
How to remove Converters now

Converters Now developed by Mindspark Interactive is a Browser Extension for Google Chrome and is promoted at their website like a very useful tool for converting PDF and Doc files, alongside with dictionary, and other useful tools. While this might appeal to you the extension hijacks your New Tab page, changing it to Search.MyWay.com

While active, this extension monitors user’s online activity, recording visited websites, clicked links, bought products, and other browsing information. This information is later forwarded or sold to Mindsparks ad network to better deliver user Targeted Ads.

Browsing the internet with ConvertersNow will result in displaying additional ads, sponsored content, and sometimes even pop-up ads injected into various pages or websites throughout your browsing sessions.
CovertersNow has been marked as a Browser Hijacker by several anti-virus programs and it is marked for removal.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking is actually a type of unwanted software, commonly a browser add-on or extension, which then causes modifications in the web browser’s settings. There are plenty of reasons why you may experience a web browser hijack; however commercial, advertising, and marketing are the major purposes for their creation. Usually, the idea would be to force users to visit particular websites that are aiming to improve their site visitor traffic and generate higher ad income. Though it might appear harmless, these tools were created by vicious individuals who always try to take advantage of you, so that they can easily earn money from your naivety and distraction. Browser hijackers could also let other vicious programs without your knowledge further damage your PC.

How you can recognize a browser hijack

Signs that an internet browser is hijacked include: the home page of your respective web browser is changed all of a sudden; your web browser is constantly being redirected to pornography websites; default web engine is changed; you are finding new toolbars you haven’t witnessed before; unstoppable flurries of popup ads show up on your computer screen; your web browser starts running sluggishly or presents frequent glitches; Inability to navigate to certain sites, particularly anti-malware and also other security software websites.

So how does a computer get infected with a browser hijacker

Browser hijackers could use drive-by downloads or file-sharing networks or even an e-mail attachment in order to reach a targeted computer system. Many web browser hijackings come from add-on applications, i.e., browser helper objects (BHO), toolbars, or plug-ins added to browsers to provide the extra features. Also, certain freeware and shareware can put the hijacker inside your computer through the “bundling” technique. Some of the most well-known hijackers are ConvertersNow, Conduit Search, Babylon Toolbar, OneWebSearch, Sweet Page, and CoolWebSearch.

Browser hijackers might record user keystrokes to collect potentially important information leading to privacy issues, cause instability on systems, drastically disrupt user’s browsing experience, and eventually slow down the PC to a stage where it becomes unusable.


Some hijackers could be removed by deleting the freeware they were included with or by eliminating any extension you’ve recently added to your computer. Having said that, most hijackers are quite tenacious and need specialized applications to eradicate them. Furthermore, manual removals require deep system knowledge and therefore can be very difficult task for beginner computer users.

You might opt for automatic browser hijacker removal by just installing and running efficient anti-malware software. If you want to eliminate persistent hijackers quickly and effectively, install the top-rated, award-winning Anti-Malware tool Safebytes Anti-Malware.

What To Do If You Cannot Install Any Anti-virus?

Malware can cause several kinds of damage to computing devices, networks, and data. Certain malware goes to great lengths to prevent you from installing anything on your computer system, particularly anti-virus software. If you’re reading this article now, you might have perhaps recognized that a malware infection is the cause of your blocked web traffic. So what to do when you want to download and install an anti-malware program such as Safebytes? Although this kind of issue will be tougher to circumvent, there are some actions you can take.

Install in Safe Mode

If the malware is set to load immediately when Windows starts, entering safe mode could block the attempt. Since only the minimal applications and services start-up in Safe Mode, there are seldom any reasons for issues to occur. You will have to do the following to remove malware in Safe mode.

1) At power-on/startup, hit the F8 key in 1-second intervals. This should bring up the Advanced Boot Options menu.
2) Make use of the arrow keys to choose Safe Mode with Networking and hit ENTER.
3) When this mode loads, you will have an internet connection. Now, use your web browser to download and install Safebytes.
4) After installation, do a complete scan and let the software program remove the threats it finds.

Download the security software using a different internet browser

Certain viruses may target vulnerabilities of a specific browser that obstruct the downloading process. If you’re not able to download the security software using Internet Explorer, this means malware may be targeting IE’s vulnerabilities. Here, you must switch to another web browser like Chrome or Firefox to download the Safebytes application.

Create a portable USB antivirus for removing viruses

Another way is to download and transfer an anti-malware program from a clean PC to run a scan on the infected computer. Try these simple steps to clear up your affected computer using portable anti-malware.
1) Download Safebytes Anti-Malware or Microsoft Windows Defender Offline onto a clean PC.
2) Insert the pen drive on the same computer.
3) Double-click on the downloaded file to run the installation wizard.
4) Choose the drive letter of the USB drive as the location when the wizard asks you where you would like to install the anti-virus. Follow the instructions to complete the installation process.
5) Now, plug the pen drive into the infected system.
6) Double-click the EXE file to open the Safebytes tool from the pen drive.
7) Simply click “Scan Now” to run a complete scan on the infected computer for malware.

Benefits and Features of SafeBytes Security Suite

In order to protect your personal computer from a variety of internet-based threats, it’s important to install an anti-malware program on your personal computer. But with countless numbers of antimalware companies out there, these days it’s hard to decide which one you should buy for your personal computer. A few of them do a good job in eradicating malware threats while many will ruin your PC by themselves. You need to pick out a tool that has got a good reputation and detects not only computer viruses but other kinds of malware also. When considering trustworthy software programs, Safebytes Anti-Malware is undoubtedly the strongly recommended one.

Safebytes is one of the well-established PC solutions firms, which offer this all-inclusive anti-malware program. Using its outstanding protection system, this utility will automatically detect and eliminate most of the security threats, which include viruses, adware, browser hijackers, PUPs, trojans, worms, and ransomware.

There are lots of amazing features you will get with this particular security product. Listed below are some of the highlighted features included in the product.

Anti-Malware Protection: Using a critically acclaimed anti-malware engine, SafeBytes offers multilayered protection which is designed to catch and eliminate threats which are concealed deep in your PC.

Live Protection: SafeBytes provides real-time active supervision and protection from all known computer viruses and malware. It will constantly monitor your pc for hacker activity and also provides end-users with advanced firewall protection.

Safe Browsing: Through its unique safety score, SafeBytes notifies you whether a website is safe or not to visit it. This will make sure that you’re always certain of your safety when browsing the world wide web.

High-Speed Malware Scanning Engine: SafeBytes’s very fast malware scanning engine cuts down scan times and extends battery life. At the same time, it’ll effectively detect and remove infected files or any internet threat.

Lightweight: SafeBytes is a lightweight application. It consumes a very small amount of processing power as it works in the background therefore you won’t observe any computer performance difficulties.

24/7 Online Tech Support: You can get high levels of support 24/7 if you are using their paid software.

To conclude, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is pretty great for securing your computer against all sorts of malware threats. There is no doubt that your computer system will be protected in real-time once you put this software program to use. For top protection and the best value for money, you can’t get better than SafeBytes Anti-Malware.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you’d like to carry out the removal of ConvertersNow manually instead of employing an automated tool, you may follow these steps: Proceed to the Windows Control Panel, click on the “Add/Remove Programs” and there, choose the offending program to remove. In case of suspicious versions of web browser extensions, you can easily get rid of them via your browser’s extension manager. It’s also advised to factory reset your web browser to its default condition to fix corrupt settings.

If you decide to manually delete the system files and Windows registry entries, use the following checklist to make sure you know precisely what files to remove before executing any actions. But bear in mind, this is often a tough task and only computer professionals could accomplish it safely. Furthermore, certain malicious programs are capable to defend against its removal. Doing this malware-removal process in Safe Mode is recommended.

%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\ConvertersNowTooltab
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Sync Extension Settings\jbfdncemokhjnhoiohfdjahheefaiaec
%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Sync Extension Settings\jbfdncemokhjnhoiohfdjahheefaiaec
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\jbfdncemokhjnhoiohfdjahheefaiaec
%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\jbfdncemokhjnhoiohfdjahheefaiaec
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\jbfdncemokhjnhoiohfdjahheefaiaec
%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\jbfdncemokhjnhoiohfdjahheefaiaec

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Google\Chrome\PreferenceMACs\Default\extensions.settings, value: jbfdncemokhjnhoiohfdjahheefaiaec
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\convertersnow.dl.tb.ask.com
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\convertersnow.dl.myway.com
ConvertersNowTooltab Uninstall Internet Explorer

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New Windows 11 update 22000.65
The first major update for Windows 11, 22000.65 has brought some bug fixes and some new features. The previous update was just a bunch of small fixes but this time Microsoft has brought much more with this one.

Windows 11 updateBug and security fixes:

  • Patch for the PrintNightmare vulnerability.
  • Taskbar icons not displaying after you rotate the screen back and forth.
  • Date and time not following format settings.
  • Contrast issues with File Explorer title bar
  • Search dropping the first keystroke when you press the Windows key and type
  • Blurry windows in ALT + Tab

Besides bug and security fixed newest update has also brought us some functional changes:

  • The start menu can no longer be moved from center
  • A search box appears at the top of the Start menu.
  • Taskbar appears on secondary monitors.
  • The refresh option appears on the jump list when you right-click the desktop. It was on the "Show more options" list before.
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  • New snap layouts for portrait mode screens.
  • Option to troubleshoot sound problems when you right-click the volume icon.
  • Power mode settings on Power & battery settings menu.
  • Right-clicking .ps1 files offers a "Run with PowerShell" option.
  • New GIFs in the emoji panel in China
Honestly, I really like a search box on top of the start menu but really dislike the option to move it to left, I am sure that there are a lot of users who would feel more like at home if they could still move and set Windows to function and work how they want. It is very strange to me that Windows 10 was made to be so user-focused and been able to be user specific and Windows 1 takes most of these things away. I am not sure why Microsoft is going this way but I cannot really see how moving the taskbar on left is a programming issue or why it is wrong for example.
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Gaming Wonderland Removal Tutorial

Gaming Wonderland is a Browser Extension for Google Chrome developed by Mindspark. This extension allows you to look up some popular browser games, as well as to find multiplayer games. When installed it changes your default search provider and your default home page to MyWebSearch. While browsing the internet, this extension will gather your browsing information, website visits, clicks, and other information that is later sent to Mindspark ad servers and used to better target ads.

While using this extension you will see additional unwanted ads appearing throughout your browser sessions.

Due to the nature of this application and the fact that it has been marked as a Browser Hijacker by several anti-virus scanners, it is not recommended to keep it on your computer.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking means that a malicious code has power over and modified the settings of your internet browser, without your consent. They are made to disrupt browser functions for a variety of reasons. These are generally used to force visitors to a specific site, manipulating web traffic to generate ad revenue. It may appear harmless, but the majority of such sites are not legitimate and will present a serious risk to your online safety. As soon as the program attacks your computer or laptop, it begins to mess things up a whole that slows your system down to a crawl. In the worse case, you could be pushed to tackle serious malware threats as well.

Browser hijacking symptoms

When your web browser is hijacked, the following could happen: you find unauthorized modifications to your web browser’s home-page; new bookmarks pointing to pornographic websites have been added to your bookmarks; default web engine is changed; you are finding browser toolbars you haven’t noticed before; unstoppable flurries of popup advertisements show up on your PC screen; your browser gets slow, buggy, crashes quite often; you’re prohibited access to specific websites, including the site of an anti-malware software firm like SafeBytes.

How does a browser hijacker infect a PC

Browser hijackers might use drive-by downloads or file-sharing websites or even an e-mail attachment in order to reach a targeted computer. They could also be deployed through the installation of a web browser toolbar, add-on, or extension. A browser hijacker can also be installed as a part of freeware, shareware, demoware, and pirated programs. A good example of a notorious browser hijacker is the latest Chinese malicious software called “Fireball”, which has attacked 250 million PCs worldwide. It works as a hijacker but can be turned into a fully functioning malware downloader later on. Browser hijackers will affect the user’s browsing experience severely, keep track of the websites visited by users and steal private information, cause problems in connecting to the net, and eventually create stability issues, making applications and computers freeze.

Browser Hijacker Malware – Removal

Some kinds of browser hijackers can be removed from your computer by deleting malicious software applications or any other recently added shareware. At times, it can be a tough task to discover and get rid of the malicious component since the associated file might be running as part of the operating system process. Novice PC users should not try for the manual form of removal, since it calls for thorough computer knowledge to do fixes on the system registry and HOSTS file. Installing and running antivirus applications on the affected system will automatically erase browser hijackers and also other unwanted applications. Safebytes Anti-Malware incorporates a cutting-edge anti-malware engine that will help you prevent browser hijacker infection in the first place, and clean up any existing problems. Use a system optimizer together with your antivirus software to fix various registry problems, remove system vulnerabilities, and boost your computer's overall performance.

Help! Malware Blocking Antivirus Installation And Access To The Web

Viruses can cause plenty of damage to your PC. Some malware variants alter internet browser settings by adding a proxy server or change the PC’s DNS settings. In such cases, you will be unable to visit certain or all websites, and therefore not able to download or install the required security software to eliminate the malware. So what you should do if malware keeps you from downloading or installing Safebytes Anti-Malware? There are a few actions you can take to circumvent this issue.

Use Safe Mode to resolve the issue

In Safe Mode, you may change Windows settings, uninstall or install some programs, and remove hard-to-delete viruses and malware. In case the virus is set to load immediately when the PC starts, shifting into this mode may well prevent it from doing so. To boot into Safe Mode, press the “F8” key on the keyboard right before the Windows logo screen appears; Or right after normal Windows boot up, run MSCONFIG, look over Safe Boot under Boot tab, and then click Apply. Once you’re in safe mode, you can try to install your antivirus program without the hindrance of malicious software. At this point, you can actually run the antivirus scan to get rid of viruses and malware without any interference from another malicious application.

Switch to an alternate internet browser

Some viruses might target vulnerabilities of a specific browser that obstruct the downloading process. If you seem to have a trojan attached to Internet Explorer, then switch to an alternate browser with built-in security features, such as Firefox or Chrome, to download your favorite antivirus program – Safebytes.

Create a bootable USB antivirus drive

Another solution is to save and run an antivirus software program completely from a USB drive. Adopt these measures to run the anti-malware on the infected computer. 1) On a virus-free computer, install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Connect the USB drive to a USB port on the clean computer. 3) Double-click the Setup icon of the antivirus software to run the Installation Wizard. 4) Select the drive letter of the flash drive as the place when the wizard asks you exactly where you want to install the antivirus. Follow the activation instructions. 5) Unplug the USB drive. Now you can use this portable anti-virus on the affected computer. 6) Run the Safebytes Anti-malware directly from the USB drive by double-clicking the icon. 7) Simply click “Scan Now” to run a complete scan on the infected computer for viruses.

Detect And Remove Viruses With SafeBytes Anti-Malware

If you are looking to download the anti-malware program for your PC, there are various tools on the market to consider however, you cannot trust blindly anyone, regardless of whether it is paid or free program. A few are really worth your money, but most aren’t. You must opt for a company that creates industry-best antimalware and has earned a reputation as reliable. On the list of strongly recommended software is SafeBytes AntiMalware. SafeBytes carries a good track record of quality service, and customers appear to be happy with it. SafeBytes anti-malware is trustworthy software that not only protects your system completely but is also quite user-friendly for people of all skill levels. Using its outstanding protection system, this tool will automatically detect and eliminate most of the security threats, including browser hijackers, viruses, adware, PUPs, trojans, worms, and ransomware.

SafeBytes anti-malware takes computer protection to a totally new level with its advanced features. Below are some of the features you might like in SafeBytes.

Anti-Malware Protection: This deep-cleaning anti-malware software program goes much deeper than most anti-virus tools to clean out your personal computer. Its critically acclaimed virus engine locates and disables hard-to-remove malware that hides deep within your personal computer. Real-time Protection: SafeBytes delivers complete and real-time security for your PC. It’ll constantly monitor your pc for hacker activity and also provides end-users with sophisticated firewall protection. Website Filtering: SafeBytes gives an instant safety rating to the pages you are going to visit, automatically blocking unsafe sites and making sure that you are certain of your safety while browsing the net. High-Speed Malware Scanning Engine: SafeBytes’s high-speed malware scanning engine lessens scan times and extends battery life. Simultaneously, it will effectively find and get rid of infected computer files or any internet threat. Low CPU/Memory Usage: SafeBytes is well-known for its low impact on processing power and great detection rate of various threats. It runs silently and efficiently in the background so you are free to utilize your personal computer at full power all the time. 24/7 Premium Support: You can get 24/7 technical assistance to quickly resolve any issue with your security software. To sum it up, SafeBytes Anti-Malware provides outstanding protection combined with very low system resource usage with great malware prevention and detection. You now may know that this tool does more than just scan and remove threats from your PC. If you’re searching for the absolute best malware removal application out there, and if you don’t mind spending a few bucks for it, go for SafeBytes Anti-Malware.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you would like to do the removal of Gaming Wonderland manually instead of using an automated software tool, you may follow these measures: Go to the Windows Control Panel, click the “Add or Remove Programs” and there, select the offending application to uninstall. In case of suspicious versions of browser plug-ins, you can easily get rid of it through your web browser’s extension manager. You may even want to reset your home page and search engine providers, and also delete temporary files, browsing history, and cookies. In order to ensure the complete removal, manually examine your hard drive and registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Having said that, editing the Windows registry is really a difficult job that only advanced users and professionals should try to fix it. Furthermore, some malicious programs have the capability to defend against its deletion. It is advisable that you do the removal procedure in Windows Safe Mode.
Files: %PROGRAMFILES%\GamingWonderland %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\GamingWonderland %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\GamingWonderland %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\GamingWonderlandTooltab %LOCALAPPDATA%\GamingWonderlandTooltab %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\fenbipnfkodbfdjlgndbgokhkneidbom %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\hjkdfjgajdjedjpapojndcfhekhbpkjp %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\hjkdfjgajdjedjpapojndcfhekhbpkjp Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AppDataLow\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GamingWonderland HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.DynamicBarButton.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.FeedManager HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.FeedManager.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.HTMLMenu HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.HTMLMenu.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.HTMLPanel HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.HTMLPanel.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.MultipleButton HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.PseudoTransparentPlugin.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.Radio HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.Radio.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.RadioSettings HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.RadioSettings.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.ScriptButton HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.ScriptButton.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.SettingsPlugin HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.SkinLauncher.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.SkinLauncherSettings HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.SkinLauncherSettings.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.ThirdPartyInstaller HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.ThirdPartyInstaller.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.ToolbarProtector HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.ToolbarProtector.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.XMLSessionPlugin.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\0c7bac04-8f5d-4bbd-956a-34fafa547752 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\16fbdf8c-476f-4d6b-8009-84471903cf96 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\82bacdc9-afce-41ee-92f5-b54f6db45a1c HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\8b70e4e8-100a-4b4f-b928-6d8126b730bb HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\c1151fbb-ef5b-4a2b-91e4-e8776f091f37 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\82bacdc9-afce-41ee-92f5-b54f6db45a1c HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\8b70e4e8-100a-4b4f-b928-6d8126b730bb HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\c1151fbb-ef5b-4a2b-91e4-e8776f091f37 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\e65f4fe3-b8a9-408f-9e8d-37689e565618 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\Browser Helper Objects\ab5d199e-9659-47a2-930b-fc3b69061353 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\PreApproved\f4d7584b-6643-4bc7-8e24-17c3258dc5ef HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\PreApproved\26A73C38-B71A-4D3A-80B7-E010420DA1E7 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\PreApproved\1a30aa28-2fc6-4360-9e14-cfa627d51b6c HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\PreApproved\08fbcb5f-de4f-49e0-977e-e4269f4d7206 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\PreApproved\f4d7584b-6643-4bc7-8e24-17c3258dc5ef HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\PreApproved\99c8d756-4d22-4d0f-898a-34a232884ce1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\PreApproved\75faf80f-56c7-4bb3-b825-39d0a706b5a4 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\PreApproved\4c297ddf-0a36-4b17-b8fa-0c0395f2c5bc HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\MozillaPlugins\@GamingWonderland.com/Plugin HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MozillaPlugins\@GamingWonderland.com/Plugin HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, value: GamingWonderland Search Scope Monitor HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GamingWonderlandbar Uninstall Firefox HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GamingWonderlandbar Uninstall Internet Explorer HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, value: GamingWonderland Search Scope Monitor HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\GamingWonderland HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Google\Chrome\Extensions\hpflffkopmgalfhfholanbnhoiblmajp HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome\Extensions\hpflffkopmgalfhfholanbnhoiblmajp HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar, value: a899079d-206f-43a6-be6a-07e0fa648ea0 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar, value: a899079d-206f-43a6-be6a-07e0fa648ea0 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GamingWonderland Chrome Extension Uninstall HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\3d29c02b-bf3e-4d3b-8a7a-e0e7d0f6dbab HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\3d29c02b-bf3e-4d3b-8a7a-e0e7d0f6dbab HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\c5ce0d8e-0300-4a17-a89c-6cc8078348ad HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\c5ce0d8e-0300-4a17-a89c-6cc8078348ad HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\free.gamingwonderland.com HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\gamingwonderland.com HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Approved Extensions, value: 7C8F8FE5-9785-4F74-BCF8-895EF9752D97 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Approved Extensions, value: A899079D-206F-43A6-BE6A-07E0FA648EA0 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Approved Extensions, value: AB5D199E-9659-47A2-930B-FC3B69061353 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, value: GamingWonderland EPM Support HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, value: GamingWonderland EPM Support HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\gamingwonderland.dl.myway.com
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How to Fix Windows 10 Update Error Code 80004002

Error Code 80004002 - What is it?

Error code 80004002 will be encountered when there are absent registry keys. These missing registry keys will hinder an update process when initiated. However, this error code can be averted once the user makes a reinstall of the Windows Update Client. The steps will be highlighted throughout the article.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error code 80004002 might occur for various valid reasons. In cases of installing programs, a user might mistakenly install a new program over another, that was not properly (completely) uninstalled. This could cause a stack-up of registry keys and error messages. Additionally, error code 80004002 might be a consequence of malware, viruses, and adware.

Further Information and Manual Repair

If left unchecked, error code 80004002 could amount to system freezes and crashes, slow computer performance, error codes upon installation, and even blue screen errors. To fix this error code, you might want to attempt one or all the methods below. This is due to the fact that the problem might stem from various reasons.

Method 1: Safe Mode

Ensure to boot your computer in safe mode. This is to ensure that you are properly able to troubleshoot Windows update error code 80004002. To load your computer in safe mode, turn on the computer, press F8 before it fully loads to the ‘sign in’ screen.

Method 2: Update Outdated Drivers

One of the many reasons why you’ll encounter error code 80004002 is in light of the fact that your drivers might have been outdated. To check if your driver is outdated, Right click on the Start menu, select the Device Manager option. From there, you’ll be able to tell which device(s) is corrupted and needs updating.

Method 3: Reinstall Windows Update Client

To perform this process, follow the steps below:
  1. Locate “My Computer” or “This PC” on your device.
  2. Select the “Properties” option.
  3. Under the System option, determine whether your System type is 64-bit or 32-bit version of Windows.
  4. Use the links below to install the Windows Update client:

Click for 32-bit Operating System

Click for 64-bit Operating System

  1. After installation, search for Windows Update from the Search option.
  2. Select the Check for Updates option.
  3. Once any updates are found, hit Install Updates.

Method 4: Use An Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.
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How to Fix Error Code 0x800704c7 in Windows 10

Error Code 0x800704c7 – What is it?

Error code 0x800704c7 occurs when Windows users attempt to update their system. It affects various Windows users including those using Windows 7, Windows 8, and 8.1 and Windows 10. It usually occurs due to poor maintenance of the system and includes common symptoms such as the following:

  • Inability to upgrade your Windows operating system
  • Message box with error code 0x800704c7


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error code 0x800704c7 in Windows 10 can occur due to several reasons. For instance, it may be due to corrupted or missing system files. It may also result from malicious programs affecting your system or occur when a program or several programs are running in the background of one’s system while the user attempts to run the update.

To correct this issue, Windows users will need to select one or a few methods, depending on the issues affecting their PC.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Some of the best solutions for error code 0x800704c7 available to Windows users including using tools to scan for missing systems files or correct other issues inherent within your system.

These methods may include the use of Command Prompt and the performance of technical repair procedures. If you are uncertain of your skills, avoid compounding the issue or causing further damage to your PC by contacting a skilled Windows repair technician. This IT professional will be best equipped to use Windows tools and other methods to resolve error code 0x800704c7.

Method One: Scan Your System for Missing or Corrupt System Files

Using System File Checker Tool (SFC), Windows users can check their system for missing o corrupt system files. These utility tools within your Windows device will be able to replace missing files and repair corrupted ones, resulting in a more efficient system.  Run this tool by following the steps below:

  • Step One: Go to Start and type Command Prompt or CMD.
  • Step Two: Run as Administrator
  • Step Three: Type sfc /scannow. (Be sure to place a space between “sfc” and “/scannow”).

After running these procedures, check if the error code has been resolved. Go to Settings > Update & security > Windows Update. Update your Windows operating system. If error code 0x800704c7 reoccurs, you will need to try the next method below.

Method Two: Restore your System

System Restore is one of the best manual repair solutions Windows users can apply when they come across error codes like error code 0x800704c7. That’s because this method requires no technical or advanced knowledge and therefore can be performed by anyone. Simply follow the steps below to restore your system to a period of time in the past where the error was not present on your system. If done correctly, this could enable you to resolve the issue with little frustration on your part.

  • Step one: Type Control Panel in the search bar near the Start button
  • Step two: Select Control Panel, then Recovery
  • Step three: Select System Restore then click Next
  • Step four: Select a restore point before appeared on your Windows 10 system
  • Step five: Select Next then Finish

Note that once System Restore is enabled it will remove drivers, apps, and even updates installed after the restore point. For this reason, be careful to choose the most appropriate restore point. Also once you’ve completed this task, check to see if you are able to update your system. If the update stops before the process is complete and a message box occurs with the error code 0x800704c7, proceed to the next manual repair option below.

Method Three: Check for and Remove Malware

Viruses or other forms of malware can adversely affect your system, causing error codes and other issues to take place. To resolve error code 0x800704c7 in Windows 10, check for and remove malware using a reputable anti-malware program.

If no anti-virus software is present on your system or if you scan your device but fail to spot an issue, proceed to method four.

Method Four: Use an Automated Tool

This method involves the use of a powerful automated tool. But why is this important you might ask? A third-party tool is often the best solution when all manual repair efforts fail. Automated tools come equipped to tackle the most serious PC problems including error codes which can cause frustration and result in reduces PC performance.

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Fix Invalid file handle Error during ...
If you encounter an error saying, “Invalid file handle” when you try to rename, copy, delete a file or other operations in your Windows 10 computer, then read on as this post will guide you in what you can do to fix it. This kind of error pops up when the operating system tries to carry out an operation on a folder or file using the following words:
When you rename or create a folder or file using the reserved words given above, you could encounter an error that says, “The specified device name is invalid”. This occurs since these words are Windows system reserved words that you can’t use, unlike any other words. Thus, if you have a folder or file which contains any of the reserved words on another computer that runs a non-Windows operating system and you try to copy or rename it Windows, then it’s no wonder why you’re getting this error message. In such cases, you can always click on the Skip button to stop the operation. However, if there are various folders or files, you can just use the Command Prompt to carry out the task. All it takes is a simple command that will get rid of the folder as well as the files in it. How? Refer to the instructions given below. Step 1: Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run utility. Step 2: Next, type “cmd” in the field and then tap Enter to open Command Prompt. Step 3: After opening Command Prompt, execute the following command:
rd \.file-folder-path /S /Q
Note: The “rd” command will remove the directory or the folder while the “\.” command will select the current computer. The “/S” command, on the other hand, helps you in removing all the sub-directories and the files that are in the CON folder. The “/Q” command is not really mandatory since it helps you remove everything silently without any confirmation message. For example, if you have a folder named “CON” located on your Desktop, the path will be like this “C:/Users/<username>/Desktop/CON”. In this case, the command should be like this:
rd \.C:Users<username>DesktopCON /S /Q
However, if the error pops up for a whole different reason, you could use the following command instead to remove the reparse point extended functionality. Once you’ve entered the given command below, you should now be able to delete the file.
FSUTIL reparsepoint delete C:Users<username>DesktopFileName DEL C:Users<username>DesktopFileName
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If you encounter a Blue Screen error that points out to the CMUDA.sys, read on as this post will guide you in fixing it. The CMUDA.sys file is a Windows operating system driver file that is related to the USB Device Audio capabilities of a computer. There are times when this file causes Blue Screen error due to some conflicts in RAM or some incompatible firmware or hard disk issues, corrupted drivers or malware infection, and so on. There are various Blue Screen errors that are related to the CMUDA.sys file such as:
In most cases, the CMUDA.sys file usually triggers the SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED Blue Screen error. Although this Blue Screen error may seem complicated, its workarounds are straightforward so you won’t have any problems in following them.

Option 1 – Try to update or rollback your device drivers

If the first option didn’t work for you, then it’s time to either update or roll back the device drivers. It is most likely that after you updated your Windows computer that your driver also needs a refresh. On the other hand, if you have just updated your device drivers then you need to roll back the drivers to their previous versions. Whichever applies to you, refer to the steps below.
  • Open the Devices Manager from the Win X Menu.
  • After opening the Device Manager, locate the device drivers that are marked with a small yellow exclamation mark icon and right-click on each one to open their Properties. On the other hand, you can also look for sub-entries under Sound, video, and game controllers like the C-Media USB Audio Class
  • After that, switch to the Driver tab and click on the Uninstall Device button.
  • Follow the screen option to completely uninstall it.
  • Finally, restart your computer. It will just reinstall the device drivers automatically.
Note: You can install a dedicated driver on your computer in case you have it or you could also look for it directly from the website of the manufacturer. You can download the as C-Media USB Audio Class driver from the cmedia.com website.

Option 2 – Try to recreate the CMUDA.sys file

The first thing you can try is to recreate the CMUDA.sys file. Every time your Windows 10 PC boots up, it looks for all the system drivers in place and if it is unable to find them, it tries to create them. Which is why if you remove your corrupt driver file, chances are, you might get a fixed file recreated just for you. How? Refer to the steps below.
  • Boot your Windows 10 PC in Safe Mode.
  • Then open File Explorer and navigate to this location: C:/Windows/System32/drivers
  • From there, look for the file named sys and rename it to CMUDA.old.
Note: As you can see, the file’s extension has changed from .sys to .old.
  • Now restart your computer and check if the CMUDA.sys Blue Screen error is now fixed.

Option 3 – Run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter

The Blue Screen troubleshooter is a built-in tool in Windows 10 that helps users in fixing BSOD errors. It can be found on the Settings Troubleshooters page. To use it, refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open the Settings panel.
  • Then go to Update & Security > Troubleshoot.
  • After that, look for the option called “Blue Screen” on your right-hand side and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button to run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter and then follow the next on-screen options. Note that you might have to boot your PC into Safe Mode.
On the other hand, you can also try running the online Windows 10 Blue Screen troubleshooter from Microsoft. It is a wizard that could help you fix any Stop errors related to the CMUDA.sys file and will offer you helpful links as you use it.

Option 4 – Try running the DISM tool

You can try running the Deployment Imaging and Servicing Management or DISM tool to fix the Wdf01000.sys Blue Screen error. Using this built-in tool, you have various options such as the “/ScanHealth”, “/CheckHealth”, and “/RestoreHealth”.
  • Open the Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • Then type in the following commands and make sure to hit Enter right after you type each one of them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • Do not close the window if the process takes a while as it will probably take a few minutes to finish.

Option 5 – Run System Restore

Running System Restore might also help in fixing Blue Screen errors related to the CMUDA.sys file.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.
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Fixing Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded
Caching is used to enhance the performance of applications in Windows and other operating systems. It helps applications to load faster but there are times when the cache can get damaged or corrupted and as a result, you might encounter some issues. One of them is in the Firefox browser where the “Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded, It may be missing or inaccessible” error message may appear. You could also encounter this kind of error when Firefox is unable to access or find the profile folder. In case you don’t know what the profile folder is, it is where Firefox stores your user data and settings by default. Firefox pulls information from this folder each time you choose to open it. You can find this default Firefox profile folder under the %APPDATA%MozillaFirefoxProfiles folder. If you experience issues when trying to access the Profile Manager, you have the option to create a new default Firefox profile folder. This will fix the “Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded, It may be missing or inaccessible” error. How? Simply follow the given steps below. Step 1: Tap the Win key or click the Windows Start button to open the Start menu. Step 2: Next, type “%appdata%” in the field and hit Enter to open the hidden AppDataRoaming folder. Step 3: Now double click the Mozilla folder as well as the Firefox folder. Step 4: From there, look for the “profiles.ini” file and delete it. Make sure that you don’t delete the Profiles folder which should have the icon of a file folder. Note: Keep in mind that the .ini file extension is identified as the file that features a gear icon beside the “Configuration settings” or “Application settings”. Step 5: Once you open Firefox, a new profile will be created. On the other hand, if you know where your profile exists, you can try the following steps below to help Firefox locate it.
  • First, you need to move the profile folder back to its original location.
  • Next, restore the profile folder’s original name if you have modified it.
  • Then create a new profile using the Profile Manager and give it an appropriate name.
  • Now click on the Choose Folder button and select the profile folder you have moved or renamed before you exit the Create a new profile wizard.
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Fix Minecraft Realms Internal Server Error 500
Many Minecraft players are experiencing Realms internal server error 500, luckily for all of that players, we are offering you solutions.

Preliminary Fixes

Before heading towards the fixes here it is suggested to try some quick tweaks that might work in your case to fix Minecraft Internal Server Error 500. Restart your PC – Very first it is suggested to shut down your computer and after that restart the system. This worked for many players to get rid of the server outages issue. Update your Windows version – Check if you are running an outdated Windows version then make sure to install the latest Windows update and then run the game. Update Your Game Version – Also make sure you are running an updated version of Minecraft Realms. Installing the latest updates not only makes the game more stable but also helps you to solve common glitches and issues with the game. So, check if any recent updates are available to make sure to download and install them Modify the Game Settings – Check if you have tweaked some of the game settings then this might be the reason for the problem. So try to reconfigure the settings to default. This may work for you. Now after following the preliminary solutions check if the Minecraft Realms Internal Server Error 500 is resolved or else head to the next solution.

Check your Internet Connection

As said above if the internet connection is not working properly or it is preventing you from accessing the servers, then this can also cause the Internal Server Error 500 in the Minecraft server. So, very first make sure your internet connection is stable and working properly. Also if you are using Wi-Fi then use a wired connection to get a stable network. Moreover, if your internet connection is working fine then there is a possibility that your internet connection is causing interruption and preventing you from accessing the Minecraft Realms server. So, if this is the case then here it is suggested to use a VPN connection to get exceptionally fast & reliable speeds without getting detected.

Check for the Minecraft Server Outage

Well, there is a possibility the Minecraft servers are down and if this is the case then you don’t have any other option than just waiting for the servers to get restarted and the service becomes available again. Also, the service outages can affect the ability of the game and as a result, you are unable to play the game. Additionally, you can also inquire about Minecraft’s server status by visiting the Downdetector website. But if you find the services are running fine then the issue is from your side.

Disable Background Applications

If you are still getting the Minecraft Realms Internal Server Error 500, then there are chances that other applications running in the background are causing a limit to your internet bandwidth. It is suggested to disable the internet-connected apps and after that try connecting to Microsoft Realms again.
  • Hit CTRL + SHIFT + ESC keys > to open the Task Manager.
  • Then under the Process tab,> right-click on unwanted background process, > click on the End Task 
After disabling the applications running in the background, relaunch Minecraft and check if the internal server error 500 still appears or not.

Delete UUID Files in Minecraft

If you are still getting the Minecraft Realms Internal Server Error 500 then here it is suggested to delete the UUID files in Minecraft.
  • First, visit the website by clicking the https://mcuuid.net/ and enter all the credentials to get the player’s UUID
  • Then login to the server > proceed to server files > head to the world
  • Here locate the PlayerData folder > click to open it.
  • And from here choose the file containing the same name like the player’s Username or UUID > after that hit the Delete
  • Lastly, restart your server to save the changes

Remove Resource Packs & Mods

If you are getting the Minecraft realms internal server error 500 after the installation of a particular mod or the resource pack then this is what causing the issue while playing the realm. So, here it is suggested to delete it immediately, also uninstall the mod as well as the resource pack you installed recently. It is estimated this works for you but if you have a doubt related to any specific mod or the resource pack causing an error you should uninstall then also and check if the Minecraft internal error 500 is fixed.

Disable the Plugins

If you are still encountering the error then check for the plugins installed on your PC. Many times the installed plugin starts causing issues with the game as they are not compatible with the game version. So here it is recommended to try disabling the plugins on the PC and check if this works for you.
  • On your system > open the plugin window > rename the plugins files from “[plugin name].jar to [plugin name].jar.disabled”.
  • Next restart the server and check if the Minecraft Realms Internal Server Error 500 problem is resolved or not.

Uninstall & Reinstall Minecraft

If none of the above-given solutions works for you then here it is suggested to uninstall and reinstall Minecraft. Well, it is suggested to uninstall the game using the third-party uninstaller. Manually uninstalling the program won’t remove it completely, some of its registry entries, junk files are left behind and causes interruption when the next time you install it. If you are looking to uninstall it manually then follow the steps given:
  • Hit Window + R key > to open the Run box
  • And in the run box type appwiz.cpl command > hit Enter
  • Now the application manager window pops up on your screen > locate the Minecraft application > right-click to Uninstall
And as the uninstalling process is completed > head to the Minecraft official website and tries downloading and installing the game. Check if the Minecraft Realms Internal Server Error 500 is resolved or not.

Contact Support Center

If after trying all the solutions given you are still unable to fix the error then the only option left is to contact the Customer Support Center and fill the form in the link and describe the problem in a detailed way. And within few days you will get feedback from them to fix Minecraft Realms internal error 500.
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Blu-ray player does not recognize the disc
So, you just made some popcorns, dimmed light, relaxed in from of the TV, pressed play on your application and Blu-ray drive can not read your movie. Your movie night failed sadly, but there is hope and in this article, we are going to explore and offer you solutions on what to do when something like this happens so you do not miss another movie night and some hard-earned relaxation. Please note that in this article we are assuming that you are using a Blu-ray player on your PC, so some of the solutions presented are meant only for this case. So the first thing that you are supposed to do is to check the disc itself. You can turn the disc around and visually check the disc for fingerprints and scratches which can be fatal for disc playing, alternatively, you can try to play the same disc on another device and if it fails there also it is not the disc, it is your drive. So if it is no issue with the disc let's see that seems to be a problem with the drive. The common thing that could stop disc reading are cables, check all connections and cables in the back of your device to be sure that everything is plugged in correctly and nicely. After checking cables if the issue persists lens cleaning is the next step. Over time lens from the Blu-ray, the device becomes dirty and dust accumulates on it, there are special cleaning discs on market made especially for this purpose, to clean the dirty lens of optical devices. If you have one put it in and clean your lens. After lens cleaning with a specialty disc, a good idea would be to use compressed air in a can to reduce the dust inside so no excess dust will accumulate quickly again on the lens itself.

So the device is cleaned and checked and still no disc playing?

Update firmware first. In order to accomplish this visit your device manufacturer's website and follow instructions there on how to upgrade firmware. If this did not helped also update or reinstall device drivers. Go to device manager and update drivers for your device by right-clicking on it and choosing update driver. If none of the things helped, go to command prompt as administrator and type in SFC /scannow, leave the process to finish, and reboot.
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Increase or decrease notification display time
As you know, the Windows 10 Action Center has a stack of all the notifications that come from different applications on your computer. So each time an app displays notifications, it will be displayed for about 5 seconds and then it disappears right away. Although the allotted time for the notifications to be displayed is quite enough to catch your attention and help you get a glance at the message, there are times when you might miss it and you hoped it could’ve been displayed a lot longer. So in this post, you will be guided on how you can increase or decrease the display time of the notification in Windows 10. The best way you can view the missed notification is to click on the Action Center. From there, you will see all the notifications that are grouped by the applications. This means that if you have a lot of notifications, it would be hard for you to find what you are looking for. Thus, in such cases, the best way you can do is to increase the display time for which notification to stay on the screen.

To get started, refer to the instructions given below.

Step 1: Tap the Win + I keys to open Settings. Step 2: Next, navigate to Home > Ease of Access > Display. Step 3: After that, scroll down to the end until you see the dropdown to change the notifications where you should see the “Show notifications for”. Step 4: Then you can change the time from the default 5 seconds to 7, 15, 30, and so on. Step 5: Once done, the display time of the notifications should stay longer but keep in mind that you must choose the length wisely so if you have notifications from a lot of apps, then the screen will also be filled with multiple notification cards.
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