
Error 0x80004001 Quick Fix Guide

What Is 0x80004001 Error Code?

0x80004001 is an error code that Windows users encounter quite commonly.

This error usually occurs when users try to update an old Windows application or attempt to run a certain application. When this error appears on the screen, the system automatically restarts to stop further processing. The error results in a blue screen after the system boots.

This blue screen is known as the Blue Screen of Death.

Error Causes

There are different files in the Windows operating system responsible for its smooth functioning. Sometimes problems like viruses or incorrect register entries corrupt or damage these files. This is when this 0x80004001 error appears.

Simply put, some of the most common causes that trigger 0x80004001 error are listed below as follows.

  • Corrupt or damaged EXE, VXD, DLL files of Windows
  • Incorrect entry of registry files
  • Presence of viruses or malware in the system
  • Corrupt or damaged system files
  • Unfinished application installation

Irrespective of what causes this error, it is of utmost importance to troubleshoot it as soon as possible.

Further Information and Manual Repair

While there are several ways of troubleshooting this error, the two most useful approaches have been listed below as follows.

  • This solution is for advanced users. Start your system and log on to it as the administrator. Click on the Start button. Now select All Programs->Accessories->System Tools. Finally, click on System Restore. In a new window, select the option “Restore My Computer to an Earlier Time”. Now click on Next. A list of restore points will be displayed. Choose the most recent restore point from this list and click “Next”. Now click next on the confirmation Window again. Once the restoration is finished, the computer will restart itself and you will observe that the error no longer appears.
  • This solution is for beginner or novice users. Download a 0x80004001 error repair utility available online. Install this program on your computer and use it to scan for the error in your system. When the scan completes, find if any feature allows you to fix errors. If yes, click on it. Now restart your computer again. You will notice that the virus has disappeared. It is a good idea to use error repair utilities because they scan the system, diagnose the error and then perform the repair.

Use any of the methods listed above to get rid of the 0x80004001 error once and for all.

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How to Quickly Fix MSI.chm Error
MSI.chm error is a common Windows Error code that occurs when the Windows OS becomes overloaded with invalid system references.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The MSI.chm error is normally triggered by the following causes:
  • Poor PC maintenance

You may experience the MSI.chm error if you don’t pay attention to its maintenance. This usually happens when you don’t run antivirus software or update programs and drivers frequently.
  • Registry files get corrupt and damaged

This error may also occur when the registry files of your PC get corrupt and damaged. This normally happens due to continuous writing, editing and deleting of information from your PCs registry over time as programs are installed, modified and deleted. Other causes include: malware and system conflicts.

Further Information and Manual Repair

When you come across the MSI.chm error on your PC, it is advisable to repair it immediately without any delays. If you procrastinate in repairing this error, your PC is likely to be exposed to risks like:
  • Slow PC performance
  • System failure and crashes
Nonetheless, to resolve this error you don’t have to get the assistance of an IT professional. The MSI.chm is easy to repair and you can resolve it in no time even if you aren’t technically adept. Here are some of the best ways to repair the MSI.chm error on your PC successfully in the shortest time:-

Cause: Corrupt and Damaged Registry Files

Quick Fix: If you think the MSI.chm Windows error on your system is related to Windows registry issues, then the best way to resolve this error is to download and install a Registry cleaner tool.  A word of advice here is to always download such tools from a reliable and a trusted website. Once you download the Restoro, run it on your PC to scan for errors. The scanning will usually take a couple of minutes. So, it is advisable to be patient. After the scanning is complete, you will see a detailed scanning report highlighting the registry errors on your PC. Now to resolve the MSI.chm error that has occurred on your PC due to registry issues, click on the ‘Repair’ button to fix the error. Once the repairing process is complete, restart your PC. Restoro helps you not only fix the MSI.chm error but it also helps improve the speed of your PC, and protects it from failure and crashes.

Cause: Poor PC Maintenance

Quick Fix: If the cause of the MSI.chm error is poor PC maintenance, then the best way to resolve the error is to update the drivers. You can do this by installing the latest drivers for the devices that you think are now old and need to be updated. Here’s what you need to do: First find which devices don’t have drivers installed. For this go to the start menu and then click on the Control Panel. Now open the Device Manager. The Device Manager will list down all the devices that don’t have drivers installed with yellow exclamation point icons next to the device name. As for the updates, the general rule of thumb if the driver does not support the program you are trying to run, then this means that you probably need to update the driver to ensure compatibility. For example your video card driver does not support a newly launched game, then you definitely need a driver update to play the game on your PC. To install or update drivers on your PC, you can either get CDs from the market or you can download updated versions of the drivers from the main manufacturer’s website for free. You can also use automated solution for all of your driver issues: driverfix boxSo, next time when you or your friends encounter this problem, try these quick fixes to repair the error without any hassle.
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Mapped network drives are not working
When you have to connect to a drive that’s on a different computer or on external storage, that’s where the mapped network drives come in. Mapped network drives make accessing files a lot easier. However, there are times when it won’t work for some reason. Windows will notify you about the unavailability of mapped network drives in several ways. For one, Windows might display a red X on the network drives or it could be that its status will be unavailable when you try to use it from the Command Prompt or via a notification. It is recommended that you run a few scripts when you log in to your PC as it may so happen that the network drive takes more than usual to connect. Before you start troubleshooting the problem using the given options below, keep in mind that some workouts might only work under certain scenarios. You might need some network access at logon or you might need access to the Group Policy settings. So you need to choose what you prefer more. You can try the given workarounds below if the mapped network drives are not showing or connecting or working on your Windows 10 computer. These workarounds use scripts to make sure that you are connected to them as soon as you start to use your PC. As mentioned, before you can troubleshoot, you need to create scripts first. There are two scripts here namely MapDrives.ps1 which is executed by the second script named MapDrives.cmd and is done at a regular and non-elevated Command Prompt. Follow the steps below to get started.
  • You have to create a script file named “MapDrives.cmd” first and then save it on a place where the files are safe. To do that, open a text editor like Notepad and then copy and paste the following script:
PowerShell -Command "Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser Unrestricted" >> "%TEMP%StartupLog.txt" 2>&1 PowerShell -File "%SystemDrive%ScriptsMapDrives.ps1" >> "%TEMP%StartupLog.txt" 2>&1
  • After that, save the file and name it “MapDrives.cmd”.
  • Next, create a script file named “MapDrives.ps1” and then copy and paste the following content. Just make sure to save both scripts in the same folder.
$i=3 while($True){     $error.clear()     $MappedDrives = Get-SmbMapping |where -property Status -Value Unavailable -EQ | select LocalPath,RemotePath     foreach( $MappedDrive in $MappedDrives)     {         try {             New-SmbMapping -LocalPath $MappedDrive.LocalPath -RemotePath $MappedDrive.RemotePath -Persistent $True         } catch {             Write-Host "There was an error mapping $MappedDrive.RemotePath to $MappedDrive.LocalPath"         }     }     $i = $i - 1     if($error.Count -eq 0 -Or $i -eq 0) {break}     Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 } Note: Now that you’ve created the script files, it’s time for you to proceed to the options given below.

Option 1 – Try creating a startup item

Note that this option only works on devices that have network access at login. So if it’s not there, the script will fail to reconnect the network drivers automatically. To create a startup item, here’s what you have to do:
  • Open the Startup folder located at %ProgramData%MicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartUp.
  • From there, copy and paste the MapDrives.cmd.
  • After that, open the Scripts folder located at %SystemDrive%Scripts copy-paste MapDrives.ps1 and then copy and paste MapDrives.ps1 in there.
Note: After you complete the steps above, a log file named “StartupLog.txt” will be created in the %TEMP% folder. Now all that’s left for you to do is to log out of your computer and then log back in. This will ensure that the mapped drives are open.

Option 2 – Create a scheduled task

It is possible to create a scheduled task that runs as soon as you log in to your computer. To create a scheduled task, follow the steps below.
  • You have to copy the MapDrives.ps1 script file to the scripts folder of Windows located at %SystemDrive%Scripts.
  • After that, open the Task Scheduler and select Action > Create Task.
  • Next, type a name and description of the task in the General tab.
  • Then click on the Change User or Group button and select a local user group and click OK.
  • Now check the box labeled “Run with highest privileges” and switch to the Triggers tab.
  • From there, create a new trigger with the “At Logon” option in the Begin the task drop-down menu and then click OK.
  • After that, switch to the Actions tab and create a new action then choose to Start a program.
  • Next, type “Powershell.exe” in the Program/Script field, and in the Add arguments (optional) field, type the following:
-windowsstyle hidden -command .MapDrives.ps1 >> %TEMP%StartupLog.txt 2>&1
  • And in the Start in the (optional) field, type “%SystemDrive%Scripts” as the location of the script file.
  • Now under the Conditions tab, select the “Start only if the following network connection is available” option and then select Any connection and click OK.
  • Restart your computer or log off from your account and then log back in so that the task will be executed.

Option 3 – Use the Group Policy settings

You need this option if the mapped network drives are defined via Group Policy settings. You have to update the action of the drive maps to Replace. As a result, it will delete the existing mapped drive and create the mapping on each logon again. However, any settings on the mapped drive that are changed from the Group Policy settings will be gone on each logon. So if the changes don’t work, you need to run the gpupdate command together with the /force parameter in order to refresh the Group Policy setting quickly.
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Resolve Windows Update Not enough disk space
If you are trying to update your Windows 10 computer but are not able to do so since your computer is running low on storage then this obviously indicates that there is not enough disk space available on your drive where Windows 10 has been installed. As you know, when Windows 10 downloads the update packages, it extracts them in a separate folder which means that there should be enough space on that particular folder for the update to begin with. Windows do not really check systems for any adequate space requirements before it even initializes the update or upgrades and you only get to know about it right when the update process starts. On Windows 10 thin clients or the ones with embedded systems that have limited storage space, when Windows Update runs, the update initialization may fail because as pointed out, Windows does not check systems for adequate space requirements so you may have to do the work for them by making sure that your disk has enough space available. Here are some suggestions you can follow to resolve Windows 10 update issues on computers with low storage space.

Option 1 – Delete the files from the Download folder

Since you are going to delete everything manually, you need to create a backup for all your important files which you may have placed in the Download folder. After you create backup copies of important files, delete the files from this folder or you could simply tap the Shift + Del keys to remove the files permanently after you selected them all.

Option 2 – Change the Windows Update Folder location

You might have to change the Windows Update folder location where Windows download all the files need to update the operating system if you cannot really create some space on your primary driver. So all you have to do is set the drive with enough space available for the update to be completed.

Option 3 – Uninstall apps and programs you no longer use

In some cases, apps and programs take up a lot of space on your drive. So if there are programs or apps that you no longer use, you can uninstall them to save storage space. To do so, follow these steps:
  • In the search box, type in “control” and then click on Control Panel (desktop app) among the search results.
  • After that, select Programs and Features from the list which will give you a list of all the programs installed on your computer.
  • From there, look for the apps and programs that you no longer use and right-click on each one of them and click on Uninstall.

Option 4 – Move files to another drive

This is another thing you can try. You can move files, especially the ones with large sizes, to another drive to make up space on your drive. After that, install the updates once again.

Option 5 – Reduce on-drive files from Cloud services

If you are using tons of cloud backup services such as OneDrive and Dropbox, you might want to consider reducing the number of files you have on those cloud backup services. You can do what you’ve done on option number three and have those files moved to another drive to free up storage space.

Option 6 – Empty the contents in Recycle Bin

As you know, the files that are deleted from your computer goes to the Recycle Bin first. So if you have not emptied Recycle Bin for a long time now, the files you delete are still actually taking up space on your drive. Thus, you need to empty the contents in the Recycle Bin to save storage space.

Option 7 – Clean up temporary files

You can use the Windows 10 Storage Sense feature which can clean all the temporary files from your computer. To use Storage Sense, follow the steps below.
  • Open Setting > System > Storage from the WinX Menu.
  • From there, you will see a list of all the local and connected storage devices along with the details on the free space.
  • Now make sure that the Storage Sense feature is turned On then go find a link that says “Free Up Space” and click it to open.
  • After that, a screen which is the built-in program in Windows 10 will appear and will scan your computer for the following junk files so you can free up disk space:
  • Windows Upgrade Log Files
  • System created Windows Error Reporting Files
  • Thumbnails
  • Temporary Internet Files
  • Previous Windows Installation Files
  • Delivery Optimisation Files
  • DirectX Shader Cache
Choose the files you want to get rid of and then click on the remove files option. Note that you’ll have an idea of the total size as you select any of the junk files listed above.
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Windows keyboard shortcuts for easy life
Hello everyone and welcome to our useful tips and tricks and problem-solving article blog. This time we are doing something different, instead of solving issues this time we are focusing on some quality of life tips like keyboard shortcuts in your Windows 10.
Shortcut Keys Description
Windows Key Opens/closes the Start menu.
Windows Key + Up Arrow Maximizes the selected window.
Windows Key + Down Arrow Reduces the window size. (Restore down.)
Windows Key + M Minimizes all open windows.
Windows Key + Shift + M Opens minimized windows.
Windows Key + Tab Shows Task View.
Windows Key + L Locks the screen.
Windows Key + A Opens the Action Center.
Windows Key + V Opens Clipboard History.
Windows Key + I Opens the Settings menu.
Windows Key + F Opens the Feedback hub.
Windows Key + H Opens the dictation toolbar.
Windows Key + P Opens the projection settings.
Windows Key + . (Windows Key + ;) Opens the emoji panel.
Windows Key + C Opens Cortana in listening mode.
Windows Key + C (Windows Key + Q) Opens Windows Search.
Windows Key + G Opens the Xbox game bar.
Windows Key + X Opens the secondary start menu.
Windows Key + <number> Opens the app in the taskbar relative to the number input. For example, if Chrome is the fourth app on the taskbar, using Windows Key + 4 will open Chrome.
Windows Key + Alt + <number> Opens the right-click menu for the app in the taskbar relative to the number input. For example, if Chrome is the fourth app on the taskbar, using Windows Key + Alt + 4 will open Chrome’s right-click menu.
Windows Key + D Shows/hides open apps on the desktop.
Windows Key + E Opens File Explorer.
Windows Key + U Opens Ease of Access in the Settings menu.
Windows Key + Print Screen Takes a screenshot of the desktop.
Windows Key + Control + F Opens the Find Computers window.
Windows Key + Control + D Creates a virtual desktop.
Windows Key + Control + Left Arrow Switches to the virtual desktop on the left.
Windows Key + Control + Right Arrow Switches to the virtual desktop on the right.
Windows Key + Control + F4 Closes the active virtual desktop.
Windows Key + Space Switches between installed languages (for writing text).
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Easy Guide to Resolving Error Code 16

Error Code 16 - What is it?

Code 16 is a type of Device Manager error code. Windows XP users are most likely to encounter it. This error pops on XP systems that are running legacy or not plug-and-play hardware.

Error code 16 is displayed in the following format:

‘Windows cannot identify all the resources this device uses. (Code 16)’


driverfix boxError Causes

Error code 16 occurs when you use a peripheral device such as an external drive or a printer and that device is not properly or completely configured. Though the device may have been recognized before Windows fails to verify its configuration. Simply put, error code 16 appears when devices are partially configured.

In addition to this, another cause of error 16 is outdated or corrupt device drivers. Devices often fail to run successfully because of driver problems.

Device drivers are programs that provide instructions to control different devices attached to the computer system such as audio devices and printers to name a few.

Though error code 16 is not fatal like other PC error codes such as BSoD; however, it may hamper your ability to use certain devices installed on your system and lower your work productivity.

To avoid inconvenience, it is advisable to resolve the error immediately to avoid inconvenience.

Further Information and Manual Repair

PC error codes are often considered technical and difficult to resolve which is why many prefer to hire a professional for the repair job rather than doing it themselves.

Small repair jobs like fixing error code 16 by a professional computer programmer may cost you hundreds of dollars.

So, why incur so much cost when you can repair it easily by yourself even if you are not a technical whiz.

Error code 16 is easy to repair.

Here are some effective DIY methods that you can use for resolving error code 16 on your PC. These methods require no technical background, knowledge or expertise for that matter. Just simply follow the instructions and resolve the error code 16 issue.

Let’s get started…

Method 1 - Setup from the Disk that Came with the Hardware Device

Run setup from the disk that came with the hardware device, or you can simply copy the setup software file to your hard drive/flash drive. Refer to the vendor’s direction to set up.

If for any reason you’re unable to find the directions, simply uninstall the device. Then go to the start menu, Control Panel, and select ‘Add New Hardware’.

Now pick the appropriate hardware and follow the steps that the Wizard suggests. This is most likely to resolve the error code.

Nonetheless, if the error code still persists, then try method 2.

Method 2 - Allocate More PC Resources

Another alternative method to resolve error code 16 is to allocate more PC resources to the device. To specify additional resources:

  • Go to the start menu
  • Type Device Manager
  • Then go to the Device properties and click the resources
  • Here specify the device in the Device Manager
  • If you see a resource with a question mark, assign that resource to the device
  • However, if for any reason the resource is unable to change, then simply click ‘Change Setting’.
  • If Change Settings is not available, then click the box to the ‘Use Automatic Settings’ box. This will make the option available.

Method 3 - Install DriverFIX

As previously stated above, device manager error codes like error code 16 may also occur due to driver problems. If this is the underlying reason for error code 16 on your system, then the best way to resolve it is to install DriverFIX.

DriverFIX is user-friendly, advanced, and feature-filled software deployed with an intelligent programming system, which detects all problematic device drivers automatically in seconds.

It matches these drivers with their latest versions and updates them smoothly without any hassle, resolving error code 16 right away.

And furthermore, once you install this software on your PC, you don’t have to worry about driver problems anymore typically because it updates drivers on a regular basis with compatible and new versions, ensuring that your computer functions properly. It is easy to install and is compatible with all Windows versions.

Click here to download DriverFIX to repair error code 16

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Remove Task View button from Windows 11
Task ViewTask View feature inside Windows 11 is actually a great feature, letting you quickly view open windows and virtual desktops. How Task view itself could be reached with keyboard shortcut combination of ⊞ WINDOWS + TAB some users will prefer this way of using it and thus button on the taskbar is something you do not want or need. There is a very easy way to remove mentioned button and I will show you how to do it. Right-click the taskbar button itself and click on Hide From Taskbar. That’s it, you have done it. Now in order for you to bring it back if you change your mind, you will have to do some extra steps but it is nothing difficult. Right-click on the taskbar and click on Taskbar settings, you will be lead to Personalization > Taskbar. Inside locate Taskbar Items and switch Task View to ON, you will see the Task View button right away showing itself again.
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Fix Folder Redirection Failed in Windows
If you got an error message saying, “Folder Redirection Failed, Failed to build the list of regular subfolders, Access is Denied” after you configured a new Group Policy Object or GPO which redirects User folders to a new network share or when you click on Reset default location under the Windows File Explorer or Folder Options, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will show you how to resolve this kind of error on your Windows 10 computer. Follow the given options below carefully to fix the “Folder Redirection Failed” error.

Option 1 – Take Ownership of the folder

If you are not able to access the folder could be one of the reasons why you’re getting the “Folder Redirection Failed” error and so you need to take ownership of the folder to resolve the problem. Before you proceed, make sure that your account is an admin account.
  • First, locate the concerned folder and right-click on it then select Properties.
  • Next, click on the Edit button in the Properties window and click OK to confirm if you got a User Account Control elevation request.
  • After that, select user/group from the permission windows or click on the Add button to add another user or group. It would be best if you add “Everyone” to give permission.
  • Then check “Full Control” under the “Allow” column to assign full access rights control permissions.
  • Now edit the permission to Full Control for “Everyone”.
  • Click OK to save the changes made and then exit.

Option 2 – Try to add Authenticated Users or Domain Computers

Make sure that the Folder Redirection group policy removal option is set to “Redirect the folder back to the user profile location when the policy is removed” when using the Folder Redirection. After that, you have to add Authenticated Users group with the “Read” permissions on the Group Policy Objects or GPOs. And if the Domain computers are part of the group of “Authenticated Users”. Note that by default, the “Authenticated Users” have these permissions on any new Group Policy Objects or GPOs. Once again, you have to add just “Read” permissions and not “Apply Group Policy” for “Authenticated Users”. Furthermore, to fix the “Failed to build the list of regular subfolders” errors, here are some options that could help.

Option a – Try to clear disk space

You might have to check if your disk is running out of space because if it is, then it will fail to create a list abruptly. And so you need to free up some disk space. You can either check on the files manually especially if you tend to keep your files at random places in your disk drive.

Option b – Find the Target route

You need to find the target route of the folder and then restore it if you are getting the “Failed to build the list of regular subdirectories” when you try to relocate the folder to the original location.

Option c – Try to change Ownership/Reset Defaults for all the User folders

If the “Failed to build the list of regular subdirectories” error pops up when you are trying to move a large number of files from one location to another, then you need to change the ownership of the folders as pointed out earlier.
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Problem running preinstall.cmd scripts
Setting up the Windows operating system in a computer can be quite a complicated task since there are a couple of things that take place in the background to ensure a full and protected setup of the operating system which includes a number of programs, scripts, and so on. They work together in the background to guarantee the integrity of the Windows operating system. However, there are times when this piece of code could also go wrong. As a result, you might encounter errors like the “There was a problem running preinstall.cmd scripts” error. “Preinstall.cmd” is a type of CMD file associated with Applications & Drivers developed by Gateway for the Windows OS. To fix the “There was a problem running preinstall.cmd scripts” error, there are several things you can try. You can try to download a new Windows installation image or create a new bootable drive as well as uninstall conflicting or incompatible programs. In addition, you can also run the Windows Update troubleshooter or reset Windows 10.

Option 1 – Try to download a new Windows installation image

Your first option to fix the “There was a problem running preinstall.cmd scripts” error is to download a new Windows installation image. You can get the official ISO files for the latest release of Windows 10. After you’ve downloaded the ISO files, you can use them to upgrade to the latest Windows 10 version.

Option 2 – Try creating a new bootable drive

  • Insert your USB drive into your PC.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and type in “cmd” and tap Enter to open the Command Prompt. Alternatively, you can also search for “cmd” in the Cortana search box to open Command Prompt.
  • Once you’ve opened CMD, type in this command to open the DISPART utility – diskpart
  • After that, you should see a new black and white window that would say, “DISKPART>”.
  • Next, type in “list disk” in the command line and tap Enter to see the list of all the Storage devices as well as your hard disk connected to your PC. Here, you have to identify your disk’s number.
  • Type in this command where “X” is the disk number you have identified and then tap Enter – disk X
  • Type in this command and hit Enter to clear the table records and all the visible data on the drive – clean
  • Now you have to recreate a new primary partition of the drive so you’ll have to type in this command and tap Enter right after – create part pri
  • A new primary partition has been created so you have to select it by typing this command and tapping Enter – select part 1
  • Now you have to format it to make it visible to normal users by typing – format fs=ntfs quick
Note: If your platform supports the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface or UEFI, replace the “NTFS” with “FAT32” in the command on Step 10.
  • After that, type in this command and tap Enter after – active
  • Finally, type this command and hit Enter to exit the utility – exit
  • After you prepare the image for the operating system, save it to the root of your USB Storage device.

Option 3 – Try to uninstall conflicting programs

If you are using a computer made by Dell and got Windows 10 preinstalled in it, then you can try to uninstall the programs listed below and see if it fixes the problem.
  • Dell Encryption Management service
  • Dell Digital Library service

Option 4 – Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

You might also want to run the built-in Windows Update Troubleshooter in Windows that could help you in resolving the “There was a problem running preinstall.cmd scripts” error. All you have to do is go to Settings > Update& security > Troubleshoot > Windows Update. From there, click on the Run the troubleshooter button and follow the next one-screen instructions that appear. After that, restart your computer and check if the error is now fixed or not by trying to install the update once again.

Option 5 – Run Microsoft’s online troubleshooter

Running Microsoft’s online troubleshooter might also help you fix the error. This online troubleshooter is known to help in fixing Windows Update errors, it scans your computer for issues that might be causing the problem and then fixes them automatically.

Option 6 – Try to reset Windows 10

  • Tap the Win key or click on the Start button located in the Taskbar.
  • Then click on the Power button at the bottom right portion of the screen.
  • Next, press and hold the Shift key on your keyboard and then click on Restart. This will restart your Pc into the Advanced Startup options.
Note: Once you have access to the Advanced Startup options, you have to go to the setting which allows you to Reset your Windows 10 PC. All you have to do is select Troubleshoot > Reset this PC to reach the following screen Afterward, select either the “Keep my files” option and then proceed to the next on-screen instructions that follow to reset your Windows 10 computer without losing your files.
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How to Fix Entry Point not Found Dll Errors

What is ‘Entry Point not found dll’ Error?

Entry Point not found dll errors are common in Windows PC. These errors indicate poor PC maintenance. An entry point is basically the memory address inside the dynamic link library. It contains the call being made. A dynamic link library on the other hand is a collection of small programs which use and request this call to run and load programs successfully on your PC. However, when this process is unable to be executed successfully, you come across ‘entry point not found dll’ error messages.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Generally speaking, some of the typical causes of ‘entry point not found dll’ errors are:
  • Missing, corrupted, and damaged dll files
  • Registry overloaded with invalid entries
  • Disk fragmentation
  • Viral infection
It is advisable to resolve these ‘entry point not found dll’ errors on your PC immediately because dll errors can cause you a great deal of inconvenience as you may be locked out and unable to access your desired programs. Furthermore, if dll errors are left unresolved, such errors can expose your PC to serious threats like system failure, system damage, corruption, and crash.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Though ‘entry point not found dll’ errors are critical errors but the good news is that these can be easily resolved. To fix dll errors on your PC, you don’t always have to hire a professional technician or be a computer programmer yourself. Here are some of the best DIY (do it yourself) ways to resolve ‘entry point not found dll’ errors on your system:

1. Reinstall the Deleted Program

This method to resolve ‘entry point not found dll’ error code is very basic. It is advisable to uninstall and then reinstall the deleted program to retrieve the missing or deleted dll files. Here’s why: dll files are shared files. There are multiple programs on your PC that may be using one type of dll file to load. Now when you uninstall a program that you no more need on your PC, chances are that it may also delete that particular dll file. And when this happens the other programs supported by the deleted dll file are unable to load. Therefore, in such an event the best way to retrieve the missing dll file is to uninstall the program that displays the errors message and then reinstall it. This will help you restore the missing dll file and run the program successfully.

2. Install an Antivirus and a Registry Cleaner

As mentioned above, ‘entry point not found dll’ errors indicate poor PC maintenance. If you don’t maintain your system, the registry overloads with bad and invalid entries, redundant and obsolete files, junk files and cookies. These files acquire a lot of space which damages dll files and the registry. Furthermore, due to data volume overload and less storage space, files are then saved in different places. This is also known as disk fragmentation. When these files are called, it takes a lot of time for the disk to consolidate fragmented data and execute the function successfully. To resolve these issues, you need to clean and restore the registry. Though this can be done manually it may be slightly complicated and time consuming therefore it is advisable to install and run a registry cleaner.


In addition to this, due to poor PC maintenance, viruses and malware can also enter your system unknowingly through file downloads and phishing emails. These can also damage dll files. To remove viruses and malware from your PC it is important to run an anti-virus. Instead of downloading both tools separately on your system, we recommend Restoro. This is a multi-functional and advanced PC fixer embedded with an intuitive algorithm and a user-friendly interface. It includes multiple utilities including a powerful antivirus, a high functional registry cleaner, and Active X controls and class scanner. It also functions as a system optimizer. By running this software on your system, you can easily scan all registry issues and viruses simultaneously. It repairs the damaged registry and dll files, removes unnecessary files and all types of malicious software. It is compatible with all Windows versions. It is easy to use and high on performance. It is a one-stop solution for all ‘entry point not found dll’ errors on your PC. In just a few clicks you can resolve system errors and optimize your PC performance dramatically. Click here to download Restoro and resolve ‘entry point not found dll’ errors.
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How to Fix CPU Not Compatible Error Message On Windows 10

CPU Not Compatible – What Is It

Some users wanting to upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 experienced errors with installation. One of these errors is CPU Not Compatible. When you click and run the “Get Windows 10” from your system tray bar, you’ll receive the “CPU is not compatible with Windows 10” error. When this happens, it might be good to check if there’s a bug or if your NX feature (a requirement for the Windows 10 installation) is enabled.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The “CPU is not compatible with Windows 10” error normally occurs when:

  • NX feature is not enabled
  • You experienced the Windows 10 bug

Further Information and Manual Repair

To successfully upgrade to Windows 10, your CPU must support Physical Address Extension (PAE), SSE2, and NX features. If any of these features are not activated on your system, it’ll cause the CPU not compatible error. However, some users still reported experiencing this error even though their CPU has these features activated. Normally, this is due to the bug that Windows acknowledged.

If any of these two scenarios apply to your computer, the following methods will help you fix the problem:

Method 1 – Check for bugs

The bug applies to some Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 systems. The bug occurs when the “Get Windows 10” app fails to recognize CPUs as being compatible. This produces a false negative result with a message, “Here’s why Windows 10 cannot be installed on this PC: The CPU isn’t supported”. To fix this bug, Microsoft released an update.

Unfortunately, the patch update (KB2976978 for Windows 8/8.1 and KB2952664 for Windows 7 SP1) to fix the bug may not be automatically downloaded to your computer. If this is the case, you need to verify first if the patch was installed correctly. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Click ‘Start’ and type in View Installed Updates. The “View installed updates” icon should appear. Click the icon.
  1. Go to the Search bar (Top right portion) then type the patch name for your system. Make sure that you type the correct patch name for your system since Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 have different names. If you find the patch, it means it’s already installed. You can now upgrade to Windows 10 without the CPU not-compatible error.
  1. But, if you can’t find it you need to install the patch manually.
  1. Go to Windows Update then click the “Check for Updates” button.
  1. Browse through the available updates and look for KB2976978 for Windows 8/8.1 or KB2952664 for Windows 7 SP1
  1. Download the right patch. You may need to reboot your system once it’s done.
  1. The downloaded patch should be applied after a day or two with the Windows Task Scheduler. Once the patch is applied, you can now upgrade to Windows 10.

Method 2 – Check CPU features and activate them if needed

A major requirement for Windows 10 upgrade is for the CPU to have Physical Address Extension (PAE), SSE2, and NX features enabled on your system. If you receive the CPU not compatible error, one possible cause is that any of the mentioned features are not available OR not enabled on your system. Here’s how you can fix this:

  1. Verify if your CPU supports the three instruction sets. You can use software that provides information like this. If all three are available, proceed to the next step.
  1. Go to your computer’s BIOS. To do this, reboot your computer. You will need to press a key specific to your computer’s manufacturer (usually it’s F12, F8, F2, or DEL).
  1. Look for the NX (No Execute Bit) settings. This is normally found in the “Advanced Configuration” menu, or something similar to this. Just take note that the NX setting can be named differently in BIOS. Some other names include EDB (Execute Disabled Bit), EVP (Enhanced Virus Protection), Execute Disabled Memory Protection or No Excuse Memory Protect.
  1. Once you’re in the NX settings, make sure that it’s enabled.
  1. Exit the BIOS and SAVE your changes.
  1. Boot your computer normally, then try upgrading to Windows 10 again through the “Get Windows 10” app found in the system tray.

Method 3 – Force enabling NX Bit

If changing the settings in your BIOS doesn’t do the trick, your final option is to force enable the NX bit in your Windows system. However, this is only applicable IF and ONLY IF your CPU does support it. To force enable NX bit, do the following:

  1. Click Start and go to command prompt (Type “cmd” – no quotes) and press enter.
  1. Copy and paste the text below to the command prompt.bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOn
  1. Execute the command. You will need to reboot your computer once this is done.
  1. Download and install Windows 10

Method 4 – Use a trusted automated tool

If you still experience the error after doing the methods above, you might want to try a powerful and trusted automated tool to fix the job.
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