
Repair Windows 10 Error 0xC1900101, 0x4000D

Error Code 0xC1900101, 0x4000D - What Is It?

Error Code 0xC1900101, 0x4000D is not very common among the many error codes emerging when updating to Windows 10. It is specific to Windows 7 users who try to upgrade to Windows 10 system.

This error hinders Windows 7 users to install the Windows 10 update. Once the update is launched, the process will go smoothly until a certain percentage (normally upon hitting 70% or more) and then it gets stuck. The user will then see a notification stating: “The installation failed in the SECOND_BOOT phase with an error during MIGRATE_DATA operation.”

You’ll be able to get past the error after a while. The error message will disappear and continue with the configuration process. But, not for long as it will reoccur at around 90% of installation with another error message saying: “The installation failed in the SECOND_BOOT phase with an error during PRE_OOBE operation.”


Restoro box imageError Causes

You’re most likely to encounter Error Code 0xC1900101 – 0x4000D when you upgrade to Windows 10 using a USB drive. There are several reasons why this update-related error happens such as wrong update, incompatibility with an antivirus program, or incompatibilities with some software.

Further Information and Manual Repair

In attempting to fix error code-related problems, it is best to do manual repair methods. Employing repair methods manually can help users pinpoint the root causes of the issues they are encountering and apply permanent solutions to fix the problem.

While every Windows user can do most manual repair methods, there are certain cases where help from a Windows expert is needed. If you’re not confident in employing the manual repair methods yourself, you can always consider seeking help from a professional Windows technician who is equipped with enough knowledge to address any issues you are facing or you can just simply use a powerful automated tool.

In fixing Error Code 0xC1900101 – 0x4000D, you can try doing any of the following manual repair methods:

Method One: Disable Background Applications

Error Code 0xC1900101-0x4000D probably occurs when there are programs running in the background of the system as you are in the process of updating. On that note, you must ensure that any programs running in the background must be disabled through Task Manager.

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del then choose Task Manager.
  2. Right-click on all background applications then chooses End Task to close the apps.

NOTE: If there are any processes you are unfamiliar with, you can always right-click that process then “search online.” Be careful not to end “Windows process” tasks under the “Type” column as it might cause further problems.

  1. Restart your device then proceed to Windows 10 system upgrading.

Method Two: Uninstall Anti-Malware Tools

Anti-malware tools normally trigger problems since they consist of files that are possibly incompatible with some software. If Error Code 0xc1900101-0x4000d is caused by incompatibility with an antivirus program, follow the following steps:

  1. Open the Control Panel then choose System and Security.
  2. Select Windows Solution Center.
  3. Click Security to locate your antivirus.
  4. Once you’ve located your antivirus, click on it then choose
  5. Restart your device then check if it eliminates the problem.

Method Three: Install System Updates

  1. Click on the Start menu then select System and Security – Windows Updates.
  2. Choose Check for updates.
  3. If there are any required updates detected by the system, select them all then choose Install Updates.
  4. Restart your device.

Method Four: Check System For Any Incompatibilities

In doing this method, you need to use the System Readiness tool.

  1. Download System Update Readiness Tool for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB947821).
  2. Once the download is finished, open Windows 6.1-KB947821-v34-x64.msu
  3. Run the program to check for any incompatibilities in your system.

NOTE: The process might take a while depending on the speed of your device.

  1. If there are no results found, you can now try updating again to Windows 10. However, if there are any issues found, you need to have them fixed first.

Method Five: Download A Powerful Automated Tool

Can’t seem to put up with the long and technical manual repair process? You can still fix this error by downloading and installing a powerful automated tool that will surely get the job done in a jiffy!

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Fix Windows Update Install Error 0x80070020
Getting a few errors here and there when updating your Windows 10 computer is not uncommon. Some of these errors won’t allow the Windows Update service to initiate while the other ones will halt the process while it’s running. So in this post, we’ll show you what you can do to fix the Windows Update error 0x80070020. The Windows Update error 0x80070020 is most likely caused by some programs installed in the system which interferes with the Windows Update process. It might be an antivirus program, an incompatible program, a potentially unwanted program, or worse, malware. In addition, corrupted or missing files might also be the culprit. Whichever the cause may be, here are some suggestions you need to check out to resolve the problem.

Option 1 – Try to reset the Windows Update components manually

  • To manually reset the Windows Update components, first, you need to stop the Background Intelligent Transfer Service, Windows Update, and the Cryptographic Services. To do so, run the following command in Command Prompt and make sure to press Enter after you enter each one of them:
    • net stop bits
    • net stop wuauserv
    • net stop cryptsvc
  • Next, delete the “qmgr*.dat” file in order to reset the Windows Update components. To do delete this file, run the following command in Command Prompt:
    • Del “%ALLUSERSPROFILE%Application DataMicrosoftNetworkDownloaderqmgr*.dat
  • Now you have to rename both the SoftwareDistribution and Catroot2 folders by entering the following command in Command Prompt:
    • Ren %systemroot%SoftwareDistributionSoftwareDistribution.bak
    • Ren %systemroot%system32catroot2catroot2.bak
  • Reset BITS and Windows Update service by entering the following commands in Command Prompt:
  • Now enter the following command:
  • cd /d %windir%system32
  • RE-register BITS and other Windows Update related files by typing each one of the following commands:
    • regsvr32.exe atl.dll
    • regsvr32.exe urlmon.dll
    • regsvr32.exe mshtml.dll
    • regsvr32.exe shdocvw.dll
    • regsvr32.exe browseui.dll
    • regsvr32.exe jscript.dll
    • regsvr32.exe vbscript.dll
    • regsvr32.exe scrrun.dll
    • regsvr32.exe msxml.dll
    • regsvr32.exe msxml3.dll
    • regsvr32.exe msxml6.dll
    • regsvr32.exe actxprxy.dll
    • regsvr32.exe softpub.dll
    • regsvr32.exe wintrust.dll
    • regsvr32.exe dssenh.dll
    • regsvr32.exe rsaenh.dll
    • regsvr32.exe gpkcsp.dll
    • regsvr32.exe sccbase.dll
    • regsvr32.exe slbcsp.dll
    • regsvr32.exe cryptdlg.dll
    • regsvr32.exe oleaut32.dll
    • regsvr32.exe ole32.dll
    • regsvr32.exe shell32.dll
    • regsvr32.exe initpki.dll
    • regsvr32.exe wuapi.dll
    • regsvr32.exe wuaueng.dll
    • regsvr32.exe wuaueng1.dll
    • regsvr32.exe wucltui.dll
    • regsvr32.exe wups.dll
    • regsvr32.exe wups2.dll
    • regsvr32.exe wuweb.dll
    • regsvr32.exe qmgr.dll
    • regsvr32.exe qmgrprxy.dll
    • regsvr32.exe wucltux.dll
    • regsvr32.exe muweb.dll
    • regsvr32.exe wuwebv.dll
  • Now type each one of those commands below.
    • net start bits
    • net start wuauserv
    • net start cryptsvc

Option 2 – Install the updates in a Clean Boot State

You might want to try putting your computer in a Clean Boot state and then install Windows Updates again without any trouble. During this state, you can start the system with a minimum number of drivers and startup programs that will surely help you in isolating the root cause of the issue.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in msconfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • After that, try to install the Windows Updates or upgrade again.

Option 3 – Clear the contents of both the SoftwareDistribution and Catroot2 folders

  • Open the WinX Menu.
  • From there, open Command Prompt as admin.
  • Then type in the following command – don’t forget to hit Enter right after typing each one of them.
net stop wuauserv net stop bits
  • After entering these commands, it will stop the Windows Update Service and the Background Intelligent Transfer Service.
  • Next, go to the C:/Windows/SoftwareDistribution folder and get rid of all the folders and files thereby tapping the Ctrl + A keys to select them all and then click on Delete. Note that if the files are in use, you won’t be able to delete them.
  • Once all the contents in the Software Distribution folder are deleted, restart your PC and then go back to Command Prompt and input the following commands again.
net start wuauserv net start bits
 Since the folder has already been flushed, it will be populated afresh the instant your restart your computer and open Windows Update.

Option 4 – Try to run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

Running the built-in Windows Update troubleshooter could also help you resolve the Windows Update error 0x80070020. To run it, go to Settings and then select Troubleshoot from the options. From there, click on Windows Update and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button. After that, follow the next on-screen instructions and you should be good to go.

Option 5 – Try restarting the Windows Update Services

  • Open the Services Manager.
From there, make sure that you set the following services and Startup types:
  • Background Intelligent Transfer Service: Manual
  • Cryptographic Service: Automatic
  • Windows Update Service: Manual (Triggered)
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Windows Photo Viewer can’t display picture
There are instances when you open a picture or an image in the Windows Photo Viewer and instead of displaying the image, it displays nothing and you’ll see an error message instead that says, “Windows Photo Viewer can’t display this picture because there might not be enough memory available on your computer”. Although this may look like a clear-cut issue of less storage space or low RAM in your computer, that’s not always the case. Security experts noticed that even when your computer has enough resources and disk space, this kind of problem could still occur. So if you experience the same thing, you need to check the Color Profile of your screen. For more information, refer to the detailed instructions provided below but before you proceed, make sure that you close some processes in the Task Manager or restart your computer and see if it helps in fixing the problem. You can also try using the Disk Cleanup tool. To use it, refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and then type “cleanmgr” in the field and hit Enter to open the Disk Cleanup window.
  • After that, select the drive you want to clean.
  • Now click OK to clean the disk and restart your computer.
If the Disk Cleanup tool didn’t help in resolving the issue, refer to the instructions below. Step 1: In the search box, type “color management” and then select the “Change advanced color management settings for display” option from the search results. Or you could simply go to Settings > System > Display, Advanced display settings, and from there, select display and click on the Display adapter properties of Display. Step 2: Next, switch to the Color Management tab and click on the Color Management button. Step 3: Select the monitor where you’re getting the “Windows Photo Viewer can’t display this picture because there might not be enough memory available on your computer” error in the next window. And if you have two displays, make sure that you select the primary display. You also have an option to identify the monitor. Step 4: Once confirmed, select the “Use my settings for this device” checkbox. Step 5: After that, select the Profile listed under the “Profiles associated with this device” option and then click on Remove. Step 6: Next, go to the Advanced tab and make sure that all settings are set to System default which includes a device profile, perceptual images, rendering intent, Relative Colorimetric, and many more. Step 7: Once you’re done, you have to restart your computer and then try to open the same image you were trying to open earlier and then check if you can now open it instead of seeing the error.
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How to fix random Computer crashes
Computer crashes are one of the most annoying things that can happen to users. It often loses your data and work, you must spend extra time if you were in the middle of something and can even break Windows itself. Computer without crashes working fineBefore we move to the article I just want to say that technically there are no random crashes, there is always a reason why the system hangs up, why you received blue screen, annoying restarts out of nowhere and many more PC crashes. In this article, we will explore many possible reasons why something may occur and offer you straight forward solution on how to escape the situation and prevent it from happening again. Without further delay, let's begin:
  1. Check switch connectors and power outlets

    Yes, sometimes the most basic approach provides the best results, check to see if your power outlet is stable and providing you with constant voltage, if not, maybe you want to invest in a UPS system so you do not face random shutdowns and restarts during work, also while you are at it, check to see if that reset and power switch are connected properly and that they are not dirty or loose.
  2. Clean your PC and check connectors

    Dirt can cause many issues with computers, from overheating to shutdowns to blue screens and memory dumps, check to see if your computer is clean enough and that all connectors are connected tight into their respective sockets.
  3. Check the temperature of your CPU

    CPU overheating can cause so-called random freezes and blue screens, the computer might shut down or restart also without any visible reason. Check to see if your fan on the CPU is working properly and change the thermal paste if needed.
  4. Check the health of your hard drive

    If your hard drive is beginning to go down the path of dying out, many issues can come from this condition. There are many tools on the internet and in Windows itself to check if your hard drive is working properly.
  5. Run antivirus and firewall

    Random lock-ups or similar issues can also occur if by any chance you have some malware on your system, run protection software, and keep it updated to make sure the issue does not come from the computer being infected with malicious applications.
  6. Keep system clean

    Have a habit to clean regularly system files and registries, keep removing unnecessary files from your computer and regularly update your Windows and applications along with drivers.
  7. Run memory test

    Bad RAM bank can cause many issues during the work, check it out to be sure the problem is not RAM itself.
  8. Do not run applications that are too demanding for your system

    Some applications require stronger hardware, and some require the latest hardware, if your computer is a little outdated, running a demanding application can cause issues like freezing, restarts, etc.
  9. Remove applications you do not use

    This does not seem like anything important but if you are not using a specific application just remove it from the system, why? Sometimes an application has some ties to certain services and if it is outdated can cause issues for newer ones.
  10. Stop installing everything you find on the internet

    Yes, that extension for chrome looks cool, yes, that fancy new player seems sick but if it is from an unverified source and from the unknown publisher without any reviews maybe you are better off with it. You can never tell what you might be placing into your system from the internet.
And that's it, 10 reasons and solutions on what to do on random computer freezes, crashes, etc.
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How to remove GoodShop Landing

GoodShopLanding is a browser extension for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari. This extension offers the latest coupons from a range of variety stores. While this may seem useful, this extension only offers coupons from sponsored stores, not all coupons available, so the only coupons that you will get are from the Extensions Ad network. You may see additional new tabs opening randomly while browsing the internet, these tabs are opened by GoodShopLanding and usually contain last-minute store deals.

As it is often distributed via potentially unwanted advertising, and impacts browser performance in a way that many users do not want, it is classified as a Browser Hijacker and thus flagged for optional removal. From the Author:
Shop online? Here’s your free automatic coupon finder, Gumdrop. Never miss a coupon again Gumdrop automatically applies the best coupons for you at checkout. Get the best deals anywhere With over 500,000 coupons, Gumdrop finds deals for thousands of stores, including Amazon, Expedia, and Papa John’s.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijackers (sometimes called hijackware) are a kind of malicious software that alters internet browser configurations without the computer owner’s knowledge or consent. These hijacks appear to be increasing at an astonishing rate around the globe, and it could be truly nefarious and sometimes harmful too. There are numerous reasons why you may have a browser hijack; but commercial, marketing, and advertising are definitely the primary purposes for their creation. Often, hijackers will force hits to sites of their choice either to increase traffic generating higher advertisement revenue, or to gain a commission for every user visiting there. However, it isn’t that harmless. Your web safety is jeopardized and it is extremely irritating. They not only mess up your web browsers, but browser hijackers can also modify the system registry, leaving your computer vulnerable to various other attacks.

Indications of browser hijack

There are many symptoms that indicate the browser is highjacked: your homepage is reset to some mysterious site; bookmark and the new tab are likewise changed; The default search page of web browser is changed; unwanted new toolbars are added to your web browser; you may see never-ending pop-up ads on your computer screen; web pages load very slowly and sometimes incomplete; you’re disallowed access to certain webpages, such as the site of an antimalware software developer like SafeBytes.

How they get into the computer

A browser hijacker can be installed on your computer if you go to an infected website, click an e-mail attachment, or download something from a file-sharing website. They can also be deployed via the installation of an internet browser toolbar, add-on, or extension. Browser hijackers sneak into your pc along with free software application downloads that you unknowingly install along with the original. A good example of some well-known browser hijackers includes Babylon, Anyprotect, Conduit, DefaultTab, SweetPage, RocketTab, and Delta Search, but the names are often changing. Browser hijackers may record user keystrokes to collect potentially invaluable information that leads to privacy issues, cause instability on computers, significantly disrupt user’s browsing experience, and finally slow down the computer to a stage where it will become unusable.

How you can get rid of browser hijackers

Certain browser hijacking can be simply corrected by identifying and removing the corresponding malware program from your control panel. Unfortunately, most of the software programs utilized to hijack a web browser are intentionally designed to be hard to remove or detect. Moreover, manual removal requires you to carry out many time-consuming and intricate steps which are tough to conduct for new computer users. Installing and running anti-malware software on the affected computer can automatically delete browser hijackers as well as other malicious applications. If you want to remove persistent browser hijackers quickly and effectively, install the top-rated Anti-Malware program Safebytes Anti-Malware. Along with anti-virus software, a system optimizer program can help you fix registry errors, get rid of unwanted toolbars, secure internet privacy, and enhance overall computer performance.

What you can do if Malware Stops You From Downloading Anti-virus?

Malware could cause all kinds of damage when they invade your system, from stealing your private information to deleting data files on your computer. Some malware sits in between the computer and the internet connection and blocks some or all sites that you really want to visit. It could also block you from adding anything to your machine, especially antivirus applications. If you are reading this, you may have got infected by malware that stops you from installing a computer security application like Safebytes Anti-Malware. Do as instructed below to get rid of the malware in alternate ways.

Download the application in Safe Mode with Networking

If the malware is set to load immediately when Microsoft Windows starts, entering Safe Mode could very well block the attempt. Since only the bare minimum applications and services start-up in safe mode, there are seldom any reasons for issues to take place. Here are the steps you should follow to boot into the Safe Mode of your Windows XP, Vista, or 7 computers (go to Microsoft site for instructions on Windows 8 and 10 computers). 1) At power-on/startup, press the F8 key in 1-second intervals. This will conjure up the “Advanced Boot Options” menu. 2) Use the arrow keys to select Safe Mode with Networking and hit ENTER. 3) When this mode loads, you should have internet access. Now, use your internet browser normally and navigate to https://safebytes.com/products/anti-malware/ to download Safebytes Anti-Malware. 4) Immediately after installation, do a full scan and allow the program to delete the threats it discovers.

Switch over to an alternate browser

Malicious program code could exploit vulnerabilities in a particular internet browser and block access to all anti-virus software sites. If you seem to have a virus attached to Internet Explorer, then switch over to an alternate web browser with built-in safety features, such as Firefox or Chrome, to download your favorite antivirus program – Safebytes.

Create a portable antivirus for removing malware

Another solution is to make a portable antivirus program on your USB stick. Adopt these measures to use a USB flash drive to fix your corrupted computer system. 1) Download Safebytes Anti-Malware or MS Windows Defender Offline onto a virus-free computer system. 2) Plug the USB drive into the clean PC. 3) Double-click the Setup icon of the antivirus software package to run the Installation Wizard. 4) Pick a USB flash drive as the location when the wizard asks you where you intend to install the software. Follow the directions to complete the installation process. 5) Remove the USB drive. You may now utilize this portable antivirus on the infected computer system. 6) Double click the Safebytes Anti-malware icon on the thumb drive to run the program. 7) Click the “Scan Now” button to begin the virus scan.

Let's Talk About SafeBytes Anti-Malware!

If you’re looking to download anti-malware software for your PC, there are numerous tools in the market to consider nonetheless, you cannot trust blindly anyone, regardless of whether it is paid or free program. Some of them are good but there are several scamware applications that pretend as legit anti-malware programs waiting to wreak havoc on your personal computer. When looking for antimalware software, pick one that provides solid, efficient, and total protection against all known computer viruses and malware. When thinking about reliable software programs, Safebytes AntiMalware is undoubtedly the highly recommended one. SafeBytes anti-malware is a powerful, highly effective protection tool made to help users of all levels of IT literacy in identifying and eliminating harmful threats from their personal computers. Once you’ve got installed this tool, SafeBytes superior protection system will ensure that no viruses or malicious software can seep through your PC. SafeBytes carries a variety of amazing features which can help you protect your PC from malware attack and damage. Listed below are some of the good ones: Real-time Threat Response: SafeBytes delivers complete and real-time security for your PC. It’ll monitor your personal computer for suspicious activity at all times and safeguards your PC from unauthorized access. Robust, Anti-malware Protection: With a critically acclaimed malware engine, SafeBytes gives multilayered protection which is made to catch and eliminate viruses and malware that are hidden deep inside your computer’s operating system. Fast Scan: Safebytes Anti-Malware, using its enhanced scanning engine, offers extremely fast scanning which can promptly target any active online threat. Safe Browsing: SafeBytes inspects the links present on a webpage for possible threats and alerts you if the site is safe to visit or not, through its unique safety rating system. Light-weight Tool: This software program is not “heavy” on the computer’s resources, so you’ll not see any performance troubles when SafeBytes is working in the background. 24/7 Online Technical Support: For any technical issues or product guidance, you could get 24/7 professional assistance through chat and email. To sum it up, SafeBytes Anti-Malware provides excellent protection combined with very low system resource usage with both great malware detection and prevention. You can be sure that your computer system will be protected in real-time once you put this software program to use. So if you’re searching for the absolute best malware removal application out there, and when you don’t mind shelling out some money for it, go for SafeBytes Anti-Malware.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to do the removal of GoodShop Landing manually instead of employing an automated tool, you can follow these measures: Navigate to the Windows Control Panel, click the “Add or Remove Programs” and there, select the offending program to remove. In cases of suspicious versions of browser extensions, you can actually get rid of it through your browser’s extension manager. You will likely also want to reset your browser. To be certain of complete removal, find the following registry entries on your computer and remove them or reset the values appropriately. Please note that this is for professional users only and might be difficult, with wrong file removal leading to additional system errors. Additionally, certain malicious programs are capable to defend against its deletion. Doing this malware-removal process in Safe Mode is suggested.
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Excluding a folder from Windows Defender scan
The Windows Defender program can both scan and monitor almost the entire folder on a Windows 10 computer. So if you have a folder that may have files that could trigger an alarm to Windows Security, then it would be better if you add an exclusion to Windows Security. Note that it is okay to do this as long as you’re certain that the contents of the folder you want to exclude are safe and that Windows Defender is only throwing out warnings for nothing. This way, Windows Defender won’t scan those folders in the future. And besides, there are also some Windows folders and files that you may exclude from the Antivirus scans, especially if you want to save your scan time. This kind of feature also comes in handy when you trust a file type or folder or any process that you believe is safe but the Windows Security considers as malicious. To exclude a folder or a file or process or a file type from the Windows Security scan, here are some steps you can follow. Make sure to do them carefully. Step 1: Search for “Windows Security” in the Search box and then click on it from the search results to open it. Step 2: Next, click on Virus & threat protection > Manage settings > Add or remove exclusions. Step 3: After that, on the next screen, click on Add an exclusion > Folder. It will show you a list that includes File, Folder, File Type, and Process. Step 4: Now click on “+Add and exclusion” on the next window and then select a folder you want to exclude and click OK to add it in the Exclusions list. Step 5: Click on the down arrow button to remove it and then click on the Remove button. Note: If you want to only ignore a few file types, it’s better if you configure your antivirus program to ignore these files with a specific extension. This way, it will ignore all of them no matter what their location is. Also keep in mind that when you select a folder, all the subfolders in it will also be excluded from the scan. Thus, you need to understand what you’re about to do. Once you’re done excluding the folder, it is recommended that you protect the folder using the Controlled Folder Access since this folder is not monitored for threat. The Controlled Folder Access will ensure that an external program does not alter it. This way, you can be sure that even though this folder is not included in the scan, it is still secure.
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Headphone jack is not working on a laptop
In some cases, a couple of Windows 10 laptops, especially the newer ones that run the NVIDIA RTX series GPUs have been experiencing some problems, particularly with their headphone jacks which seem to be malfunctioning even though the internal speakers works just fine. And despite having all the drivers updated to their latest versions, the problem still occurs. According to security experts, this kind of problem occurs on laptop computers that are manufactured by MSI and since there is still no workaround or reliable fix released by the company, in this post you will be guided on how you can resolve the problem with the headphone jack. So if you are using a laptop made by MSI and are experiencing the same issue, then you’ve come to the right place. There are several potential fixes you can check out to resolve the problem, you can try to force reboot your computer or clean your headphone jack and then plug it back in properly. In addition, you could also try to update your Audio drivers or set your headphone as default. For more information, follow each one of the given options below.

Option 1 – Try to force reboot your computer

The first thing you can do is to force reboot your computer as this simple fix could help in fixing the problem. This option is quite simple, just make sure that before you do it, you have to save all your work.
  • First, turn on your computer and press and hold the power button for at least 30 seconds. You might notice the screen flashing or making any changes, just ignore it.
  • After that, plug out and plug in your computer and automatically turn it on.
  • Once done, check if the headphone jack is now working fine.

Option 2 – Try to clean the headphone jack and plug it properly

The next thing you can do to fix the problem is to clean your headphone jack and plug it back in properly. Make sure that you use a cotton swab in cleaning the headphone jack as there are instances where some dust might have settled in the port which results in issues like your headphone jack no working.

Option 3 – Try to update, rollback or reinstall the Audio driver

If the glitch in your audio has something to do with software, chances are it might be related to the audio driver – it could be that the newest version of your Windows 10 does not work well with the old version of the driver. This is why you have to update your audio driver to the newest available version.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and then type in MSC and tap Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • Expand the section for the outdated device drivers.
  • And then select the outdated driver(s) and right-click on it/them.
  • From the drop-down menu, select the Update Driver option and follow the on-screen instructions to install the latest version of the driver.
  • Then also click on the option, “Search automatically for updated driver software.
  • Restart your PC after the installation.
Note: If updating or reinstalling the Audio driver didn’t work, you can go to the website of MSI and look for the support section where you can download the drivers for your computer. You just need to take note of your PC’s correct model and model number so you can find the appropriate driver.

Option 4 – Try to set the headphone as the default device manually

There are times when you plug a headphone, it does not toggle the default audio device. Thus, to fix this issue, you have to set the default audio device to the headphones manually. To do that, follow these steps:
  • First, right-click on the volume icon located on the system tray.
  • Next, select the Open sound settings option to open the Sound section in the Windows 10 Settings app.
  • From there, select the Control Panel for Sound on the rightmost column. This will open a new mini window.
  • After that, select your headphone under the Playback tab and click on the Set default button.
  • Once done, click on Apply and then OK buttons to save the changes made.

Option 5 – Try to run the Playing Audio Troubleshooter

Since the Windows 10 operating system has the Playing Audio Troubleshooter, you can use this troubleshooter to try and fix the problem with the headphones. You can access this tool in the Control Panel or in the Taskbar Search and even on the Troubleshooters page of Windows 10.
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Windows 10 is stuck on Checking for updates
Over the years, the Windows 10 updates have smoothened but that does not mean that it no longer encounter some issues. One of these issues is when it gets stuck. As you know, Windows automatically checking for updates regularly or when you click the “Check for updates” button. However, if the Windows 10 update is taking forever and seems to be stuck, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will guide you on what you can do to resolve the problem. This kind of scenario in Windows Updates can be quite confusing especially since there is no response or any indication of what is really happening since you don’t know if the update is still downloading or if it’s already getting installed. To resolve this problem, there are several options you can check out. You can try to exit settings and restart your computer. You could also try to restart the services related to Windows Update or clear both the Software Distribution and Catroot2 folders, as well as run a System File Checker scan. For more details follow each one of the given steps below.

Option 1 – Restart your computer

The most basic thing you can do to fix the problem is to restart your computer. It usually works in fixing common issues like the Windows Update getting stuck at the “Checking for updates” screen. However, if it didn’t work, proceed to the next given options below.

Option 2 – Reset Windows Update components

If the first two options did not work then you might want to reset the Windows Update components manually. Follow the steps below to reset them.
  • Open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • After that, type each one of the following commands and hit Enter after you key in one after the other.
    • net stop wuauserv
    • net stop cryptsvc
    • net stop bits
    • net stop msiserver
Note: The commands you entered will stop the Windows Update components such as Windows Update service, Cryptographic services, BITS, and MSI Installer.
  • After disabling WU components, you need to rename both the SoftwareDistribution and Catroot2 folders. To do that, type each one of the following commands below, and don’t forget to hit Enter after you type one command after the other.
    • ren C:WindowsSoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old
    • ren C:WindowsSystem32catroot2 Catroot2.old
  • Next, restart the services you’ve stopped by entering another series of commands. Don’t forget to hit Enter after you key in one command after the other.
    • net start wuauserv
    • net start cryptsvc
    • net start bits
    • net start msiserver
  • Close Command Prompt and reboot your PC.

Option 3 – Try checking Services Dependencies

Dependencies of a Windows Service in Windows 10 are when windows services depend on other services. Such is the case with the Windows Update service – it also depends on three different services such as the Remote Procedure Call or RPC service, DCOM Server Process Launcher, and the RPC Endpoint Mapper. Meaning to say, if two of these services are not working as expected, then the dependent service will also be affected. This could be the reason why the Windows Update service could not start.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open Windows Services.
  • From the list of Services, look for the following services:
    • Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Service
    • DCOM Server Process Launcher
    • RPC Endpoint Mapper
  • After you find these services, double click on each one of them and check whether the Startup type for all is set to Automatic and the Service status is set to Running or not.
  • If the service status is not running, then click the Start button. Afterward, check if you can now run the Windows Update service.

Option 4 – Check the Background Intelligent Service and the Cryptographic Service

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter or click OK to open Services.
  • From the list of Services, look for the following services and make sure that their Startup type is as follows:
    • Background Intelligent Transfer Service – Manual
    • Cryptographic Service ­– Automatic
  • After that, check if the Service status of the listed services above is set to Running. If they’re not, click on the Start button to start these services and then check if you can now enable the Windows Update service or not.

Option 5 – Try running the System File Checker

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files to good system files that might be the cause why your screen is stuck at “Checking for updates”. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
  • Restart your computer.
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Fix Windows Update Error 0x800F0922
A lot of users connect to the internet are using VPN on their Windows 10 computers which means that their regions could be different from the actual region of their Windows 10 computers. Thus, if you are facing some issues in updating your computer in this kind of environment, specifically the Windows Update error 0x800F0922, you need to follow the tips given in this guide to help you resolve the issue. When you encounter this kind of Windows Update error, you might see either of the following error messages on your screen:
“Windows could not search for updates, Code 0x800F0922 Windows Update encountered an unknown error” Or: “Windows failed to install the update with error 0x800F0922”
This issue might be caused by two possible reasons such as:
  1. VPN issues
  2. Not enough space on the System Reserved partition
To resolve the problem, here are some tips that might help:

Option 1 – Try disabling the VPN

As mentioned, if you are using VPN, this could be the reason why you’re getting the Windows Update error 0x800F0922 so the most obvious thing to do is for you to turn off the VPN and try to run the Windows Update once more. And if you use a VPN software that works using their software, you can just completely exit or log-off from its account. On the other hand, if you are using a built-in Windows 10 VPN, you can simply turn it off or delete all the settings you have created there. Although it’s understandable that you might have to use a VPN connection to connect to the work network, you really have to disable it at least until the Windows Update is no longer stuck in the error 0x800F0922. It would be best if you do this when you are not working.

Option 2 – Try to free up space in the System Reserved partition

The System Reserved partition is a part of the hard disk created when Windows is first installed on it. It is where the Boot Configuration Database, Boot Manager Code, Windows Recovery Environment, and the reserves space for the startup files are stored. And as mentioned early on, the error might be due to some insufficient space in the System Reserved partition so the next thing you can do is to increase the space in this partition. Note that it is a complex process so you need to make sure that you have made backups to all your data on the computer. So if ever something goes out of hand, at least you have copies of your important files in case you aren’t able to boot into the system at all.
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Should you use the Faraday bag

Faraday bag is a new take on security and privacy for people using a lot of electronic devices and credit cards. So what is exactly a Faraday bag?

faraday bag

Faraday bag explained

Faraday bag is designed in the same manner as the Faraday cage which was invented by Michael Faraday, who was an English scientist who contributed to the study of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. His main discoveries include the principles underlying electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism, and electrolysis.

The idea of the Faraday cage is that anything inside a cage that is made of specific grid size is completely isolated from outside current and magnetic fields since the cage itself will pick up everything upon itself. This means that for example, a human could be inside a cage that is struck by lightning and be perfectly safe and fine.

This idea led to the Faraday bag design, which takes this concept and places a wiring pattern inside clothing in order to isolate all magnetic fields from the outside so your devices and cards are completely cut off from any kind of influence and electromagnetic waves. If the pattern and quality of material for the bag are good, you have a fully safe placeholder for your stuff.

Advantages of Faraday bag

The main advantages, of course, are the privacy and safety of mobile phones and credit cards from outside influences and this is why this bag has been designed in the first place. If the bag is designed properly your phone would not be able to be hacked nor accessed from any outside source, GPS tracking will also be disabled and your phone location will not be visible. Credit cards will also be completely safe from any malicious attack via wi-fi signals.

Disadvantages of bag

Well, the disadvantage of using this bag is a very simple one, since your phone is isolated from outside influence that will also mean that you will not be able to take messages or calls on it while it is in the bag. Notifications from the internet would also be disabled so it is security vs usability deal.

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Switch audio devices in Windows 11 taskbar
windows 11 audio settingsWindows 11 has brought some new features and changed some of the existing ones. One of these changes includes quick switching of audio devices which will play audio. Audio switching can still be done under the taskbar, it is just a little different and one could say even hidden. Follow this quick guide and you will be switching from your headphones to speakers as an example in a matter of seconds.
  1. Click on the speaker icon located in the far-right part of the taskbar.
  2. After the quick settings menu appears click on the right arrow located right of the volume slider. If the arrow is not present, instead of click on the pencil icon, then on add, and finally select Volume from the list.
  3. After clicking on the arrow icon, a list of all enabled audio devices on the system will replace the volume slider. Click on the desired audio device in order to make it active.
  4. Click anywhere outside the quick setting menu to save changes and close it.
Note: in the Quick settings menu if you choose More Volume Settings it will bring you to System > Sound where you can access more sound input and output options.
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