or all internet sites that you want to check out. It will also prevent you from installing anything on your system, especially anti-virus applications. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re stuck with a malware infection that is preventing you to download and install the Safebytes Anti-Malware program on your computer. Do as instructed below to get rid of the malware by alternate methods.
Install the anti-malware in Safe Mode
Safe Mode is actually a special, basic version of Windows in which just minimal services are loaded to counteract viruses and other troublesome programs from loading. In the event, the malicious software is set to load automatically when the computer boots, switching to this mode may well prevent it from doing so. To start the computer into Safe Mode, hit the “F8” key on your keyboard just before the Windows logo screen comes up; Or right after normal Windows boot up, run MSConfig, check Safe Boot under Boot tab, and click Apply. Once you’re in Safe Mode, you can attempt to download and install your antivirus software application without the hindrance of the virus. After installation, run the malware scanner to get rid of most standard infections.
Download the security program using an alternate web browser
Some malware mainly targets particular browsers. If this sounds like your case, use another web browser as it could circumvent the virus. If you appear to have a virus attached to Internet Explorer, then switch over to an alternate browser with built-in security features, such as Firefox or Chrome, to download your preferred anti-malware program – Safebytes.
Install and run anti-virus from the Thumb drive
Another solution is to store and operate an anti-malware program entirely from a Pen drive. Do these simple steps to clear up your affected PC using a portable antivirus.
1) Download the anti-malware on a virus-free PC.2) Insert the USB drive onto the same system.3) Run the setup program by double-clicking the executable file of the downloaded software, with a .exe file format.4) Choose the drive letter of the pen drive as the place when the wizard asks you where you would like to install the antivirus. Follow the instructions on the computer screen to complete the installation process.5) Unplug the pen drive. You may now utilize this portable anti-virus on the affected computer.6) Double-click the EXE file to open the Safebytes software right from the pen drive.7) Click the “Scan” button to run a full system scan and remove viruses automatically.
Protect Your PC and Privacy With SafeBytes Anti-Malware
To help protect your laptop or computer from many different internet-based threats, it’s important to install an anti-malware program on your laptop. However, with so many antimalware companies in the marketplace, nowadays it is hard to decide which one you should buy for your laptop. Some of them are great and some are scamware applications that pretend as genuine anti-malware software waiting to wreak havoc on your computer. While looking for an anti-malware tool, choose one that offers dependable, efficient, and complete protection against all known computer viruses and malware. On the list of recommended software by industry analysts is SafeBytes Anti-Malware, a popular security application for Windows computers.
SafeBytes anti-malware is really a powerful, highly effective protection software made to assist users of all levels of computer literacy in finding and removing harmful threats from their computer. Through its cutting-edge technology, this software protects your computer against infections caused by different kinds of malware and similar threats, including spyware, adware, viruses, worms, trojans, keyloggers, ransomware, and potentially unwanted program (PUPs).
SafeBytes anti-malware provides a myriad of advanced features that sets it apart from all others. Below are some of the great features included in the tool.
Robust Anti-malware Protection: Built on a highly acclaimed anti-virus engine, this malware removal application can find and get rid of many obstinate malware threats like browser hijackers, PUPs, and ransomware that other common antivirus applications will miss.
Live Protection: SafeBytes provides complete and real-time security for your computer. This software will continuously keep track of your computer for suspicious activity and updates itself continuously to keep current with the latest threats.
Web Filtering: Through its unique safety rating, SafeBytes informs you whether a site is safe or not to visit it. This will make sure that you’re always certain of your safety when browsing the web.
Faster Scanning: SafeBytes Anti-Malware possesses a multi-thread scan algorithm that works up to five times faster than any other antivirus software.
Lightweight Application: SafeBytes gives you complete protection from online threats at a fraction of the CPU load due to its enhanced detection engine and algorithms.
24/7 Live Expert Support: You will get 24/7 technical support to promptly resolve any issue with your security application.
SafeBytes can keep your PC safe from most advanced malware threats automatically, thus keeping your online experience secure and safe. Malware issues can become a thing of the past when you put this application to use. If you want sophisticated forms of protection features & threat detections, buying SafeBytes Anti-Malware will be worth the dollars!
Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)
If you do not wish to use malware removal software and like to get rid of ListenToTheRadioNow manually, you might accomplish this by going to the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu in the control panel and deleting the offending software; in cases of web browser plug-ins, you could remove it by visiting the browser’s Add-on/Extension manager. You will likely also want to reset your web browser.
Finally, check your hard drive for all of the following and clean your Windows registry manually to get rid of leftover application entries after uninstalls. Please keep in mind that only experienced users should attempt to manually edit the system files because removing any single critical registry entry results in a serious problem or even a system crash. In addition, certain malware is capable of replicating or preventing removal. It is highly recommended that you carry out the removal process in Safe Mode.
Every now and then, the Windows Installer can also encounter some problems or glitches. One of these problems is where the Windows Update Standalone Installer, Windows Defender as well as Windows Firewall throws an error message that says, “The specified service does not exist as an installed service, 0x80070424”. This type of error can actually affect various applications on your computer so you have to fix it as soon as you can.
Although there is no clear reason for what really causes this error, there are various suggestions you can try to fix it.
Option 1 – Try to run the Windows Update troubleshooter
Windows 10 have various troubleshooters that can help you resolve many system issues. So if you’re dealing with errors “The specified service does not exist as an installed service, 0x80070424”, you can run the Windows Update troubleshooter to resolve it.
To run it, go to Settings and then select Troubleshoot from the options. From there, click on Windows Update and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button. After that, follow the next on-screen instructions and you should be good to go.
Option 2 – Try to reconfigure the Windows Time Service
In the Start Search, type “command prompt” and right-click on Command Prompt from the search results.
Then click on the “Run as administrator” option to open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
Now execute each one of the given commands sequentially and hit Enter right after you type each one of them.
net stop W32time
exe /unregister
exe /register
net start W32time
After executing the given commands above, wait until it says, “W32Time successfully registered”.
Option 3 – Try to restart related Windows services
First, type “command prompt” in the Start Search and right-click on Command Prompt from the search results.
Then click on the “Run as administrator” option to open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
Now execute each one of the given commands sequentially and hit Enter right after you type each one of them.
SC config wuauserv start= auto
SC config bits start= auto
SC config cryptsvc start= auto
SC config trustedinstaller start= auto
Note: The commands you’ve just executed will make sure that the required Windows services are available.
Option 4 – Try to download and install the Windows Update Agent
You might also want to download and install the latest Windows Update Agent as it could also help you resolve the “The specified service does not exist as an installed service, 0x80070424” error.
Option 5 – Try to reset the Windows Update components
If by any chance that the second option didn’t work, resetting the Windows Update components could also help you resolve the problem. How? Refer to the following steps:
Open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
After that, type each one of the following commands and hit Enter after you key in one after the other.
net stop wuauserv
net stop cryptsvc
net stop bits
net stop msiserver
Note: The commands you entered will stop the Windows Update components such as Windows Update service, Cryptographic services, BITS, and MSI Installer.
After disabling WU components, you need to rename both the SoftwareDistribution and Catroot2 folders. To do that, type each one of the following commands below, and don’t forget to hit Enter after you type one command after the other.
Next, restart the services you’ve stopped by entering another series of commands. Don’t forget to hit Enter after you key in one command after the other.
net start wuauserv
net start cryptsvc
net start bits
net start msiserver
Close Command Prompt and reboot your PC and then check for updates on your computer and see if the error is resolved.
Option 6 – Try running the Windows Firewall troubleshooter
You could also try to run the Windows Firewall troubleshooter as it might also help you fix the problem. This could help in repairing and fixing Windows Firewall issues automatically. Check if it’s available for your Windows.
As you know, one of the most popular browsers these days is the Google Chrome browser. Browsing the web every day using your Chrome browser, leaves a trail of browsing history. Google uses the browser history to streamline and make the browsing experience a lot better. But there are times when Chrome users experience trouble in deleting their web browsing history, data, cookies, and cache. In this post, you will be guided through specific settings that will help you in getting rid of the browsing history in Chrome.
There are several options you can take in clearing the browsing history in Chrome. But before you try them, you can try the basic one first using the following steps:
First, click on the three-dotted icon and click on History from the menu.
Next, click on the Clear browsing data option and select “All time”.
Then select the type of history you want to delete.
After that, click on the Clear Data button.
If clearing the browsing history in Chrome the old way didn’t work, then you can try to check out the options provided below.
Option 1 – Clear the cache using the File Explorer
The first thing you can do is to clear the cache by using File Explorer. To get started, refer to these steps:
From the given locations above, replace “YOUR USERNAME” with the user profile name you use and then search for a file named “Cookies”.
Now delete its contents.
Option 2 – Reset Chrome
Resetting Chrome can also help you fix the error. This means that you will be restoring its default settings, disabling all the extensions, add-ons, and themes. Aside from that, the content settings will be reset as well and the cookies, cache, and site data will also be deleted. To reset Chrome, here’s what you have to do:
Open Google Chrome, then tap the Alt + F keys.
After that, click on Settings.
Next, scroll down until you see the Advanced option, once you see it, click on it.
After clicking the Advanced option, go to the “Restore and clean up option and click on the “Restore settings to their original defaults” option to reset Google Chrome.
Now restart Google Chrome.
Option 3 – Try to clean reinstall Chrome
There are instances when programs leave files behind after you’ve uninstalled them and the same thing can happen to Chrome so before you reinstall Chrome, you have to make sure that you have deleted the User Data folder. To do so, refer to the following steps:
Hit the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
Next, type “%LOCALAPPDATA%GoogleChromeUser Data” in the field and hit Enter to open the User Data folder.
From there, rename the default folder and name it something else, e.g. “Default.old”.
After that, install Google Chrome again and check if the issue is now fixed.
If you suddenly find your Windows 10 computer stuck on the “Preparing to configure” screen for quite a long time now after you run Windows Update, read on as you will be guided on how you can fix that issue in this post.
During an update process, there’s a lot of things that go on in the background which is why Windows Updates take quite a while before it finishes. It can be at 25%, 50%, or even 100% but the only message you’re going to see on your screen is the “Preparing to configure Windows, Don’t turn off your computer”. However, if you notice that the Windows Update is taking a longer time than it’s supposed to, the first option is to wait some more but if it’s still the same, then there’s definitely something wrong. This kind of issue occurs when Windows Update fails to configure in short correctly download and install the update. When this happens, it will revert all the changes which are why you were advised to wait for a couple of hours.
There are two possibilities why your computer is stuck on the “Preparing to configure Windows, Don’t turn off your computer” screen. The first one is that the Windows 10 operating system is installing any updates. The second one is when the user profile takes time to load or encounters an error. There are several options you can try to fix the problem. You can try running System Restore or boot your computer in Safe Mode or repair the corrupted profile via Registry Editor. You might also want to try using installation media to boot and repair your computer if the other options didn’t work.
Option 1 – Perform System Restore
Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.
Note: If you can’t boot into the desktop of your computer, you can run System Restore in the Advanced Startup Options by following these steps:
Boot your computer into the Advanced Startup Options screen.
From there, you will see some options to troubleshoot when you can’t log in to Windows in the usual way.
Now select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Command Prompt.
After that, type “rstrui” and hit Enter to execute the command which will start the System Restore process.
Once it’s done, restart your computer.
Option 2 – Boot your computer in Safe Mode
You can try to tap the F8 key if you have it enabled in your Windows 10 computer, as you start your system to boot into Safe Mode. Once your computer is in Safe Mode, you can access the Start Menu and the Mouse and Keyboard. Aside from that, you can also access your files and other built-in tools in Windows such as Command Prompt, PowerShell, Computer Manager, Device Manager, Event Log Viewer, and many more. On the other hand, if you haven’t enabled the F8 key, you can just go to the Advanced Startup options to boot your computer into Safe Mode. Once you’re there, select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Startup Settings > Restart > Tap the number 4 key. After that, your computer will restart in Safe Mode. If you want to reboot into Safe Mode with Networking instead, you can tap the number 5 key and for Safe Mode with Command Prompt, tap the number 6 key. Once your computer is in Safe Mode, you can use any of the built-in tools to restore your computer or troubleshoot the problem that’s causing your computer to get stuck at the “Preparing to configure” screen.
Option 3 – Try to repair your corrupted profile via Registry
In this third option, you can try to repair the corrupted profile using the Registry but before you proceed, take note that you can only try this if you can boot into your desktop and if you can, make sure to create a System Restore Point and then follow the steps below.
Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
Then type “Regedit” in the field and hit Enter or click OK to open the Registry Editor.
Next, go to this registry key: ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList
Once you’ve opened the registry key, you should see a list of all the user profiles on your computer. Now click on each S-1-5 folder and look for the “ProfileImagePath” entry and double click on it to check which user account it is related to. You will see a path like “CUsersACK” where “ACK” is the username.
You should know which of the user account is corrupted. Just look for a key named “RefCount” and change its Value data to “0” and click OK. And if it isn’t available, simply right-click on the right pane and create it.
After that, double click on the key named “State” and make sure that the Value data is “0” and click OK.
Exit the Registry Editor and restart your computer to apply the changes made.
Option 4 – Try to use installation media to boot and repair your computer
Another thing you can try to resolve the issue is to use the Windows installation bootable media so you can boot and repair the operating system. To use it, follow these steps:
You need to first create an installation media which has the dame version of the operating system installed in your computer.
After that, once you reach the Install Windows screen, click on the “Repair your computer” link.
Wait until the repair is completed and then shut down your computer
Now once your computer has restarted, check if it can now boot properly.
Blue Yeti has gained popularity among streamers and users that want a high-quality mic for their setup. Without going into details of the hardware itself I will say it is a pretty good mic. Now the issues that have been reported with it are that Windows 11 can have issues with it resulting in the microphone not being recognized by the operating system. If you are one of the unfortunate Blue Yeti users and have this issue, do not despair because we have a solution for you, several to be more precise so you can easily fix the issue and get back to talking.
Check cables
Sometimes it is not a software problem at all. First thing is to check if by any chance cable of the mic is disconnected, damaged, or similar. If the cable seems fine next step is to plug in the mic into another port in order to eliminate faulty jack on the computer. If nothing happened the last thing to try is to connect the mic to another computer so we can be sure that the mic itself is in working order so we can focus on software. If by any chance mic is not working on another computer that some hardware inspection of it will be required.
Set Blue Yeti as a default device
There is a chance that Windows 11 has not set Blue Yeti as a default audio device for recording and therefore you can not use it. In order to eliminate and fix this issue, right-click on the speaker icon on the taskbar in the far-right part of it and choose sound settings. Go down to the input section and pick Blue Yeti beside Choose device for speaking or recording.
Update driver
More often than not device not working is tied to malfunctioning or a bad driver. In order to eliminate and resolve this issue right click on the Start icon and choose device manager. Inside device manager expand the Sound, video and game controllers section. Right-click on each device in the section and choose update driver. Wait for the update to complete and restart your system.
Run the troubleshooter
Press ⊞ WINDOWS + I to open Windows settings. Go to System in the left pane and click on it. In the right panel choose and click on troubleshoot. Inside troubleshoot click on Other. Scroll down and locate the Recording Audio troubleshooter and then click on Run next to it. Wait for the troubleshooter to finish and follow on-screen instructions to resolve the issue.
Check Blue Yeti microphone privacy setting
Not very often, but sometimes privacy settings can be the issue even when everything else is working perfectly. In order to check privacy settings press ⊞ WINDOWS + I to open Windows settings and go to Privacy & Security on the left panel and click on it. On the right panel click on the microphone. Make sure that toggle next to Let apps access your microphone is ON.
Update Error 0x80070003, 0x20007 One of the most common errors encountered by users who updated to Windows 10 is the Error Code 0x80070003-0x20007. Normally, this error code is accompanied by the message saying “Windows could not search for new updates. An error occurred while checking for new updates or your computer” or “Error(s) found: Code 0x80070003 Windows update encountered an unknown error”.
This update-related error is often encountered any time while your device automatically installs updates once there’s an available system update or during manually installing updates for a specific app. Regardless if you are using a tablet, laptop, or PC, this update-related error could occur after upgrading your system to Windows 10.
Error Causes
There are several reasons why the update-related Error Code 0x80070003-0x20007 occurs. This includes the following:
Windows Firewall-related problem
A conflict in your device’s system might be present
Not enough space in your RAM
Not enough space in your installation disk
Problems in your system memory
Further Information and Manual Repair
An effective way to address problems like the Error Code 0x80070003-0x20007 is by applying certain manual repair methods. However, ensure that you strictly follow instructions since one slight slip-up might result in critical issues. If you’re not knowledgeable enough, it would be best to consult help from a professional Windows technician or you can make use of an automated tool to solve any issues you’re encountering.
When you encounter the update-related Error Code 0x80070003-0x20007, you must take action immediately to address the problem to lessen the risk of losing all your data or damaging the Windows registry host.
Uninstall your antivirus prior to upgrading your system
Ensure that you have a simple machine name with no periods, dashes, or hyphens.
Restart several times then try again.
Disable the General USB Devices in your machine like the Smart Card Reader.
If you use a SCSI hard disk, ensure that you have available drivers you can use as your storage such as a thumb drive, and ensure as well that it is connected. Once you’re on the Windows 10 setup, click on Custom Advanced Option then use the Load Driver command in order to load the right driver for the SCSI drive. If this fails, try switching to an IDE-based hard disk.
Once done, perform a clean boot then try restarting the device again.
If you are upgrading your system using the .ISO file, disconnect your device from the Internet during setup. If your device is connected to the Internet by LAN or Wi-Fi, you need to disable both first then proceed to set up again.
If you’re performing the update through Windows Update, disconnect from the Internet LAN or Wi-Fi once the download reaches 100% then proceed with the installation.
If this still does not work, you can try using the .ISO file in upgrading.
Switch to a local account if your machine is connected to a domain.
Disconnect all external devices attached to your machine including gaming controllers, external hard disk, USB keys, and printers.
If the above steps still do not work, you can try performing a repair by doing the following steps:
Put the installation disc into the disc drive. Afterward, boot the computer.
Once the message: “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD…” appears, press any key.
Choose a language, currency, time, and a keyboard or another input method. Click Next.
Click on Repair your computer
Select the operating system that you wish to repair then click Next
Open the Command Prompt by clicking it in the System Recovery Options dialog box.
Type BOOTREC /FIXMBR then hit Enter
Type BOOTREC /FIXBOOT then hit Enter
Type Drive:bootBootsect.exe /NT69 All then hit Enter