Google Chrome is the most used browser in the world with the most user downloads. Most users are using browsers how it is, open it up and just surf but Chrome offers more than just plain surfing. Here we are presenting you with some interesting features that most users do not use but should.
Use Omnibox to search inside websites
Chrome's Omnibox, also known as the address bar got its name because it can do much more than just search the internet. You already probably know that just by typing any word you will search the internet with Google or another search engine of choice.
You can also set specific keywords inside Chrome settings to tie them with specific websites, for example, you can tie the letter E with errortools, and then just by typing E windows error you will search term windows error on website errortools. There are some already predefined things and you can add anything you want so this is a great feature in order to speed up your work skipping part of actually opening the site.
Search the internet for selected text
On any webpage, you can simply select any text and right-click on it to get a new menu entry that will say search Google for "your selected text" and by clicking on it you will automatically search the net for the selected term.
Grouping tabs
When we surf the internet some of us tend to have plenty of open tabs and over time they can clutter and shrink in width making the surfing experience an unpleasant one.
Chrome has tab groups and you really need to start using them since you can organize much better all the tabs, even color-code them.
Search all open tabs
On top right part on title bar right next to minimize button there is small arrow pointing down, once you clik on it all opened tabs will be displayed by name as a listand by clicking on it you will automatically switch to it.
Change download location
Google Chrome has its default download destination but you can change that destination and even turn on option to be asked where you would like your download to be saved each time.
Live Captions
YouTube has cations for its videos but Chrome itself has live caption option in order to provide you with automatic AI captions for any type of video or audio on any website. If you are struggling with following what is being said try this awesome option.
Using extensions in Chrome is awesome, specialy if extensions are usefull but if you go incognito they are not active. There is an option in Chrome to turn on the extensions even in incognito mode and even better, you can even choose which ones you want to be active, you do not need to turn all of them.