
New MS Surface coming in October

In the Windows ecosystem, MS Surface laptops are among the best laptops on the market, they are regarded as equivalent to Apple MAC laptops but for Windows. Microsoft Fall 2022 Event will be held on October 12th at 10 AM. The event itself will be held right before it kicks off its annual, developer-focused Ignite event in Seattle from that same day through October 14.

ms surface pro

This event is the first in-person event that Microsoft has held since the beginning of the pandemic. We expect the launch of the Surface Pro 9 and the Surface Laptop 5, and maybe Surface Studio 3 as well. There are also some rumors about products themselves like choices between an ARM or x86 CPU but nothing is confirmed so far, we can just wait and see.

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How to Fix Error 1321 on Your PC

Error 1321 - What is it?

Error 1321 is a Windows PC error. This occurs when you try to install a Microsoft Office suite or program on your PC. The set-up program stops responding and the error message is displayed on the computer screen in the following format:
‘Error 1321. Setup cannot modify the file file_name. Verify that the file exists in your system and that you have sufficient permissions to update it.’
When this error occurs you cannot roll back the installation of the Office Suite or use the Add/Remove program option to remove the installed program.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Common causes of the occurrence of error 1321 are:
  • Encrypt contents to secure data settings are enabled on the folder in which you are trying to install the Office suite/ program.
  • PC infected by viruses
  • Bad Registry Entries

Further Information and Manual Repair

The good news is that this error code is not fatal and besides it is also easy to resolve. Here are some easy do it yourself methods for you to repair this error on your system in a few minutes:

Method 1: Disable Encrypt Contents to Secure Data

To resolve this error code, make sure the encrypted contents to secure data settings are not enabled. To do so, simply right-click the folder in which you want to install the MS Office Suite or program. Now click properties and then the General tab. Now go to the Advanced option. In the Advanced Attributes dialog box, make sure that the Encrypt contents to secure data check box under Compress or Encrypt Attributes is disabled. If it is not then un-check to disable.

Method 2: Remove Viruses

Viral infection can also trigger error 1321. If this is the reason, then simply install and run a powerful antivirus on your system. An antivirus detects all types of malicious viruses such as malware, adware, spyware, and Trojans. Remove them to resolve the issue.

Method 3: Download Restoro.

If the issue is related to bad registry entries, then it is advisable to download Restoro on your PC. This is a user-friendly and powerful PC Fixer deployed with a registry cleaner. The registry cleaner scans your entire PC and wipes away all the bad entries cluttering and damaging the registry in seconds. Click here to download Restoro and resolve error code 1321 today.
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How to Fix KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED Error On Windows 10


Some users installing or upgrading to Windows 10 experienced the theKMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED Blue Screen of Death (or commonly known as BSOD) error. This error can be due to different types of things, ranging from software to driver issues. When you experience this BSOD error while trying to install Windows 10, it will prompt you to restart your computer every single time you experience it. In most cases, you will also not be able to proceed with the Windows 10 set-up.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The “KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED” error is normally caused by:

  • Hardware incompatibility
  • A faulty device driver or system service

Further Information and Manual Repair

You won’t be able to successfully upgrade or set up Windows 10 if you continue to encounter this BSOD error. Note that this error will always prompt your computer to restart every time it happens, preventing you from completing the Windows 10 set-up.

If you’re not tech-savvy or not capable of debugging this issue, it’s highly advisable to proceed with the basic troubleshooting techniques available in this link.

After troubleshooting, below you’ll find a few solutions to rectify the issue.

Method 1 – Check The Cause of The BSOD Error

Two common causes of the KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED issue are hardware incompatibility and faulty device driver or system service.

If you experience this error, check first if any of your newly installed hardware is compatible with Windows 10. You can find the required hardware for Windows 10 from this link

If all your hardware is compatible with Windows 10, you might need to check the device driver or system service. Review the bug check message. If any of the drivers you have is listed in the message, either disable or uninstall them before upgrading or setting up Windows 10.

You might also find it useful to check the System Log available in the Event Viewer for other error messages that can help you figure out the driver or device that’s causing the error. Running hardware diagnostics can also be useful.

Method 2 – Disable (or preferably uninstall) Software Before Upgrading

If you’re upgrading Windows 10 from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, you might need to disable or uninstall the software first. First, try uninstalling your Antivirus utility before starting the upgrade. Restart a few times before starting the Windows 10 installation. If you’re upgrading using the Windows 10 update, make sure that you disconnect from your Wi-Fi or Internet LAN (Ethernet) connection as soon as the download reaches 100% before attempting to start the set-up. Other users also reported that the cause of the KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED issue is BitDefender. If this is what happened in your case, it will show in the error message such as KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED (bdselfpr.sys). Users reported that a common solution for this is renaming the file. In the case of BitDefender, try renaming it to bdselfpr.s__. However, make sure to do this cautiously. Sometimes, renaming a file will even do more damage than good.

Method 3 – Disable/Disconnect From Hardware

If you’re connected to any general USB devices (such a smart card reader), disable it. If your computer is connected to other external devices, disconnect all of them. Examples of this include gaming controllers, printers, external hard disk, USB keys, and other non-essential devices).

Method 4 – Other Troubleshooting Steps

Other troubleshooting steps include:

  • Upgrade using an .ISO file, instead of directly upgrading from Windows Update. When you do this, make sure you’re disconnected from the Internet during installation. If the process started and you forgot to disconnected, it’s best to restart the installation.
  • If you’re connected to a domain while trying to set up Windows 10, disconnect and use a local account.
  • If you’re using a SCSI hard disk, connect a thumb drive with the drivers for your storage device. While Windows 10 is setting up, click on the Custom Advanced Option. Using the thumb drive, use the Load Driver command to load the SCSI drive.
  • Another possible cause of this error is due to BIOS incompatibility. BIOS issues can be solved by upgrading your version of your system BIOS. If you don’t know how to do this, refer to your BIOS manufacturer’s website.

Method 5 – Use A Trusted Automated Tool

If you still experience the error after doing the methods above, you might want to try a powerful and trusted automated tool to fix the job.

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Restore default Display Color settings in Windows 10
The color settings in a Windows computer certainly matter a lot especially when it comes to printing pictures. Users who are found or edit photos for a living change their computer’s color settings in order to ensure that the printout looks like the actual colors. However, those settings might not be appropriate for computer display and you can really tell right away that there something’s not right in the display. You might also notice some weird tint which isn’t easy to get rid of. You can’t actually tell the difference at first, not until you look at some other computers and then wonder what’s wrong with yours so, in this guide, you will know how to restore the display color settings back to their default state on your Windows 10 PC. Make sure to follow each one of the steps laid out below carefully to restore the default Display Color settings.

Step 1: Set the Color Management Settings to default.

  • In the Start search box, type in “color management”. Once you see it in the search results, open it.
  • Once you’ve pulled up the Color Management window, go to the Advanced tab. From there, make sure that every single option is set to default – from all the options in both the “Windows Color System” and “ICC rendering intent to WCS gamut mapping”.
Note: You also have the option to reset it for everyone by simply clicking on the “Change system defaults” button.
  • Finally, you can also try to calibrate your display.

Step 2: Set the Graphics Properties to default.

After making changes in the Color Management settings, you need to also set the Graphics Properties to default.
  • Start by right-clicking on any empty space on your desktop.
  • Then select the Graphics properties from the context menu. From the Graphics properties window, you will see that most sections have to restore defaults.

Step 3: Try using Nvidia Color Settings for Desktop

The next thing you can try is using the Nvidia Color Settings if you have Nvidia graphics installed on your Windows 10 PC. Just the Control Panel to reset the color settings.
  • From the system tray, launch the Nvidia control panel.
  • Next, go to Display > adjust desktop color settings.
  • From there, select the display and then select the Nvidia Settings.
  • After that, change the options accordingly in order to get the correct combination though you can always leave them to default.
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Remove HowToSimplified PUP Removal Tutorial

HowToSimplified is a browser extension developed by MindSpark inc. This extension offers users easy access to DIY tutorials, guides, and websites just a few clicks away. There is also a top video selection with the most popular DIY videos at the moment.

This extension, though it may look useful in the beginning, hijacks your browser's default search provider, it changes your default home page to HowToSimplified, powered by the MyWay search engine. During your browsing sessions, it will record your website visits, collect information, clicks, and sometimes even personal data. This information is later used to deliver ads that are injected into your browser search results. Aside from sponsored links, and additional unwanted ads that this extension displays, it also may from time to time display pop-up ads during your browsing sessions.

Multiple anti-virus scanners have detected HowToSimplified as a Browser Hijacker and are therefore not recommended to keep on your computer for security and privacy reasons.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking means that a malicious program code has control over and altered the settings of your internet browser, without your approval. Almost all browser hijackers are made for marketing or advertising purposes. In most cases, browser hijacking is used for earning ad revenue that comes from forced advert clicks and site visits. It could seem naive, but most of such sites aren’t legitimate and could pose a severe threat to your online safety. In a much worst case, your browser can be hijacked to download malware that can do a lot of damage to your computer system.

How you can recognize a browser hijack

There are many symptoms that indicate your browser has been highjacked: home page is changed; bookmark and the new tab are also changed; the default web engine is changed and your browser security settings have been cut down without your knowledge; find new toolbars that you simply didn’t add; unstoppable flurries of popup advertisements show up on your personal computer screen; your internet browser has become unstable or starts running sluggishly; you can’t navigate to certain internet pages, like computer security software related websites.

How they invade PCs

Browser hijackers infect computer systems through malicious email attachments, downloaded infected documents, or by visiting infected websites. They can also be deployed via the installation of a web browser toolbar, add-on, or extension. Other times you may have accidentally accepted a browser hijacker as part of an application bundle (generally freeware or shareware). An example of some notorious browser hijacker includes Babylon, Anyprotect, Conduit, DefaultTab, SweetPage, Delta Search, and RocketTab, but the names are regularly changing. Browser hijacking can lead to severe privacy issues and even identity theft, disrupt your browsing experience by taking command over outbound traffic, drastically slows down your personal computer by consuming a lot of resources, and cause system instability as well.

Browser Hijacker Malware – Removal

The one thing you can try to get rid of a browser hijacker is to find the malware inside the “Add or Remove Programs” list of the Windows Control Panel. It might or might not be there. When it is, uninstall it. However, many hijackers are harder to track down or remove since they might get themselves associated with some critical computer files that enable it to operate as a necessary operating-system process. Amateur computer users shouldn’t ever attempt the manual form of removal methods, since it requires detailed system knowledge to carry out repairs on the computer registry and HOSTS file.

How One Can Eliminate a Virus that is Blocking Websites or Preventing Downloads

Practically all malware is detrimental and the extent of the damage will vary greatly depending on the type of malware. Some malware is meant to hinder or block things that you want to do on your computer. It may well not let you download anything from the web or it will prevent you from accessing a few or all internet sites, especially the anti-malware websites. If you are reading this article right now, you may have perhaps realized that a malware infection is the cause of your blocked internet connectivity. So how to proceed if you need to install an anti-malware program like Safebytes? There are a few actions you can take to get around this problem.

Install the anti-malware in Safe Mode

The Windows operating system comes with a special mode referred to as “Safe Mode” where just the minimum required applications and services are loaded. If the malware is obstructing the internet connection and affecting your PC, starting it in Safe Mode allows you to download anti-malware and run a diagnostic scan while limiting potential damage. To enter into Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking, press the F8 key while the PC is starting up or run MSCONFIG and look for the “Safe Boot” options under the “Boot” tab. Once you’re in Safe Mode, you can attempt to install your anti-malware software application without the hindrance of the malicious software. At this point, you can actually run the antivirus scan to get rid of viruses and malware without interference from another malicious application.

Obtain the anti-malware program using an alternate web browser

Web-based viruses can be environment-specific, targeting a particular internet browser or attacking specific versions of the web browser. If you seem to have a trojan attached to Internet Explorer, then switch to a different browser with built-in security features, such as Firefox or Chrome, to download your favorite anti-malware program – Safebytes.

Install and run anti-malware from the USB drive

Another solution is to create a portable anti-malware program on your USB thumb drive. Try these simple measures to clear up your infected PC using portable anti-malware. 1) Download the anti-malware on a virus-free computer. 2) Plug the Thumb drive into the uninfected computer. 3) Double-click the Setup icon of the antivirus program to run the Installation Wizard. 4) Choose a thumb drive as the place when the wizard asks you where you want to install the application. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. 5) Transfer the USB drive from the uninfected PC to the infected PC. 6) Double-click the EXE file to run the Safebytes software right from the thumb drive. 7) Click on “Scan Now” to run a complete scan on the affected computer for viruses. If, after all of these methods, you are still having troubles with the possible infection, feel free to write to us with your question, through chat or email. If you are unsure which method to employ, simply call our toll-free number 1-844-377-4107 to speak to our technical support team. Our experts can walk you through the virus removal process on the phone and fix the computer remotely.

Protect Your Personal Computer From Viruses and Malware With SafeBytes Security Suite

Nowadays, an anti-malware tool can protect your laptop or computer from various kinds of internet threats. But exactly how to choose the best one amongst the many malware protection software that is available on the market? Perhaps you might be aware, there are several anti-malware companies and products for you to consider. A few of them are great but there are lots of scamware applications that pretend as authentic anti-malware software waiting to wreak havoc on the computer. You must be careful not to choose the wrong product, especially if you purchase a paid application. When thinking about trustworthy programs, Safebytes AntiMalware is certainly the highly recommended one. SafeBytes anti-malware is a powerful, highly effective protection tool designed to assist users of all levels of IT literacy in detecting and eliminating malicious threats from their PC. This tool can easily detect, eliminate, and protect your PC from the most advanced malware intrusions including spyware, adware, trojan horses, ransomware, parasites, worms, PUPs, as well as other possibly damaging software programs. SafeBytes has great features when compared to other anti-malware programs. A few of them are listed as below: Best AntiMalware Protection: Built on a highly acclaimed anti-virus engine, this malware removal application has the capacity to identify and remove various obstinate malware threats such as browser hijackers, potentially unwanted programs, and ransomware that other common anti-virus software will miss. Live Protection: SafeBytes provides real-time active monitoring service and protection against all known computer viruses and malware. It’ll constantly monitor your computer for hacker activity and also gives users superior firewall protection. Web Protection: Safebytes allots all websites a unique safety score that helps you to have an idea of whether the webpage you’re about to visit is safe to view or known to be a phishing site. “Fast Scan” Features: SafeBytes Anti-Malware possesses a multi-thread scan algorithm that works up to five times faster than any other protection software. Very Low CPU and RAM Usage: SafeBytes is a lightweight application. It uses up a really small amount of processing power as it works in the background therefore you won’t notice any computer performance difficulties. 24/7 Customer Support: You will get 24/7 technical support to quickly resolve any concern with your security tool.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to manually remove HowToSimplified without the use of an automated tool, it may be possible to do so by removing the program from the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser extensions, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You will likely also want to reset your browser. To ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard drive and registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Please note that this is for advanced users only and may be difficult, with incorrect file removal causing additional PC errors. In addition, some malware is capable of replicating or preventing deletion. Doing this in Safe Mode is advised.

The following files, folders, and registry entries are created or modified by HowToSimplified

Files: C:DOCUME1USER1LOCALS1Tempnsu1.tmp C:76681c9c0f70e45328483cc27310678c28751a66f9849aa13f34d2e7f8c650 C:DOCUME1USER1LOCALS1Tempnsf2.tmp C:DOCUME1USER1LOCALS1Tempnsf2.tmpnsDialogs.dll C:DOCUME1USER1LOCALS1Tempnsf2.tmpSystem.dll C:DOCUME1USER1LOCALS1Tempnsf2.tmpnsDialogs.dll C:DOCUME1USER1LOCALS1Tempnsf2.tmpSystem.dll C:Program FilesHowToSimplified_8e Registry: Key: HKCUSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerBrowser Helper ObjectsValue: Verizon Broadband Toolbar Data: A057A204-BACC-4D26-8398-26FADCF27386 Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun Value: Hoolapp Android Data: C:usersuserappdataRoamingHOOLAP~1Hoolapp.exe Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun Value: ctfmon.exe Data: C:Program Files3rundll32.exe C:Program Files3lni28.dat,FG00
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Driver Power State Failure Error in Windows
Driver state power failure error can be linked to three things happening in your computer. Incorrect power settings, driver issues, or incompatible hardware. Sadly when this error happens you only receive a blue screen of death with this message: Blue screen of death driver power state failureSadly receiving this blue screen does not really explain which of the three cases is the correct one and causing the unwanted issue. That being said, this article will not offer you a direct solution this time, it will be more like a guide on what to check and to do in order to remove this error, reason for this is the nature of the error itself. If your computer is booting properly and you can enter Windows without issues the first thing you can try is going into power options and set it to high performance, if you are on a laptop set high performance both ways, when plugged and when on battery. Power performance settings can reflect on some hardware and can cause mayhem. After setting reboot the computer and see if the error repeats itself. If the error persists go to the device manager and see if there is hardware that has any kind of warning beside it. If there is, update the driver or remove the driver of the device to see if this fixes the issue. If all of the previous two things fail there is another thing you could try. Turn off your computer and disconnect all hardware except the most basic one. Now, this may take a long period of time but boot your computer and then repeat this process but each time add a new piece of hardware to eliminate and find which one is causing the issue. When found try to see if it is repairable through driver updates or get a new device.
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Moving mouse pointer via the keypad in W11
windows 11 mouse pointerIn Windows 11 if you do not own a mouse or it has suddenly malfunctioned you can still move your arrow on-screen using the numeric pad. In this guide, we will guide you on how to turn this option ON, follow this easy guide step by step.
  1. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + I to open Windows settings
  2. Click on Accessibility on left
  3. Scroll down to reach the interaction section on the right and click on Mouse
  4. Click on Switch beside Mouse keys under accessibility options
  5. Set your preferences
  6. Close settings
Settings will be as always automatically applied.
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Mapi32.dll Outlook Error - Quick Fix

What is Mapi32.dll Outlook Error?

Mapi32.dll is a Windows Messaging Application Programming Interface that enables Windows to perform various email functions and launch messaging programs like Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Office. The inability of the interface to execute email functions properly results in the Mapi32.dll Outlook Error. This error occurs mostly when you are attempting to upgrade the operating system to a new version.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The common causes of the Mapi32.dll Outlook Error during the OS upgrade are:
  • Damaged or Corrupt Outlook user profile
  • The software is overwritten by some other program
  • Outlook PST file corruption
The Mapi32.dll Outlook Error message is displayed in either of the following forms:
  • Mapi32.dll is missing
  • Cannot start Microsoft Office Outlook. Mapi32.dll is corrupt or the wrong version.
  • Mapi32.dll was not found
  • Mail is not installed

Further Information and Manual Repair

So, what if you experience this issue and how do you fix it? Well, first there is no need to panic as Microsoft has recognized this issue and provided adequate solutions to fix this problem in no time. However, to ensure the Mapi32.dll Outlook error is a quick fix, you must first understand the cause of the issue and the message displayed on the screen.
  1. Let’s say the errors occur because your Outlook profile is corrupt. In this scenario, the best solution is to create a new Outlook profile. Regardless of whether you have Windows Vista or XP, to create your new Outlook profile, first, you will have to click on the Control Panel, then User Account, and then Mail. Once you click on the Mail tab, the mail set up dialog box will open. In this dialog box there will be a ‘Show Profiles’ tab, click and then click the Add tab that appears next. Now type the name for your new Outlook profile and then click ‘OK’. After that, add an email account to go with the profile.
  2. If Mapi32.dll is missing or corrupt, you will have to run ‘Fixmapi.exe’ to resolve the problem. It is located in the System32 folder inside the Windows directory in Windows Explorer.
  • Therefore, first start Windows Explorer and then locate the following folder on your computer: C: /Program Files/Common Files/System/Msmapi1033
  • Now find Fixmapi.exe and double click it
  • After that locate the Mapi32.dll file and rename it to MSmapi32.old and press enter.
  • Restart your computer when finished.
A word of advice for computer users is to scan for viruses with an antivirus program or a registry cleaner regularly to prevent the Mapi32.dll Outlook error from occurring in the first place. Viruses often latch onto .dll files and corrupt them. It’s always best to have a forward-looking approach.
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InternetSpeedTracker Removal Guide

InternetSpeedTracker is a browser extension developed by MindSpark Inc. This browser add-on offer uses tips on how to boost their “bad” internet connection speed. It displays false internet speed in order to get you to open the sponsored links listed in the toolbar.

This extension also hijacks your browser home page and replaces your default search engine with MyWay. While browsing the internet you will see additional unwanted sponsored ads and links throughout your search results, and sometimes even pop-up ads might appear. While active this extension gathers personal information, website visits, links, and clicks and uses this data to serve ads.

InternetSpeedTracker has been flagged as a Browser Hijacker by several anti-virus scanners, and due to its data mining behavior, it is not recommended to keep it on your computer, especially because it gives false data about your internet speed.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijack is a very common type of online fraud where your internet browser settings are modified to allow it to carry out things you don’t intend. They’re created to disrupt browser functions for several purposes. It redirects you to the sponsored sites and inserts ads on the web browser which helps its developer generate earnings. Nevertheless, it’s not that naive. Your web safety is jeopardized and it is also extremely irritating. They don’t just ruin your web browsers, but browser hijackers could also modify the computer registry, making your PC vulnerable to other attacks.

How one can know if your web browser is hijacked

Signs that an internet browser is a hi-jacked include: the browser’s home-page is modified; you find yourself regularly directed to a different site than the one you meant; the default search engine is changed; unwanted new toolbars are added to your web browser; never-ending pop-up ads show up and/or your browser pop-up blocker is disabled; your web browser starts running sluggishly or displays frequent glitches; You simply can’t access specific sites, particularly anti-virus sites.

How they infect PCs

A browser hijacker can be installed on your computer when you check out an infected website, click an e-mail attachment, or download something from a file-sharing website. They are usually included with toolbars, BHO, add-ons, plugins, or browser extensions. A browser hijacker could also be installed as a part of freeware, shareware, demoware, and fake programs. A good example of a notorious browser hijacker is the most recent Chinese malware known as “Fireball”, which has attacked 250 million computer systems worldwide. It acts as a hijacker but can be turned into a fully functioning malware downloader afterward. Browser hijackers could affect the user’s browsing experience greatly, keep track of the websites visited by users and steal private information, cause difficulty in connecting to the internet, and ultimately create stability issues, making software programs and systems freeze.

How to repair a browser hijack

Some hijackers could be removed by uninstalling the freeware they came with or by eliminating any extension you have recently added to your system. But, many hijackers are hard to get rid of manually. No matter how much you attempt to eliminate it, it can keep coming back over and over again. And there’s no denying the fact that the manual fixes and removal methods can be quite a complicated job for a rookie PC user. Furthermore, there are several risks connected with fiddling around with the system registry files.

What you can do if Virus Stops You From Downloading Anything?

Malware could cause all kinds of damage after they invade your system, ranging from stealing your private information to deleting data files on your computer system. Certain malware variants modify web browser settings by adding a proxy server or modify the computer’s DNS configuration settings. In such cases, you’ll be unable to visit some or all of the websites, and thus not able to download or install the necessary security software to remove the infection. If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re stuck with a virus infection that is preventing you to download or install the Safebytes Anti-Malware program on your PC. There are some fixes you can try to get around with this issue.

Install antivirus in Safe Mode with Networking

If the malware is set to load at Windows startup, then booting in Safe Mode should prevent it. Since only the minimal programs and services start-up in safe mode, there are rarely any reasons for issues to take place. Listed below are the steps you should follow to start your computer into the Safe Mode of your Windows XP, Vista, or 7 computers (visit Microsoft site for instructions on Windows 8 and 10 PCs). 1) At power on/start-up, tap the F8 key in one-second intervals. This will bring up the Advanced Boot Options menu. 2) Select Safe Mode with Networking with arrow keys and hit Enter. 3) As soon as this mode loads, you will have an internet connection. Now, utilize your web browser normally and navigate to https://safebytes.com/products/anti-malware/ to download and install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 4) Right after the software program is installed, let the diagnostic scan run to remove trojans and other malware automatically.

Switch to an alternate web browser

Web-based viruses can be environment-specific, aiming for a particular internet browser or attacking specific versions of the browser. The best solution to avoid this issue is to opt for a browser that is known for its security features. Firefox comprises built-in Phishing and Malware Protection to keep you safe online.

Run anti-virus from a pen drive

Another technique is to download and transfer an anti-malware application from a clean PC to run a scan on the affected computer. Follow these steps to use a flash drive to clean your infected system. 1) Download Safebytes Anti-Malware or Microsoft Windows Defender Offline onto a clean PC. 2) Insert the pen drive on the same system. 3) Double-click the Setup icon of the anti-malware software package to run the Installation Wizard. 4) Pick a USB flash drive as the place when the wizard asks you exactly where you would like to install the application. Follow the instructions on the computer screen to complete the installation process. 5) Now, transfer the pen drive to the infected computer. 6) Run the Safebytes Anti-malware directly from the thumb drive by double-clicking the icon. 7) Click the “Scan” button to run a full system scan and remove malware automatically.

Let's Talk About SafeBytes Anti-Malware!

Want to install the best anti-malware application for your laptop or computer? There are many applications available in the market which comes in free and paid versions for Windows computers. Some of them are great and some are scamware applications that pretend as legitimate anti-malware programs waiting to wreak havoc on your PC. When looking for an antimalware program, pick one which gives reliable, efficient, and total protection against all known viruses and malware. One of the recommended tools by industry leaders is SafeBytes Anti-Malware, the most dependable program for Windows computers. SafeBytes anti-malware is a reliable tool that not only secures your system permanently but is also quite user-friendly for people of all ability levels. This application could easily identify, remove, and protect your personal computer from the most advanced malware attacks such as spyware, adware, trojan horses, ransomware, worms, PUPs, and other possibly damaging software applications. SafeBytes has excellent features when compared to other anti-malware programs. Below are a few of the great ones: World-class AntiMalware Protection: Built upon a greatly acclaimed anti-virus engine, this malware removal application can identify and remove numerous obstinate malware threats such as browser hijackers, PUPs, and ransomware that other common antivirus applications will miss. Live Protection: SafeBytes gives real-time active supervision and protection from all known viruses and malware. They’re very effective in screening and eliminating different threats because they are regularly improved with new updates and alerts. Web Security: SafeBytes provides an instant safety rating on the web pages you are going to visit, automatically blocking risky sites and making sure that you are certain of your safety while browsing the internet. Very Low CPU and Memory Usage: SafeBytes provides complete protection from online threats at a fraction of the CPU load due to its enhanced detection engine and algorithms. Premium Support: SafeBytes provides 24/7 technical support, automatic maintenance, and updates for the best user experience.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to manually remove InternetSpeedTracker without the use of an automated tool, it may be possible to do so by removing the program from the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser extensions, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You will likely also want to reset your browser. To ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard drive and registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Please note that this is for advanced users only and may be difficult, with incorrect file removal causing additional PC errors. In addition, some malware is capable of replicating or preventing deletion. Doing this in Safe Mode is advised.

The following files, folders, and registry entries are created or modified by InternetSpeedTracker

Files: C:DOCUME1USER1LOCALS1Tempnsk1.tmp C:b418207fbd4b466002312b66521c390947518e9a0d787e4e059af0505f607f3e C:DOCUME1USER1LOCALS1Tempnsk2.tmp C:DOCUME1USER1LOCALS1Tempnsk2.tmpnsDialogs.dll C:DOCUME1USER1LOCALS1Tempnsk2.tmpSystem.dll C:DOCUME1USER1LOCALS1Tempnsk2.tmpnsDialogs.dll C:DOCUME1USER1LOCALS1Tempnsk2.tmpSystem.dll C:Program FilesInternetSpeedTracker_9tEIInstallr.binNP9tEISb.dl_ C:PROGRA1INTERN2Installr.binNP9tEISb.dl_ C:Program FilesInternetSpeedTracker_9tEIInstallr.binNP9tEISb.dll C:Program FilesInternetSpeedTracker_9tEIInstallr.bintEIPlug.dl_ C:PROGRA1INTERN2Installr.bintEIPlug.dl_ C:Program FilesInternetSpeedTracker_9tEIInstallr.bintEIPlug.dll C:Program FilesInternetSpeedTracker_9tEIInstallr.bintEZSETP.dl_ C:PROGRA1INTERN2Installr.bintEZSETP.dl_ C:Program FilesInternetSpeedTracker_9tEIInstallr.bintEZSETP.dll C:WINDOWSsystem32rundll32.exe C:Program FilesInternetSpeedTracker_9tEIInstallr.binNP9tEISb.dl_ C:Program FilesInternetSpeedTracker_9tEIInstallr.binNP9tEISb.dll C:Program FilesInternetSpeedTracker_9tEIInstallr.bintEIPlug.dl_ C:Program FilesInternetSpeedTracker_9tEIInstallr.bintEIPlug.dll C:Program FilesInternetSpeedTracker_9tEIInstallr.bintEZSETP.dl_ C:Program FilesInternetSpeedTracker_9tEIInstallr.bintEZSETP.dll Registry: HKLMSOFTWAREClassesInternetSpeedTracker_9t.HTMLMenu HKLMSOFTWAREClassesInternetSpeedTracker_9t.HTMLPanel HKLMSOFTWAREClassesInternetSpeedTracker_9t.SettingsPlugin HKLMSOFTWAREClassesInternetSpeedTracker_9t.ToolbarProtector HKLMSOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionexplorerBrowser Helper Objects9e28b297-11d4-4293-aa6f-558658ee66ae HKLMSOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionexplorerBrowser Helper Objectscc28794a-99d4-4b1b-bccf-b065ce5f9feb HKLMSOFTWAREWow6432NodeInternetSpeedTracker_9t HKLMSYSTEMControlSet001servicesInternetSpeedTracker_9tService HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicesInternetSpeedTracker_9tService HKUS-1-5-21-1633355155-4214755471-2067616181-1000SoftwareAppDataLowSoftwareInternetSpeedTracker_9t HKLMSOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunInternet Speed Tracker EPM Support
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How to send your PDF file to amazon Kindle
Kindle is, without doubt, a great piece of hardware, perhaps it is the closest thing to a book within the domain of digital devices. With its low price and usability, it has found itself in many homes and within the grasp of many readers in the world. You can buy digital books in the Amazon store for fraction of a regular price if it digital Kindle edition. You keep your library in the cloud and download just books you want to read on your device. In this article, we will explore how you can send your existing PDF or any other supported file that you already have to your kindle device so you can read it on it.

Before we begin, you should make sure the file you're trying to convert is compatible with the Kindle:

HTML RTF JPEG GIF PNG BMP or PDF The compatible file types cover most formats you're likely using, but if you find the document you want on your Kindle isn't compatible, there are a few ways to convert it. In the program it typically opens into, like Microsoft Word for .doc files or an image editing apps for .PNG ones, select 'Save As', and in the drop-down menu, see if any of the compatible options are available. If not, you could try a PDF converter tool. There are plenty of great paid options and a few good free ones too.

Transfering PDF

To get a PDF on a Kindle, you're going to need to know your Kindle's email address. You'll need to head over to the Amazon website and sign in first. Select 'Your devices and content', click 'Manage Devices'. You should see a list of the books you have assigned to your Kindle account, above this list, in a toolbar should be some options - you'll currently be on 'Content', which should be followed by 'Devices', 'Preferences' and 'Privacy Settings'. Click on 'Devices', and in the next menu, select the option for the Kindle you want the document on. You'll be brought to a Device Summary page which tells you your Kindle email as well as the type of device it is. You now need to approve your personal email, so that when the Kindle receives your PDF, it knows to download this. Make sure the email you approve is the one you're planning to send documents to your Kindle from otherwise it won't work. To approve your email address follow the steps for finding your Kindle email address but instead of selecting 'Devices' in the top bar, click 'Preferences'. Scroll down this list until you find Personal Document Settings, and select this option so it expands into more options. From here, scroll down until you find 'Approved Personal Document E-mail List'. This list will show people who can email stuff to your Kindle, Below the emails is an option to 'Add a new approved e-mail address', which you should select. Enter your email address and click 'Add address' to get yourself approved. Head over to your email client of choice, attach the file to an email, and send the email to your Kindle email address. You're able to send multiple documents at once, so if you have loads of files you want on your Kindle, you don't need to send separate emails. If you're sending over a PDF file, you can ask Amazon to automatically convert the file into a Kindle one, which lets you annotate the sections and change the font size. Simply put the word 'convert' as the subject line and the rest will be handled for you. 'Sync Your Kindle'.
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Sites for COVID-19 information
Living in today's world sadly is still living in the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been more than a year and sadly pandemic is still very strong and we are battling it on a daily basis. Governments all over the world are trying to battle pandemics in their own way with their own ideas and prevention measures. We as individuals can not very much influence how will the pandemic itself go but fortunately in this modern age of information we can at least follow and be in the loop at the current state of the situation regarding it. Today instead of having a troubleshooting article or tips and trick for your PC we are doing something else but in the domain of internet technology, you know, just to keep everything still IT related ???? Below you will find websites with small descriptions of what they do to keep yourself informed and hope to get over this dreadful pandemic.
  1. The WHO’s COVID-19 Dashboard

    If you are interested in real-time COVID-19 information about active cases, death tool so far, new cases and the number of vaccines administrated so far I would recommend WHO's dashboard. How WHO is a non-government institution composed of doctors from all over the world with just a single goal in mind, to help and put an end to this pandemic is a great non-biased source of information on the current state of virus spread.
  2. Vaccine Finder

    Please be aware that Vaccinefinder is working only on the territory of the United States of America. The reason why it was included in this list is that basically it is a great idea and I hope to see this site expand on other world regions or at least that inspires the emergence of another worldwide website with this type of content. If you live in the USA, this site will be a great help since you can track where and how many shots are distributed to states and even towns in America.
  3. COVID tracking project

    This site is also for U.S. residents, this time it is about tracking cases in each state with details and statistics. If you are interested in more detailed statistics of hospitalized patients per state or overall you are just interested in statistics about the pandemic in the U.S. this site might provide all the information about your needs.
  4. NPR

    On national public radio or NPR for short, there is a special section devoted to the coronavirus where new articles about pandemic are released daily with new information and new findings on how to battle it and the current state of things. A great informational site to keep up with the current state of things.
  5. Google's COVID-19 page

    Google has not been inactive during this pandemic and on its page specially dedicated to the COVID-19 virus you can find a lot of free information updated daily. From safety and prevention tips to data about pandemics there is a lot of ground covered on-page and we recommend at least going through the prevention section to inform yourself how to keep yourself and others safe.
  6. Coronavirus tracker

    This daily updated chart can show how many cases and deaths are from chosen time period all in form of a chart, you can see charts for each country in the world how COVID cases rose or dropped along with the death tool it brought.
There you go, 6 websites to track and inform yourself about this dreaded pandemic which has managed to change the world and people's lives forever, sadly on the bad side.
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