
How to fix disk signature collision problem

As you know, storage devices are an important part of the computer system for porting, saving, and extracting data files. And for you to differentiate between storage devices on your computer system, each one of the storage devices is labeled with a unique number referred to as Disk Signature for identification.

The unique disk identifier is stored as a part of the MBR or Master Boot Record. Disk signature is used by operating systems in order to identify and set apart different data storage devices and hard disk drives in the computer for data access.

These days, Disk cloning has become a regular practice in upgrading to larger hard disk drives. Drives are cloned in order to produce a similar copy to use both the original drive and cloned copy together. Moreover, lots of virtualization tools are being used to virtualize the physical hard disk drives to create virtual hard disk drives and several virtual machine clones that are created with the existing virtual hard disk drives. And since these are identical copies, chances these copies may have identical disk signatures. As a result, when you use both disks that have identical signatures at the same time you run into the Disk Signature Collision problem. This kind of problem does not often occur as the Windows system does not really allow two disks to function simultaneously when they have the same disk signature.

When you encounter a Disk Collision problem in your Windows 10 computer, you may see the following error messages:

  • The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible
  • The disk is offline because it has a signature collision
  • This disk is offline because it has a signature collision with another disk that is online

You can fix the disk collision problem by changing the disk signature which you can achieve using the command line utility diskpart in Windows PowerShell or Command Prompt or using Windows Disk Management utility.

To fix the disk collision problem, you can make use of the command-line utility called diskpart in Windows PowerShell or Command Prompt to view and change the signature, or can make use of Master Boot record in the Windows Registry. You can also make use of Windows Disk Management Utility to change the signature. Simply follow the given options below to change the disk signature either way.

Option 1 – Change Disk Signature via Diskpart

  • Type “command prompt” in the Windows Search bar and then right-click on the related search result and select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • After that, type the “diskpart” command and hit Enter to open Diskpart.
  • Next, type the “list disk” command to display all the disks available in the system.
  • Next, take note of the problematic disk number with the status Offline from the list and then type the “Select disk x” command where x is the offline disk to select the offline disk. For instance, if you type “select disk 1”, it will display the “Disk 1 is now the selected disk” message.
  • Now type the “Uniqueid disk” command to display the disk signature and to change the disk’s signature and set the disk online, type the “unique disk ID= (New signature)” where (New signature) is the new ID in hexadecimal. For instance, you can set the new id as “unique disk ID= 1456ACBD”.

Note: If you have given the wrong format ID, the command prompt will display the following error:

“The specified identifier is not in the correct format. Type the identifier in the correct format: in hexadecimal form for an MBR disk or as a GUID for a GPT disk.”

  • After you’re done, the disk will be online, and then restart your computer.

Option 2 – Change Disk Signature via Disk Management Utility

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and then type “diskmgmt.msc” and hit Enter or click OK to open Disk Management.
  • Next, right-click on the disk that is marked as Missing or Offline.
  • After that, select the Online command from the drop-down menu.
  • Then from the selecting option Online, Windows will generate a new disk signature.

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DuckDuckGo for better privacy
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  1. Google Chrome

    Launch Chrome and click on the three dots in the upper right. Choose settings. Choose Search engine in the list on the left of the screen. Click on the drop-down box next to Search engine used in the address bar and choose DuckDuckGo.
  2. Mozilla Firefox

    Launch Firefox, click on the three lines hamburger menu icon in the top-right corner of the window. Click on Preferences. Click on Search in the menu to the left of the screen. Under Default Search Engine, click the drop-down box and choose DuckDuckGo.
  3. Microsoft Edge

    Click on the three dots menu button in the top-right corner of the window Then select Settings. Click on Privacy, Search and Services in the menu that appears on the left Scroll down to the Services menu and choose Address bar and search. Click the dropdown menu next to Search engine used in the address bar and choose DuckDuckGo.
  4. Apple Safari

    Click Safari in the menu bar at the top of the screen Then click Preferences. You can also use the Command+, shortcut to quickly bring up Safari’s Preferences. Click on the Search tab, then choose DuckDuckGo under the Search engine drop-down box.
  5. Opera

    Click on the Settings cog button in the sidebar on the left of the screen. Under Basic settings scroll down until you see Search engine and a drop-down box. Select DuckDuckGo from the list.
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Fix BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO error in Windows
If you encounter the BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO Blue Screen error in your Windows 10 PC, then read on as this post will guide you in fixing this issue. Usually, this kind of Blue Screen error is caused by some issues with the Boot Configuration Data file. The main issue inside of the Boot Configuration Data file is that either some boot order files or older files might be in conflict with the newer ones or the stable ones and thus triggering the BAD SYSTEM CONFIG INFO Blue Screen error. This kind of Stop error also indicates that there is an error in the Windows Registry which is why you need to update potential culprit drivers as well as edit some entries in the Registry if need be. But before you get started, make sure that you create a System Restore Point first. After creating a System Restore Point, try to boot your computer into Safe Mode and then restart your computer normally. However, if it doesn’t work, proceed to the given options below.

Option 1 – Run System Restore

Performing System Restore might help you in fixing the BAD SYSTEM CONFIG INFO Blue Screen error. You can do this option either by booting into Safe Mode or in System Restore. If you are already in the Advanced Startup Options, just directly select System Restore and proceed with the next steps. And if you have just booted your PC into Safe Mode, refer to the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.

Option 2 – Update or rollback your device drivers

If the first option didn’t work for you, then it’s time to either update or roll back the device drivers. It is most likely that after you updated your Windows computer that your driver also needs a refresh. On the other hand, if you have just updated your device drivers then you need to roll back the drivers to their previous versions. Whichever applies to you, refer to the steps below.
  • Open the Devices Manager from the Win X Menu.
  • Then locate the device drivers and right-click on them to open the Properties.
  • After that, switch to the Driver tab and click on the Uninstall Device button.
  • Follow the screen option to completely uninstall it.
  • Finally, restart your computer. It will just reinstall the device drivers automatically.
Note: You can install a dedicated driver on your computer in case you have it or you could also look for it directly from the website of the manufacturer.

Option 3 – Try fixing the Windows Registry files

In order to fix the Windows Registry files, you need to make a bootable Windows 10 USB drive and then boot your PC using it. To do so, refer to the steps below.
  • Once you see the Welcome Screen, click on Next.
  • Then click on the “Repair your computer” option located on the bottom-left section of the window.
  • Next, click on Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Command Prompt.
  • After opening Command Prompt, execute each one of the commands listed below in the sequence that they are given:
    • CD C:WindowsSystem32config
    • ren C:WindowsSystem32configDEFAULT DEFAULT.old
    • ren C:WindowsSystem32configSAM SAM.old
    • ren C:WindowsSystem32configSECURITY SECURITY.old
    • ren C:WindowsSystem32configSOFTWARE SOFTWARE.old
    • ren C:WindowsSystem32configSYSTEM SYSTEM.old
  • After executing the commands given above, type in the next ones below and make sure to execute them in the given sequence below.
    • copy C:WindowsSystem32configRegBackDEFAULT C:WindowsSystem32config
    • copy C:WindowsSystem32configRegBackSAM C:WindowsSystem32config
    • copy C:WindowsSystem32configRegBackSECURITY C:WindowsSystem32config
    • copy C:WindowsSystem32configRegBackSYSTEM C:WindowsSystem32config
    • copy C:WindowsSystem32configRegBackSOFTWARE C:WindowsSystem32config
  • Now type “exit” to close Command Prompt.
  • Restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

Option 4 – Run a Memory Check to test RAM

On the other hand, you can also fix the BAD SYSTEM CONFIG INFO Blue Screen error by running a Memory Check using the Windows Memory Diagnostic. Refer to these steps to do so.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “mdsched.exe” in the field and hit Enter to open the Windows Memory Diagnostic.
  • After that, the Windows Memory Diagnostic will give out two options such as:
  1. Restart now and check for problems (recommended)
  2. Check for problems the next time I start my computer
  • Select any of the given options. After that, your computer will restart and check for memory-based issues upon the restart. If there are any issues, it will automatically them.

Option 5 – Rebuild BCD files and repair MBR files

Like what you did on the third option above, you also have to make a bootable Windows 10 USB drive for this option and then boot your Windows 10 PC using it.
  • Once you get to the Welcome Screen part, click on Next.
  • Afterward, click on the Repair your computer option located on the bottom-left part of the window.
  • Then click on Troubleshoot.
  • Next, select the Advanced Options and then Command Prompt.
  • Once Command Prompt has been pulled up, enter each one of the following commands and in the sequence that they are given to rebuild BCD files and repair MBR files:
    • bootrec /repairbcd
    • bootrec /osscan
    • bootrec /repairmbr
  • Now type “exit” to close Command Prompt and then restart your computer to successfully apply the changes made.
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Fix Windows Update Install Error 0x80070005
If you are checking for an update on your Windows 10 PC and you got the error 0x80070005 due to some ACCESS DENIED permissions issue, then read on as this post will show you what you can do to fix the problem. For some reason, the Windows Update does not have enough rights or permissions to continue further which is why you’re getting an error instead. Thus, the first thing you can do before you troubleshoot further is to make sure that you’re logged in as admin. However, if you’re already logged in as one, then here are some suggestions that might help you fix the Windows Update Install Error 0x80070005.

Option 1 – Restart your computer and try installing the Updates again

You can restart your computer and then try installing the updates once again. There are instances when a simple restart resolves Windows Update errors. Thus, after you restart your computer, check for updates once again and see if you’re still getting the error or not.

Option 2 – Delete the contents in the Software Distribution folder and Catroot2 folder

  • Open the WinX Menu.
  • From there, open Command Prompt as admin.
  • Then type in the following command – don’t forget to hit Enter right after typing each one of them.
net stop wuauserv net start cryptSvc net start bits net start msiserver
  • After entering these commands, it will stop the Windows Update Service, Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), Cryptographic, and the MSI Installer
  • Next, go to the C:/Windows/SoftwareDistribution folder and get rid of all the folders and files thereby tapping the Ctrl + A keys to select them all and then click on Delete. Note that if the files are in use, you won’t be able to delete them.
After resetting the SoftwareDistribution folder, you need to reset the Catroot2 folder to restart the services you just stopped. To do that, follow these steps:
  • Type each one of the following commands.
net start wuauserv net start cryptSvc net start bits net start msiserver
  • After that, exit Command Prompt and restart your computer, and then try to run Windows Update once more.

Option 3 – Try running the Windows Update Troubleshooter

Running the built-in Windows Update troubleshooter is one of the things you can first check out as it is known to automatically resolve any Windows Update errors like error 0x80070005. To run it, go to Settings and then select Troubleshoot from the options. From there, click on Windows Update and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button. After that, follow the next on-screen instructions and you should be good to go.

Option 4 – Take control of the User App Data

There are times when permission to access the files is not configured correctly. As a result, it blocks the downloading of the updates. Thus, you have to take full control of the User App Data which is placed at C:/Users/USERNAME/AppData.
  • First, go to C:/Users/USERNAME/AppData and right-click on it then select Properties.
  • Next, click on the Edit button in the Properties window and click OK to confirm if you got a User Account Control elevation request.
  • After that, select user/group from the permission windows or click on the Add button to add another user or group. It would be best if you add “Everyone” to give permission.
  • Then check “Full Control” under the “Allow” column to assign full access rights control permissions.
  • Now edit the permission to Full Control for “Everyone”.
  • Click OK to save the changes made and then exit.

Option 5 – Try to update Windows after a couple of minutes or an hour

There are times when the issue is from Microsoft’s end. It could be that there’s some issue with Microsoft’s server so it would be better if you give it a couple of minutes or an hour or so before trying to run Windows Update again.
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Middle mouse button is not working
If you suddenly find the middle mouse button not working as you use it on your Windows 10 computer, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will provide some suggestions that can help you fix the issue. This kind of problem can affect your experience in using your computer as the middle mouse button helps you in scrolling through long web pages and screens with a lot of data. So if that stops, you will end up using your keyboard instead which is kind of a hassle compared to using the middle mouse button. It is possible that this problem could have something to do with either the hardware or software. To isolate the possibility of a hardware failure, you can try to connect the mouse to a different computer and see if it works just fine there or if it still has the same problem. If the mouse works properly on a different computer, then the issue is software-related. It is possible that a software update, especially gaming software, could have been misconfigured in a way that the middle button does not respond like it’s supposed to. To resolve the problem, you might want to try reinstalling or updating the mouse drivers or run the Hardware and Devices troubleshooter. You can also install OEM-specific mouse drivers or modify some entries in the Windows Registry.

Option 1 – Reinstall or update the Mouse driver

The problem may be caused by a corrupted or an outdated mouse driver. To fix it, you have to update or reinstall the mouse driver. How? Follow these steps:
  • Open the Devices Manager from the Win X Menu.
  • Then locate the Mouse and other pointing devices and right-click on the mouse driver to open the Properties.
  • After that, switch to the Driver tab and click on the Uninstall Device button.
  • Follow the screen option to completely uninstall it.
  • Finally, disconnect the mouse and plug it back in to reinstall the mouse driver.
Note: You can install a dedicated driver on your computer in case you have it or you could also look for it directly from the website of the manufacturer.

Option 2 – Try running the Hardware Troubleshooter

The next thing you can do to fix the problem is by running the Hardware Troubleshooter. Although it won’t make much of a difference, there’s still a possibility that it could automatically fix the problem with these function keys. To use it, refer to these steps:
  • The first thing you need to do is click on Start and then on the gear-like icon to pull up the window for Settings.
  • After opening Settings, look for the Update and Security option and select it.
  • From there, go to the Troubleshoot option located on the left-hand side of the list.
  • Next, select Hardware and Devices from the list and open the Troubleshooter and run it. Once it is doing its job, wait for it to complete the process and then restart the system.
  • After the system restarts, check if the problem’s now fixed. If not, refer to the next option given below.

Option 3 – Try to install OEM specific mouse drivers

Aside from updating or reinstalling the mouse drivers, you might also want to try installing OEM-specific mouse drivers. When you install Windows, it will use a generic driver for all its components. The disadvantage of generic drivers for the mouse is that it limits its functionality. In fact, some also configure the middle mouse button to respond to specific action which does not work without the correct drivers. In such cases, you need to visit the website of your computer’s manufacturers to download and install the latest drivers and then open the software and configure it the way it was before. Keep in mind that some OEMs also offer gestures, so you also have to check on that.

Option 4 – Try to modify some entries in the Registry

If a Windows Update is the one that caused the problem, you could correct it by making some modifications in the Registry but before you proceed, make sure that you create a System Restore point first.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run utility.
  • Then type “Regedit” in the field and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this registry path: HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop
  • After that, double click on the “WheelScrollLines” entry on the right pane to open its Properties.
  • Now change its value data to “3” and exit the Registry Editor and then see if the issue with the middle mouse button is fixed or not.
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Fix Windows Update Error 0x8007001E
This post will provide you a couple of fixes you can try to resolve the Windows Update Error 0x8007001E in Windows 10. So if you are one of the users who encountered this particular Windows Update error then you’ve come to the right place. The error code in this error message also happens to be linked to some random BSOD crashes. The error code 0x8007001E is related to a storage space error or out-of-memory-type error. On the other hand, there are also instances when this error has nothing to do with your computer’s space or shortage of memory – it could be that there are broken software components or corrupted system files that are causing this error. Whichever your case is, refer to the options given below to fix the Windows Update Error 0x8007001E.

Option 1 – Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

Running the built-in Windows Update troubleshooter is one of the things you can first check out as it is known to automatically resolve any Windows Update errors like Error 0x8007001E. To run it, go to Settings and then select Troubleshoot from the options. From there, click on Windows Update and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button. After that, follow the next on-screen instructions and you should be good to go.

Option 2 – Free up some space on your drive

As mentioned, storage space error or out-of-memory-type error might have something to do with this problem so you need to free up some space on your drive. Make sure that you have enough space on your drive (15GB or so should do) and then restart your computer. After your computer reboots, ensure that all the major RAM hoggers are closed before you try to install the update or upgrade again.

Option 3 – Run the SFC scan

The SFC or System File Checker scan could detect and automatically repair damaged system files that could be causing the Windows Update Error 0x8007001E to appear. SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files with good system files. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow and hit Enter.
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.

Option 4 – Run the DISM tool

Running the DISM Tool helps in repairing the Windows System Image as well as the Windows Component Store in Windows 10 which might be the reason behind the Windows Update error 0x8007001E. Using this built-in tool, you have various options such as the “/ScanHealth”, “/CheckHealth”, and “/RestoreHealth”.
  • Open the Command Prompt as admin.
  • Then type in this command: exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • Do not close the window if the process takes a while as it will probably take a few minutes to finish.
  • Once it’s done, restart your computer and then check if the issue is resolved or not on the next startup.

Option 5 – Perform a System Restore

You can also try to perform a System Restore as it can also help you fix the Windows Update error 0x8007001E. You can do this option either by booting into Safe Mode or in System Restore. If you are already in the Advanced Startup Options, just directly select System Restore and proceed with the next steps. And if you have just booted your PC into Safe Mode, refer to the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.

Option 6 – Try running Microsoft’s online troubleshooter

You also have the option to run Microsoft’s online troubleshooter which could help you fix Windows Update errors including the Windows Update error 0x8007001E.
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Windows could not start Update service
If you got an error message saying, “Windows could not start the Windows Update service on Local Computer, Error 87. The parameter is incorrect” while you were trying to start the Windows update service on your computer, then this post could help you resolve the problem. Along with this error, you might also get any of these error codes such as 0x80240034, 0x80244019, 0x80070643, and so on. Aside from these error codes, you will also notice that the Windows Update service has been stopped. To fix this issue, here are a couple of suggestions that might help but before you go on, you need to create a System Restore point first.

Option 1 – Try checking Services Dependencies

Dependencies of a Windows Service in Windows 10 are when windows services depend on other services. Such is the case with the Windows Update service – it also depends on three different services such as the Remote Procedure Call or RPC service, DCOM Server Process Launcher, and the RPC Endpoint Mapper. Meaning to say, if two of these services are not working as expected, then the dependant service will also be affected. This could be the reason why the Windows Update service could not start.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open Windows Services.
  • From the list of Services, look for the following services:
    • Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Service
    • DCOM Server Process Launcher
    • RPC Endpoint Mapper
  • After you find these services, double click on each one of them and check whether the Startup type for all is set to Automatic and the Service status is set to Running or not.
  • If the service status is not running, then click the Start button. Afterward, check if you can now run the Windows Update service.

Option 2 – Check the Background Intelligent Service and the Cryptographic Service

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter or click OK to open Services.
  • From the list of Services, look for the following services and make sure that their Startup type is as follows:
    • Background Intelligent Transfer Service – Manual
    • Cryptographic Service ­– Automatic
  • After that, check if the Service status of the listed services above is set to Running. If they’re not, click on the Start button to start these services and then check if you can now enable the Windows Update service or not.

Option 3 – Reset Windows Update components

If the first two options did not work then you might want to reset the Windows Update components manually. Follow the steps below to reset them.
  • Open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • After that, type each one of the following commands and hit Enter after you key in one after the other.
    • net stop wuauserv
    • net stop cryptsvc
    • net stop bits
    • net stop msiserver
Note: The commands you entered will stop the Windows Update components such as Windows Update service, Cryptographic services, BITS, and MSI Installer.
  • After disabling WU components, you need to rename both the SoftwareDistribution and Catroot2 folders. To do that, type each one of the following commands below, and don’t forget to hit Enter after you type one command after the other.
    • ren C:WindowsSoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old
    • ren C:WindowsSystem32catroot2 Catroot2.old
  • Next, restart the services you’ve stopped by entering another series of commands. Don’t forget to hit Enter after you key in one command after the other.
    • net start wuauserv
    • net start cryptsvc
    • net start bits
    • net start msiserver
  • Close Command Prompt and reboot your PC.

Option 4 – Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

If resetting the Windows Update components didn’t work, you could also try running the Windows Update Troubleshooter as it could also help in fixing any issues related to Windows Update including this one. To run it, go to Settings and then select Troubleshoot from the options. From there, click on Windows Update and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button. After that, follow the next on-screen instructions and you should be good to go.

Option 5 – Try removing a value from the Windows Registry

If running the Windows Update troubleshooter didn’t help and you receive a message instead saying, “Service Registration is Missing or Corrupt”, you can try to remove a value from the Windows Registry.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “Regedit” in the field and hit Enter to open the Windows Registry.
  • Next, navigate to this path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsSelfHostApplicability
  • From this path, look for a value named “ThresholdOptedIn” and if you find it, delete it.
  • Exit the Registry Editor and see if you can now enable the Windows Update service.
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Selected boot image did not authenticate Error
If you are using UEFI and you encountered an error message that says, “Selected boot image did not authenticate”, then read on as this post will show you what to do it fix it. This kind of error indicates that UEFI is having an issue in figuring out if the boot image has tampered with. UEFI offers Secure Boot and if the boot image seems to be invalid, you won’t be allowed to boot into your computer. Aside from that, it could be that you may be using endpoint encryption and the software can’t validate the certificate. To fix the “Selected boot image did not authenticate” error in UEFI, you need to first check if the error has given any reference to any software that you might have for encryption. If it has, then you need to disable the Encryption tool to resolve the problem. In addition, you could also try to disable Secure Boot or perform Startup Repair in case the disabling Encryption tool didn’t work. For more details, make sure to use each one of the options provided below as a reference.

Option 1 – Try to disable the Encryption tool

The first thing you can do to fix the “Selected boot image did not authenticate” error is to disable the Encryption tool. Many users reported that some encryption tools like the ESET Endpoint Encryption won’t let them boot into the computer if the system manufacturer does not include the correct certifications as a part of the UEFI BIOS. And since there is no way to bypass this, you have to disable Secure Boot in order for you to boot into your computer.

Option 2 – Disable the Secure Boot in the BIOS

Disabling the Secure Boot in the BIOS settings is definitely recommended to resolve the error. To disable Secure Boot, here’s what you have to do:
  • First, boot your computer into Windows 10.
  • Next, go to Settings > Windows Update. From there, check if there is anything that you have to download and install if you see any available updates. Usually, OEMs send and update the list of trusted hardware, drivers, and operating systems for your computer.
  • After that, go to the BIOS of your computer.
  • Then go to Settings > Update & Security > Advanced Startup options. If you click on Restart Now, it will restart your computer and give you all the advanced options.
  • Next, select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options. As you can see, this screen offers you further options including System restore, Startup repair, Go back to the previous version, Command Prompt, System Image Recovery, and UEFI Firmware Settings.
  • Select the UEFI Firmware Settings which will take you to the BIOS.
  • From there, go to the Security > Boot > Authentication tab where you should see Secure Boot. Note that every OEM has its own way of implementing the options so it varies.
  • Next, set Secure Boot to Disabled and set Legacy Support to On or Enabled.
  • Save the changes made and exit. Afterward, your computer will reboot.

Option 3 – Try to run the Automatic Repair Utility

If disabling Secure Boot did not fix the problem, you might also want to run the Automatic Repair utility in fixing the error. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • You can start by booting into the Advanced Recovery Mode.
  • After that, select Troubleshoot > Startup Repair.
  • Next, follow the on-screen instructions that appear on the screen and finish the Automatic Repair process.
  • Now check if the block is gone once the reboot is completed.
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A Quick Guide to Fixing Error Code 7

Error Code 7 - What is it?

This is a typical system error that occurs during Windows setup. To be precise, this error may pop on your computer screen during the text mode portion of Windows setup. The setup hangs and stops responding and the error message is displayed in either one of the following formats:
‘The file I386Ntkrnlmp.exe could not be loaded. The error code is 7.’ or ‘The file I386L_intl.nlf could not be loaded. The error code is 7.’


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error 7 may be triggered due to several reasons but the 2 most common causes for this error code are:
  • Incorrect settings of the BIOS
  • Faulty RAM modules
  • Registry corruption

Further Information and Manual Repair

To resolve this error on your system, here are some easy and effective DIY methods that you can try.

Method 1 - Change Back the BIOS to its Default Settings

If the underlying cause of error code 7 is related to incorrect BIOS settings, then it is recommended to restore default settings to resolve. You can reset your computer’s BIOS (basic input and output system) settings to factory defaults by selecting the restore defaults option within BIOS or by removing CMOS ( Complementary Metal Oxide Semi-Conductor) battery from your unplugged computer for about five minutes. The battery removal method requires opening the computer case, so only attempt it if you are unable to access BIOS. To reset BIOS follow these steps, reboot your PC and then press the key assigned to loading BIOS during your computer boot splash screen. The key assigned to load and access BIOS varies from manufacturer to manufacturer but usually, it's F1, F2, or F12. Once you enter the BIOS, select the ‘Restore Defaults’ option listed in the menu.  I t may be a keyboard shortcut or be under the Advanced settings menu. Confirm settings and then exit BIOS. Hopefully, this will resolve Error 7.

Method 2 - Remove the Faulty RAM

When error code 7 is triggered by faulty RAM modules, then to resolve it simply remove the memory modules that are installed in the computer. If the error code is displayed again after you remove the memory module, remove a different memory module. This procedure requires you to reboot your PC several times to identify the specific memory module that is not working properly.

Method 3 - Repair the Corrupted Registry

Error code 7 is sometimes also linked with registry issues. If the reason for the error occurrence is a damaged or corrupted registry, then simply download Restoro. This is a powerful PC Fixer embedded with a registry cleaner. It is easy to operate and user-friendly. The registry cleaner detects and removes all errors in seconds. It cleans the registry and repairs the damages in no time. Click here to download Restoro.
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What to do if Windows 10 Taskbar Volume Control is not working
The quickest way to control and manage the volume of your Windows 10 PC is using the Volume control icon in the system tray. However, you might encounter issues in using it especially if you recently updated your PC. After the update, if it no longer responds to mouse clicks, be it a right-click or left-click, read on as this post will show you what you can do to remedy that issue. If you think that you’re the only one who has experienced this problem, you are mistaken as several users also reported that the volume icon does highlight and shows the volume level if you hover the cursor over it but it does not really do anything at all. This is definitely the quickest way to change the audio output in Windows 10 especially when you have to change from speakers to your earphone and whatnot. If you are one of the users whose Windows 10 Taskbar Volume Control icon has stopped working and every time you click on the icon and nothing happens and you’re still not able to adjust the volume of your Windows 10 computer, read on as this post will show you what you can do to fix that problem. Although the audio is working just fine, you will still not be able to adjust the volume from its control icon. The problem is most likely related to the UI interaction. There are times when icons in the taskbar also experience the same issue where you can hover your mouse over them but nothing happens when you click on them. As mentioned, the issue with the volume icon does not seem to affect the actual audio of the computer. Double-check to confirm and if it turns out that the audio is indeed working fine, you can use the hardware of your keyboard to manage and control the volume, however, the software just won’t work. This issue is really inconvenient especially for users who connect their laptops to a bigger display. To fix this issue, here are some suggestions you need to check out.

Option 1 – Try to restart the Windows Explorer

This option may sound silly but it has actually worked in fixing the issue for some users. So if anything gets stuck on the taskbar or system tray, the best way to revive them is by restarting Windows Explorer.
  • Right-click on the taskbar and then select the Task Manager.
  • Next, look for Windows Explorer under the Processes tab.
  • Then right-click and select restart.
  • After that, wait for the restart process to be completed and for the user interface to refresh. Note that you will notice the Taskbar disappearing and reappearing again. It will reload the entire user interface and allows you to access the volume icon. It should work this time.

Option 2 – Restart the Audio services

Restarting the audio services in your computer can also help you fix the volume control issue and to do that, refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Type in “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open Services.
  • From there, look for Windows Audio and then right-click on it and go to Properties.
  • After that, you have to make sure that the Startup Type is set to Automatic.
  • Then click on the Stop button. Once it has stopped, start it again.
  • Now restart your computer and see if you can now access the volume icon on the taskbar.

Option 3 – Try to update or roll back the Audio driver

If the glitch in your audio has something to do with software, chances are it might be related to the audio driver – it could be that the newest version of your Windows 10 does not work well with the old version of the driver. This is why you have to update your audio driver to the newest available version.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and then type in devmgmt.msc and tap Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • Expand the section for the outdated device drivers.
  • And then select the outdated driver(s) and right-click on it/them.
  • From the drop-down menu, select the Update Driver option and follow the on-screen instructions to install the latest version of the driver.
  • Then also click on the option, “Search automatically for updated driver software.
  • Restart your PC after the installation.
Note: If updating the Audio driver didn’t work, you can go to the website of your PC manufacturer and look for the support section where you can download the drivers for your computer. You just need to take note of your PC’s correct model and model number so you can find the appropriate driver.

Option 4 – Try running the Playing Audio Troubleshooter

Since the Windows 10 operating system has the Playing Audio Troubleshooter, you can use this troubleshooter to try and fix the volume control issue on your PC. You can access this tool in the Control Panel or in the Taskbar Search and even on the Troubleshooters page of Windows 10. Run this troubleshooter and see if it can fix the issue or not.
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