
How to Fix Windows 8 Error Code 0xc004f034

Error Code 0xc004f034 – What is it?

Error code 0xc004f034 occurs when Windows users are unable to activate their operating system. It affects Windows 8 and Windows 10 users and features common symptoms which include the following:

  • Inability to activate Windows
  • Message box with error code 0xc004f034


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error code 0xc004f034 often occurs due to an issue with the Windows product key. This may occur when users enter an invalid product key or use one that is appropriate for use on a different version of Windows. To correct the issue, users will need to use the correct product key for their system or contact an IT professional if their device is connected to a Key Management Service (KMS).  Windows users affected by this error code may also need to check their system for viruses or missing system files since these issues can result in error codes on Windows devices.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Manual repair methods enable users to fix problems related to error codes. Though some manual repair methods require the use of Command Prompt and utility tools like the System File Checker, even non-technical Windows users can find success simply by following the instructions provided below.

However, note that some issues can be complex, thus requiring the use of an automated tool or help from a Windows repair technician. Consider these options if the manual repair methods below do not resolve error code 0xc004f034 on your Windows 8 device.

Method One: Enter Valid Windows Product Key

Microsoft currently offers several ways for customers to activate their Windows operating system, the most common of which is the product key. This 25-character code verifies that users have access to an authorized version of Windows.

You may get a valid product key from an authorized dealer, a new PC with Windows, or access a digital copy from a Windows website when you purchase your Windows operating system online. Once you have a valid product key, use it to activate Windows and resolve error code 0xc004f034 in Windows 8. Follow the steps below to access the Product Activation Wizard.

  • Step one: Click or tab Start button then select Settings
  • Step two: Tap or click PC Settings, then select Activate Windows
  • Step three: Type invalid product key

Once a valid product key is used, the Product Activation Wizard should complete the activation process. If you are unable to complete the process, however, and error code 0xc004f034 remains unresolved, click the link or instructions the Product Activation Wizard provides regarding activation via phone or customer support.

Method Two: Run System File Checker

Another option available to Windows 8 users is System File Checker (SFC). This tool enables Windows users to scan and repair corrupted or missing system files. Follow the steps below to access SFC.

  • Step one: Go to Start and type Command Prompt or CMD.
  • Step two: Run as Administrator
  • Step three: Type sfc /scannow ensuring a space is between “sfc” and “/scannow”.

System File Checker will repair any corruptions found on system files within your machine once you successfully follow the instructions provided. The tool will also replace missing files which will lead to better performance on your PC.

When the process is complete, restart your device then check if you are able to activate Windows. If error code 0xc004f034 is still present, you will need to find another solution via repair method three.

Method Three: Scan for Viruses and other Malware

Viruses and other forms of malware are one of the main issues resulting in poor PC performance and Windows error codes. To fix this issue on your PC, scan your machine for signs of these malicious programs. If you do not have anti-malware software and would like to download one from the Internet, ensure the software you choose is effective before attempting to download it.

Once you have powerful antimalware software on your PC, begin a scan for viruses, Trojan horses, and other forms of malware. If the Windows error code occurred due to issues related to malicious programs, you will be able to resolve the issue. If, however, this manual repair method proves ineffective in resolving error code 0xc004f034, download a powerful automated tool or contact a Windows repair technician to assist you.

Method Four: Use an Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 8 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.

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Hard drive shows wrong free space
If you are using your computer and you notice that Hard drive shows high space utilization even if you only have a few applications installed on your computer, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will guide you on what you can do to sort this problem. Upon noticing the odd state of your hard drive and you check the actual volume that’s occupied by the apps in your drive and you see that they are not really occupying a lot of space. This kind of issue could indicate that your hard drive is not showing the correct value for the free storage space of the drive-in your Windows 10 computer. This kind of problem could be passed off as a system bug, however, it could also be a serious problem. In fact, as you are aware, there are hidden folders and files in your computer that could be occupying space and since most of them are associated with system applications, you might not realize it unless you thoroughly check the folders.

The most common causes of the issue are as follows:

  1. The system information folder might be utilizing a lot of space. If you wonder where the information for the system restore points is stored, they are stored in the system information folder which in turn is stored in the drive as a hidden file.
  2. An issue with system maintenance could cause the problem.
  3. Malware or some other software might have created an undetectable hidden file.
  4. Space could be occupied by the trashbin folder.
  5. These hidden files could occupy significant space in the folder, thus slowing down the system and impacting its performance. If you face this issue, try our suggestions and see if they help you.
  6. Run ChkDsk
  7. Clear all Junk files
  8. Reduce the space occupied by the system restore points
  9. Run the System Maintenance troubleshooter

Option 1 – Run CHKDSK utility to check the drive for errors

When it comes to some issues concerning the hard drive or removable devices, there is a utility in Windows that might help which is called “chkdsk”. To use it, follow the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + S keys to open the Search box.
  • Then type “command prompt” in the field and from the search results that appear, right-click on Command Prompt and select “Run as administrator”.
  • After opening an elevated command prompt, copy and paste the following command and hit Enter:
CHKDSK [volume [[path] filename]] [/F] [/V] [/R] [/X] [/C] [: size]]
Note: In the command given above, “[/F]” will try to fix the system errors while “[/R]” will be the one to fix the bad sectors.
  • Now if you are prompted to run CHKDSK after your reboot your PC, just tap Y and reboot your PC.
  • If CHKDSK is not able to find any errors, tap the Win + E keys and navigate the access window. From there, right-click on the concerned drive and click on Properties.
  • After opening Properties, click on the tab Tools and then click on the “Check” button under the Error-checking section.
  • Wait until the process is completed and then restart your computer.

Option 2 – Try to delete the temporary files

The error could be caused by some temporary or junk files in your computer and so you need to clear them up to fix the problem. You can achieve that using the Storage Sense feature.
  • Open Setting > System > Storage from the WinX Menu.
  • From there, you will see a list of all the local and connected storage devices along with the details on the free space. Make sure that Storage Sense is on.
  • Next, find a link that says “Free Up Space” and click it to open.
  • After that, a screen which is the built-in program in Windows 10 will appear and will scan your computer for the following junk files so you can free up disk space: 
    • Windows Upgrade Log Files
    • The system created Windows Error Reporting Files
    • Thumbnails
    • Temporary Internet Files
    • Previous Windows Installation Files
    • Delivery Optimisation Files
    • DirectX Shader Cache
  • Choose the files you want to get rid of and then click on the remove files option. Note that you’ll have an idea of the total size as you select any of the junk files listed above.
  • Now go to the “Free Up Space Now” section and click the Clean Now button. This will get rid of all the temporary or junk files in your computer and should hopefully fix the error.

Option 3 – Try to reduce the space occupied by the system restore points

In case you don’t know, system restore points actually occupy a significant space in your computer which is stored in the System Information folder. Thus, you need to check the size of this folder and unhide the folders and files and then click on the folder. The size of the folder should be displayed in the right pane of the window. To fix the storage space problem, you could delete all the old System Restore Points as well as Previous versions of files or you could also restrict the disk usage of the System Restore points.

Option 4 – Try to run the System Maintenance troubleshooter

The problem could also be caused by the System Maintenance and to fix it, you have to run the System Maintenance troubleshooter by following these steps:
  • In the Windows Search bar, type “control panel” and double click on Control Panel from the search results.
  • Next, go to this path: Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsTroubleshootingSystem and Security.
  • After that, click on the System Maintenance troubleshooter to run it.
  • Once the process is completed, restart your computer.
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Taskbar is not visible in Remote Desktop
Recently, several users reported an issue on their Windows 10 computers where the taskbar is not visible when they tried to connect to a computer via Remote Desktop Protocol or RDP. The Remote Desktop Connection feature uses the RDP which allows users to access a computer remotely. This is actually different from the taskbar being hidden automatically until the pointer hovers on it since, in this scenario, the taskbar is completely not accessible which makes using the remote computer entirely difficult, if not impossible. There are several suggestions you can check out to resolve this problem, you can try to restart the process of Windows Explorer via Task Manager or you could clear the cache for multiple processes. You could also try to reinstall the Shell Experience components or show the local taskbar in the Remote desktop. Moreover, you could also try to update, uninstall or roll back the display driver/graphics card driver. For more details, refer to each one of the options given below.

Option 1 – Try to restart the Windows Explorer process

The first option you have to try to fix the problem with the taskbar is to simply restart the Windows Explorer process in the Task Manager.
  • Tap the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys to open the Task Manager.
  • Next, go to the Processes tab and find the process of Windows Explorer.
  • Once you find it, right-click on it and select Restart to restart its process.
  • After that, restart your computer and see if you can now see the Taskbar.

Option 2 – Try clearing the cache of multiple processes

The next thing you can do to resolve the problem is to clear the cache of many processes in your computer. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Open the Notepad app and paste the following content in the text area:
@echo off taskkill /f /im explorer.exe taskkill /f /im shellexperiencehost.exe timeout /t 3 /NOBREAK > nul del %localappdata%PackagesMicrosoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewyTempState* /q timeout /t 2 /NOBREAK > nul start explorer @echo on
  • After that, tap the Ctrl + S keys to save the changes you’ve made in Notepad and select the “All files” as its file type, and then name it “CacheClearTWC.bat”.
  • Next, go to the location where you saved the file using File Explorer and then run it. This will run a couple of batch scripts which will clear the cache of multiple processes in the system.
  • Tap the Win + X keys and select the “Windows PowerShell (Admin)” option to open PowerShell as admin.
  • Next, execute this command in the command line: Get-appxpackage -all *shellexperience* -packagetype bundle |% {add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + “appxmetadataappxbundlemanifest.xml”)}
  • After the command has been executed, this will reinstall the Shell Experience components and should fix the problem with the taskbar.

Option 4 – Update, uninstall or rollback the Graphics card drivers

  • First, boot your computer into Safe Mode.
  • After that, tap the Win + R keys to launch Run.
  • Type in MSC into the box and tap Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • After that, a list of device drivers will be displayed. From there, look for the Display Adapters and click on them.
  • After that, right-click on each entry under the Display Adapters and select the “Uninstall Device” option from the menu.
  • Now restart your computer.
  • After restarting your computer, go to the Settings app and Check for Updates in the Windows Update section.
Note: You also have the option to go directly to the website of your graphics card manufacturers like NVIDIA, Intel, or AMD and go to the section called Drivers then check if there’s a new available update – if there is, download and install it.
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How to Fix Drwtsn32.exe Application Error

What is Drwtsn32.exe Application Error?

Drwtsn32.exe (DrWatson Postmortem Debugger) is a process file from Microsoft Corporation that runs on Microsoft Windows Operating System. This file is digitally signed from Microsoft Windows Component Publisher- Microsoft Timestamping Service. This file is a type of executable file. It is useful to debug and creates log files when an error occurs during running or program execution. The information logged by DrWatson is used by technical support personnel to diagnose a program error for a computer running Windows. It creates log files in the following location C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataMicrosoftDr Watson. However, when using Internet Explorer, MS Outlook or any other application on Windows, you can experience drwtsn32.exe application error. This error occurs when the drwtsn32.exe file crashes. The error is displayed as:
“DrWatson Postmortem Debugger has encountered a problem and needs to close” "drwtsn32.exe - DLL Initialization Failed" when shutting down


Restoro box imageError Causes

The ultimate reason behind ‘drwtsn32.exe application error’ is malware and viral infection. Malicious software can enter your PC through downloaded files , browsing on unsafe websites and phishing emails. These viruses can disguise themselves as DrWatson utility. Plus theymay have the same name as this process. However, the best way to detect if it is a virus is to track its location. Malicious software will usually hide in some other location instead of its standard location. However, other reasons for this error also include incompatible software and damaged system files.

Further Information and Manual Repair

a) Scan PC with an Anti-Virus

It is advisable to repair this issue right away especially if the underlying cause is a viral infection typically because viruses can expose you to privacy errors and risks such as cybercrime, identity theft, and data security issues. To resolve it, download a powerful antivirus. Scan your PC with it and remove all the viruses immediately. However, when doing so, you may have to compromise PC performance and halt other PC activities. Anti-viruses are notorious for slowing down PC speed. In addition to this, sometimes you may have to stop other activities on your PC for the antivirus to scan for viruses.

b) Repair Registry Errors with Restoro

Nonetheless, if the drwtsn32.exe application error is related to system file corruption, then this indicates registry issues where all the system data is stored. Registry issues occur if you don’t maintain your PC properly and let invalid, wasted and obsolete files accumulate on your PC. This damages and corrupts the system files and generates such error messages. To repair it, download a registry cleaner. However, the best alternative to resolve drwtsn32.exe application error in seconds whether the error is linked to registry issues or viral infection is to download Restoro. This is a multi functional PC fixer embedded with multiple utilities including a powerful antivirus, a registry cleaner and a system optimizer. It wipes out all the unnecessary files stored in the registry, repairs the damaged and corrupt system files and restores the registry. With the help of the antivirus, all privacy errors and viruses are scanned on your PC and removed immediately. And to ensure your system’s speed is not compromised, it also functions as a system optimizer and increases your PC’s speed significantly. The software is safe and efficient. It has simple navigations and a user-friendly interface which makes it very easy for all levels of users to work around. It is compatible with all Windows versions. Click here to download Restoro and resolve drwtsn32.exe application error today!
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How to remove Easy Home Decorating (easyhomedecorating.com) toolbar

Easy Home Decorating is a Browser Extension for Google Chrome. It offers users tips and tricks on how to manage your home decoration, you can find ideas for certain rooms, combine and plan. This might seem useful at the start, however, all this extension does is add a toolbar that links you to the most popular Home Decor Websites that you can find on any Search engine within seconds.

When installed it changes your default search engine and new tab page to MyWay.com or Ask.com (depending on the extension version). It monitors user browsing activity in the background, allowing it to gather visited websites, clicked links, search queries, and other user information. This data is later sent/sold to better target ads.

While using this extension you will see additional ads and sponsored content displaying throughout your browsing sessions. Several anti-virus applications have marked this extension as a Browser Hijacker and a potential security flaw and are therefore not recommended to keep on your computer.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijackers (sometimes referred to as hijackware) are a type of malware that modifies web browser configurations without the user’s knowledge or approval. These hijacks happen to be increasing at an alarming rate worldwide, and it could be actually nefarious and sometimes harmful too. Browser hijacker malware is developed for many different reasons. These are generally used to force visitors to a particular website, manipulating web traffic to earn ad revenue. It might seem naive, but the majority of these websites are not legitimate and can present a serious risk to your online safety. Moreover, hijackers could make the whole infected system vulnerable – other destructive malware and viruses would use these opportunities to get into your computer effortlessly.

How one can know if your browser has been hijacked

Here are some signs and symptoms that suggest you’ve been hijacked: your web browser’s home page is suddenly different; if you enter a URL, you find yourself regularly directed to a different site than the one you meant; the default online search engine is modified; unsolicited new toolbars are added to your web browser; you see a lot of pop-up ads on your computer screen; your web browser gets slow, buggy, crashes frequently; you can’t visit specific websites like home pages of security software.

How does a computer get infected with a browser hijacker?

Browser hijackers infect computer systems in numerous ways, including through a drive-by download, a file-share, or an infected email. They can also come from any BHO, extension, add-on, toolbar, or plug-in with malicious purpose. Other times you might have inadvertently accepted a browser hijacker as part of a software bundle (generally freeware or shareware). Examples of well-known browser hijackers are Fireball, GoSave, Ask Toolbar, CoolWebSearch, Babylon Toolbar, and RocketTab. Browser hijackers could affect the user’s web browsing experience significantly, monitor the websites visited by users and steal private information, cause difficulty in connecting to the web, and finally create stability problems, causing programs and systems to freeze.

How you can fix a browser hijack

Certain kinds of browser hijackers can be effortlessly removed from your PC by deleting malicious software applications or any other recently installed shareware. But, many hijackers are very hard to identify or eliminate as they might get themselves associated with some important computer files which allow it to operate as a necessary operating system process. Rookie computer users should never try the manual form of removal methods since it requires comprehensive computer knowledge to carry out repairs on the computer registry and HOSTS file. Anti-malware application is really efficient with regards to picking up and removing browser hijackers that normal anti-virus application has overlooked. To eradicate any kind of browser hijacker from your PC, you can download this certified malware removal program – SafeBytes Anti-Malware. Employ a system optimizer (like Total System Care) together with your antivirus software to solve various registry issues, remove system vulnerabilities, and improve your computer's overall performance.

How To Install Safebytes Anti-Malware On An Infected PC

All malware is bad, but certain kinds of malware do much more damage to your PC than others. Some malware is designed to restrict or prevent things that you wish to do on your personal computer. It may well not permit you to download anything from the net or prevent you from accessing some or all of the websites, especially the anti-virus sites. If you’re reading this article, you probably have got infected by a virus that prevents you from downloading a computer security program such as Safebytes Antimalware on your PC. There are some steps you can take to get around this issue.

Install in Safe Mode

The Windows OS has got a special mode known as “Safe Mode” in which just the bare minimum required programs and services are loaded. If the malware is blocking access to the internet and affecting your PC, running it in Safe Mode allows you to download antivirus and run a scan while limiting possible damage. In order to get into Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking, press the F8 key while the computer is starting up or run MSCONFIG and locate the “Safe Boot” options in the “Boot” tab. Once you are in Safe Mode, you can attempt to download and install your antivirus program without the hindrance of the malicious software. Now, you can run the antivirus scan to eliminate viruses and malware without any interference from another application.

Switch to an alternate internet browser

Web-based malware could be environment-specific, aiming for a particular web browser or attacking specific versions of the browser. In case you suspect that your Internet Explorer has been hijacked by a computer virus or otherwise compromised by cybercriminals, the most effective course of action is to switch to a different internet browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari to download your favorite computer security software – Safebytes Anti-Malware.

Run anti-virus from a USB drive

Another solution is to save and operate an antivirus software program entirely from a Thumb drive. To run antivirus using a thumb drive, follow these simple steps: 1) On a clean PC, download and install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Put the USB drive into the uninfected PC. 3) Double-click the Setup icon of the anti-malware program to run the Installation Wizard. 4) When asked, choose the location of the USB drive as the place in which you would like to store the software files. Follow the instructions to finish the installation process. 5) Now, insert the pen drive into the infected PC. 6) Double-click the EXE file to open the Safebytes program right from the flash drive. 7) Click “Scan Now” to run a complete scan on the affected computer for viruses.

SafeBytes Anti-Malware Overview

To help protect your laptop or computer from various internet-based threats, it’s very important to install an anti-malware program on your PC. But with countless numbers of antimalware companies out there, these days it’s challenging to decide which one you should buy for your PC. Some of them are good, some are ok types, while some will harm your PC themselves! You must pick a company that builds industry-best anti-malware and has gained a reputation as reliable. Amongst few good programs, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is the highly recommended software program for the security-conscious user. SafeBytes is a powerful, real-time anti-spyware application that is designed to assist the everyday computer end user in safeguarding their computer from malicious internet threats. With its cutting-edge technology, this application will allow you to remove several types of malware including viruses, trojans, PUPs, worms, ransomware, adware, and browser hijackers.

There are plenty of great features you’ll get with this particular security product. Listed here are a few of the great ones:

Real-time Threat Response: SafeBytes offers real-time active checking and protection from all known viruses and malware. It’ll monitor your PC for suspicious activity continuously and its unparalleled firewall shields your PC from illegal access by the outside world. Antimalware Protection: Built upon a greatly acclaimed anti-virus engine, this malware removal tool can find and get rid of many obstinate malware threats such as browser hijackers, PUPs, and ransomware that other typical anti-virus software will miss. Website Filtering: SafeBytes checks and gives a unique safety rating to every website you visit and block access to webpages known to be phishing sites, thus protecting you against identity theft, or known to contain malicious software. Lowest CPU and RAM Usage: SafeBytes provides complete protection from internet threats at a fraction of the CPU load due to its advanced detection engine and algorithms. Premium Support: For any technical questions or product support, you could get 24/7 expert assistance through chat and email. Overall, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is a solid program as it has lots of features and could detect and remove any potential threats. You can be sure that your PC will be protected in real-time once you put this software program to use. You will get the very best all-around protection for the money you pay on SafeBytes Anti-Malware subscription, there’s no question about it.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you don’t wish to use an automated tool and prefer to get rid of Easy Home Decorating manually, you might accomplish this by going to the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu in the control panel and removing the offending software; in cases of web browser add-ons, you could remove it by visiting the browser’s Add-on/Extension manager. Additionally, it is suggested to factory reset your web browser settings to their default state. To make sure of complete removal, find the following Windows registry entries on your computer and delete it or reset the values appropriately. Please remember that this is for experienced users only and might be challenging, with incorrect file removal causing additional PC errors. Also, certain malware is capable of replicating itself or preventing deletion. Completing this task in Safe Mode is suggested.
Files: Search and Delete: 73Bar.dll 73bar.dll 73highin.exe 73medint.exe 73regfft.dll 73regiet.dll 73hkstub.dll 73reghk.dll 73barsvc.exe 73bprtct.dll 73datact.dll 73dlghk.dll 73dlghk64.dll 73feedmg.dll 73htmlmu.dll 73httpct.dll 73idle.dll 73mlbtn.dll 73Plugin.dll 73script.dll 73skin.dll 73skplay.exe 73SrcAs.dll APPINTEGRATOR.EXE AppIntegrator64.exe APPINTEGRATORSTUB.DLL AppIntegratorStub64.dll ASSISTMONITOR.DLL ASSISTMONITOR64.DLL CREXT.DLL CrExtP73.exe DPNMNGR.DLL HKFXMGR.DLL HKFXMGR64.DLL HPG.DLL Hpg64.dll T8EPMSUP.DLL T8EXTEX.DLL T8EXTPEX.DLL T8HTML.DLL 73SrchMn.exe 73srchmr.dll NP73Stub.dll 73auxstb.dll 73auxstb64.dll 73ieovr.dll 73radio.dll 73brmon.exe 73brstub.dll
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How to Fix Task Scheduler Error 0x80070057
One of the important functions in the Windows operating system is the Task Scheduler. It can automatically run various tasks at a certain time where you’ll have to add a task that needs to be executed and then choose the time it has to run at. So when that time comes, the Task Scheduler will run the task automatically. However, some users reported getting an Error 0x80070057 where the Task Scheduler fails to start. This kind of error may be due to a disabled service that prevents the service from running. It is also possible that the antivirus program interfered with the task – it could be that the Task Scheduler is somewhat in the block list since the antivirus adds it to the list automatically when it’s installed. On the other hand, it could be that you lack administrator-level privilege which is why the Task Scheduler was not able to carry out the task. To fix this issue, here are some suggestions you can try.

Option 1 – Try to restart the Task Scheduler service

As mentioned, it is possible that the Task Scheduler service could be disabled. You could have disabled it when trying to enhance your computer’s performance and whatnot. Thus, you need to verify if it’s running or not and then restart it.
  • First, you need to tap the Win + R keys on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “services.msc” in the field and click OK or tap Enter to open the Windows Services Manager.
  • You will see a list of Services and from there, look for the Task Scheduler service and double click on it.
  • After that, go to the General tab and click on the Startup Type options and then select “Automatically” from the given list.
  • Click on the “RUN” option and select the “Restart the Service” option.
  • And click on the “After Second Failure” option and then select the “Restart-Service” option again.
  • Now click on the “After Subsequent Failures” tab and select the “Restart the Service” option.
  • Finally, click on the Apply and OK buttons and then run the Task Scheduler and see if the issue is now fixed.

Option 2 – Try to temporarily disable the anti-virus program

As mentioned, the error could be due to the antivirus program or the Windows Defender Firewall installed in your computer. Thus, disabling them or any security software installed on your computer is always a good idea you can try when you’re not able to access the shared drive on your computer. There are times when you encounter problems like the Task Scheduler Error 0x80070057 due to interference of antivirus or security programs. Thus, you have to disable both your antivirus program for the meantime and check if it fixes the error or not.

Option 3 – Run the Task Scheduler with an administrator account

Like pointed out, the Task Scheduler Error 0x80070057 may be due to the lack of admin privileges. Thus, you have to log in to an administrator account and try running the Task Scheduler again. It is also recommended that the administrator account you’re going to use as a password when logging in.

Option 4 – Repair the Task Scheduler by deleting corrupted tasks

Note that a single corrupted file can cause big problems so this option is quite important. And for you to delete a corrupted task or any task from the Task Scheduler, you have to use the Registry Editor if you are not able to use the Task Scheduler interface. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the dialog box for Run.
  • Next, type in Regedit and click on OK or tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Then navigate to this path: ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheTree
Note: In this path, you can see all the tasks that are currently set in the Task Scheduler. And since it would be hard to tell which one of them is corrupted, you have to delete the latest one in Task Scheduler last. But before you do so, make sure that you take note of the ID of the tasks. And for you to get the ID, you have to select the task you wish to delete and double click on the ID string located on your right-hand side, and then copy it in the Notepad.
  • Right-click on the task name and then delete it.
  • After that, delete the very same GUID which you have copied earlier from these folders:
  • ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheBoot
  • ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheLogon
  • ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheMaintenance
  • ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCachePlain
  • ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheTasks
Note: You might not see the same GUID from these folders but if you see it, delete it right away.
  • Next, navigate to this location: C:/Windows/System32/Tasks
  • Delete the very same tasks you just deleted from the Registry Editor.
  • Restart your PC and check if the Task Scheduler is back to its normal state or not.
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Fix terminated lsass.exe in Windows
The Local Security Authority Subsystem Service or LSASS.exe is a process in the Windows operating system that is valuable as it enforces the security policy on the computer. Every time you log in to the Windows Server, the LSASS.exe is the one that handles the password changes and creates the access tokens while updating the security log. However, it is also frequently targeted by malware and is often imitated. The original location of this file is at “C:/Windows/System32” so if you open the Task Manager and notice that a process with a similar name has a different location then it is definitely a threat and is exploiting the security of your computer. To resolve issues related to LSASS.exe, here are some fixes that could help.

Option 1 – Use the Performance Monitor’s Active Directory Data Collector

Note that this option will only work on the recent Windows server versions. Refer to the steps below to use the Performance Monitor’s Active Directory Data Collector set on your computer.
  • Tap the WINKEY + R button to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “Perfmon.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Performance Monitor and from there open the Server Manager.
  • Next, navigate to Diagnostics > Reliability and Performance > Data Collector Sets > System from the left side of the navigation bar.
  • Then right-click on “Active Directory Diagnostics” and select Start from the context menu. This will take about 5 minutes or 300 seconds depending on the performance capabilities of your hardware to gather the data required and then take some more time to compile a report from the gathered data. Note that these timings are dependent on one another.
  • After the report is compiled, you can find it under Diagnostics > Reliability and Performance > Reports > System > Active Directory Diagnostics. The report will contain all the information as well as conclusions. However, it does not mean that it will also contain the exact cause of the problem with LSASS.exe. Nevertheless, it should help you in fixing the problem.

Option 2 – Try to run the System File Checker

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files to good system files that might be the cause why the LSASS.exe file is having some issues. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Type “cmd” in the Start search and then right-click on the appropriate search result.
  • Next, select “Run as administrator” to open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
 Now restart your computer and see if the problem is fixed or not.

Option 3 – Put your computer in a Clean Boot State

If none of the options given above helped, you can try putting your computer in a Clean Boot State as this can help you in finding any incompatible programs that’s causing the problem.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • From there, start to isolate the problem by checking which one of the programs you installed recently is the root cause of the problem.
Once you’ve found any incompatible programs, you need to uninstall them. Refer to the steps below to do so.
  • In the search box, type in “control” and then click on Control Panel (desktop app) among the search results.
  • After that, select Programs and Features from the list which will give you a list of all the programs installed on your computer.
  • From there, look for the concerned program and select it and then uninstall it.
Note: If you have downloaded the app from the Windows Store, you can simply right-click on it from the application list and then uninstall it.
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How to Fix Windows 10 Error 0x80004002

Error Code 0x80004002 - What is it?

Error Code 0x80004002 is a Windows-based error code that affects Windows 10 and previous operating systems, including Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8. In most instances, the message box that shows Error Code 0x80004002 pops up as you attempt to install new software or programs on your machine.

Common symptoms include:

  • Problems running programs that once worked
  • Slow response time of your computer to commands entered with the keyboard or mouse
  • Trouble shutting down or starting up your machine
  • Error message regarding your registry, updates, or response time.

There are a number of different solutions that you can use to attempt to resolve Error Code 0x80004002. Because there are multiple causes to the issue, some of the methods used to successfully address the problems at hand are fairly simple, while others require advanced knowledge or abilities to complete. If the methods below are not successful in the resolution of the issue or if you aren’t confident in your skills to implement these methods, contact a qualified Windows repair technician to assist you. Once this error message is not rectified, you could be exposing your computer to other error messages, including error code 0x80240020.


Restoro box image

Error Causes

There are many different issues that can contribute to the appearance of Error Code 0x80004002. The most common causes for this particular error message include:

  • Errors in registry files
  • Missing system files that have accidentally been associated with other programs and deleted
  • Viruses or malware that cause corruption in program or system files
  • Installations that have failed to complete fully

Further Information and Manual Repair

Due to the number of causes that can contribute to Error Code 0x80004002, there are a number of methods that you can use to attempt to resolve the issues behind the error. While some of these methods are fairly easy to implement, others may require you to use programs like registry cleaners and driver installation wizards, so if you are not comfortable using these kinds of software, contact a certified Windows repair technician to assist you.

Here are the top ways that you can attempt to address Error Code 0x80004002:

Method One:  Run Your Windows Registry Cleaner

Many different registry cleaning tools exist on the Internet, but not all of these are provided by trustworthy sources. Rather than trusting a file from an unknown publisher, you can use the registry cleaning program included in your Windows software package.

Run this tool to complete a scan of your files, discovering which ones may need to be repaired. In most cases, the registry cleaner itself can repair the necessary files and resolve the error.

It is always a good idea to restart your computer after you have run the registry cleaning tool to ensure that your machine can accurately assess the newly repaired files.

Method Two:  Update Your Drivers and Software

In some cases, Error Code 0x80004002 arises when drivers are out of date. If you believe that this is the case, you can check on the status of your various drivers by going into the settings for your operating system and selecting the “Update Drivers” option.

You can also check your system for any necessary updates to your Windows software, which may serve to address the error code.

After you have checked and installed any necessary drivers, make sure to restart your computer to fully apply any changes that the installation process has introduced.

Method Three:  Reinstall Your Windows Software

In some cases, the best way to address the missing or corrupt files that can cause Error Code 0x80004002 is to simply reinstall your copy of Windows. Always make sure to back up your files before reinstalling your software.

Method Four:  Run Your Virus Scan Software

Because Error Code 0x80004002 can also be caused by malware or a virus, you can run your virus scan software to detect and resolve the problem. After doing so, run the registry repair tool to fix any affected files and restart your computer.

Method Five: Use An Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.
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How to Allow or deny Apps permissions
As you know, each one of the applications that you use in your Windows 10 computer has its own set of permissions by default. These applications either allows or denies the interactions between a few other applications, depending on their own needs. This is why you might suddenly encounter a message that says,
“This app wants to access your pictures” or “This app wants to access your account info”
both of which are followed by two buttons that will ask you to Allow or Deny the action. You can always click on any of the given options. This will determine the permission of the application. Users in Windows 10 are given the option to either allow or deny applications in accessing their account information like name, picture and other account information. Thus, in this post, you will be guided on how you can change the Privacy settings of these apps to allow or deny them permission to access not just your account info but for all users, as well as specific apps in Windows 10. The user account information is part of the Privacy data in Windows 10 that you can control easily using the Settings app. In fact, you can revoke or grant access permission for your account information, all the users and specific applications to do that, follow each one of the instructions provided below carefully.

Allow or deny apps permission to account info for yourself:

Step_1: The first thing you have to do is open Settings. From there, select Privacy. Step_2: After that, scroll and look for Account info and select it. Step_3: Now turn off the toggle button for the “Allow apps to access your account info” option if you want to deny apps permission to your account info. But if you want to allow them access, simply turn the toggle button on. Keep in mind that when you allow access or permission, you can select which apps can access your picture, name, and other account info by simply using the settings on the page you’re currently in.

Now if you want to allow or deny apps to access your account info for all the users, here’s what you have to do:

Step_1: First, open Settings and click on the icon for Privacy. Step_2: Next, scroll down until you see the Account info located on the left side and then click on it. Step_3: After that, click on the Change button under the “Allow access to account info on this device” section. If you want to deny account info access for all other users, then turn the toggle button off. Doing so will automatically disable not just the account info access for all users but also for all the apps as well.

On the other hand, if you want to allow or deny account info access to specific apps, you can do so by following these steps:

Step_1: As you did earlier, go to Settings and click on the Privacy icon. Step_2: After that, scroll down and select Account info located on the left side. Step_3: Now turn on or off the toggle button under the “Choose which apps can access your account info” section if you want to deny or allow specific apps permission to access Account Info. If you’ve turned on the toggle button under the “Allow apps to access your account info”, all the apps get access permissions by default.
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How to Repair Runtime Error 216

What is Runtime Error 216?

Runtime Error 216 is not a common error message like Runtime Error 339. However, it may sometimes occur when starting up the computer if you are using a Windows-based application or using Internet Explorer.


Download Available to Completely Repair Runtime Error 216

Restoro box imageError Causes

The runtime error 216 error occurs when your computer gets infected with one or more viruses. The most common virus, in this case, is the SubSeven Trojan virus. Once your computer gets infected with a virus(es) it creates a backdoor on your Windows system. This might give hackers access to monitor your PC remotely. This poses a great risk to confidential information and personal data stored on your PC. The hackers can easily monitor your PC, access your private information and misuse it.

Further Information and Manual Repair

If you experience this error message, it is advisable to repair it immediately without any delays; Runtime Error 216 can make your system vulnerable. Here’s what you must do:
  • First things first, disconnect the internet connection so that the hacker can’t access your PC.
  • Now perform a boot scan through a powerful antivirus.  The antivirus will scan your system for viruses. After the scan is complete, all the disinfected files will appear in the scan report results. You are advised to delete them and click repair to fix the error.
  • Remember the antivirus will not scan infected Windows Registry entries, therefore to remove SubSeven.exe Windows Registry entries go to the start menu and type REGEDIT in the search box.
  • Click on REGEDIT and select Run as Administrator. Now type the following registry path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftware. This will help locate SubSeven.exe infected files. Once located, delete all of them and close Windows Registry Editor.
To ensure your computer is completely free from SubSeven Trojan Virus and other possible viruses, it is advisable to remove all the recently installed programs and downloaded applications. This is recommended because sometimes while downloading programs, we tend to download corrupted programs which include viruses. It’s, therefore, best to delete all the programs you’ve installed recently. Secondly, to prevent virus and hacker attacks, you must frequently update your security program by installing a powerful antivirus program. Following the repair guide steps will protect your system from malware. It will also help fix runtime error 216 and ensure your PC is protected from similar threats.
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Razer Iskur gaming chair for healthy gaming
Razer IskurIt seems that last few days we were riding some Razer bandwagon but rest assured that we are not sponsored by them in any way, truth is that simply they come up with some interesting accessories which I believe are worth covering. Gaming Chair itself comes in two colors, fully black and green black combination and it is not really an entry-level chair if we are talking about price. The chair itself is around 600USD depending on the distributor and considering that price range it is placed in more top cream of gaming chairs but it is worth every dime.

Iskur Specifications

Iskur is made of a steel frame with a reinforced plywood lumbar support frame for added weight tolerance. Frame and lumbar support are surrounded with memory foam and all of that is wrapped in cotton and polyester layer which is again wrapped in multi-layer synthetic leather making the chair very durable for long hours of daily use. The chair also comes with a memory foam head cushion which is detachable and removable if you do not wish to use it. On the Razer website among specifications, it stands that the chair is best suited for persons from 5’6” – 6’2” (170 – 190cm) height and up to 299lbs (136kg).


The chair has, of course, height adjustment as any gaming chair and surprisingly it has great control for the armrest. The armrest can be adjusted in 4 different ways: up & down, left & right, forward & backward, and inward & outward. The backrest can be also tilted up to 26 degrees angle. All of these features are great and good but there is one more feature that really makes this chair stand out from rest and it is Lumbar support. Iskur has an adjustable lumbar support system on the lower part of the backrest. With your lumbar support secured, you can then make the necessary tweaks to optimize the rest of your posture using the Razer Iskur’s adjustable height, backrest, and armrests.


Razer Iskur is neither cheapest nor perhaps the best gaming chair you can buy, but it is a really good one. It is well manufactured and made to feel and look like a premium product that actually it is.
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