
Program Cannot Start Because MSVCR100.Dll Is Missing, What Can I Do?

When you get the error information, "The Software Can Not Begin Because MSVCR100.Dll Is Missing", what this implies is that the Computer will be lacking the  MS Visual C++ 2010 libraries.

The malfunction is rather frequent throughout installations. It doesn't matter the number of times you try to reinstall the program.

The malfunction can happen whether you've been utilizing your pc for many years, or it's really a recent one.


Restoro box imageError Causes

a) Missing MSVCR100.DLL: As the problem message indicates, you get this information mainly because MSVCR100.DLL is completely missing.

b) Broken MSVCR100.DLL: When the msvcr100.dll is broken, you will also get the same error, suggesting the software won't start.

The thing you need to understand is the fact that MSVCR100.DLL is playing an important role in the application referred to as MS Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package.

Without the MS Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package, any software that you simply make an effort to install won't start. You could possibly complete installing it by pursuing proper installation procedures, and then end up getting the "The Software Can Not Begin Because MSVCR100.Dll Is Missing" error.

Further Information and Manual Repair

If you get the "The Software Can Not Begin Because MSVCR100.Dll Is Missing" error information on an effective setup of any software, you shouldn't worry. You can really repair the issue and commence your recently installed software without any more hassle.

Start by checking whether you presently use 64-bit or 32-bit Windows. Visit the start button, in case you use Winxp. Type winver. On the window that appears, click Run, subsequently push enter. Head to Start, in case you use both Win7 or Vista.

Subsequently, click on the search box and type “Computer”. Right-click windows and subsequently click on Properties. Under Windows Edition, you'll find whether your Windows is 64-bit or 32-bit.

Search for the correct variation of MS Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package, as soon as you discover whether your Windows is 64-bit or 32-bit. Down load the x86 variant of MS Visual C++ Redistributable Package if your version is 32-bit and you must obtain the x64 variant of MS Visual C++, for those who own a-64-bit version of Windows Operating System.

You must never obtain MS Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package from third-party websites.

This is because Microsoft doesn't charge a cent for the files. The files are openly and easily available on Microsoft. These files come in many different variants. Consequently, select what's suitable for your own Computer with regards to the version of Windows which you operate.

  • Never pick the edition of MS Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package that's not compatible or appropriate to your Windows Operating System.

Make use of the release date, when installing MS Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package. You might also look out for Service Pack 1 and obtain it for your Windows. Service Pack 1 only ensures that you simply obtain the latest edition.

As soon as you end installing the most up-to-date version of MS Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package as demonstrated above, reboot your computer and you'll not have to worry about getting the annoying"The Software Can Not Begin Because MSVCR100.Dll Is Missing" error message anymore.

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How to Fix Fatal Error c000021a

Fatal Error c000021a - What is it?

Fatal Error c000021a is a type of Windows stop error also known as the blue screen of death (BSoD) error. When this error occurs, it causes the computer screen to go blue and locks the user out of the current activity. This error code is fatal and can lead to serious issues like system crashes and freeze. The error code is usually displayed in the following format:
STOP: c000021a {Fatal System Error} The Windows Logon Process system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc0000034 (0x00000000 0x0000000)


Restoro box imageError Causes

Fatal Error c000021a occurs when the Windows kernel detects that either Winlogon.exe or Csrss.exe service processes have stopped responding or failed to load.  When this happens the error code pops up on the screen. Nonetheless, this is not the only reason for the occurrence of this error. There are plenty more reasons why Fatal Error c000021a may pop on your computer screen. These include:
  • Missing or corrupt hardware drivers
  • Faulty hardware
  • Windows System Restore failed during the rollback process
  • Malware or viral infection
  • Registry issues
No matter what the reason may be, it is advisable to fix the error right away without any delays. Remember it is a fatal error and can cause a great deal of damage to your PC.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Fatal Error c000021a is a serious PC issue but this does not mean you have to hire an expert to get it fixed. The good news is that this error is actually quite easy to resolve. You don’t have to be a technical whiz or a computer programmer to fix Fatal Error c000021a on your PC. Here are some do it yourself methods to fix this error code right away without any hassle: Let’s get started:

Method 1: Update Your PC Drivers

As we mentioned about corrupt or missing drivers can be one of the many reasons for the occurrence of this error. So, check the drivers first. Perform a driver scan and make sure all your drivers are updated.

Method 2: Perform a Windows System Restore

To do this, first launch Task Manager by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESC on your keyboard. Now click on the application tab and then click ‘New Task’ then browse. After that, go to C:\Windows\System32\Restore  folder and then double click the rstrui.exe file. This will help start system restoration. Your computer will reboot during the process and hopefully, the error will be resolved. Nonetheless, if the error still persists then try methods 3 and 4.

Method 3: Scan for Viruses

Sometimes Fatal Error c000021a may also occur due to malware infection. Your PC may be affected by viruses hidden in different locations without you knowing about it. Therefore to resolve this error, it is recommended to run an antivirus and scan for viruses. If detected, remove them right away to fix the error code.

Method 4: Repair the Registry

Another method to resolve Fatal Error c000021a code on your system is to repair the registry. The registry stores all the information and activities performed on the system. If it is not cleaned frequently, it gets loaded with too many files unnecessary and obsolete files like the junk files, cookies, internet history and temporary files which corrupts and damages the registry thereby generating blue screen of death error codes like Fatal Error c000021a. Though you can repair the registry manually it can be both time-consuming and slightly difficult especially if you are not a computer programmer. Therefore it is advisable to download a registry cleaner to fix it right away.

Automatic Repair with Restoro.

Whether the Fatal Error c000021a code occurs due to viral infection or registry issues, download Restoro. This is a next-generation, advanced, and multi-functional PC Fixer. This software is deployed with multiple utilities such as a powerful registry cleaner, an antivirus, a system optimizer, and more. The registry cleaner scans the entire PC and detects all types of registry issues at once. It cleans the registry, wipes out all the unnecessary files, and restores the registry back to normal. Simultaneously, the antivirus embedded in this software detects all types of viruses including malware, adware, spyware and Trojans and removes them in seconds. The system optimizer feature ensures the speed and performance of your PC are not compromised during the repairing process. It ensures your PC works at its optimal speed. Restoro is a one-stop solution for all your PC needs. It has a user-friendly interface making it easy for all levels of users to work around. It is compatible with all Windows versions Click here to download Restoro and resolve the Fatal Error c000021a code on your PC today!
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Steps to Fixing Error Code 38

Error Code 38 – What is it?

Error Code 38 is a device driver error that users encounter on any Windows 2000 operating system and its following versions.

It occurs when the peripheral device that you connect to your PC cannot be accessed due to an inability of the Windows system to acknowledge the driver as a previous record of the driver being loaded is found in its memory.

It is a common error that users come across and appears on your PC with the following message:

“Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware because a previous instance of the device driver is still in memory. (Code 38)”


driverfix boxError Causes

Error Code 38 is prompted when incomplete program files are left in the Windows system which damage or corrupt its files. There are various factors that contribute to this, some of which are:

  • An incomplete program installation
  • An incomplete program uninstallation
  • Hardware is not removed properly
  • System recovery from viruses
  • An improper system shut down

The above triggers are very likely to create incomplete files within the Windows registry thereby leading to its damage and corruption.

This is especially true in the case of your PC when it has recovered from viruses when using anti-virus software. The anti-virus in its effort to remove the virus also could remove the files which contain them thereby increasing the risk of the error code.

These damaged files can severely impact the health of your PC and are imperative to fix it immediately to prevent further problems.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Although this error code may pose serious problems for your PC, thankfully, it is very similar to other PC driver errors and thus is an easy one to get rid of. Here are various methods that you can use to get your PC running smoothly again.

Method 1 – Restart your PC

The easiest method you can use to solve your PC error code is to simply restart your PC. It may be that the error prompted upon connecting the device you have connected is merely a temporary problem, and upon restart, will resume functioning smoothly.

Method 2 – Run the Troubleshooting Wizard

If restarting your PC does not help, you will have to find the exact nature of the problem by running the troubleshooting wizard for the device and then address the problem accordingly. To do this, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Run Device Manager on your PC
  2. Click on the program under the installed programs that is creating problems for you
  3. Click on the ‘General’ Tab
  4. Click ‘Troubleshoot’
  5. Upon opening, the Troubleshooting Wizard will ask a series of questions regarding the error. Answer the questions and follow its directions for solving the error code.

After following the directions of the Troubleshooting wizard, make sure to restart your PC for the changes to take effect. Now check if your device is still causing problems.

Method 3 – Use System Restore

If the error persists, you can use system restore to eliminate the problem. Here is how to do so:

  1. Log in using an Administrator account
  2. Click ‘Start’ button and select All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore
  3. Click ‘Restore my computer to an earlier time’ and click ‘Next’
  4. Select the last Windows to restore point from the ‘On this list, click a restore point’ list, and click ‘Next’
  5. Click ‘Next’ on the confirmation window to proceed
  6. Restart your PC after restoration is complete

By restoring the system via a last saved system checkpoint, you can obtain undamaged Windows system files that can help resolve the error code.

Method 4 – Manually uninstall and reinstall the device driver

If using system restore does not work either, you may have to resort to manually uninstalling and then reinstalling the device driver causing the problem.

This would be necessary since the remaining incomplete files due to a partial removal or installation of programs are responsible for the error code. By uninstalling and reinstalling the device driver program, it would lead to the completion of the files.

You can do this by firstly logging in as Administrator and opening Device Manager. Select the device that is causing the problem and double click it; make sure that the peripheral is connected properly to the PC.

Upon opening, click on the ‘Driver’ tab and then select ‘Update Driver’. Make sure to refer to the system documentation that you received with your PC or computer to check for the motherboard details and driver specifics.

Method 5 – Use software to automatically download the driver

Manually uninstalling and reinstalling the driver will do the trick; however, it may be time-consuming especially when you would have to resort to your hardware user manual.

Using a program such as DriverFIX can save you a lot of time and frustration in having your device to work properly on your computer.

DriverFIX, with its user-friendly approach to help you fix your PC issues, comes with an integrated database that detects which drivers you need to reconfigure within just a few seconds and downloads it automatically.

It further ensures that your drivers are installed in their entirety leaving no room for any incomplete files to remain that create Error Code 38, or any other driver-related errors for that matter.

It also has the added advantage of being able to backup and restores your files should there be the slightest possibility of system file damage. DriverFIX is the answer to fixing your PC error codes accurately and quickly.

Click here to download DriverFIX to fix Error Code 38 quickly and effectively!

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Quick Tips and Tricks for Supreme Windows 11 Performance

Finally upgraded to Microsoft’s newest OS, but the performance is a bit sluggish? Here are a few useful tips you may not have thought about that could significantly transform your experience!

How to speed up Windows 11?

1. Disable startup programs

There are many programs that launch right on startup that really aren’t essential. This, in turn, causes your PC to launch and run more slowly.

To check which programs are enabled on startup, go into the Task Manager and select the Startup tab. Find every program that doesn’t need to launch immediately, right-click on it and press ‘Disable’.

This will not shut down the program in that instant. It’ll just prevent it from running automatically as you turn on your PC. You can always launch it manually when you need it.

2. Expand your memory and storage

If you want your PC to run super smoothly, you need to have enough memory to support that. This is especially significant for those of you who love to multitask. Upgrading your RAM gives your PC more space to store the temporary data it needs to complete processing tasks. In other words, processing takes a lot less time.

Your long-term storage is equally important. Hopefully at this point you’re already using SSD over HDD, since this type of storage offers a faster boot time.

Motherboard with memory cards
Credit: Marc Pezin on Unsplash

In any case, we recommend expanding your storage capacity. The more files and data you store, the more there is to load, significantly influencing your PC’s speed. Larger storage capacity means new data and essential updates can be stored comfortably, preventing any strain on your PC’s performance.

3. Clean up disk space

If you aren’t willing to upgrade your storage just yet, the least you can do is clean up your storage right now. 

Aside from manually deleting stuff you no longer need, you can also get rid of temporary files that clutter up your storage and eat up performance for no reason. To get to them, click Windows + X and select ‘Run’ (or just type it in the search bar).

A small window will pop up, where you need to type %temp%. This will take you to a whole folder full of all the temporary files you can remove without thinking twice. 

For those who upgraded from Windows 10, there’s a neat trick to get rid of potential leftover files you don’t need on your brand new iteration. Only do this if you’re 100% sticking with Windows 11, though. Go to System > Storage > Temporary files. Make sure to only leave ‘Previous Windows Installation’ and ‘Windows Update Clean-up’ checked and click on ‘Remove files’.

Lastly, make use of Windows 11’s fantastic Storage Sense feature. Turning it on will enable your PC to constantly watch out for junk or unused files to optimize your PC’s performance to the maximum.

4. Install pending updates

This one should go without saying, but pending updates can be detrimental to your Windows 11 performance. The longer you leave them untouched, the more bugs the outdated programs and patches can cause. So, make sure to regularly check for updates and install them as soon as they’re available.

5. Disable visual effects

As cool as visual effects, animations, shadows and transparency are, they can also put quite a toll on your computer’s speed. On a newer setup this generally shouldn’t be a problem, but if you do notice a drop in performance, definitely consider turning off some of these settings.

To do this you can go to the Control Panel, System Properties and click the ‘Advanced’ tab. In the Performance section, choose Settings. If you’d like a quicker way to get to the dialog (Performance Options) with Visual Effects, you can also type sysdm.cpl in the search bar.

Once there, you can either have your PC choose what’s best, choose the best appearance or the best performance. The other option is to manually toggle the effects off and on. The biggest obstacles to speed are taskbar animations, window shadows, control/element animations and animations upon minimizing/maximizing.

Windows 11 on a laptop
Credit: Windows on Unsplash

In the same vein, you should go to Settings > Personalization > Colors and disable Transparency, to prevent your computer from doing overtime just to hit the aesthetic appeal.

6. Get rid of bloatware

Bloatware is one of the biggest culprits of slow computer speed. 

Pre-installed software that’s pretty much useless but takes up valuable system resources has been around since day one. No matter which device or platform you’re talking about. Luckily, a lot of it is removable, making it easy to lighten the load on your device.

To boost your Windows 11 computer, go to Settings > Apps > Installed apps. You’ll probably see a bunch of apps you don’t want or need. Click on the three dots next to each one you want to remove and press ‘Uninstall’. 

Aside from helping optimize performance, removing bloatware has another great benefit. Unfortunately, often this pre-installed software is quite vulnerable, exposing you to great risk of cyberattacks. So, removing it definitely improves your device’s security and gives you at least some peace of mind.


These are a few of our fastest tips for boosting performance. There are other, more complex and time-consuming ways, of course. If you’ve tried these quick ones and still need advice on how to improve your PC’s speed, feel free to reach out!

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Screen of death colors in Windows 10
Receiving a screen of death is not a pleasant experience at all and most users would agree that they would very much like not to face one during their work with the computer. Sadly PC is not a perfect machine and it is not working in a perfect environment so errors happen. The most famous and well-known death screen is blue which is also the most common one, my bet would be that there is not a user which has not been faced with this blue error screen. There is no simple explanation why these stop errors occur as several factors can be involved. However, it is known that the malfunctioning of hardware drivers or drivers that are installed by third-party software drive this unwanted change. But did you know that there is more colors for infamous death screens and not just blue one? Microsoft has coded different errors to different colors in the goal for the technical team to be aware right away of what type and kind of error they are dealing with. Color for screen errors are: Blue, Black, Pink, Brown, Yellow, Red, Orange, Green and White If you are interested in what color represents what keep reading.


blue screen of deathA stop error or exception error commonly called the blue screen of death (BSoD) or blue screen, is an error screen displayed on Windows computers following a fatal system error. It indicates a system crash, in which the operating system has reached a condition where it can no longer operate safely. This is caused by many different problems, such as a general hardware failure or a crucial process terminating unexpectedly.


black screen of deathOn Windows 10 systems, a Black Screen of Death can be caused by an unfinished Windows Update. To resolve this problem, simply hold the power button down on your PC or laptop to switch off the computer. A cold start should result in the system booting properly.


pink screen of deathIt is a diagnostic screen with a white type on a pink background. Pink Screen is mainly seen when the VMkernel of an ESX/ESXi host experiences a critical error, becomes inoperative, and terminates any virtual machines that are running. It is not fatal and generally considered more of a developer testing issue. When encountered, it can be fixed quickly by following the simple action of pressing and holding your computer’s power button to shut down the device.


brown screen of deathThe Microsoft Windows 10 Operating System Brown Screen of Death is an on-screen fatal error notification with bug check codes which is seen when a computer crashes due to graphics hardware or software-related problems (failing graphics drivers).


yellow screen of deathIt affects the functioning of a browser, particularly Mozilla Firefox. The Yellow Screen of Death makes the appearance with a weird buzzing sound in the background when the XML parser refuses to process an XML document causing a parsing error and a weird buzzing sound. The issue persists unless the computer is manually rebooted.


red screen of deathCommonly the Windows 10 red screen is caused due to the hardware error, particularly if you overclock your Windows PC/laptop. Despite this, sometimes the red screen of death is also caused by outdated or incompatible drivers or due to BIOS issues.


orange screen of deathThe Orange Screen of Death on Windows occurs due to fatal hardware errors. Multiple reasons have been reported for the Orange Screen of Death. Some had this issue when watching a YouTube video, some were not able to boot into Windows. It can even occur when waking up from Sleep.


green screen of deathThe green screen of death only appears when you're running an Insider Preview version of Windows 10. It's the same as the blue screen of death, and it will show the same error messages. ... If you see a green screen of death (GSOD) on your PC, that's a sign you're using an Insider Preview build of Windows 10.


white screen of deathThe White Screen on Windows is also an error where the screen of the computer just turns white and freezes. There can be several things that can cause the white screen to appear on the Windows laptop monitor. But the main issue could be because of malfunctioning of the graphics hardware.
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How to Delete your data from the internet
The Internet has come a long way from its infant stages and has become so large and huge that it has gained the status of basic human rights. There are very useful information and a lot of great content on it and among them, there are social media websites and other types of websites where you have, most likely placed some personal pictures or other information. One day you might want to cancel some of the services or you would like to take a break from it all. In this guide we will show you how to do exactly that, to delete and remove your data from the internet.

How to Delete Your Google Account

Google is arguably one of the most visited places on the Web. It stores a huge amount of data for delivering personalized content. It saves personal information, web searches, watched videos, location data, etc. You can view a summary of the data saved by different Google services by visiting your Google Dashboard.
To delete personal data from Google, go to myactivity.google.com. Select the Delete activity by from the left menu to start deleting activities.
Select All time to delete all of your activities from different Google services. You can also delete files saved to Google services, such as Google Photos, Google Drive, and Keep. Just visit the site, select the files, and delete them. Note that Google retains some information even after you delete all data. They do this to meet business needs and legal requirements. These will be deleted when you delete your Google account altogether.

How to Delete Your Facebook Account

Facebook stores a huge amount of data for each user. Some of the personal information stored in Facebook’s databases includes name and email, check-ins, location, images, videos, events, etc. You can view and download all of your personal data using Facebook’s information download tool. However, you will need to delete your account altogether for removing your personal data from Facebook. Follow the below steps to delete your Facebook account.
  1. Log in to your Facebook account and go to Settings & privacy > Setttings.
  2. Select Your Facebook Information.
  3. Select Deactivation and Deletion.
  4. Select Delete Account.
  5. Select Continue to Account Deletion.
  6. Select Delete Account.
  7. Enter your password and click Continue.
It can take up to 90 days for Facebook to delete your personal data from the Internet. You will not be able to access any of the data once the deletion starts. However, you can cancel this within the first 30 days.

How to Delete Your Twitter Account

Twitter has also followed in the footsteps of Facebook when it comes to harvesting your personal data. It utilizes this information for delivering personalized ads and tweets. You can download an archive of all of your personal data from Twitter. It makes it easy to monitor what information is available to the platform. Click the More button from the left menu and head over to Settings and privacy. Follow the below steps to download your personal information.
  1. Select Download an archive of your data from the Your Account section.
  2. Select Request archive from under the Twitter data section. Enter your password when prompted.
  3. It will take some time for Twitter to make the data available to you. You’ll receive an email once the data is ready to be downloaded.
It would be best if you also restrict data sharing and off-site activities. Head over to Privacy and safety and inspect the options under the Data sharing and off-Twitter activity section.
Look in the Interests and Your advertiser list sections from the Ads preferences tab. You can disable Twitter from tracking you in the Off-Twitter activity tab. Uncheck the options from the Data sharing with business partners and Location information tabs.
Finally, you need to deactivate your account for deleting all personal information from Twitter. You’ll have 30 days to reactivate the account. After that, Twitter will begin erasing your information from its systems. Note that they can still retain some information subjected to platform regulations.

How to Delete Your Instagram Account

Instagram has risen to prominence in the last couple of years. The company collects a huge amount of personal information from its users, including media, name, email, and much more. You’ll need to deactivate your account altogether if you want to delete everything Instagram knows about you.
Head over to the Delete your account page and select the reason you want to delete it. Enter your Instagram password to verify your identity, then click on the Delete button. Instagram will hide your account details for the next 30 days and delete all personal data after the given period.

How to Delete Your TikTok Account

TikTok is another emerging platform that has become quite popular among millennials. Users share a lot of personal information through personalized music videos. You need to delete your TikTok account permanently to remove all personal data from TikTok.
To do this, head over to Me, then tap on the icon in the top-right corner of the window. Select Delete account from under the Manage Account section. Follow the instructions provided there to continue deactivating your account. Like Instagram, TikTok also offers a 30-day time period to allow users to change their minds. It will delete your personal data from the Internet after this period.

How to Delete Your Snapchat Account

  1. Go to Snapchat’s Accounts Portal and log in with your name and password.
  2. Select the Delete My Account option.
  3. You’ll be taken to the Delete Account page directly.
  4. Retype your password once more.
  5. Click on the yellow Continue button.
Do keep in mind that Snapchat will hold on to your data for another 30 days, just in case you change your mind and decide to return. If you do decide to come back, all you need to do is visit the Accounts Portal again and log in to your account. This will reactivate your account. While your account is in this deactivated phase, your friends will not be able to contact you or interact with you in any manner on Snapchat. After the 30-day period has elapsed, your account will be permanently deleted.
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Fixing DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Stop Error on Windows 10
If you’ve been using your Windows 10 PC for a long time now, you might have come across a couple of issues – from minimal ones to critical ones like the Blue Screen of Death or BSOD stop errors. One of these BSOD errors you can encounter is the DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Blue Screen error. This particular BSOD error is caused by iaStorA.sys, iaisp64 sys, Netwtw04.sys, nvlddmkm.sys, ndis.sys, wrUrlFlt.sys, and other driver files on Windows 10. This error indicates that a kernel-mode driver tried to access pageable memory at a process IRQL that was too high. When you encounter this error, just like a typical BSOD error, your computer will abruptly stop and you will see a blue screen with an error message saying:
“Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We’re just collecting some error info, and then we’ll restart for you. (100% complete) If you’d like to know more, you can search online later for this error: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (wrUrlFlt.sys)”
The iaStorA.sys file is a software component that’s related to the Intel Rapid Storage Technology by Intel. It is a software solution supported by Intel Smart Response Technology which allows the PC to communicate with the hardware as well as externally connected devices. The Intel Rapid Storage Technology enables the Peripheral Component Interconnect Express or PCIe storage support, serial ATA RAID or Redundant Array of Independent Disks 0, 1, 5, and 10 support, and the PUIS or power-up in standby is also supported. To resolve this kind of BSOD error, you have to update, roll back or fresh-install the problematic driver. Refer to the options laid out below for detailed instructions.

Option 1 – Try removing the Intel Rapid Storage Technology or IRST drivers

The first thing you can try is to fix the Wi-Fi driver or the Ethernet driver on your computer to resolve the BSOD error. Take note that this option works not only on Windows 10 but also other Windows versions.
  • Tap the Win + R keys on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type “devmgmt.msc” in the field and hit Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • After opening the Device Manager, click on the “IDE ATA/ATAPI Controller” entry and expand it.
  • Next, right-click on all the driver entries that are appropriately labeled, and then click on Uninstall device.
  • Now restart your PC and check if the problem’s fixed or not. If not, proceed to the next given option below.

Option 2 – Try updating the Intel Rapid Storage Technology or IRST drivers

If you’ve already tried uninstalling the IRST driver but you’re still getting the DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL Blue Screen error when you use your Windows 10 PC, then this means that the drivers might be corrupted or not compatible with the operating system version that you are using right now. So to fix the problem, you have to update your drivers. To do that, follow the steps below.
  • The first thing you need to do is to go to your OEM’s website.
  • Once you’re already on the OEM’s website, go to the Drivers section and get the latest version for your device and then try to overwrite it.
Alternatively, you can also update the drivers via the Device Manager:
  • Tap the Win + R keys on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type “devmgmt.msc” in the field and hit Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • After opening the Device Manager, click on the “IDE ATA/ATAPI Controller” entry and expand it.
  • Next, right-click on all the driver entries that are appropriately labeled, and then click the Update driver option.
  • Now restart your PC and check if the BSOD error is fixed or not.

Option 3 – Try using the System File Checker via Command Prompt

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files to good system files that might be causing the DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL Blue Screen error. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
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Easy Remove FoxTab From Windows

FoxTab Toolbar is a browser hijacking toolbar add-on for IE, Firefox, Chrome, and Opera browsers that claims that it allows you to access your favorite sites faster, and improving your overall search and browsing experience. 1-click access to search results, most popular websites, and web services directly from our Foxtab browser toolbar.

Fox tab will integrate itself into your browser, modifying the search engine, welcome page, and new tab. This toolbar may change some browser settings, display unwanted ads, and sometimes displays additional ads from its ad sponsor. Some of the settings that this toolbar changes can lower the security of your browser.

Upon installation the toolbar ads scheduled tasks in Windows, allowing it to run with your browser every time, and to automatically update itself. Several anti-virus programs have flagged this software as Malware and therefore it is classified as a browser hijacker and recommended for optional removal.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijackers (sometimes called hijackware) are a type of malicious software that modifies internet browser settings without the user’s knowledge or approval. These types of hijacks are rising at an astonishing rate across the world, and they can be actually nefarious and sometimes dangerous too. They are created to interfere with web browser programs for many different reasons. Often, hijackers will force hits to internet sites of their choice either to increase targeted traffic generating higher ad revenue, or to gain a commission for every user visiting there. Although it might appear harmless, these tools are made by malicious people who always try to take full advantage of you, so that hackers can earn money from your naivety and distraction. What’s more, hijackers can make the whole infected system fragile – other destructive malware and viruses will take hold of these opportunities to get into your computer system effortlessly.

How to know whether the browser is hijacked?

Symptoms that your internet browser is hijacked include: 1. your home page has been reset to some unknown webpage 2. bookmark and the new tab are also changed 3. default web engine is changed 4. you see unwanted new toolbars added 5. you’ll notice random pop-ups start showing regularly 6. your web browser starts running sluggishly or exhibits frequent glitches 7. Inability to navigate to particular sites, particularly anti-malware as well as other computer security software webpages.

How it infects your PC

Browser hijackers infect PCs in numerous ways, including via a file-share, a drive-by download, or an infected email. They can also be deployed via the installation of an internet browser toolbar, extension, or add-on. Also, certain shareware and freeware can put the hijacker in your PC through “bundling”. Browser hijackers can record user keystrokes to collect potentially invaluable information that leads to privacy issues, cause instability on systems, drastically disrupt the user experience, and ultimately slow down the PC to a point where it becomes unusable.

Tips on how to get rid of browser hijackers

Certain kinds of browser hijackers can be removed from your computer by deleting malicious applications or any other recently added freeware. Often, it can be a tough task to find and eliminate the malicious component because the associated file might be running as part of the operating system process. Also, manual removals require in-depth system understanding and thus can be a very difficult task for beginner computer users. Professionals always suggest users remove any malicious software including browser hijacker by using an automatic removal tool, which is easier, safer, and quicker than the manual removal process. Safebytes Anti-Malware detects all kinds of hijackers – including FoxTab – and eliminates every trace efficiently and quickly. Employ a pc optimizer along with your antivirus software to solve various computer registry problems, eliminate system vulnerabilities, and boost your computer performance.

Malware Blocking Access To Safebytes Website And Anti-Malware Downloads - What You Should Do?

Malware may cause many different types of damage to computer systems, networks, and data. Some malware is meant to interfere with or prevent things that you wish to do on your PC. It may well not permit you to download anything from the internet or prevent you from accessing some or all of the sites, particularly the anti-malware sites. If you’re reading this, you may have affected by a virus that stops you from downloading a computer security program like Safebytes Anti-Malware. There are a few steps you can take to get around this problem.

Download the software in Safe Mode with Networking

If any virus is set to load automatically when Microsoft Windows starts, getting into Safe Mode could very well block the attempt. Just the minimum required programs and services are loaded when you start your PC in Safe Mode. To start your Windows XP, Vista, or 7 computers in Safe Mode with Networking, please do as instructed below. 1) Tap the F8 key repeatedly as soon as your system boots, but before the large windows logo comes up. This would conjure up the Advanced Boot Options menu. 2) Choose Safe Mode with Networking using arrow keys and hit ENTER. 3) When this mode loads, you will have the internet. Now, get the virus removal software you want by utilizing the internet browser. To install the software, follow the guidelines within the setup wizard. 4) Immediately after installation, do a complete scan and let the program remove the threats it finds.

Download the antivirus program in a different web browser

Some malware mainly targets particular browsers. If this is your situation, employ another web browser as it could circumvent the computer virus. In the event you suspect that your Internet Explorer has been hijacked by malware or otherwise compromised by online hackers, the ideal course of action would be to switch over to a different browser like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari to download your favorite computer security application – Safebytes Anti-Malware. Create a bootable USB anti-virus drive Another option is to make a portable anti-malware program onto your USB flash drive. Try these simple measures to clean up your infected PC using a portable antivirus. 1) Make use of another virus-free computer to download Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Insert the pen drive into the clean PC. 3) Double-click the Setup icon of the antivirus software to run the Installation Wizard. 4) When asked, choose the location of the USB drive as the place in which you would like to store the software files. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the installation. 5) Disconnect the USB drive. You may now utilize this portable anti-virus on the affected computer system. 6) Run the Safebytes Anti-malware directly from the thumb drive by double-clicking the icon. 7) Hit the “Scan Now” button to start the malware scan.

Protect Your PC and Privacy With SafeBytes Anti-Malware

Do you want to install the best anti-malware software for your computer? There are plenty of applications on the market that comes in free and paid versions for Windows computers. Some are very good ones, some are decent, and some are simply just bogus anti-malware software that will damage your PC themselves! You need to be very careful not to pick the wrong product, particularly if you buy a paid application. On the list of recommended software programs is SafeBytes AntiMalware. SafeBytes has a very good reputation for excellent service, and clients seem to be happy with it. SafeBytes anti-malware is a trusted tool that not only protects your computer system permanently but is also quite easy to use for people of all skill levels. After you have installed this application, SafeBytes' superior protection system will make sure that absolutely no viruses or malware can seep through your computer. SafeBytes has great features when compared with other anti-malware programs. Below are some of the great features included in the application. Active Protection: SafeBytes offers real-time active monitoring service and protection against all known viruses and malware. It’ll monitor your computer system for suspicious activity regularly and its unparalleled firewall guards your PC against illegal access by the outside world. World-class AntiMalware Protection: Built on a highly acclaimed anti-virus engine, this malware removal tool is able to detect and remove numerous obstinate malware threats such as browser hijackers, potentially unwanted programs, and ransomware that other common antivirus software will miss. Safe Browsing: SafeBytes checks and provides a unique safety rating to every single site you visit and block access to web pages known to be phishing sites, thus protecting you from identity theft, or known to contain malicious software. Low Memory/CPU Usage: This software is lightweight and will run quietly in the background, and that does not have an effect on your PC efficiency. 24/7 Online Technical Support: SafeBytes provides you with 24/7 technical support, automatic maintenance, and updates for the best user experience. Overall, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is a solid program since it has plenty of features and can detect and remove any potential threats. There is no doubt that your computer will be protected in real-time as soon as you put this software program to use. If you’re looking for the absolute best malware removal tool out there, and if you don’t mind shelling out some money for it, go for SafeBytes Anti-Malware.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to manually remove FoxTab without the use of an automated tool, it may be possible to do so by removing the program from the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser extensions, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You will likely also want to reset your browser. To ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard drive and registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Please note that this is for advanced users only and may be difficult, with incorrect file removal causing additional PC errors. In addition, some malware is capable of replicating or preventing deletion. Doing this in Safe Mode is advised.

The following files, folders, and registry entries are created or modified by FoxTab

Registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunrandom.exe HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallFoxTab HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallFoxTabDisplayIcon %AppData%[RANDOM CHARACTERS][RANDOM CHARACTERS].exe HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallFoxTabDisplayName Trojan horse name HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunOnce[RANDOM CHARACTERS] %AppData%RANDOM CHARACTERS[RANDOM CHARACTERS].exe
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Sandbox failed to start with error 0xc030106
If you suddenly encountered an error when you try to run the Windows Sandbox that says, “Windows Sandbox failed to start, Error 0xc030106, The virtual machine or container exited unexpectedly”, read on as this post will guide you on what you can do to resolve the problem. According to security experts, this kind of error in Windows Sandbox is due to some issues with the supporting virtualization component. It could also be caused by other factors and to fix it, there are several potential fixes you need to check out. You can try running the Windows Sandbox as an administrator. You should also make sure that all the supporting processes are running properly, as well as try to install any pending Windows Updates.

Option 1– Try to run Windows Sandbox as an admin

  • In the Start Menu, scroll down until you see the entry for the Windows Sandbox.
  • Then right-click on it and select More and then select the “Run as administrator” option to open it with admin privileges.
  • Next, if a User Account Control or UAC prompt pops up, just click on Yes to proceed.
  • You should now be able to open the Windows Sandbox without the error. However, if the error persists, proceed to the next given options below.

Option 2 – Ensure that all the supporting processes and services are running properly

If running Windows Sandbox as an administrator didn’t fix the error, you have to ensure that all related processes for Windows Sandbox are running properly. To do that, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run utility and type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Windows Services Manager.
  • Next, from the list of services, look for the following services in the given order:
    • Network Virtualization Service
    • Virtual Disk
    • Hyper – V Virtual Machine
    • Hyper – V Host Compute Service
    • Container Manager Services
  • After you find the aforementioned services, restart each one of them.
  • Once done, try to open the Windows Sandbox again and see if the error is fixed or not.

Option 3 – Try to install any pending Windows Updates

If the second option still didn’t work, then you might want to check Windows Updates on your computer and see if there are any pending Windows Updates you have to install. All you have to do is go to the Windows 10 Settings app and then go to the Windows Updates section and click on the “Check for updates” button to check if there are any pending updates that are needed to be installed. This could fix the Windows Sandbox error.
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Disk Cleanup is stuck on Update Cleanup
There is a built-in tool in Windows 10 the Disk Cleanup Utility which can help you restore hard disk space by removing temporary files, Thumbnails, old Windows files, Windows Upgrade logs, Delivery optimization files, and many more. However, from time to time, this built-in tool also experiences some issues. One of these issues is when it gets stuck on Windows Update Cleanup. Read on to find out what you can do in such a case. When the Disk Cleanup Utility is stuck on the Windows Update Cleanup, the process could be slow and take a long time to complete when purging the files. If this happens, click on Cancel to close the dialog box. After that, try running the Disk Cleanup Tool again as administrator and check if the files that you want to clean is still there or not. If it isn’t there, then this means that the cleanup has been done, otherwise, you need to refer to the options given below.

Option 1 – Try to manually delete the contents in the SoftwareDistribution folder

  • Open the WinX Menu.
  • From there, open Command Prompt as admin.
  • Then type in the following command – don’t forget to hit Enter right after typing each one of them.
net stop wuauserv net start cryptSvc net start bits net start msiserver
  • After entering these commands, it will stop the Windows Update Service, Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), Cryptographic, and the MSI Installer
  • Next, go to the C:/Windows/SoftwareDistribution folder and get rid of all the folders and files thereby tapping the Ctrl + A keys to select them all and then click on Delete. Note that if the files are in use, you won’t be able to delete them.
After resetting the SoftwareDistribution folder, you need to reset the Catroot2 folder to restart the services you just stopped. To do that, follow these steps:
  • Type each one of the following commands.
net start wuauserv net start cryptSvc net start bits net start msiserver
  • After that, exit Command Prompt and restart your computer and then try to run Windows Update once more.

Option 2 – Try to manually delete the contents of the Windows.old folder

The Windows.old folder is the one that holds the older version of Windows when you upgrade. It comes really useful when you want to revert to the previous version of Windows 10. Thus, you can delete the Windows.old files in case the cleanup tool is stuck.

Option 3 – Try running Disk Cleanup in a Clean Boot State or Safe Mode

Another thing you can try is to restart your computer in a Clean Boot State or Safe Mode. Chances are, there are some programs that are preventing the Disk Cleanup Utility tool to run properly. After you restart your computer in a Clean Boot State or Safe Mode, try to run the Disk Cleanup tool again and then see if it now works or not.

Option 4 – Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

You might also want to run the Windows Update Troubleshooter as it could also help in fixing this issue. To run it, go to Settings and then select Troubleshoot from the options. From there, click on Windows Update and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button. After that, follow the next on-screen instructions and you should be good to go.

Option 5 – Run the DISM tool to fix the corruption in the Component Store

You can try running the Deployment Imaging and Servicing Management or DISM tool to fix the Wdf01000.sys Blue Screen error. Using this built-in tool, you have various options such as the “/ScanHealth”, “/CheckHealth”, and “/RestoreHealth”.
  • Open the Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • Then type in the following commands and make sure to hit Enter right after you type each one of them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • Do not close the window if the process takes a while as it will probably take a few minutes to finish.
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Resize icons on desktop quickly in Windows 10
Resize icons on desktop in Windows 10 in a matter of seconds! Hello everyone and welcome to today's quick tip. If you have ever been dissatisfied with icon size on your desktop and any of the default sizes like small, medium large, etc have not been appropriate know that there is a quick way to resize icons on your desktop in between sizes. All that you have to do in order to use this built-in feature is: Press and hold CTRL and scroll with the mouse. That's it! Find your appropriate size for icons and enjoy. icons on desktop
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