
Can't Connect to Blizzard Battle.net App

Blizzard is one of the most beloved game company which brought some of the most and greatest titles in PC gaming. Blizzard has released its own launcher in which you can launch games, sadly sometimes launcher does not want to work and fails to connect.

If this happens to you be sure to:

  1. Reset your network devices to make sure your router hasn't become flooded with data.

    Power cycling your modem and router allows them to reset and re-establish a connection to your ISP. Follow these steps to completely power cycle the devices in your network connection:Note: If your modem has a battery backup, you will need to take the battery out or use the reset button on the modem.

    1. Shut down all computers connected to the modem/router.
    2. Power down and unplug the modem and the router if you're using one.
    3. Allow to sit for 60 seconds unplugged.
    4. Plug in and turn on the modem and router, and allow them to completely boot up until the front panel connection lights on the modem show a steady connection.
    5. Start the computer and allow it to completely boot up.
  2. If you're using a wireless connection, optimize your internet connection to rule out a connection issue.

    If you're experiencing issues with your low-speed or wireless internet connection, follow the steps below to troubleshoot the problem.

    1. Try plugging your computer directly into your modem.
    2. Shut down other programs that access the internet, such as other games or download programs.
    3. Satellite, mobile phone, and WiMax internet connections are not stable connections and may cause further connection issues when playing Blizzard games. If possible, consider switching to a more stable connection.
  3. Update your drivers and operating system to resolve any compatibility issues.

    Out-of-date drivers and operating systems can cause a variety of issues and are one of the first things to check when a game is having problems. The instructions below will help you check and update your drivers.

    • Even new computers can have out-of-date drivers and operating systems because updates are released routinely.
    • Some games and programs might run fine on a system with old drivers, but outdated drivers can still create technical issues with specific games or programs.
    • Check our supported video cards articles to make sure your hardware is compatible:

    Refer to the steps below to update drivers and software for your operating system.

  4. Release and renew your IP and flush your DNS to resolve any network conflicts.

    1. While on the desktop, press Windows Key and type CMD.
    2. Right-click Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.
    3. Type ipconfig /release in the command prompt.
    4. Wait a few seconds for a reply that the IP address has been released.
    5. Type ipconfig /renew in the command prompt.
    6. Wait a few seconds for a reply that the IP address has been re-established.
    7. Type ipconfig /flushdns in the command prompt.
    8. Close the command prompt and attempt to make a connection.
  5. Close all other applications to resolve software conflicts and free up resources.

    Before trying the steps below, close unnecessary programs and restart your computer.

    Identify Problematic Startup Items

    1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open the Task Manager.
    2. Click More Details.
    3. Select the Startup tab.
    4. Right-click on each item and select Disable.
    5. Restart the computer.

    If this resolves the issue, enable the startup application one at a time to determine which one is causing the problem. You will need to restart between each application you enable.

    Note: To re-enable startup applications, follow steps 1-4 and select Enable.

  6. Delete the Battle.net Tools folder to automatically rebuild outdated or corrupt files.

    1. Close Blizzard processes.
      1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to bring up the Task Manager.
      2. Click the Processes tab.
      3. Select all Agent, Blizzard Battle.net desktop app, and game processes, and click End Process.
    2. Navigate to the folder containing the Battle.net directory:
      1. Press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialogue.
      2. Type C:\ProgramData\ into the Open field and press Enter.
    3. Delete the Battle.net folder.
    4. Run Battle.net and update the game to see if the issue persists.

    If the error persists after you try these steps, another program may be causing the problem. Restart your computer and delete the Battle.net folder one more time.

    Note: The above steps may cause the Blizzard Battle.net desktop app to forget game install locations. If your games can’t be found, you will see Install on the Blizzard Battle.net desktop app game tab instead of Play. To find your installation, click Locate this game or run the game launcher.

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Windows Setup in Continuous Reboot Loop on Windows 10 Fix

Windows Setup in Continuous Reboot Loop – What is it?

After upgrading to Windows 10 operating system from Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1, a lot of Windows users are complaining about the Windows setup in a continuous reboot loop. The computer would just keep on rebooting every time the machine is booted and this incites frustration for a lot of Windows users.


Restoro box imageError Causes

When Windows launched the third update for Windows 10, users trying to upgrade to Windows 10 encountered an endless reboot loop problem. The computer will crash repeatedly. The KB3081424, which is a roll-up of bug fixes of Windows 10, continuously fails once you start the update process and then triggers a message showing: “We couldn’t complete the updates, undoing the changes.” The undoing process will then cause a system reboot mandatorily.

Once you log back on your computer again, the Windows 10 update will try to reinstall KB3081424. You will not be able to stop the update which will cause your Windows setup in a continuous reboot loop.

The KB3081424 will not be successfully installed since if it fails for the first time, that initial failure can be detected to create a bad entry in your Windows 10 registry. This will then prevent your subsequent attempts to reinstall KB3081424 to make it work correctly.

Further Information and Manual Repair

In order to fix the problem of Windows 10 setup in a continuous reboot loop, there are a few methods you can try. Try following these simple steps and you’ll be able to get rid of the problem.

Note: If you’re not highly confident to solve this issue on your own, it is highly recommended to consult an authorized computer technician who would be knowledgeable enough to fix the issue for you. In addition, you can also use a system optimizer to resolve the issue.

Method One: Check For Windows Update

Microsoft Windows released an updated fix for the Windows setup in continuous reboot loop problem. You can try fixing the issue through Windows Update.

  1. Open Settings
  2. Go to Update & Security
  3. Select Windows Update then choose Check for updates
At this point, an additional update will be installed and downloaded to your operating system to resolve the continuous reboot loop problem.

Method Two: Eliminate Bad Registry Entry

Before KB3081424 attempts to install again, you can try doing this solution:

  1. Click on the Start menu then type regedit
  2. Once the window opens, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList
  3. Create a backup for your registry key (since this process is a bit risky). Select ProfileList then click on File and Export then choose your backup name.
  4. From the ProfileList IDs, remove anything with ProfileImagePath in it.
  5. Close Regedit then reboot. By this time, the KB3081424 should properly install.

Method Three: Perform A Startup Repair

Another thing you can try to solve the Windows setup in continuous reboot loop problem is to perform a startup repair from a working computer.

  1. Ensure that all unnecessary devices are disconnected from your computer as your computer might detect them.
  2. If you are connected to a network, you need to disconnect from this as well.
  3. On a working computer, download the Windows 10 ISO then you can perform a startup repair.
  4. Boot your computer from the Windows 10 DVD.
To change your BIOS option to boot from the Windows 10 DVD, follow these steps:
  1. Boot your computer then press the F2 function key to enter setup.

NOTE: You must do this quickly since the BIOS loads rapidly.

  1. Once you’re inside the BIOS, navigate to the Boot Configuration screen. On this screen, you’ll be able to change the first device to be loaded.
  2. Go to Removable Devices then hit Enter. Removable devices could either be a thumb drive or DVD. Select DVD to put it at the top and be the first boot device.
  3. Save your changes by pressing on the F10 function key. A setup confirmation box will appear with a message Save configuration changes and exit now. Select Yes.
  4. Exit BIOS by pressing on the ESC key. You should be prompted to boot from the Windows 10 DVD at this point.
If you're not able to execute the aforementioned processes on your own, get help or download and install a powerful system optimizer to assist with the windows continuous reboot loop process and other Windows 10 error messages.
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8 Android Apps that threaten your security
Security on your PC and on your accounts is the important thing. Security on your phone device is also very very important. That is why we are bringing you a list of 8 applications that are marked by the cybersecurity team as ones that could be used to steal data from you. If you have by any chance any of these applications installed, uninstall them immediately.

List is as follows:

  • Cake VPN (com.lazycoder.cakevpns)
  • Pacific VPN (com.protectvpn.freeapp)
  • eVPN (com.abcd.evpnfree)
  • BeatPlayer (com.crrl.beatplayers)
  • QR/Barcode Scanner MAX (com.bezrukd.qrcodebarcode)
  • Music Player (com.revosleap.samplemusicplayers)
  • tooltipnatorlibrary (com.mistergrizzlys.docscanpro)
  • QRecorder (com.record.callvoicerecorder)
If you would like to read more helpful articles and tips about various software and hardware visit errortools.com daily.
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How to Fix Runtime Error 217
Runtime Error 217 can be a big problem if you use your computer for business purposes and you have confidential data/documents stored on your system. This runtime error is quite dangerous. It can slow down your PC performance, lead to system failure and crash, make your system vulnerable to hacker’s attack, and also corrupt important files on your system.


Restoro box imageError Causes

There is no one particular cause behind the Runtime Error 217. This error can be attributed to several factors such as:
  • Corrupt, missing, or faulty register DLLs of programs. This is usually the cause for Runtime Error 217 when installation is unsuccessful and the crucial system files fail to be registered within the registry.
  • Exposure to Viruses like malware, adware, and spyware. Once a virus (es) gain access to your PC, you may experience Runtime Error 217. These malicious programs can damage your hard drive, boot sectors, memory banks, and registries.
  • Outdated Msvcrt.dll (a Microsoft Visual C++ file) file called.
  • Incorrect Regional settings

Further Information and Manual Repair

If you see Runtime Error 217 message pop up on your computer screen, you must fix and repair it right away before it becomes a big threat to you and your PC. Though Runtime Error 217 is alarming this does not mean that you need to panic. Keep calm and follow the recommended solutions to fix Runtime Error 217 given below.
  • If the error occurs because you called the outdated Msvcrt.dll file, then you must update the file. This can be easily done by clicking the start menu, accessing the control panel, and then hitting the Windows update tab.
  • When you experience Runtime Error 217 due to incorrect regional settings on your PC, then to resolve this issue simply go to the start menu and select Control Panel. Now in the control panel, you’ll find the option clock, click on it and go to the language and region settings. Choose your specific regional settings and save.
  • If the cause of the Runtime Error 217 is incorrect registry entries and DLL files corruption, then to fix the error, you need to download a Runtime Error 217 fixer. After you download this repair tool, run it on your PC. It scans and detects corrupted files and repairs the error swiftly.
  • Nonetheless, if the cause of this problem is a virus, then you need to install a powerful antivirus program. When you run it, the antivirus scans your PC for viruses. Once the scanning is complete the results are displayed on the screen. The results show exactly how many viruses you have on your PC. Once the scan is complete, delete all the files and click repair.
Regardless of whether you have experienced the Runtime Error 217 on your PC or not, it is advisable to install a powerful antivirus and run it every time you use your PC. By running it regularly, you can make sure that you are not exposed to viruses, malware, and spyware programs. Even if your PC gets infected by them, you can delete and remove them timely before the damage is done.
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How to move Taskbar to the left in Windows 11
The standard icon place in the Taskbar inside Windows 11 is in the center. Some users welcomed this change, some not so much. If you are part of the user base that is not so much thrilled with this Microsoft’s idea of innovation, do not worry, there is an easy way to move all icons and start button on the left inside Taskbar.

Taskbar icons on leftMoving icons in Taskbar

  1. Open Windows settings by using ⊞ WINDOWS + I key combination
  2. Click on Personalization
  3. Select Taskbar
  4. Click on Taskbar Behaviors
  5. Click on the drop-down menu beside Taskbar Alignment
  6. Select your desired option of icon alignment
  7. Close settings
Your options will be active right away and you will see icons switching to the position of your choosing.
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How Critical is the Toolbar.Dll Error?
Toolbar.Dll is one of the most destructive software you will encounter on your Personal Computer. For every report out there you read about threats to your Windows PC, a significant number speak about Toolbar.Dll. Technically, this is non-essential to the functioning of your computer yet poses great dangers to your computer's security. It can cause massive destruction if not properly resolved.


Restoro box imageError Causes

As suggested below, the sources of Toolbar.Dll are many and broad: a) Misconfigured System: Nothing causes this malfunction on your own Computer a lot more than having a misconfigured system. You ought to anticipate this malfunction and repair the situation before it gets worse. Especially if you have Toolbar.Dll files on your computer. More often than not the situation can only get worse. b) Broken Windows OS File: the 2nd trigger of Toolbar.Dll, and that is linked to the primary aforementioned one, is a broken Windows OS file. Fix it as soon as you realize its existence. c) Installation Issues: If you poorly install Windows on your PC, you generate a loophole by which Toolbar.Dll malfunction might appear. You essentially provide a massive possibility to the Toolbar.dll error to affect your Computer, if you neglect to finish an install or uninstall procedure. d) Removing Programs and Hardware Incorrectly: When you decide to remove programs and hardware, you need to exercise caution. Should you be rash with this specific procedure, you raise the odds of striking the Toolbar.Dll malfunction on your Personal Computer. e) Incorrect Shut-Down: unless you want to strike this malfunction, ensure that you shut down your Computer procedurally. Regardless of what hurry you might be in, always power down your computer correctly.

Further Information and Manual Repair

In the event you strike the Toolbar.Dll malfunction on your Personal Computer, you shouldn't get frightened. But, prior to starting considering of ways that to fix this malfunction, you should look for the signs, to be able to recognize it. The malfunction exists in your Computer in circumstances where software programs can't load properly. The situation might be repaired in numerous methods, as revealed below:
  • Switch on your computer, and log in as the superuser/admin. Next, select All Programs, subsequently go to Accessories. Under Accessories, choose System Tools. Click on System Restore from the menu.
  • A fresh window will appear. In the new window, find the choice designated "Restore My Pc To An Earlier Time", before you click next.
  • Search for the newest System Restore update from "On This List, Click a Restore Point" before you click Next once more.
  • Pick Next when a verification window appears on the screen. After the complete procedure is done, reboot the pc and the Toolbar.Dll malfunction will soon be no further.
Each of the measures suggested previously, are for advanced pc users. You must obtain the very best software on the web to eliminate this malfunction, in case you are a non-techie. Alternately, contact a tech to help fixing the problem.
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How to Fix Stop Error 7B

What is Stop Error 7B?

Stop error 7B is a blue screen of death error code that occurs during Windows XP setup or after installation. The error message is displayed in either of the following formats:
  • STOP: 0x0000007B (parameter1, parameter2, parameter3, parameter4)
  • ‘A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damages’
  • Setup has encountered a fatal error that prevents it from continuing.
  • Setup cannot continue. Power down or reboot your computer now.


Restoro box imageError Causes

There is no one particular cause for this error. The Stop error 7B may be triggered due to multiple reasons. These include:
  • Boot Sector Viruses
  • Device Driver Issues
  • Poor Windows XP installation
  • Registry Corruption
If you come across this error code on your PC, it is advisable to fix it right away particularly because it is a blue screen of death error that can cause severe damages to your system. It can lead to system failure, crash, and valuable data loss.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here we’ve listed for you the best PC repair solutions to resolve and fix stop error 7B.

Cause: Boot Sector Viruses

Solution: Stop error 7B can occur when infected with a boot sector virus. If this is the cause, then first download a powerful antivirus on your system. After downloading it, run it to scan your PC for viral infection. Immediately delete the viruses if found. However, if the virus is too powerful, the antivirus may fail to remove it. In such an event, you will have to repartition and format your hard disk and then later reinstall Windows XP.

Cause: Device Driver Issues

Solution: If the boot controller is not properly configured or the driver is not updated, Stop error 7B can occur.  When this happens, simply restart your system and press F8 to go to the advanced boot options. Here choose the Last Known Good Configuration option. After that boot into Windows and then perform a system restore. Now go to the start menu and type Device Manager in the search box. To access the Device Manager window it may prompt you to enter an administrator password, insert it to proceed. Now go to Device Manager and perform a driver rollback to reinstall the drivers generating this stop error. By following these simple steps you can easily resolve device driver and configuration issues.

Cause: Poor Windows XP Installation

Solution:  In this case, you will have to perform a Windows start-up repair. This can be done by booting Windows XP from CD. Simply press enter at setup Windows Screen when prompted. Then press R to repair Windows XP installation. This procedure copies the original Windows files over the bad ones.

Cause: Registry Corruption

Solution: Sometimes the stop error 7B is also triggered by the registry corruption. When this happens, it is advisable to download and run Restoro software for PC scan and repair. Restoro is a powerful, advanced, and highly functional registry cleaner. It is deployed with intuitive algorithms that detect registry issues and errors like Stop error 7B on your system in seconds.  It wipes out clutter from your hard disk, repairs damaged files and the corrupted registry. It is safe, efficient, and bug-free. It is also compatible with all Windows versions. In addition to this, it is also embedded with other utilities like an antivirus, a system optimizer, and Active X controls, and a class ID scanner. Click here to download Restoro and resolve to stop error 7B on your PC immediately!
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How to Fix Error Code 0x802400d on Your PC

Error Code 0x802400d - What is it?

The Error Code 0x802400d most often occurs when users attempt to use the Windows Update tool on their computers to move from one version of the software to another. In some cases, this error is more likely to appear on your computer during the process if you have not performed regular updates to the software as they have been available.

Common symptoms include:

  • Inability to finish the download of the necessary update to Windows 10
  • Incomplete installation of the desired Windows 10 update

While it can take additional time to deal with the issues that cause Error Code 0x802400d to appear on your computer, there are several steps that you can take to address the problem. These are fairly simple to perform and do not require advanced knowledge of the system to employ.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The most basic cause for Error Code 0x802400d is that there is a file or a process that is causing the update process to hiccup. In many cases, this error appears when a user attempts to begin the process of updating their computer if they have several stacked updates to perform. Computers that are several updates behind where they should be will display this error more often than computers that are kept on a schedule of recommended updates.

Further Information and Manual Repair

While there are multiple reasons why the Error Code 0x802400d may appear on your computer during the Windows Update process, there are several methods that can be used to attempt to resolve the problem on your own. These are generally easy to do and do not require advanced techniques. However, if you do not feel comfortable addressing the issue on your own, contact a qualified Windows repair technician.

Here are some of the best methods that users can employ to resolve Error Code 0x802400d:

Method 1:  Run the System Update Readiness Tool

There are a number of different processes, files, and settings that could cause Error Code 0x802400d to appear on your computer during the Windows 10 Update process. For this reason, the most efficient way to determine what the culprit is for your specific issue is to download and use the System Update Readiness function.

This tool is available directly from Windows. Although there are other tools available on the Internet that claim to be able to fix the problem, these can contain viruses and malware, so be cautious if you decide to employ these instead. There are also several versions of the tool on the Windows website, so be sure to download the version that matches the operating system and version of your computer.

Once you have downloaded the Readiness tool from the Windows website, allow it to run a scan on your system. At a minimum, this process will take about fifteen minutes to complete. Although you will see a progress bar at the bottom of the window, it does not always update effectively. Some users have reported that the update appears to stop when it is two-thirds complete. Continue to let the scan run if this happens, rather than canceling it out. Even if the progress bar doesn’t update, the scan is still running.

Method 2: Remove New Software and Re-Attempt the Update Process

If you have recently installed new software on your machine, it can sometimes cause problems with the update process. The best way to resolve this issue is to remove or uninstall the software, run the update process again, and then reinstall the software once the Windows system has been successfully updated.

If the above methods are not successful in resolving Error Code 0x802400d from your machine and you are still unable to complete the Windows 10 Update process or if you are not confident in your ability to complete these steps successfully on your own, get in touch with a qualified computer repair technician who is familiar with the issues surrounding Windows 10 in particular. Microsoft offers certifications for Windows repair technicians, so look for a professional who has the experience, skills, and knowledge necessary to adequately address Error Code 0x802400d on your machine.

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.

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A Quick Guide to Fixing Error 2738

Error 2738 - What is it?

Error 2738 is associated with the VBScript engine. VBScript is the abbreviation for Visual Basic Scripting. It is an Active Scripting programming language developed by Microsoft and modeled on Visual Basic. It is used with a fast interpreter in a large variety of Microsoft environments. Error 2738 indicates that the VBScript engine is not registered properly on your PC. It occurs when you try to install or uninstall VBScript-supported applications on your system. The error message is displayed in the following format:
"Error 2738. Could not access VBScript run time for custom action."


Restoro box imageError Causes

There are several reasons for the error 2738 message pop up. These include: Incorrect or corrupt registry entries on your system. These entries interfere with VBScript support in Windows thereby generating such error codes.
  • Removal of McAfee Antivirus
  • Windows registry values are not updated accurately during the uninstallation of McAfee Software
  • The Visual Basic Script is registered in the registry under the local user instead of the local machine
No matter what the cause of the error may be, it is recommended that you resolve the issue immediately without any delay.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some of the easy and proven DIY methods to repair error 2738 on your PC:

Method 1

If the error 2738 occurs because the VBScript is not registered correctly, then follow these steps to resolve.
  1. Go to the start menu, open Run, and type RegEdit in the box and then press OK. This will open the Windows Registry Editor.
  2. Now type KEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClassesCLSID{B54F3741-5B07-11cf-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}InprocServer32, if the key does not have a data value of C:\Windows\System32\vbscript.dll then simply add it.
  3. Now go to the All programs option and then Accessories.
  4. Here right-click on Command Prompt and then ‘Run as Administrator’.
  5. Now type egsvr32 vbscript.dll then press enter. After that type regsvr32 jscript.dll and then press enter.
  6. Restart your PC to activate changes.

Method 2

Sometimes error 2738 may occur when you uninstall preinstalled MacAfee antivirus software on your system. Un-installation usually leaves some trace components in the registry. These components must be removed completely otherwise error codes like 2738 may keep occurring on your computer screen. In such an event, the best way to resolve it is to download the McAfee Consumer Product Removal utility from McAfee's official website. Save this file on your desktop. Double click the file and follow the steps to remove this software completely and successfully from your PC. Proper removal of the McAfee program will resolve error 2738 right away. But if the error still persists then try other methods illustrated below.

Method 3

Download Restoro to remove incorrect and corrupt registry entries on your system that may be interfering with VBScript support. Restoro is a new and easy-to-use PC Repair Tool deployed with an intuitive interface and a powerful registry cleaner. The registry cleaner removes all entries corrupting the registry, cleans it, and resumes it to its normal state. Click here to download Restoro.
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New MS Surface coming in October

In the Windows ecosystem, MS Surface laptops are among the best laptops on the market, they are regarded as equivalent to Apple MAC laptops but for Windows. Microsoft Fall 2022 Event will be held on October 12th at 10 AM. The event itself will be held right before it kicks off its annual, developer-focused Ignite event in Seattle from that same day through October 14.

ms surface pro

This event is the first in-person event that Microsoft has held since the beginning of the pandemic. We expect the launch of the Surface Pro 9 and the Surface Laptop 5, and maybe Surface Studio 3 as well. There are also some rumors about products themselves like choices between an ARM or x86 CPU but nothing is confirmed so far, we can just wait and see.

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Blizzard caught destroying evidence
Blizzard employeesCalifornia's Department of Fair Employment & Housing has widened its anti-discrimination lawsuit against Activision Blizzard and claims the publisher has been shredding vital documents relevant to the ongoing investigation. A recent report from Kotaku described the department as offering poorly paid, highly insecure positions, with a culture of hostility towards LGBTQ+ testers. The DFEH's rewording of "employees" to "workers" now hopes to take these contractors' experiences into account. "As a contract employee, I feel there's a lot of pressure to excel, impress, and move through the ranks as fast as you can before your contract ends and you're forced to go 3 months without income or find another job," Axios reports one worker saying. "I take pride in what I do, but it feels like it's never enough." Activision's contentious hiring of union-busting third-party law firm WilmerHale "directly interferes" with its own investigation, it says. By going to WilmerHale, Activision appears to be claiming that all work related to the investigation is privileged and can't be shared with DFEH. The suit also claims that Activision HR shredded documents related to "investigations and complaints", against its legal obligation to retain them during the investigation. The relevant parts of the updated lawsuit were shared by Axios reporters Stephen Totilo and Megan Farokhmanesh, the former also noting that the DFEH "fixed their misspelling of Bill Cosby's name". "DFEH is also informed and aware that documents and records have not been maintained as required by law or by the DFEH's Document Retention Notice," the complaint reads, "including but not limited to documents related to investigations and complaints were shredded by human resource personnel and emails are deleted thirty days after an employees separation."

Speculation and answer from Activision Blizzard

Blizzard employee Jessica Gonzalez suspects that the costs of fines associated with destroying these documents may have been an easier blow for Blizzard to take than any penalties drawn from their existence in helping the lawsuit go through. In an email to Kotaku, Activision denied the shredding allegations and issued a statement outlining steps it had taken to improve company culture—including the ousting of high-level executives like Blizzard president J. Allen Brack. The full statement reads: "Throughout our engagement with the DFEH, we have complied with every proper request in support of its review even as we had been implementing reforms to ensure our workplaces are welcoming and safe for every employee. Those changes continue today, and include:
  •     Several high-level personnel changes
  •     Revamped hiring and recruiting practices requiring diverse interview panels
  •     Greater transparency on pay equity
  •     Expanded and improved training and investigative capabilities for human resource and compliance staff
  •     Created investigation teams outside of business units to support greater independence
  •     Restructured divisions to support greater accountability
  •     Enhanced review processes to include evaluation of managers by employees
  •     Clear boundaries on workplace behavior with a zero-tolerance approach to harassment and other actions that diminish or marginalize.
"We strive to be a company that recognizes and celebrates the diverse talents and perspectives that lead to the creation of great, globally appealing entertainment. We have provided the DFEH with clear evidence that we do not have gender pay or promotion disparities. Our senior leadership is increasingly diverse, with a growing number of women in key leadership roles across the company. "We share DFEH’s goal of a safe, inclusive workplace that rewards employees equitably and is committed to setting an example that others can follow."

California and RIOT

Beyond Activision Blizzard, California's DFEH has also probed into League of Legends creator Riot Games, accusing the studio of dragging its heels over sexual harassment allegations dating back to 2019. Riot denied the allegations, telling us that it "will never retaliate against anyone for talking to any government agency".
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