
RAC Manager not working, Error 0xc0000005

If the Diagnostic Data level in your Windows 10 computer is configured manually to the non-default security setting of zero and you’ve encountered an error code of 0xc0000005, read on as this post will guide you in fixing the problem with the Remote Access Connection Manager Service. In relation to error 0xc0000005, you might also encounter an error in the Application section of Windows Logs in the Event Viewer, along with the Event ID 1000 which would most likely have a reference of “svchost.exe_RasMan” and “rasman.dll”.

Before you troubleshoot the problem, keep in mind that the Remote Access Connection Manager or RasMan service is the one that manages dial-up and VPN connections from the computer to the internet as well as other remote networks. Each time you connect, the Services dials the connection or sends out a request for a VPN connection. However, the error 0xc0000005, only occurs when a VPN profile is configured as “Always On VPN or “AOVPN” connection with or without a device tunnel.

There are several options you can check out to resolve this error, you can try to install the KB Update 4505903 or fix it via Group Policy. You could also try to enable Telemetry from the Settings app or enable it via Registry Editor. For more information, make sure to check out the provided options below.

Option 1 – Try installing the KB Update 4505903

The first thing you can do to fix the problem is to make sure that you’ve already installed the KB Update 4505903 in your computer. If not, then you have to go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update and from there select the Check for updates link. You need to get the standalone package if you are using the Microsoft Update Catalog to update your computer and for that, you have to the website of the Microsoft Update Catalog. On the other hand, if you are using the Windows Server Update Services or WSUS, then you can just manually import the KB Update 4505903 into WSUS.

Option 2 – Try to enable Telemetry in the Group Policy and run the RASMAN service

The next thing you can do to fix the problem is to enable Telemetry via Group Policy and then run the RASMAN service. To do that, follow these steps:

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and type “gpedit.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Group Policy Editor.
  • Next, navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Data Collection and Preview Builds > Allow Telemetry.
  • After that, open the policy and select one of the security levels like Basic, Enhanced, and Full.
  • Then click on the Apply and OK buttons to save the changes made and close the Group Policy Editor.
  • Once one, open the Run dialog box again and type “services.msc” in the field, and hit Enter to open the Windows Services Manager.
  • From there, look for the Remote Access Connection Manager Service and restart it. And then check if it resolved the problem or not...

Option 3 – Try enabling Telemetry via Settings

  • Tap the Win + I keys to open the Settings app.
  • Next, go to Privacy > Diagnostics and Feedback and select Basic or Enhanced under the Diagnostic data.
  • After that, tap the Win + R keys to launch Run and type “services.msc” in the field, and hit Enter to open the Services Manager.
  • From there, look for the Remote Access Connection Manager Service and restart it.

Option 4 – Try to enable Telemetry via Registry Editor

  • Launch the Run utility and type “regedit” in the field and tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Then navigate to this path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowsDataCollection
  • From this path, look for “AllowTelemetry” and double click on it.
  • Now enter the values, 1, 2, 3 for Basic, Enhanced, Full, respectively.
  • If you can’t find AllowTelemetry, then just create a DWORD (32-bit) and name it “AllowTelemetry” and edit its value.
  • Once done, exit the Registry Editor and restart the Remote Access Connection Manager Service from the Services Manager.

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Enable or Disable Auto-Mounting in Windows
Every time a new drive or any storage device is connected to a Windows 10 computer, the operating system tends to allot a drive letter to it automatically. Not only that, as the OS also maps the location of the drive which helps it point the letter to the exact port location of the drive and serve requests from the user. As a result, it builds up a bit of cache as per the pattern in which the user uses the storage of the computer. This whole process is known as “Auto Mounting” which works for hard disks or optical drive readers that are connected using the SATA ports and even for USB drives that are connected using the USB ports. There are several ways you can enable or disable the Auto-Mount feature in Windows 10. You can do it using the MountVol tool or the Registry Editor or the Diskpart utility. Before you proceed, it is recommended that you create a System Restore point first so that you can always undo the changes you made in case anything goes wrong.

Option 1 – Enable or disable Auto Mounting via MountVol tool

In this option, you will be using the mountvol command in the Command Prompt. Refer to the steps below.
  • Tap the Wins key once and type in “command prompt” in the field.
  • From the search results, right-click on Command Prompt and select the “Run as administrator” option to run it with admin privileges.
  • Next, type the following command and tap Enter to enable the Auto Mount feature:
mountvol /E
  • On the other hand, if you want to disable the Auto Mount feature, type the following command instead:
mountvol /N
  • After that, type the command below to remove all the previously assigned drive letters:
mountvol /R
  • Finally, restart your computer.

Option 2 – Enable or disable Auto Mounting via Registry Editor

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “Regedit” in the field and tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • After that, navigate to this registry key: ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesmountmgr
  • Next, look for a DWORD named “NoAutoMount”. If you can’t find a DWORD with that name then simply create a new DWORD with the same name and make sure that the base is selected to Hexadecimal.
  • Now double click on that DWORD and change its value to 0 if you want to enable it, otherwise, input 1 as its value to disable it.
  • Restart your computer.

Option 3 – Enable or disable Auto Mounting via Diskpart utility

  • Tap the Wins key once and type in “command prompt” in the field.
  • From the search results, right-click on Command Prompt and select the “Run as administrator” option to run it with admin privileges.
  • After opening Command Prompt as admin, type the following command and hit Enter to launch the Diskpart utility:
  • After that, a User Account Control prompt will appear. Just click on the Yes button.
  • Next, type the following command and hit Enter:
  • Following the command you entered, you will an output that either says, “Automatic mounting of new volumes enabled” or “Automatic mounting of new volumes disabled” which means you can use it to check the status of Auto Mount.
  • Now if you want to enable the Auto Mount feature, type the following command and tap Enter:
automount enable
  • And if you want to disable the Auto Mount feature, just enter the following command:
automount disable
  • To remove all the assigned letter and history of drives that were connected previously, type the following command:
automount scrub
  • Finally, restart your computer.
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Run Windows 10 from your USB drive
Windows 10 to goMany Linux users if not all of them can run their distros from a USB drive but did you know you can run Windows 10 from a USB drive as well? Microsoft has introduced all the way back to Windows 8 one feature called Windows To Go and it kept it in Windows 8.1 and in Windows 10 as well. This feature is intended as a convenient way for workers to carry their corporate environments with them, but having your own copy of Windows on a thumb drive could be handy for backup purposes, too, or if you frequently use public machines that lack your preferences/applications or that have a restricted OS.

What you will need?

In order to actually make Windows 10 run from a USB drive you will need the following things:
  1. USB drive with a minimum size of 20GB
  2. Working computer with Windows 10 running on it
  3. Rufus or another ISO to UBS tool, get Rufus here: https://rufus.ie/en_US/
  4. Windows 10 ISO file

Making Windows 10 UBS drive

Install Rufus on your Windows 10 and run it. Stick USB in PC and open Rufus. On the screen that follows choose your Windows 10 ISO image and under Image options choose Windows To Go. Click on ready and you are finished, that’s it. After Rufus finishes you have now fully working Windows 10 bootable drive which you can use on another PC for whatever reason.
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Fix igfxem.exe application error in Windows 10
When you get an igfxem.exe error in Windows, it is not really clear what does this means, usually, Windows throw us some code or we get a DLL error, rarely we get an EXE error. So what does this error means? Intel Graphics Executable Main Module, shortly called as IgfxEM module is a part of the Windows operating system. When you run Microsoft .NET Framework applications that use the AS/400 Data Queue ActiveX control (Mseigdq.dll) to read from and to write to IBM iSeries (AS/400) data queues, you may experience this error. In order to overcome this error and cope with it try the following things:
  1. Increase Virtual Memory

    Go to the Start Menu and click on Settings. Type performance. Choose Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows. In the new window, go to the Advanced tab and under the Virtual memory section, click on Change. At the bottom of the new window, check what the Recommended value is and how it compares to Currently allocated. If the current setting is significantly less than the recommended, uncheck the Automatically manage paging file size for all drives box at the top of the same windows and then click on Custom size. Enter the Recommended value in the Initial Size box, and a larger figure in the Maximum size box. Click OK to save the new settings.
  2. Download and update .NET framework

    Go to the Microsoft website and download the latest .NET framework. Once the download is complete, install the package following onscreen instructions.
  3. Reinstall INTEL graphic drivers

    Go to the intel website and download the latest graphic drivers for your graphic card model. Once the download is complete, install the package following onscreen instructions.
  4. Run SCF scan

    If all else fails, run command prompt and inside type sfc /scannow
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How to Fix Libcurl.dll Error Code

Libcurl.dll - What is it?

Libcurl.dll is a Dynamic Link Library file; a component of Google Earth. Google Earth is a 3D software tool. Libcurl.dll file is visible within a 3D application with the help of which software users can see satellite images, maps, and other geography-related information from their computers. The Libcurl.dll file enables users to map the earth using superimposing images received via satellite imagery and also aerial photography. However, Libcurl.dll error messages may occur while using or installing this program. The libcurl.dll error message is displayed in either of the following formats:
  • "Cannot find [PATH]libcurl.dll"
  • "The file libcurl.dll is missing."
  • "Libcurl.dll Not Found"
  • "This application failed to start because libcurl.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."


Restoro box imageError Causes

Libcurl.dll may occur due to several reasons. These include:
  • Bugged program
  • Viral infection may add malicious codes to Libcurl.dll file and generate error messages
  • Registry issues
  • Missing libcurl.dll file
  • Hard disk failure
  • Misconfigured system files
If you experience difficulty in using Google Earth and come across libcurl.dll error message, it is advisable to resolve the error immediately typically because this error has severe consequences. If not fixed timely, it can lead to the blue screen of death errors, system hang-ups and freezes, sluggish PC performance, PC crashes and browser crashes, slow internet speed, and other system errors.

Further Information and Manual Repair

This error is crucial but the good news is that it is easy to fix. To resolve it, you don’t have to hire a technical expert and pay hundreds of dollars. You can repair the issue with ease by yourself regardless of whether or not you are technically sound. Continue reading to find out the best solutions to fix libcurl.dll error code on your system without any hassle. Here are some of the easiest and the best methods to resolve libcurl.dll error:

1. Check your recycle bin

Since .dll files are shared by multiple programs, there is a possibility that you might have accidentally deleted libcurl.dll file when uninstalling a certain program on your system which was also sharing this file. And because of this, you may experience the missing libcurl.dll error message. To resolve it, all you have to do is to check your recycle bin. If you find the file here, restore it. Once restored, try running the program again! If the error code does not appear, then this means it is resolved. However, if it continues to persist, then try other solutions given below.

2. Scan for Malicious Software on your System

While downloading files and checking unknown emails malicious software like viruses, malware and spyware can also enter your PC. Such software can damage and corrupt dll files. This could be the underlying cause of libcurl.dll error on your PC too. So, to resolve the issue, scan and remove malicious viruses and spyware from your system by using a powerful anti-virus. However, please note, anti-viruses are notorious for slowing PC performance and also sometimes you may also have to stop all other activities on your PC.

3. Clean the Cluttered Disk, Repair dll files and Restore the Registry

Libcurl.dll file error may also occur due to hard disk failure. This triggers registry issues. If you don’t clean the registry every now and then, it overloads the hard disk with files. These include both important and unnecessary files like internet history, temporary files, cookies, junk files, invalid registry entries, and bad keys. These clutter the disk, damaged dll files, and the registry. Therefore first you need to clean the cluttered disk, repair libcurl.dll files and restore the registry. Executing it manually can take a lot of time as you may find it complex if you are not a computer programmer. However, the best, easiest, and quickest way to clean, repair, and restore the registry is to download Restoro

Why Restoro?

Restoro is an innovative, advanced, and multi-functional PC repair tool loaded with powerful and PC performance boosting utilities including an intuitive registry cleaner,  an antivirus, Active X controls, and class module, and a system optimizer. So, whether the libcurl.dll error message is triggered by a viral infection, hard disk failure, or registry issues, this tool takes care of all! The registry cleaning feature scans all registry issues, cleans the hard disk by removing unnecessary and obsolete files, repairs damaged and corrupt dll files, and restores the registry thereby resolving libcurl.dll error in seconds. Simultaneously, the antivirus utility removes viruses and malware if found. And the system optimizer feature ensures optimum PC performance. Restoro is easy to navigate and operate. It is user-friendly, safe, bug-free, and efficient. Furthermore, it is compatible with all Windows versions. Click here to download Restoro and repair your PC and resolve libcurl.dll error today!
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Can't Connect to Blizzard Battle.net App
Blizzard is one of the most beloved game company which brought some of the most and greatest titles in PC gaming. Blizzard has released its own launcher in which you can launch games, sadly sometimes launcher does not want to work and fails to connect. If this happens to you be sure to:
  1. Reset your network devices to make sure your router hasn't become flooded with data.

    Power cycling your modem and router allows them to reset and re-establish a connection to your ISP. Follow these steps to completely power cycle the devices in your network connection:Note: If your modem has a battery backup, you will need to take the battery out or use the reset button on the modem.
    1. Shut down all computers connected to the modem/router.
    2. Power down and unplug the modem and the router if you're using one.
    3. Allow to sit for 60 seconds unplugged.
    4. Plug in and turn on the modem and router, and allow them to completely boot up until the front panel connection lights on the modem show a steady connection.
    5. Start the computer and allow it to completely boot up.
  2. If you're using a wireless connection, optimize your internet connection to rule out a connection issue.

    If you're experiencing issues with your low-speed or wireless internet connection, follow the steps below to troubleshoot the problem.
    1. Try plugging your computer directly into your modem.
    2. Shut down other programs that access the internet, such as other games or download programs.
    3. Satellite, mobile phone, and WiMax internet connections are not stable connections and may cause further connection issues when playing Blizzard games. If possible, consider switching to a more stable connection.
  3. Update your drivers and operating system to resolve any compatibility issues.

    Out-of-date drivers and operating systems can cause a variety of issues and are one of the first things to check when a game is having problems. The instructions below will help you check and update your drivers.
    • Even new computers can have out-of-date drivers and operating systems because updates are released routinely.
    • Some games and programs might run fine on a system with old drivers, but outdated drivers can still create technical issues with specific games or programs.
    • Check our supported video cards articles to make sure your hardware is compatible:
    Refer to the steps below to update drivers and software for your operating system.
  4. Release and renew your IP and flush your DNS to resolve any network conflicts.

    1. While on the desktop, press Windows Key and type CMD.
    2. Right-click Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.
    3. Type ipconfig /release in the command prompt.
    4. Wait a few seconds for a reply that the IP address has been released.
    5. Type ipconfig /renew in the command prompt.
    6. Wait a few seconds for a reply that the IP address has been re-established.
    7. Type ipconfig /flushdns in the command prompt.
    8. Close the command prompt and attempt to make a connection.
  5. Close all other applications to resolve software conflicts and free up resources.

    Before trying the steps below, close unnecessary programs and restart your computer. Identify Problematic Startup Items
    1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open the Task Manager.
    2. Click More Details.
    3. Select the Startup tab.
    4. Right-click on each item and select Disable.
    5. Restart the computer.
    If this resolves the issue, enable the startup application one at a time to determine which one is causing the problem. You will need to restart between each application you enable. Note: To re-enable startup applications, follow steps 1-4 and select Enable.
  6. Delete the Battle.net Tools folder to automatically rebuild outdated or corrupt files.

    1. Close Blizzard processes.
      1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to bring up the Task Manager.
      2. Click the Processes tab.
      3. Select all Agent, Blizzard Battle.net desktop app, and game processes, and click End Process.
    2. Navigate to the folder containing the Battle.net directory:
      1. Press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialogue.
      2. Type C:\ProgramData\ into the Open field and press Enter.
    3. Delete the Battle.net folder.
    4. Run Battle.net and update the game to see if the issue persists.
    If the error persists after you try these steps, another program may be causing the problem. Restart your computer and delete the Battle.net folder one more time.
    Note: The above steps may cause the Blizzard Battle.net desktop app to forget game install locations. If your games can’t be found, you will see Install on the Blizzard Battle.net desktop app game tab instead of Play. To find your installation, click Locate this game or run the game launcher.
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Can’t type in Win apps, Search, Cortana, etc.
If you are typing inside the Search bar, Cortana, Taskbar, Windows 10 apps, etc., and then everything seems invisible then read on as this post will guide you in fixing this issue. At first, you might think that something is wrong with your keyboard but it really has nothing to do with it. The problem actually lies with the apps from Microsoft Store. Thus, if you can’t type anything in any of the apps from Microsoft Store in Windows 10, refer to the options given below to fix them.

Option 1 – Ensure that ctfmon.exe is running

Ctfmon.exe is a Microsoft process in Windows 10 that controls the Alternative User Input as well as the Office Language bar. In other words, it enables end-users to control the computer using on-screen keyboard inputs, speech, and even pen for various languages. It would be better if you launch the program once by going to the C:/Windows/system32 folder. Doing so will ensure that whatever API is needed for the keyboard typing to work properly again. You also have to make sure that its startup status is not disabled. In addition, you can also try the following steps, alternatively.
  • Open the Task Scheduler.
  • Then go to Microsoft > Windows > TextServicesFramework.
  • And on the MsCtfMonitor, right-click and enable the task.
  • Now restart your computer.
This will ensure that all the text boxes will start to work again. And if the task MsCtfMonitor is missing from the list of tasks, you can import it with the XML file from basics.net. Then download and create a task to run it each time you log in to your PC.

Option 2 – Use the Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter

You might also try running the Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter as it can help in resolving issues with the Windows Store apps. This built-in tool can resolve most of the app-related problems. To use it, go to Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshooting > Windows Store Apps and from there, click the start the troubleshooter button. The Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter will scan the computer for any issues with the Windows store apps and will automatically fix them if it finds any.

Option 3 – Re-register all the Windows 10 UWP apps using PowerShell

  • First, make sure to close all the running applications on your computer.
  • Next, in the Start search, type in PowerShell and right click on the result, and select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • After that, type the following commands to re-register the Windows 10 apps. Make sure to hit Enter on each line:
    • reg delete "HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionTileDataModelMigrationTileStore" /va /f
    • get-appxpackage -packageType bundle |% {add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + "appxmetadataappxbundlemanifest.xml")}
    • $bundlefamilies = (get-appxpackage -packagetype Bundle).packagefamilyname
    • get-appxpackage -packagetype main |? {-not ($bundlefamilies -contains $_.packagefamilyname)} |% {add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + "appxmanifest.xml")}

Option 4 – Try to run the DISM tool

You can also run the DISM Tool as it helps in repairing the Windows System Image as well as the Windows Component Store in Windows 10. Using this built-in tool, you have various options such as the “/ScanHealth”, “/CheckHealth”, and “/RestoreHealth” which could help in fixing the problem.
  • Open the Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • Then type in the following commands and make sure to hit Enter right after you type each one of them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • Do not close the window if the process takes a while as it will probably take a few minutes to finish.

Option 5 – Run the System File Checker Scan

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files to good system files. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
  • Restart your PC.
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Custom widgets in Windows 11 later
windows custom widgetsOriginally Microsoft has imagined its widgets menu as Microsoft-only widgets but it seems that they have changed their mind. Due to the latest leak, it seems that Microsoft will open the widgets menu to 3rd party developers as well but at launch, it will be only official widgets. It was hinted that later widgets menu will be open to developers who want to bring their own stuff into it. Distribution, date, and technology that will need to be used in order to create your widget have not been discussed nor leaked at a given time but in some way, I am very glad that at least some customization will be in Windows 11. It is funny and amusing how some things that were in Windows Vista are getting back like glass design, round corners, and widgets. Let’s just hope Windows 11 will be a better Windows than Vista was.
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Run as administrator is not working
Recently, a number of users reported that they were not able to use the “Run as administrator” context menu option when they tried using it or opening a program with administrator privilege. If you are one of these users facing this problem, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will guide you in fixing this issue. At the time of writing, it isn’t clear what the cause of the issue is but there are potential fixes you can try to fix the problem. You can try turning on the User Account Control or clean up the Context Menu items change the Group Membership. On the other hand, you can also perform both SFC and DISM scans via Command Prompt or troubleshoot the problem in a clean boot state as it is possible that some third-party programs are the ones that are causing the problem. You could also run an anti-malware scan using Windows Defender or your antivirus program.

Option 1 – Try to turn on the User Account Control

When you open a program with administrator privilege, the User Account Control or UAC prompt will pop up asking you to confirm the permission. However, if you have disabled the User Account Control by mistake or some malware has disabled it, then it’s no wonder why the “Run as administrator” option is not working. Thus, you need to check if UAC is turned on or not. All you have to do is go to the User Account Control settings.

Option 2 – Try changing the Group Membership

  • First, you need to sign in with your administrator account or ask your administrator to sign in for you. So if you only have a Standard User account, you have to add that account to the Administrators group.
  • In the taskbar search box, type “netplwiz” and check the search results.
  • From there, select your user account and click the Properties button.
  • After that, go to the Group Membership tab and select Administrator.
  • Now click on the Apply and OK buttons to save the changes made and then sign in to your computer again and see if the “Run as administrator” option is working or not.

Option 3 – Try to create a new Administrator User account

If you have a standard account, you can try creating a new account but this time, you create an administrator user account and then see if you can now use the Run as administrator option or not. Note that you have to sign in with your main account before you can create an admin account.

Option 4 – Run the DISM tool

You can run the DISM tool as well to help fix the problem with the “Run as administrator” option. Using this built-in tool, you have various options such as the “/ScanHealth”, “/CheckHealth”, and “/RestoreHealth”.
  • Open the Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • Then type in the following commands and make sure to hit Enter right after you type each one of them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • Do not close the window if the process takes a while as it will probably take a few minutes to finish.

Option 5 – Perform a System File Checker scan

The SFC or System File Checker scan could detect and automatically repair damaged system files that could be causing the problem with the “Run as administrator” option on your Windows 10 computer. SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files with good system files. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow and hit Enter.
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
  • Once done, restart your computer.

Option 6 – Put your computer in a Clean Boot State

You can also troubleshoot the problem in a Clean Boot state. It could be that there are some third-party applications in your computer that are preventing you from using the “Run as administrator” option and to isolate this possibility, you need to boot your computer in a Clean Boot State and then try to use the Run as administrator again. Putting your computer in this state can help you identify which program is the culprit and thus isolates the problem. In a Clean Boot state, your computer will start using only the pre-selected minimal set of drivers and startup programs. Note that you have to disable and enable one process at a time.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • After you’ve set your computer into a Clean Boot State, try to check if the error is now fixed and that you can now view the Properties.

Option 7 – Try scanning your computer using Windows Defender

As mentioned, if your computer was recently infected with some malware, it is possible that the malware changed the User Account Control settings which is why you’re not able to use the Run as administrator option. Thus, you need to scan your computer using Windows Defender.
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open Update & Security.
  • Then click on the Windows Security option and open Windows Defender Security Center.
  • Next, click on Virus & threat protection > Run a new advanced scan.
  • Now make sure that Full Scan is selected from the menu and then click the Scan Now button to get started.
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Delete Downloaded, Failed and Pending Windows Updates in Windows 10
There are instances when instead of fixing problems the Windows Update brings you problems on your Windows 10 computer. You might even see some pending Windows Updates which for some reason, refuse to install no matter what you do. The good thing is you won’t have to deal with those failed and pending updates that are incompletely downloaded to your PC as you can actually delete them. Follow the instructions prepared below to delete the failed and pending Windows Updates.

Step 1: The first thing you have to do is delete all the contents in the Temporary folder

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type in “%temp%” in the field and hit Enter or click OK to open the Temporary folder.
  • From there, select all the folders and files within the Temporary folder and then delete them all.
Note: %temp% is one of the many environment variables in Windows that could open the designated folder by Windows as the Temporary folder which is usually located at C:\Users[username]AppDataLocalTemp.

Step 2: Next, remove the pending.xml file

  • Go to the C:\Windows WinSxS folder.
  • Once you’ve opened the folder, look for a file named “pending.xml” file and right-click on it and you can either rename it or delete it.
  • After that, the Windows Update should delete the pending tasks and build a fresh new update.

Step 3: Delete all the contents of the SoftwareDistribution folder

The Software Distribution folder in the Windows operating system is a folder that can be found in the Windows directory and is used to store files temporarily which might be required to install the Windows Update on your PC. Thus, it is required by the Windows Update and maintained by WUAgent. Aside from that, it also contains all the Windows Update History files and once you delete them, you will most likely lose the Update history. As a result, the next time you run the Windows Update, it may result in a longer detection time.
  • Open the WinX Menu.
  • From there, open Command Prompt as admin.
  • Then type in the following command – don’t forget to hit Enter right after typing each one of them.
net stop wuauserv net stop bits
  • After entering these commands, it will stop the Windows Update Service and the Background Intelligent Transfer Service.
  • Next, got to the C:\Windows\Software\Distribution folder and get rid of all the folders and files thereby tapping the Ctrl + A keys to select them all and then click on Delete. Note that if the files are in use, you won’t be able to delete them.
  • Once all the contents in the Software Distribution folder are deleted, restart your PC and then go back to Command Prompt and input the following commands again.
net start wuauserv net start bits
Since the folder has already been flushed, it will be populated afresh the instant your restart your computer and open Windows Update.

Step 4: Try resetting the catroot2 folder

You can also try resetting the catroort2 folder as it is known to fix tons of Windows Update issues. Both the Catroot and catroot2 are Windows operating system folders that are required for the Windows update process.  So when you run the Windows Update, the catroort2 folders stores the signatures of the Windows Update package and helps it in the installation. It makes use of the “%windir%System32catroot2edb.log” file in the updating process. Afterward, the updates are stored in the SoftwareDistribution folder which is used then by the Automatic Updates in order to execute the updating process. Keep in mind that you must not rename or delete the Catroot folder. Although the Catroot2 folder is recreated automatically by Windows, the Catroot folder isn’t.
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Fix SAFE_OS phase error in Windows
As of late, users have been reporting about getting an error saying, SAFE_OS phase error during Replicate_OC operation when they tried to upgrade their Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 computers to Windows 10. Although the error code in this problem could vary, in this situation, it states:
0xC1900101 – 0x20017, The installation failed in the SAFE_OS phase error during Replicate_OC operation
To fix this issue, you need to follow the given options below. But before you do, you need to create a System Restore point first so that if anything goes wrong, you can always undo the changes you’ve made.

Option 1 – Try to change the Windows 10 installation

According to security experts, one of the main causes of this error is the KB3064209Windows Update. This particular update is the one responsible for updating the CPU Microcode for processors made by Intel. Thus, if you don’t use an Intel processor, you can skip this option and proceed to the next one. However, if you use Intel, make sure to follow the instructions in this option carefully. Take note that in this solution, C: partition is referred to as the OS Partition while H: partition is referred to as the USB Pen Drive.
  • First, you need to download the Windows 10 ISO from the Windows 10 Media Creation tool and then copy its contents to the Pen Drive H.
  • Next, tap the Win + X keys and click on the Command Prompt (Admin0 option. If a User Account Control appears, simply click Yes.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type the following command:
dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:H:sourcesboot.wim /index:1 /MountDir:C:UsersUserDesktopmount
  • Now navigate to the following path in the Windows File Explorer:
  • From there, right-click on the file named “mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll and click on Properties.
  • Next, go to the Security tab and click on Advanced. In the Advanced section, change the Owner to your User Account and click OK.
  • And then back to the Security tab, click on the Edit button and check on Full control to make sure that your User Account has all the privileges.
  • Now click on Apply and then OK.
  • After that, delete the file you saw earlier which is named mcupdate_Genuine.dll.
  • Then close all the Windows File Explorer instances and go back to the Command Prompt window and unmounts the image you mounted before by typing the following command:
dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:C:UsersUserDesktopmount /commit
  • Afterward, repeat the steps from mounting up until here for these files:
    • wim /index:2
    • wim /index:1
    • wim /index:2
  • Now delete the mount folder and remove the USB Pen Drive and then boot with the installer.

Option 2 – Try to perform a Disk Cleanup

Chances are, some unnecessary files in your computer might be interrupting the installation process which explains why you’re getting SAFE_OS phase error during Replicate_OC operation instead so you need to perform a Disk Cleanup in order to fix the problem.

Option 3 – Try updating all your drivers

Every now and then, drivers get corrupted or outdated so it’s no surprise that they conflict with the operating system and cause errors like the SAFE_OS phase error during the Replicate_OC operation. To fix the problem, you need to update all your drivers. Follow the steps below to update your drivers.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch Run.
  • Type in devmgmt.msc into the box and tap Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • After that, a list of device drivers will be displayed. If you see a red or yellow sign that shows up against the driver, right-click on the driver’s name and select “Update Driver Software” or “Uninstall”. And if you find any “Unknown device”, you need to update it as well.
  • Select the “Search automatically for updated driver software” option and then follow the instructions to complete the process.
  • Restart your PC.
Note: You also have the option to go directly to the website of your graphics card manufacturer and check if there’s a new update – if there is, download it.

Option 4 – Try to update your system’s BIOS

Aside from outdated drivers, outdated BIOS could also be the reason why you’re getting the SAFE_OS phase error during Replicate_OC operation which is why you need to update your system’s BIOS in order to resolve the issue.

Option 5 – Try checking the Windows Services status

  • In the Cortana search box, search for “Services” and then click on the Services icon.
  • After that, the Services utility will be opened in a new window.
  • Next, look for the following services:
    • BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service)
    • Windows Update Service
    • Cryptographic Service
  • Then right-click on each one of the services and click on Properties. From there, select Automatic from the drop-down of the Startup Type menu.
  • Now click on OK for each one of them and restart your PC to apply the changes made.

Option 6 – Try to check the RAM modules

There are many times when all the components of the RAM weren’t able to be used by the computer so you need to check the RAM modules.
  • You need to first turn off your PC and then take out your RAM physically.
  • Next, clean it with a soft cloth and blow some air into the RAM slot in the motherboard.
  • After that, put your RAM back in the same slot.
  • Then try updating your computer system again.
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