
Fix Bad Image Error Status 0xc000012f

When you run a program in Windows 10, error 0xc000012f may pop up, mentioning that the files and binaries you’re trying to run are corrupted. Error 0xc000012f means Bad Image, denoting that the program’s executable or one of the supporting modules is corrupt. Or there is probably a DLL mismatch.

This error usually manifests itself after a windows update or after installation of some application, in order to fix it follow the steps below:

  1. Perform SFC scan

    Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X to open the Windows menu
    keyboard with windows and x markedFrom the menu choose command prompt (admin)
    Windows menu command prompt adminIn command prompt type sfc /scannow and press ENTER
    Leave the computer for the operation to be completed and Reboot your computer

  2. Run DISM

    Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X to open the Windows menu
    keyboard with windows and x markedFrom the menu choose command prompt (admin)
    Windows menu command prompt adminin command prompt type: DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth and press ENTER
    wait for the process to be finished and Reboot your computer

  3. Reinstall application

    If this error has been popping up after the application install remove the installed application and install it again. There is the possibility that the application installer has by accident corrupted some files, reinstalling it might fix the issue.

  4. Uninstall Windows update

    In some cases, Windows update can introduce this issue, go to Windows updates, into advanced options, and uninstall the latest update to see if this will fix the error.

  5. Install Visual C++ Redistributable

    Go to the official Microsoft website and download C++ redistributable package and install it

  6. Install new windows update

    If there is a new Windows update install, there is a chance that in the last update something went wrong and it is very likely that it was fixed in the last one.

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How to Fix Windows 10 Error 0x8000ffff

Error Code 0x8000ffff - What is it?

Error Code 0x8000ffff is an error that is often experienced while attempting to install updates on a Windows machine. It has been found in Windows 10, although the error has been present in the Windows operating systems dating back to Windows Vista.

Common symptoms include:

  • Inability to download updates for the operating system
  • Inability to successfully run updates for the operating system through to completion

There are several basic Windows tools that can be used to attempt to resolve Error Code 0x8000ffff on your machine. While some of these tools may be familiar for basic users, others may require advanced competency in order to be used correctly. If you are unsure of your ability to complete the methods listed below in order to resolve this error code on your system, you may need to get in touch with a computer repair technician who is competent in dealing with Windows Update repairs.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The most common cause of Error Code 0x8000ffff is that there is a problem within one of the system files or the registry entries on the computer. There are a number of reasons why a device could have an error in these places, from conflicting software commands to updates that were not installed correctly, to bugs within the system, to viruses or malware that have corrupted the necessary files.

Further Information and Manual Repair

There are several common ways that users can attempt to resolve the appearance of Error Code 0x8000ffff on their Windows devices. If you are not sure that you can follow these steps through to completion, you would be well advised to get in touch with a qualified computer repair technician to help you to finish out the repair process.

Here are the best methods to resolve Error Code 0x8000ffff on your Windows machine:

Method One:  Restart Your Computer

It may sound obvious, but one of the most effective ways to resolve Error Code 0x8000ffff on your machine is to simply reboot your computer. In some cases, the error shows up because there are processes that the system believes are still running when they really aren’t. Restarting your machine also allows your system to apply any previous changes that have been made and to mark any installations that have been undertaken as being complete.

Reattempt your update installations after you have restarted your computer to see if you are able to finish them out successfully.

Method Two:  Run the Windows Registry Repair Tool

The Windows Registry Repair tool is an asset that can make it easy for your system to scan for potential problems in the registry and notify you as to their status. In many cases, the Registry Repair tool can fix the problems that it finds all on its own, although in some cases, you may receive a message that states an error was found that could not be resolved through the program.

The simplest way to access the Windows Registry Repair tool is to do a search for it within the search bar in the Start menu. Once you begin to run the Registry Repair tool, it can take a while to complete its scan, so be prepared to wait for some time once you start it.

Once the tool has completed its scan of your system, it’s always a good idea to reboot your computer so that all of the changes that have been made to the system can be applied successfully to the operating system.

Method Three:  Run the Windows Fix It Tool

Another great tool to help in the resolution is the Windows Fix It tool. You can download it directly from the Microsoft website. Once you run it, it will complete a scan of your system to find any potential hang-ups and to attempt to resolve them. After you run the scan, it is a good idea to reboot your computer to allow all changes to be recognized and applied properly.

Method Four: Use An Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.
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What to do if CPU is not running at full speed
The speed at which the CPU runs varies depending on any Windows laptop or desktop. And in case you don’t know, the CPU does not run at full speed all the time as it depends on how the operating system distributes the load so it works accordingly. However, there are instances when it runs at full speed especially if your Windows 10 computer is on a heavy workload. But if you find that even when your computer is already on a heavy workload and the CPU is still not running at full speed, then you need to look into this situation. To verify that your CPU’s speed, you can use any CPU stress test tool. This kind of issue is common on laptops compared to desktop computers since laptop runs on battery. The Intel Processor on laptops uses the Speed Stepping Technology which means that when you are doing some small tasks on your laptop, the processor’s speed is reduced. On the other hand, if this happens when you are using a heavy application, it can be due to a low charge on the laptop’s battery. Thus, Windows will try its best to keep the computer running for as long as possible by reducing the CPU speed or processor. But there are times when you are ready to sacrifice battery to make sure that the work gets done on time. To achieve that, here are some options you can check out.

Option 1 – Try setting the processor state to the maximum in Power Options

  • Type “control” in the search box to view the classic Control Panel as well as the popular options.
  • Next, click on Power Options > Change plan settings > Change advanced power settings.
  • Then navigate to Processor power management > Maximum processor state.
  • Now select 100% when it is on Battery and Plugged in.
  • After that, expand the System cooling policy option and make sure to set it as Active to make sure that the battery won’t overheat.
  • Finally, apply the changes made to all the profiles of the power management and restart your computer. This will ensure that your CPU will run at maximum power at all times.

Option 2 – Try to update or disable the Intel Power Management driver

The next option you can try is to update or disable the Intel Power Management driver. The Intel-powered computers have dedicated software that controls CPU speed and Fan speed when it needs to save battery. You can try disabling it temporarily and check if there are any changes with the CPU fan speed.
  • First, restart your computer by holding the Shift key to boot your computer into Troubleshooting or Advanced mode.
  • Next, go to Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Command Prompt.
  • Then change the directory to C:/Windows/System32/driver and then rename the file named “Intelppm” by entering the “ren intelppm.sys intelppm.sys.bak”.
  • Now restart your computer.
Note: If you were not able to find the drivers in C:/Windows/System32/driver, check if they are available under C:/Drivers/IntelPPM. After that, the CPU speed should change now with the Intel driver missing from the system. And in case you want to enable it, simply follow the same steps given above and rename the file again.

Option 3 – Try disabling the IPPM using the Command Line or Registry Editor

  • Command Prompt:
    • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and type “cmd” and tap Enter to open Command Prompt.
    • Next, type this command and hit Enter: sc config intelppm start= disabled
    • The “sc config” command you entered modifies the value of a service’s entries in the registry as well as in the Service Control Manager database.
  • Registry Editor:
    • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and type “Regedit” in the field and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
    • Next, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesintelppm.
    • From there, double click on the intelppm and change the Start key value to
    • Now close the Registry Editor and reboot your computer.
Note: The steps given will make sure that the CPU will run at maximum power at all times.
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How to paste just plain text anywhere

Taking information from the internet or from other sources usually involves selecting the text, copying it into the clipboard, and then pasting it into your file. In today's modern applications pasting text will most of the time take its formating with it.

keyboard shortcut paste

By formatting what I am talking about are parameters like font size, line breaks, hyperlinks, font styles, etc. and sometimes you do not want any of these in your file, you would like and prefer to have just plain text so you can format it as you wish.

In order to paste just plain text instead of using the CTRL + V keyboard shortcut, press CTRL + SHIFT + V instead. This shortcut will paste the only text into your file.

Shortcut and Microsoft Word

Leave it to Microsoft to make its shortcut not work in their application. In Microsoft Word, you can only use the standard CTRL + V shortcut, if you press CTRL + SHIFT + V nothing will happen. So in order to paste the only text into a word document, choose to paste special > text only

Other applications

I have tried CTRL + SHIFT + V in various applications like photoshop, illustrator, InDesign, visual studio code, slack, discord, WordPress installations, etc and only one that has not worked for me was Word and office in general so you are safe to use this trick and have desired results.

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Chrome won’t open or launch on Windows
If you’re suddenly unable to launch or open Google Chrome or unable to load web pages, then it’s most likely that the files in Chrome have been corrupted or some plugin is taking up a lot of resources which is why you encounter an error message saying, “Google Chrome has stopped working”. And when you try to check the Task Manager, you’ll see that Chrome is really taking up lots of resources, however, when you check the Taskbar, strangely, you will see nothing. If you are currently facing this issue in Chrome on your Windows 10 PC, follow the given options below.

Option 1 – Kill Google Chrome’s process in the Task Manager

If you aren’t able to open Chrome, then maybe its process is running in the background and you don’t see the browser windows. If that’s the case, you may have to force quit the browser and then try to open it again.
  • First, right-click on the Taskbar then select the Task Manager. And if the Task Manager is not responding, you can just use the Alt + Ctrl + Del keys and then select the Task Manager.
  • After opening the Task Manager, under Processes, look for Google Chrome’s process which would most likely be named “chrome.exe”.
  • Right-click on Google Chrome’s process and then select the End task option.
  • Now try to open Google Chrome again.

Option 2 – Try checking if your antivirus program is blocking Google Chrome

There are instances when due to false-positive, a security or antivirus program might block Chrome which is why it failed to open properly. Thus, you can just disable the security program temporarily and then check if you can now open Chrome or not.

Option 3 – Delete the User Profile in Chrome

You can also try deleting the User Profile folder in Chrome. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then copy and paste “%USERPROFILE%AppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser Data” and hit Enter.
  • From there, look for a folder named “Default folder” and then copy the folder to another drive as a backup.
  • After creating a copy of the folder, delete the Default folder.
  • Next, open Google Chrome again and go to Settings > Advanced > Reset.

Option 4 – Disable the Extensions in Chrome

There are instances when issues on a browser are triggered or caused by some problematic extension. To find out which one of your extensions is causing the problem, disable them all first and then enable them back one by one.
  • Click on the three-dotted icon for the menu located at the top-right corner of your screen.
  • Then click on the More tools option and go to Extensions.
  • From there, you will see a list of all the installed extensions in Chrome.
  • Disable all these extensions and restart the browser.
  • Now enable them back one by one to figure out which one of them is the culprit. You could also remove extensions that you no longer use.

Option 5 – Run the Chrome Cleanup tool

You might also want to try running the Malware Scanner & Cleanup tool in Chrome. This is a built-in tool that can help you get rid of any unwanted pop-ups, banners, ads, unusual startup pages, toolbars, and malware. Thus, it can help you to resolve the issue in Chrome.

Option 6 – Try to reinstall Chrome

If running the Malware Scanner & Cleanup tool in Chrome didn’t work out for you, you can try reinstalling it. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Open the Settings app and go to System > Apps & features.
  • From there, look for Chrome and uninstall it from your PC.
  • Then go to the official website of Google Chrome and download its latest version and install it.
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Update cannot currently check for updates
If you receive an error message saying, “Windows Update cannot currently check for updates because updates on this computer are controlled”, while trying to change the Windows Update preferences or manually update, then read on as this post will guide you in fixing it. You can mostly encounter this error in managed systems where an Administrator controls the permission on the operating system. The reason why you are not able to modify the Windows Update preferences or manually update your system is that a group policy prevents you from doing so and that the only user who can do these things is none other than the administrator of the system. Troubleshooting this kind of problem is the same as when you troubleshoot an error message that says, “Some settings are managed by your organization”. In such cases, you need to check both the Windows Update Group Policy and Registry settings. If you’re just a standard user, you have to contact your system administrator regarding this issue and if you are the administrator, you can make adjustments to the system settings via the Registry Editor and the Group Policy Editor. Refer to the instructions given below for detailed instructions.

Option 1 – via the Registry Editor

If you are using the Home edition of Windows 10 and you want to change the policy for non-admin users on your local computer, then you can use the Registry Editor for that. Here’s how you can do it:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “Regedit” in the field and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • After that, navigate to the following registry key:
  • From there, look for the key named “WindowsUpdate” in the Windows folder and if it does not exist, you can just right-click on the Windows folder and select New > Key.
  • Now name the new key “WindowsUpdate” and create a new sub-key under the newly created key and input “AU” as its name.
  • Keep AU selected and then right-click anywhere in the right pane and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
  • Then name the Value as “AUOptions” and right-click on AUOptions and select Modify.
  • Next, change the value of the Value data to “5” and click OK to save the changes made to the settings. Note that the Value Data of 5 refers to the policy to allow the local admin to choose the setting.
  • Now restart your computer once you’re done and check if non-admin users can now modify the Windows Update settings or update Windows.

Option 2 – via Group Policy Editor

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and then type “gpedit.msc” and hit Enter to open the Group Policy Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this folder: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update.
  • Now look for the “Configure Automatic Updates” policy on the right pane and double click on it to open its Properties.
  • After that, shift the Radio button to “Enabled” and from the drop-down menu for Configure automatic updating, select option 5: Allow local admin to choose the setting.
  • Then click on Apply and OK to save the changes made to the settings.
  • Restart your computer and check if the problem’s fixed or not.
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PrintNightmare returns Microsoft states
PrintNightmareA few days ago we celebrated fixing of months-long PrintNightmare vulnerability by Microsoft, sadly a new bug and issue have been found. Firstly discovered Microsoft stated:
A remote code execution vulnerability exists when the Windows Print Spooler service improperly performs privileged file operations. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could run arbitrary code with SYSTEM privileges. An attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights.
A few days ago, Microsoft officially released a patch that was supposed to finally fix it. As you might recall this vulnerability was present for quite some time, Microsoft's solution after a long struggle was to elevate certain privileges to administrator account only and remove user accounts from managing printers. It complicated things a little bit but it was stated payoff was worth it. The new issue now is that on a system that already had accounts created and set, old accounts still can hijack the system, patch issues address only accounts that are created after the fix is administrated, old ones can still do whatever they want. Once again of course Microsoft has stated that until it is again resolved you should again disable the Print Spooler service as a temporary workaround.
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SettingSyncHost.exe High CPU usage
One of the important processes in the Windows operating system is the Setting Synchronization or SettingSyncHost.exe. This process is the one responsible for synchronizing the settings of your computer with other devices. It is the one that replicates settings like OneDrive, Internet Explorer, wallpapers, and so on, to other systems. However, it has been known to cause high CPU usage in Windows 10 and there are times when it causes the system to freeze or system lags. So if you notice that the SettingSyncHost.exe process is causing high CPU usage in your computer, worry not for this post will guide you in fixing them. You have to be cautious when you notice high CPU usages caused by system processes since cybercriminals mostly set the names of viruses in a way that the system or the user won’t be able to identify them. Cyber crooks could name the virus and malware the same as one of the system processes like SettingSyncHost.exe to make it seem like it’s a legitimate process. Thus, you need to keep in mind that original system processes like the SettingSyncHost.exe file are located in the System32 folder. The original SettingSyncHost.exe file is located in the System32 folder. To check for the same, right-click on the troublesome process in the Task Manager and select Open file location. If the place is any other than the System32 folder, run a full system anti-virus scan on the system. The SettingSyncHost.exe causes high CPU usage when it gets stuck in the sync process and is not able to come out of the loop. To fix this problem, you need to follow the solutions offered below but before you proceed, make sure that you create a System Restore point first.

Option 1 – Apply some registry tweak

The first thing you can do is to apply some tweaks to the Windows Registry. To get started, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run utility and type “Regedit” in the field and then tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this registry path: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInputPersonalizationTrainedDataStore
  • From there, right-click on the key and select Permissions.
  • After that, check the box next to “Allow” for Full Permission for every user group.
  • Now click on the Apply and OK buttons to save the changes made.
  • Then restart your computer.

Option 2 – Close the Host process for setting synchronization

If the registry tweak didn’t work, you can try to close the host process for setting synchronization, especially if this process continues to hog resources. You can terminate this process by opening the Task Manager. From there, end the process or task of the host process. On the other hand, you can also turn off the Host process for synchronization by opening Settings > Accounts > Sync settings located in the left pane. After that, turn off the Sync setting.

Option 3 – Run the Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter or the Performance Troubleshooter

Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter:

  • The first thing you need to do is click on Start and then on the gear-like icon to pull up the window for Settings.
  • After opening Settings, look for the Update and Security option and select it.
  • From there, go to the Troubleshoot option located on the left-hand side of the list.
  • Next, select Hardware and Devices from the list and open the Troubleshooter and run it. Once it is doing its job, wait for it to complete the process and then restart the system.
  • After the system restarts, check if the problem’s now fixed. If not, refer to the next option given below.

Performance Troubleshooter:

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Type “exe /id PerformanceDiagnostic” in the field and hit Enter to open the Performance troubleshooter.
  • Then click on Next to get started. Wait until the process is completed.

Option 4 – Try scanning your computer using Windows Defender

As mentioned, it is possible that the SettingSyncHost.exe could be infected with a virus or malware. To eliminate it, you have to scan your computer using security programs like Windows Defender.
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open Update & Security.
  • Then click on the Windows Security option and open Windows Defender Security Center.
  • Next, click on Virus & threat protection > Run a new advanced scan.
  • Now make sure that Full Scan is selected from the menu and then click the Scan Now button to get started.
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How to Fix Logon.scr Application Error

Logon.scr Application Error - What is it?

To understand Logon.scr application error, it is first important to understand the function of logon.scr. Logon.scr is an important file that is located in the Windows\System32 folder. It guarantees Windows systems stability. Logon.scr application error occurs when logon.scr file gets corrupt. It is a common system error that can happen in most Windows platforms. It usually pops up during system start-ups and when trying to launch certain programs. Some of the common systems of this error code include: system halt, freeze, no application icons are visible on the desktop, random blue screen of death and system performance decreases dramatically.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Two of the most common causes of logon.scr application error is:
  • Corrupted and damaged logon.scr file
  • Viral infection
It is advisable to fix this error code immediately because it leads to serious damages. It is fatal and can result in a system crash; therefore resolve it right away.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To resolve this issue on your computer you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars to hire a professional for the job. The good news is that it can be repaired easily and does not require any technical expertise. Here are some of the most effective and easy DIY methods to resolve the error on your screens.

Method 1 - Replace the Damaged and the Corrupted Logon.scr File

Whether the file gets corrupted or is accidentally deleted, the best way to fix the issue is to download the Logon.scr file again from a reliable website and install in the following location C:\Windows\System32. Alternatively you can also get the file copy form another proper functioning computer by using flash drive if you don’t have an internet connection to download the logon.scr file online.

Method 2 - Restore Points by Applying System Restore of Windows

Another way to resolve this is to restore points to bring back your system to the previous state before the error occurred. To do this, simply click the start button and type ‘System Restore’. Now click System Restore in the result and click next. Select the restore point in the list and click the next button to proceed. To activate changes reboot your PC.

Method 3 - Scan and Remove Viruses

If Logon.scr application error still persists, then it could be due to viruses. To resolve, install a powerful anti-virus. Scan your entire PC and remove viruses.

Method 4 - Repair the Registry

Corrupt and damaged Logon.scr file also triggers issues with the registry. DLL files and other important files like Logon.scr application files may get damage due to too many bad and invalid registry entries. Registry stores all the activities performed on the PC including unnecessary files like junk files and cookies. If these are not removed timely, these files accumulate and corrupt important files. Therefore, to fix the error it is advisable to clean and repair the registry. The best way to go about is to download Restoro. This is a user-friendly and multi-functional PC Fixer deployed with a registry cleaner. It scans for all registry errors and removes all the invalid entries. It cleans the registry and repairs the damaged files thereby resolving the issue in seconds. Click here to download Restoro and resolve the Logon.scr application error now!
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How to Fix Run Time Error 429

Runtime Error 429 - What is it?

Error 429 is a type of runtime error. It sometimes occurs when you use the new operator or the CreateObject function in Microsoft Visual Basics to create an instance of a Microsoft Office application. The error code is displayed on your computer screen in the following format:

Runtime Error ‘429’: Active X component Can’t Create Object


Restoro box imageError Causes

The runtime error code 429 is triggered for several reasons. These include:
  • Mistake in the application
  • Incorrect system configuration
  • Missing ActiveX components in the application
  • Damaged Active X and class application components
  • DLL required by the application is damaged
  • Active X object was not registered properly
  • Corrupted applications
  • Corrupted Windows registry
  • Class ID issues
The runtime error code 429 not only causes you inconvenience as it hampers your ability to access programs but delays in repairing this error code can lead to serious PC damages such as system freezes, crashes, and failures.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To resolve the runtime error 429 on your PC, try the following recommended solutions:

1. Re-register the Application Causing the Error

Identify the Office application causing the error and re-register it. For instance, if Office Excel is the prime cause of the error message pop up, simply re-register it. Click on the start menu and then run. Then type this in “: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/Excel.exe /regserver” and press OK. This will hopefully resolve the issue.

2. Go to The Microsoft Windows Script Update Page and Download Microsoft Updated Installation File

This will also assist you in repairing runtime error 429. Simply follow the installation wizard and update your MS Office Applications. The corrupted files and missing components in them would be easily corrected by the update file. However, if this doesn’t work, then this means that the cause is more crucial than you think. It is either related to damaged Active X objects or a corrupted Windows registry.

3. Repair the Active X objects and the Registry

To repair both the registry and the Active X objects in one go, it is advisable to download Restoro. This is an advanced, next-generation, highly and multi-functional PC repair tool. It is deployed with powerful and numerous utilities like a registry cleaner, Active X and class scanner, privacy error detector, and system stability module. The registry cleaner embedded in this repair tool enables you to wipe out obsolete, unnecessary, malicious, and invalid files and registry entries saved in the registry. It frees up your disk space, repairs damaged DLL files and the registry thus resolving the runtime error 429 on your system. The Active X object and Class feature identifies and scans Active X issues on your PC and resolves them right away. Besides this, with this error tool, you can also scan for viruses and also improve your PC performance.

Why Total System Care?

Total System Care is a one-stop solution to resolve all kinds of PC-related issues including the runtime error 429. To run it on your system, you don’t have to be a computer programmer. It is very easy to operate. It has easy navigation and a user-friendly interface. There is nothing complex about it. It is safe and efficient. It resolves all PC issues in a few seconds. You can run it in the background while performing other tasks on your system. Furthermore, it is compatible with all Windows versions. Click here to download Total System Care and resolve the Runtime Error 429 on your system today.
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Every new movie & show on Netflix in September
netflixNetflix was one that made streaming service standard and even after some stumbles even today it is still a respected service. So in that spirit, we are bringing you the list of all new and old movies and TV series releasing to NETFLIX this September.

September 1

Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY How to Be a Cowboy — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Agatha Christie’s Crooked House (2017) Anjaam (1994) Barbie: Big City Big Dreams (2021) Brave Animated Series (Season 1) Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles (2001) Green Lantern (2011) House Party (1990) El Patron, radiografia de un crimen / The Boss: Anatomy of a Crime (2014) HQ Barbers (Season 1) Letters to Juliet (2010) Level 16 (2018) Los Carcamales / Oldsters (Season 1) Kid-E-Cats (Season 2) Kuroko’s Basketball (Season 3) Marshall (2017) Welcome Home: Roscoe Jenkins (2008)

September 2

Afterlife of the Party — NETFLIX FILM Q-Force — NETFLIX ORIGINAL The Guardian

September 3

Dive Club (Season 1) — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Money Heist (Season 5) — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Sharkdog (Season 1) — NETFLIX FAMILY Worth (2021) — NETFLIX ORIGINAL

September 5

Bunk’d (Season 5)

September 6

Countdown: Inspiration 4 Mission to Space (Season 1 – Episodes 1 & 2) — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY Shadow Parties (2021)

September 7

Kid Cosmic (Season 2) — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Octonauts: Above & Beyond (Season 1) — NETFLIX ORIGINAL On The Verge (Season 1) — NETFLIX ORIGINAL UNTOLD: Breaking Point — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY If I Leave Here Tomorrow: A Film About Lynyrd Skynyrd (2018)

September 8

Into the Night (Season 2) — NETFLIX ORIGINAL JJ + E — NETFLIX FILM The Circle (Season 3) — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Show Dogs (2018)

September 9

Blood Brothers: Malcolm X & Muhammad Ali — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY The Women and the Murderer (2021) — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY

September 10

Firedrake the Silver Dragon (2021) — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Metal Shop Masters — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Kate — NETFLIX FILM Pokemon Master Journey: The Series (Part 1) — NETFLIX ANIME Prey — NETFLIX FILM Lucifer (Season 6) — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Lucifer season 6 poster cast

September 13

Crime Stories: India Detectives (Season 1) — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY

September 14

You vs. Wild: Out Cold — NETFLIX FILM The World’s Most Amazing Vacation Rentals — NETFLIX ORIGINAL

September 15

Countdown: Inspiration4 Mission to Space (Season 1 – Episodes 3 & 4) — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY Too Hot to Handle Latino — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Nailed It! — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Schumacher — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY

September 16

Safe House (2012) Birth of the Dragon (2017) He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (Season 1) — NETFLIX ORIGINAL My Heroes Were Cowboys (2021) — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY

September 17

Chicago Party Aunt — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Sex Education (Season 3) — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Tayo and Little Wizards (Season 1) — NETFLIX FAMILY The Stronghold (2020) — NETFLIX FILM

September 22

Dear White People (Season 4) — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Confessions of an Invisible Girl — NETFLIX FILM

September 23

A StoryBots Space Adventure (2021) — NETFLIX ORIGINAL

September 24

Ganglands (Season 1) — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Midnight Mass — NETFLIX ORIGINAL My Little Pony: New Generation — NETFLIX FAMILY

September 28

Aba Twist, Scientist — NETFLIX FAMILY

September 29

Sounds Like Love — NETFLIX FILM
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