Internet connectivity issues like Can’t connect to this network present a complex problem with simple solutions for PC and laptop users. First, it is usually recommended that users rule out problems with the internet connection, router, and Wi-Fi settings before proceeding to troubleshoot settings on your PC/laptop. Once the rest are ruled out, we can then proceed with the following troubleshooting steps and guidelines to fix your wifi connection issue:
The first step is to update your windows network adapter driver. Connectivity problems may arise if your network driver is not updated or if it is incompatible with the network adapter. To do so, you may resort to any third-party driver scanning and installing programs found online. This solution should resort if users don’t want the hassle of perusing through windows settings that users may not be familiar with.
However, this solution requires a pre-existing internet connection other than wifi, so it is recommended you have a backup internet connection via ethernet.
The second step is to uninstall the driver for your network adapter. This solution is to resort if there is an issue with the driver as restarting the PC after the following steps let windows reinstall the driver again:
A third step is to disable the 802.1 1n modes of your network adapter by following the next steps:
In the event that any of the preceding did not fix your problem, it helps to take a second look at the router and network settings using the interface provided by your ISP. A simple reset to the back of your router often fixes the issue. Also, try to check if you have any other administrative capabilities over the network to determine whether your device, in particular, has been MAC filtered or if the frequency of your wireless adapter is not compatible with the broadcast frequency of your router.
InternetSpeedTracker is a browser extension developed by MindSpark Inc. This browser add-on offer uses tips on how to boost their “bad” internet connection speed. It displays false internet speed in order to get you to open the sponsored links listed in the toolbar.
This extension also hijacks your browser home page and replaces your default search engine with MyWay. While browsing the internet you will see additional unwanted sponsored ads and links throughout your search results, and sometimes even pop-up ads might appear. While active this extension gathers personal information, website visits, links, and clicks and uses this data to serve ads.
InternetSpeedTracker has been flagged as a Browser Hijacker by several anti-virus scanners, and due to its data mining behavior, it is not recommended to keep it on your computer, especially because it gives false data about your internet speed.
2021 is nearing toward the end and with just a couple of days remaining in this year, we are happy to look forward to the next year. So in large anticipation of what will next year bring us, we are taking a good design look at this one and making a list for you of what graphic design software you should learn and use in the upcoming 2022.
Before we dive into it in more detail and predictions please be aware that this article is based upon my personal opinion drawn from the research of current trends and standards. That being said let's dive right into details.
Whether you like it or not, Adobe has cemented itself with its flagship application Photoshop and how things are looking this situation will not change any time soon. Photoshop is an extraordinary pixel manipulation software that has the ability to work with both animations and vector graphics as well making it a great single application for all-around design needs. It has been industry-standard design software for the web, print, and all other kinds of design all over the globe and this will not change in near future. With its constant updates and expansion of its abilities, this is a must-have tool in your design tool belt. If you are looking to find work as a designer you will have to know how to work with photoshop.
Many will tell you that is photoshop for raster graphics, the illustrator is for vectors. First started as illustrator 88 on Mac right away it took first place for vector graphics from FreeHand and it continued on its path of vector dominance. After some time and more integration with photoshop Adobe managed to overthrow Corel Draw as well winning the title for best vector editing software with illustrator. Same as with photoshop, if you are planning to work in a serious industry you will need to know the illustrator.
We are still in Adobe train and it is moving hard, InDesign is graphic design software aimed for paper publications. If you need to create and prepare any kind of professional publication for printing InDesign is the application to go to. With its specific print aimed features it is a must-have for any graphic designer.
Once the king of vector and print design but dethroned by Adobe Corel Draw still has some punches to stay relevant in the field. With some cool features like symmetry and long shadows, it stands out from its competitors for its ease of use. Corel was always focused on easy to learn, and difficult to master and it is still following that kind of thinking. Granted not many employers will require you to be a master of Corel Draw but some of them will request that you are familiar with the application. One of perhaps the greatest advantages of Corel over Adobe is not locking you into a subscription making Draw suit a great choice for freelancers and designers that want to own software, not rent it.
The first software from Affinity was Photo, made as a cheap version one-time purchase competitor for photoshop. Later it has released Designer, also a one-time purchase competitor for illustrators. If we are going to take a good look into a feature for feature comparison, both Adobe and Corel will win over Affinity but if we take a look at a price that is a one-time purchase Affinity will win over easily. Priced only at $54.99 it is a steal, and taking into account that many designers will not require any very advanced features found in Corel or Adobe applications Affinity is the way to go.
Speaking of price, nothing beats free, and both Inkscape and GIMP are completely free. offering very decent and competitive features applications will require you to get used to their own specific UI and workflow, but once you get a grasp of them, you will be able to do most design work in them. One of the downsides of using these free open source apps is their limited export options but if all that is required from you is to deliver a typical SVG, JPG, EPS, PNG, or PDF file you are good to go.
Free with basic functionality with the option to purchase more advanced features Colorcinch is a great application if you are on quickly developing and creating graphics for social media posts. Add quickly text or filters, quickly do the color adjustment and save for social apps. The application also within its basic boundaries can work directly on the website without you requiring to even install it making it one of a kind. Go try it at the official site and enjoy yourself.
If you have followed the graphic design scene you will notice that nothing has changed and it will not change in near future. This just speaks about how much industry is defined and how little change is there over time. I advise if you can to get and learn adobe suite since it is industry standard and is required from almost every employer today. Rest applications on the list are great alternatives and can bring you income and offer you a way to finish your project.
Error code 0x8007007b will present itself when Windows users are trying to activate Windows. You may try to activate it through the update and security option, but it is likely that you will receive the same error code. Error code 0x8007007b may be presented when Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users try to upgrade and activate Windows 10 on their computer.
Common symptoms include:
There are multiple causes for the user to see this error code, including if a user is using volume-licensed media while installing a number of various Windows operating systems. This error may also be caused because the activation wizard cannot connect to a KMS host computer. It is likely that if the user has a volume-licensed form of media, they were likely given a MAK (multiple activation keys).
There are several ways to go about repairing error code 0x8007007b. It is important to try all of the methods, but if it is too difficult or you do not know what you are doing, please do contact a Windows repair technician. They will likely be able to fix the problem with ease.
When KMS activation is not used, and when there is not a KMS server, the product key type should then be changed to a MAK. For MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) or TechNet, the SKUs that are listed on the media are generally volume-licensed media, and that means that the product key that is supplied is a Multiple Activation Key.
To change the KMS to a MAK, click Start, All Programs, Accessories, and then right-click on Command Prompt. Click Run as Administrator. If prompted for a password or confirmation, enter it now.
When the command prompt opens, type in the following command, and press enter after:
slmgr -ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx (these x's are representative of the MAK product key).
While on the desktop, press the Windows key and R. The Run window should appear, and then you should enter the following command: Slui 3. Press Enter and then wait for the window to appear. This window will ask for the operating system activation product key. Enter the product key and then press the Activate button. Reboot the computer. Now the Error Code 0x8007007b should be gone.
Open the Command Prompt with access as administrator as mentioned previously. Enter the following command: sfc /scannow. The command will then complete its task. This will take a good bit of time, so leave the computer to do its work. The sfc must finish the scan. When the scan has finished, reboot the computer. Now you can check for activation. The error code should be gone.
This method for correction should be used when the network does have a KMS host computer setup, and the client is not able to locate the KMS host on the network to complete activation.
To verify that the computer does in fact have the KMS host installed. Click Start, All Programs, Accessories, and then right-click on Command Prompt. Run as administrator. If you are now prompted to enter a password or confirmation, do so. When the command prompt box comes up, type in the following command, and then press Enter: nxlookup -type=all_vlmcs._tcp>kms.txt
The command will generate a file, open this KMS file. The file will contain one or more entries. As a default, the KMS host server will dynamically register a DNS SRV server evidence once every 24 hours. In order to check the registry to ensure that this is happening, follow these steps:
If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.