
Fix Windows Update Error Code 0x80246017

Updating your Windows 10 computer isn’t always as easy as it should be since there are times when you might encounter some errors along the way. One of these errors is the error code 0x80246017 that comes with the error message “WU_E_DM_UNAUTHORIZED_LOCAL_USER”.

According to Microsoft, the cause of this particular Windows Update error is that “The download failed because the local user was denied authorization to download the content”. So if you got this error when you tried updating your computer, read on as this post will provide you some suggestions on how you can fix it.

Before you troubleshoot the problem using the options given below, make sure that you are logged in as administrator. If you are already logged in as an administrator, follow each one of the options carefully.

Option 1 – Try to check the status of some Windows Update Services

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter or click OK to open Services.
  • From the list of Services, look for the following services and make sure that their Startup type is as follows:
    • Windows Update – Manual (Triggered)
    • Background Intelligent Transfer Service – Manual
  • After that, check if the Service status of the listed services above is set to Running. If they’re not, click on the Start button to start these services and then check if you can now enable the Windows Update service or not.

Option 2 – Try to grant Full Control of the System Volume Information directory

  • First, tap the Win + X key combination and then select Command Prompt (Admin) from the given menu.
  • After opening Command Prompt with admin privileges, type the following command and tap Enter to execute it:

c md.exe /c takeown /f "C:System Volume Information*" /R /D Y && icacls "C:System Volume Information*" /grant:R SYSTEM:F /T /C /L

  • Once the command is executed, it will run a batch of tasks and will show each one of their statuses on the command line window and once they’re done, exit Command Prompt.
  • Now restart your computer and see if it fixed the problem or not.

Option 3 – Try to disable your antivirus program or Firewall

Disabling the antivirus program or Firewall or any other security software installed in your computer is always a good idea you can try when the Windows Update process does not go smoothly. So before you try updating your computer again, make sure to disable the antivirus or security program and once the Windows Update is done, don’t forget to enable the antivirus program back again.

Option 4 – Try running the DISM tool

You can try running the Deployment Imaging and Servicing Management or DISM tool to fix the Windows Update error. Using this built-in tool, you have various options such as the “/ScanHealth”, “/CheckHealth”, and “/RestoreHealth”.

  • Open the Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • Then type in the following commands and make sure to hit Enter right after you type each one of them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • After that, wait until the process is finished and do not close the window as the process will probably take a couple of minutes.
  • Once it’s done, restart your computer.

Option 5– Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

If the DISM tool didn’t work in fixing the error, you could also try running the Windows Update Troubleshooter as it could also help in fixing any issues related to Windows Update including the Windows Update error code 0x80246017. To run it, go to Settings and then select Troubleshoot from the options. From there, click on Windows Update and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button. After that, follow the next on-screen instructions and you should be good to go.

Option 6 – Run Microsoft’s online troubleshooter

Running Microsoft’s online troubleshooter might also help you fix the Windows Update error code 0x80246017. This online troubleshooter is known to help in fixing Windows Update errors, it scans your computer for issues that might be causing the problem and then fixes them automatically.

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How to Fix the AVFoundationCF.dll Error on Your PC
AVFoundationCF.dll is a type of Dynamic Link Library file. This DLL file is associated with AVFoundationCF and is developed by Apple Computer Inc. for Windows PC. This file functions similarly to any other DLL files. It comprises of small programs. This DLL file is typically needed to load and start the Apple iTunes utility. The inability to call this file or the files to load triggers the AVFoundationCF.dll error message on your system. The error message can be displayed in either of the formats on your PC:
“The program can’t start because AVFoundationCF.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.” "This application failed to start because avfoundationcf.dll was not found.” "Cannot find %COMMONFILES%AppleApple Application Supportavfoundationcf.dll." "Cannot start AVFoundationCF. A required component is missing: avfoundationcf.dll.” “Avfoundationcf.dll Access Violation." "Cannot register avfoundationcf.dll."


Restoro box imageError Causes

AVFoundationCF.dll error can occur due to numerous reasons. However, the most common reasons for this error code include:
  • Viral infection
  • Corrupt or invalid registry entries
  • Apple Computer Inc. hardware failure such as bad hard drive
  • Missing or deleted Avfoundationcf.dll file
It is recommended to resolve the error as soon as you experience it virtually because if the error code is related to viral infection on your system, it can expose your PC to privacy errors and data security risk. And if the error is triggered by registry issues, it can lead to serious threats like system crash, failure, and data loss. Therefore, the AVFoundationCF.dll error not only hampers your ability to access and start Apple iTunes program but it also puts your PC at serious risk.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To fix the error AVFoundationCF.dll on your PC, here are some of the best and easy to do solutions that you can try:

Check your Recycle Bin

Since dll files are shared files, there is a possibility that this file accidentally got deleted when you were uninstalling some other program on your system. If you experience missing AVFoundationCF dll file error message after performing any program on your PC, then chances are that it got deleted and maybe in your recycle bin. So, first, check your recycle bin and search for the dll file. If you find it, restore it to fix the error.

Update Device Driver

To resolve the issue, try performing a driver update. This can be done by downloading the latest drivers from the hardware manufacturer’s website. Now open Device Manager from the Control Panel and locate the hardware device that you want to update the driver for. Once you find the hardware you are updating the driver for, right-click on the hardware icon and choose properties. In the properties windows, click the driver tab. Now click the update driver button. To activate changes, restart your PC. To automatically update your computer's drivers when necessary, download and install DriverFIX.

Try Re-installing Apple iTunes Program

To do this, simply go to the control panel, select programs and then uninstall a program and then select iTunes.  Uninstall it and then repeat the same program and install the Apple iTunes program again on your PC by downloading the program from Apple’s official website.

Scan for Viruses

If the error still persists, then it is advisable to scan your PC for viruses. This can be easily done by running a powerful antivirus on your PC. However, please note anti-viruses are notorious for slowing down PC performance. So, may have to compromise on the speed of your system.

Clean and Repair the Registry

If the error is caused by invalid and corrupt registry entries and damaged Avfoundationcf dll file, then the best way to resolve is to download a powerful registry cleaner. We advise you to install Restoro on your PC. This is an advanced and a multi-functional PC Fixer integrated with multiple powerful utilities including a high functional registry cleaner, an antivirus and a system optimizer. The registry cleaning utility scans all the registry issues and removes all errors triggered by the registry immediately. It cleans the registry by wiping out all the unnecessary, obsolete and redundant files including invalid entries and bad registry keys. Furthermore, it also fixes the damaged and corrupt dll files including Avfoundationcf dll file. Thereby resolving the error right away. Furthermore, the antivirus deployed in this software scans for all types of malicious codes like viruses, Trojans, spyware, and malware and removes them. To ensure you don’t compromise on your PC performance, it is deployed with a system optimizer utility that boosts the speed of your computer dramatically. This tool is bug free, has a user-friendly interface and compatible with all Windows versions. Click here to download Restoro and resolve Avfoundationcf.dll error on your PC today!
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Fix an Unformattable and Unusable USB Drive
If you have a USB that has stopped working and does not show any signs of life do not throw it away just jet. Hello and welcome to another great tutorial on errortools.com, today we will explore how to bring back to life dead USB memories.

Detect a Corrupted  Drive:

If your computer is still able to detect your USB drive, you might want to know if it’s been corrupted. Select the Properties of the drive folder and check the device status. If it says This device is working properly this USB drive is worth saving. There’s no need to worry if you can’t see the USB drive folder.

Erase the USB Drive with Diskpart Tool

Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X top open start menu and choose Command prompt (admin) Type diskpart and press ENTER Type in list disk and press ENTER Locate your USB drive by size and type in select disk#, where # is the number of removable disks.

Reallocate the USB Drive Volume

Press ⊞ WINDOWS + R to open the run dialog and type in diskmgmt.msc Select the USB drive and Right-click on it and select create simple volume. It will lead to a new simple volume wizard window. Once you click next, you can specify the volume size for the pen drive. Select the maximum volume, which is shown as a default unit in MB. As soon as you see the next step, select assign drive letter which will help you view your pen drive once again. Format the partition in the next step. This may be just an extra step because you have already wiped the data clean. But it is always better to be sure. Click Finish to complete the new simple volume wizard which will now be allocated to the USB drive. After you reallocate the unallocated USB drive space, you will be able to view the USB drive storage once again.
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Setting default applications in Windows 11
Setting default applications in Windows 11Same as in previous Windows versions, Windows 11 will also use certain applications as default ones for opening certain file types and file extensions. And yes, same as in previous versions it will come preconfigured for certain file types and associated applications like for example photos for pictures. Of course, users usually have their own favorite applications for certain file types and much more prefer to open them inside the application of their choice instead of the default one. We can change the default application like in previous Windows versions but this time there are two ways and overall more control of this process. Windows 11 has settings for choosing default file type applications and default file extension applications giving you more control of this process.

The opening setting for apps

Whatever you wish to change default application or default extension application you will need to open settings for default application. Follow steps to quickly go into it.
  1. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + I to open settings
  2. Select Apps on left
  3. On the right part select Default Apps
Now you are in settings for choosing default applications

Choosing default application by file type extension

This is considering by Microsoft as a typical way to set default applications inside Windows 11. Once you are inside the settings app there is a box labeled Enter a file type or link type. Inside the search box, type in file extension that you wish to associate the application with like .JPG, .TXT, or other. If the file extension is not associated with any application you will be presented with a Choose a Default button, if however, the file extension is already associated with the app, you will need to click on the app box itself. In any case, a pop-up will appear and ask How do you want to open YOUR FILE EXTENSION files from now on? Choose Application from the list of presented ones and click on OK.

Choosing default file type

Another method is to select the default application by file type selecting application for it. In the settings screen, under the search box, you will have a list of installed applications. Choose the application that you would like to associate a file type with and click on it. On the next details screen scroll down and select the file type that you want to associate with the selected application and click on OK.

Other/third method

There is also the third method for choosing the default application for file type but it includes some surfing on your hard drive and it can be more time-consuming for first-time settings. But it is fairly quick when you need to only use it once on some new file type (for example you have a new application installed and want to switch just one file type extension to that application). Locate the file that you want to associate with the application and right-click on it. Select Open With from the menu and then Choose Another App. Pop up will appear, select the application that you would like to use, and check the box beside Always use this app to open CHOOSEN EXTENSION files followed by clicking on the OK button.
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What to do if JPEG files won’t open in Windows 10
As you know, “JPEG” is one of the commonly used formats for image files which is a compression of digital images. It is one of the topmost used file formats by mobile phones and digital cameras and usually achieves a 10:1 compression with little visible loss in the quality of the image. There are tons of cases as of late, most particularly after the latest Windows 10 update where users were not able to open JPEG files on their PCs. Every time they try to open any JPEG file, they either get an error or nothing happens at all. This issue could be due to the default handler application for JPEG applications not being set or there could be some third-party image viewer not working properly. To fix this issue with JPEG files, refer to the troubleshooting options below.

Option 1 – Try to change the file type association

You need to check if the file type association of the JPEG files are correctly set or not since there are tons of third party programs that change the file type association automatically to themselves without your permission the instant they are installed and so if any of these third-party programs are broken, then naturally, your JPEG files won’t really open. That’s why you can try changing the setting to the default photo viewer instead of the third-party one. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type in “control panel” in the field and hit Enter to open the Control Panel.
  • After opening Control Panel, click on the Programs category and select the “Default Programs” option from the menu.
  • Next, select the second option “Associate a file type or protocol with a program” and then select the “Choose default apps by file type” option.
  • After that, click on the .jpg file extension and choose the option from the pop-up.
  • Now restart your PC to refresh all your programs and then see if it has fixed the problem or not.

Option 2 – Try to update your computer

Microsoft frequently releases updates to target bugs and improve users’ experience. And this particular error where JPEG files won’t open is already acknowledged by Microsoft so you need to make sure that your Windows 10 PC is updated to the latest released update and that there are no pending updates.
  • Tap the Win + S keys to open Search and then type in “update” in the field and open the system setting from the search results.
  • After that, check for updates and then download and install them if needed.
  • Now restart your PC once the update is done and check if you can now open JPEG files.

Option 3 – Try to reset the Photos app via Settings

Resetting the Photos app could also help you in fixing the problem. Note that this option will reset all the configurations and your data associated with your Photos and makes the application go into a state when you first started using it and that this option will fix any discrepancies that your application might be experiencing right now.
  • Tap the Win + S keys to open the search bar.
  • Then type in “settings” in the field to open the Settings application.
  • After opening Settings, click the “Apps” category.
  • From there, a list of applications installed on your computer will appear.
  • Navigate through these applications until you find the Photos app and then click on the Advanced options.
  • Afterward, click the Reset button that appears on the next screen. Then a new pop-up comes up and will warn you that all the preferences, as well as sign-in information, will be lost. Click on “Reset” anyway to proceed in resetting the Photos app.
  • Restart your PC once the reset is done.

Option 4 – Try to reinstall the Photos app

Before you start using other third-party image viewers just yet, you can try to reinstall the Photos app first. Thus, if there is something wrong with it, it will instantly get fixed right after it reinstalls. Just take note that this option requires administrative privileges so you need to be logged in as an administrator.
  • The first thing you have to do is tap the Windows + S keys and type in “PowerShell”.
  • Next, right-click on the file and click on the “Run as administrator” option from the context menu.
  • Once PowerShell is opened, execute this command: get-appxpackage *Microsoft.Windows.Photos* | remove-appxpackage
  • The command you just entered will remove the Photos app. After the process is done, go to the Microsoft Store and look for Microsoft Photos then download and install it again.
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Repair Windows 10 Update Error 0x80070003, 0x20007

Error Code 0x80070003, 0x20007 - What is it?

Update Error 0x80070003, 0x20007 One of the most common errors encountered by users who updated to Windows 10 is the Error Code 0x80070003-0x20007. Normally, this error code is accompanied by the message saying “Windows could not search for new updates. An error occurred while checking for new updates or your computer” or “Error(s) found: Code 0x80070003 Windows update encountered an unknown error”.

This update-related error is often encountered any time while your device automatically installs updates once there’s an available system update or during manually installing updates for a specific app. Regardless if you are using a tablet, laptop, or PC, this update-related error could occur after upgrading your system to Windows 10.


Restoro box imageError Causes

There are several reasons why the update-related Error Code 0x80070003-0x20007 occurs. This includes the following:

  • Windows Firewall-related problem
  • A conflict in your device’s system might be present
  • Not enough space in your RAM
  • Not enough space in your installation disk
  • Problems in your system memory

Further Information and Manual Repair

An effective way to address problems like the Error Code 0x80070003-0x20007 is by applying certain manual repair methods. However, ensure that you strictly follow instructions since one slight slip-up might result in critical issues. If you’re not knowledgeable enough, it would be best to consult help from a professional Windows technician or you can make use of an automated tool to solve any issues you’re encountering.

When you encounter the update-related Error Code 0x80070003-0x20007, you must take action immediately to address the problem to lessen the risk of losing all your data or damaging the Windows registry host.

In fixing Error Code 0xC1900101-0x30018, you can repeat the same steps used for 0xc000021a (Method One) then apply the following steps as well:

  • Uninstall your antivirus prior to upgrading your system
  • Ensure that you have a simple machine name with no periods, dashes, or hyphens.
  • Restart several times then try again.
  • Disable the General USB Devices in your machine like the Smart Card Reader.
  • If you use a SCSI hard disk, ensure that you have available drivers you can use as your storage such as a thumb drive, and ensure as well that it is connected. Once you’re on the Windows 10 setup, click on Custom Advanced Option then use the Load Driver command in order to load the right driver for the SCSI drive. If this fails, try switching to an IDE-based hard disk.
  • Once done, perform a clean boot then try restarting the device again.
  • If you are upgrading your system using the .ISO file, disconnect your device from the Internet during setup. If your device is connected to the Internet by LAN or Wi-Fi, you need to disable both first then proceed to set up again.
  • If you’re performing the update through Windows Update, disconnect from the Internet LAN or Wi-Fi once the download reaches 100% then proceed with the installation.
  • If this still does not work, you can try using the .ISO file in upgrading.
  • Switch to a local account if your machine is connected to a domain.
  • Disconnect all external devices attached to your machine including gaming controllers, external hard disk, USB keys, and printers.

If the above steps still do not work, you can try performing a repair by doing the following steps:

  1. Put the installation disc into the disc drive. Afterward, boot the computer.
  2. Once the message: “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD…” appears, press any key.
  3. Choose a language, currency, time, and a keyboard or another input method. Click Next.
  4. Click on Repair your computer
  5. Select the operating system that you wish to repair then click Next
  6. Open the Command Prompt by clicking it in the System Recovery Options dialog box.
  7. Type BOOTREC /FIXMBR then hit Enter
  8. Type BOOTREC /FIXBOOT then hit Enter
  9. Type Drive:bootBootsect.exe /NT69 All then hit Enter

Can’t seem to put up with the long and technical manual repair process? You can still fix this error by downloading and installing a powerful automated tool that will surely get the job done in a jiffy!

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How to Fix Windows 10 Error 0x8007000d

Error Code 0x8007000d - What is it?

Error Code 0x8007000d is a common error code that can be found on the Windows 10 Operating system, although it can also appear in previous versions of the operating system, as well.

Common symptoms include:

  • Inability to download new updates.
  • Inability to run the Update tool through to completion.

There are four basic ways to try to resolve Error Code 0x8007000d on your Windows machine. Three of these are pretty simple for even the most basic users, while the final method requires some familiarity with running commands in the Command Prompt. If you don’t feel that you have the skill or confidence to complete the steps listed below, it is generally recommended that you get in touch with a qualified computer repair technician that can assist you in error resolution.

Error Causes

The main cause for the appearance of Error Code 0x8007000d on a Windows machine is that one of the files that the Update tool uses to run one or more updates cannot be found or has experienced damage. Fortunately, there are a few things that you can try on your machine that can be used to attempt to resolve the issues at hand.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Three primary methods exist for the resolution of Error Code 0x8007000d on a Windows machine. As mentioned above, two of these methods can usually be accomplished by basic users, while the third requires some degree of familiarity with the tools associated with the Command Prompt. If you don’t feel that you have the knowledge or skill necessary to follow these steps, contact a computer repair technician to aid you.

Here are the best ways to try to resolve Error Code 0x8007000d on your device:

Method One:  Use the Troubleshooting Tool from Windows Update

From the Windows Update tool, you can attempt to run a scan using the Windows Update Troubleshooter, which can try to identify the specific issue that is occurring and to fix it automatically.

Not only will this tool often fix the problem at hand, but it can also help you to avoid other errors that you may have encountered later on in the Update process. This tool should always be your starting point when you encounter an error as you attempt to download or install updates for your Windows machine.

After the tool has been run, restart your computer to apply any changes and then reopen the Update tool to reattempt installation.

Method Two:  Reset Your Computer

In some cases, the missing or corrupted files may be extensive enough that you need to restore your computer to an earlier point. If you create regular backups of your information or have a past version of the software that you can install, this can help you to resolve the issue. Otherwise, you may need to restore your device to its factory settings to resolve the error.

Always make sure to backup your important files and information before you perform a reset of your device, in order to ensure that you are able to return the computer to its original state when you have finished.

Method Three:  Use Command Line Tools to Resolve the Issue

One of the ways that you can try to resolve this particular error code is the use a DISM tool. This is accessed through the Command Prompt. In order to use this method, follow the steps below:

  • Step One: Open up the search bar in the Start Menu and type in the words “Command Prompt,” selecting it and choosing to run it as an administrator.
  • Step Two: Enter each of the commands below, hitting the “Enter” key when you finish each one:
    • exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
    • exe /Online /Clean-upimage /Restorehealth
    • Exit
  • Step Three: Attempt to run the Update program again. In some cases, you may want to restart your computer before you attempt to run the Update tool again.

If you have not been able to resolve the error code using the steps above or if you are unsure of your ability to follow these steps on your own, get in touch with a trusted computer repair professional that is familiar with the Update process and the errors associated with it.

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Fixing TV screen resolution on PC
When you connect your TV via HDMI cable Windows will recognize it as another monitor and will control the display settings for your HDMI connection. In most cases using it as the extended desktop will work fine, issues will arise when you play video on it. Video playing applications can override Windows settings which can lead to strange results on the screen. Here in this guide, we will tackle with reasons and solutions to this particular issue. Solutions provided are not meant to be followed in the way they are presented but as a silent rule, they go from most common one to most rare so it is advisable to try them in the order presented.


The first thing when experiencing resolution issues on your TV connected to a PC is to check TV settings. There is very likely a chance that you will need to manually adjust picture settings on the TV itself using TV controls. On older models of TV, there is an overscan option which can lead to different resolutions and screen sizes. Overscan is a technology that was used in order to help content creators to deliver consistent pictures on different screen sizes and aspect ratios but how technology has advanced and everything including aspect ratio was standardized overscan itself has become a relic of the past. If you are unable to access or see edges of your desktop on the TV screen it is very likely that overscan is the issue. In order to fix this be sure to select HDTV's aspect ratio to fit the screen setting in the picture setting. Sadly finding this option on your TV will be different from manufacturer to manufacturer and even from model to model of the same manufacturer so we can not cover all models but in most cases option is located under picture settings or advanced options. Sometimes you will face even different overscan settings instead of classic ft to screen options, in this case, experiment with the setting until you find one which will work. If you have it, find settings in the user manual of your TV. Luckily you have managed to find the proper option on your TV set and have chosen the right aspect ratio for display. If everything works ok there is no need for the next step but if you experience a different resolution than desired on your TV follow this next guide on how to change the resolution of the TV on your PC.
  1. Press the ⊞ Windows and type Change Display Settings. Click on the top result.
  2. Once the Display Settings App opens, you’ll see two screens (or more if you’ve got multiple HDMI outputs connected). Make sure you select the right display for the HDMI TV before making any changes. You can do this by clicking on Identify.
  3. You’ll see the number from the screenshot above displayed on the monitors for a brief period. Depending on which screen is set to your primary display, make sure you change the settings for the HDMI monitor.
  4. Select the HDMI monitor from the available displays.
  5. Scroll down until you see the current resolution settings for your HDMI monitor.
  6. You can change the resolution settings and test different values that match your HDMI TV’s configuration.
  7. Once you change the setting, Windows will apply the new resolution for a limited time and revert if you don’t accept the new setting.
  8. Once you’ve found the best resolution for your TV, select Keep Changes to keep the new resolution.
You are all set now, make sure that you have the latest drivers on your system and enjoy using your TV as a second monitor.
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Steam Deck, a modern PC handheld console
steam deckValve has announced the first gaming PC handheld console: Steam Deck. At its core, Stead Deck is just a portable, small PC in little casing. It uses AMD Zen 2 CPU and RDNA 2 GPU architecture, has 16GB of RAM, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. It is a portable device with both a touchpad and joystick packing a seven-inch screen with a resolution of 1280x800 (16:10 aspect ratio). The screen has an ambient light sensor for automatic light adjustments same as your modern mobile device. Stating to Valve battery will hold up from two to eight hours depending on the activity of the user and what exactly he is doing. The handheld comes also with a carrying case.

Steam Deck operating system and software

Out of the box, Steam Dock comes with the latest Valve’s version of SteamOS 3. Just for comparing, the steam box was coming SteamOS 2, so this new Linux-based OS is aimed to provide better performance and better compatibility. Naturally, all Linux games in your Steam library will work right out of the box but Valve has something called PROTON inside OS, it is emulation software based on Wine that will supposedly let you play all of your Library games on a given OS. One big thing to mention here is that this is PC after all meaning that if you do not like having SteamOS on it you can install Windows instead and so far as we know it will support Windows 11. Now with Windows 11, you will be able to play all of your Steam games and run any kind of Windows software on it including EPIC store, battle.net, and others.

Cost and release date

The initial release date is set for December 2021 and today on July 16th Valve is opening you can reserve your copy if you want to pre-purchase. Follow this link if you want to reserve your copy. Reserve your Steam Deck device The price of the device will depend on the memory capacity which you would like to have. Please note that each of the 3 offered devices will have the same hardware, the only difference will be in memory available, and the most expensive version will also have anti-glare screen, everything else is identical. 64GB model will be $399, 256GB model will have the price of $529 and largest one with whooping 512GB will be $649


Valve ventures into the digital hardware domain again but it is unsure will they make it this time. Both Steam machine and their controller were in long run failed and later unsupported products so perhaps some customer caution is advised. Although having a handheld PC is tempting I would advise seeing how the overall market will accept this contraption before throwing money into it.
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Quick Fix For 0x80004005 Outlook Error

What Is 0x80004005 Outlook Error?

0x80004005 Outlook is an error that users commonly encounter while attempting to send or receive emails on Outlook.

The message that appears usually states “This message could not be sent. Try sending the message again or contact your network administrator."

The client operation failed. Error is [OX80004005- 0X0004B9-OXOO501].

Error Causes

This error is usually caused by a problem in the Local Area Network or LAN. What actually happens is that signals with the wireless LAN are lost or a connection problem occurs within the network cable.

As a result, the 0x80004005 Outlook error is triggered while sending or receiving an email. Sometimes the problem goes away on its own. However, if it recurs after a few hours, it shows that some problem exists within the network.

Also, it is important to understand that different factors can affect the quality of wireless connections in a network.

For instance, garage door openers, microwave ovens, and Bluetooth devices can easily become obstacles, disrupting the connection and causing the quality to degrade. Other causes are listed below as follows.

  • Missing, corrupt, or damaged registry keys
  • Existence of viruses
  • Outdated drivers

It is a must to fix this error otherwise potential risks associate with this error such as permanent damage and blue screens.

Further Information and Manual Repair

There are two ways to fix this error and both are listed below as follows.

  • One solution is to disable script blocking in Norton Antivirus. Most users encountering this problem have Norton Antivirus installed on their PCs. To correct this problem, simply turn off the ‘Enable Script Blocking’ feature. However, there is a downside associated with this solution. Enabling script blocking will make your network or computer vulnerable to viruses and malware. That’s why it is not advised to implement this solution.
  • The alternative solution is to simply disable the new-mail notification feature offered in Outlook. To disable notifications of any new emails, the steps go as follows. Open Outlook and go to the Tools menu. Here you will come across ‘Options’.Click on it and then select the ‘Preferences’ tab. Here you will find the ‘Email Options’. Click on it and then uncheck the checkbox against the option, ‘Display a notification message when new mail arrives’. Click Ok two times.

Both these workarounds will work. Therefore, it is advised that you employ any one of them as per your needs.

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The new Windows 11 dev build will be buggy
windows 11 dev build channelMicrosoft sent an email to users on the Dev build channel saying that the company intends to push some builds that don’t represent what consumers will receive with Windows 11 when it officially releases. In other words, these are going to be some rather buggy builds that won’t be too enjoyable to use. The company recommends users switch from the Dev to the beta channel if they aren’t prepared to deal with the instability. We’ll have to wait and see just how buggy these builds are, but if Microsoft is actually sending out a warning about them it is very likely that builds will be plagued with issues and maybe even stability problems.

Back to Windows 10

How we can expect some buggy build of Windows 11 if you prefer a stable system over new features maybe best decision would be to switch back to Windows 10 until the new OS hits official release.

Switching from dev build channel to beta channel

Another solution, if you do not want to deal with too many issues, is to switch from Dev build channel to beta where things will be more stable. Follow the guide below in order to quickly switch to the beta channel. Following instructions only apply to Windows 11 installations that are linked up to the Windows Insider program, not clean installation of OS.
  1. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + I to open settings
  2. Inside settings click on Windows update
  3. In Windows Update click on Windows Insider Program
  4. Inside click on Choose your Insider Settings
  5. Click on the button next to Beta Channel to select it (you can switch back to the Dev channel here if you change your mind)
The setting will be saved automatically and from now on you will only receive beta channel updates.
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