
How to Fix Error Code 0x80073b01

Error Code 0x80073b01 - What is it?

The 0x80073b01 is an error message that often pops up on the screen when you run Windows Defender. Windows Defender is an antispyware by Microsoft integrated into Windows Vista and Windows 7. The error code 0x80073b01 is considered to be a critical Windows error which must be fixed immediately.

This error code locks you out of Windows Defender thus putting your computer at risk potential security loopholes in the Windows environment such as notorious software like spyware, adware, and viruses.

This is dangerous especially if you have confidential data saved on your PC as it can be exploited easily if you don’t remove such malicious software the right way. This can lead to data breaches, cybercrime, and the worst-case scenario can be identity theft.

Error code 0x80073b01 symptoms include:

  • Sluggish pc performance,
  • Problems during software installations
  • Beeping sounds
  • Unexpected shutdowns
  • Screen freeze


Restoro box imageError Causes

The error code 0x80073b01 occurs when Windows Defender gets damaged due to misconfigured files and registry corruption. It is advisable to fix this error right away to avoid serious damages.

How to Resolve the Error Code 0x80073b01?

To repair the error code 0x80073b01 on your PC you don’t necessarily have to call a professional; you can fix it on your own with the help of Restoro.

It’s very easy to use and does not require you to be technically sound. Besides, it can be downloaded for free thus helping you save hundreds of dollars that you are likely to spend on hiring a technician for the error code repair job.

Restoro is the latest and a multi-functional system optimizer and a repair tool. This software is integrated with highly functional features that enable you to resolve almost all types of PC-related errors including the error code 0x80073b01.

It includes powerful and value-adding features like registry cleaner, system stability detector, privacy error finder with anti-virus properties, and Active X and Class issues detector.

With the help of its ‘registry cleaner’, you can easily scan for 0x80073b01 error codes on your PC. It offers in-depth registry cleaning scanning all the underlying causes of registry corruption that triggers 0x80073b01 error.

The underlying cause for registry corruption is the accumulation of unnecessary and malicious files in the registry like junk files, temporary internet files, and invalid entries.

Restoro with the help of its registry cleaning utility clears the clutter in seconds, frees up your disk space, and repairs the registry.

And since the error 0x80073b01 hampered your ability to scan for viruses and spyware with Windows Defender, your computer may be exposed to serious data security threats by such malware. However, with Restoro you can remove malware from your system too.

Restoro also functions as a powerful anti-virus. With the help of its privacy error detector, it scans for malicious viruses, adware and spyware on your PC ensuring that you are safe and protected from data breaches and cybercrime.

This tool resolves the error 0x80073b01 successfully while repairing your registry and simultaneously optimizing the speed of your PC.

It has a user-friendly interface and a simple design. There is absolutely nothing complex about it. All you have to do is download and install Restoro on your system and run it to scan for errors.

After the scanning is complete, you will see a comprehensive and detailed error report specifying the number and the types of errors your PC is inflicted with. Now all you have to do is click on the Repair button to fix the issues on your PC including the error 0x80073b01 right away. Restoro is a safe and efficient tool that helps you resolve PC issues in seconds.

For optimum results, it is advisable to run it on your PC regularly. This will help you keep the registry clean, PC error-free, reduce boot time, and ensure speedy PC performance.

Click here to download Restoro on your PC today!

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Comparing FAT32, NTFS, exFAT file system
When we get ourselves a new USB stick, new hard drive, or any storage device not including optical drives they are usually preformatted and ready to be used out of the box. However, reformating them has several benefits and while we are reformatting we can choose in which file system format we want the memory to be formatted. In this article, we will compare and explore 3 typical and standard format options you can get while formating a new media in Windows 10.


The oldest one on the list, coming all the way from DOS days. Great for devices that need to be plugged in different operating systems and for USB flash drives. Its advantages are compatibility with all major operating systems and little memory usage comparing to other ones. However, the file system is limited to file sizes of the maximum capacity of 4GB and partitions can not exceed more than 32GB.


First introduced in Windows NT this file system offered slower performance than FAT32 and somewhat limited usability but the main advantages were more stability and fewer errors. Its main advantages are support for files larger than 4GB and partitions larger than 32GB along with the ability for on the file encryption, main disadvantage would be limited operating system usage, NTFS can not be used on systems that work on FAT32 like MS-DOS for example or older versions of Windows. The best usage for this file system is in internal hard disk drives and system drives.


New kid on the block, well at least from the perspective of the previous 2. exFAT offers unlimited file sizes and unlimited partition sizes but at a price that is even more limiting than NTFS. Some Linux distributions will require a driver to be installed in order to see the exFAT partition. The best use is in storage, in external hard drives. That's it, 3 major file systems, we hope that you have managed to learn something new today, and remember to drop by tomorrow for more articles about advice, tips, tricks, and troubleshooting.
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How to Fix Error 80070103 in Windows 10

Error Code 80070103 –What is it?

Error code 80070103 affects Windows users who attempt to access the latest updates for hardware drivers using Windows Update. Windows 10 users who are affected by this error code will be unable to complete the upgrade process. This error code usually occurs due to the Windows Update attempts to download an incompatible version of a driver or a driver that is already downloaded on one’s device.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The cause of error code 80070103 in Windows 10 is usually easy to determine. This is due to the fact that the error code only affects users who attempt to access updates related to hardware drivers. In such cases, the error code will only occur if the Windows Update website or tool on your machine attempts to install a driver that is already present on one’s machine or the version of the driver is unsuitable for one’s machine due to lower compatibility.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Manual repair methods are very effective in helping Windows users fix problems related to error code 80070103 as well as other errors. These repair methods can usually be implemented by users with very limited technical skills. In some cases, however, you may need to contact a Windows repair technician, i.e. if you have problems following the manual repair method instructions provided or if the repair methods prove unsuccessful.

In the case of error code 80070103, the problem can be rectified by either hiding the update or reinstalling the hardware driver. Windows users can hide an update on the Windows Update website or via Windows Update within their machine’s Settings. However, users will need to contact their device manufacturer to reinstall hardware drivers in most instances. See below for further details regarding these manual repair methods.

Method One: Hide the Update

In the case where you are informed via an error message box that a driver, for instance, your graphics driver, is incompatible you may need to consider hiding the update to prevent error code 80070103 from reoccurring on your machine.

The incompatible issues will come about when the Windows Update website attempts to download a driver that is already on the device or one with a lower compatibility. When you hide the update, it is in essence, preventing Windows Update from offering this driver in the future. To complete this manual repair method, follow the steps below:

  • Step one: Visit the Microsoft Update site 
  • Step two: Select Custom on the Welcome page after completing the scan for the updates process
  • Step three: Select Hardware, Optional.
  • Step four: Open the second update for the graphics card, then select Don't show this update again check box.
  • Step five: Review and install updates.

You may also complete this process by opening Windows Update within your computer’s settings, then selecting the Optional update or available link. Once you’ve done this, you may then select the updates you would like to install and hide the update that has resulted in the occurrence of error code 80070103.

Method Two: Reinstall Hardware Driver

In the case where you need to install a hardware driver, you will need to contact the manufacturer of your device. Once you’ve contacted the manufacturer or visit the manufacturer’s official website, you can then install the latest device drivers manually. Read the instructions for the installation of the latest drivers carefully. This will ensure you avoid any problems and improve your chances of successfully fixing error code 80070103.

After you’ve contacted your device manufacturer and completed the process of reinstalling the hardware driver, check Windows Update to see whether or not error code 80070103 has been rectified. If the problem was related to your hardware driver and you successfully reinstalled the driver, the error code will not reoccur when you attempt to download the latest updates for your hardware drivers.

However, you may need to take another approach if this manual repair method fails to fix error code 80070103. For instance, consider getting help from a Windows repair technician who is equipped with the skills and expertise necessary to offer a detailed inspection of your machine. Though the error code is related to one’s drivers, the fact that a Windows error code occurred may mean that your system needs a thorough evaluation as other issues may be present.

Method Three: Download an Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.

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Windows Setup in Continuous Reboot Loop on Windows 10 Fix

Windows Setup in Continuous Reboot Loop – What is it?

After upgrading to Windows 10 operating system from Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1, a lot of Windows users are complaining about the Windows setup in a continuous reboot loop. The computer would just keep on rebooting every time the machine is booted and this incites frustration for a lot of Windows users.


Restoro box imageError Causes

When Windows launched the third update for Windows 10, users trying to upgrade to Windows 10 encountered an endless reboot loop problem. The computer will crash repeatedly. The KB3081424, which is a roll-up of bug fixes of Windows 10, continuously fails once you start the update process and then triggers a message showing: “We couldn’t complete the updates, undoing the changes.” The undoing process will then cause a system reboot mandatorily.

Once you log back on your computer again, the Windows 10 update will try to reinstall KB3081424. You will not be able to stop the update which will cause your Windows setup in a continuous reboot loop.

The KB3081424 will not be successfully installed since if it fails for the first time, that initial failure can be detected to create a bad entry in your Windows 10 registry. This will then prevent your subsequent attempts to reinstall KB3081424 to make it work correctly.

Further Information and Manual Repair

In order to fix the problem of Windows 10 setup in a continuous reboot loop, there are a few methods you can try. Try following these simple steps and you’ll be able to get rid of the problem.

Note: If you’re not highly confident to solve this issue on your own, it is highly recommended to consult an authorized computer technician who would be knowledgeable enough to fix the issue for you. In addition, you can also use a system optimizer to resolve the issue.

Method One: Check For Windows Update

Microsoft Windows released an updated fix for the Windows setup in continuous reboot loop problem. You can try fixing the issue through Windows Update.

  1. Open Settings
  2. Go to Update & Security
  3. Select Windows Update then choose Check for updates
At this point, an additional update will be installed and downloaded to your operating system to resolve the continuous reboot loop problem.

Method Two: Eliminate Bad Registry Entry

Before KB3081424 attempts to install again, you can try doing this solution:

  1. Click on the Start menu then type regedit
  2. Once the window opens, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList
  3. Create a backup for your registry key (since this process is a bit risky). Select ProfileList then click on File and Export then choose your backup name.
  4. From the ProfileList IDs, remove anything with ProfileImagePath in it.
  5. Close Regedit then reboot. By this time, the KB3081424 should properly install.

Method Three: Perform A Startup Repair

Another thing you can try to solve the Windows setup in continuous reboot loop problem is to perform a startup repair from a working computer.

  1. Ensure that all unnecessary devices are disconnected from your computer as your computer might detect them.
  2. If you are connected to a network, you need to disconnect from this as well.
  3. On a working computer, download the Windows 10 ISO then you can perform a startup repair.
  4. Boot your computer from the Windows 10 DVD.
To change your BIOS option to boot from the Windows 10 DVD, follow these steps:
  1. Boot your computer then press the F2 function key to enter setup.

NOTE: You must do this quickly since the BIOS loads rapidly.

  1. Once you’re inside the BIOS, navigate to the Boot Configuration screen. On this screen, you’ll be able to change the first device to be loaded.
  2. Go to Removable Devices then hit Enter. Removable devices could either be a thumb drive or DVD. Select DVD to put it at the top and be the first boot device.
  3. Save your changes by pressing on the F10 function key. A setup confirmation box will appear with a message Save configuration changes and exit now. Select Yes.
  4. Exit BIOS by pressing on the ESC key. You should be prompted to boot from the Windows 10 DVD at this point.
If you're not able to execute the aforementioned processes on your own, get help or download and install a powerful system optimizer to assist with the windows continuous reboot loop process and other Windows 10 error messages.
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Automatically Turn Off Hotspot when idle
One of the useful features that came with Windows 10 is the Mobile Hotspot although there’s a downside to it – it drains your battery faster especially if your Windows 10 device is running on battery. Another one of its flaws in the implementation of this feature is that it stays activated even when the connection is idle. In other words, it is still activated even if no devices are connected to it. As a result, it consumes battery life and affects it. There are also instances when it affects the performance of the network connection. At the time of writing, Microsoft hasn’t done anything about this dilemma yet so in the meantime, you can continue reading this post to resolve this issue on your Windows 10 device. You can remedy this Mobile Hotspot issue by running a command in Windows PowerShell. To get started, follow the given instructions below.

Turn off Mobile Hotspot Automatically:

Step 1: The first thing you have to do is to copy the following command:
powershell -windowstyle hidden -command "Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList '/s,/c,net stop "icssvc" & REG ADD "HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesicssvcSettings" /V PeerlessTimeoutEnabled /T REG_DWORD /D 1 /F & net start "icssvc"' -Verb runAs"
Step 2: After copying the command given above, open the Notepad app and paste the command you copied there and save it. And when saving it, select the “Save as” option and its File type as “All files”. Step 3: After that, put “TurnOnTimer.bat” as the file’s name and save it on your Desktop. Step 4: Once done, run the file you just created, and when a User Account Control or UAC prompt appears, just click on Yes. Step 5: After you run the file, it will run a series of scripts in a command line which will turn off the Mobile Hotspot automatically when idle. And that’s how you automatically turn off the Mobile Hotspot when your Windows 10 device is idle. On the other hand, if you want to undo the changes made, you can always do so using the steps provided below.

Turn on Mobile Hotspot:

Step 1: Copy and paste the following command in the Notepad app:
powershell -windowstyle hidden -command "Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList '/s,/c,net stop "icssvc" & REG ADD "HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesicssvcSettings" /V PeerlessTimeoutEnabled /T REG_DWORD /D 0 /F & net start "icssvc"' -Verb runAs"
Step 2: After copying and pasting the command, save it as “TurnOffTimer.bat” on the Desktop. Step 3: Once done, run the file like what you did earlier and select Yes when a UAC prompt pops up. This will run a series of scripts on a command line which will revert the changes back to their default state.
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Fix Could not find the Recovery Environment
If you suddenly find the Windows Recovery Environment not working and you see an error message saying, “Could not find the recovery environment”, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will guide you on how you can fix it. In times when you can’t boot into the Windows Recovery Environment, there could be several reasons behind it. However, have you ever wondered where exactly the Windows Recovery Environment is in your computer? Windows initially places the Windows RE Image file in the installation partition during Windows Setup so if you have installed Windows in the C drive, you can find the Windows RE at the C:/Windows/System32/Recovery or C:/Recovery folder. Keep in mind that this folder is hidden and later on, the system copies the image file into the recovery tools partition to make sure that one can boot into recovery if there are any issues with the drive partition. The “Could not find the recovery environment” error mostly occurs if the Windows Recovery Environment is disabled or if the “Winre.wim” file is corrupted. Thus, to fix this error, you need to refer to the given suggestions below.

Option 1 – Try to enable Windows Recovery Environment

  • In the Windows Start Search, type “PowerShell” and from the search results that appear, right-click on Windows PowerShell and then select the “Run as administrator” option to open it with admin privileges.
  • Next, type the “reagentc /info” command and tap Enter to execute it.
  • After that, if the output states that Status is enabled, then you’re all set.
  • Now type the “reagentc /enable” command and tap Enter to enable the Windows Recovery Environment. You will see a success message at the end signifying that Windows RE is available.

Option 2 – Try to fix the corrupted or missing “Winre.wim” file

If the Winre.wim file is either corrupted or missing, you need to get a new copy of this file from another computer where the Windows RE is working. Once you’re able to get a new copy of the Winre.wim file, you have to set the image path to a new location. For more details, refer to these steps:
  • First, type “Powershell” in Windows Start Search and right-click on Windows PowerShell from the results, and select Run as administrator.
  • Next, execute the given command below to change the path of the WIM file to the new location. Note that the steps should be used when the file path of the Windows Recovery Environment is different from the usual spot.
Reagentc /setreimage /path C:RecoveryWindowsRE
  • As mentioned, if the file is corrupted, you just have to get a new copy from another PC but before you do that, make sure that the WINRE on that computer is disabled (just enable it later on) and then place it in the C:/Recovery path and then set its path again using the command given above and then verify its path by executing the following command.
reagentc /info command
Note: Since the Recovery folder is hidden as well as the WINRE folder in it and you won’t be able to access them using the Windows File Explorer, you need to use the Windows PowerShell or Command Prompt so that you can access them.

Option 3 – Try checking and fixing the WinRE Reference in the Windows Boot Loader

The Windows Boot Loader is the one that determines if it has to load the Windows Recovery Environment. It could be that the boot loader is pointing to an incorrect location which is why you’re getting the error. To resolve it, you have to check and fix the WinRE Reference in the boot loader. How? Follow these steps:
  • In the Windows Start Search, type “PowerShell” and from the search results that appear, right-click on Windows PowerShell and then select the “Run as administrator” option to open it with admin privileges.
  • After that, execute the “bcdedit /enum all” command.
  • Next, look for an entry in the Windows Boot Loader identifier set as Current and look for “recoverysequence” in that section and take note of the GUID.
  • Ensure that the device and the osdevice items show the path for the Winre.wim file and that they are the same. If not, you need to point the current identifier to the one which has the same.
  • Once you’ve found the new GUID, execute this command: bcdedit /set {current} recoverysequence {GUID_which_has_same_path_of_device_and_device}
  • Now check if the error in the Recovery Environment is fixed or not.

Option 4 – Try creating a Recovery Media

You could also try creating a Recovery Media to resolve the error in the Windows RE. All you have to do is download the Windows 10 ISO file using the Media Creation tool and then create a recovery drive. Once you’re done, check if it fixes the problem or not.
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A Quick Way to Fixing Error 0x8007045D

What Does 0x8007045D Error Code Mean?

The 0x8007045D error code is an I/O (input and output) error that is associated with the registry. It indicates that the Windows operating system has become overloaded with invalid system references in the registry. This may prevent you from executing reading and writing to and from devices successfully.

Error Causes

Registry is the main database of your PC. This portion of your computer saves all the activities that you perform on your PC including the junk files, temporary internet files, invalid entries, bad registry keys, and more. This clutters the hard disk. If the unnecessary files are not removed from the registry, it may lead to I/O errors like 0x8007045D. On the hard drive, some parts of the drive may fail to function. If this is not fixed on the time it may lead to serious disk damage and registry corruption eventually resulting in system failure. System failure can make you lose all the valuable data saved on your system for good.

How to Fix the Error Code 0x8007045D?

Error codes on your PC are like warnings. These codes indicate that your PC has some issue. Therefore ignoring it is not wise. To spare yourself from such serious PC damages, it is advisable to take correct measures timely instead of prolonging and making the situation go from bad to worse.
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How to turn off auto brightness

Windows 10 and Windows 11 have automatic dynamic screen brightness depending on the surrounding light inside the room. Please take note that this option is available only on devices with build-in screens like laptops, tablets, and all in one desktop PC. If you are connected with your PC via an external monitor you will not have these settings available and probably feature is not even working.

screen brightness

Some computers will also allow automatic brightness changes also on what is displayed on the screen. This option is meant to save battery life on devices. Microsoft calls this automatic brightness feature Content adaptive brightness control. In order to change this setting, we will go to settings inside Windows.

Disabling automatic brightness inside Windows

Open Settings inside Windows, in Windows 11 press WINDOWS + I to open settings, then click on the system in the sidebar and then go to Display. Click on the small arrow beside the Brightness slider in order to expand a small menu and then uncheck Help improve battery by optimizing the content show and brightness. If you see Change brightness automatically when lighting changes, uncheck that as well. Close the settings and you are good to go, now brightness will always be as set in settings.

Inside Windows 10, go to Settings and then go to System and then in Display under the Brightness and Color section look below and locate the box that says Automatically adjust contrast based on the displayed content to help improve battery and uncheck it, if the box below with text Change brightness automatically when lighting changes exists, uncheck it as well. Close settings and you are done.

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Marine Aquarium Lite Removal Guide and Instructions
Marine Aquarium Lite is a Browser Extension for Google Chrome. This extension changed your default search ending and home page to MyWebSearch.com. It is published by Mindspark Interactive and is considered a browser hijacking extension. While installed, users will see additional ads and sponsored links in their search results. This extension also collects user website data, which allows it to better target ads. Several anti-virus scanners have marked Marine Aquarium Lite as a Browser Hijacker and are marked for removal. From the Author: MyWebSearch is an incredibly popular toolbar (over 20 million active users each month!), that gives you access to the web’s leading search engine Google; includes some of the most popular products on the web for making communication easier, more expressive, and more entertaining. The MyWebSearch toolbar platform allows you to take advantage of more than a dozen interactive features and websites.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking is a very common type of online fraud where your web browser configuration settings are altered to make it carry out things you never intend. They’re created to interfere with web browser functions for a variety of reasons. Typically, hijackers will force hits to websites of their choice either to increase traffic generating higher ad earnings, or to obtain a commission for each and every user visiting there. Even though it may seem naive, all browser hijackers are damaging and thus always classified as security risks. Once the malware attacks your PC, it begins to mess things up a whole that slows your system down to a crawl. In the worse case, you will be pushed to deal with serious malware threats too.

Major signs that your browser has been hijacked

There are many signs of browser hijacking: home-page is changed; you observe new unwanted bookmarks or favorites added, typically directed to ad-filled or porn websites; The default search page of web browser is altered; you find multiple toolbars in your browser; you’ll notice random pop-ups start showing on a regular basis; your web browser starts running slowly or displays frequent glitches; you have prohibited entry to specific web pages, for example, the site of an anti-malware software developer like SafeBytes.

How they get into your computer or laptop

Browser hijackers infect PCs by numerous means, including through a file-share, a drive-by download, or an infected e-mail. They also come from add-on software, also referred to as browser helper objects (BHO), web browser plug-ins, or toolbars. Also, some shareware and freeware can put the hijacker inside your PC through “bundling”. An example of some notorious browser hijacker includes Conduit, Anyprotect, Babylon, DefaultTab, SweetPage, RocketTab, and Delta Search, but the names are constantly changing. Browser hijacking could lead to serious privacy issues and also identity theft, affect your web browsing experience by taking control over outbound traffic, drastically slows down your PC by deleting lots of resources, and result in system instability as well.

How you can fix a browser hijack

Some hijackers can be simply removed by uninstalling the free software they were included with or by eliminating any extension you have recently added to your computer system. But, the majority of hijacking codes are certainly not easy to get rid of manually, as they go deeper into the operating system. And there is no denying the very fact that manual fixes and removal could be a difficult job for an amateur computer user. Besides, there are several risks connected with fiddling around with the system registry files. You can choose automatic browser hijacker removal by simply installing and running efficient anti-malware software. SafeBytes Anti-Malware discovers all types of hijackers – including Marine Aquarium Lite – and eliminates every trace quickly and efficiently. Utilize a system optimizer (such as Total System Care) together with your anti-malware software to fix various computer registry issues, eliminate computer vulnerabilities, and enhance your computer performance.

Can't Install Safebytes Anti-malware because of Malware? Try This!

Malware may cause several different types of damage to computer systems, networks, and data. Some malware sits in between your PC and the net connection and blocks a few or all websites that you want to visit. It will also prevent you from installing anything on your PC, particularly antivirus applications. If you are reading this right now, you have probably realized that virus infection is the reason behind your blocked net traffic. So what to do when you want to install an anti-malware program such as Safebytes? Even though this sort of issue will be tougher to circumvent, there are some actions you can take.

Boot your system in Safe Mode

In Safe Mode, you could adjust Windows settings, uninstall or install some programs, and eradicate hard-to-delete viruses and malware. In the event the malware is blocking access to the internet and affecting your PC, running it in Safe Mode allows you to download anti-virus and run a diagnostic scan whilst limiting potential damage. To enter into Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking, press the F8 key while the system is booting up or run MSConfig and find the “Safe Boot” options in the “Boot” tab. As soon as you restart the PC into Safe Mode with Networking, you may download, install, as well as update the anti-malware program from there. At this point, you could run the anti-virus scan to get rid of viruses and malware without interference from another application.

Switch over to some other internet browser

Some malware mainly targets certain web browsers. If this is your situation, use another browser as it may circumvent the computer virus. When you suspect that your Internet Explorer happens to be hijacked by a virus or otherwise compromised by cybercriminals, the best thing to do would be to switch to a different web browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari to download your chosen security software – Safebytes Anti-Malware.

Make a bootable USB anti-virus drive

To successfully get rid of the malware, you will need to approach the issue of running an antivirus software program on the infected computer system from a different angle. Do these simple measures to clean up your affected computer by using a portable antivirus. 1) Use another virus-free computer system to download Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Plug the pen drive into the clean PC. 3) Double-click on the downloaded file to run the installation wizard. 4) Select the drive letter of the pen drive as the place when the wizard asks you where you want to install the anti-virus. Follow the instructions on the computer screen to finish up the installation process. 5) Now, plug the thumb drive into the infected computer. 6) Run the Safebytes Anti-malware directly from the pen drive by double-clicking the icon. 7) Click on the “Scan” button to run a full computer scan and remove viruses automatically. SafeBytes Security Suite Benefits"]If you are looking to install an anti-malware program for your computer, there are various tools out there to consider but you just cannot trust blindly anyone, no matter whether it is a free or paid program. Some are good ones, some are decent, and some are simply just fake anti-malware programs that will harm your personal computer themselves! You must be careful not to choose the wrong product, particularly if you purchase premium software. One of the highly recommended software by industry analysts is SafeBytes Anti-Malware, a well-known security application for Microsoft Windows. SafeBytes anti-malware is a powerful, highly effective protection software intended to assist users of all levels of IT literacy in detecting and removing harmful threats from their PC. Through its cutting-edge technology, this software protects your personal computer against infections brought on by different kinds of malware and similar internet threats, including adware, spyware, trojans horses, worms, computer viruses, keyloggers, potentially unwanted program (PUPs), and ransomware.

SafeBytes anti-malware provides an array of advanced features that sets it aside from all others. Here are a few popular features present in this computer software:

Robust Anti-malware Protection: This deep-cleaning antimalware software program goes much deeper than most antivirus tools to clean your personal computer. Its critically acclaimed virus engine locates and disables hard to remove malware that conceals deep within your PC. Real-time Active Protection: SafeBytes offers an entirely hands-free active protection and is set to check, block, and get rid of all threats at its first encounter. This tool will constantly monitor your computer for any suspicious activity and updates itself regularly to keep abreast of the latest threats. Web protection: SafeBytes gives an instant safety rating on the web pages you’re going to visit, automatically blocking risky sites and making sure that you are certain of your safety while browsing the web. Lightweight Application: The program is lightweight and will work silently in the background, and will not have an effect on your computer efficiency. Fantastic Tech Support: For any technical questions or product guidance, you can get 24/7 professional assistance through chat and e-mail. SafeBytes has developed a fantastic anti-malware solution to help you conquer the latest malware threats and virus attacks. You can rest assured that your computer will be protected in real-time as soon as you put this software program to use. If you want sophisticated forms of protection features and threat detections, purchasing SafeBytes Anti-Malware could be worth the money!

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you’d like to manually remove Marine Aquarium Lite without the use of an automated tool, it might be possible to do so by removing the application from the Microsoft Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser plug-ins, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You’ll likely also want to reset your browser to its default configuration settings. To be certain of complete removal, find the following Windows registry entries on your system and delete them or reset the values accordingly. Please be aware that this is for skilled users only and could be challenging, with wrong file removal resulting in additional PC errors. In addition, some malicious programs have the capability to defend against its deletion. Doing this in Safe Mode is suggested.
Files: C:\%Documents%\%User%\Local\Temp\nst2.tmp\nsDialogs.dll C:\%Documents%\%User%\Local\Temp\nst2.tmp\System.dll
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Things have stirred lately with Chinas ban on crypto mining and many used GPUs will flow the market probably. But should you buy a used GPU? Short answer: NO, long answer: keep on reading to find out why.

GPU 1080tiGPU shortage and its cause

As you all know by now, we live sadly in a world struck by a global Pandemic. Due to this awful disease and measures taken against it, many people are either working from home or are at home making the manufacturing of new chips problematic while demand on the market has raised. Throw into that mix crypto mining which has raised in popularity and you have, well today's market where we have GPU shortage. Now with the latest news that China has banned the mining of cryptocurrency, there is to be expected that at some point in time mining cards used there will fit the market in the whole world. Sadly even with a large quantity of GPUs that will become available, the overall price of cards will not be much lowered I am afraid since demand is still very high and many people would not want to purchase used mining cards and neither should you.

Be prepared for the worst scenario

Although this sounds very pessimistic and in most cases, it will not turn out to be true, you should always prepare yourself mentally that you might be in that lower percentage that will end up with a really bad GPU. What has come up to be absolutely true when considering GPU that were mining is that if anything at all can be done to GPU in order to increase performance, it has been done. Miners want to optimize and almost every GPU if could be overclocked, it was overclocked. Extensive mining also means that thermal paste has been dried and it is pretty useless at this point and there is a very high chance that fans and heat sinks will need much cleaning or even replacement raising the price of the card itself for mentioned paste, fans, and heat sinks. There's no way to tell what the previous owner might have done with a graphics card when you're shopping online, so our advice is to assume the worst. Don't trust the seller to give truthful information. Any listing that says it was "never used for mining" at this point is probably a lie.

Age of the GPU matters

Date when GPU itself has manufactured really matters. Newer cards even if used extensively have been used for a much shorter period of time and are not so damaged were ones produced a few years ago have seen a lot of action. Let’s say that you get RTX 3060, In the worst-case scenario it has been mining since late February of 2021 and basically, it is still under warranty so it should behave OK and put some good work in gaming even in that state. On another hand, if we take for example GTX 1080Ti which is 4 years old GPU things start to change drastically. 4 years GPU could be worn out even if it was used just for extensive gaming sessions let alone for mining.

No return policy and seller rating

Most of the time you will run into a product that cannot be returned or no refunds policy. This should bring a red flag right away and deter you from purchase. Sellers with the highest ratings are more trustworthy since many of them will not want to destroy their reputation but these will probably not even have these kinds of merchandise in their store. Buying with a poor rating seller and no return policy on a product is just asking for trouble. And although some stores do have arbitration and will stand on the customer side there is no guarantee for that and it will take too much time to process.

If you really must buy a second-hand GPU

Of course in these troubled times sometimes due to malfunction or any other reason, there would not be another choice than to buy a second-hand GPU. In this case, if there is no other option consider sellers with many positive ratings. If you can buy locally that would even be better or the best-case scenario would be if you could visually see and inspect GPU itself in order to see in what state it is. Look for warranty stickers to see if they are thorn and the card has been tampered with. Also take a good look at screws, if they have scratches card has been opened, probably to replace fan or heating sinks which means that it has worked a lot.


It is very difficult to give the best possible advice on this situation since of GPU shortage, but I would much prefer a new GPU with lower performance than a hi-performance one which was mining.
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APC_INDEX_MISMATCH  - What is it and how to fix it?
The error 0x0000001 also known as APC_INDEX_MISMATCH is one of the fatal errors that users encounter upon starting their computers. This error appears when there is a sequence mismatch in the driver or system file when it is disabling or re-enabling Asynchronous procedure calls. The mismatch happens maybe because of a virus or malware attack, not shutting down your computer properly and incomplete installation of the system files. There are many ways to fix this error. The easiest way is to download a repair utility program. The use of these programs perfectly fits those that are not so technical. All you have to do is download the program and install it on your computer. As soon as it is installed, the program will now scan and diagnose your computer for any errors. After it identifies the errors, it will then repair your PC through either manual or automatic tools. To those who are techie and enjoy the manual resolution, you may take advantage of Microsoft’s analyze debug extension which tells you the cause of the error. After determining the cause then you can now start fixing the error. Check if Hardware is functioning properly. If the cause is due to a hardware malfunction, you will have to make sure that all the pieces you are using are working. All the wires should be attached to their respective ports. Not only that, but you also must make sure that before installing the hardware, it is compatible with the Windows version that is installed into your computer. Use Compatible software. If the problem was caused by software or a driver, you can uninstall and reinstall it. Always make it a rule that whenever you install a program or new software to your computer, make sure it is compatible with your operating system and never skip a step during the installation process. You also have to see to it that the program you are installing does not contain any viruses, malware, or spyware that can be harmful to your computer. Update your Drivers Regularly. In most cases though, the cause of the APC_INDEX_MISMATCH error are outdated device drivers. To resolve this, you will have to go to your Control Panel then look for Device Manager. As soon as you are in the Device Manager window, you can now see the different devices running on your computer. You right-click on each device and check the Properties.  In the Properties window, click on the Driver Tab and look for the date when it was last updated. You can then go to the manufacturer’s website and compare the dates. For a new Windows operating system, you no longer have to go to the manufacturer's website though. All you have to do is click on Update Driver and it will automatically search for updates online. Use a Genuine Operating System. There are also cases where the 0x0000001 error won’t allow you to access your computer. In this case, we have to suspect that the problem could be in your Operating system. To resolve this, you can reinstall your Operating System or update your current operating system. Only use a genuine licensed Windows Operating System because this will not only protect you from Malware and Viruses but it allows you to get all the recent update available from Microsoft. Update your Windows 10 regularly by going to Settings > Windows Update > Check for Updates. You may also turn on the Automatic Update by going to the Advanced options is found on the Windows Update Page. You can always get help online but it really helps to know the basics and determining the root cause of the error.
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