So, you just made some popcorns, dimmed light, relaxed in from of the TV, pressed play on your application and Blu-ray drive can not read your movie.
Your movie night failed sadly, but there is hope and in this article, we are going to explore and offer you solutions on what to do when something like this happens so you do not miss another movie night and some hard-earned relaxation.
Please note that in this article we are assuming that you are using a Blu-ray player on your PC, so some of the solutions presented are meant only for this case.
So the first thing that you are supposed to do is to check the disc itself. You can turn the disc around and visually check the disc for fingerprints and scratches which can be fatal for disc playing, alternatively, you can try to play the same disc on another device and if it fails there also it is not the disc, it is your drive.
So if it is no issue with the disc let's see that seems to be a problem with the drive. The common thing that could stop disc reading are cables, check all connections and cables in the back of your device to be sure that everything is plugged in correctly and nicely.
After checking cables if the issue persists lens cleaning is the next step. Over time lens from the Blu-ray, the device becomes dirty and dust accumulates on it, there are special cleaning discs on market made especially for this purpose, to clean the dirty lens of optical devices. If you have one put it in and clean your lens. After lens cleaning with a specialty disc, a good idea would be to use compressed air in a can to reduce the dust inside so no excess dust will accumulate quickly again on the lens itself.
Update firmware first. In order to accomplish this visit your device manufacturer's website and follow instructions there on how to upgrade firmware.
If this did not helped also update or reinstall device drivers. Go to device manager and update drivers for your device by right-clicking on it and choosing update driver.
If none of the things helped, go to command prompt as administrator and type in SFC /scannow, leave the process to finish, and reboot.
"550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable" "550 5 2 1 mail from refused spam site"In other words, the error code 550 means that your SMTP server was not able to deliver the sent email to the user.