
Calibrating Windows 10 display for HDR video

High Dynamic Range or HDR is a technique that’s used to create lifelike videos which have improved and better dynamic range, especially when it comes to details. And as you know, Windows 10 supports the steaming of HDR videos as long as the display supports it and it comes with the option to enable the HDR Playback for Windows 10 Video Streaming apps. However, before you can get the best viewing experience, you need to calibrate the display further for HDR video on your Windows 10 PC.

Take note that even when you have the HDR Playback feature enabled on your computer, you still need a display that supports it. To make sure that your display supports this feature, you can use the DirectX Diagnostic Tool to have the display correctly wired and have the latest WDDM 2.4 drivers installed as well as set the other settings properly.

Once you’ve made sure that your computer’s display really supports HDR and you’ve already enabled the HDR Playback feature, now it’s time for you to calibrate. Remember that when you calibrate the display, you should make an external monitor your primary display if you are using it for HDR and then adjust the settings to your liking. And if you are calibrating for primary display, you need to disconnect all other displays.

Follow the given steps below to calibrate the display of your PC.

  • Step 1: You need to open the Video Playback first. To do so, navigate to Settings > Apps > Video Playback.
  • Step 2: Under the Video Playback settings, uncheck the “Don’t increase display brightness when watching HDR video on battery” checkbox or plug in your PC.
  • Step 3: Next, click the “Change calibration settings for HDR video on my built-in display” link located on the right side.
  • Step 4: After that, click on the Play button located on the left side to play the video. Then move the sliders to the left or right so you can start to calibrate. Once you see that the quality of the image is to your preference, stop.

Note: Just a tip when calibrating – you just have to find the right balance between the details in the darker parts of a scene. For instance, you have Mountains in the background and buildings in the front – you need to drag the slider to the right to add more details to the snow on the mountain or drag the slider to the left to add more details to the buildings. After that, you can pause the video and exit the full-screen mode. Keep in mind that the quality of HDR depends on you as it is a personal choice. Some users might like a brighter shade while other ones want the darker shade so it really depends on your taste. If you are not satisfied with how your HDR turned out, you can just try calibrating the display again. Simply go back to the default HDR video calibration and click or tap the Reset calibration button.

Another thing to remember. First, you can only see HDR content on the full screen and if you’re using a laptop, you need to make sure to watch videos when plugged in and check that the battery settings won't’ lower the brightness.

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Fix Minecraft Won’t Launch in Windows 10
Minecraft has taken the world by the storm, it was an indie project game and it went mainstream. Dream of every game developer I guess. The dream of every gamer on the other hand is to double click on the game and to play it and not to deal with various issues, especially if they are launch issues. Luckily for all of you gamers, here at errortools we game as well and we are happy to bring you a solution on how to fix Minecraft won't launch issue. So sit back, relax and keep on reading, and hopefully enough you will be gaming again in no time. Follow the guide presented step by step, point by point how it is presented for the quickest way to get back in Minecraft. This guide also presumes that your hardware configurations meet at least the minimum system requirements for running Minecraft.
  1. Disable antivirus and firewall

    90% of the time this is the issue why Minecraft is not working, your antivirus or firewall has detected it as a false positive, and access to system internet, etc has been cut. Try disabling it and if everything is working fine add it to the antivirus or the firewall exception list.
  2. Run Minecraft as admin

    Minecraft will sometimes refuse to run if it does not has administrator privileges. To make sure this is the case locate the Minecraft executable, right-click on it and choose properties. Go to the compatibility tab and check Run as Administrator box.
  3. End Minecraft process

    It came to knowledge that even if Minecraft is not running it can have its processes active in the background. Press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC to open task manager Locate if Minecraft has a process running If you find the Minecraft process right-click on it and choose End Task
  4. Run Minecraft in compatibility mode

    If Minecraft still refuses to start try running it in compatibility mode in the previous Windows version Locate Minecraft executable file in its install location Right-click on it and choose properties In the properties, windows go to the compatibility tab Check run this program in compatibility mode for: Select previous version of the operating system, try Windows 8 or Windows 7
  5. Update graphic card driver

    The best bet is to go to your GPU manufacturer's website and download the latest version of the driver of your GPU.
  6. Remove mods, plugins, texture packs

    Mods, plugins, texture packs are all great but sometimes they can cause GPU overloads and other issues to see if this is the case try running Minecraft in Vannila mode without anything installed, just pure and clean Minecraft as it was just downloaded and installed.
  7. Reinstall Minecraft

    If everything else failed, reinstall Minecraft. There might be a chance that some DLL file was deleted or corrupted by mistake or that some crucial files are missing. Clean reinstallation will fix all of these issues.
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Repairing or rebuilding the WMI Repository
There are times when the WMI Repository gets corrupted which results in the Provider Load Failure. To resolve this issue, you need to repair or rebuild the WMI Repository in your Windows 10 computer. In this post, you will be guided on how exactly you can do that. In case you don’t know, the WMI which stands for Windows Management Instrumentation is a set of specifications from Microsoft to consolidate the management of devices and applications in a network. The WMI is a database that stores meta-information and definitions for WMI classes. Using only these, the conditions of the systems can be known. You can find the WMI Repository in %windir%System32WbemRepository. It provides end-users with the status of the local or remote computer system. Keep in mind that you must not use this on the Server 2012 Cluster machine. Although there are command-line tools that can fix or restore the Windows Management Instrumentation repository. However, Microsoft suggests that it’s better if you verify if there is corruption. Here are a list of errors as well as permission issues you might encounter:
  • Unable to connect to root default or rootcimv2 namespaces. It fails with the error code “0x80041002” pointing to “WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND.”
  • 0x80041010 WBEM_E_INVALID_CLASS
  • When you open Computer Management and Right Click on Computer Management (Local) and select Properties, you get the following error: “ WMI: Not Found” or it hangs trying to connect
  • Trying to use wbemtest , and it hangs
  • Schemas/Objects missing
  • Strange connection/operation errors (0x8007054e)
To verify if there is corruption, you can try running the following command in an elevated Command Prompt:
winmgmt /verifyrepository
 After you enter the command, if there is a response saying, “repository is not consistent”, then the repository has an issue. If not, then something else is causing the problem. Since you are certain that corruption exists in the WMI repository, then here are some suggestions you need to check out to repair or rebuild the WMI repository.

Option 1 – Try to reset WMI Repository

  • Type “command prompt” in the Start Search and right-click on Command Prompt from the search results and then select “Run as administrator”.
  • After opening Command Prompt with admin privileges, type and enter this command: winmmgmt /salvagerepository
The command you entered is used when the winmmgmt command performs a consistency check. So if an inconsistency is detected, it will rebuild the repository.
  • Next, execute this command to see if the WMI repository now comes back as consistent: winmgmt /verifyrepository
This command will perform a consistency check on the WMI repository.
  • If it states that the WMI repository is not consistent, then you need to type and enter this command: winmgmt /resetrepository
This command is used to reset the repository to its initial state when the operating system was first installed.

Option 2 – Try to force recover the WMI Repository

The WMI Repository comes with a built-in self-recovery process so when the WMI service restarts or detects any corruption, it will automatically trigger the self-recovery procedure. This can happen in two ways:
  • AutoRestore: This will use the backup images if the Volume Shadow copy or VSS backup is turned on.
  • AutoRecovery: The rebuilding process will generate fresh images of the WMI repository based on the registered MOFs. The MOFs are available in the registry located at HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWBEMCIMOM: Autorecover MOFs
Note: Autorecover MOFs is a key so double click on it to check its value. On the other hand, if the self-recovery procedure does not work, you can try to use the force-recovery process instead. How? Refer to these steps:
  • First, you need to check the reg key value is empty or not under this registry path: HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWBEMCIMOMAutorecover MOFs
  • If the reg key value is empty, you have to copy-paste the reg key value from another computer. Just make sure that it’s from the System which is equivalent to the computer in question.
  • Next, type and enter this command: Winmgmt /resetrepository
  • After you enter the command, if you get an error that says, “WMI repository reset failed. Error code:0x8007041B. Facility: Win32”, then you have to stop all the Dependency Services on the WMI service by running the following commands:
    • net stop winmgmt /y
    • Winmgmt /resetrepository
This should fix the problem.
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Computer boots to the BIOS when you turn it on
A number of users reported lately that their Windows 10 PCs automatically boots into the BIOS whenever they start their computers. And when they tried to exit the BIOS and restart their computers, it still boots into the BIOS. If you are one of the users who experience the same problem, worry not for this post will walk you through what you can do to resolve the problem. Each time a Windows 10 computer boots, it goes through a lot of processes and one of them is where it checks the computer for any hardware issue such as hard drives, peripherals, as well as external devices. So if it finds some issue, the computer will halt the boot process and will boot into the BIOS. To fix this, there are several suggestions you can try. You have to check if you’ve pressed any key, especially the F2 or F12, or Del keys. You also have to check the peripherals and external devices in your computer or update the BIOS or reset it. For more information, make sure to follow each one of the options laid out below.

Option 1 – Try to check for any pressed key

The first thing you can do is to check for any pressed key. This might not make any sense but a pressed key can actually cause this problem. So you have to check if you have the F2 or F12 or Del buttons pressed since these are hardware keys that are usually set by the OEM to boot into the BIOS.

Option 2 – Try checking the physical device connections

You might also want to try checking if there are other devices that are connected to your PC. This is because the configuration of the BIOS or UEFI might be configured in a way that any external device connected to the computer has a higher boot priority compared to the hard disk.  And if it’s really the case, the externally attached disk might be the drive your computer is trying to boot into and not the hard disk. In such cases, Pen Drives, USB storage devices, CDs, DVDs, and so on, are included in this category of physical device connections.

Option 3 – Try to set a proper boot device

If the Boot Manager wasn’t able to locate a proper boot device, then it could be the reason why your computer boots into the BIOS when you turn it on. Thus, you have to check if there is an available proper boot device. You can usually find it under the Boot priority section. However, if you’re unable to locate your hard drive or SSD under the Boot device, then you have to change the hard drive but you have to check first if it is properly plugged in and that it works on other computers. If it works on other PCs, then the problem lies in the motherboard of your computer, and in that case, you have to consult its manufacturer.

Option 4 – Try to update the BIOS

Updating the BIOS can help you fix the issue but as you know, BIOS is a sensitive part of a computer. Even though it is a software component, the functioning of the hardware depends on it largely. Thus, you must be careful when modifying something in the BIOS. So if you don’t know much about it, it’s best if you skip on this option and try the other ones instead. However, if you are well-versed in navigating the BIOS, then follow the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “msinfo32” in the field and press Enter to open System Information.
  • From there, you should find a search field on the bottom where you have to search for the BIOS version and then press Enter.
  • After that, you should see the developer and version of the BIOS installed on your PC.
  • Go to your manufacturer’s website and then download the latest version of BIOS on your computer.
  • If you are using a laptop, make sure that you keep it plugged in until you have updated the BIOS.
  • Now double click on the downloaded file and install the new BIOS version on your computer.
  • Now restart your computer to apply the changes made.
Note: If updating the BIOS didn’t help, you might want to consider resetting it instead.

Option 5 – Try resetting the BIOS/UEFI configuration

You might also want to reset the BIOS configuration which will lead to arranging the boot configuration since it is intended by the manufacturer. Note that this will get rid of any blockage in the boot process. All you have to do is take out the CMOS battery for a couple of seconds and then put it back again. After that restart, your computer and will be booted directly into Windows. Resetting the BIOS would also get rid of any password set for BIOS and you need to change your CMOS battery in case it didn’t work.
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GoForFiles Removal Guide

GoforFiles is a Potentially Unwanted Program that allegedly allows users to easily search for files, movies, apps, and other useful things on the internet. In our testing, this program on further inspection does not work, it only displays an error for every search query. To top this off this program comes bundled up with other programs which could be malicious or unwanted. This program adds startup links into windows, allowing it and its bundled programs to launch every time Windows is restarted or launched. A task scheduled is also made, that lets the launch of the program at different random times during the day. Many anti-virus applications have marked this program and its bundled counterparts as Potentially Unwanted Programs, and it is highly recommended to remove these programs from your computer.

About Potentially Unwanted Programs

Exactly what is a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP)?

People have encountered it – you download free software, you then discover some unwanted applications on your computer system, or discover a strange toolbar has been included with your browser. You didn’t have them installed, so how did they appear? These unwanted applications, which are called Potentially Unwanted Programs, or PUP in short, usually tag along as a software bundle when downloading the application and could cause serious problems for computer users. PUP does not involve malware in the traditional sense. What normally makes a PUP different from malicious software is the fact that when you download one, you’re doing it with your consent – although in most cases unintentionally and reluctantly. But, there is no doubt that PUPs remain bad news for computer users as they can be incredibly damaging to the PC in many ways. How do unwanted programs affect you? Unwanted programs come in many forms. More commonly, they will be found in adware bundlers which are known to utilize aggressive and misleading advertising. The majority of bundlers install many adware applications from a number of vendors, each of which features its own EULA policy. Safebytes Anti-malware completely removes this threat and safeguards your PC against PUP or malware infection. PUPS also appear in the form of undesirable toolbars or internet browser plug-ins. Not just they needlessly use up space on your screen, toolbars can also manipulate search results, track your web browsing activities, decrease your internet browser’s performance, and slow down your web connection to a crawl. They could seem harmless but PUPs are generally spyware. They may include dialers, keyloggers, and also other software built inside them that could monitor you or send out your sensitive information to 3rd parties. Because of this unwanted program, your application may freeze, your security protections can get disabled that could leave your computer susceptible, your system could get ruined, and this list goes on and on.

Tips for preventing PUPs

• Study cautiously prior to agreeing to the license agreement as it could have a clause about PUPs. • Always opt for the custom if you are given an option between Recommended and Custom Installations – never click Next, Next, Next thoughtlessly. • Install an advert blocker/pop-up blocker; Deploy anti-malware products such as Safebytes Anti-malware. These software programs will establish a wall between the computer and online criminals. • Be alert when you download and install freeware, open-source software, or shareware. Avoid downloading and installing browser extensions and applications you are not knowledgeable about. • Always download software from reliable sources like official sites as opposed to untrustworthy sharing space. Avoid torrents and peer-to-peer clients.

Can't Install Safebytes Anti-malware because of a Virus? Try This!

Malware could potentially cause all sorts of damage after they invade your system, from stealing your private details to erasing files on your PC. Some malware sits in between the computer and your internet connection and blocks some or all internet sites that you really want to visit. It might also prevent you from the installation of anything on your machine, especially an anti-virus program. If you’re reading this now, you’ve probably realized that a malware infection is a reason for your blocked internet traffic. So what to do when you want to download and install antivirus software like Safebytes? Do as instructed below to get rid of malware through alternative methods.

Boot your PC in Safe Mode

In Safe Mode, you can actually change Windows settings, un-install or install some applications, and remove hard-to-delete viruses. In the event, the virus is set to load automatically when the computer boots, switching to this mode could prevent it from doing so. To get into Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking, press F8 while the system is starting up or run MSConfig and find the “Safe Boot” options under the “Boot” tab. Once you are in safe mode, you can attempt to install your antivirus program without the hindrance of the malicious software. Right after installation, run the malware scanner to remove standard infections.

Switch over to an alternative internet browser

Malicious program code might exploit vulnerabilities on a particular browser and block access to all anti-malware software websites. If you appear to have a trojan attached to Internet Explorer, then switch over to a different web browser with built-in safety features, such as Firefox or Chrome, to download your favorite antivirus program – Safebytes.

Make a bootable USB antivirus drive

Another option is to save and operate an antivirus program entirely from a USB drive. To run anti-virus using a USB drive, follow these simple measures: 1) Make use of another virus-free PC to download Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Connect the flash drive to a USB port on the clean computer. 3) Run the setup program by double-clicking the executable file of the downloaded software, with a .exe file extension. 4) Choose the USB stick as the location for saving the software file. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the installation process. 5) Now, plug the USB drive into the infected system. 6) Double-click the EXE file to run the Safebytes program from the thumb drive. 7) Run Full System Scan to identify and get rid of all kinds of malware.

Protect your PC from Malware With SafeBytes Security Suite

To protect your computer or laptop from various internet-based threats, it is very important to install an anti-malware application on your laptop. However, with so many antimalware companies out there, nowadays it is actually tough to decide which one you should obtain for your personal computer. A few of them are excellent, some are decent, and some will destroy your PC themselves! You must be careful not to choose the wrong product, especially if you buy premium software. Among few good applications, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is the highly recommended software program for the security-conscious end user. Safebytes is one of the well-established PC solutions firms, which offer this comprehensive anti-malware application. Using its outstanding protection system, this utility will instantly detect and remove the majority of the security threats, including browser hijackers, viruses, adware, ransomware, trojans, worms, and PUPs. SafeBytes anti-malware takes computer protection to a whole new level with its advanced features. Let’s look into a few of them below: Optimum AntiMalware Protection: With a critically acclaimed anti-malware engine, SafeBytes offers multilayered protection which is intended to catch and eliminate threats that are hidden deep in your computer’s operating system. Real-time Threat Response: SafeBytes provides round-the-clock protection for your computer limiting malware intrusions in real-time. It will continuously monitor your computer for hacker activity and also gives users advanced firewall protection. Web Protection: Safebytes allots all sites a unique safety score that helps you to get an idea of whether the webpage you’re about to visit is safe to view or known to be a phishing site. Faster Scanning: SafeBytes Anti-Malware has got a multi-thread scan algorithm that works up to 5x faster than any other antivirus software. Light-weight: SafeBytes is a lightweight and user-friendly antivirus and antimalware solution. Since it uses minimal computer resources, this software leaves the computer power exactly where it belongs to: with you actually. 24/7 Online Support: Support service is readily available for 24 x 7 x 365 days via email and chats to answer your concerns. SafeBytes has created an excellent anti-malware solution to help you conquer the latest computer threats and virus attacks. You now may understand that this tool does more than just scan and delete threats on your PC. You’ll get the best all-around protection for the money you spend on SafeBytes AntiMalware subscription, there is no doubt about it.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to carry out the removal of GoforFiles manually instead of using an automated software tool, you can follow these simple steps: Go to the Windows Control Panel, click on the “Add/Remove Programs” and there, select the offending application to uninstall. In cases of suspicious versions of web browser plug-ins, you can easily get rid of it through your web browser’s extension manager. It is also highly recommended to factory reset your web browser to its default state to fix corrupt settings. In order to ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard disk and registry for all of the following and eliminate or reset the values as needed. But bear in mind, this can be a complicated task and only computer experts can perform it safely. Also, certain malware is capable of replicating itself or preventing deletion. You’re urged to do this process in Windows Safe Mode.
Files: %ProgramFiles%GoForFiles.comGoForFiles.com.exe %UserProfile%DesktopGoForFiles.com.lnk %UserProfile%StartMenuGoForFiles.comGoForFiles.com.lnk %UserProfile%StartMenuGoForFiles.comHelp.lnk %UserProfile%StartMenuGoForFiles.comRegistration.Lnk %UserProfile%ApplicationDataMicrosoftInternetExplorerQuickLaunchGoForFiles.com.lnk Registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftware376694984709702142491016734454 HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun376694984709702142491016734454
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How to Fix the Dnssd.dll Error Code

What is Dnssd.dll Error Code?

Dnssd.dll is a type of dynamic link library. It is developed for Windows Operating System by Apple Computer Inc. The latest version of fnssd.dll is used in Windows Vista.  This file also functions like a typical dynamic link library.  DDL files are small programs similar to executable files which are used by multiple programs to load and run properly. Dnssd.dll error occurs when the dnssd.dll file fails to function properly and load to run the desired application/program.  The error may occur most often during computer startup and program startup. The dnssd.dll error message may be displayed on your PC on either one of the following formats:
  • "Dnssd.dll not found."
  • "Dnssd.dll Access Violation."
  • "Cannot register dnssd.dll."
  • "The file dnssd.dll is missing."
  • "Cannot find C:WindowsSystem32\dnssd.dll."
  • "This application failed to start because dnssd.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
  • "Cannot start Bonjour. A required component is missing: dnssd.dll. Please install Bonjour again."


Restoro box imageError Causes

To narrow down the cause of the dnssd.dll error is difficult virtually because there are multiple reasons why this error occurs on your system. However, here are the most common causes for this error:
  • Missing  Dnssd.dll file
  • Corrupt and damaged Dnssd.dll file
  • Invalid  dnssd.dll registry entry
  • Viral Infection
  • Improperly shutting down your PC
  • Poor PC maintenance
  • Broken registry keys
  • Hardware failure
  • Dnssd.dll file deleted when uninstalling another program
It is advisable to fix this error right away, as it can create many troublesome problems on your PC such as slow system performance, computer freeze up, blue screen of death errors, system failure, and crash.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some of the best and easiest DIY solutions that you can try to resolve this issue on your PC without hiring a professional.

1. Use System Restore Function

Since this error largely indicates poor PC maintenance, it is advisable to use the System Restore function built-in Windows to resolve the Dnssd.dll file error. It will help you restore the system back to its previous healthy status. It can also help you get a fresh copy of damaged and corrupted files. Here’s what you need to do:
  • Go to the start menu of Windows, type restore in the search box.
  • Choose the option that says ‘choose a different restore point’ this presents customizable options for users.
  • Here you will be presented with a list of restore points, choose the one that you believe has most likely caused the dnssd.dll error.
  • Confirm your selection.
This will help resolve the error. Now restart to see changes made. If the error still persists then try other solutions given below.

2. Reinstall the Program Causing the Dnssd.dll Error to Pop Up

As dll files are shared files, there is a possibility that the file got deleted when you tried to uninstall a certain program. Therefore, if this is the reason, then try to reinstall the program that is causing the error message. By doing so, you can set up the dnssd.dll file again on your PC.

3. Scan for Viruses and Registry Issues

Other reasons for the error are associated with viral infection and registry issues. Therefore it is advisable to download software to scan for these issues and remove them from your PC. Viruses can also corrupt dll files. On the other hand, dll errors like Dnssd.dll can also occur if the registry is not cleaned frequently. The registry becomes corrupt due to the accumulation of invalid/wasted and irrelevant files. This also causes disk defragmentation and hard disk problems which can also lead to hardware failure and dll file damage and corruption. Now to repair it you can either download 2 different programs, an antivirus, and a registry cleaner, or you can install multi-functional and advanced software, Restoro. Downloading 2 separate programs can reduce your PC performance even furthermore. Therefore we recommend you opt for Restoro. This is a one-stop solution for all your PC problems. It includes multiple utilities like an antivirus that detects all malicious software including spyware, malware, adware, Trojans, and viruses. A powerful registry cleaner that resolves all registry issues, wipes out bad registry entries and repairs broken registry keys, damaged dll files like Dnssd.dll, and restores the registry back to its optimum health. This software also functions as a system optimizer that boosts the speed of your PC dramatically. It is safe, bug-free, and efficient. All PC issues are resolved in seconds in just a few clicks. It is user-friendly and compatible with all Windows versions. Click here to download Restoro and resolve the dnssd.dll file error right away!
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Always show scrollbars in Windows 11

windows 11 scrollbarsMost scrollbars are hidden by default if they are not used in Windows 11. If you are not ok with this feature and want scrollbars to be always visible and available do not worry, turning them ON is very easy.

  • Press ⊞ WINDOWS + I to open Windows settings
  • Click on Accessibility in the sidebar
  • Select Visual Effects
  • Inside visual effects settings find Always show scrollbars and switch it ON

Windows 11 will save settings automatically and apply setting right away. Close settings and continue with work.

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How to Fix Windows 10 Error 0xC1900200, 0x20008

Error Code 0xC1900200, 0x20008 (Code 0xC1900202 – 0x20008)   – What is it?

Error Code 0xC1900200, 0x20008 (Code 0xC1900202 – 0x20008)  is an error that occurs when you attempt to upgrade to Microsoft Windows 10, but the minimum requirements have not been met by your computer. You will therefore be unable to upgrade to Microsoft Windows 10 until your computer is updated or upgraded to meet those requirements. Common symptoms include:
  • When attempting to upgrade a dialog box with Code 0xC1900200 – 0x20008 (Code 0xC1900202 – 0x20008) is displayed.
  • Your computer is unable to begin the Microsoft Windows 10 upgrade process.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error Code 0xC1900200 – 0x20008 (Code 0xC1900202 – 0x20008)  occurs when you are unable to begin the Microsoft Windows 10 upgrade because your computer does not meet the minimum requirements to run Microsoft Windows 10.
  • You are unable to begin the upgrade because your computer does not meet the required system or hardware specifications.
  • You are not running the correct version of Microsoft Windows to be able to begin the upgrade.
  • You are not running the latest updated version of Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 or Microsoft Windows 8.1.
Error Code 0xC1900200 – 0x20008 (Code 0xC1900202 – 0x20008) as stated, simply means your computer does not meet the requirements to update and does not indicate a permanent problem or inability to continue to use your computer. This error only means that you will not be able to upgrade to Microsoft Windows 10 until your computer is made to meet these requirements.

Further Information and Manual Repair

There are several solutions that the user can complete at home that should fix the problem resulting in a manifestation of Error Code 0xC1900200 – 0x20008 (Code 0xC1900202 – 0x20008). Below are several options that should resolve this error.

Method 1:

Verify what version of Microsoft Windows you are currently running, older, outdated, or no longer supported versions of Microsoft Windows are not able to upgrade to Microsoft Windows 10. If you are not running one of the following versions you will have to update before being able to upgrade.
  • The most current version of Microsoft Windows 7 SP1
  • The most current version of Microsoft Windows 8.1

Method 2:

Your computer's system specifications do not meet the requirements to be able to upgrade to and run Microsoft Windows 10. To check your system specifications do the following.
  1. Click on the start button in the bottom left corner, then locate the control panel on the menu, click on it to open.
  2. Once it opens, locate system and security on the menu and click to open, click on system and this will show you your amount of RAM and processor speed.
  3. Find device manager on the left-hand side click this then select display adapter, and it will show you your current video card.
  4. Click on the start button again, then click on the computer in the menu, this will show you your hard drive size, and available space.
If you have the option available you can simply run the get Microsoft Windows 10 app to check compatibility. Once you have your system specs make sure they meet or exceed the following.
  • 1 GHz or higher processor or SoC
  • 1 gig of RAM for 32 bit and 2 gigs of RAM for 64 bit
  • 16 GB available hard drive space for 32 bit, 20 GB for 64 bit
  • Minimum of DirectX9 that has 1.0 WDDM
  • At least an 800x600display
If your computer does not meet these minimum requirements, upgrade the components necessary to meet them. If you do not possess the technical expertise required to accomplish this yourself or do not feel comfortable doing so, download and install a powerful automated tool to get the job done.

Method 3:

Your computer might not meet the aforementioned requirements to make an upgrade because of insufficient hard drive space or resources. Learn how to create or make space on your computer here.

Method 4:

Many people hold on to and use the same computer for a very long time. It is possible that your computer cannot be upgraded to meet the requirements, or that the cost to do so would be so high that a new computer would be cheaper. If that is the case, your only option may be to replace your computer.
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Disable Privacy Settings Experience at sign-in
Creating a new Windows 10 account comes with options related to privacy. For instance, you will see the options to disable or enable Speech recognition, Find my device, Location service, Inking & typing, and many more. And if you often have to create a test account in Windows 10 v1809 and you don’t want to give this option, you can just disable the Privacy Settings Experience at sign-in on your Windows 10 PC using a couple of instructions given in this guide. To disable the Privacy Settings Experience, you can use the Registry Editor and the Group Policy Editor. But before you get started, you need to log in as an administrator. Moreover, it would also be better if you create a backup copy of the Registry files as well as create a System Restore Point before you make any changes. After you have those things covered, refer to the steps given below to disable the Privacy Settings Experience at sign-in on your Windows 10 PC. Since there are two ways to get things done, choose one option that you prefer.

Option 1 – via Registry Editor

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and type “Regedit” in the field and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowsOOBE
  • From there, look for the OOBE value and if you can’t find it there, you can just create it. To do so, right-click on the Windows key and select New > Key, and then name it “OOBE”.
  • After that, right-click on the OOBE value and select New > DWORD (32-bit) value, and name it “DisablePrivacyExperience”.
  • Then double click on DisablePrivacyExperience and set its value to “1”.
  • Now exit the Registry Editor and restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

Option 2 – via the Group Policy Editor

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “gpedit.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Group Policy Editor.
  • After that, navigate to this path: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > OOBE
  • Next, look for a setting named “Don’t launch privacy settings experience on user login” located on your right-hand side and then double click on it and select Enabled.
  • Now click on the Apply and OK buttons to save the changes made.
  • Restart your PC.
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Rebuild Search Index in Windows 10
If by any chance your search result in Windows is misleading, missing, or incorrect then it is a high probability that your search index is out of date. To repair this issue follow this guide step by step. Please take note that rebuilding the whole search index can take a long time on some systems depending on the size of the index itself, CPU speed, HD speed, etc. Sometimes it can take even hours on large drives. First, press ⊞ WINDOWS + R to open the run dialog and type in it Control panel to open the control panel. keyboard with windows and r markedrun dialog with control panel typed in Once you are in the control panel, switch your view to large icons and locate Indexing options. Control panel with indexing options selectedInside indexing options, click on advanced. indexing options advanced button markedIn advanced options click on the rebuild and confirm. indexing options rebuild button markedLeave your computer to finish and your searches should be working fine now.
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Fix Windows is not starting
Hello everyone and welcome to how to fix Windows when it is not starting tutorial. Here we will tackle some common problems and solutions in order to help you to get back both your computer and Windows in working order. Windows not booting and loading is an annoying issue that can even result in complete loss of your data and can also consume a lot of time if no other solution than clean install remains. Also if you are not tech-savvy, this issue can cost you as well since you will have to hire a professional to solve this problem for you. Here at Error Tools, we aim to help so you can overcome your PC issues yourself by providing you daily with tutorials, tips, and tricks and helping you with all of your Windows issues. All of that being said, let's see what are issues that can prevent your computer or Windows from booting up and get around them so everything is back in working order.
  1. Use repair tool

    Windows 10 comes with a startup repair tool that has the goal to repair and fix errors preventing Windows from booting up. To use this tool however you will need Windows 10 bootable USB stick. You can create a bootable USB directly on the Microsoft site. Once you have it ready, plug it in and reboot your computer, choose to boot from USB. When you are on the Windows setup screen, click on next and then on Repair your computer. Go to troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup repair. When Startup repair is clicked, Windows will boot, scan files for issues, and if they are found he will automatically fix them.
  2. “Windows Failed to Start” 0xc00000f error

    If you get this error on your boot of Windows, then you have corrupted boot configuration data. In order to fix this error, you will also need a bootable USB with Windows 10 on it. Make one on the Microsoft site if you don't have it and reboot your computer, boot from USB, on the setup screen click on next and then on Repair your computer. Click on Troubleshoot and then on the command prompt. In the command prompt type the following: bootrec /FixMbr bootrec /FixBoot bootrec /ScanOs bootrec /RebuildBcd exit Reboot your PC without a USB
  3. Boot into safe mode

    Safe mode for Windows loads only its core without drivers and with minimal services. If you can boot into safe mode then the issue is with some application or driver causing the problem. Try the selective boot option to eliminate what is causing the error.
  4. Make sure your hardware is connected

    Some RAM or hard drive out of socket can cause Windows not to be able to boot, check all connections just in case.
If everything else fails, perform a clean Windows installation. The reason for Windows not booting up can be caused by various viruses and malware also if that case it would be best to format and perform a clean install.
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