
CHKDSK cannot continue in read-only mode

As you know, the CHKDSK utility is proven to be one of the useful tools to fix any issues that concerns file system, storage, and disk. However, as useful as it may be, it is still not immune to issues as you could encounter errors when running it. One of these errors is the “One such error is the CHKDSK cannot continue in read-only mode” error. If you receive such an error message while running CHKDSK, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will help you sort the problem out.

It is possible that the drive is read-only or that the Write Protection is enabled. It could also be that the drive is already being used and scanned by a different program or utility. To get rid of this error, there are a couple of suggestions you need to check out. You can try to run the CHKDSK utility from Recovery or run it on Boot. You could also try to disable Write Protection. For more detailed steps, follow the given instructions below.

Option 1 – Try to run the CHKDSK utility from Recovery

The first thing you can do to resolve the error in CHKDSK is to run the CHKDSK utility from Recovery. How? Follow these steps:

  • First, boot into the installation environment for Windows 10 from a Windows installation media.
  • Next, click on the “Repair your computer” option.
  • After that, select Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Command Prompt.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type this command and tap Enter: chkdsk <Partition Letter>: /r /f
  • Wait until the disk error checking process is completed.
  • Once it’s done, exit the Command Prompt window and restart your computer and then see if the error is fixed.

Option 2 – Try running the CHKDSK utility on Boot

On the other hand, you can also try to run the CHKDSK utility on Boot so you can fix the error and recover any damaged segments of the drive.

  • Open an elevated Command Prompt and enter this command: chkdsk /r
  • After that, you will a message that says, “Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N)”
  • Type Y and tap Enter to schedule a CHKDSK scan once your computer reboots next time.

Option 3 – Try to remove the Write Protection from the drive

As mentioned, removing the Write-Protection on the concerned drive could also help you fix the problem and there are two ways to get rid of the write protection – you can either use the Diskpart utility or the Registry Editor. How? Refer to the following steps.

Via Diskpart utility:

  • Open Command Prompt with admin privileges and then type the “diskpart” command and tap Enter to execute it.
  • Next, type “list disk” and tap Enter to get the list of all the Disk connects or all the partitions that are formed on those disks.
  • After that, you need to choose one command depending on the list of commands you entered. Type “select disk #” and tap Enter to select the disk or partition you want to select.
  • Then type “attribute disk clear readonly” and tap Enter to Disable the Write Protection on the selected disk or partition.

Via Registry Editor:

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run utility and type “Regedit” in the field and then tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to the following registry key:


  • After that, look for the DWORD named “WriteProtect” and double click on it, and then set its Value Data to “0”.
  • Now restart your computer and see if the problem is now fixed or not.

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How to remove EasyDocMerge from your System

EasyDocMerge Toolbar is a Browser Hijacker for Google Chrome. Usually, such browser extensions are installed without your knowledge. These types of Browser Hijackers are often the cause of many problems while surfing the Internet. The most common problems are unwanted pop-ups, underlined words, additional ads, sponsored links, to generate web traffic and earn revenue of the advertising networks by gathering the users browsing data and sending it back to the Mindspark ads network.

When installed this extension will hijack your home page setting it to MyWay.com, it will also change your new tab page to EasyDocMerge (Powered by MyWay.com Search).

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking is a form of an unwanted program, commonly a web browser add-on or extension, which then causes modifications in the browser’s settings. Browser hijacker malware is developed for a variety of reasons. It redirects you to the sponsored internet sites and inserts adverts on your browser that assist its creator to generate earnings. A lot of people think that the browser hijacker is only a harmless website but that is not the case. Nearly every browser hijacker poses an existent threat to your online safety and it’s important to classify them under privacy dangers. They don’t just mess up your browsers, but browser hijackers can even modify the computer registry, leaving your computer susceptible to various other types of attacks.

Key symptoms that your web browser has been hijacked

There are various signs of web browser hijacking: the home page of the web browser is changed unexpectedly; new bookmarks pointing to porn websites are added to your favorite pages; the essential web browser settings are modified and unwanted or insecure resources are added to the trusted sites list; you’ll see many toolbars on your web browser; you see a lot of pop-up ads on your computer screen; your web browser has become unstable or starts running sluggishly; Inability to navigate to particular sites, particularly anti-malware and other computer security software sites.

How they infect computers

Browser hijackers infect computer systems by numerous means, including via a file-share, a drive-by download, or an infected e-mail attachment. They can also originate from any BHO, extension, add-on, toolbar, or plug-in with malicious intent. A browser hijacker may also come bundled up with some free software that you unintentionally download to your computer, compromising your internet security. Typical examples of browser hijackers include CoolWebSearch, Conduit, Coupon Server, OneWebSearch, RocketTab, Searchult.com, Snap.do, and Delta Search. Browser hijackers may record user keystrokes to gather potentially important information that leads to privacy issues, cause instability on computers, drastically disrupt user’s browsing experience, and finally slow down the system to a point where it will become unusable.


Certain browser hijacking could be simply reversed by discovering and eliminating the corresponding malware software from your control panel. In some cases, it can be a difficult job to identify and eliminate the malicious component because the associated file might be running as part of the operating system process. You should consider carrying out manual fixes only if you are a tech-savvy person, as potential risks are associated with tinkering with the system registry and HOSTS file. Installing and running antivirus programs on the affected computer could automatically erase browser hijackers and other malicious applications. Safebytes Anti-Malware contains a state-of-the-art anti-malware engine to help you prevent browser hijacking in the first place, and clean up any pre-existing issues

What you can do if Virus Prevents You From Downloading Or Installing Anything?

Practically all malware is bad, but certain kinds of malware do a lot more damage to your computer than others. Some malware sits in between your computer and the internet connection and blocks a few or all internet sites that you would like to visit. It will also prevent you from adding anything to your PC, especially antivirus software. If you’re reading this now, you might have probably recognized that a malware infection is the real cause of your blocked web connectivity. So how to proceed if you need to install an antivirus application such as Safebytes? Although this kind of problem can be difficult to get around, there are a few steps you can take.

Eliminate viruses in Safe Mode

If any virus is set to run automatically when Microsoft Windows starts, stepping into Safe Mode could block this attempt. Only minimal required programs and services are loaded when you boot your laptop or computer in Safe Mode. You will need to do the following to eliminate malware in Safe mode. 1) At power on/start-up, hit the F8 key in 1-second intervals. This should bring up the Advanced Boot Options menu. 2) Select Safe Mode with Networking using arrow keys and press ENTER. 3) When this mode loads, you should have the internet. Now, utilize your browser normally and navigate to https://safebytes.com/products/anti-malware/ to download and install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 4) Once the software is installed, allow the diagnostic scan to run to eliminate viruses and other threats automatically.

Obtain the security program using an alternate web browser

Some malware might target vulnerabilities of a specific web browser that obstruct the downloading process. The best way to avoid this problem is to pick a web browser that is renowned for its security features. Firefox has built-in Phishing and Malware Protection to help keep you secure online.

Run anti-malware from your USB drive

To effectively get rid of the malware, you need to approach the problem of running antivirus software on the infected computer from a different angle. Abide by these steps to run the anti-virus on the affected computer. 1) On a virus-free PC, download and install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Plug the Flash drive into the clean computer. 3) Double-click the Setup icon of the antivirus program to run the Installation Wizard. 4) Choose the flash drive as the destination for saving the file. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the installation process. 5) Remove the pen drive. You can now utilize this portable anti-virus on the infected computer system. 6) Double-click the antivirus program EXE file on the USB flash drive. 7) Simply click “Scan Now” to run a complete scan on the affected computer for viruses.

Protect Your Computer Against Viruses and Malware With SafeBytes Security Suite

Today an anti-malware program can protect your laptop or computer from different types of internet threats. But how to select the best one amongst countless malware protection software that is available out there? As you might be aware, there are several anti-malware companies and tools for you to consider. A few are really worth your money, but many aren’t. You need to choose one that is dependable, practical, and has a strong reputation for its malware source protection. Among few good applications, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is the strongly recommended software program for the security-conscious user. SafeBytes anti-malware is a powerful, highly effective protection application made to help end-users of all levels of computer literacy in detecting and removing harmful threats from their computer. After you have installed this software, SafeByte's sophisticated protection system will ensure that no viruses or malicious software can seep through your personal computer.

SafeBytes has fantastic features when compared to various other anti-malware programs. Listed below are some of the great features included in the software.

Real-time Active Protection: SafeBytes gives you round-the-clock protection for your personal computer limiting malware intrusions instantly. It will examine your PC for suspicious activity at all times and safeguards your PC from illegal access. Antimalware Protection: Safebytes is made on the best virus engine in the industry. These engines can identify and get rid of threats even during the initial phases of a malware outbreak. “Fast Scan” Features: SafeBytes’s high-speed malware scanning engine minimizes scanning times and extends the life of the battery. Simultaneously, it will effectively find and get rid of infected files or any internet threat. Web Protection: SafeBytes checks and gives a unique safety rating to every website you visit and block access to webpages known to be phishing sites, thus protecting you against identity theft, or known to contain malicious software. Low CPU Usage: SafeBytes is a lightweight application. It consumes an extremely small amount of processing power as it runs in the background so you are free to use your Windows-based computer the way you want. 24/7 Premium Support: Professional technicians are at your disposal 24/7! They will immediately fix any technical issues you may be encountering with your security software. Simply put, SafeBytes has formulated a meaningful anti-malware solution that is aimed to protect your computer against various malware. Malware trouble will become a thing of the past once you put this software to use. For top protection and the best value for money, you can’t get better than SafeBytes Anti-Malware.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you want to manually remove EasyDocMerge without using an automated tool, it may be possible to do so by removing the application from the Microsoft Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser plug-ins, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You’ll likely also want to totally reset your browser to its default configuration settings. To be certain of complete removal, find the following registry entries on your computer and remove them or reset the values appropriately. However, this is a tricky task and only computer experts can perform it safely. Moreover, some malicious programs are capable to defend against its removal. It is highly recommended that you do the removal process in Windows Safe Mode.
Files: %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\EasyDocMergeTooltab %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\mabloidgodmbnmnhoenmhlcjkfelomgp %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\mabloidgodmbnmnhoenmhlcjkfelomgp %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\EasyDocMerge_ex %PROGRAMFILES%\EasyDocMerge_ex %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\EasyDocMerge_ex %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\EasyDocMerge_ex %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\EasyDocMerge_ex Registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AppDataLow\Software\EasyDocMerge_ex HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EasyDocMerge_ex HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\5e3ee57e-7d53-458f-a124-16aab06de2d6 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\64366ff9-336f-4002-a665-406a1d259cd3 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\87008eb3-6282-4075-9889-62f381451926 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\96107269-cd2e-4175-a61a-5c2e8540e8a5 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\2741d16e-6298-4345-8988-7979ffd45266 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\5e3ee57e-7d53-458f-a124-16aab06de2d6 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\64366ff9-336f-4002-a665-406a1d259cd3 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\87008eb3-6282-4075-9889-62f381451926 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\easydocmerge.dl.tb.ask.com HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\8bf0dd5e-ea06-48db-97a4-df286e054079 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Approved Extensions, value: 389672DB-CD13-4CF2-AED1-3170BC0DD6EC HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\8bf0dd5e-ea06-48db-97a4-df286e054079 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EasyDocMerge HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\DOMStorage\easydocmerge.dl.myway.com
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STOP 0x00000050 - An Easy Fix Guide

Stop 0x00000050 is an error code that is popularly known as the Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) error. This error occurs when Windows crashes on your system. Stop 0x00000050 error is displayed in a blue screen which is why it is called the BSoD error.

The error message appears in the following form:

Stop 0X00000050 (parameter1, 0, parameter3, parameter4)


However, the parameters within the Stop 0x0000005 error message sometimes vary depending on your PC configuration.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The most common causes of the Stop 0x0000005 error are:

  • Hardware malfunctioning
  • Overheating of the components
  • Installation of a faulty device driver
  • Incompatible DLL files
  • Corrupt Registry
  • Spyware and Virus Infection

Whatever the cause may be, the Stop 0x00000050 error message is alarming and should be fixed at the earliest as it indicates major system stability problems that can often lead to data loss and system corruption.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To fix and repair the Stop 0x0000005 error you don’t always have to hire an IT professional. In fact, fixing this error is quite easy and you can do it yourself regardless of whether you have a good know-how of computers or not.

So, let’s get started! Here are some the easy DIY solutions to fix the Stop 0x0000005 error:

Sometimes this error may occur due to a temporary issue like overheating of the computer components. When this happens all you need to do is switch off the computer and allow the components to cool down. Try starting up your computer after a couple of hours. If the blue screen of death does not occur again, then this means there is nothing to worry about and the problem is resolved.

However, if the error appears again on your screen, then you need to try something else to solve and fix this error on your PC. If the cause of the error is a faulty device driver, then it is advisable to disable and remove it. Try updating the latest version of the faulty device driver. Using updated software helps ensure your PC keeps running smoothly.

If the cause of the Stop 0x0000005 error code is your system's exposure to viruses and spyware, then you must immediately download a powerful antivirus program. After you download it, scan for viruses on your system. Once the scanning is complete, you will see a scan report showing viruses on your PC. Delete all of them and click on repair.

Furthermore, you can also add more RAM to prevent and fix the Stop 0x0000005 error message on your computer. This solution is suitable when you try to run a program on your PC and you get this error message.

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Do you need Antivirus software for Windows 11
Windows 11 has arrived and it is being adopted all around the globe as we are writing this article. People are adapting it daily and today we will take a look at some advanced security features of the new Windows and do you really need an antivirus in it. Windows securityIt is not a secret that Windows 11 is the most secure Windows ever created, well at least up until now. It is packed with advanced security features like S-mode, Secure Boot, and Trusted Platform Module (TMP 2.0). All these new security features that Microsoft has advertised made people question are enough for security or do you still need third-party Antivirus software. In order to get an answer to this question, let us first take a detailed look at what each one of them does, and then we will give you our opinion on a given subject.

Windows S mode

For everyday home use, Windows 11 S mode is the most secure feature to have on your PC. This is a safety protocol where only apps from Microsoft Store are allowed to be installed. This eliminates the risk of installing third-party apps that may contain viruses or malware. Furthermore, S-mode protects your web browsing activity through the Microsoft Edge browser. S-mode does not allow you to use other browsers for security reasons. If you are using Windows 11 in S-mode, your PC and data will be secure in most parts. You need not buy antivirus when using Windows 11 in S-mode.

Windows Defender

The inbuilt security suite, Windows Defender was launched for the first time in 2006. Earlier to that it had existed and was known as Microsoft AntiSpyWare. Windows Defender has undergone significant improvements over the years. In its latest version available with Windows 11, Windows Defender offers a comprehensive range of security features. It is available under the Windows Security system. Some key security features include real-time virus and threat protection, account protection, firewall & network protection, app and browser control, parental controls, and device (hardware) security. This is comparable to security features offered by third-party antivirus programs.

Microsoft Account

In Windows 11, it is necessary to use a Microsoft account that will be linked to your device. This ensures the security of your data in case your device is lost or stolen. You just need to make sure that you have set a strong password for your device. Windows 11 also has Bitlocker that keeps your data in encrypted form.

Ransomware protection

In view of rising cases of ransomware, Microsoft has introduced dedicated ransomware protection in Windows 11. It works by stopping apps from carrying out unauthorized changes to files and folders. Users can choose their important files and folders that they want to be protected from ransomware.


As we went through Windows 11 security features, we can clearly see that it is packed heavily with many security features that aim to protect your data and your identity. Looking at them, one can clearly come to the conclusion that you do not really need any third-party software and that Windows itself can catch and protect most of the issues, and they would be right. If you use Windows 11 carefully, meaning that you go only to trusted websites, do not open suspicious emails, and click on suspicious links, if you do not use extensively external USB devices or mass media you really do not need any kind of third party protection, Windows built-in tools will do well and keep you protected. However, if you do come in contact with other people's USB devices if you surf over the net, and overall if you really want to be at peace of mind that you are protected you will still need a well-established third-party software protection solution. Windows 11 has great security features, best so far in any Windows but it is still far from being a solution that does not require dedicated protection solution. So do yourself a favor and grab one. We recently had a top antivirus software review, find the article here and pick one that is best for you. https://errortools.com/viruses/the-best-antivirus-software-of-2021/
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Fix Communication with service process failed
This post will guide you in fixing the “Communication with service process failed” error in Windows 10. This error is related to the Intel Driver and Support Assistant application. Although this error does not reportedly cause any loss of functionality in the computer, however, it still indicates that there is something wrong with some of your driver modules. Intel has taken a bold step and combined its older modules into this new application (Intel Driver and Support Assistant) recently. This application enables users to scan their computers for any available updates from Intel. This is the main application of Intel and provides users a way to update their driver software automatically instead of manually updating it. However, with the recent reports submitted by some users, it seems that something is wrong with this application, and users to have to deal with the “Communication with service process failed” error. This error might be caused by several reasons, for one, it could be that the application is corrupted or incomplete in its nature which is possible since this is still a developing and newly released app. It could also be that there are other utilities or modules that conflict with the Intel software. Whichever the reason may be, you can try out the options given below to resolve the problem but before you proceed, make sure that you have an administrator account as well as an active and stable internet connection.

Option 1 – Disable DSATray in Startup

If you receive this error message every time you start your computer then this means that the application is not able to launch properly. Like pointed out, it could be that it is still incomplete in nature or it conflicts with other applications. Thus, you can try to disable the service from the startup and check if it fixes the problem.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “taskmgr” in the field and hit Enter to open the Task Manager.
  • After that, go to the Startup tab and look for the Intel Driver and Support Assistant app.
  • Right-click on the app and select Disable.
  • Restart your PC and check if the error is now fixed or not

Option 2 – Reinstall the Intel Driver and Support Assistant

If the first option did not work, you can try reinstalling the Intel Driver and Support Assistant app. To do so, follow these steps:
  • In the search box, type in “control” and then click on Control Panel (desktop app) among the search results.
  • After that, select Programs and Features from the list which will give you a list of all the programs installed on your computer.
  • From there, look for Intel Driver and Support Assistant and select it and then uninstall it.
  • After you have the app uninstalled, open your browser and go to Intel’s official website. From there, download the driver utility manually.
  • Once the download is finished, right-click on it and select “Run as administrator” and install the app on your PC with elevated access.
  • Restart your PC and then check if the error is now fixed.
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How to Quickly Fix MSI.chm Error
MSI.chm error is a common Windows Error code that occurs when the Windows OS becomes overloaded with invalid system references.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The MSI.chm error is normally triggered by the following causes:
  • Poor PC maintenance

You may experience the MSI.chm error if you don’t pay attention to its maintenance. This usually happens when you don’t run antivirus software or update programs and drivers frequently.
  • Registry files get corrupt and damaged

This error may also occur when the registry files of your PC get corrupt and damaged. This normally happens due to continuous writing, editing and deleting of information from your PCs registry over time as programs are installed, modified and deleted. Other causes include: malware and system conflicts.

Further Information and Manual Repair

When you come across the MSI.chm error on your PC, it is advisable to repair it immediately without any delays. If you procrastinate in repairing this error, your PC is likely to be exposed to risks like:
  • Slow PC performance
  • System failure and crashes
Nonetheless, to resolve this error you don’t have to get the assistance of an IT professional. The MSI.chm is easy to repair and you can resolve it in no time even if you aren’t technically adept. Here are some of the best ways to repair the MSI.chm error on your PC successfully in the shortest time:-

Cause: Corrupt and Damaged Registry Files

Quick Fix: If you think the MSI.chm Windows error on your system is related to Windows registry issues, then the best way to resolve this error is to download and install a Registry cleaner tool.  A word of advice here is to always download such tools from a reliable and a trusted website. Once you download the Restoro, run it on your PC to scan for errors. The scanning will usually take a couple of minutes. So, it is advisable to be patient. After the scanning is complete, you will see a detailed scanning report highlighting the registry errors on your PC. Now to resolve the MSI.chm error that has occurred on your PC due to registry issues, click on the ‘Repair’ button to fix the error. Once the repairing process is complete, restart your PC. Restoro helps you not only fix the MSI.chm error but it also helps improve the speed of your PC, and protects it from failure and crashes.

Cause: Poor PC Maintenance

Quick Fix: If the cause of the MSI.chm error is poor PC maintenance, then the best way to resolve the error is to update the drivers. You can do this by installing the latest drivers for the devices that you think are now old and need to be updated. Here’s what you need to do: First find which devices don’t have drivers installed. For this go to the start menu and then click on the Control Panel. Now open the Device Manager. The Device Manager will list down all the devices that don’t have drivers installed with yellow exclamation point icons next to the device name. As for the updates, the general rule of thumb if the driver does not support the program you are trying to run, then this means that you probably need to update the driver to ensure compatibility. For example your video card driver does not support a newly launched game, then you definitely need a driver update to play the game on your PC. To install or update drivers on your PC, you can either get CDs from the market or you can download updated versions of the drivers from the main manufacturer’s website for free. You can also use automated solution for all of your driver issues: driverfix boxSo, next time when you or your friends encounter this problem, try these quick fixes to repair the error without any hassle.
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Gaming vs Regular headset comparison

Regular and gaming headphones have many differences between them and not knowing what they are can lead you to get yourself the wrong one. In this article, our goal is to analyze the differences between them so you can choose the right one for you.



One thing that goes in both worlds is that the cheapest models on both sides are not really worth the purchase since both the quality and longevity will be very low. If we compare high-end models, regular headphones are far far more expensive than gaming ones. Hi-end gaming models can go as far as 400$, perhaps a little more but hi-end audio regular headphones are going even for over 2000$.

If we compare same-price headphones generally regular ones will offer you a little better sound quality but gaming headphones will offer some features such as positional audio that regular ones do not have.

Surround sound and positional audio

One of the main advantages of gaming headsets is positional audio and true surround sound. this technology is built-in so you can hear more clearly where your enemy is coming from that is a big help in competitive games. This is achieved by positioning multiple speakers in various positions and angles inside them. Each speaker has a different sound channel that is mixed with another speaker in order to provide you with a full surround experience.

Regular headphones have typically one or two speakers on both sides aimed at the same angle and can not offer precise surround or positional audio.

Noise cancellation

Both gaming and hi-fi headphones offer some sort of noise cancelation to minimize outside noise but if you really want to focus and have good noise cancelation you will have to look out for headphones with active noise cancelation or ANC.

Microphone quality

Let us say this right at the start, most middle and quality regular audio headphones do not have a microphone at all, and ones that might pack one usually have it at a lower quality than gaming ones. This of course makes perfect sense since regular headphones will focus on audio, and gaming ones will focus on playing games where having a good microphone is essential in order to game properly.

Speaker and sound quality

Speaker quality will reflect directly on the sound quality and fidelity. This is where audio regular headphones have an advantage over gaming ones. Since they do not have many small speakers positioned at various angled and instead have just a few, usually 2 or 1 large one, that one is of much better quality and range for audio than a pack of small ones. If you are searching for clarity and quality of the audio itself, especially if you are listening to some FLAC uncompressed music, then regular HiFi ones are a much better choice.

Longevity and durability

Another area where regular ones have an advantage but that is no surprise since their price goes far up compared to gaming ones. Most of the time everything in hi-end audio headphones is made from quality materials and designed to last a long time and therefore advantage. Most of the time gaming headphones will come in plastic versions whereas higher quality audio ones pack a lot of durable metal in frames and in buds making them much more durable. Of course, we are talking here about proper headphone use, not extreme cases of throwing, etc.

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Fixing Error code 15 or Error code 16
If you get an Error Code 15 or Error Code 16 while you are browsing the web and you notice that your access is blocked to a particular website, then read on as this post will guide you in resolving this problem. Both Error Code 15 and Error Code 16 have the same message that states, “Access Denied: This request was blocked by the security rules”. Note that the error depends on what kind of browser you are using, as well as the operating system and network that you are using. On the other hand, the fixes for this error are the same and there is a handful of them that you can check out just make sure to follow each one of them carefully.

Option 1 – Sync Date and Time

The first thing you can try is to sync the Date and Time of your computer as the wrong Date and Time settings are one of the most common causes of connection problems like Error code 15 or Error code 16. This is because of the incompatibility between the SSL Certificate validation date and the System Clock. Thus, you have to sync your System Clock. Refer to the steps below to do so.
  • Right-click on the Taskbar and click on the Adjust Date and Time option.
  • Next, click on the Sync Now button to synchronize the Date and Time with the Microsoft Servers.
  • Now make sure that the Time Zone that’s set on the same page is correct.

Option 2 – Try to reset the affected browser

Resetting the affected browser might help in fixing Error Code 15 or Error Code 16.

Mozilla Firefox

  • Open Firefox and click the icon that looks like three stacked lines located at the top-right section of the browser.
  • Next, select the question mark icon from the drop-down menu.
  • Then select “Troubleshooting information” from the slide-out menu.
  • After that, click on the “Reset Firefox” button located at the top-right section of the newly opened web page.
  • Now select “Reset Firefox” in the confirmation pop-up window that appears.

Google Chrome

  • Open Google Chrome, then tap the Alt + F keys.
  • After that, click on Settings.
  • Next, scroll down until you see the Advanced option, once you see it, click on it.
  • After clicking the Advanced option, go to the “Restore and clean up option and click on the “Restore settings to their original defaults” option to reset Google Chrome.
  • Now restart Google Chrome.

Internet Explorer

  • Launch Internet Explorer.
  • Next, click the wrench icon for Settings.
  • Then click Internet Options.
  • After that, go to the Advanced tab.
  • From there, click the Reset button. This will reset Internet Explorer’s settings to their default condition.
  • Now click OK to save the changes made.

Option 3 – Temporarily disable Firewall and third-party antivirus

Firewall and antivirus programs are known to block files the instant it detects a threat to the system. However, there are some cases when it can also block a file even when it’s a safe one. Thus, your antivirus or firewall programs might be the reason why you can’t download anything on your Windows 10 computer. To isolate the issue, you need to temporarily disable both the Firewall and antivirus programs and then check if you can now download anything from the internet. Do not forget to enable them again as disabling them can leave your computer vulnerable to cyber threats.

Option 4 – Disable the Proxy server

You can also try to disable the Proxy server for your LAN to fix Error code 15 or Error code 16 especially if your computer was attacked by some malware or adware recently. In such cases, there is a chance that the malware or adware has changed your network settings in order to generate intrusive advertisements. Thus, you have to disable the proxy server and you can do that by following these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “inetcpl.cpl” in the field and hit Enter to pull up the Internet Properties.
  • After that, go to the Connections tab and select the LAN settings.
  • From there. Uncheck the “Use a Proxy Server” option for your LAN and then make sure that the “Automatically detect settings” option is checked.
  • Now click the OK and the Apply buttons.
  • Restart your PC.
Note: If you are using a third-party proxy service, you have to disable it.

Option 5 – Check your VPN

If you are using a VPN application, there are times when it causes some issues like this error. If that’s the case, you can try to disable your VPN temporarily and see if the error is resolved or not and if turns out that your VPN is the culprit, you have to uninstall it and install a new one or its latest version. To uninstall it, follow the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box
  • Then type “appwiz.cpl” in the field and hit Enter to open the Programs and Features in Control Panel.
  • From there, look for the VPN service you are using, select it and then click on Uninstall to remove it.
  • After that, restart your computer and try to install the latest version of the program again. It should work now. If not, proceed to the next available option below.
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How to Repair Windows 10 Upgrade Error 0x800F0923

Code 0x800F0923 – What is it?

The Error Code 0x800F0923 is one that appears only when attempting to update from older versions of Microsoft Windows to Microsoft Windows 10. This error does not occur with every install and is believed to be the result of a driver incompatibility issue. It is unclear which specific drivers are having the compatibility issues, though it is widely believed that DuplexSecure's SPTD drivers are the ones at fault. When operating correctly, without errors, the update process should not take longer than 30 minutes. Common symptoms include:
  • Error message window/pop-up during the install process, giving the Error Code 0x800F0923
  • Inability to install and update from older versions of Microsoft Windows to version 10


Restoro box imageError Causes

There are various relevant factors associated with the error code 0x800F0923 incompatibility issue in Windows 10 installation/upgrade. These factors include but are not limited to:
  • The Operating System (OS) upgrading does not support older hardware.
  • Your computer’s specs did not meet the minimum requirements.
  • Not enough hard disk space.
  • The new software might lack software drivers for older hardware

Further Information and Manual Repair

Microsoft has recently released its Windows 10 operating system. While there are still a few kinks to be worked out, overall the reviews have been positive. As with any new Microsoft update, compatibility issues can arise. If you are unsure whether your current PC will be able to handle the new Windows 10, here is an easy way to check your system.

Method 1: Check if your computer is compatible

  • Locate the “Get Windows 10” application icon in your notification tray (bottom right corner of your screen, white Windows logo).
  • Right-click on this icon, then select the “check your upgrade status” option.
  • Be prepared for the menu to take a few minutes to open.
  • Click on the menu on the upper left-hand corner of this new dialog box. (It looks like three blue horizontal lines)
  • Select “check your PC”
  • After the system checks for compatibility, it will let you know whether or not your PC has the appropriate drivers, etc. (Keep in mind that this is not a foolproof method for checking compatibility status).

Method 2: Download or upgrade your drivers/software

If you have already attempted to update to Windows 10, and have received the Error Code 0x800F0923, this is the simplest way to solve the issue yourself.

1. Open the “Get Windows 10” application. 2. Open the menu in the upper left corner, looks like three blue lines. 3. Select “Check your PC”. 4. The system will tell you which drivers are incompatible. 5. Go to the Microsoft Support website to install and/or update the drivers that proved to be an issue. 6. Once the driver issue is corrected, retry the Windows 10 update.

Method 3: Create space on your computer

If your computer does not have sufficient space to accept the upgrade, you might want to clear up some space on your computer. Here’s how to do it. If you have not attempted to install Microsoft Windows 10 yet, it is a good idea to check your system's compatibility prior to installing. While it is not absolutely necessary, it will save time and frustration. Microsoft Support suggests contacting them directly if you are unable to solve your driver compatibility issues, or if the above do-it-yourself method is unsuccessful. To resolve this compatibility issue and get your upgrade going use a powerful and user-friendly tool to clean up the problem. Click here to download Restoro. Users should also be aware that those who choose to upgrade to Windows 10 have 30 days in which they may decide that they would rather use their old system. However, reverting back to the older system may not be a smooth process, and some data could be lost.
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Fix Qualcomm Atheros Qca61x4a Driver Issue
Qualcomm Atheros Qca61x4a Driver is a software driver used in WI FI communication between OS and device itself. When this driver stops working usually it means loss of connection and no internet available. This error knows to comes frequently and repeat itself over long periods of time which makes it quite annoying. If you are one of the unlucky users of Windows who get this error please keep reading in order to eliminate it and continue working on your computer normally.
  1. Disable & Enable the Qualcomm Adapter Driver

    Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X to open the secret menu, click on the device manager. In device manager expand network adapters. Right-click on Qualcomm Atheros Qca61x4a wireless network adapter and click on disable Right-click on Qualcomm Atheros Qca61x4a wireless network adapter and click on enable
  2. Rollback the Qualcomm Adapter driver

    Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X to open the secret menu, click on the device manager. In device manager expand network adapters. Right-click on Qualcomm Atheros Qca61x4a wireless network adapter and click on properties Under properties, window click on Driver tab and left-click on Roll Back driver (if the option is greyed there is no previous driver, follow next step) Choose your reason and click on OK
  3. Update Qualcomm Atheros driver to the latest version

    Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X to open the secret menu, click on the device manager. In device manager expand network adapters. Right-click on Qualcomm Atheros Qca61x4a wireless network adapter and click on Update Driver
  4. Install the new driver in compatibility mode

    Right-click on the installer package and choose properties Go to the compatibility tab Choose compatibility settings and install.
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Fix False Notifications in Action Center
There is a central location in Windows 10 that allows users to view all the notifications from its Action Center. Aside from viewing notifications, users can also manage them and take necessary actions in just one single place. Notifications in Windows 10 look similar to a message icon but can be at variance in function. However, recently, a number of users reported that even though they receive notifications about new actions but when opening them, they see nothing. In other words, the notification is false, and to fix this, read on as this post will provide you a couple of workarounds. The Windows 10 Notifications and Action Center notification messages might show a mismatch. For instance, Windows 10 may say that you have some notifications but when you open Action Center, you find it empty and there are actually no notifications there. Take the case of the following screenshot, the Windows 10 Notification says that there are 6 new notifications available for viewing but the Action Center says otherwise. Before you troubleshoot the problem, you might want to run System Restore especially if you’ve made some changes in your computer prior to this issue which might have messed with the Windows 10 Notifications and Action Center. To perform System Restore, refer to these steps:
  • First, press the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.
If the problem wasn’t fixed and you’re still getting false notifications, you might want to troubleshoot the problem further using the options given below.

Option 1 – via Windows PowerShell

  • In the Start search, type “PowerShell” in the field and hit Enter to pull up the Windows PowerShell window.
  • Next, copy and paste this command and hit Enter to execute it: Get-AppxPackage | % { Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)AppxManifest.xml” -verbose }
  • After that, reboot your computer and check if the false notifications are now gone.

Option 2 – Try renaming the Usrclass.dat file

DAT errors like the ones that are associated with the Usrclass.dat file, most likely occur during computer startup, program startup, or while you try to use a specific function in your program. Even so, it can easily be fixed. How? Refer to the given steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type %localappdata%MicrosoftWindows and hit Enter to get to the location of the UsrClass.dat file.
  • After that, look for a file named UsrClass.dat and once you’ve found it, right-click on it and select the Rename option.
  • Now rename the file to UsrClass.old.dat and then restart your computer and see if the problem is now fixed or not.
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