0x8004210A is a typical POP3 email error message. This error may sometimes occur when you try to check your Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) email account. 0x8004210A error code hampers your ability to both send and receive e-mails on your Outlook account.
Error 0x8004210A is displayed in any one of the following formats on your PC:
The operation timed out waiting for a response from the receiving (POP) server 0x8004210a
Task 'SMTP server name - Sending and Receiving reported error' (0x8004210A): 'The operation timed out waiting for a response from the receiving (POP) server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'
Error 0x8004210A occurs due to several reasons. However, some of the most common reasons include:
No matter what the cause of this error is, to resume email communication via Outlook and to ensure your work productivity is not affected, it is recommended that you resolve this 0x8004210A error code on your PC immediately.
To fix error 0x8004210A, here are some of the most efficient and easy manual methods that you can try:
If the cause of the error is related to the internet connection then here’s what you need to do. Try freeing up your internet connection by closing any other online activities in progress or downloads being carried on your system.
Try to increase your server time-out periods. To do this, go to the Outlook File menu and choose account settings. Now double click on your email account and more settings. Now click advanced and increase your server timeout period to resolve.
If you are trying to send or receive large and heavy emails on your Outlook account, the error 0x8004210A may pop up.
This happens because when transferring heavy files the email account automatically locks until the task is complete, however, if it takes more time the next Send and Receive job starts while the first one is still not complete.
In such an event, the email server then times out and shows you the error. Therefore to resolve, you will have to show patience. Simply wait for the large email to be sent or received before you start sending another email.
If the antivirus installed on your system is the reason for the error pop up, then disable it for a while until the operation is complete. Then enable it once the task is performed successfully.
Similarly, if the Firewall installed on your system is preventing Outlook from reaching your mail server, then simply disable the Firewall to resolve.
nslookup [–SubCommand …] [{ComputerToFind| [–Server]}]If you’ve determined that the drives disappear each time, you may have to change the DNS server or ask your admin to resolve the problem for you. Alternatively, you can also check out another option that has worked for a lot of users. This second option is disabling the IPv6 on the network adapter. In case you don’t know, Windows 10 prefers IPv6 over IPv4 so if you now have issues using IPv6 to connect to the servers, you can change your computer’s settings so that it’ll only use IPv4 instead of IPv6. To do so, follow these instructions:
‘Error 1321. Setup cannot modify the file file_name. Verify that the file exists in your system and that you have sufficient permissions to update it.’When this error occurs you cannot roll back the installation of the Office Suite or use the Add/Remove program option to remove the installed program.
Error Code 0x800705b4 is an error that will appear when the computer is not stable, and very critical system files will fail to respond or they will start going missing. This will happen when the computer is not being maintained properly. The problem should be solved immediately to avoid any further damage or loss of data. This error code may be regarded as one of the most severe computer problems that can present itself.
Common symptoms include:
Windows 10 update error 0x800705b4 can be caused when the user wants to update their windows system when important dll registries or files are missing or are corrupt. This will also happen when the user is trying to install or uninstall programs in a way that is wrong, or it may be infected with a Trojan virus. Additionally, this error code will be displayed when a PC's drivers are either outdated or installed the wrong way. There could be a registry error, a failure to update by the operating system, or even a device failure to update automatically.
There are several ways to resolve the appearance of error code 0x800705b4 on Windows devices. If you are not familiar with fixing error codes on a computer or are having trouble fixing this one, consider contacting a Windows technician to help with fixing the error. The computer must be run on administrator mode no matter which steps you are taking or which methods you are using. Depending on which version of Windows you are using, the steps for each method may differ slightly, but the basic process will remain the same.
Start the computer in safe mode to begin troubleshooting for error code 0x800705b4. When the computer is starting up, press F8—this will enter the computer into safe mode.
You will now need to manually update your computer's outdated drivers. To do this, click on Start. Then, type in Device Manager into the search box to see if there are any outdated or corrupt issues with the drivers.
This will allow users to find files in Windows that are corrupt, damaged, or lost.
This is the most efficient way to fix any problem or system status. System backup is vital when performing this.
Click on the Start button, and then type in “system restore” inside of the search box. Right click on System Restore, and then choose Run as Administrator. This could also be found in the Control Panel. Now you will choose the time point in which to restore the system. You will be able to choose the recommended or specific restore based on the situation. Now you can review the restore point and then click Finish.
If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.